Removes broken image from people profiles #1066

doczkal 2019-09-11 18:54:04 +00:00 将 1 次代码提交从 fix/local-teams-avatars 合并至 master

Closes #1059

I removed the the broken avatars for now. If they want to have some they should notify the web team.

Closes #1059 I removed the the broken avatars for now. If they want to have some they should notify the web team.
max.mehl2019-09-11 18:47:06 +00:00mweimann 指派
doczkal2019-09-11 18:47:06 +00:00mweimann 指派
mweimann2019-09-11 18:47:06 +00:00 添加了标签
doczkal "于 2019-09-11 18:54:03 +00:00 关闭此合并请求 "
mweimann2019-09-11 19:29:37 +00:00 删除了分支 fix/local-teams-avatars
登录 并参与到对话中。