Merge branch 'master' into feature/html-timeline
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing

This commit is contained in:
Max Mehl 2022-03-14 11:31:25 +00:00
commit 5971ec9bca
2578 changed files with 80029 additions and 25153 deletions

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@ -3,15 +3,23 @@ type: docker
name: default
depth: 50
depth: 150
- name: syntaxcheck
image: vsasyan/xmllint
- name: checks
- find . -type f \( -iname "*.xhtml" -o -iname "*.xml" -o -iname "*.xsl" \) -exec xmllint --noout {} +
# Check whether non-EN news item would appear on front-page
- bash tools/ news
- master
- test
# Run pre-commit checks
- bash tools/githooks/pre-commit ci-pr
# Check syntax for all files as a safety net
- find . -type f \( -iname "*.xhtml" -o -iname "*.xml" -o -iname "*.xsl" \) -exec xmllint --noout {} +
- master
- test
- push
- pull_request

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@ -66,10 +66,11 @@ RewriteRule ^news/podcast.rss$ /news/podcast.en.rss [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^news/podcast-opus.rss$ /news/podcast-opus.en.rss [L,R=301]
# ILoveFS
# TODO each year: update links for next two lines
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs(/?$|/[^/]*.html$) /activities/ilovefs/2020$1 [PT,L]
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/latest-report.*$ /news/2019/news-20190329-01.html [R=301,L]
# TODO each year: update links for latest report
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/latest-report.*$ /news/2021/news-20210317-01.html [R=301,L]
# Redirect from old locations
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/ilovefs(.*)html$ /activities/ilovefs/index$1html [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/20..(/.*)?$ /activities/ilovefs/index.html [R=301,L]
# Help section
RewriteRule ^help/?$ /contribute/ [R=301,L]
@ -78,6 +79,10 @@ RewriteRule ^help/help(.*) /contribute/contribute$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^help/web\.(.*) /contribute/web/web.$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^help/(.*) /donate/$1 [R=301,L]
# PDFreaders and
RewriteRule ^pdfreaders(/.*)?$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^*)?$1 [R=301,L]
# =============================================================================
@ -165,8 +170,9 @@ RewriteRule ^about/members(/.*)?$ /about/team$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^about/community(/.*)?$ /contact/community.html [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^about/self-conception(/.*)?$ /about/principles$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contact/press(.*) /press/press$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contribute/internship(.*) /about/jobs/internship$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^associates/about(.*) /associates/associates$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contribute/traineeship(.*) /contribute/internship$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contribute/traineeship(.*) /about/jobs/internship$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contribute/donate(.*) /donate$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^contact/local(.*) /contact/contact$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^about/localteams(.*) /contact/contact$1 [R=301,L]

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"m.homeserver": {
"base_url": ""
"m.identity_server": {
"base_url": ""

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"m.server": ""

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Относно Европейската Фондация за Свободен Софтуер</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">За Нас</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Европейската Фондация за Свободен Софтуер е неправителствена организация, чиято мисия е да помага на потребителите да контролират технологиите.</p>
<p>Употребата на софтуер засяга всички аспекти от нашия живот. Поради тази причина е много важно технологиите да ни помагат в постигането на нашите цели и задачи, а не да ни ограничават. <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Свободният Софтуер</a> дава на всички правото да го използват, адаптират, да разберат как работи и споделят с други. Тези права подпомагат и гарантират други фундаментални права като свободата на словото и печата и неприкосновеността на личния живот и личните данни.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Принципи</a></h3>
Ние вярваме в сътрудничеството и прозрачността.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Хора</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Кои сме ние.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Сътрудници</a></h3>
Организации, с които имаме общи цели.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Новини</a></h3>
Комюникета, новини, снимки и информация за контакти.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Контакти</a></h3>
Контакти за общи запитвания.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Дарения</a></h3>
За да можем да бъдем независим глас за Свободен Софтуер, ние зависим от вашите дарения.
Вижте <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">как използваме средствата си</a> и <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">кой ни прави дарения</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Правен аспект</a></h3>
Нашата конституция и протоколи от официалните ни годишни срещи.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Ангажимент за Прозрачност</a></h3>
Нашият ангажимент към прозрачност, включително линкове към конституцията ни и протоколи.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Om Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Om</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Free Software Foundation Europe er en velgørende organisation, der
giver brugere magt til at kontrollere teknologi. Software er dybt
involveret i alle aspekter at vores liv; og det er vigtigt, at teknologien
giver magt frem for at begrænse os.
<a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Fri software</a> giver alle
retten til at anvende, forstå, tilpasse og dele software. Rettighederne
hjælper med at støtte andre fundamentale friheder, så som ytringsfrihed,
pressefrihed og privatlivets fred.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Principper</a></h3>
Vi tror på samarbejde og gennemskuelighed.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Personer</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Hvem vi er.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Presse</a></h3>
Pressemeddelelser, nyheder, fotografier og kontaktoplysninger.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridisk</a></h3>
Vedtægter, struktur og juridisk ansvarlige medlemmer.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakt</a></h3>
Kontaktoplysninger til generelle spørgsmål.
<h3><a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">FSF*-netværket</a></h3>
Vi har søsterorganisationer i
<a href="">Nordamerika</a>,
<a href="">Indien</a> og
<a href="">Latinamerika</a>.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associerede</a></h3>
Vi har mål til fælles med disse organisationer.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Bidrag</a></h3>
For at kunne være en uafhængig stemme for fri software, er vi
afhængige af dit bidrag.
Se <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">hvordan vi anvender vores
midler</a> og
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">hvem der bidrager til os</a>.
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mode: xml ***
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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Über die Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Über die FSFE</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der
Menschen im selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik unterstützt.</p>
<p>Software ist in allen Aspekten unseres Lebens tief verankert. Es ist
wichtig, dass diese Technologie uns hilft, statt uns einzuschränken. <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Freie Software</a> gibt allen das
Recht, Programme für jeden Zweck zu verwenden, zu verstehen, zu verbreiten
und zu verbessern. Diese Rechte stärken andere Grundrechte wie
die Redefreiheit, die Pressefreiheit und das Recht auf Privatsphäre.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Unsere Arbeit</a></h3>
Wir fokussieren unsere Arbeit auf drei grundlegende Säulen:
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, politische Interessenvertretung und
rechtliche Unterstützung.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Menschen</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Wer wir sind.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Assoziierte</a></h3>
Mit diesen Organisationen verbinden uns gemeinsame Ziele.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Presse</a></h3>
Pressemitteilungen, Neuigkeiten, Fotos und Kontaktinformationen.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakt</a></h3>
Kontaktinformationen für allgemeine Anfragen.
<h3><a href="">Spenden</a></h3>
Um als unabhängige Stimme für Freie Software zu agieren, sind wir auf
Ihre Spenden angewiesen. Sie können überprüfen, <a
href="/about/funds/funds.html">wie wir unsere Gelder verwenden</a> und <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">wer an uns spendet</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Rechtliches</a></h3>
Unsere Verfassung und Protokolle der offiziellen Sitzungen.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparenzverpflichtung</a></h3>
Unsere Transparenzverpflichtung mit Links zu unserer Verfassung und zu Protokollen.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Σχετικά με το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού</title>
<title>Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού</title>
content="Everything about the FSFE - Our work, the people we are, our contact and press information, associates, legal structure, and donations."/>
content="work people contact associates donations structure"/>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Περίγραμμα</h1>
<body class="overview">
<h1>Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) είναι
μία φιλανθρωπική οργάνωση για την ενίσχυση των χρηστών τεχνολογίας
ώστε να έχουν τον έλεγχο.</p>
<p>Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού είναι μη
κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός που ενθαρρύνει τους χρήστες να ελέγξουν
την τεχνολογία.</p>
<p>Το λογισμικό επηρεάζει σε βάθος όλες τις πτυχές της ζωής μας: και είναι
σημαντικό η τεχνολογία αυτή να μας ενισχύει αντί να μας περιορίζει.
Το <a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό</a>
δίνει σε όλους τα δικαιώματα να χρησιμοποιούν, να κατανοούν,
να προσαρμόζουν και να μοιράζονται το λογισμικό.
Τα δικαιώματα αυτά βοηθούν για τη στήριξη άλλων βασικών δικαιωμάτων
όπως την ελευθερία του λόγου, την ελευθερία του τύπου και για το
ιδιωτικό απόρρητο.</p>
<p>Το λογισμικό επηρεάζει σε βάθος όλες τις πτυχές της ζωής μας.
Είναι σημαντικό η τεχνολογία αυτή να μας ενισχύει αντί να μας
περιορίζει. Το ελεύθερο λογισμικό παρέχει σε όλους το δικαίωμα να
το χρησιμοποιούν, να το καταλαβαίνουν, να το προσαρμόζουν, και να
το μοιράζονται. Με τη σειρά τους αυτά τα δικαιώματα ενισχύουν
θεμελιώδεις ελευθερίες όπως την ελευθερία του λόγου, την ελευθερία
του τύπου, και το ιδιωτικό απόρρητο. </p>
<p>Το ΕΙΕΛ βοηθά άτομα και οργανισμούς να κατανοήσουν πώς το
ελεύθερο λογισμικό συμβάλλει στην ελευθερία, τη διαφάνεια και την
αυτοδιάθεση. Διευρύνει τα δικαιώματα των χρηστών μέσα από την
κατάργηση των φραγμών στην υιοθέτηση ελεύθερου λογισμικού,
ενθαρρύνει τον κόσμο να χρησιμοποιεί και να αναπτύσσει ελεύθερο
λογισμικό, και παρέχει υλικό για να επιτρέψει σε οποιονδήποτε να
προωθήσει περαιτέρω το ελεύθερο λογισμικό στην Ευρώπη.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h2>Μάθετε περισσότερα για εμάς</h2>
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Αρχές</a></h3>
Πιστεύουμε στη συνεργασία και τη διαφάνεια.
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Read about the three pillars of our work"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Έργο</a></h3>
Εδώ μπορείτε να μάθετε πώς βοηθάμε στην ανάδειξη της
συνεισφοράς του ελεύθερου λογισμικού στην ελευθερία, τη
διαφάνεια, και την αυτονομία. Εξηγούμε τον διαχωρισμό της
δουλειάς μας σε τρεις βασικούς άξονες: ενημέρωση του
κοινού, πολιτική προώθηση του ελεύθερου λογισμικού, και νομική
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Άνθρωποι</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Ποιοι είμαστε.
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Voices from our community"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Κοινότητα</a></h3>
Εδώ μπορείτε να διαβάσετε γνώμες και δηλώσεις από την
ετερογενή μας κοινότητα στις οποίες εξηγούν γιατί
υποστηρίζουν το ΕΙΕΛ και τον σκοπό μας. Μερικοί έχουν δώσει
και συνεντεύξεις ή ακόμη και έφτιαξαν βίντεο. Γνωρίστε την
κοινότητάς μας, και χαρείτε το!
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Συνεργαζόμενοι</a></h3>
Μοιραζόμαστε κοινούς στόχους με αυτούς τους οργανισμούς.
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="People who dedicate their time for the FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Ομάδα</a></h3>
Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε ποιοι είμαστε για να γνωρίσετε τους
ανθρώπους που βρίσκονται πίσω από το ΕΙΕΛ. Μάθετε ποιοι
δουλεύουν στο ΕΙΕΛ, σε ποιους έχουν δοθεί μόνιμες
αρμοδιότητες ή εξουσίες σε συγκεκριμένους τομείς, το
προσωπικό μας και τους εθελοντές μας.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Τύπος</a></h3>
Δελτία τύπου, ειδήσεις, φωτογραφίες και πληροφορίες επικοινωνίας.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Επικοινωνία</a></h3>
Πληροφορίες επικοινωνίας για γενικές ερωτήσεις.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Δωρεές</a></h3>
Για να είμαστε μια ανεξάρτητη φωνή για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό,
εξαρτώμαστε από τις δωρεές σας. Δείτε
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">πώς χρησιμοποιούμε τις
χρηματοδοτήσεις</a> και
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">ποιοι δωρίζουν σε εμάς</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Νομικά</a></h3>
Καταστατικό και πρακτικά από τις επίσημες ετήσιες συναντήσεις.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Δέσμευση διαφάνειας</a></h3>
Η δέσμευσή μας στη διαφάνεια περιλαμβάνει συνδέσμους στο
καταστατικό και στα πρακτικά.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Συνεργάτες</a></h3>
Η ενθάρρυνση των ανθρώπων να ελέγξουν την τεχνολογία είναι
στόχος που δεν μπορεί να επιτευχθεί από έναν οργανισμό μόνο
του. Συνεργαζόμαστε με οργανισμούς ανταλλάσσοντας ιδέες,
συντονίζοντας τις προσπάθειές μας, εμπνέοντας ο ένας τον
άλλον, και όποτε είναι δυνατό δουλεύοντας από κοινού για
συγκεκριμένα έργα.
<h2>Σχετικά με το Ίδρυμα</h2>
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Constitution and minutes from the official annual meetings"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Νομική δομή</a></h3>
Το 2001 το ΕΙΕΛ ιδρύθηκε ως φιλανθρωπική ένωση, όπως ορίζεται
στο γερμανικό δίκαιο. Εδώ μπορείτε να διαβάσετε το καταστατικό
μας και τα πρακτικά των ετήσιων συσκέψεων.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Our Transparency Commitment"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Δέσμευση για διαφάνεια</a></h3>
Στα πλαίσια της πρωτοβουλίας 'διαφάνεια στην κοινωνία των
πολιτών', ο οργανισμός Διαφάνειας της Γερμανίας παρέχει
οδηγίες για το πώς φτιάχνεται η δέσμευση για διαφάνεια.
Στηρίζουμε αυτήν την πρωτοβουλία και εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε
τις σχετικές πληροφορίες.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Support with donations"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Δωρεές</a></h3>
Θέλουμε να είμαστε μια ανεξάρτητη φωνή για το ελεύθερο
λογισμικό, για αυτό στηριζόμαστε στις δωρεές. Με μια
οικονομική ενίσχυση μπορείς να συμβάλεις στην οικοδόμηση
του φιλανθρωπικού μας έργου, που προωθεί την ελευθερία στην
κοινωνία των πληροφοριών. Μάθετε <a
href="/about/funds/funds.html">ώς χρησιμοποιούμε τα έσοδά
μας</a>και <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">ποιοι έχουν
συνδράμει οικονομικά</a>.
<h2>Ελάτε σε επαφή μαζί μας</h2>
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Public and general contact information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Επικοινωνία</a></h3>
Εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα στοιχεία επικοινωνίας μας για
γενικές και νομικές ερωτήσεις, τη διεύθυνση του γραφείου
μας, έναν σύνδεσμο προς τις δημόσιες συζητήσεις μας, και
τους λογαριασμούς μας στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα. Οι συζητήσεις
που γίνονται εντός του ΕΙΕΛ, είτε δημόσια είτε εντός της
κοινότητας, δεσμεύονται από τον κώδικα συμπεριφοράς μας.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Press information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Γραφείο τύπου</a></h3>
Αν δραστηριοποιείστε σε όργανα του Τύπου, αυτή η σελίδα θα
σας χρησιμεύσει. Μπορείτε να βρείτε ανακοινώσεις,
λογότυπα, φωτογραφίες, και στοιχεία επικοινωνίας ειδικά
για ερωτήσεις προς δημοσίευση.
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Job opportunities"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Ευκαιρίες εργασίας</a></h3>
Εκτός από τους εθελοντές του ΕΙΕΛ, το μόνιμο προσωπικό, οι
ασκούμενοι/ασκούμενες, και οι πρακτικάριοι/πρακτικάριες,
είναι η ραχοκοκαλιά του οργανισμού. Ψάχνουμε δραστήριους
ανθρώπους που μπορούν να μας βοηθήσουν να συμβάλλουμε στην
ελευθερία του λογισμικού κοινωνικά, πολιτικά, νομικά, και

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>About Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<title>About the Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
content="Everything about the FSFE - Our work, the people we are, our contact and press information, associates, legal structure, and donations."/>
content="work people contact associates donations structure"/>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">About</h1>
<body class="overview">
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to
<p>The Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to
control technology.</p>
<p>Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is
important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Free Software</a> gives everybody the
rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support
other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.</p>
<p>Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives, and it is
important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free
Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share
software. These rights help support
other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press, and privacy.</p>
<p>The FSFE helps individuals and organisations to understand how Free
Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination. It
enhances users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption,
encouraging people to use and develop Free Software, and providing resources to
enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Our Work</a></h3>
Read about our work and why we concentrate our work on three main pillars: public
awareness, policy advocacy, and legal support.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">People</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
See who we are. Here you find people who are working for and with the FSFE and have been given permanent responsibilities or authorities for certain areas - staffers and volunteers.
<h2>Find out more about</h2>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Contact information for general enquiries and our mailing address; public dicussion channels and social media presence.
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Testimonials</a></h3>
Read testimonials from our diverse community why they support the FSFE and our mission. Some also answered an interview or even made a video. Enjoy getting to know our community!
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associates</a></h3>
We share common goals with these organisations.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Press</a></h3>
Press releases, news, photos and contact information.
<h3><a href="">Donations</a></h3>
To be an independent voice for Free Software, we depend on
your donation. See <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">how we use our
funds</a> and <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">who donates to us</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Legal Structure</a></h3>
Our Constitution, and minutes from the official annual meetings.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparency Commitment</a></h3>
Our transparency commitment, including links to our constitution and minutes.
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Read about the three pillars of our work"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Our Work</a></h3>
Read how we help individuals and organisations to understand how Free
Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination and
why we concentrate our daily work on three main pillars: public awareness,
policy advocacy, and legal support.
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Voices from our community"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Our Community</a></h3>
Hear voices and read testimonials from our diverse community, why they
support the FSFE and our mission. Some also answered interviews or even
made a video. Enjoy getting to know our community!
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="People who dedicate their time for the FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">The Team</a></h3>
See who we are and get to know the people behind the FSFE. Here you
find the ones who are working for and with the FSFE and have been given
permanent responsibility or authority for certain areas - staffers
and volunteers.
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associates</a></h3>
Empowering people to control technology is a goal which no single organisation
can achieve alone. With our associated organisations we exchange ideas, coordinate
efforts, motivate each other, and find opportunities to work together on specific
<h2>Our foundation</h2>
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Constitution and minutes from the official annual meetings"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Legal Structure</a></h3>
In 2001 the FSFE was set up as a charitable, registered association ("e.V.")
under German law. Find our constitution and minutes from the official annual
meetings here.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Our Transparency Commitment"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparency Commitment</a></h3>
As part of its initiative “transparent civil society”, Transparency International
Germany provides a guide on how to make a transparency commitment. We support this
initiative and you find all relevant information here.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Support with donations"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Donations</a></h3>
To be an independent voice for Free Software, we depend on donations. With
financial support you will contribute to a solid foundation on which we are building
our charitable work for freedom in the information society.
See <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">how we use our
funds</a> and <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">who donates to us</a>.
<h2>Get in touch</h2>
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Public and general contact information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Find contact information for general and legal enquiries, our office location, a link
to our public dicussion channels, and our social media accounts on our contact page.
FSFE public and community discussions are covered by our Code of Conduct.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Press information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Press</a></h3>
If you are from the press, you will find our press portal useful. There you can
find all our press releases, our logos, news, general photos and contact information
for press inquiries.
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Job opportunities"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Job Opportunities</a></h3>
Besides the FSFE's volunteers, its permanent staff, interns and
trainees are a backbone of the organisation. We look for motivated
people who help us contributing to software freedom on many levels
in social, political, legal and technical areas.

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<title>Sobre la Fundación del Software Libre de Europa</title>
<title>Acerca de la Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
content="Everything about the FSFE - Our work, the people we are, our contact and press information, associates, legal structure, and donations."/>
content="work people contact associates donations structure"/>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Acerca de</h1>
<body class="overview">
<h1>Acerca de</h1>
<div id="introduction">
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La Fundación del Software Libre de Europa es una organización benéfica que faculta a los usuarios para controlar la tecnología.
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe (Fundación Software Libre Europa) es una organización benéfica que faculta a los usuarios a controlar la tecnología.</p>
<p>El software está muy involucrado en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas y es importante que esta tecnología nos confiera poder en lugar de restringirnos.
El Software Libre otorga a todo el mundo el derecho a usar, entender, adaptar y compartir software. Estos derechos ayudan a apoyar otras libertades fundamentales
como la libertad de expresión, de prensa y la privacidad.</p>
<p>El software está muy involucrado en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas; y es importante que esta tecnología nos confiera poder en lugar de restringirnos. <a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">El Software Libre</a> otorga a todo el mundo el derecho a usar, entender, adaptar y compartir software. Estos derechos ayudan a apoyar otras libertades fundamentales como la libertad de expresión, de prensa y la privacidad. </p>
<p>La FSFE ayuda a los individuos y organizaciones a entender la manera en la que el Software Libre contribuye a la libertad, la transparencia y la autodeterminación. Esta aumenta los derechos de los usuarios aboliendo las barreras en la adopción del Software Libre, animando a la gente a usar y desarrollar Software Libre y aportando recursos para permitir a todo el mundo promover en mayor medida el Software Libre en Europa.</p>
<h2>Descubre más sobre todo esto</h2>
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Lee acerca de los tres pilares de nuestro trabajo"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Nuestro trabajo</a></h3>
Lee sobre la manera en que ayudamos a los individuos y organizaciones a comprender como el Software Libre contribuye a la libertad, transparencia y autodeterminación y porqué centramos nuestro trabajo diario en tres pilares fundamentales: concienciación pública, promoción política y soporte legal.
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Voces de nuestra comunidad"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Nuestra Comunidad</a></h3>
Escucha las voces y testimonios de nuestra diversa comunidad, porqué apoyan a la FSFE y nuestra misión. Algunos además respondieron a entrevistas o incluso incluyeron un vído. ¡Disfruta conociendo nuestra comunidad!
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="Gente que dedica su tiempo a la FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">El Equipo</a></h3>
Mira quienes somos y conoce a la gente que está detras de la FSFE. Aquí encontrarás a los que trabajan para y con la FSFE y han tenido una responsabilidad permanente o autoridad en ciertas áreas - empleados y voluntarios.
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Listado de organizaciones que comparten objetivos comunes con nosotros"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Asociados</a></h3>
Empoderar a la gente para controlar la tecnología es un objetivo que ninguna organización puede conseguir por si sola. Con nuestras organizaciones asociadas intercambiamos ideas, coordinamos esfuerzos, nos motivamos unas a otras y encontramos oportunidades de trabajar juntos en proyectos concretos.
<h2>Nuestra fundación</h2>
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Constitución y registros de los encuentros oficiales anuales"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Estructura Legal</a></h3>
En 2001 la FSFE fue establecida como una organización sin ánimo de lucro, registrada como asociación ("e.V.")
bajo la ley alemana. Encuentra aquí nuestro registro fundacional y los registros de los encuentros oficiales de cada año.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Nuestro Compromiso de Transparencia"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Compromiso de Transparencia</a></h3>
Como parte de su iniciativa "sociedad civil transparente", Transparencia Internacional Alemania aporta una guía sobre como hacer un compromiso de transparencia. Apoyamos esta iniciativa y encontrarás toda la información relevante aquí.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Respáldanos con donaciones"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Donaciones</a></h3>
Para ser una voz independiente para el Software Libre, dependemos de las donaciones. Con soporte financiero contribuirás a una sólida fundación sobre la que estamos construyendo nuestro trabajo altruista por la libertad en la sociedad de la información. Mira <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">como empleamos nuestros recursos</a> y <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">quien nos financia</a>.
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Información de contacto pública y general"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contacto</a></h3>
Encuentra información de contacto para cuestiones generales y legales, la localización de nuestra oficia, un enlace a nuestros canales de debate públicos y nuestras cuentas en redes sociales en nuestra página de contacto.
Los foros de debate públicos de la FSFE y de la comunidad están sujetos a nuestro Código de Conducta.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Información periodística"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Información periodística</a></h3>
Si formas parte de un grupo periodístico, encontrarás útil nuestro portal para la Prensa. En este sitio puedes encontrar nuestras publicaciones periodísticas, nuestros logos, noticias fotos genéricas e información de contacto para preguntas de medios periodísticos.
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Principios</a></h3>
Creemos en la cooperación y en la transparencia.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Personas</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Quienes somos.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Socios</a></h3>
Compartimos objetivos comunes con estas organizaciones.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Prensa</a></h3>
Notas de prensa, noticias, fotos e información de contacto.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contacto</a></h3>
Información de contacto para consultas generales.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Donaciones</a></h3>
Para ser una voz independiente para el Software Libre, dependemos de su donación. Vea <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">cómo usamos nuestros fondos</a> y <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">quién nos dona</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Legal</a></h3>
Nuestra Constitución y actas de las reuniones anuales oficiales.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Compromiso de Transparencia</a></h3>
Nuestro compromiso de transparencia incluyendo enlaces a nuestra constitución y actas.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Ofertas de trabajo"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Ofertas de trabajo</a></h3>
<p> Además de los voluntarios de la FSFE, su personal fijo, los interinos y los becarios son la columna vertebral de la organización. Buscamos personas motivadas que nos ayuden a contribuir a la libertad del software en muchos niveles del ámbito social, político, jurídico y técnico.
<translator>Eulalio Barbero</translator>

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<title>Tietoja Free Software Foundation Europesta</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Tietoja</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
Free Software Foundation Europe on hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö, joka auttaa
käyttäjiä hallitsemaan teknologiaa.
Ohjelmistot ovat läsnä kaikkialla elämässämme. On tärkeää, että teknologia
antaa mahdollisuuksia rajoitusten sijaan. <a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">
Vapaat ohjelmistot</a> antavat kaikille mahdollisuuden käyttää, tutkia, jakaa
ja parantaa ohjelmistoja. Nämä tukevat muita perustavanlaatuisia oikeuksia kuten
sanan- ja lehdistönvapautta sekä yksityisyyttä.
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Periaatteet</a></h3>
Uskomme yhteistyöhön ja läpinäkyvyyteen.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Ihmiset</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Keitä olemme.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparency Commitment</a></h3>
Our transparency commitment including links to our constitution and minutes.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Kumppanit</a></h3>
Meillä on yhteisiä tavoitteita tiettyjen järjestöjen kanssa.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Lehdistö</a></h3>
Lehdistötiedotteet, uutiset, valokuvat ja yhteystiedot.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Yhteystiedot</a></h3>
Yhteystiedot yleisiä tiedusteluita varten.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Lahjoitukset</a></h3>
Olemme riippuvaisia lahjoituksista kyetäksemme puhumaan
riippumattomasti vapaiden ohjelmistojen puolesta. Katso myös
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">lisätietoja rahojemme käytöstä</a>
ja <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">ketkä ovat tehneet lahjoituksia
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridiset asiat</a></h3>
Säännöt, rakenne ja juridisesti vastuussa olevat jäsenet.
<translator>Timo Jyrinki</translator>

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<title>À propos de la Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
content="Everything about the FSFE - Our work, the people we are, our contact and press information, associates, legal structure, and donations."/>
content="work people contact associates donations structure"/>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">À propos</h1>
<body class="overview">
<h1>À propos</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe est une association à but non
lucratif qui donne aux utilisateurs les moyens de contrôler la
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe est une association à but non
lucratif qui donne aux utilisateurs les moyens de contrôler la technologie.</p>
<p>Les logiciels prennent une part toujours plus importante dans tous les
aspects de nos vies. Il est donc important que cette technologie renforce
nos libertés plutôt que les limite. Les Logiciels Libres donnent à tous
les droits d'utiliser, comprendre, modifier et partager les logiciels.
Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits fondamentaux tels que la
liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse et la vie privée.</p>
<p>La FSFE aide les individus et les organisations à comprendre comment
les Logiciels Libres contribuent à la liberté, la transparence et
lauto-détermination. Elle augmente les droits des utilisateurs en
supprimant des barrières à ladoption des Logiciels Libres, en encourageant
les gens à utiliser et développer des Logiciels Libres, et en fournissant
des ressources pour permettre à tout le monde de promouvoir encore les
Logiciels Libres en Europe.</p>
<p>Les logiciels prennent une part toujours plus importante dans tous les
aspects de nos vies. Il est donc important que cette technologie
renforce nos libertés plutôt qu'elle les limite. Les <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Logiciels Libres</a> donnent à
tous les droits d'utiliser, comprendre, modifier et partager les
logiciels. Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits
fondamentaux tels que la liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse
et la vie privée.</p>
<h2>En savoir plus</h2>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Principes</a></h3>
Nous croyons en la coopération et la transparence.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Personnes</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Voyez qui nous sommes.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associés</a></h3>
Nous partageons des objectifs communs avec ces organisations.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Espace presse</a></h3>
Communiqués de presse, nouvelles, photos et contacts presse.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Les moyens pour nous contacter à propos de sujets d'ordre général.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Faire un don</a></h3>
Pour être une voix indépendante au nom des Logiciels Libres, nous
dépendons de vos dons. Voyez <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">comment
nous utilisons votre argent</a> et qui sont <a
href="/donate/thankgnus.html">nos donateurs</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Aspects juridiques</a></h3>
Statuts, structure et responsables légaux.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Engagement de transparence</a></h3>
Notre engagement pour la transparence qui comprend, entre autres, des
liens vers notre constitution et les procès verbaux de nos assemblées
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Read about the three pillars of our work"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Notre travail</a></h3>
Lisez comment nous aidons les individus et les organisations à
comprendre comment les Logiciels Libres contribue à la liberté, à la
transparence et à l'autodétermination, et pourquoi nous concentrons
quotidiennement nos efforts sur trois piliers principaux : la
conscience du public, la défense de politique et l'assistance
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Voices from our community"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Notre communauté</a></h3>
Entendez des voix et lisez des témoignages de notre communauté
diverse : pourquoi ces gens soutiennent la FSFE et notre mission.
Certains ont également répondu à des entretiens ou ont réalisé une
vidéo. Ayez le plaisir de faire la connaissance de notre
communauté !
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="People who dedicate their time for the FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">L'équipe</a></h3>
Voyez qui nous sommes et faites la connaissance des personnes
derrière la FSFE. Ici, vous trouverez qui travaille pour et avec la
FSFE et a reçu une responsabilité ou autorité permanente dans
certains domaines — employés et volontaires.
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associés</a></h3>
Permettre aux gens de contrôler la technologie est un but qu'une
organisation ne peut pas atteindre seule. Avec nos organisations
associées, nous échangeons des idées et des motivations, coordonnons
nos efforts, et trouvons des opportunités pour travailler ensemble
sur des projets spécifiques.
<h2>Notre fondation</h2>
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Constitution and minutes from the official annual meetings"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Structure légale</a></h3>
En 2001, la FSFE a été créée en tant qu'association
à but non lucratif enregistrée (« e.V. ») sous la loi allemande. Trouvez
notre constitution et quelques instants des réunions annuelles
officielles ici.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Our Transparency Commitment"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Engagement à la transparence</a></h3>
Au sein de son initiative « société civile transparente »,
Transparency International Germany fournit un guide expliquant
comment s'engager à la transparence. Nous soutenons cette initiative
et vous trouverez toutes les informations relatives ici.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Support with donations"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Dons</a></h3>
Afin d'être une voix indépendante pour les Logiciels Libres, nous
dépendons des dons. En nous soutenant financièrement, vous aidez une
fondation solide sur laquelle nous construisons notre travail
caritatif pour la liberté dans la société de l'information. Voyez
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">comment nous utilisons les
subventions</a> et <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">qui nous
<h2>Rentrer en contact</h2>
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Public and general contact information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Trouvez nos données de contact pour des demandes générales et
juridiques, l'emplacement de notre siège, un lien vers nos canaux
de discussion publics, et nos comptes sur les médias sociaux sur
notre page de contact. Les discussions publiques et communautaires
de la FSFE sont soumises à notre Code de Conduite.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Press information"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Presse</a></h3>
Si vous êtes employé de presse, notre portail Presse vous sera
utile. Ici, vous trouverez tous nos communiqués de presse, nos
logos, des actualités, des photos générales et des informations de
contact pour les investigations de presse.
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Job opportunities"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Opportunités professionnelles</a></h3>
À côté des volontaires de la FSFE, son personnel permanent, les
internes et les stagiaires sont un pilier de lorganisation. Nous
recherchons des personnes motivées qui nous aiderons à contribuer
à la liberté des logiciels sur de nombreux niveaux dans les domaines
sociaux, politiques, juridiques et techniques.
Jil Larner (Mont Blanc),
Michel Roche (Vercors),
Hugo Roy,
<translator>Sylvain Chiron</translator>

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<title>Informazioni sulla Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
content="Tutto sulla FSFE - Il nostro lavoro, le persone, i contatti e informazioni stampa, consociate, struttura legale e donazioni."/>
content="work lavoro people persone contact contatti associates consociate donations donazioni structure struttura"/>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Informazioni</h1>
<body class="overview">
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe è una Onlus che incoraggia gli utenti ad avere il
controllo della tecnologia.</p>
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe è una organizzazione benefica che dà agli utenti i mezzi per controllare la tecnologia.</p>
<p>Il Software è presente in tutti gli aspetti della nostra vita ed è
importante che questa tecnologia ci aiuti anziché limitarci.
<a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Il Software Libero</a> garantisce a tutti
il diritto di usare, studiare, modificare e condividere il software. Questi diritti aiutano a sostenere
altre libertà fondamentali come il diritto di parola, la libertà di stampa e la privacy.</p>
<p>Il Software è presente in tutti gli aspetti della nostra vita ed è importante che questa tecnologia ci dia più potere anziché limitarci. Il Software Libero garantisce a tutti il diritto di usare, studiare, modificare e condividere il software. Questi diritti aiutano a sostenere altre libertà fondamentali come il diritto di parola, la libertà di stampa e la privacy.</p>
<p>La Free Software Foundation Europe aiuta persone e organizzazioni a comprendere come il Software Libero contribuisce alla libertà, alla trasparenza e all'auto-determinazione. Potenziamo i diritti degli utenti abolendo le barriere che esistono nell'adottare il Software Libero, incoraggiamo le persone ad usare e sviluppare il Software Libero e forniamo le risorse per consentire a tutti di promuovere ulteriormente il Software Libero in Europa.</p>
<h2>Per conoscere di più</h2>
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Leggi dei tre pilastri del nostro lavoro"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Il nostro lavoro</a></h3>
<p>Leggi come aiutiamo le persone e le organizzazioni a comprendere come il Software Libero contribuisce alla libertà, alla trasparenza e all'auto-determinazione e perché concentriamo il nostro lavoro su tre pilastri principali: consapevolezza pubblica, promozione delle politiche, e supporto legale.</p>
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Voci dalla nostra comunità"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">La nostra comunità</a></h3>
<p>Ascolta le voci e leggi le testimonianze dalle nostre varie comunità e perché sostengono la FSFE e la nostra missione. Alcuni hanno anche risposto ad una intervista o fatto un breve video. Conosci con piacere la nostra comunità!</p>
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="Persone che dedicano il loro tempo alla FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Il team</a></h3>
<p>Guarda chi siamo e conosci le persone che ci sono dietro la FSFE. Puoi trovare qui le persone che lavorano per e con la FSFE a cui sono state date responsabilità o autorità permanenti in certe aree: i membri dello staff e i volontari.</p>
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lista delle organizzazioni che condividono obiettivi comuni"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Consociate</a></h3>
<p>Dare alle persone i mezzi per controllare la tecnologia è un obiettivo che nessuna singola organizzazione può raggiungere da sola. Con le nostre organizzazioni consociate scambiamo idee, coordiniamo gli sforzi, ci motiviamo scambievolmente e troviamo opportunità per lavorare insieme su specifici progetti.</p>
<h2>Le nostre fondamenta</h2>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Il nostro lavoro</a></h3>
Cosa facciamo e perché concentriamo il nostro lavoro su tre pilastri principali: la sensibilizzazione
pubblica, politiche di sostegno, e supporto legale.
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Statuto e verbali degli incontri annuali ufficiali"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Struttura legale</a></h3>
<p>Nel 2001 la FSFE è stata registrata ("e.V.") come organizzazione benefica
nella legislazione tedesca. Qui puoi trovare il nostro statuto e i verbali degli incontri annuali ufficiali.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Persone</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Guarda chi siamo. Puoi trovare qui le persone che lavorano per e con la FSFE a cui sono state date responsabilità o autorità permanenti in certe aree - membri dello staff e volontari.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Il nostro impegno alla trasparenza"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Impegno alla trasparenza<br/></a></h3>
<p>Come parte della propria iniziativa “società civile trasparente”, Transparency International
Germania fornisce una guida su come impegnarsi alla trasparenza. Sosteniamo questa iniziativa e puoi trovare qui tutte le informazioni rilevanti.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contatti</a></h3>
Informazioni di contatto per richieste generali e i nostri indirizzi email; la presenza sui canali di discussione pubblica e sui social media.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Sostegno con le donazioni"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Donazioni</a></h3>
<p>Per rimanere una voce indipendente a favore del Software Libero, dipendiamo dalle vostre donazioni. Con il sostegno finanziario contribuisci ad una solida base sulla quale costruiamo il nostro benefico lavoro per la libertà nella società dell'informazione.
Controlla <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">come utilizziamo i nostri fondi</a> e <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">da chi riceviamo le donazioni</a>.
<h2>Mettersi in conttatto</h2>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Testimonial</a></h3>
Leggi la testimonianza di alcune persone dalle nostre varie comunità e perché sostengono la FSFE e la nostra missione. Alcuni hanno anche risposto ad una intervista o fatto un breve video. Conosci con piacere la nostra comunità!
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Informazioni di contatto pubbliche e generiche"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contatti</a></h3>
<p>Nella nostra pagina dedicata puoi trovare le informazioni di contatto per le richieste generiche e legali, dove è il nostro ufficio, un link ai nostri canali di discussione pubblica e i nostri account social.
Le discussioni pubbliche e della comunità della FSFE devono rispettare il nostro Codice di Condotta.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Consociati</a></h3>
Condividiamo obiettivi comuni con queste organizzazioni.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Stampa</a></h3>
Comunicati stampa, notizie, foto e informazioni di contatto.
<h3><a href="">Donazioni</a></h3>
Per rimanere una voce indipendente a favore del Software Libero, dipendiamo dalle
vostre donazioni. Controllate <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">come utilizziamo i nostri
fondi</a> e <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">da chi riceviamo le donazioni</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Struttura legale</a></h3>
Il nostro Statuto e i verbali degli incontri annuali ufficiali.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Impegno alla Trasparenza</a></h3>
Il nostro impegno alla trasparenza comprensivo di collegamenti al nostro Statuto ed ai verbali.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Informazioni e richieste di stampa"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Stampa</a></h3>
<p>Se sei nel settore giornalistico, troverai utile il nostro portale relativo alla stampa. Qui puoi trovare tutti i nostri comunicati stampa, i nostri loghi, le notizie, fotografie e informazioni di contatto per eventuali richieste.
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Opportunità di lavoro"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Opportunità di lavoro</a></h3>
Oltre ai volontari della FSFE, lo staff permanente, gli stagisti e i
praticanti sono la struttura portante dell'organizzazione. Cerchiamo persone
motivate che ci aiutino a contribuire alla libertà del software a vari livelli
in campo sociale, politico, legale e tecnico.
<translator>Tarin Gamberini e Sebastiano Pistore</translator>

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<title>Over de Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<title>Over Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Over ons</h1>
content="Alles over de FSFE - Ons werk, de mensen die we zijn, onze contact- en persinformatie, geassocieerden, juridische structuur en donaties."/>
content="werk mensen contact geassocieerden donaties structuur"/>
<div id="introduction">
<body class="overview">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<h1>Over ons</h1>
<p>Free Software Foundation Europe is een goed doel dat gebruikers in staat stelt om technologie te controleren.</p>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Software is sterk verweven met alle aspecten van onze levens. Het is belangrijk dat deze technologie ons tot iets in staat stelt in plaats van ons te beperken. <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Vrije Software</a> geeft iedereen het recht om software te gebruiken, te begrijpen, aan te passen en te delen. Deze rechten helpen het ondersteunen van andere fundamentele vrijheden zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting, pers en privacy.</p>
<p>De Free Software Foundation Europe is een organisatie zonder winstoogmerk die gebruikers in staat wil stellen om technologie te controleren.</p>
<p>Software is sterk verweven met alle aspecten van onze levens. Het is belangrijk dat deze technologie ons tot iets in staat stelt in plaats van ons te beperken. Vrije Software geeft iedereen het recht om software te gebruiken, te begrijpen, aan te passen en te delen. Deze rechten helpen het ondersteunen van andere fundamentele vrijheden zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting, pers en privacy.</p>
<p>De FSFE helpt individuen en organisaties te begrijpen hoe Vrije Software bijdraagt aan vrijheid, transparantie en zelfbeschikking. De FSFE vergroot de rechten van de gebruikers door het afbreken van barrières naar het overgaan op Vrije Software, moedigt mensen aan om Vrije Software te gebruiken en te ontwikkelen. Ze biedt hulpbronnen om iedereen in staat te stellen om Vrije Software verder te promoten in Europa.</p>
<h2>Kom meer te weten over</h2>
<a href="/about/ourwork.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/our-work.png" alt="Lees meer over de drie pilaren van ons werk"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Ons werk</a></h3>
Lees zowel over hoe we individuen en organisaties helpen om te begrijpen hoe Vrije
Software bijdraagt aan vrijheid, transparantie en zelfbeschikking als wel over waarom we ons dagelijks werk concentreren op drie hoofdpijlers: publieke bewustwording, beleidsbeïnvloeding, en juridische ondersteuning.
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/ourwork.html">Ons werk</a></h3>
Lees over ons werk en waarom we ons werk concentreren op drie belangrijke pijlers: publieke bewustmaking, bepleiten van beleid en juridische steun.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Mensen</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Bekijk wie we zijn. Hier vind u mensen die voor en met de FSFE werken en aan wie permanente verantwoordelijkheden of autoriteit op bepaalde gebieden is gegeven: stafleden en vrijwilligers.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Contactinformatie en ons e-mailadres; kanalen voor publieke discussie en aanwezigheid op sociale media.
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Getuigenissen</a></h3>
Lees getuigenissen van onze diverse gemeenschap over waarom zij de FSFE en onze missie steunen. Sommigen hebben ook een interview gegeven of zelfs een video gemaakt. Geniet ervan om onze gemeenschap te leren kennen!
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associaties</a></h3>
We delen gemeenschappelijke doelen met deze organisaties.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Pers</a></h3>
Persberichten, nieuws, foto's en contactinformatie.
<h3><a href="">Donaties</a></h3>
We zijn afhankelijk van uw donatie om een onafhankelijke stem voor Vrije Software te zijn. Bekijk <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">hoe we onze financiën gebruiken</a> en <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">wie er aan ons doneren</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridische structuur</a></h3>
Ons statuut en notulen van onze officiële jaarvergaderingen.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparantieverklaring</a></h3>
Onze transparantieverklaring, inclusief links naar ons statuut en notulen.
<a href="/about/people/testimonials.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/testimonials.png" alt="Stemmen uit onze gemeenschap"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/people/testimonials.html">Onze gemeenschap</a></h3>
Hoor stemmen en lees getuigenissen van onze diverse gemeenschap, waarom ze
de FSFE en onze missie steunen. Sommigen hebben ook interviews beantwoord of zelfs
een video gemaakt. Veel plezier bij het leren kennen van onze gemeenschap!
<translator>André Ockers</translator>
<a href="/about/team.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/team.png" alt="Mensen die hun tijd besteden aan de FSFE"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Het team</a></h3>
Bekijk wie we zijn en leer de mensen achter de FSFE kennen. Hier vindt u
degenen die voor en met de FSFE werken en aan wie (stafleden en vrijwilligers) permanente verantwoordelijkheid of bevoegdheid voor bepaalde gebieden zijn gegeven.
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lijst van organisaties waar we doelen mee delen"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Geassocieerden</a></h3>
Mensen in staat stellen technologie te controleren is een doel dat geen enkele organisatie
alleen kan bereiken. Met onze geassocieerde organisaties wisselen we ideeën uit, coördineren
we inspanningen, motiveren elkaar en vinden mogelijkheden om samen te werken aan specifieke
<h2>Onze basis</h2>
<a href="/about/legal/legal.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/legal-structure.png" alt="Juridische structuur en notulen van officiële jaarvergaderingen"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridische structuur</a></h3>
In 2001 werd de FSFE opgericht als geregistreerde liefdadigheidsvereniging ("e.V.")
naar Duits recht. Vind onze statuten en notulen van de officiële jaarlijkse
vergaderingen hier.
<a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/transparency.png" alt="Onze transparantieverklaring"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Transparantieverklaring</a></h3>
In het kader van het "Een transparante burgermaatschappij"-initiatief biedt Transparency International
Duitsland een gids voor het opstellen van een transparantieverklaring. Wij steunen dit
initiatief en u vindt hier alle relevante informatie.
<a href=""><img src="/graphics/icons/donations.png" alt="Steun met donaties"/></a>
<h3><a href="">Donaties</a></h3>
We zijn afhankelijk van donaties om een onafhankelijke stem voor Vrije Software te zijn. Met
financiële steun draagt u bij aan een solide basis waarop wij ons liefdadigheidswerk voor vrijheid in de informatiemaatschappij bouwen.
Bekijk <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">hoe we onze
financiën gebruiken</a> en <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">wie er aan ons doneert</a>.
<h2>Neem contact op</h2>
<a href="/contact/contact.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/contact.png" alt="Publieke en algemene contactinformatie"/></a>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contact</a></h3>
Op onze contactpagina vindt u contactinformatie voor algemene en juridische vragen, de locatie van ons kantoor, een link
naar onze publieke discussiekanalen en onze sociale media-accounts.
FSFE's publieke en gemeenschapsdiscussies vallen onder onze Gedragscode.
<a href="/press/press.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/press.png" alt="Informatie voor de pers"/></a>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Pers</a></h3>
Als u van de pers bent dan zult u ons persportaal nuttig vinden. Daar kunt u al onze persberichten, logo's, nieuws, algemene foto's en contactinformatie voor vragen van de pers vinden.
<a href="/about/jobs/index.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/intern.png" alt="Vacatures"/></a>
<h3><a href="/about/jobs/index.html">Vacatures</a></h3>
Naast de vrijwilligers van de FSFE vormen de vaste stafleden, de stagiairs en
trainees de ruggengraat van de organisatie. We zoeken gemotiveerde
mensen die ons helpen om bij te dragen aan softwarevrijheid op vele niveaus
op sociale, politieke, juridische en technische gebieden.
<translator>André Ockers</translator>

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<title>Sobre a Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Sobre</h1>
<div id="introduction">
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<p>A Free Software Foundation Europe é uma associação filantrópica que potencia
o controlo da tecnologia pelos utilizadores.</p>
<p>O software está fortemente presente em todos os aspectos das nossas
vidas. É, por isso, importante que esta tecnologia nos potencie, e não que nos restrinja.
O <a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Software Livre</a> dá a todos o direito de usarem,
compreenderem, adaptarem e partilharem software. Este direito ajuda à consolidação de outros direitos
fundamentais, tais como a liberdade de expressão, a liberdade de publicação e a privacidade.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Princípios</a></h3>
Acreditamos na cooperação e na transparência.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Pessoas</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Quem somos.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Organizações associadas</a></h3>
Temos objectivos em comum com estas organizações.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Imprensa</a></h3>
Comunicações à imprensa, notícias, fotos e informação para contacto.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Contacto</a></h3>
Informação de contacto para perguntas gerais.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Donativos</a></h3>
Para podermos ser uma voz independente em prol do Software Livre, dependemos
de donativos. Veja <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">como usamos os nossos
fundos</a> e <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">de quem recebemos donativos</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">A parte legal</a></h3>
Os nossos Estatutos e as actas das assembleias anuais obrigatórias.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Compromisso de Transparência</a></h3>
O nosso compromisso de transparência, incluindo ligações para os estatutos e actas.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />

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<title>О Европейском фонде свободного программного обеспечения</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">О нас</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<p>Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения —
благотворительная организация, помогающая пользователям контролировать
<p>Программы глубоко проникают во все аспекты нашей жизни, и важно,
чтобы цифровая техника увеличивала наши возможности, а не ограничивала
нас. <a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html"> Свободные
программы</a> дают всем право пользоваться, понимать, адаптировать
программы, а также обмениваться ими. Эти права помогают поддержать
другие фундаментальные права, такие как свобода слова и
неприкосновенность частной жизни.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Принципы</a></h3>
<p>Мы верим в открытое сотрудничество.</p>
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Люди</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
<p>О сотрудниках ЕФСПО.</p>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Партнеры</a></h3>
<p>ЕФСПО и организации-партнеры стремятся к общим целям.</p>
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Пресса</a></h3>
<p>Коммюнике, новости, фотографии и контактная информация.</p>
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Контакты</a></h3>
<p>Контактная информация по общим вопросам.</p>
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Пожертвования</a></h3>
<p>Ваши пожертвования обеспечивают независимость нашей деятельности
по поддержке свободного программного обеспечения. Информация
об использовании средств находится на странице <a
href="/about/funds/funds.html">финансовой отчетности</a>;
см. также <a
href="/donate/thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>.</p>
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Правовые вопросы</a></h3>
<p>Устав, структура и юридически ответственные лица.</p>
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Прозрачность</a></h3>
<p>Наше заявление о прозрачности со ссылками на наш устав и
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png"
alt="Transparency International Germany" />

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<title>Rreth Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Rreth nesh</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Free Software Foundation Europe është një organizëm jofitimprurës
që fuqizon përdoruesit të kontrollojnë teknologjinë.</p>
<p>Software-i prek thellësisht krejt aspektet e jetës sonë; dhe është
e rëndësishme që kjo teknologji të na fuqizojë, jo të na kufizojë. <a
href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Software-i i Lirë</a> i jep
kujtdo të drejtën të përdorë, kuptojë, përshtatë dhe ndajë software-in
me të tjerët. Këto të drejta janë përkrahje për të tjera liri themelore,
të tilla si ajo e fjalës, shtypit dhe privatësisë.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Parimet</a></h3>
Ne besojmë te bashkëpunimi dhe transparenca.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Njerëzit</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Cilët jemi.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Të asociuar</a></h3>
Ndajmë qëllime të përbashkëta me këto organizma.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Për shtypin</a></h3>
Njoftime për shtypin, lajme, foto dhe të dhëna kontakti.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakte</a></h3>
Të dhëna kontakti për pyetje dhe kërkesa të përgjithshme.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Dhurime</a></h3>
Për të qenë zë i pavarur për Software-in e Lirë, varemi
nga dhurimet tuaja. Shihni <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">se si i përdorim
fondet tona</a> dhe <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">cilët dhurojnë për ne</a>.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Ligjore</a></h3>
Konstitucioni, dhe proces-verbal i takimeve tona.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Përkushtimi Ndaj Transparencës</a></h3>
Përkushtimi ynë ndaj transparencës, përfshi lidhje për te konstitucioni ynë dhe proces-verbale.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />

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<title>Om Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Om oss</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Free Software Foundation Europe är en välgörenhetsorganisation som ger
användare möjlighet att styra teknik.</p>
<p>Mjukvara är djupt involverat i alla aspekter av våra liv, och det är
viktigt att denna teknologi stärker oss snarare än begränsar oss.
<a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Fri mjukvara</a> ger alla
rätt att använda, förstå, anpassa och dela programvara. Dessa rättigheter
hjälper att stödja andra grundläggande friheter som yttrandefrihet,
pressfrihet samt rätten till ett privatliv.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Principer</a></h3>
Vi tror på samarbete och genomsynlighet.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Personer</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Vilka är vi?
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Press</a></h3>
Pressmeddelanden, nyheter, bilder och kontaktinformation.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridiskt</a></h3>
Stadgar, struktur och juridiskt ansvariga medlemmar.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakt</a></h3>
Kontaktinformation för övriga frågor.
<h3><a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">FSF*-nätverket</a></h3>
Vi har systerorganisationer i <a href="">Nordamerika</a>, <a href="">Indien</a> och <a href="">Latinamerika</a>.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Samarbetspartners</a></h3>
Vi har gemensamma mål med dessa organisationer.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Bidrag</a></h3>
För att vara en självständig röst för fri programvara, är vi beroende
av ditt bidrag. Se <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">hur vi använder
våra tillgångar</a> och <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">vilka som
donerar till oss</a>.
<translator>Andreas Rönnquist</translator>

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<title>Avrupa Özgür Yazılım Vakfı Hakkında</title>
<body class="subsite">
<h1 class="heading">Hakkında</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<!-- please have a look at for existing translations -->
<p>Avrupa Özgür Yazılım Vakfı, kullanıcıları, teknolojiyi denetimleri
altında tutmaları yönünde güçlendiren bir vakıftır.</p>
<p>Yazılım, yaşamımızın bütün boyutlarını derinliğine kuşatmış durumda.
Bu teknolojinin bizi kısıtlamaktan ziyade güçlendirmesi önemlidir.
<a href="/freesoftware/freesoftware.html">Özgür Yazılım</a> herkese
yazılımı kullanma, anlama, uyarlama ve paylaşma hakkını verir.
Bu haklar ifade özgürlüğü, basın özgürlüğü ve mahremiyet gibi
diğer özgürlükleri desteklemekte yardımcı olur.</p>
<ul class="subheadings">
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">İlkeler</a></h3>
İşbirliği ve şeffaflığa inanıyoruz.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Kişiler</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Biz kimiz.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Ortaklar</a></h3>
Bu örgütlerle ortak amaçlarımız var.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Basın</a></h3>
Basın bültenleri, haberler, fotoğraflar ve iletişim bilgileri.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">İletişim</a></h3>
Genel talepler için iletişim bilgisi.
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Bağışlar</a></h3>
Özgür Yazılım adına bağımsız bir ses olabilmek için, bağışlarınız ihtiyacımız
var. <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Parayı nasıl kullandığımızı</a>
ve <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">bize bağışta bulunanları</a> inceleyebilirsiniz.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Hukuk</a></h3>
Tüzüğümüz ve resmi yıllık toplantı tutanaklarımız.
<h3><a href="/about/transparency-commitment.html">Şeffaflık Taahhüdü</a></h3>
Tüzüğümüz ve toplantı tutanaklarımızla birlikte şeffaflık taahhüdümüz.
<div style="max-width: 300px;">
<img src="/graphics/logo-transparent-civil-society.png" alt="Transparency International Germany" />

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<title>Código de Conducta</title>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<h1>Código de Conducta</h1>
<p id="introduction" class="p-summary">
El CdC en pocas palabras: La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) y su comunidadd intentan ofrecer a los participantes en sus eventos, un entorno tranquilo y amigable, tanto desconectados como en línea. Se espera de todos los particpantes en cualquier evento de la FSFE un excelente comportamiento con los demás. Un comportamiento incorrecto puede conllevar la exclusión de nuestros eventos y/o infraestructura técnica. Si te has visto en una situación en la que se ha incumplido el espítiru del Código de Conducta, por favor contacta con nuestro
El CdC en pocas palabras: La Free Software Foundation (FSFE) y su comunidad intentan ofrecer a los participantes en sus eventos, un entorno tranquilo y amigable, tanto desconectados como en línea. Se espera de todos los participantes en cualquier evento de la FSFE un excelente comportamiento con los demás. Un comportamiento incorrecto puede conllevar la exclusión de nuestros eventos y/o infraestructura técnica. Si te has visto en una situación en la que se ha incumplido el espítiru del Código de Conducta, por favor contacta con nuestro
<a href="#CARE">equipo central CARE</a>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Siéntete libre de compartir el Código de Conducta con participantes en discusi
Se puede contactar por correo electrónico con el equipo central CARE en
<a href="mailto:care at fsfe dot org">care en fsfe punto org</a>
. Los miembros del equipo CARE se listan a continuación, y te invitamos a contactar con ellos individualmente también.
. Los miembros del equipo CARE se listan a continuación, y te invitamos a contactar con ellos individualmente también. Recomendamos comunicarse por correo electrónico cifrado. La forma más fácil de hacerlo es escribir a uno de los miembros del equipo de forma individual. Encontrará sus correos electrónicos y su clave PGP en esta lista ordenada alfabéticamente:
<div id="team" class="section grid-100">
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Las quejas sobre los miembros del equipo CARE deben dirigirse a
<sidebar promo="about-fsfe"/>
<translator>Pep Diz</translator>
<translator>Alejandro Criado-Pérez</translator>
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<title>Das FSF*-Netzwerk</title>
@ -20,26 +20,25 @@
Die folgenden Organisationen sind Schwesternorganisationen der FSFE
innerhalb des weltweiten FSF-Netzwerks. Wir arbeiten bei Belangen Freier Software
zusammen, jede mit ihrem eigenen kulturellen Hintergrund. Die
FSFs sind rechtlich, finanziell und personell unabhängig voneinander und
wie jedes andere Netzwerk besteht das FSF*-Netzwerk aus untereinander
verbundenen Teilstücken.
Wir arbeiten mit anderen internationalen Gruppen zusammen, um Freie
Software auf jedem Kontinent zu stärken. Die folgenden Organisationen sind
Schwesterorganisationen der FSFE, und damit Teil des
Freie-Software-Netzwerks. Jede Organisation hat <strong>ihren eigenen
kulturellen Hintergrund, und ist rechtlich, finanziell und betrieblich
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
1985: Kurz nach dem
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">GNU-Projekt</a> wurde die
<a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) als
erste Organisation gegründet, die sich mit Freier Software
<a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) gegründet.
2001: Die Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) wurde als zweite
FSF gegründet.
2001: Gründung der Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE).
@ -55,8 +54,8 @@
<translator>Andreas Aubele</translator>
<translator>Andreas Aubele und Max Mehl</translator>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>The FSF* network</title>
@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
We work with other international groups to promote Free Software on every
continent. The following organisations are sister organisations of the
FSFE, and part of the Free Software network. Each organisation has its
own cultural background, and is legally, financially, and operationally
<strong>own cultural background, and is legally, financially, and
operationally independent</strong>.
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
1985: The
<a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) was
established shortly after the
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">GNU project</a>, and was the
world's first formal representative and promoter of Free Software.
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">GNU project</a>.
2001: Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) was founded as the second
Free Software Foundation.
2001: Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) founded.
@ -56,8 +56,3 @@
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about/ Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>La red FSF*</title>
<p id="category"><a href="/about/about.html">Acerca de</a></p>
<h1>The FSF* network</h1>
<img src="/graphics/FSF-Network.png" alt="The FSF network"/>
FSFE es una de las cuatro organizaciones de Software Libre del mundo.
Trabajamos con otros grupos internacionales para promover el Software Libre en todos los continentes. Las siguientes organizaciones son organizaciones hermanas de la FSFE, y forman parte de la red de Software Libre. Cada organización tiene su <strong>propia cultura y es legal, financiera y operativamente independiente</strong>.
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
1985: La
<a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) se crea poco después del
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">proyecto GNU</a>.
2001: Se funda la Free Software Foundation Europa (FSFE).
2003: Se funda la
<a href="">Free Software Foundation India</a>(FSFI).
2005: Se funda la
<a href="">Free Software Foundation Latin America</a>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>Le réseau FSF*</title>
@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
Nous travaillons avec d'autres groupes internationaux pour promouvoir le Logiciel Libre sur tous les continents. Les organisations suivantes sont des organisations sœurs de la FSFE au sein du réseau du Logiciel Libre. Chaque organisation a sa propre culture, et chacune est légalement, financièrement et opérationnellement indépendante.
Nous travaillons avec d'autres groupes internationaux pour promouvoir le Logiciel Libre sur tous les continents. Les organisations suivantes sont des organisations sœurs de la FSFE au sein du réseau du Logiciel Libre. Chaque organisation a sa <strong>propre culture, et chacune est légalement, financièrement et opérationnellement indépendante</strong>.
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
1985&#160;: Juste après le <a
href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">Projet GNU</a> la <a
href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) fut fondée.
C'est la première organisation qui s'est souciée du Logiciel Libre.
2001&#160;: La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) fut fondée comme
la seconde FSF.
2001&#160;: La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) fut fondée.
@ -51,8 +51,3 @@
<translator>Hugo Roy</translator>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>La rete FSF*</title>
@ -23,23 +23,22 @@
FSFE lavora assieme ad altri gruppi internazionali per promuovere il Software Libero
in ogni continente: le fondazioni elencate di seguito sono sorelle della
FSFE e fanno parte della rete del Software Libero. Ogni organizzazione
ha la propria identità culturale ed è autonoma a livello legale,
finanziario e operativo.
ha la <strong>propria identità culturale ed è autonoma a livello legale,
finanziario e operativo</strong>.
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
1985: La
<a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) viene
fondata poco dopo il
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">progetto GNU</a>, ed è la
prima organizzazione al mondo a rappresentare formalmente e a promuovere
il Software Libero.
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">progetto GNU</a>.
2001: viene costituita la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE),
la seconda Free Software Foundation.
2001: viene costituita la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE).

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>Het FSF* netwerk</title>
@ -19,30 +19,25 @@ De FSFE is een van de vier Vrije Software-organisaties in de wereld.
<p>We werken met andere internationale groepen om Vrije Software te promoten op ieder
continent. De volgende organisaties zijn zusterorganisaties van de FSFE en deel van het Vrije
Software netwerk. Iedere organisatie heeft haar eigen culturele achtergrond en is juridisch,
financieel en operationeel onafhankelijk.</p>
<p>We werken met andere internationale groepen om Vrije Software te promoten op ieder
continent. De volgende organisaties zijn zusterorganisaties van de FSFE en deel van het Vrije
Software netwerk. Iedere organisatie heeft haar <strong>eigen culturele achtergrond en is juridisch,
financieel en operationeel onafhankelijk</strong>.</p>
<module id="fsfnetwork" />
<li>1985: De <a href="//">Free Software Foundation</a> (FSF) is kort na het
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">GNU project</a> opgericht en daarmee de eerste formele
vertegenwoordiging en promotor van Vrije Software.</li>
<a href="/freesoftware/gnuproject.html">GNU project</a> opgericht.</li>
<li>2001: De Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is opgericht als tweede Free Software
<li>2001: De Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) opgericht.</li>
<li>2003: <a href="">Free Software Foundation India</a> (FSFI) opgericht.</li>
<li>2005: <a href="">Free Software Foundation Latijns Amerika</a> (FSFLA)
<li>2005: <a href="">Free Software Foundation Latijns Amerika</a> (FSFLA)
opgericht. </li>
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2001">2001</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Income and Expense 2001</h1>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter (see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] People paid: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a></p>

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2001">2001</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Recettes et dépenses 2001</h1>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Dons allant directement au corps principal de la FSFE (voir "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Le Hub</a>"); provenant principalement (mais pas exclusivement) de pays n'ayant pas de Délégation nationale établie.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Personne rémunérée&#160;: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a></p>
@ -61,4 +61,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2001">2001</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Entrate e uscite 2001</h1>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE (si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso (ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca (si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Persone retribuite: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>.</p>

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2001">2001</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Inkomsten en uitgaven 2001</h1>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donaties rechtstreeks naar de centrale FSFE (zie "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); gewoonlijk (maar niet altijd) van landen zonder eigen afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse afdeling</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Betaald persoon: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a></p>
@ -61,4 +61,3 @@
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2001">2001</localmenu>
<h1>ЕФСПО Доходы и расходы за 2001 год</h1>
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2001.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Выплаты получили: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Георг
@ -68,4 +68,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter (see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] People paid: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a></p>

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Dons allant directement au corps principal de la FSFE (voir "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Le Hub</a>"); provenant principalement (mais pas exclusivement) de pays n'ayant pas de Délégation nationale établie.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Personne rémunérée&#160;: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a></p>
@ -59,5 +59,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE (si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso (ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca (si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Persone retribuite: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>.</p>

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2002.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Выплаты получили: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Георг Греве</a>.</p>
@ -64,4 +64,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<hr width="80%"/>
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2003.html">ThankGNUs</a>-Liste einzusehen.</p>
<p><a name="#2"/>[2] Spenden, die direkt an die Dachorganisation der FSFE gehen
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2003.html">ThankGNUs</a>-Liste einzusehen.</p>
aus Ländern ohne gegründeten Landesverein.</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden (siehe <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Deutscher Landesverein</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden.</p>
<p><a name="#4"/>[4] Spenden, die vom italienischen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden</p>
@ -67,4 +67,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -50,8 +50,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Για δωρεές απευθείας στον κύριο οργανισμό του FSFE (δείτε "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Κέντρο</a>")· συνήθως (αλλά όχι αποκλειστικά)
από χώρες χωρίς επίσημο Παράρτημα.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω του Γερμανικού παραρτήματος
(δείτε <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Γερμανικό παράρτημα</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω του Γερμανικού παραρτήματος.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω του Ιταλικού παραρτήματος</p>
@ -71,4 +70,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2003">2003</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Income and Expense 2003</h1>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter (see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Donations to the FSFE made through the Italian chapter.</p>

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Dons allant directement au corps principal de la FSFE (voir "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Le Hub</a>"); provenant principalement (mais pas exclusivement) de pays n'ayant pas de Délégation nationale établie.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation allemande.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Don à la FSFE fait par la délégation italienne</p>
@ -66,4 +66,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2003">2003</localmenu>
<h1>FSFE - Entrate e uscite 2003</h1>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE (si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso (ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca (si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione italiana.</p>

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donaties rechtstreeks aan de centrale structuur van de FSFE (zie "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); meestal (maar niet altijd) vanuit landen zonder een eigen afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse Afdeling</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Italiaanse afdeling</p>
@ -65,4 +65,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<localmenu set="year" id="2003">2003</localmenu>
<h1>ЕФСПО Доходы и расходы за 2003 год</h1>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2003.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Пожертвования, сделанные через итальянский
филиал ЕФСПО.</p>
@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
<hr width="80%"/>
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2004.html">ThankGNUs</a>-Liste einzusehen.</p>
<p><a name="#2"/>[2] Spenden, die direkt an die Dachorganisation der FSFE gehen
(siehe "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); im Normalfall (aber nicht ausschließlich)
aus Ländern ohne gegründeten Landesverein.</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden (siehe <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Deutscher Landesverein</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden.</p>
<p><a name="#4"/>[4] bezahlte Leute: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (Pressesprecher), Matthias Kirschner (Praktikant).</p>
@ -62,4 +62,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Για δωρεές απευθείας στον κύριο οργανισμό του FSFE (δείτε "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Κέντρο</a>")· συνήθως (αλλά όχι αποκλειστικά)
από χώρες χωρίς επίσημη Αντιπροσωπεία.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας
(δείτε <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Γερμανική αντιπροσωπεία</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Έμμισθο προσωπικό: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (Εκπρόσωπος Τύπου), Matthias Kirschner (βοηθός).</p>
@ -65,4 +64,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter (see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] People paid: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (Press Speaker), Matthias Kirschner (intern).</p>

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Dons allant directement au corps principal de la FSFE (voir "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Le Noyau (Hub)</a>")&#160;; provenant principalement (mais pas exclusivement) de pays n'ayant pas de Délégation nationale établie.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Personnes rémunérées&#160;: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (Attaché de presse), Matthias Kirschner (stagiaire).</p>
@ -61,4 +61,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE (si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso (ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca (si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Persone retribuite: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (addetto stampa), Matthias Kirschner (collaboratore).</p>

View File

@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
<tr><td>&#160;</td><td>&#160;</td><td align="right">&#160;</td><td align="right"></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Totaal</b></td><td></td><td align="right"><b>EUR</b></td><td align="right"><b>81,380.99</b></td></tr>
<hr width="80%" />
<p><a name="#1"></a>[1] Een lijst van de FSFE donoren die niet anoniem wilden blijven, is te bekijken in de <a href="/help/thankgnus-2004.html">ThankGNUs</a> lijst.</p>
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donaties rechtstreeks aan de centrale structuur van de FSFE (zie "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); meestal (maar niet altijd) vanuit landen zonder een eigen afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse Afdeling</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Betaalde mensen: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Joachim Jakobs (woordvoerder), Matthias Kirschner (intern).</p>
@ -59,4 +59,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2004.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Выплаты получили: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Георг
Греве</a>, Стефано Мафули, Иоахим Джекобс (пресс-атташе), Матиас Киршнер
@ -68,4 +68,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<hr width="80%"/>
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
<p><a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2005.html">ThankGNUs</a>-Liste einzusehen.</p>
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2005.html">ThankGNUs</a>-Liste einzusehen.</p>
(siehe "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); im Normalfall (aber
nicht ausschließlich) aus Ländern ohne gegründeten Landesverein.</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden (siehe <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Deutscher Landesverein</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden.</p>
<p><a name="#4"/>[4] bezahlte Leute: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciaran O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (Praktikant), Alexander Finkenberger (Praktikant).</p>
@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Για δωρεές απευθείας στον κύριο οργανισμό του FSFE (δείτε "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Κέντρο</a>")· συνήθως (αλλά όχι αποκλειστικά)
από χώρες χωρίς επίσημη Αντιπροσωπεία.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας
(δείτε <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Γερμανική αντιπροσωπεία</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Έμμισθο προσωπικό: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciarán O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (βοηθός), Alexander Finkenberger (βοηθός).</p>
@ -65,4 +64,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter (see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] People paid: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciaran O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (intern), Alexander Finkenberger (intern).</p>

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Dons allant directement au corps principal de la FSFE (voir "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Le Noyau (Hub)</a>")&#160;; provenant principalement (mais pas exclusivement) de pays n'ayant pas de Délégation nationale établie.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Personnes employées&#160;: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciaran O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (intern), Alexander Finkenberger (intern).</p>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<p><a name="#6"></a>[6] Avocats, conseils fiscaux &amp; autres</p>
<translator>Michel Roche (Vercors - France)</translator>
@ -62,4 +62,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE (si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso (ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca (si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Persone retribuite: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciaran O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (tirocinante), Alexander Finkenberger (tirocinante).</p>
@ -61,4 +61,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<p><a name="#2"></a>[2] Donaties rechtstreeks aan de centrale structuur van de FSFE (zie "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">Hub</a>"); meestal (maar niet altijd) vanuit landen zonder een eigen afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse Afdeling</a>)</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Betaalde mensen: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Georg Greve</a>, Stefano Maffulli, Ciaran O'Riordan, Joachim Jakobs, Karsten Gerloff (intern), Alexander Finkenberger (intern).</p>
@ -60,4 +60,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2005.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"></a>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"></a>[4] Выплаты получили: <a href="/about/people/greve/">Георг
Греве</a>, Стефано Мафули, Киран О’Риордан, Иоахим Джекобс, Карстен
@ -68,4 +68,3 @@ Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240,175.09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<td align="right">156,194.00</td>
<td>Reisekosten <a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
<td align="right">13,442.43</td>
<td>Versand und Telefon</td>
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
<a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
<a name="#1"/>[1] Eine Liste aller Spender der FSFE, die nicht anonym bleiben wollen, ist
auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2006.html">ThankGNUs</a> -Liste einzusehen.
@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ auf der <a href="/help/thankgnus-2006.html">ThankGNUs</a> -Liste einzusehen.
<a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden
(siehe <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Deutscher Landesverein</a>)
<a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden, die vom deutschen Landesverein an die FSFE gemacht wurden.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240,175.09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156,194.00</td>
<td>Έξοδα μετακίνησης&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13,442.43</td>
<td>Μεταφορικά και τηλεπικοινωνιακά έξοδα</td>
@ -153,8 +153,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω του Γερμανικού παραρτήματος
(δείτε <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Γερμανικό παράρτημα</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω του Γερμανικού παραρτήματος.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240,175.09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156,194.00</td>
<td>Travel Expenses&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13,442.43</td>
<td>Shipping and telephone</td>
@ -153,8 +153,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter
(see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240 175,09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156 194,00</td>
<td>Déplacements&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13 442,43</td>
<td>Frais postaux et téléphone</td>
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>)
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240.175,09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156.194,00</td>
<td>Spese di viaggio&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13.442,43</td>
<td>Spedizioni e telefono</td>
@ -147,13 +147,12 @@
<a name="#2"/>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE
(si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso
(si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso
(ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca
(si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240,175.09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156,194.00</td>
<td>Reiskosten&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13,442.43</td>
<td>Post en telefoon</td>
@ -152,8 +152,7 @@
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a
href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse Afdeling</a>).
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>240 175,09</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">156 194,00</td>
<td>Дорожные расходы&#160;<a href="#7">[7]</a></td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">13 442,43</td>
<td>Доставка и телефонные разговоры</td>
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2006.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"/>[4] Пожертвования, сделанные через итальянский филиал

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284.983,36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200.909,57</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15.586,47</td>
<td>Telefon und Porto</td>
@ -153,8 +153,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden an die FSFE durch den deutschen Landesverein
(siehe <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Deutscher Landesverein</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Spenden an die FSFE durch den deutschen Landesverein.

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284,983.36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<td align="right">200,909.57</td>
<td>Έξοδα μετακίνησης&#160;</td>
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
<td align="right">15,586.47</td>
<td>Μεταφορικά και τηλεπικοινωνιακά έξοδα</td>
@ -154,8 +154,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας
(δείτε <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Γερμανική αντιπροσωπεία</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Για δωρεές στο FSFE μέσω της Γερμανικής αντιπροσωπείας.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284,983.36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200,909.57</td>
<td>Travel Expenses&#160;</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15,586.47</td>
<td>Shipping and telephone</td>
@ -153,8 +153,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter
(see <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">German chapter</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284 983,36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200 909,57</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15 586,47</td>
<td>Frais postaux et téléphone</td>
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
<a name="#3"/>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande (voir <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Délégation allemande</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Dons à la FSFE faits par la délégation allemande.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284.983,36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200.909,57</td>
<td>Spese di viaggio&#160;</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15.586,47</td>
<td>Spedizioni e telefono</td>
@ -147,13 +147,12 @@
<a name="#2"/>[2] Donazioni effettuate direttamente alla FSFE
(si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso
(si veda "<a href="/about/legal/index.html">hub</a>"); spesso
(ma non esclusivamente) provenienti da paesi in cui non esiste una sezione locale.
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca
(si veda <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">sezione tedesca</a>).
<a name="#3"/>[3] Donazioni alla FSFE effettuate attraverso la sezione tedesca.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284,983.36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200,909.57</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15,586.47</td>
<td>Post en telefoon</td>
@ -154,8 +154,7 @@
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling (zie <a
href="/about/legal/de/de.html">Duitse Afdeling</a>).
<a name="#3"></a>[3] Donaties aan de FSFE via de Duitse afdeling.

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<td align="right"><strong>284 983,36</strong></td>
<td colspan="3"/>
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<td align="right">200 909,57</td>
<td>Дорожные расходы&#160;</td>
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<td align="right">15 586,47</td>
<td>Доставка и телефонные разговоры</td>
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ href="/help/thankgnus-2007.html">Благодарностей GNU</a>.</p>
в том числе (но не только) из стран, в которых нет филиалов фонда.</p>
<p><a name="#3"/>[3] Пожертвования, сделанные через германский филиал
ЕФСПО (см. <a href="/about/legal/de/de.html">филиал в Германии</a>).</p>
<p><a name="#4"/>[4] Внешнее финансирование проектов SELF, STACS
и FTF.</p>

about/funds/2019.en.xhtml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Income and Expenses 2019</title>
<style type="text/css">
tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
th {
color: white;
background-color: #3394ce;
td {
border-bottom: 1px solid #4ad2f0;
th, td {
text-align: right;
padding-left: .3em;
padding-right: .3em;
width: 12em;
th:first-child, td:first-child {
text-align: left;
width: auto;
tr.sum td {
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #d7eaf6;
border-bottom: 1.5em solid white;
<p id="category"><a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Cash flow</a></p>
<localmenu set="year" id="2019">2019</localmenu>
<h1>Income and Expenses 2019</h1>
<a href="">Supporter</a>
contributions<a class="fn" href="#fn1">1</a> and membership fees
<td>One-time donations<a class="fn" href="#fn1">1</a></td>
<td>EU funds for <a href="/activities/foss4smes/foss4smes.html">FOSS4SMEs</a></td>
<td>EU funds for <a href="/activities/ngi/ngi.html">NGI Zero</a></td>
<td>Paid services</td>
<td><a href="/order/order.html">Merchandise</a></td>
<tr class="sum">
<td>Total income</td>
<td>Basic infrastructure costs<a class="fn" href="#fn2">2</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/awareness.html">Public awareness</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/policy.html">Policy advocacy</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/legal.html">Legal support</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/foss4smes/foss4smes.html">FOSS4SMEs project</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/ngi/ngi.html">NGI Zero project</a></td>
<td><a href="/order/order.html">Merchandise</a></td>
<tr class="sum">
<td>Total expenses</td>
<tr class="sum">
<h2 id="fn">Footnotes</h2>
<li id="fn1">
A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on
the <a href="/help/thankgnus-2018.html">ThankGNUs</a> list.
<li id="fn2">
Includes personnel and office costs for management and administration,
technical infrastructure, fees from tax consultant and lawyer, and bank

about/funds/2019.sources Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

about/funds/2020.en.xhtml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Income and Expenses 2020</title>
<style type="text/css">
tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
th {
color: white;
background-color: #3394ce;
td {
border-bottom: 1px solid #4ad2f0;
th, td {
text-align: right;
padding-left: .3em;
padding-right: .3em;
width: 12em;
th:first-child, td:first-child {
text-align: left;
width: auto;
tr.sum td {
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #d7eaf6;
border-bottom: 1.5em solid white;
<p id="category"><a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Cash flow</a></p>
<localmenu set="year" id="2020">2020</localmenu>
<h1>Income and Expenses 2020</h1>
<a href="">Supporter</a>
contributions<a class="fn" href="#fn1">1</a> and membership fees
<td>One-time donations<a class="fn" href="#fn1">1</a></td>
<td>EU funds for <a href="/activities/foss4smes/foss4smes.html">FOSS4SMEs</a></td>
<td>Paid services</td>
<td><a href="/order/order.html">Merchandise</a></td>
<tr class="sum">
<td>Total income</td>
<td>Basic infrastructure costs<a class="fn" href="#fn2">2</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/awareness.html">Public awareness</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/policy.html">Policy advocacy</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/legal.html">Legal support</a></td>
<td><a href="/activities/ngi/ngi.html">NGI Zero project</a></td>
<td>Paid services</td>
<td><a href="/order/order.html">Merchandise</a></td>
<td>Taxes on profit of economic activities</td>
<tr class="sum">
<td>Total expenses</td>
<tr class="sum">
<h2 id="fn">Footnotes</h2>
<li id="fn1">
A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on
the <a href="/help/thankgnus-2018.html">ThankGNUs</a> list.
<li id="fn2">
Includes personnel and office costs for management and administration,
technical infrastructure, fees from tax consultant and lawyer, and bank

about/funds/2020.sources Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<th>Einnahmen (€)</th>
<th>Ausgaben (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<th>Έσοδα (€)</th>
<th>Έξοδα (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<th>Income (€)</th>
<th>Expenses (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

about/funds/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Flujo de dinero</title>
<style type="text/css">
tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
th {
color: white;
background-color: #3394ce;
td {
border-bottom: 1px solid #4ad2f0;
th, td {
text-align: right;
padding-left: .3em;
padding-right: .3em;
width: 12em;
th:first-child, td:first-child {
text-align: left;
width: auto;
<body class="article">
<p id="category"><a href="/about/about.html">Acerca de</a></p>
<h1>Flujo de dinero</h1>
<p id="introduction">
Sus <a href="">donaciones</a> nos permiten operar. Queremos
que puedas ver como el dinero ha sido utilizado a lo largo de los años.
<th>Ingresos (€)</th>
<th>Gastos (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>
<td><a href="2017.html">2017</a></td>
<td><a href="2016.html">2016</a></td>
<td><a href="2015.html">2015</a></td>
<td><a href="2014.html">2014</a></td>
<td><a href="2013.html">2013</a></td>
<td><a href="2012.html">2012</a></td>
<td><a href="2011.html">2011</a></td>
<td><a href="2010.html">2010</a></td>
<td><a href="2009.html">2009</a></td>
<td><a href="2008.html">2008</a></td>
<td><a href="2007.html">2007</a></td>
<td><a href="2006.html">2006</a></td>
<td><a href="2005.html">2005</a></td>
<td><a href="2004.html">2004</a></td>
<td><a href="2003.html">2003</a></td>
<td><a href="2002.html">2002</a></td>
<td><a href="2001.html">2001</a></td>
<sidebar promo="donate">
<h3>FSFEs Funds</h3>
<li><a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Our donors</a></li>
<li><a href="/donate/hardware.html">Hardware donations</a></li>
<li><a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Sponsoring graphics</a></li>
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View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<th>Recettes (€)</th>
<th>Dépenses (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
<th>Entrate (€)</th>
<th>Uscite (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ besteed.
<th>Inkomsten (€)</th>
<th>Uitgaven (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -48,6 +48,16 @@
<th>Доходов (€)</th>
<th>Расходов (€)</th>
<td><a href="2020.html">2020</a></td>
<td><a href="2019.html">2019</a></td>
<td><a href="2018.html">2018</a></td>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<title>Gráficos e Ilustraciones</title>
<h1>Gráficos e Ilustraciones</h1>
<h2>Botones de patrocinio</h2>
Para ofrecer a los <a href="/help/thankgnus.html">donantes</a> de la FSFE la
posibilidad de anunciar publicamente su contribución, la FSFE dispone de los
<a href="sponsoring/sponsoring.html">botones de patrocinio</a>.
<p style="text-align:center">
<img src="logo.png" border="0" alt="logo"/>
<br />
formato vectorial: [<a href="logo.svg">svg</a>]
<p style="text-align:center">
<img src="stars.png" border="0" alt="stars"/>
<br />
formato vectorial: [<a href="stars.svg">svg</a>]
<h3>Condiciones de uso</h3>
Puede utilizar el logotipo de la FSFE como parte del logotipo de su grupo local de la FSFE o equipo de la FSFE para promocionar las actividades que su grupo o equipo organiza. Por ejemplo, si su grupo local de la FSFE organiza un estand, puede utilizar el logotipo.
Además, en eventos no organizados por la FSFE directamente o por un grupo local de la FSFE, los oradores que representen a la FSFE pueden utilizar el logotipo para mostrar claramente la afiliación del orador. Esto no significa que se pueda utilizar el logo de forma que parezca que la FSFE está respaldando el evento.
En general, el logotipo de la FSFE nunca debe utilizarse de forma que pueda entenderse como un apoyo a determinadas actividades, páginas web, productos o entidades no organizadas por un equipo o grupo local de la FSFE, a menos que obtenga el
consentimiento previo de la FSFE. En caso de duda, por favor contacte con <a href=""></a>
si desea saber si su uso previsto es adecuado y si puede utilizarlo en un determinado contexto.
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