[front-page] create support-the-fsfe frame #624

opened 2018-11-20 15:51:16 +00:00 by eal · 1 comment

on the right sided column on top there should be a "support-the-fsfe" frame with

  • one supporter video / picture embedded, that is changed once a month
  • visible "support fsfe" button
  • have a donation button (?)
on the right sided column on top there should be a "support-the-fsfe" frame with - one supporter video / picture embedded, that is changed once a month - visible "support fsfe" button - have a donation button (?)
eal added this to the Hackathon1811 milestone 2018-11-20 15:51:16 +00:00
eal changed title from create support-the-fsfe frame to [front-page] create support-the-fsfe frame 2018-11-22 14:57:54 +00:00

Here's an example how we implemented rotating pictures: https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/

Here's an example how we implemented rotating pictures: https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/
mweimann self-assigned this 2018-11-24 10:00:32 +00:00
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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#624
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