
252 lines
8.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016 Max Mehl <max.mehl [at] fsfe [dot] org> for FSFE e.V.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file receives input from /internal/pd.en.(x)html and calculates per
* diem charges for reimbursement claims. The amounts can be defined in
* the XHTML file. For the output of the data, it uses
* /internal/pd-result.en.(x)html as a template.
$output = ''; // create empty variable
// detect home country and set accodingly: currency, rates
$home = $_POST['home'];
if ($home === 'de') {
$cur = ""; // currency
$c_b = 0.2; // breakfast rate
$c_l = 0.4; // lunch rate
$c_d = 0.4; // dinner rate
$c_flat = 0; // flat rate (money which employee gets even if all meals are paid)
} elseif ($home === 'se' ) {
$cur = " SEK";
$c_b = 0.15;
$c_l = 0.35;
$c_d = 0.35;
$c_flat = 0.15;
} elseif ($home === 'other') {
$home_other = explode("/", $_POST['home_other']);
$cur = " " . $home_other[0];
$c_b = $home_other[1];
$c_l = $home_other[2];
$c_d = $home_other[3];
$c_flat = $home_other[4];
// amount per day
$epd = $_POST['dest'];
if ($epd === 'other') {
$epd = $_POST['dest_other']; // if other destination, just take this value
} else {
$pattern = "/" . $home . "=([0-9.]+)?\/([0-9.]+)?/"; // define pattern something like "/de=12/24/"
$epd = preg_match($pattern, $epd, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // actually search for it
$epd = $match[0][0]; // matches are on 2nd level inn an array
$epd = explode('=', $epd); // now separate at the "="
$epd = $epd[1]; // take the second half of it "12/24"
$epd = explode('/', $epd); // separate at "/"
$epd_trav = $epd[0]; // first half
$epd_full = $epd[1]; // second hald
$output .= "<h2>Detailled overview of per diems</h2>";
$output .= "<p>Travel day(s): " . $epd_trav . $cur . " per day <br />";
$output .= "Full day(s): " . $epd_full . $cur . " per day <br />";
$output .= "Own country: " . $home . " <br />";
$output .= "Percentage rate for breakfast/lunch/dinner: " . $c_b . "/" . $c_l . "/" . $c_d . " <br />";
$output .= "Flat rate (percentage which employee gets even if all meals are paid): " . $c_flat . " <br /></p>";
$output .= '<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Flat reimbursement</th>
<th>Your total reimbursement</th>
$days = array('out', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 'return'); // define day range
// set variables
$r_total = 0; // total reimbursement
foreach ($days as &$d) { // calculate for each day
$use[$d] = $_POST['use'][$d];
$date[$d] = $_POST['date'][$d];
$break[$d] = $_POST['break'][$d];
$lunch[$d] = $_POST['lunch'][$d];
$dinner[$d] = $_POST['dinner'][$d];
// set variables
$r_day[$d] = 0; // reimbursement for this day
if ($use[$d] === 'yes') { // only calculate if checkbox has been activated (day in use)
if ($d === 'out' || $d === 'return') { // set amount of € for travel or full day
$eur = $epd_trav; // total reimburseable amount for this day
$desc = " (travel)";
} else {
$eur = $epd_full; // total reimburseable amount for this day
$desc = " (full)";
// open row
$output .= "<tr>";
// date
if ($date[$d] === '' ) {
$date[$d] = "Day " . $d;
$output .= "<td>" . $date[$d] . $desc . "</td>";
// breakfast ($r_b)
if ($break[$d] === "yes") {
$r_b = $eur * $c_b;
$r_day[$d] = $r_day[$d] + $r_b;
$output .= "<td>yes (" . $r_b . $cur . ")</td>";
} else {
$output .= "<td>no</td>";
// lunch ($r_l)
if ($lunch[$d] === "yes") {
$r_l = $eur * $c_l;
$r_day[$d] = $r_day[$d] + $r_l;
$output .= "<td>yes (" . $r_l . $cur . ")</td>";
} else {
$output .= "<td>no</td>";
// breakfast ($r_d)
if ($dinner[$d] === "yes") {
$r_d = $eur * $c_d;
$r_day[$d] = $r_day[$d] + $r_d;
$output .= "<td>yes (" . $r_d . $cur . ")</td>";
} else {
$output .= "<td>no</td>";
// flat rate
$r_flat = $eur * $c_flat;
$r_day[$d] = $r_day[$d] + $r_flat;
$output .= "<td>" . $r_flat . $cur . "</td>";
// reimbursement for the single day
$output .= "<td>" . $r_day[$d] . $cur . "</td>";
$r_total = $r_total + $r_day[$d];
// close row (day)
$output .= "</tr>";
} // if day is used
} // foreach
$output .= "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>";
$output .= "<td><strong>Total per diem: " . $r_total . $cur . "</strong></td></tr></table>";
/* ------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------*/
$output .= "<hr />";
$output .= "<h2>Spreadsheet copy&amp;paste</h2>";
$output .= "<p>The following section can be copied to your Reimbursement Claim spreadsheet. Please mark and copy the content of the table (except the headings), and paste it in your spreadsheet application.<br /><em>Hint: In LibreOffice, press Ctrl+Shift+V in order to paste it as unformatted text instead of HTML code. This avoids conflicting formatting.</em></p>";
$output .= '<table class="table">';
$output .= '<tr><th>Employee name</th><th>Date</th><th>Amount (EUR)</th><th>Recipient Name</th><th>ER number</th><th>Catchphrase</th><th>Receipt / per diem</th><th>Remarks</th></tr>';
foreach ($days as &$d) { // calculate for each day
if ($use[$d] === 'yes') {
$rc_name = $_POST['rc_name'];
$rc_er = $_POST['rc_er'];
$rc_catch = $_POST['rc_catch'];
if ($rc_name === '') { $rc_name = "YOUR-NAME"; }
if ($rc_er === '') { $rc_er = "ER-NUMBER"; }
if ($rc_catch === '') { $rc_catch = "CATCHPHRASE"; }
$output .= "<tr>";
// 1. Name
$output .= "<td>" . $rc_name . "</td>";
// 2. Date
$output .= "<td>" . $date[$d] . "</td>";
// 3. Amount
$r_day[$d] = preg_replace("/\./", ",", $r_day[$d]); // replace . by , in amount to make it compatible with the used spreadsheet template
$output .= "<td>" . $r_day[$d] . "</td>";
// 4. Recipient Name (empty)
$output .= "<td></td>";
// 5. ER number
$output .= "<td>" . $rc_er . "</td>";
// 6. Catchphrase
$output .= "<td>" . $rc_catch . "</td>";
// 7. Receipt/per diem
$output .= "<td>per diem</td>";
// 8. Remarks
if ($break[$d] === "yes") {
$remark[$d] = "breakfast+";
if ($lunch[$d] === "yes") {
$remark[$d] .= "lunch+";
if ($dinner[$d] === "yes") {
$remark[$d] .= "dinner";
if ($break[$d] != "yes" && $lunch[$d] != "yes" && $dinner[$d] != "yes") {
$remark[$d] = "nothing";
if ($break[$d] === "yes" && $lunch[$d] === "yes" && $dinner[$d] === "yes") {
$remark[$d] = "everything";
$remark[$d] = preg_replace("/\+$/", "", $remark[$d]);
$remark[$d] .= " self-paid";
$output .= "<td>" . $remark[$d] . "</td>";
$output .= "</tr>";
$output .= '</table>';
function replace_page($temp, $content){
$vars = array(':RESULT:'=>$content);
return str_replace(array_keys($vars), $vars, $temp);
$template = file_get_contents('http://fsfe.org/internal/pd-result.en.html', true);
echo replace_page($template, $output);