auth | ||
back | ||
docs | ||
front | ||
ldap-mock | ||
openpgp-ca | ||
.drone.yml | ||
.pre-commit-config.yaml | ||
docker-compose.development.yml | ||
docker-compose.production.yml | ||
docker-compose.quality.yml | ||
docker-compose.staging.yml | ||
Makefile | || | ||
renovate.json |
FSFE Community Database
Build status
Staging |
Production |
The FSFE Community Database is a combined tool for donation management, administration of accounts for FSFE's services, and opt-in based distribution of information emails.
FSFE Database Authentication Server
All relevant data for these purposes is stored in a PostgreSQL database on the one hand and FSFE's LDAP server on the other hand. Access to that data is encapsulated by the FSFE Community Database Backend, which provides both a set of commandline tools for manual administration tasks, and a protected RESTful(ish) network API to be used by other components.
The FSFE Community Database Backend essentially consists of three parts:
An Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) which turns database records into Python objects and adds all the methods necessary to perform the tasks the FSFE Community Database is built for. This layer is the core of the whole structure. It is built with SQLAlchemy and resides in
. -
A resource server with a REST-like API to allow data access for the other components of fsfe-cd. All its access to the actual data goes through the ORM. The resource server is implemented with Flask and can be found in
. -
A set of command line tools for manual administration tasks, most of which are only a thin wrapper around methods implemented in the ORM. They are collected in the
FSFE Database Authentication Server
The FSFE Community Database Authentication Server is an OpenID Connect Provider running on which authenticates a user against the LDAP server and then issues an access token which provides access to the authenticated user's (and only the authenticated user's) data though fsfe-cd-back's API.
Currently, this is an incomplete implementation of the OpenID Connect standard, providing only those functions required by fsfe-cd-back and fsfe-cd-front.
Implementation is based on pyoidc with a thin Flask wrapper for the URL routing.
Authentication is possible with two distinct methods:
Authentication with username and password. Instead of the username, an email address can be given, in which case the corresponding username will be looked up via fsfe-cd-back. Username and password will be verified by a direct query to the LDAP server.
If only username or email address is given, but no password, then the user receives an email with a login token encapsulated in a link which will allow a one-time login. This method is not only helpful for resetting a forgotten password, it also allows users to log in who have not set a username.
FSFE Community Database Frontend
Finally, the FSFE Community Database Frontend is a web application through which the people stored in the database can manage their own data at It sends users to fsfe-cd-auth to log in and then uses the user-bound access token returned from there to access the user's data through fsfe-cd-back.
fsfe-cd-front is a web application built with Flask. It provides a number of endpoints (called "views" in Flask) of the following categories:
Endpoints for interaction with the actual user: registering as a new user (
), paying online (
), logging in and out (
), and viewing as well as updating the personal settings (
). -
Endpoints for handling predefined commands which can be executed by simply following a prepared link (
). -
Endpoints for the automatic registration of incoming payments through PayPal or ConCardis (
The development of the FSFE Community Database is based on docker
. Please note that this has been more tested against a rootless
Docker daemon and since we run this type of daemon in both staging and
production environments, it is recommended you have the same daemon running on
your local machine. Here are Docker's installation
instructions. Along with a
text editor, these are the only two hard dependencies you need to have installed
in order to start developing.
If you want to contribute, you also need pipenv
and pre-commit
locally. After installing pre-commit
, you need to run
pre-commit install
in order to set up the check to run before every commit.
Start the development containers
Once you have installed everything, run
make dev
to start all three modules, i.e. back
, front
and auth
in unison. The
corresponding directories in this repository are mounted inside these containers
so you can start changing the code in one of them, and the apps will update
automatically during runtime as they all run the built-in Flask debugging
server. Once you're done with your changes run
make qc.all
before committing as the commands run by this rule will need to complete without errors in order to pass through our CI system.
If you want to find out what other commands are available via the Makefile, run
to display a small manual page.
Deployment is handled by Drone
CI and can be
configured by editing .drone.yml
Pushing to the master
branch triggers a deployment of the staging
environment on cont2-noris
that can be tested at The relevant Docker Comopose file is
Pushing to the protected production
branch triggers a deployment of the
production environment on cont1-noris
that can be accessed via The relevant Docker Comopose file is
The following secrets are managed in drone:
Name | Description | Requirement | Component |
jwt_secret | Shared secret for signed JSON Web Tokens used for authentication | Must match the secret with the same name for fsfe-cd-front | auth |
bank_user | User id to log into the banking interface with aqbanking-cli | Must match the user id assigned by the bank | back |
cmd_passphrase | Passphrase to verify URL-based commands | (no requirement, can be randomly generated) | back |
postgres_password | Password for the PostgreSQL database running on | Must match the password configured on the PostgreSQL server | back |
ldap_password | Password for the LDAP server running at | Must match the password configured on the LDAP server | back |
concardis_passphrase | Passphrase to verify the ConCardis payment notifications | Must match the SHA-OUT passphrase defined in the ConCardis backoffice portal | back |
bank_user | User id to log into the banking interface with aqbanking-cli | Must match the user id assigned by the bank | back |
freescout_api_key | API Key needed for the interactions with | None | back |
secret_key | Secret key used by flask for various purposes | Can be arbitrarily assigned, but should remain constant over server rebuilds | front |
jwt_secret | Shared secret for signed JSON Web Tokens used for authentication | Must match the secret with the same name for fsfe-cd-auth | front |
concardis_sha_passphrase | Passphrase to sign the ConCardis payment parameters | Must match the SHA-IN passphrase defined in the ConCardis backoffice portal | front |
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
AGPL-3.0-or-later © 2021 FSFE System Hackers