Tobias Diekershoff c01cd14f4e
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
removing an unused column from the resulting csv file
2025-02-03 12:19:29 +01:00

276 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File

use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP;
require 'PHPMailer/Exception.php';
require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php';
require 'PHPMailer/SMTP.php';
$html = ''; // create empty variable
$csv = array(array("Employee name", "Date", "Amount (EUR)", "Recipient name", "Activity Tag", "Activity Text", "Category ID", "Category Text", "Description", "Receipt number", "Remarks")); // create array for CSV
$csvfile = tmpfile();
$csvfile_path = stream_get_meta_data($csvfile)['uri'];
$who = isset($_POST["who"]) ? $_POST["who"] : false;
$type = isset($_POST["type"]) ? $_POST["type"] : false;
$rc_month = isset($_POST["rc_month"]) ? $_POST["rc_month"] : false;
$rc_year = isset($_POST["rc_year"]) ? $_POST["rc_year"] : false;
$cc_month = isset($_POST["cc_month"]) ? $_POST["cc_month"] : false;
$cc_year = isset($_POST["cc_year"]) ? $_POST["cc_year"] : false;
$entry = isset($_POST["entry"]) ? $_POST["entry"] : false; // will become $date in loop
$amount = isset($_POST["amount"]) ? $_POST["amount"] : false;
$recipient = isset($_POST["recipient"]) ? $_POST["recipient"] : false;
$activity = isset($_POST["activity"]) ? $_POST["activity"] : false;
$category = isset($_POST["category"]) ? $_POST["category"] : false;
$receipt = isset($_POST["receipt"]) ? $_POST["receipt"] : false;
$description = isset($_POST["description"]) ? $_POST["description"] : false;
$extra = isset($_POST["extra"]) ? $_POST["extra"] : false;
$mailopt = isset($_POST["mailopt"]) ? $_POST["mailopt"] : false;
// create empty arrays for uploaded file
$receipt_dest = [];
// Separate employee name parameters
$who_verbose = explode('|', $who)[0];
$who = explode('|', $who)[1];
function errexit($msg) {
exit("Error: " . $msg . "<br/><br/>To avoid losing your data, press the back button in your browser");
function replace_page($temp, $content){
$vars = array(':RESULT:'=>$content);
return str_replace(array_keys($vars), $vars, $temp);
/* Snippet Begin:
* SPDX-SnippetLicenseConcluded: CC-BY-SA-4.0
* SPDX-SnippetCopyrightText: mgutt <https://stackoverflow.com/users/318765/mgutt>
function filter_filename($filename, $beautify=true) {
// sanitize filename
$filename = preg_replace(
[<>:"/\\|?*]| # file system reserved https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename#Reserved_characters_and_words
[\x00-\x1F]| # control characters http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
[\x7F\xA0\xAD]| # non-printing characters DEL, NO-BREAK SPACE, SOFT HYPHEN
[#\[\]@!$&\'()+,;=]| # URI reserved https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2
[{}^\~`] # URL unsafe characters https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt
'-', $filename);
// avoids ".", ".." or ".hiddenFiles"
$filename = ltrim($filename, '.-');
// optional beautification
if ($beautify) $filename = beautify_filename($filename);
// maximize filename length to 255 bytes http://serverfault.com/a/9548/44086
$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$filename = mb_strcut(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 0, 255 - ($ext ? strlen($ext) + 1 : 0), mb_detect_encoding($filename)) . ($ext ? '.' . $ext : '');
return $filename;
function beautify_filename($filename) {
// reduce consecutive characters
$filename = preg_replace(array(
// "file name.zip" becomes "file-name.zip"
'/ +/',
// "file___name.zip" becomes "file-name.zip"
// "file---name.zip" becomes "file-name.zip"
), '-', $filename);
$filename = preg_replace(array(
// "file--.--.-.--name.zip" becomes "file.name.zip"
// "file...name..zip" becomes "file.name.zip"
), '.', $filename);
// lowercase for windows/unix interoperability http://support.microsoft.com/kb/100625
$filename = mb_strtolower($filename, mb_detect_encoding($filename));
// ".file-name.-" becomes "file-name"
$filename = trim($filename, '.-');
return $filename;
/* Snippet End */
// Sanity checks for parameters, and setting variables depending on type
if ($type == "rc") {
if ( ! $rc_month || ! $rc_year ) {
errexit("You must provide month and year of the RC");
$type_verbose = "Reimbursement Claim";
$type_date = "$rc_year-$rc_month";
} else if ($type == "cc") {
if ( ! $cc_month || ! $cc_year ) {
errexit("You must provide quarter and year of the CC statement");
$type_verbose = "Credit Card Statement";
$type_date = "$cc_year-$cc_month";
} else {
errexit("You must provide a reimbursement type");
// Prepare output table
if ($mailopt === "onlyme") {
$html .= "<p><strong>ATTENTION: The email has only been sent to you, not to the financial team!</strong></p>";
} else if ($mailopt === "none") {
$html .= "<p><strong>ATTENTION: You have configured to not send any email!</strong></p>";
$html .= "<p>This <strong>$type_verbose</strong> is made by <strong>$who_verbose</strong>.</p>
<table class='table table-striped'>
<th>Activity Tag</th>
<th>Activity Text</th>
<th>Category ID</th>
<th>Category Text</th>
<th>Receipt Name</th>
// Prepare email
$email = new PHPMailer();
$email->Host = "mail.fsfe.org";
// Settings on server
$email->SMTPAuth = false;
$email->Port = 25;
// Settings for local debug
//$email->SMTPAuth = true;
//$email->Port = 587;
//$email->Username = 'fsfe_user';
//$email->Password = 'fsfe_pass';
//$email->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS;
$email->SetFrom($who . "@fsfe.org", $who_verbose);
$email->CharSet = "UTF-8";
$email->Subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode("$type_verbose for $type_date by $who_verbose") . "?=";
if ($mailopt === "normal") {
$email->addAddress($who . "@fsfe.org");
foreach ($entry as $key => $date) { // run over each row
// Get basic variable for each row
/* For receipts, following variables are set:
* tmp: the temporary path of the uploaded file
* error: any errors with the file
* name: the original name of the file
* size: file size
* rename: the format we want each file to have
* dest: the temporary but known location of the file
$receipt_tmp = $_FILES["receipt"]["tmp_name"][$key];
$receipt_error = $_FILES["receipt"]["error"][$key];
$receipt_name = basename($_FILES["receipt"]["name"][$key]);
$receipt_size = $_FILES["receipt"]["size"][$key];
$key1 = $key + 1;
$receipt_no = sprintf('%02d', $key1);
$activity_tag[$key] = explode(":", $activity)[0];
$activity_text[$key] = explode(":", $activity)[1];
$category_id[$key] = explode(":", $category)[0];
$category_text[$key] = explode(":", $category)[1];
// Sanity checks for receipt: upload, size, mime type
if (! $receipt_tmp) {
errexit("Something with $receipt_name went wrong, it has not been uploaded.");
if ($receipt_size > 2097152) {
errexit("File size of $receipt_name must not be larger than 2MB");
$receipt_mime = mime_content_type($receipt_tmp);
if(! in_array($receipt_mime, array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf'))) {
errexit("Only PDF, JPG and PNG allowed. $receipt_name has $receipt_mime");
// Set name and temporary destination for attached receipt
$receipt_ext = pathinfo($receipt_name)['extension'];
$receipt_rename = filter_filename($type_date ."-". $type ."-". $who ."-receipt-". $receipt_no ."-". $activity_tag .".". "$receipt_ext");
$receipt_dest[$key] = "/tmp/" . $receipt_rename;
// Try to move file to temporary destination
if ($receipt_error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
if ( ! move_uploaded_file($receipt_tmp, $receipt_dest[$key]) ) {
errexit("Could not move uploaded file '".$receipt_tmp."' to '".$receipt_dest."'<br/>\n");
} else {
errexit("Upload error. [".$receipt_error."] on file '".$receipt_name."'<br/>\n");
// Remove "-" when remark empty
if ($description[$key] === "-") {
$description[$key] = "";
// HTML output for this receipt
$html .= "
// CSV for this receipt
$csv[$receipt_no] = array($who_verbose, $date, $amount[$key], $recipient[$key], $activity_tag[$key], $activity_text[$key], $category_id[$key], $category_text[$key], $description[$key], $receipt_no, "");
// Add receipt as email attachment
$email->addAttachment($receipt_dest[$key], basename($receipt_dest[$key]));
} // foreach
// Write and attach temporary CSV file
foreach ($csv as $fields) {
fputcsv($csvfile, $fields, ';', '"', '"');
$email->addAttachment($csvfile_path, filter_filename($type_date ."-". $type ."-". $who . ".csv"));
// Prepare email body
$email_body = "Hi,
This is a $type_verbose for $type_date by $who_verbose,
sent via <https://fsfe.org/internal/rc>.
Please find the expenses and their receipts attached.";
// Finalise output table
$html .= "</table>";
if ($extra) {
$html .= "<p>Extra remarks: <br />$extra</p>";
$email_body .= "
The sender added the following comment:
// Send email, and delete attachments
$email->Body = $email_body;
if ($mailopt === "normal" || $mailopt === "onlyme") {
$html .= $email->ErrorInfo;
foreach ($receipt_dest as $receipt) {
$template = file_get_contents('../internal/rc-result.en.html', true);
echo replace_page($template, $html);