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<html newsdate="2011-09-04" type="newsletter">
<title>FSFE Newsletter - September 2011</title>
<h1>FSFE Newsletter - September 2011</h1>
<h2>New Intern surrounded by 800 geeks?</h2>
<p>The first day in a new organisation always is quite intensive, many new
people, procedures, so much information. Our new intern <a
href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/eszter/">Eszter Bako</a> it was even more
intense. She spent her first day with FSFE at the Desktop Summit, surrounded by nearly 800
people talking about strange things such as KDE, Gnome, Qt, GTK, Plasma, Git, QML,
D-Bus, or about <a
to build a toaster</a>. For beginners the Free Software community can give a
strange impression.</p>
<p>Good thing that she wasn't on her own. Our experienced intern Natalia Evdokimova, who
organised our booth at the event, safely guided her through the day. Beside that
there were many other FSFE activists: Our president Karsten gave a talk about
"Free desktops for Europe's public sector"</a> and founding member Bernhard
talked about <a
Melee: paid people within Free Software initiatives - How they tick, how to
keep them and the art of behaving if you are one"</a>. Like you can see on
our <a href="https://planet.fsfe.org">blog aggregation</a> there were a lot of
other Fellows present, including our former president Georg Greve.</p>
<p>Beside Eszter joining and Natalia leaving as intern, there are more changes
within our team: <a href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/nicoulas">Nicolas Jean's</a>
internship has now ended. He was one of the most active people in the web team, and
we are happy that he will remain in our volunteers team as FSFE's webmaster. <a
href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/diegojavier/">Diego Naranjo Barroso</a> and <a
href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/alessandro.polvani/">Alessandro Polvani</a>
started their internships. Diego already contacted the <a
href="/activities/pdfreaders/buglist.html#ES">Spanish Institutions</a> for our
PDFreaders campaign, and Alessandro will do the follow-up in Italy. </p>
<h2>Digits to remember: 22-10-11 and 11-11-11</h2>
<p>The Nordic Free Software Award is given to people, projects or organisations
in the Nordic countries that have made a prominent contribution to the
advancement of Free Software. <a
Sandklef, our vice-president, asks you</a> to submit nominations by email
until October 22nd.</p>
<p>The award will be announced during the <a
href="http://fscons.org/">Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit
(FSCONS)</a> in Gothenburg, Sweden which will take place from Friday November
11th through Sunday November 13th. The conference is organised by FSFE's
Swedish team, and your editor is responsible for FSFE's <a
href="http://fscons.org/schedule/">"Free Software in Politics" track</a>
there. We are looking forward to see you there. (Fellows will get a discount of
10 EUR on the standard rate).</p>
<h2>Something completely different</h2>
<li>The importance of promoting Free Software, spreading Free Software
in schools, and what role the computer sciences can play in relating the
messages of Free Software to other institutions and disciplines: Read the latest <a
interview</a>, in which our fellow Richard Shipman shares his thoughts on
these topics.</li>
<li>On Saturday 13th August Free Software
activists came to FSFE’s PDF Readers Sprint in Manchester and found 59
previously unreported adverts for proprietary PDF readers, all of them on UK
Council websites. Check out the report about the event done by <a href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/samtuke/?p=191">Sam Tuke</a> and <a
Woolfrey</a> from our UK team. </li>
<li>Computer Aided Design (CAD) software is critically important to a variety
of industries and professions. It is also notorious for being poorly catered
for by Free Software applications. <a
href="https://blogs.fsfe.org/samtuke/?p=169">Sam wrote a brief summary of
the current situation.</a></li>
<li>Support Ogg Vorbis by helping our sister FSF to reach 5.000 signatures
for <a href="http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/tal-ogg-petition">their
petition</a>, asking for This American Life in Ogg Vorbis. Also concerning
Ogg, FSFE's UK team had a booth at the <a
<li>R-DIY Feminism Festival: FSFE will be represented at the <a
href="http://diyfeminism.com/events-andworkshops/"> DIY Feminism
Festival</a> in Manchester on September 3 and 4, holding events, including talks on Free Software
philosophy, Free Software and women, and an Open Street Map workshop.</li>
<li>Summer time was blogging time, so here some articles from the <a
href="https://planet.fsfe.org">planet aggregation</a>:
<li>With our new intern Diego J. Naranjo Barroso's help Matija prepared the
Free Software and law related links covering links about the the patents
war, Google acquiring Motorola Mobility, and other stories in <a
href="http://matija.suklje.name/?q=node/254">1.8.-14.8.</a> and <a
<li>Timo Jyrinki writes about <a
Software on mobile phones</a> and the <a
href="http://losca.blogspot.com/2011/04/meego-summit-fi-starts-tomorrow.html">MeeGo Summit
Finland</a> including <a
of pictures from the event</a>.</li>
<li>Freedom Box: <a
about the progress and technical details of the Freedom Box</a>, in Bdale
Garbee's report from DebConf11 in Banja Luka. If you are in the UK at the time, you can
attend <a href="/news/news.html">Sam's talk on Freedom Boxes</a> in
Manchester on 20 September 2011 at 19:00.</li>
<li>Interested in processing images from the command line? Swedish Team
member <a href="http://blog.padowi.se/2011/08/28/2011w34/">Patrik Willard
writes about how to do that</a> for the FSCONS preperations.</li>
<li>Chris Woolfrey, who is doing the <a
interviews</a> started blogging. His latest article is about the
question, if <a
the data on your work computer count as company data"</a>.</li>
<h2>Get Active: Software Freedom Day</h2>
<p>September 17th is <a href="http://softwarefreedomday.org/">Software Freedom
Day</a> (SFD), a worldwide celebration of Free Software. Its goal is
educational, teaching people why Free Software is the best choice when it comes
to using Software. Organised and coordinated by the Software Freedom
International, SFD invites everyone to participate and take action on a local
level. Our <a href="https://wiki.fsfe.org/CategoryFellowshipGroup">Fellowship
group</a> in Vienna for example invits you to a Software Freedom Party. The
evening will be opened by a talk about legal aspects in Free Software, held by
FSFE's new legal coordinator Matija Šuklje. The groups in <a
href="https://wiki.fsfe.org/groups/Bonn">Bonn</a>, <a
href="https://wiki.fsfe.org/groups/Hamburg">Hamburg</a>, and <a
href="https://wiki.fsfe.org/groups/Manchester">Manchester</a> also have
<p>Contact existing groups to participate in events, or organise your own SFD
<a href="/about/people/kirschner">Matthias Kirschner </a> - <a href="/index.html">FSFE</a>
-- <br/>
<a href="/index.html">Free Software Foundation Europe</a><br/>
<a href="/news/news.rss">FSFE News</a><br/>
<a href="/events/events.rss">Upcoming FSFE Events</a><br/>
<a href="https://planet.fsfe.org/en/rss20.xml">Fellowship Blog Aggregation</a><br/>
<a href="/about/contact.html#community">Free Software Discussions</a>
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