lucas.lasota vēlas sapludināt 23 revīzijas no lucas.lasota:NEWTESTEMONIALS uz master


I am adding the interview's page for the Testimonial section of our website. If everything is fine with the code, olease merge the following features:

. Eight interview's pages (Gkotsopoulou, Grun, Lequertier, Mueller, Ockers, Snow, Weitzhofer and Zerolo)
. Eight modules for dynamic content (Gkotsopoulou, Grun, Lequertier, Mueller, Ockers, Snow, Weitzhofer and Zerolo)

Thank you very much!


Hi, I am adding the interview's page for the Testimonial section of our website. If everything is fine with the code, olease merge the following features: . Eight interview's pages (Gkotsopoulou, Grun, Lequertier, Mueller, Ockers, Snow, Weitzhofer and Zerolo) . Eight modules for dynamic content (Gkotsopoulou, Grun, Lequertier, Mueller, Ockers, Snow, Weitzhofer and Zerolo) Thank you very much! Lucas

I assume this is supposed to be reviewed by @eal?

Regarding the conflict, that's probably because you haven't run a git pull upstream master while being on the master branch before starting the new branch NEWTESTEMONIALS with git checkout -b NEWTESTEMONIALS. This is why in the commit display of this pull request, there are still a lot of old (conflicting) commits...

In order to solve this, you could follow the recommended workflow again and create a new Pull Request. Cleaning this branch will probably be a bit more complex...

I assume this is supposed to be reviewed by @eal? Regarding the conflict, that's probably because you haven't run a `git pull upstream master` while being on the master branch before starting the new branch NEWTESTEMONIALS with `git checkout -b NEWTESTEMONIALS`. This is why in the commit display of this pull request, there are still a lot of old (conflicting) commits... In order to solve this, you could follow the [recommended workflow]( again and create a new Pull Request. Cleaning this branch will probably be a bit more complex...
max.mehl aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu 2019-07-18 12:41:36 +00:00
Dažas pārbaudes vēl tiek veiktas
the build failed

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