feat: refactor timeline to HTML format
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details

In order to improve the ease of editing the timeline, this change refactors the timeline page from a SVG image into a HTML page. Icons are used to symbolize the different categories.

Related to issue: #1719
This commit is contained in:
Nico Rikken 2021-01-14 08:22:11 +01:00
parent 56881a877a
commit ce1085ac7e
1 changed files with 205 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -21,38 +21,217 @@
<p>Our work can be divided in four oftenly intertwined categories,
represented on the timeline below. "Internal" presents the work accomplished
represented on the timeline below. "Internal" 🤝 presents the work accomplished
to have a solid structure, carrying efficently the rest of FSFE's actions.
"Policy" brings together successes brought by a continuous involvement in
local, national and European law making processes. "Legal" presents the
achievements of the Legal team, and "Public" lists the largest steps of our
"Policy" 🏛️ brings together successes brought by a continuous involvement in
local, national and European law making processes. "Legal" ⚖️ presents the
achievements of the Legal team, and "Public" 📣 lists the largest steps of our
general advocacy work and campaigns.</p>
<!-- TODO: Update instructions based on new navigation workins -->
<p><em>For further information about an item, please hover over it to see a
longer explanation, or click it to visit a more extensive information
<!-- If JavaScript is deactivated, just show a static picture and a warning -->
<style> .jsonly { display: none; } </style> <!-- hides embedded object, when JS not active -->
<p><strong>You have JavaScript deactivated in your browser. Therefore
you can only see the static version of our timeline. Please activate
JavaScript to be able to experience the whole timeline. This is because
the underlying SVG file uses some basic animations.</strong></p>
<img src="timeline.png" style="width:100%;" alt="Timeline of FSFE's successes" />
<p class="jsonly"> <!-- this class is hidden if JS is deactivated -->
<object data="timeline.svg" type="image/svg+xml" width="100%">
<param name="timeline" value="timeline.svg" width="100%" />
<!-- show static picture if embedded object does not work -->
<p>Your browser dows not seem to work with SVG images. Therefore you
can only see a static version of the FSFE's timeline. Most Free
Software browsers are compatible with these vector graphics.</p>
<img src="timeline.png" style="width:100%;" alt="Timeline of FSFE's successes" />
<h3>11 2017 ⚖️ REUSE Initiative is launched</h3>
<p>The FSFE created an initiative to deliver the best development options for Free Software licensing compliance.</p>
<h3>11 2017 🤝 Community Meeting in Berlin</h3>
<p>For the first time, the FSFE holds an open-invite community meeting. In order to share knowledge, grow projects, and discuss code.</p>
<h3>10 2017 ⚖️ Fiduciary Licensing Agreement 2.0 is released</h3>
<p>After 10 years of the Fiduciary License Agreement 1.2 (FLA-1.2). The FSFE joins forces with ContributerAgreements.org to produce FLA-2.0.</p>
<h3>09 2017 🏛️ Launch of 'Public Money? Public Code!'</h3>
<p>The FSFE initiates a campain for representatives all around Europe to modernise their infrastructure in digital with Free Software.</p>
<h3>06 2017 📣 Launch of git.fsfe.org</h3>
<p>The FSFE launches a Gitea service instance for supporters and paid volunteers.</p>
<h3>09 2017 🏛️ Launch of Save Code Share</h3>
<p>The FSFE starts a campaign to gather support against violations of Free Software in the EU Directive "Copyright in the Digital Single Market".</p>
<h3>09 2016 📣 The FSFE organises its 2016 summit</h3>
<p>Marking its 15th anniversary, the FSFE calls in its community to join together under one roof for the first FSFE Summit.</p>
<h3>08 2016 🏛️ Compulsory Routers abolished in Germany</h3>
<p>A new law in Germany enables customers to use their own routers with their Internet connections, enabling them to use Free Software for their connections.</p>
<h3>03 2016 📣 DFD campaign run by Digital Freedom Foundation</h3>
<p>After years of organising the Document Freedom Day, the FSFe handed over the campaign to the Digital Freedom Foundation who will continue organising the event every year in support of Open Standards.</p>
<h3>11 2015 ⚖️ Legal network reaches 400 participants</h3>
<p>The FSFE's Legal network launched in 2006, reaches 400 participants from all over the world.</p>
<h3>10 2015 📣 The FSFE convinces 1125 public administration to remove proprietary software ads</h3>
<p>After a six years long campaign, the PDFreaders campaign closes after 1125 public administrations have removed advertisement for proprietary software from their web pages.</p>
<h3>09 2015 🤝 Matthias Kirschner is elected as new president</h3>
<p>Having worked with the FSFE since 2004, Matthias Kirschner was elected president together with Alessandro Rubini as vice president.</p>
<h3>02 2015 🏛️ The FSFE issues a position paper on OER</h3>
<p>The position paper is a boost of Open Educational Resources on the basis of Free Software</p>
<h3>05 2014 🏛️ 33 Free Software Pact supporters elected to the EU Parliament</h3>
<p>33 newly elected MEPs across the political spectrum signed the Free Software Pact, promising to support Free Software and Open Standards during their time in Parliament.</p>
<h3>01 2014 🏛️ Italy puts Free Software first</h3>
<p>The Italian government has made Free Software the default choice for public administrations, setting a precendence for the rest of Europe to follow.</p>
<h3>09 2013 🤝 First European Coordinators Meeting</h3>
<p>Fellowship Coordinators from all over Europe meet in Berlin for the first time to exchange knowledge and discuss future strategies.</p>
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<h3>06 2013 🏛️ German parliament unanimous against Software Patents</h3>
<p>After many talks and expert meetings, the German Parliament unanimously approved the joint motion which included nearly all of FSFE's core demands.</p>
<h3>11 2012 ⚖️ Analysis of warranty after flashing phones</h3>
<p>FSFE's Legal team clarifies that flashing your phone in order to install Free Software doesn't void your warranty in the EU.</p>
<h3>11 2012 🏛️ German Government's White Paper on Secure Boot</h3>
<p>Device owners should be in full control of their devices, says Ministry of Interior, echoing FSFe's core demands.</p>
<h3>16 2012 ⚖️ Promoting fair public procurement in Finland</h3>
<p>FSFE activists in Finland analyse hundreds of procurement notices, and contact public bodies that put Free Software at a disadvantage.</p>
<h3>05 2012 🏛️ Open Standards consultation in the UK</h3>
<p>The FSFE helps the UK government set one of Europe's strongest policies on Open Standards.</p>
<h3>03 2012 ⚖️ Microsoft fined for violating settlement</h3>
<p>The European Commission impose a EUR 561 million fine on Microsoft for violating the web browser settlement. FSFE had warned of the settlement's lack of a monitoring mechanism.</p>
<h3>03 2012 📣 Launch of Free Your Android</h3>
<p>Most smartphones come with non-free software and some restrictions. FSFE stars a campaign to help users free their phones and use Free Software apps.</p>
<!-- TODO: insert image -->
<h3>02 2012 ⚖️ The FSFE warns the US Department of Justice</h3>
<p>FSFE warns US competition regulators about faulty competition settlement regarding sale of Nortel patent portfolio. The lawsuit occurs in November 2013, as Rockstar sues Google over Android.</p>
<h3>02 2012 ⚖️ First "Hacking for compliance" workshop</h3>
<p>At this workshop, FSFE trains volunteers to identify and prove GPL violations in embedded devices.</p>
<h3>05 2010 🤝 The FSFE is awarded the Theodor Heuss Medal</h3>
<p>FSFE receives the Theodor Heuss medal for its work on freedom in the information society.</p>
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<h3>04 2010 🤝 German Merrit Cross on Ribbon for the FSFE's founding president</h3>
<p>Georg C. F. Greve receives this high award for his work on Free Software.</p>
<!-- TODO: insert image -->
<h3>02 2010 📣 First "I love Free Software" Day</h3>
<p>Every Valentine's Day since 2010, FSFE calls on Free Software users to show their love and respect to the developers of the Software they use every day.</p>
<!-- TODO: insert image -->
<h3>09 2009 🏛️ First "Ask Your Candidates"</h3>
<p>For the federal elections in Germany, FSFE asks political parties about their political opinions regarding Free Software, Open standards and ideas for more freedom.</p>
<!-- TODO: insert image -->
<h3>02 2009 📣 Launch of the PDFReaders campaign</h3>
<p>Many websites from public administrations advertise proprietary PDF readers to their users in order to read their documents. This is unfair advertising of an US software company. FSFE, on the other hand, informs about free PDF readers and contacs public institutions to tell them about it. More than 600 institutions have since remove their non-free ads.</p>
<!-- TODO: insert image -->
<h3>03 2008 📣 Document Freedom Day campaign launched</h3>
<p>For the first time, FSFE promotes this international day to celebrate and show support for access to information and Open Standards. So far it is FSFE's biggest campaign.</p>
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<h3>02 2008 ⚖️ First European Free Software Licensing and Legal Workshop</h3>
<p>FSFE offers a workshop focused on medium to large projects and enterprises to discuss their existing license compliance processes. Our legal experts and external parnters help to deliver training and consultancy for Free Software.</p>
<h3>09 2007 ⚖️ Winning Microsoft antitrust case</h3>
<p>From 2004 until its conclusion in 2007, FSFE works hard on the case with the Samba team to protect the interests of Free Software developers. Microsoft is now required to publish interoperability information.</p>
<h3>07 2007 📣 Fighting against MS-OOXML</h3>
<p>Microsoft tried to make OOXML an Open Standard. This implementation lacks interoperability information and can be considered as an attempt to undermine Open Standards. By informing about this issue MS-OOXML did not establish well enough to be a danger anymore.</p>
<h3>02 2007 ⚖️ Fiduciary License Agreement</h3>
<p>FSFE releases the FLA to ensure legal maintability of Free Software projects and rights in court. In 2008, KDE is adopting it as well.</p>
<h3>11 2006 📣 First Fellowship conference</h3>
<p>The first Fellowship conference is organised in Bolzano, Italy, and draws a wide range of Fellows from the community.</p>
<h3>11 2006 ⚖️ Launch of the FSFE's Legal Team</h3>
<p>Established and operating in close collaboration with gpl-violations.org, "FSFE Legal" educates and supports Free Software developers with the legal aspects, including enforcement in the case of license violations.</p>
<h3>10 2006 📣 DRM.info campaign launched</h3>
<p>Under the slogan "Your devices don't trust you", FSFE starts a campaign to inform about the dangers of controlling private media usage.</p>
<h3>11 2005 ⚖️ Intervening EC's antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft</h3>
<p>In order to support the fight against Software Patents, FSFE files an application for leave to intervene in this important case.</p>
<h3>06 2005 🏛️ EU Parliament votes against Software Patents</h3>
<p>After an intense campaign by FSFE and many other organisations, the European Parliament rejects the new Software Patent initiative.</p>
<h3>02 2005 🤝 Creation of the Fellowship of the FSFE</h3>
<p>European Free Software advocates can now become supporting members of FSFE and use its infrastructure to promote and spread the vision of FSFE.</p>
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<h3>11 2004 🏛️ European Interoperability Framework</h3>
<p>The EIF is a set of interoperability guidelines with a pan-European scope. FSFE critically observes its evolution and the influence of lobby groups for properietary software vendors.</p>
<h3>05 2004 📣 Action week against Software patents</h3>
<p>To inform citizens, economists and politicians about the harmful consequences of the Software Patent initiative FSFE initiates panel discussions and several demonstrations.</p>
<h3>05 2004 🏛️ Definition of Open Standards</h3>
<p>FSFE refines Open Standars definition which will be adopted by many organisations and companies in Europe.</p>
<h3>07 2003 📣 Launch of Education Task Force</h3>
<p>In order to improve the access to Free Software in education, FSFE volunteers build a team of experts to focus on this issue.</p>
<h3>11 2001 📣 We speak about Free Software campaign</h3>
<p>FSFE explains the advantage of the term Free Software instead of "Open Source". Several companies and Bruce Perens supported the campaign.</p>
<h3>04 2001 🤝 Foundation of the FSFE</h3>
<p>Georg C. F. Greve becomes the founder and first president of the Free Software Foundation Europe - sister organisation of FSF.</p>
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