TOC on order page becomes too narrow on small screens #752

opened 2019-01-25 22:01:15 +00:00 by reinhard · 4 comments

The TOC on the order page becomes too narrow on very small screens (like mobile phones), so that the text flows out of the box. It could be solved by placing the TOC box above the text instead of besides it on small screens.

This is probably related to the use of individual CSS styles for that TOC. It would be preferrable to have a global style available for a table of contents box, which is properly arranged for any screen size.

The TOC on the order page becomes too narrow on very small screens (like mobile phones), so that the text flows out of the box. It could be solved by placing the TOC box above the text instead of besides it on small screens. This is probably related to the use of individual CSS styles for that TOC. It would be preferrable to have a global style available for a table of contents box, which is properly arranged for any screen size.
reinhard added the
label 2019-01-25 22:06:35 +00:00

Would you suggest using bootstrap's grids in order to achieve a similar look?

Would you suggest using [bootstrap's grids]( in order to achieve a similar look?

I am not sure whether that would work, since there is no fixed text beside the table of contents. The TOC should just float right if it's a wide screen, and be on top with full width if it's a narrow screen.

I am not sure whether that would work, since there is no fixed text beside the table of contents. The TOC should just float right if it's a wide screen, and be on top with full width if it's a narrow screen.
max.mehl added this to the Hackathon1905 milestone 2019-05-22 15:12:52 +00:00
vincent self-assigned this 2019-05-25 10:28:00 +00:00

See PR #930

See [PR #930](

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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#752
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