Adapt to new archive structure of TED packages #19

opened 2024-02-14 14:42:37 +00:00 by linus · 1 comment

For some reason, the publications office decided to change its archive structure starting with the 2024-01 monthly package. The pipeline needs to be adapted to correctly extract those new archives. Ideally extract_ted_notices and get_ted_xml_files are changed in a way to be able to deal with the old and the new format.

For some reason, the publications office decided to change its archive structure starting with the [`2024-01` monthly package]( The pipeline needs to be adapted to correctly extract those new archives. Ideally `extract_ted_notices` and `get_ted_xml_files` are changed in a way to be able to deal with the old and the new format.
linus added the
labels 2024-02-14 14:42:53 +00:00

Even better would be to switch to the daily packages, but this would require a bit more refactoring.

Even better would be to switch to the daily packages, but this would require a bit more refactoring.
linus changed title from Adapt to new archive structure of TED monthly packages to Adapt to new archive structure of TED packages 2024-03-17 11:45:24 +00:00
i.galabov added reference feature/new_archive_structure 2024-04-18 13:54:49 +00:00
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Reference: TEDective/etl#19
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