Sidebar should go on top of the minimized page-view on /events/ #814

opened 2019-02-22 14:33:59 +00:00 by eal · 3 comments

Currently, if you look at in a minimized page-view (for example on a mobile), the sidebar with the feed-possiblities and the add-an-event-button etc moves at the very end of the whole list of events down to the 7th June 2004.

As these are important navigation elements, it would be a better user-experience if the sidebar would move on top of all events.

However, to not overload the user with the navigation elements (and especially text) before the very first event, I propose to remove the explaining text and put only the buttons on top of the minimized page view. The text shall only be visible in the "desktop view".

Currently, if you look at in a minimized page-view (for example on a mobile), the sidebar with the feed-possiblities and the add-an-event-button etc moves at the very end of the whole list of events down to the 7th June 2004. As these are important navigation elements, it would be a better user-experience if the sidebar would move on top of all events. However, to not overload the user with the navigation elements (and especially text) before the very first event, I propose to remove the explaining text and put only the buttons on top of the minimized page view. The text shall only be visible in the "desktop view".
eal added the
label 2019-02-22 14:33:59 +00:00

Actually I think the mentioned elements should not be on the sidebar; the sidebar is for providing links to related topics. I suggest to just have the icons besides the "Events" heading just like we have them on the main page.

Also, the explanation what the event page is about should not go on the sidebar.

Actually I think the mentioned elements should not be on the sidebar; the sidebar is for providing links to related topics. I suggest to just have the icons besides the "Events" heading just like we have them on the main page. Also, the explanation what the event page is about should not go on the sidebar.
max.mehl added this to the Hackathon1905 milestone 2019-05-22 15:15:54 +00:00
mweimann self-assigned this 2019-05-25 11:55:24 +00:00

I agree with Reinhard. I'll add the "add event" button and the subscription things at the top. I would also leave the sidebar below on mobile.

I agree with Reinhard. I'll add the "add event" button and the subscription things at the top. I would also leave the sidebar below on mobile.
mweimann removed their assignment 2019-05-25 12:09:06 +00:00
vincent was assigned by mweimann 2019-05-25 12:09:10 +00:00

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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#814
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