Fork 85

812 Zeilen
18 KiB

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/* fsfe.org pages */
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/* fsfe.org front page */
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/* motto not displayed */
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background: url('/graphics/ilovefs-hashtag-campaignbox.png') center 33% no-repeat transparent;
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background: center 33% no-repeat #FFF;
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#becomefellow {
background: url('/graphics/group-blur-800.jpg') center 33% no-repeat #666;
#fightback {
background: url('/graphics/thedaywefightback.png') center 33% no-repeat transparent;
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img {
/*TODO: can we maybe change it to svg here?*/
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h3 {
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i.fa {
/* Testimonials divs */
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/* news archive */
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/* donate */
#donate-fsfe {
table {
form {
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max-width: 25em;
#donate-validate {
margin-bottom: 1em;
/* thank donors */
.thank-donors {
table {
/* Android campaign style */
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background: url('/campaigns/android/robot.png') no-repeat top left transparent;
height: 200px;
width: 230px;
float: left;
margin-left: -6em;
margin-right: 1.5em;
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img {display: none;}
/* Valentine for ILOVEFS style */
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/* Planet style */
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h2:first-child {
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/* wiki */
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/* Free Your Andoid pages */
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