"Full build" isn't #852

opened 2019-03-22 07:28:02 +00:00 by reinhard · 3 comments

The button "schedule a full build" on the status page currently only starts a normal build, where only the changed files are rebuilt. The build script has no option to really do a full build.

A real full build would consist of:

  • "git clean -dfx" in the source tree
  • completely emptying the stage directory
  • starting a new build
The button "schedule a full build" on the status page currently only starts a normal build, where only the changed files are rebuilt. The build script has no option to really do a full build. A real full build would consist of: * "git clean -dfx" in the source tree * completely emptying the stage directory * starting a new build

Note: there currently are some FIXMEs in the phase 1 Makefile causing issues on the first build in a fresh checkout. These must be fixed before the full build option can be introduced.

Note: there currently are some FIXMEs in the phase 1 Makefile causing issues on the first build in a fresh checkout. These must be fixed before the full build option can be introduced.

Also note: If such a full build is done automatically every night, the "wakeup" routine as well as the "d_day/d_month/d_year" system can both be discarded.

Also note: If such a full build is done automatically every night, the "wakeup" routine as well as the "d_day/d_month/d_year" system can both be discarded.
reinhard added the
label 2019-03-22 11:01:22 +00:00

Just a ping: I would love to have the option of a full build. There are still some artifacts around, e.g. after deleting files and folders, that would be deleted by that.

Just a ping: I would love to have the option of a full build. There are still some artifacts around, e.g. after deleting files and folders, that would be deleted by that.
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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#852
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