News sometimes don't appear on front-page #63

opened 2017-12-14 11:02:51 +00:00 by max.mehl · 1 comment

I just experienced a case where a news item I uploaded (there wasn't a very of this file before) didn't appear on the front-page although the date and tag was set correctly. (status log)

It did just appear after another news item has been updated (this status).

I just experienced a case where a news item I uploaded (there wasn't a very of this file before) didn't appear on the front-page although the date and tag was set correctly. ([status log]( It did just appear after another news item has been updated ([this status](
max.mehl added the
label 2017-12-14 11:02:59 +00:00
max.mehl added
and removed
labels 2017-12-14 13:41:42 +00:00

I notice, that the commit that enabled the change was an update of an existing file, while the first one set up a new file.

I think there might be a delay of one build cycle for newly added xhtml (but not xml) files caused by the fact the xhtml has to be converted to a xml pendant, before it can be included on another page.

Tagmaps which facilitate this inclusion are calculated at the very beginning of the prebuild (Makefile line 63, a static variable) while the conversion runs within the SUBDIRS target (the first job to execute, but after variable expansion).

I notice, that the commit that enabled the change was an update of an existing file, while the first one set up a new file. I think there might be a delay of one build cycle for newly added xhtml (but not xml) files caused by the fact the xhtml has to be converted to a xml pendant, before it can be included on another page. Tagmaps which facilitate this inclusion are calculated at the very beginning of the prebuild (Makefile line 63, a static variable) while the conversion runs within the SUBDIRS target (the first job to execute, but after variable expansion).
max.mehl added the
label 2018-05-30 10:38:02 +00:00
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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#63
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