News item about REUSE 3.0 #1041

max.mehl 2019-08-07 07:11:34 +00:00 max.mehl/fsfe-website:news/20190806-reuse içindeki 12 işlemeyi master ile birleştirdi

To be released on 7 August

To be released on 7 August

Some patches in

I don't really know how to fix the issue of "making it awesome". Being able to point to an adopter would be awesome. The Linux kernel is the closest thing to an adopter. Perhaps a sentence/paragraph along the lines of "This mirrors the efforts of the Linux kernel, which has been steadily adding REUSE-compliant headers to its source code files [...]"?

Some patches in I don't really know how to fix the issue of "making it awesome". Being able to point to an adopter would be awesome. The Linux kernel is the closest thing to an adopter. Perhaps a sentence/paragraph along the lines of "This mirrors the efforts of the Linux kernel, which has been steadily adding REUSE-compliant headers to its source code files [...]"?

I've added a paragraph about parties using and recommending REUSE. Would you think that does it?

I've added a paragraph about parties using and recommending REUSE. Would you think that does it?
max.mehl 2019-08-07 07:11:34 +00:00 değişiklik isteğini kapattı
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