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<meta name="DC.Title" content="FSFE - business cards form" />
<meta name="DC.Creator" content="Rainer Kersten" />
<title>internal tools - business cards form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="internal.css"/>
<h1>Request Business Cards</h1>
<div class="field-annotation right">
"Business cards must answer
<br />the following questions:
<br />Who is this?
<br />Who is represented?
<br />What is he/she doing there?
<br />How can I reach him/her?"
<br />(Matthias Kirschner)
The purpose of this form is to avoid unnecessary,
duplicate work. In the past, the process "production
of business cards" has often triggered a minimum of 10 emails
(but often enough far more) per person per set of
cards. The main problem was usually the lack of correct, complete data.</p>
In general, everyone on team@ is eligible for FSFE business cards.
If you are not on team@, or are unsure whether it makes sense for
you to order business cards, please contact
<email mailto="yes">contact@fsfe.org</email>.
English is default. If you need cards in another language
for good reasons, we have to produce two sets of cards.
Please use the form below twice in this case.
<h2>Contents of the card</h2>
<form action="/cgi-bin/businesscards.pl" method="post">
<h3>1. First name and surname</h3>
We use the international form with all parts in lower cases with a
leading upper case for each word. If there are very good reasons
to use another form, i.e. printing the surname in upper cases, as
it is common in France, this should be done in the localised
version of the cards, not in the international version.
Data might include middle initials, but no nicknames (e.g. as
used in IRC).
<input type="text" size="50" name="name" placeholder="name" required="required" />
<div class="field-annotation">
Joe Average
<br />Joe M. L. Average
<br />Joe Martin Average
<br />Dr. Joe Average
<br /><del>Joe "Coolface" Average</del>
<br /><del>Joseph AVERAGE</del>
<br /><del>Average, Joseph</del>
<h3>2. Your title (or function)</h3>
A title/function should be mentioned. It might be generic, somehow, i.e. "German Team".
<br />If you are an intern, please use "Assistant to the President" as your title.
You can leave the field empty as well.
<input type="text" size="50" name="function" placeholder="title" required="required" />
<div class="field-annotation">
Coordinator of $group
<br />Intern
<br />$country team
If you have two titles (or functions), you can have both of them printed on the card.
<input type="text" size="50" name="function2" placeholder="title 2" />
<h3>3. The line "Free Software Foundation Europe"</h3>
Don't worry about this. It will be included automatically.
Free Software Foundation Europe
<h3>4. Address</h3>
This should normally be the FSFE address in Berlin. Other addresses should only be used in exceptional cases.
<input type="radio" name="address" value="Berlin" /> Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany<br />
<input type="radio" name="address" value="other" /> <input type="text" name="other_address" value="" />
<h3>5. Tel. (optional)</h3>
When working at an FSFE office, the number of that office
should be mentioned. If not, it might be your own number
or left empty. If in doubt, ask the others. The number
should be grouped by two or three digits, seperated by
<label>phone +</label>
<input pattern="[0-9 ]*" size="25" name="phone" />
<div class="field-annotation">
49 30 275 95 290
<h3>6. Mobile (optional)</h3>
The mobile phone number you would like to appear on your card., e.g.
<br />You should be reachable by phone. So as a minimum 5. <em style="font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;">or</em> 6. should be filled in.
<label>mobile +</label>
<input pattern="[0-9 ]*" size="25" name="mobile" />
<div class="field-annotation">
49 30 275 95 290
<h3>7. Fax (optional)</h3>
For FSFE's purposes, fax is more or less extinct as a
communications protocol. If you absolutely want to include a fax
number, please use the same format as the phone number.
<label>fax +</label>
<input pattern="[0-9 ]*" size="25" name="fax" />
<div class="field-annotation">
49 30 203 405 60
<h3>8. Email</h3>
This should be your fsfe.org address.
<input type="email" size="25" name="email" value="@fsfe.org" required="required" />
<div class="field-annotation">
<br /><del>another123@freemailservice.com</del>
<br /><del>someone@myowngeekydomain.com</del>
<h3>9. Jabber (optional)</h3>
Your FSFE jabber address. (You don't know that you have a jabber
address? Something went wrong, please contact
<email mailto="yes">system-hackers@lists.fsfe.org</email>.)
<input type="email" size="35" name="jabber" value="@fsfe.org or @jabber.fsfe.org" />
<h3>10. Fingerprint</h3>
The fingerprint of your GnuPG key. No, not the key ID, not
the kind of your key.
<br />(You do not have a GnuPG key? Something went
terribly wrong.) You can generate this fingerprint with the following command in a terminal:
<br />
<code>$ gpg --fingerprint [yourKeyID]</code>
<input type="text" size="50" name="fingerprint" />
<div class="field-annotation">
<small>2F77 A3E7 70E5 C802 2295 87D6 B8B7 8D13 B4BA 019E</small>
<br />(This is a theoretical example. It won't work!)
<h3>11. URL</h3>
There is no need to mention an URL. "www.fsfe.org"
will be printed on the reverse side automatically.
<h3>12. Amount of cards</h3>
Usually you might want 100 or 250 cards. (For orientation: FSFE's president needs some 500 cards per year.)
<select size="1" name="amount">
<option value="100">100</option>
<option value="250" selected="selected">250</option>
<option value="500">500</option>
<td colspan="2">
<h2>What happens now?</h2>
<h3>13. Preview</h3>
You will receive a proof sheet to your fsfe.org email address, so
you can check whether all the information on it is correct. Please
check it directly and tell us if there is something wrong.
<h3>14. Delivery address</h3>
We will send the cards to the address
which is printed on the cards, by default.
<br />If you want us to send them elsewhere, tell us the
other address, please.
<textarea cols="40" rows="5" name="delivery_address" />
<td colspan="2">
If <em>all</em> required data is <em>available and correct</em>,
and you are quick to approve it, you will receive your cards
within 5 to 10 days, depending on the snail mail systems. Our
all-time record is 24 hours. If problems occur (incomplete or
incorrect data etc.), the delay might turn out to be hellish. Our
all-time record is 6 months.
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Send order" />
<div id="footer">
Made by FSFE Office Düsseldorf
<br />written by Rainer 2010-09-28
<br />edited by Matze ca. 2010-11
<br />edited by Rainer 2011-02-27
<br />edited by Rainer 2011-03-12
<br />edited by Karsten 2011-08
<br />edited by Rainer 2011-10-21
<br />edited by Sam 2012-08-16
<br />edited by Rainer 2013-05-23
<br />edited by Rainer 2013-11-05