The Free Software Foundation Europe actively promotes the use of Free Software in schools and universities. Free Software is pedagogically and technologically superior to proprietary systems. But more importantly, its basic spirit involving freedom and cooperation is the same spirit of education in a democratic environment.
We have a more detailed argumentation which sums up why we think that Free Software is the kind of software which should be used in education.
Please check out the pages on education of the GNU Project.
There are already some organisations which support and advocate the use of Free Software in education:
Mario Fux writes a column called TUX&GNU@school twice a month which the FSF Europe explicitly and actively supports under its roof.
If you are interested in general discussion about Free Software and
education issues or would like to participate, please join our
mailing list.
Furthermore, the Free Software Foundation Europe has created an
education task force who aims to act as
a hub for national efforts in Europe.