Create an automatic sitemap #377

" max.mehl2018-06-27 08:03:23 +00:00을 오픈" · 0개의 코멘트

For SEO it could be beneficial to create a live sitemap of the pages on The only downside I could think of is that some pages are then accessible which we don't want to have indexed yet, e.g. unreleased news or pages which are just archived.

The principle would be rather easy:

  1. Find all en XHTML files and make some exceptions: find . -type f -iname "*\.en\.xhtml" | grep -v '^./internal\|^./news\|^./error' | sort. This could be extended by excluding news and newsletter which are not released yet according to their releasedate. Also, we could check for files which do not exist in English but only another language.
  2. Find translations of all files these files.
  3. Get last modification date, e.g. by git log --pretty="%cd" --date=short -1 $file
  4. Create sitemap.xml using the sitemap protocol. This should also rename xhtml to html For translations, this could look like:

I'm not sure how to get the lastmod attribute in the alternate link, or whether language-specific sitemaps would make more sense.

If someone would have time to create such a script, I can try to include it in the actual build system.

For SEO it could be beneficial to create a live sitemap of the pages on The only downside I could think of is that some pages are then accessible which we don't want to have indexed yet, e.g. unreleased news or pages which are just archived. The principle would be rather easy: 1. Find all en XHTML files and make some exceptions: `find . -type f -iname "*\.en\.xhtml" | grep -v '^./internal\|^./news\|^./error' | sort`. This could be extended by excluding news and newsletter which are not released yet according to their releasedate. Also, we could check for files which do not exist in English but only another language. 2. Find translations of all files these files. 3. Get last modification date, e.g. by `git log --pretty="%cd" --date=short -1 $file` 4. Create sitemap.xml using the [sitemap protocol]( This should also rename `xhtml` to `html` For translations, this could look like: ``` <url> <loc></loc> <lastmod>2018-01-01</lastmod> <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl" href="" /> </url> ``` I'm not sure how to get the lastmod attribute in the alternate link, or whether language-specific sitemaps would make more sense. If someone would have time to create such a script, I can try to include it in the actual build system.
max.mehl added the
labels 2018-06-27 08:03:23 +00:00
"로그인하여 이 대화에 참여"
마일스톤 없음
담당자 없음
참여자 1명
기한이 올바르지 않거나 범위를 벗어났습니다. 'yyyy-mm-dd'형식을 사용해주십시오.

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Reference: FSFE/fsfe-website#377
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