use Cwd qw (abs_path); use File::Basename qw (dirname); my $root; BEGIN { $root = abs_path (dirname (__FILE__)) }; use lib "$root/tools"; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use strict; use warnings; my %att = ( NAME => 'FSFE Website', # Shut up MM warning only MIN_PERL_VERSION => 5.008, PREREQ_FATAL => 1, PREREQ_PM => { 'Exporter' => 0, 'Carp' => 0, 'CGI' => 0, 'Cwd' => 0, 'DateTime' => 0, # Tested with 0.53 'Encode' => 0, # Tested with 2.35 'Fcntl' => 0, 'File::Basename' => 0, 'File::Copy' => 0, 'File::Find::Rule' => 0, 'File::Path' => 0, 'Getopt::Std' => 0, 'IO::Handle' => 0, 'IO::Select' => 0, 'HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath' => 0, 'POSIX' => 0, 'Socket' => 0, 'Template' => 2.0, # Tested with 2.22 'Text::Format' => 0, 'URI' => 0, # tested with 1.54 'XML::LibXSLT' => 0, 'XML::LibXML' => 0 }); MM->new (\%att) and print "All OK!\n"; # NO WriteMakefile! We do PREREQ checking only