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Ham Kalıcı Bağlantı Suçlama Geçmiş

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Do not translate this file -->
<!-- Please keep this list alphabetical by last name -->
This list contains all team members of FSFE plus people from associated organisations
If you want to add or update a person, please stick to following tagging sheme:
id= Surname, without special characters
<name> Full name of the person
<country> Where the person lives (TODO: Where is this used?!)
<function> The function(s) of the person (you can have more). This is a bit more complicated to express, as it uses several sources of possible functions:
- functions.en.xml: This is the most important file. Here are all "normal" functions like intern or sysadmin, but also "ranks" for other activities
- activity.en.xml: There are several activities like REUSE Software (reuse), PMPC (publiccode) or Router Freedom (routers)
- countries.en.xml: (translated) names for countries, i.e. for coordinators of a country team
- groups.en.xml: (translated) names for groups (mostly cities), i.e. for coordinators of a local group
- function-fellowship.en.xml: Functions related to the fellowship
- volunteers.en.xml: Functions for volunteers (web team, translation coordinator...)
Here are some examples:
* <function>president/f</function>: Female president
* <function>intern/m</function>: Male intern
* <function country="DE">deputy/m</function>: Deputy (male) of the German team
* <function group="bari">coordinator/f</function>: Coordinator (female) of the Bari group
* <function activity="reuse">coordinator/m</function>: Coordinator of the REUSE activity
* <function volunteers="translators-it">coordinator/m</function>: Coordinator of italian translations
Note: You can use more than one function tag.
Note: If someone has no function inside the FSFE, he can ignore the function-tag (like person from associative organisations)
<team> Insert the teams/groups of the person, one tag per team. There are several ones:
gb, de, fr, it...: Country teams
athens, munich...: local groups
ga: General Assembly. Every member of the GA needs this tag!
core: Member of the European Core Team
This tag is not needed if the person is member of the GA
council: The person is member of FSFE's council (president, vice, executive director)
ftf: member of Legal team, former Freedom Task Force
intern: The person is intern (dont forget to add <employee>part</employee>
care: Code of Conduct Active Response Ensurers
<email> Email address of the person.
<fingerprint> OpenPGP fingerprint of the person. 40 hex digits. No spaces.
<keyhref> Link to the person's OpenPGP key. MUST be served over HTTPS. If the link is to a
public keyserver, it MUST identify the key by the fingerprint or another identifier
guaranteed to be unique. Key-IDs, names, and e-mail addresses SHALL NOT be used.
<link> If someone clicks on a name, he can be redirected to a page with further information.
In most cases, it's /about/surname/surname.html (if there's a page)
<avatar> Here you can display an image. These image files have to be located in /about/people/avatars/, and ideally be named with the surname (id) of the person. Maximum 50x50px please!
<employee> Working status inside the FSFE, defined by the earned money. Only nexessary if the person receives money on a regular basis for his/her work
full: Person is working 4 or 5 days a week
part: Person is working 3 or less days a week
freelancer: Person is working on honorary basis, no matter which salary or how long
Technical information:
The teampage derives its information from many files and XSL scripts.
- /about/people/people.en.xml (this file): All FSFE-teammembers, even those not belonging to team@ (i.e. country teams)
- /about/people/index.**.xhtml: The frame of the team page: Information texts, Headlines etc
- /about/people/index.xsl: In this file, tags like <council-members /> are defined.
- /about/people/index.sources: Where to look for people-files, translations of functions/activities/countries and so on
- /about/people/avatars/: Place for all avatar pictures
- /build/xslt/people.xsl: The building of the team lists itself: Links, Background colors, inclusion of avatars etc
Improvement ideas:
When improving this teampage, we had some other ideas for which we had no time to implement:
- A map where the residency of every team member is shown
- (Dynamic) overview of sectors (like education, policy, legal) and their members
- Making this whole thing more simple than it is now ;)
<person id="adams">
<name>Paul Adams</name>
<person id="agger">
<name>Carsten Agger</name>
<function country="DK">coordinator/m</function>
<!-- <function group="aarhus">coordinator/m</function> -->
<!-- <team>aarhus</team> -->
<person id="albers">
<name>Erik Albers</name>
<function volunteers="sustainability">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="andreoli">
<name>Marta Andreoli</name>
<function country="IT">deputy/f</function>
<person id="arnold">
<name>Guido Arnold</name>
<function group="rheinmain">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="bakker">
<name>Carmen Bianca Bakker</name>
<function activity="reuse">coordinator/f</function>
<person id="boehm">
<name>Mirko Boehm</name>
<person id="bonanno">
<name>Francesco Bonanno</name>
<function group="sicilia">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="bonissi">
<name>Luca Bonissi</name>
<function volunteers="translators">deputy/m</function>
<person id="borchardt">
<name>Jan-Christoph Borchardt</name>
<person id="brooke-smith">
<name>George Brooke-Smith</name>
<person id="bubestinger">
<name>Peter Bubestinger</name>
<person id="busch">
<name>Alexandra Busch</name>
<person id="busse">
<name>Christian Busse</name>
<!-- function group="openscience">coordinator/m</function>
<team>openscience</team> -->
<person id="carraturo">
<name>Alexjan Carraturo</name>
<function country="IT"></function>
<person id="ceballos">
<name>Lina Ceballos</name>
<person id="cryptie">
<name>Amandine “Cryptie” Jambert</name>
<function volunteers="translators-fr">deputy/f</function>
<person id="coughlan">
<name>Shane M. Coughlan</name>
<person id="dasilva">
<name>Erik Da Silva</name>
<function country="FR">deputy/m</function>
<person id="daffre">
<name>Gian-Maria Daffré</name>
<function country="CH">coordinator/m</function>
<function group="zurich">deputy/m</function>
<person id="darrington">
<name>John Darrington</name>
<person id="dengg">
<name>Albert Dengg</name>
<person id="diekershoff">
<name>Tobias Diekershoff</name>
<function volunteers="web">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="dietrich">
<name>Nicolas Dietrich</name>
<person id="diz">
<name>Andrés Diz</name>
<function volunteers="translators-es">deputy/m</function>
<person id="doczkal">
<name>Thomas Doczkal</name>
<function group="rheinmain">deputy/m</function>
<person id="eiswirt">
<name>Susanne Eiswirt</name>
<person id="faerber">
<name>Nicole Faerber</name>
<person id="feltrin">
<name>Nicola Feltrin</name>
<person id="falgueyrac">
<name>Lucile Falgueyrac</name>
<person id="galan">
<name>Ana Galan</name>
<person id="gerloff">
<name>Karsten Gerloff</name>
<person id="gkotsopoulou">
<name>Olga Gkotsopoulou</name>
<person id="gonzalez">
<name>Pablo González</name>
<function group="madrid">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="graebner">
<name>Malte Gräbner</name>
<function group="cologne">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="greve">
<name>Georg C. F. Greve</name>
<person id="grote">
<name>Torsten Grote</name>
<person id="grun">
<name>Erik Grun</name>
<function group="berlin">deputy/m</function>
<person id="hansch">
<name>Paul Hänsch</name>
<person id="hersel">
<name>Ralf Hersel</name>
<function country="CH">deputy/m</function>
<function group="zurich">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="hf">
<name>Henning Fehr</name>
<person id="hopf">
<name>Dominic Hopf</name>
<function group="hamburg">deputy/m</function>
<person id="hornbachner">
<name>Simon Hornbachner</name>
<person id="indorato">
<name>Francesca Indorato</name>
<person id="jean">
<name>Nicolas Jean</name>
<person id="jensch">
<name>Thomas Jensch</name>
<person id="jost">
<name>Thomas Jost</name>
<person id="jyrinki">
<name>Timo Jyrinki</name>
<person id="kalikiana">
<name>Liv Dywan</name>
<function volunteers="fsfewomen">deputy/f</function>
<person id="kalkhoff">
<name>Christian Kalkhoff</name>
<function group="kiel">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="kazimiers">
<name>Antje Kazimiers</name>
<function volunteers="fsfewomen">coordinator/f</function>
<person id="keijzer">
<name>Kevin Keijzer</name>
<person id="kekalainen">
<name>Otto Kekäläinen</name>
<person id="kenan">
<name>Elif Kenan</name>
<person id="kesper">
<name>Michael Kesper</name>
<function group="bonn">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="kietreiber">
<name>Marlene Kietreiber</name>
<person id="kirschner">
<name>Matthias Kirschner</name>
<person id="kneissl">
<name>Jürgen Kneissl</name>
<person id="ku">
<name>Gabriel Ku Wei Bin</name>
<person id="lasota">
<name>Lucas Lasota</name>
<person id="mehring">
<name>Bonnie Mehring</name>
<function volunteers="translators">coordinator/f</function>
<person id="lequertier">
<name>Vincent Lequertier</name>
<function country="FR">deputy/m</function>
<person id="lindfors">
<name>Timo Juhani Lindfors</name>
<person id="lohmus">
<name>Heiki Lõhmus</name>
<person id="lovergine">
<name>Francesco Lovergine</name>
<function group="bari">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="machon">
<name>Pablo Machón</name>
<person id="malaja">
<name>Polina Malaja</name>
<person id="marrali">
<name>Michele Marrali</name>
<person id="marti">
<name>Daniel Martí</name>
<function group="barcelona">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="maxsc">
<name>Max Schlüter</name>
<person id="mehl">
<name>Max Mehl</name>
<person id="mancheva">
<person id="maisuradze">
<name>Irakli Maisuradze</name>
<person id="micgor32">
<name>Michal Gorlas</name>
<person id="moeller">
<name>Marcus Maria Möller</name>
<person id="mueller">
<name>Reinhard Müller</name>
<person id="murphy">
<name>Luke Murphy</name>
<person id="naeder">
<name>Johannes Näder</name>
<function country="DE">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="nascimento">
<name>Mauricio Nascimento</name>
<function country="BE">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="oberg">
<name>Jonas Öberg</name>
<person id="ockers">
<name>André Ockers</name>
<function volunteers="translators-nl">coordinator/m</function>
<function country="NL">deputy/m</function>
<person id="ohnewein">
<name>Patrick Ohnewein</name>
<function country="IT">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="palepu">
<name>Jithendra Palepu</name>
<person id="piana">
<name>Carlo Piana</name>
<function country="IT">seniorcounsel/m</function>
<person id="presutti">
<name>Dario Presutti</name>
<person id="dipohl">
<name>Gabriele Pohl</name>
<person id="kristiprogri">
<name>Kristi Progri</name>
<person id="partsafyllidou">
<name>Fani Partsafyllidou</name>
<person id="poderi">
<name>Giacomo Poderi</name>
<person id="rathke">
<name>Eike Rathke</name>
<function group="hamburg">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="ravestein">
<name>Rijk Ravestein</name>
<person id="reiter">
<name>Bernhard Reiter</name>
<person id="rigamonti">
<name>Cristian Rigamonti</name>
<person id="rikken">
<name>Nico Rikken</name>
<function country="NL">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="roussos">
<name>Nikos Roussos</name>
<function country="GR">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="roy">
<name>Hugo Roy</name>
<function country="FR">coordinator/m</function>
<function group="paris">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="roche">
<name>Michel Roche</name>
<person id="rubini">
<name>Alessandro Rubini</name>
<person id="sander">
<name>Alexander Sander</name>
<person id="sandklef">
<name>Henrik Sandklef</name>
<person id="sanjurjo">
<name>Fernando Sanjurjo</name>
<person id="schiessle">
<name>Björn Schießle</name>
<person id="schoenitzer">
<name>Michael Schönitzer</name>
<function group="munich">deputy/m</function>
<person id="schweikert">
<name>Florian Schweikert</name>
<person id="sehn">
<name>Linus Sehn</name>
<person id="siemer">
<name>Uwe Siemer</name>
<person id="singhal">
<name>Niharika Singhal</name>
<person id="sliwinski">
<name>Ulrike Sliwinski</name>
<person id="snow">
<name>Florian Snow</name>
<function group="franconia">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="stegerman">
<name>Felix Stegerman</name>
<person id="stehmann">
<name>Michael Stehmann</name>
<function group="duesseldorf">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="suhr">
<name>Jonke Suhr</name>
<person id="suklje">
<name>Matija Šuklje</name>
<function country="SI">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="tommi">
<name>Tommaso Marmo</name>
<person id="tomas">
<function group="berlin">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="verheesen">
<name>Maurice Verheesen</name>
<person id="vinto">
<name>Natale Vinto</name>
<function group="milano">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="waechter">
<name>Simon Wächter</name>
<person id="wagener">
<name>Linda Wagener</name>
<person id="weiden">
<name>Fernanda Weiden</name>
<person id="weitzhofer">
<name>Bernhard Weitzhofer</name>
<function group="munich">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="weymeirsch">
<name>Jan Weymeirsch</name>
<person id="widerstroem">
<name>Christian Widerström</name>
<function country="AT">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="wg">
<name>Wolfgang G</name>
<function group="vienna">coordinator/m</function>
<person id="willebrand">
<name>Martin von Willebrand</name>
<person id="wurmus">
<name>Ricardo Wurmus</name>
<person id="zanga">
<name>Diego Zanga</name>
<person id="zarl">
<name>Johannes Zarl-Zierl</name>