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<p id="category"><a href="/about/">About</a></p>
<p id="introduction">The Free Software Foundation Europe is a charitable, <a href="/about/legal/legal.html">registered association</a>. We provide assistance, information and expertise on a wide variety of issues relating to <a href="/freesoftware/">Free Software</a>. Individuals, communities and businesses are encouraged to contact us with questions. We maintain the world’s largest private <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">network of Free Software legal experts</a>. We have a skilled team that handles <a href="/activities/policy.html">policy issues</a>, and a network of specialists who advise on our various <a href="/activities/activities.html">campaigns</a>.</p>
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<h2 id="general">General Enquiries</h2>
<p>You can always get in touch by emailing <email mailto="yes"></email> for any question you might have related to the FSFE.</p>
<p>If you prefer to <a href="">send your email securely encrypted</a>, please write directly to <a href="/about/people/kirschner/">Matthias Kirschner</a>.</p>
<h2 id="media">Press/Media Enquiries</h2>
<p>For media enquiries, please consult our <a href="/press/press.html">press room</a> or email <email mailto="yes"></email>.</p>
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<h2 id="ftf">Legal Enquiries</h2>
To receive support with Free Software licences please email <email mailto="yes"></email>, our dedicated list.
More details are available on the <a href="/freesoftware/legal/faq.html#lqteam">Legal FAQ page</a>.
<h2>Technical Enquiries</h2>
If you have technical questions about our services, or encounter technical problems, please check
<a href="">the services status listing</a> for known problems. If your problem
is not listed there, or you have further questions about it, let us know about them at <email></email>.
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<h2 style="padding-top: 2em">Office Location and Postal Address</h2>
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<img src="" style="border: 1px solid black" alt="map of the vecinity of the FSFE office in Berlin" />
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<p>Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br />
Schönhauser Allee 6/7<br />
Stairway 2, 5. floor<br />
10119 Berlin<br />
<p>Phone: +49-30-27595290</p>
<p><a href="">See on OpenStreetMap</a></p>
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<h2>Public and Community Discussions</h2>
The FSFE provides infrastructure to foster public discussion on Free
Software topics. Everybody is encouraged to freely state their opinions on
these platforms, but please keep the <a
href="">netiquette guidelines</a>
in mind. In particular be aware that discussions inside the FSFE's
technical infrastructure are covered by our <a
href="/about/codeofconduct.html">Code of Conduct</a> that kindly asks all
participants to be excellent to each other.
Opinions voiced in the public discussion are not official
positions of the FSFE. For official statements see our <a
href="/contact/press.html">press release lists</a> or <a
href="/about/contact.html#general">contact us</a>.
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<h3 id="mailinglist">Mailing Lists</h3>
We have a number of mailing lists for local groups as well as thematic
teams. You can find a complete list of the public lists on our
<a href="">mailing list server</a>.
<h3 id="forum">Forum</h3>
The FSFE provides <a href="">Discourse</a>, a
forum-like discussion platform. It is a complement to our mailing lists
and allows for discussions and comments. You are welcome to become part of
this new service and help us improving it.
<h3 id="micro">Microblogging</h3>
The FSFE and many supporters use microblogging
services to send status updates and interesting links.
Follow the user fsfe in its diverse social media networks,
such as <a href="">Mastodon</a>.
We encourage you to use the tags <code>#FreeSoftware</code>,
<code>#IloveFS</code>, <code>#FSFE</code>, etc. in your messages.
<h3 id="LocalGroups">Local Groups</h3>
We have a network of Free Software volunteers meeting in local groups throughout Europe.
Find more information about how to reach and join them at the <a href="/about/groups.html">local groups overview</a> page.
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<h3 id="chat">Chat rooms</h3>
<h4 id="matrix">Matrix</h4>
You are welcome to join us on Matrix. The room name is
<code></code>; it can be joined from accounts from all
instances. Make sure to also check out the FSFE space at
<code></code> to find more suggested rooms. FSFE supporters
and volunteers <a href="">can get an
account on our server</a>.
<h4 id="xmpp">XMPP/Jabber</h4>
<p>We have an XMPP-Chat-Room where we can meet:</p>
<li>Server: <code></code></li>
<li>Channel: <code>community</code></li>
Other channels can be found with the room search of your XMPP client. If
you would like to use an account on the FSFE server, please follow <a
href="">this guide</a>.
<h4 id="irc">IRC</h4>
<p>You can also join other Free Software supporters on IRC:</p>
<li>Server: <code></code></li>
<li>Channel: <code>#fsfe</code></li>
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