
805 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl
# build.pl - a tool for building FSFE web pages
# Copyright (C) 2003 Jonas Öberg
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
use File::Find::Rule;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use XML::LibXSLT;
use XML::LibXML;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
use Fcntl ':flock';
# This defines the focuses and their respective preferred / original
# language. For example, it says that we should have a focus called
# "se" (Sweden) which has the preferred language "sv" (Swedish).
# This also says that documents in the directory /se should be considered
# as having the Swedish version as the original, and so on.
our %countries = (global => 'en');
#our %countries = (
# global => 'en',
# de => 'de',
# es => 'es',
# it => 'it',
# fr => 'fr',
# se => 'sv' );
# This is a hash of all the languages that we have translations into, and their
# respective names in the local language. Make sure that one entry exists
# here for every language, or it won't be rendered.
# NOTE: Make sure that the language also is added to Apache configuration so
# content negotiation works.
our %languages = (
ar => 'العربيّة',
bg => 'Български',
ca => 'Català',
cs => 'Česky',
da => 'Dansk',
de => 'Deutsch',
el => 'Ελληνικά',
en => 'English',
es => 'Español',
et => 'Eesti',
fi => 'Suomi',
fr => 'Français',
hr => 'Hrvatski',
hu => 'Magyar',
it => 'Italiano',
ku => 'Kurdî',
mk => 'Mакедонски',
nb => 'Norsk (bokmål)',
nl => 'Nederlands',
nn => 'Norsk (nynorsk)',
pl => 'Polski',
pt => 'Português',
ro => 'Română',
ru => 'Русский',
sk => 'Slovenčina',
sl => 'Slovenščina',
sq => 'Shqip',
sr => 'Srpski',
sv => 'Svenska',
tr => 'Türkçe',
uk => 'Українська',
our $current_date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;
our $current_time = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
# This static array contains files that can't be out of date
our %cant_be_outdated = (
"news/news" => 1,
"index" => 1
# Parse the command line options. We need two; where to put the finished
# pages and what to use as base for the input.
getopts('o:i:t:duqn', \%opts);
unless ($opts{o}) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-q] [-u] [-d] [-n] [-t #] -o <output directory>\n";
print STDERR " -q Quiet\n";
print STDERR " -u Update only\n";
print STDERR " -d Print some debug information\n";
print STDERR " -n Don't write any files\n";
print STDERR " -t Number of worker childs to create (default: 1)\n";
exit 1;
# It might be nice to be able to specify this, but it will break things as
# they are now. This is on the TODO list :-)
$opts{i} = ".";
$| = 1;
# Create XML and XSLT parser contexts. Also create the root note for the
# above mentioned XML file (used to feed the XSL transformation).
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new('encoding'=>'utf-8');
my $xslt_parser = XML::LibXSLT->new('encoding'=>'utf-8');
# Parse the global stylesheet
my $global_style_doc = $parser->parse_file($opts{i}."/fsfe.xsl");
my $global_stylesheet = $xslt_parser->parse_stylesheet($global_style_doc);
# First topic of today: create all directories we need. Instead of creating
# these as they are used, we create them in a batch at the beginning of each
# run, so we won't have to worry about them later.
# Note though that this also REMOVES the previous paths. You don't want to
# build directly into the production web tree.
my @dirs = File::Find::Rule->directory()
while (my ($path, undef) = each %countries) {
print STDERR "Resetting path for $path\n" unless $opts{q};
rmtree($opts{o}.'/'.$path) unless ($opts{u} || $opts{n});
my @paths = map { $opts{o}."/$path/".$_ } grep(!/^\.\.?$/, @dirs);
foreach (@paths) {
print "Creating $_\n" if $opts{d};
mkpath($_) unless $opts{n};
# Here starts our real work. First we get ourselves a list of all files
# that we need to worry about and then single out the XHTML files. We
# create a hash of hashes, %bases, which contains the basename of each
# file, together with the translations that it exists in.
my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
my %bases;
foreach (grep(/\.xhtml$/, @files)) {
$_ =~ s/^$opts{i}\/?// unless $opts{i} eq ".";
my ($lang) = ($_ =~ /\.([a-z][a-z])\.xhtml$/);
unless ($lang) { $lang = "en"; }
$_ =~ s/\.[a-z][a-z]\.xhtml$//;
$_ =~ s/\.xhtml$//;
$bases{$_}{$lang} = 1;
# Open the file where we will log all outdated and missing translations
open (TRANSLATIONS, '>', "$opts{o}/translations.log");
# For each file, translation and focus, we create a new XML file. This will
# contain all information that the XSL needs to produce a finished page.
# The XML file will look like this:
# <buildinfo>
# <trlist> <!-- All translations that this page exists in -->
# <tr id="sv">Svenska</tr>
# ...
# </trlist>
# <localmenuset> <!-- Local menu items for some directories -->
# ...
# </localmenuset>
# <menuset> <!-- The menu items for the left hand bar -->
# ...
# </menuset>
# <textset> <!-- The static text set for this language -->
# ...
# </textset>
# <textsetbackup> <!-- The English textset as backup for missing translations -->
# ...
# </textsetbackup>
# <document> <!-- The actual document, as read from the XHTML -->
# <head>
# <title>...</title>
# <body>...</body>
# </head>
# </document>
# </buildinfo>
# In addition to this, the buildinfo and document root will be equipped with
# the following attributes:
# buildinfo/@original The language code of the original document
# buildinfo/@filename The filename without language or trailing .html
# buildinfo/@dirname The path to the file
# buildinfo/@language The language that we're building into
# buildinfo/@outdated Set to "yes" if the original is newer than this page
# document/@language The language that this documents is in
# $threads is the number of child processes to fork off to build the tree
unless ($threads = $opts{t}) {
$threads = 1;
# Start the required number of children, for each child we create a socket
# pair to communicate between parent and child. This information is kept in
# the %procs hash, which contains file handles for both child and parent.
foreach my $i (1..$threads) {
$procs[$i]{child} = new IO::Handle;
$procs[$i]{parent} = new IO::Handle;
socketpair($procs[$i]{child}, $procs[$i]{parent}, AF_UNIX,
if (fork()) {
# The parent doesn't do anything at this stage, except close one of
# the filehandes not used.
} else {
# This is the main worker for the children, which wait for a command
# to execute, either DIE or PROCESS. In the case of the first, the child
# exists gracefully, in the case of the second, it calls on process()
# to build the required page and languages.
# When waiting for the next page to be sent to it, the child sends NEXT
# to the parent to signify that it's ready for the next command.
my $io = $procs[$i]{parent};
print $io "NEXT\n";
while (!$io->error) {
my $cmd = <$io>;
if ($cmd =~ /DIE/) {
} elsif ($cmd =~ /PROCESS/) {
my (undef, $file, $langs) = split(/\|/, $cmd);
process($file, $langs);
print $io "NEXT\n";
# This sets up an IO::Select object with the filehandles of all children.
# The parent uses this when looking for the next available child and blocks
# until any child is ready.
my $s = IO::Select->new();
foreach my $i (1..$threads) {
while (my ($file, $langs) = each %bases) {
my $done = 0;
while (!$done) {
foreach my $fh ($s->can_read()) {
$cmd = <$fh>;
if ($cmd =~ /NEXT/) {
printf $fh "PROCESS|%s|%s\n", $file, join(':', keys(%{$langs}));
$done = 1;
# When done, we send the DIE command to each child.
foreach my $i (1..$threads) {
my $io = $procs[$i]{child};
print $io "DIE\n";
# This ensures a timely wait for every child to finish processing and shutdown.
while (wait() != -1) {
sleep 2;
sub process {
my ($file, $langs) = @_;
print STDERR "Building $file.. \n" unless $opts{q};
# Create the root note for the above mentioned XML file (used to feed the XSL
# transformation).
my $dom = XML::LibXML::Document->new("1.0", "utf-8");
my $root = $dom->createElement("buildinfo");
# Set the current date, to use for comparision in the XSLT.
$root->setAttribute("date", $current_date);
# Find original language. It's en, unless we're in the country specific
# se/, fr/, de/ and so on, directories.
$root->setAttribute("original", "en");
my $srcfocus = "global";
if ($file =~ /^([a-z][a-z])\//) {
$srcfocus = "$1";
$root->setAttribute("original", $countries{$1});
$root->setAttribute("filename", "/$file");
# Set the directory name attribute
my (undef, $current_dir, undef) = fileparse($file);
$root->setAttribute("dirname", "$current_dir");
# Find all translations for this document, and create the trlist set
# for them.
my $trlist = $dom->createElement("trlist");
foreach my $lang (split(/:/, $langs)) {
my $tr = $dom->createElement("tr");
$tr->setAttribute("id", $lang);
# Load the file with local menu's
my $localmenu = "$opts{i}/localmenuinfo.xml";
if (-f $localmenu) {
my $menudoc = $dom->createElement("localmenuset");
clone_document($menudoc, $localmenu);
# Load English backup texts
my $backup = $dom->createElement("textsetbackup");
clone_document($backup, $opts{i}."/tools/texts-en.xml");
# Transform it, once for every focus!
while (my ($dir, undef) = each %countries) {
# If we handle a focus specific file, only process it in that focus
# -> we don't handle focus-specific files anymore, commenting next line out, since it's causing errors
#next if (("$srcfocus" ne "global") && ("$dir" ne "$srcfocus"));
print STDERR "$dir " unless $opts{q};
# And once for every language!
while (my ($lang, undef) = each %languages) {
$root->setAttribute("language", $lang);
# This finds the source file to use. If we can't find a translation
# into the language, it uses the english version instead, or that in
# the local language. Or the first version it finds. This should be
# made prettier.
my $document = $dom->createElement("document");
$document->setAttribute("language", $lang);
my $source = "$opts{i}/$file.$lang.xhtml";
unless (-f $source) {
my $missingsource = $source;
if (-f "$opts{i}/$file.en.xhtml") {
$document->setAttribute("language", "en");
$source = "$opts{i}/$file.en.xhtml";
} elsif (-f "$opts{i}/$file.".$root->getAttribute("original").".xhtml") {
$document->setAttribute("language", $root->getAttribute("original"));
$source = "$opts{i}/$file.".$root->getAttribute("original").".xhtml";
} else {
my $l = (keys %{$bases{$file}})[0];
$document->setAttribute("language", $l);
$source = "$opts{i}/$file.$l.xhtml";
if ($dir eq "global") {
print TRANSLATIONS "$lang $missingsource $source\n";
if ( (stat("$opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.html"))[9] >
(stat($source))[9] && $opts{u} && ! -f "$opts{i}/$file.xsl" ) {
# Here begins automated magic for those pages which we need to
# assemble other sets of informations for first (automatically
# updated pages).
if (-f "$opts{i}/$file.xsl") {
# Settle down please, children. First we remove all previous
# document leftovers.
foreach ($root->getElementsByTagName("document")) {
# Create the <timestamp> tag automatically for these documents
my $timestamp = $dom->createElement("timestamp");
$timestamp->appendText("\$"."Date: ".$current_time." \$ \$"."Author: automatic \$");
# Get the list of sources and create the files hash. The files
# hash contains the base name for each file we want to use, and
# then the language for it as a value. It prefers a file in the
# language we're building into, but will accept an English file as
# a substitute.
# "Learn all that is learnable and return that information
# to the Creator."
open(IN, '<', "$opts{i}/$file.sources");
my @auto_sources = <IN>;
close IN;
my %files;
foreach (@auto_sources) {
if (/(.*):[a-z,]*global/ || /(.*):[a-z,]*$dir/) {
foreach my $f (glob("$1*")) {
if ($f =~ /(.*)\.([a-z][a-z])\.xml$/) {
if (!$files{$1}) {
$files{$1} = $2;
} elsif ($2 eq $lang) {
$files{$1} = $2;
} elsif (($2 eq "en") &&
($files{$1} ne $lang)) {
$files{$1} = $2;
# With that information, we load the source document and create
# a new element in it, called <set>, which will hold the combined
# knowledge of all the sets in the source files.
my $sourcedoc = $parser->parse_file($source);
$sourcedoc->documentElement->setAttribute("date", $current_date);
$sourcedoc->documentElement->setAttribute("lang", $lang);
my $auto_data = $sourcedoc->createElement("set");
while (my ($base, $l) = each %files) {
if (($dir eq "global") && ($l ne $lang)) {
print TRANSLATIONS "$lang $base.$lang.xml $base.$l.xml\n";
print STDERR "Loading $base.$l.xml\n" if $opts{d};
my $source_data = $parser->parse_file("$base.$l.xml");
foreach ($source_data->documentElement->childNodes) {
my $c = $_->cloneNode(1);
# add the filename to nodes (news, events, …) so that we can use it as an identifier (e.g. for RSS)
if (ref($c) eq "XML::LibXML::Element") {
$base =~ /.*[\/_]([^\/_]*$)/;
$c->setAttribute( "filename", $1 );
# Get the appropriate textset for this language. If one can't be
# found, use the English. (I hope this never happens)
my $textlang = $lang;
unless (-f $opts{i}."/tools/texts-content-$textlang.xml") {
$textlang = "en";
my $textdoc = $sourcedoc->createElement("textset-content");
clone_document($textdoc, $opts{i}."/tools/texts-content-$textlang.xml");
# Get also backup texts from the English file
my $textdocbak = $sourcedoc->createElement("textset-content-backup");
clone_document($textdocbak, $opts{i}."/tools/texts-content-en.xml");
# TODO: optimise getting texts-content-xx.xml and texts-content-en.xml,
# since it does not depend on the xsl file being treated, we should do it only once!
# Transform the document using the XSL file and then push the
# result into the <document> element of the document we're building.
my $style_doc = $parser->parse_file("$opts{i}/$file.xsl");
my $stylesheet = $xslt_parser->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
my $results = $stylesheet->transform($sourcedoc);
foreach ($results->documentElement->childNodes) {
my $c = $_->cloneNode(1);
# Now, while we're just at it, we create the RSS feeds if we want any
if (-f "$opts{i}/$file.rss.xsl") {
my $style_doc = $parser->parse_file("$opts{i}/$file.rss.xsl");
my $stylesheet = $xslt_parser->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
my $results = $stylesheet->transform($sourcedoc);
$stylesheet->output_file($results, "$opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.rss")
unless $opts{n};
# and possibly the corresponding iCal (ics) file
if (-f "$opts{i}/$file.ics.xsl") {
my $style_doc = $parser->parse_file("$opts{i}/$file.ics.xsl");
my $stylesheet = $xslt_parser->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
my $results = $stylesheet->transform($sourcedoc);
$stylesheet->output_file($results, "$opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.ics")
unless $opts{n};
} else {
# If this wasn't an automatically updating document, we simply
# clone the contents of the source file into the document.
clone_document($document, $source);
# Find out if this translation is to be regarded as outdated or not.
# A translation is deemed outdated if it is more than 2 hours older
# than the original. This makes sure a translation committed together
# with the original (but maybe a second earlier) isn't marked outdated.
my $originalsource = "$file.".$root->getAttribute("original").".xhtml";
if (( stat("$opts{i}/$originalsource"))[9] > (stat($source))[9] + 7200
and not $cant_be_outdated{$file} ) {
$root->setAttribute("outdated", "yes");
if ($dir eq "global") {
print TRANSLATIONS "$lang $source $originalsource\n";
} else {
$root->setAttribute("outdated", "no");
# Get the appropriate textset for this language. If one can't be
# found, use the English. (I hope this never happens)
my $textlang = $lang;
unless (-f $opts{i}."/tools/texts-$textlang.xml") {
$textlang = "en";
my $textdoc = $dom->createElement("textset");
clone_document($textdoc, $opts{i}."/tools/texts-$textlang.xml");
# Read the fundraising text, if it exists.
if (-f $opts{i}."/fundraising.$lang.xml") {
my $fundraisingdoc = $dom->createElement("fundraising");
clone_document($fundraisingdoc, $opts{i}."/fundraising.$lang.xml");
} elsif (-f $opts{i}."/fundraising.en.xml") {
my $fundraisingdoc = $dom->createElement("fundraising");
clone_document($fundraisingdoc, $opts{i}."/fundraising.en.xml");
# And then we do the same thing for the menues. But first we take the
# global menu here, then we add any information that is specific to
# the focus.
foreach ($root->getElementsByTagName("menuset")) {
my %menu;
foreach ('global', $dir) {
if (-f $opts{i}."/tools/menu-$_.xml") {
my $menudoc = $parser->parse_file($opts{i}."/tools/menu-$_.xml");
foreach my $n ($menudoc->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("menu")) {
$menu{$n->getAttribute("id")} = $n;
my $menuroot = $dom->createElement("menuset");
while (my ($id, $n) = each %menu) {
my $m = $n->cloneNode(1);
# Do the actual transformation.
my $results = $global_stylesheet->transform($dom);
# In post-processing, we replace links pointing back to ourselves
# so that they point to the correct language.
foreach ($results->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("a")) {
my $href = $_->getAttribute("href");
if ($href =~ /^http:\/\/www.fsfe.org/) {
if ($_->textContent != "Our global work") {
$href =~ s/http:\/\/www.fsfe.org//;
if (($href !~ /^http/) && ($href !~ /^#/)) {
# Save possible anchor and remove it from URL
my $anchor = $href;
if (!($anchor =~ s/.*#/#/)) {
$anchor = "";
$href =~ s/#.*//;
# process URL
if (($href =~ /\.html$/) && ($href !~ /\.[a-z][a-z]\.html$/)) {
$href =~ s/\.html$/\.$lang.html/;
} elsif (($href =~ /\.rss$/) && ($href !~ /\.[a-z][a-z]\.rss$/)) {
$href =~ s/\.rss$/\.$lang.rss/;
} elsif (($href =~ /\.ics$/) && ($href !~ /\.[a-z][a-z]\.ics$/)) {
$href =~ s/\.ics$/\.$lang.ics/;
} else {
if (-d $opts{i}."/$href") {
$href =~ s/\/?$/\/index.$lang.html/;
} elsif ($href =~ /\/\w+$/) {
$href .= ".$lang.html";
# replace anchor
$href .= $anchor;
# For pages running on an external server, use full URL
if ($document->getAttribute("external")) {
$href = "http://www.fsfe.org$href";
$_->setAttribute("href", $href);
print "Writing: $opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.html\n" if $opts{d};
$global_stylesheet->output_file($results, "$opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.html")
unless $opts{n};
# Add foo.html.xx link which is used by Apache's MultiViews option when
# a user enters foo.html as URL.
link("$opts{o}/$dir/$file.$lang.html", "$opts{o}/$dir/$file.html.$lang")
unless $opts{n};
print STDERR "\n" unless $opts{q};
# Close the logfile for outdated and missing translations
print STDERR "Fixing index links\n" unless $opts{q};
while (my ($path, undef) = each %countries) {
my @dirs = File::Find::Rule->directory()
foreach (@dirs) {
my $base = basename($_);
while (my ($lang, undef) = each %languages) {
if (-f "$_/$base.$lang.html" &&
! -f "$_/index.$lang.html") {
link("$_/$base.$lang.html", "$_/index.$lang.html")
unless $opts{n};
link("$_/$base.html.$lang", "$_/index.html.$lang")
unless $opts{n};
# For all files that are not XHTML source files, we copy them verbatim to
# the final location, for each focus. These should be links instead to
# prevent us from wasting disk space.
print STDERR "Copying misc files\n" unless $opts{q};
foreach (grep(!/\.sources$/, grep(!/\.xsl$/, grep(!/\.xml$/, grep(!/\.xhtml$/,
@files))))) {
while (my ($dir, undef) = each %countries) {
if (-f "$opts{i}/$_" && !$opts{n}) {
link("$opts{i}/$_", "$opts{o}/$dir/$_");
# Helper function that clones a document. It accepts an XML node and
# a filename as parameters. Using this, it loads the source file into
# the XML node.
sub clone_document {
my ($doc, $source) = @_;
my $root = $doc->parentNode;
print "Source: $source\n" if $opts{d};
foreach ($root->getElementsByTagName($doc->nodeName)) {
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new('encoding'=>'utf-8');
my $sourcedoc = $parser->parse_file($source);
foreach ($sourcedoc->documentElement->childNodes) {
my $n = $_->cloneNode(1);
if ($sourcedoc->documentElement->getAttribute("external")) {
$doc->setAttribute("external", "yes");
if ($sourcedoc->documentElement->getAttribute("newsdate")) {
# necessary for xhtml news files
$doc->setAttribute("newsdate", $sourcedoc->documentElement->getAttribute("newsdate"));
if ($sourcedoc->documentElement->getAttribute("type")) {
# necessary to differentiate news and newsletter pages
# TODO: find a way to copy all such attributes!
$doc->setAttribute("type", $sourcedoc->documentElement->getAttribute("type"));
# Helper functions to lock and unlock the translation log.
sub lock {
my ($fh) = @_;
flock($fh, LOCK_EX);
seek($fh, 0, 2);
sub unlock {
my ($fh) = @_;
flock($fh, LOCK_UN);