
97 lines
3.5 KiB

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dive into subdirectories
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUBDIRS := $(shell find */* -name "Makefile" | xargs dirname)
$(MAKE) -j -k -C $@ || true
all: $(SUBDIRS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle local menus
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MENUSOURCES := $(shell find -name '*.xhtml' |xargs grep -l '<localmenu.*</localmenu>' )
localmenuinfo.en.xml: ./tools/buildmenu.xsl $(MENUSOURCES)
{ printf '<localmenuset>'; \
grep -E '<localmenu.*</localmenu>' $^ \
| sed -r 's;(.*/)?(.+)\.([a-z][a-z])\.xhtml:(.+);\
<menuitem language="\3"><dir>/\1</dir><link>\2.html</link>\4</menuitem>;'; \
printf '</localmenuset>'; \
} | xsltproc -o $@ $< -
all: localmenuinfo.en.xml
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Timestamp files for regular jobs and XML inclusion in various places
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
YEAR := <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><dateset><date year="$(shell date +%Y)" /></dateset>
MONTH := <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><dateset><date month="$(shell date +%Y-%m)" /></dateset>
DAY := <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><dateset><date day="$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)" /></dateset>
d_day.en.xml: $(if $(findstring $(DAY),$(shell cat d_day.en.xml)),,.FORCE)
printf %s\\n '$(DAY)' >$@
d_month.en.xml: $(if $(findstring $(MONTH),$(shell cat d_month.en.xml)),,.FORCE)
printf %s\\n '$(MONTH)' >$@
d_year.en.xml: $(if $(findstring $(YEAR),$(shell cat d_year.en.xml)),,.FORCE)
printf %s\\n '$(YEAR)' >$@
all: d_year.en.xml d_month.en.xml d_day.en.xml
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update .sources files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# use shell globbing to work around faulty globbing in gnu make
SOURCEDIRS = $(shell sed -rn 's;^(.*/)[^/]*:(\[\]|global)$$;\1;gp' $@ \
| while read glob; do \
printf '%s\n' $$glob; \
done \
SOURCEREQS = $(shell ./build/source_globber.sh sourceglobs $@ |sed -r 's;$$;.??.xml;g')
all: $(shell find ./ -name '*.sources')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# generate tag maps
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAGMAP := $(shell find $(PWD) -name '*.xml' \
| xargs ./build/source_globber.sh map_tags \
TAGNAMES := $(shell printf %s '$(TAGMAP)' \
| cut -d" " -f2- \
| tr ' ' '\n' \
| grep -vE '[\$%/:()]' \
| sort -u \
| xargs printf 'tools/tagmaps/%s.map ' \
MAPREQS = $(shell printf %s '$(TAGMAP)' \
| sed -r 's;[^ ]+\...\.xml;\n&;g' \
| grep ' $*' \
| cut -d' ' -f1 \
all: $(TAGNAMES)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Second Expansion rules
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
touch $@
tools/tagmaps/%.map: $$(MAPREQS) | $(SUBDIRS)
printf '%s\n' $^ > $@