Offer download of logo in shop #521

créé 2018-09-20 13:20:23 +00:00 par max.mehl · 0 commentaire

We had the idea to offer a download link below each item in the shop (/order) to the plain logo of a design, or the respective item on the promotions page.

This could be interesting for people who love a specific design and would like to use it otherwise as well.

We had the idea to offer a download link below each item in the shop (`/order`) to the plain logo of a design, or the respective item on the promotions page. This could be interesting for people who love a specific design and would like to use it otherwise as well.
max.mehl a ajouté le label
2018-09-20 13:20:23 +00:00.
max.mehl a ajouté ça au jalon Hackathon1905 2019-05-22 10:19:13 +00:00.
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Référence : FSFE/fsfe-website#521
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