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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Template article Contribute</title>
<body class="article" microformats="h-entry">
<p id="category" class="p-category">
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">Contribute</a>
<h1 class="p-name">A template article, to use the new webdesign</h1>
<div class="e-content">
<p class="p-summary">
So, you are publishing an article on fsfe.org? Lets have a look at
this <a href="/source/contribute/template.en.xhtml">template page source code</a> to see how you can make use of the many
features at your disposal with this new design!
<a class="fn" id="ref-name-that-footnote" href="#fn-name-that-footnote">1</a>
All code samples are pasted directly from the source file of this page.
Just like before, fsfe.org web pages are built from xml source files.
You can actually see the source code directly by clicking on the link
at <a href="#source">the bottom of each page</a>. So theres no big
change here, go on to read more about the website in genral if you want
to know more (theres a link in the sidebar, on the right).
<h2>Page styling and metadata</h2>
The first thing with the new design are the <code>&#60;body&#62;</code>
attributes. This page has:
<pre><code>&#60;body class="article" microformats="h-entry"&#62;</code></pre>
A file can have more than one class and more than one microformats
(separated by a space), but a file can only have one id. These
attributes are very useful to have different kinds of styling depending
on what kind of content were showing.
For instance, the page <a href="/about/">About FSFE</a> is not an
article, but one of the four main sections of the website. Its a way
to get to other pages relating to what FSFE is about. For this kind of
pages, there are some specific styling (using <code>&#60;body
class="subsite"&#62;</code>). In doubt, its always useful to find a
page thats as close as possible to what you have to edit, and see how
this one is made. And of course, you can always <a
href="https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/web">get in touch
with the web team</a>. Whats more, all pages which are on
wiki.fsfe.org have the wiki class, all pages on planet.fsfe.org have the
planet class, etc.
So, all articles should have an "article" class. However, it is
optional for them to have an id. If you put an id, please choose it
carefully. Id can be very useful to apply very specific styling. If you
need to write new CSS style for a page, please make sure to put an id
and then use that id for the rules in the CSS files.
Microformats attributes are both about style and about metadata of a
page. To learn what microformats are, please read <a
This page, as most articles, news entries, event items, should have
proper metadata and use microformats.
If you are <em>not</em> going to use microformats markup inside a
source file, theres no need to enable them, so remove the
"microformats" information from the &#60;body&#62; element.
Articles should use the <a
microformat</a>. This page has:
<pre><code>&#60;body class="article" <strong>microformats="h-entry"</strong> id="the-template-2014"&#62;
&#60;p id="category" class="p-category"&#62;
&#60;a href="/contribute/contribute.html"&#62;Contribute&#60;/a&#62;
&#60;h1 class="p-name"&#62;A template article, to use the new webdesign&#60;/h1&#62;
&#60;div class="e-content"&#62;
&#60;p class="p-summary"&#62;So, you are…
The rest of the metadata (author, date, etc.) should be taken care of.
But do not hesitate to use other h-entry classes in the body of the
article, and <a
their validity</a>. If you want to know more about how fsfe.org
deals with other metadata like tags, author, dates, etc. you can read
the <a href="/source/contribute/template.en.xhtml">source code of this page</a>. You should also <a
href="/contribute/web/tagging.html">read the how-to on tagging
<h2>The sidebar</h2>
By the way, did you notice that, if you inspect the HTML of this page
as rendered in your web browser, each title automatically gets an id?
That way you can easily <a href="#id-the-sidebar">link to a specific
part</a> of a page on fsfe.org by using anchors. For example, the title
above probably has <code>&#60;h2 id="<a
<pre><code>&#60;sidebar promo="about-fsfe"&#62;
&#60;div id="related-content"&#62;
&#60;h3&#62;Get involved&#60;/h3&#62;
&#60;ul&#62;&#60;li&#62;&#60;a href="/contribute/web/web.html"&#62;Webmastering&#60;/a&#62;&#60;/li&#62;
&#60;li&#62;&#60;a href="/contribute/editors/editors.html"&#62;Information for editors&#60;/a&#62;&#60;/li&#62;
&#60;li&#62;&#60;a href="/contribute/contribute.html"&#62;Contribute&#60;/a&#62;&#60;/li&#62;&#60;/ul&#62;
&#60;h4&#62;Ongoing campaigns&#60;/h4&#62;
&#60;ul&#62;&#60;li&#62;&#60;a href="//documentfreedom.org"&#62;Document Freedom Day!&#60;/a&#62;&#60;/li&#62;&#60;/ul&#62;
The sidebar is whats showing on the right side of this very page (if
your screen is large enough!). Articles should really have a sidebar
and we encourage you to add things in it. They are useful to provide
context to an article, and to give more things to read if somebodys
interested. So you should show related articles, and/or related
campaigns if that makes sense. See the code above: you can write
directly inside the <code>&#60;sidebar&#62;</code> elements.
However, the sidebar is not just another place to write, its also a
useful tool where we can automatically put stuff. So if you are very lazy,
or if theres nothing to write in, just write
<code>&#60;sidebar&#62;</code> without anything in it, and the build system
will automatically decide what to show for you. Note: the sidebar
element should be after the body element, not within. Its at the same
place as the tags and translator elements.
<h3>Sidebar options</h3>
<p>You can also give parameters to your sidebar. This page has the following sidebar parameters:</p>
<pre><code>&#60;sidebar promo="about-fsfe"&#62;</code></pre>
<p>The promo parameter is a paragraph promoting one important aspect of
FSFE. This page promotes the "about-fsfe" paragraph, which is a general
paragraph about FSFE which is going to invite the user to go read the
about-page. If you dont want to show any promotional paragraph, set
<code>promo="none"</code>. If you do not choose which paragraph to promote in
your sidebar, the build system is going to default to one paragraph for
<p>These paragraphs should already be ready for translation like other
generic parts of the website. For now, you can choose to promote among:</p>
<li>about-fsfe (default)</li>
<li>More to come… Do not hesitate to ask the web team to add one.</li>
<h3>Table of contents</h3>
<p>Right now, its not automated. But the sidebar should be very a nice place
to add a table of contents, especially if you wrote a long article. More to
come on that.</p>
<h2>The follow-up</h2>
<p>Its important to help people engage and support FSFE and to make it
easy for them. This is why we have the "followup" box. This box is the
second section of each page on fsfe.org, which you can see below the
license information of this page. Why is it at the bottom? The idea is
that, if somebody reaches the end of an article on fsfe.org, its probably
a very good sign that this person is interested! So we should engage with
them, give them a way to follow up on that enthusiasm! By default, if you
dont put anything, the build system is going to insert a followup box for
you. If you dont want to show a followup box for some reason, then please
write <code>&#60;followup&#62;no&#60;/followup&#62;</code>.</p>
<p>This page chooses to help people engage by subscribing to our monthly
newsletter. So, after the body element, it has:</p>
<p>These boxes should already be ready for translation like other generic
parts of the website. For now, you can choose to follow up on:</p>
<li>"subscribe-nl" to subscribe to the newsletter</li>
<li>"support" to sign as a supporter</li>
<li>"donate" to make a one-time or recurrent donation</li>
<li>"join" to promote joining the fellowship</li>
<p>If you need to add a quote, proceed as follows:</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed, adipiscing id dolor. Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis. Curabitur dapibus enim sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl imperdiet. Ut convallis libero in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam pulvinar at malesuada arcu rhoncus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In rutrum accumsan ultricies. Mauris vitae nisi at sem facilisis semper ac in est.</p>
<p>Alternative, you can also <q cite="http://example.org">quote an example inline</q> (the quotation marks will vary depending on the language).</p>
<h2>An article would not be complete without a picture!</h2>
alt="group picture!"/>
This is a picture from the Group coordinators meeting<br/>
Berlin, September 2013
<p>This is the source code for the example picture above:</p>
alt="group picture!"/>
This is a picture from the Group coordinators meeting&lt;br/>
Berlin, September 2013
For left aligned captions, just add <code>class="text-left"</code> to the <code>figcaption</code> element.
<figure class="float-right">
alt="group picture!" />
You can also have figures left or right within the text flow.
Just apply the classes <code>float-right</code> or <code>float-right</code> on them.
Code for the inline image above:
&lt;figure class="float-right">
alt="group picture!" />
<h2>General design</h2>
<p>Please avoid adding inline css styles in your css. Use css classes
instead. If you need new classes, create new classes, or try to see if the
current design does not already solve what you want to do! Also check with
bootstrap if theres not something standard to use. To understand how to
edit the stylesheets of the new design, <a
href="/contribute/web/css.html">head to the documentation</a>.</p>
<p>The new design uses bootstrap. Visit <a
href="http://getbootstrap.com/">getbootstrap.com</a> for more
information about that. This should allow you to have some nice things on
fsfe.org pages now! However if you are doing something a bit out of the
ordinary or if you are not sure of yourself, do not hesitate to <a
href="https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/web">get in touch
with the web team</a>.</p>
<h2>Some notes on typography</h2>
<p>Typography matters. Please, if you share my love for typography, letters, spaces and symboles, try to use curly quotes and real apostrophes. I know this article did not respect that rule and used "stright quotes" instead of “curly quotes” because I needed to imitate the source code in order not to confuse anyone. However, for most articles on fsfe.org theres no need for this. Especially, since we use utf-8, theres no reason not to put some utf-8 in our pages! ☺ </p>
<h2>Other examples to take inspiration from</h2>
<p>This template should get you going for most articles, i.e. pages which
are mostly about “content”. However, not all pages are like that. So heres
a selection of well designed pages that should help you to get some
inspiration from.</p>
If you have trouble producing the correct quotation marks for your language on your keyboard, look up the html escapes in
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark_glyphs#Quotation_marks_in_Unicode">the wikipedia article</a> (or <a href="http://unicode-table.com/en/sets/quotation-marks/">unicode table</a>).
<li><a href="https://test.fsfe.org/about/about.en.html">Subsite pages</a> for navigating to different parts of the website.</li>
<li><a href="https://test.fsfe.org/news/2014/news-20140116-01.en.html">Press Releases</a></li>
<li><a href="https://test.fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.en.html">Newsletters</a></li>
<li><a href="https://test.fsfe.org/about/people/roy/roy.en.html">Personal Bio pages</a></li>
<h2 id="fn">Footnotes</h2>
<li id="fn-name-that-footnote">
This is just a footnote! Please read <a href="/source/template.en.xhtml">the source code of this page</a> to see
how footnotes should be made.
<a href="#ref-name-that-footnote" class="ref">&#8617;</a></li>
<sidebar promo="about-fsfe">
<div id="related-content">
<h3>Get involved</h3>
<ul><li><a href="/contribute/web/web.html">Webmastering</a></li>
<li><a href="/contribute/editors/editors.html">Information for editors</a></li>
<li><a href="/contribute/contribute.html">Contribute</a></li></ul>
<h4>Ongoing campaigns</h4>
<ul><li><a href="//documentfreedom.org">Document Freedom Day!</a></li></ul>
<original content="2014-01-05" />
<revision content="2014-01-06" />
<revision content="2014-01-07" />
<!--Please help FSFE make the switch to Creative Commons: use this license for your publication:-->
<legal type="cc-license">
<notice>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.</notice>
<author id="roy" />
<translator>Hugo Roy</translator>