Replace /bin/bash with /usr/bin/env bash #927

Ghost chce scalić 0 commity/ów z (deleted):usr_bin_env_bash do master
First-time contributor

Build scripts expect bash to be in /bin. On some OSs (e.g. nixos)
this is not the case. '/usr/bin/env bash' should work on (altmost)
all systems.

Build scripts expect bash to be in /bin. On some OSs (e.g. nixos) this is not the case. '/usr/bin/env bash' should work on (altmost) all systems.
max.mehl dodaje to do kamienia milowego Hackathon1905 2019-05-25 10:22:52 +00:00
max.mehl wspomniał(-a) to zgłoszenie z commita 2019-05-25 19:22:07 +00:00

Merged with a manual merge because of a conflict caused on

Merged with a manual merge because of a conflict caused on
max.mehl zamknął(-ęła) ten pull request 2019-05-25 19:23:04 +00:00
Niektóre etapy są w toku
the build was successful

Pull request closed

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