Updated donate page to allow for periodic donations.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=20866
This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Müller 2011-07-18 17:22:33 +00:00
parent 9ee89eef3b
commit e30f0fc0ec
16 changed files with 577 additions and 2021 deletions

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
use CGI;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YM);
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get parameters
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $query = new CGI;
my $name = $query->param("name");
my $email = $query->param("email");
my $amount = $query->param("amount");
my $period = substr($amount, 0, 1);
my $amount = substr($amount, 1);
if ($amount eq "other") {
$amount = $query->param($period . "amount_other");
my $anonymous = $query->param("anonymous");
my $language = $query->param("language");
my $text = $query->param("text");
my $amount100 = $amount * 100;
my $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
my $time = strftime("%s", localtime);
my $reference = "";
if ($anonymous) {
$reference = "adonation.$date." . substr($time, -5);
} else {
$reference = "donation.$date." . substr($time, -5);
if ($period ne "o") {
$reference .= ".$period";
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime;
my $months = 0;
if ($period eq "m") {
($year, $mon, $mday) = Add_Delta_YM($year, $mon, $mday, 0, 1);
$months = 1;
if ($period eq "y") {
($year, $mon, $mday) = Add_Delta_YM($year, $mon, $mday, 1, 0);
$months = 12;
my $start = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, 0, 0, $isdst));
my $day = substr($date, -2);
my $lang = substr($language, 0, 2);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate form to forward payment request to PayPal or Concardis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open TEMPLATE, "/home/www/html/global/donate/tmpl-donate.$lang.html";
while (<TEMPLATE>) {
if (/:FORM:/) {
my $passphrase = "Only4TestingPurposes";
my $shastring =
"ACCEPTURL=http://fsfe.org/donate/thankyou.$lang.html$passphrase" .
"AMOUNT=$amount100$passphrase" .
if ($name) {
$shastring .=
$shastring .=
"COM=$text$passphrase" .
if ($email) {
$shastring .=
$shastring .=
"LANGUAGE=$language$passphrase" .
"ORDERID=$reference$passphrase" .
"PMLISTTYPE=2$passphrase" .
if ($period ne "o") {
$shastring .=
"SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$reference$passphrase" .
"SUB_AMOUNT=$amount100$passphrase" .
"SUB_COM=$text$passphrase" .
"SUB_ORDERID=$reference$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_MOMENT=$day$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_NUMBER=$months$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_UNIT=m$passphrase" .
"SUB_STARTDATE=$start$passphrase" .
$shastring .=
my $shasum = uc(sha1_hex($shastring));
print " <form name=\"donate\" action=\"https://secure.payengine.de/ncol/prod/orderstandard.asp\" method=\"post\">\n";
print " <!-- payment parameters -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PSPID\" value=\"40F00871\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"orderID\" value=\"$reference\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"com\" value=\"$text\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"$amount100\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"EUR\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"language\" value=\"$language\"/>\n";
if ($name) {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"CN\" value=\"$name\"/>\n";
if ($email) {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"EMAIL\" value=\"$email\"/>\n";
if ($period ne "o") {
print " <!-- subscription parameters -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUBSCRIPTION_ID\" value=\"$reference\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_ORDERID\" value=\"$reference\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_COM\" value=\"$text\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_AMOUNT\" value=\"$amount100\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_UNIT\" value=\"m\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_NUMBER\" value=\"$months\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_MOMENT\" value=\"$day\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_STARTDATE\" value=\"$start\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_STATUS\" value=\"1\"/>\n";
print " <!-- interface template -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TP\" value=\"http://fsfe.org/donate/tmpl-concardis.$lang.html\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PMListType\" value=\"2\"/>\n";
print " <!-- post-payment redirection -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"accepturl\" value=\"http://fsfe.org/donate/thankyou.$lang.html\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cancelurl\" value=\"http://fsfe.org/donate/cancel.$lang.html\"/>\n";
print " <!-- SHA1 signature -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SHASign\" value=\"$shasum\"/>\n";
print " <!-- Javascript submit() method only works if no submit button is active -->\n";
print " <noscript>\n";
print " <!-- submit button -->\n";
print " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"OK\"/>\n";
print " </noscript>\n";
print " </form>\n";
print " <script type=\"text/javascript\">document.donate.submit()</script>";
} else {

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
use CGI;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YM);
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -10,9 +11,13 @@ use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
my $query = new CGI;
my $name = $query->param("name");
my $email = $query->param("email");
my $amount = $query->param("amount");
if ($amount == "other") {
$amount = $query->param("amount_other");
my $period = substr($amount, 0, 1);
my $amount = substr($amount, 1);
if ($amount eq "other") {
$amount = $query->param($period . "amount_other");
my $anonymous = $query->param("anonymous");
my $language = $query->param("language");
@ -28,6 +33,24 @@ if ($anonymous) {
} else {
$reference = "donation.$date." . substr($time, -5);
if ($period ne "o") {
$reference .= ".$period";
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime;
my $months = 0;
if ($period eq "m") {
($year, $mon, $mday) = Add_Delta_YM($year, $mon, $mday, 0, 1);
$months = 1;
if ($period eq "y") {
($year, $mon, $mday) = Add_Delta_YM($year, $mon, $mday, 1, 0);
$months = 12;
my $start = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, 0, 0, $isdst));
my $day = substr($date, -2);
my $lang = substr($language, 0, 2);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -43,13 +66,36 @@ while (<TEMPLATE>) {
my $shastring =
"ACCEPTURL=http://fsfe.org/donate/thankyou.$lang.html$passphrase" .
"AMOUNT=$amount100$passphrase" .
"CANCELURL=http://fsfe.org/donate/cancel.$lang.html$passphrase" .
if ($name) {
$shastring .=
$shastring .=
"COM=$text$passphrase" .
"CURRENCY=EUR$passphrase" .
if ($email) {
$shastring .=
$shastring .=
"LANGUAGE=$language$passphrase" .
"ORDERID=$reference$passphrase" .
"PMLISTTYPE=2$passphrase" .
"PSPID=40F00871$passphrase" .
if ($period ne "o") {
$shastring .=
"SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$reference$passphrase" .
"SUB_AMOUNT=$amount100$passphrase" .
"SUB_COM=$text$passphrase" .
"SUB_ORDERID=$reference$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_MOMENT=$day$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_NUMBER=$months$passphrase" .
"SUB_PERIOD_UNIT=m$passphrase" .
"SUB_STARTDATE=$start$passphrase" .
$shastring .=
my $shasum = uc(sha1_hex($shastring));
print " <form name=\"donate\" action=\"https://secure.payengine.de/ncol/prod/orderstandard.asp\" method=\"post\">\n";
@ -60,6 +106,24 @@ while (<TEMPLATE>) {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"$amount100\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"EUR\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"language\" value=\"$language\"/>\n";
if ($name) {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"CN\" value=\"$name\"/>\n";
if ($email) {
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"EMAIL\" value=\"$email\"/>\n";
if ($period ne "o") {
print " <!-- subscription parameters -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUBSCRIPTION_ID\" value=\"$reference\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_ORDERID\" value=\"$reference\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_COM\" value=\"$text\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_AMOUNT\" value=\"$amount100\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_UNIT\" value=\"m\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_NUMBER\" value=\"$months\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_PERIOD_MOMENT\" value=\"$day\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_STARTDATE\" value=\"$start\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUB_STATUS\" value=\"1\"/>\n";
print " <!-- interface template -->\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TP\" value=\"http://fsfe.org/donate/tmpl-concardis.$lang.html\"/>\n";
print " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PMListType\" value=\"2\"/>\n";

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Přispějte nyní!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
Evropská nadace pro svobodný software (FSFE) je nezisková nevládní organizace.
<a href="/projects/work.en.html">Naše práce</a> je možná díky komunitě
<a href="/contribute/contribute.en.html">dobrovolníků</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">členů</a> a
<a href="thankgnus.en.html">dárců</a>. Vaše příspěvky jsou klíčové pro
naši sílu a samostatnost. Umožňují nám pokračovat v práci pro svobodný
software kdekoliv je to nezbytné a je zapotřebí nezávislý hlas.
<h2>Způsoby zaslání daru</h2>
<h3>Platba online</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate-new.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Jméno (osoba nebo firma)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Pokud si nepřejete zůstat v anonymitě, bude toto jméno uvedeno na
<a href="thankgnus.en.html">seznamu dárců</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Přeji si zůstat v anonymitě
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Měsíční příspěvek</th>
<th>Roční příspěvek</th>
<th>Jednorázový dar</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Stoupenec</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Přispěvatel</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Podporující přispěvatel</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patron</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Zadejte výši:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="cs"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Dar"/>
<input type="submit" value="Darovat"/>
<h3>Bankovní převod</h3>
Dary mohou být posílány odkudkoliv na světě na tyto účty:
<h4>Dary v EUR (Euro)</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Dary v CHF (Švýcarský frank)</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Další možnosti</h3>
Pokud vám nevyhovuje ani jedna z předchozích možností,
<a href="mailto:office&#64;fsfeurope.org">napište nám</a>
prosím a my se s vámi domluvíme na dalších možnostech.
Jako jednotlivec můžete také zvážit
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">připojení se ke členství ve FSFE</a>
jako alternativu nebo navíc k daru.
<h2>Co se bude dít dál</h2>
Pokud darujete více než 120 euro za rok, rádi bychom vaše jméno přidali
na naši <a href="thankgnus.en.html">dárcovskou listinu</a>. Pokud přispíváte
online a přejete si zůstat v anonymitě, můžete zaškrtnou políčko "Přeji si zůstat
v anonymitě". U bankovních převodů nám o takovém rozhodnutí
<a href="mailto:office&#64;fsfeurope.org">napište</a>.
Můžete navíc přidat naše
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.en.html">sponzorská tlačítka</a>
na své webové stránky a tím ukázat, že nás podporujete.
V některých zemích mohou být dary odečteny z daně z příjmu. V současnosti se to týká
<a href="germany.en.html">Německa</a>, <a href="netherlands.en.html">Nizozemska</a> a
<a href="switzerland.en.html">Švýcarska</a>.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
<translator>Pavel Kačer</translator>
Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

View File

@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Spenden Sie jetzt! - FSFE</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Sparschwein"/>
Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist eine gemeinnützige
Nichtregierungsorganisation. <a href="/projects/work.html">Unsere
Arbeit</a> wird durch eine Gemeinschaft von <a
href="/contribute/contribute.html">ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern</a>, <a
href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> und <a
href="thankgnus.html">Spendern</a> ermöglicht. Ihre Spenden sind
essenziell für unsere Stärke und Unabhängigkeit. Sie ermöglichen es uns,
weiterhin für Freie Software zu arbeiten, wo immer das nötig ist, und
machen uns zu einer unabhängigen Stimme.
<h2>Möglichkeiten zu spenden</h2>
<h3>Online spenden</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate-new.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Name (Person oder Firma)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Sollte Sie nicht anonym bleiben wollen, wird dieser Name auf
der <a href="thankgnus.html">Liste der Spender</a> erscheinen)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Ich möchte anonym bleiben
<label for="email">E-Mail-Adresse</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>monatliche Spende</th>
<th>jährliche Spende</th>
<th>einmalige Spende</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Unterstützer</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y120"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o120"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y600"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o600"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a
Träger</a><br/></td> <td><input name="amount" type="radio"
value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled
= true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1.200</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1.200</td> </tr> <tr>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Mäzen</a><br/></td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="m500"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6.000</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6.000</td> </tr> <tr> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;">Wählen Sie einen Betrag:</td> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount"
type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked"
onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false;
yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value=""
palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount"
type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled
= false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> <input
name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros"
style="width:5em"/></td> <td style="border-bottom: medium
none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother"
checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true;
yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value=""
palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="de_DE"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donation"/>
<input type="submit" value="Spenden"/>
Spenden können von der ganzen Welt auf die folgenden Konten
überwiesen werden:
<h4>Spenden in EUR</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Düsseldorf, Deutschland<br/>
<h4>Spenden in CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Andere Optionen</h3>
Falls keine der oben genannten Varianten für Sie passend ist, <a
href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">treten Sie mit uns in Kontakt</a>! Wir
besprechen gerne andere Möglichkeiten mit Ihnen.
Als eine Einzelperson können Sie alternativ oder zusätzlich zu einer
Spende auch <a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">ein Fellow der
FSFE werden</a>.
<h2>Weitere Schritte</h2>
Falls Sie 120 Euro oder mehr pro Jahr spenden, würden wir gerne Ihren Namen
in unsere <a href="thankgnus.html">Spenderliste</a> aufnehmen. Bei
Online-Spenden können Sie über die Checkbox <q>Ich möchte anonym bleiben</q>
angeben, dass Ihr Name nicht in dieser Liste veröffentlicht werden soll.
Falls Sie Ihre Spende überweisen, bitten wir Sie uns diesbezüglich zu <a
Zusätzlich können Sie unser <a
href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Sponsoring-Logo</a> auf
Ihrer Webseite platzieren, um Ihre Unterstützung für uns zu zeigen.
In manchen Ländern können Spenden an uns von der Steuer abgesetzt werden.
Im Moment trifft dies für <a href="germany.html">Deutschland</a> und die <a
href="switzerland.html">Schweiz</a> zu.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Donate now!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
The Free Software Foundation Europe is a non-profit non-governmental
organisation. <a href="/projects/work.html">Our work</a> is made
possible by a community of
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">volunteers</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> and
<a href="thankgnus.html">donors</a>. Your donations are critical to our
strength and autonomy. They enable us to continue working for Free
Software wherever necessary, and to be an independent voice.
<h2>Ways of donating</h2>
<h3>Online payment</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate-new.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Name (person or company)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Unless you want to remain anonymous, this name will be mentioned on
the <a href="thankgnus.html">donors list</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> I wish to remain anonymous
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Monthly donation</th>
<th>Yearly donation</th>
<th>One-time donation</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Supporter</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Sustaining Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patron</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Set an amount:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="en_US"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donation"/>
<input type="submit" value="Donate"/>
<h3>Bank transfer</h3>
Donations can be wired from anywhere in the world to the
following accounts:
<h4>Donations in EUR</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Donations in CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Other options</h3>
If none of the above options suits you, please
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact us</a> and we will discuss
the possibilities with you.
As an individual, you can also consider to
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">join the Fellowship of FSFE</a>
alternatively or additionally to a donation.
<h2>What happens next</h2>
If you donate more than 120 Euro in a year, we would like to add your
name to our <a href="thankgnus.html">donors list</a>. For online
donations, you can use the checkbox "I want to remain anonymous" to
indicate whether or not being listed there is ok with you. If you send
your donation by bank transfer, please
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact us</a> about this.
Additionally, you can include our
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Sponsoring buttons</a>
on your own web page to show your support for us.
In some countries, donations to us can be deducted from income tax.
Currently, this is the case in <a href="germany.html">Germany</a>, the
<a href="netherlands.html">Netherlands</a>, and
<a href="switzerland.html">Switzerland</a>.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Doneer nu!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Varkens-bank"/>
De Free Software Foundation Europe is een non-profit, onafhankelijke
organisatie. <a href="/projects/work.html">Ons werk</a> wordt mogelijk
gemaakt door een gemeenschap van <a
href="/contribute/contribute.html">vrijwilligers</a>, <a
href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> en <a
href="thankgnus.html">donoren</a>. Uw donaties zijn een essentieel
onderdeel van onze kracht en autonomie. Ze maken het mogelijk dat we
onafhankelijk blijven en ons werk voor Vrije Software kunnen
<h3>Online gift</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate-new.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Naam (persoon of bedrijf)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Tenzij u anoniem wenst te blijven zal uw naam vermeld worden op de
<a href="thankgnus.html">lijst van donoren</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/>Ik wil anoniem blijven.
<label for="email">E-mailadres</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Maandelijkse donatie</th>
<th>Jaarlijkse donatie</th>
<th>Eenmalige donatie</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Supporter</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Contributeur</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Doorlopende contributie</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patroon</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(U kiest):</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="nl_US"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donatie"/>
<input type="submit" value="Doneren"/>
Donaties kunnen overal ter wereld worden overgemaakt naar:
<h4>Donaties in EURO</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Donaties in CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Overige opties</h3>
Als geen van de bovenstaande opties voor u beschikbaar zijn, gelieve dan
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact</a> met ons op te nemen zodat
we de mogelijkheden kunnen bespreken.
Als een individu kunt u ook overwegen om <a
href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">lid te worden van de Fellowship
van FSFE</a> als alternatief of naast een donatie.
<h2>Wat gebeurt er hierna?</h2>
Als u meer dan 120 Euro per jaar doneert, willen we uw naam graag op onze
<a href="thankgnus.html">donorenlijst</a> plaatsen. Voor online donaties
kunt u de optie "Ik wil graag anoniem blijven" gebruiken om aan te geven
of u akkoord gaat met opname in de lijst. Als u doneert via een
bankoverschrijving, gelieve dan hierover <a
href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact met ons</a> op te nemen.
Daarnaast kunt u onze <a
href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">sponsorplaatjes</a> op uw
website plaatsen als blijk van uw support.
In sommige landen zijn donaties aan ons belastingaftrekbaar. Op dit moment
is dat mogelijk in <a href="netherlands.html">Nederland</a>,
<a href="germany.html">Duitsland</a> en
<a href="switzerland">Zwitserland</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-07-04 14:17:36 +0200 (Mon, 04 Jul 2011) $ $Author: reinhard $</timestamp>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>ЕФСПО - Внеси пожертвование сейчас!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="свинья-копилка"/>
Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения —
некоммерческая неправительственная организация.
<a href="/projects/work.html">Наша работа</a> возможна
только благодаря
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">добровольцам</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">членам Содружества</a> и
<a href="thankgnus.html">спонсорам</a>. Ваши пожертвования
необходимы для нашей эффективности и самостоятельности. Они дают нам
возможность продолжать работать на благо свободного программного
обеспечения там, где это необходимо, и выражать независимое мнение.
<h2>Способы внесения пожертвований</h2>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate-new.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Имя (частное лицо или компания)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Если только вы не пожелаете сохранить анонимность, это имя будет внесено в
<a href="thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Я хочу сделать анонимное
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Единовременное пожертвование</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Спонсор</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Сторонник</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Постоянный спонсор</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Меценат</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Выберите сумму:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="ru_RU"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Пожертвование"/>
<input type="submit" value="Пожертвовать"/>
<h3>Банковский перевод</h3>
Пожертвования могут быть перечислены из любой страны мира на следующие
банковские счета:
<h4>Пожертвования в EUR</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Пожертвования в CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Другие способы</h3>
Если ни один из вышеперечисленных способов Вам не подходит, пожалуйста,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">напишите нам</a>, и мы обсудим
другие возможности.
Как частное лицо Вы также могли бы
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">стать членом Содружества ЕФСПО</a>
вместо пожертвования или в дополнение к нему.
<h2>Что дальше</h2>
Если Вы пожертвуете больше 120 евро в течение года, мы добавим Ваше имя в
<a href="thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>. При онлайн-переводе, если
Вы не желаете обнародовать Ваши данные, можно поставить отметку "Я хочу
сделать анонимное пожертвование". При использовании банковского перевода,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">напишите нам</a>.
Кроме того, Вы можете разместить наши
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">значки спонсоров</a>
на Вашем сайте.
В некоторых странах сумма вашего пожертвования может быть вычтена из
подоходного налога. В настоящее время к этим странам относятся
<a href="germany.html">Германия</a>,
<a href="netherlands.html">Нидерланды</a> и
<a href="switzerland.html">Швейцария</a>.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
<title>FSFE - Darujte teď!</title>
<title>FSFE - Přispějte nyní!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
@ -14,68 +14,90 @@
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) je nezisková nevládní
organizace. <a href="/projects/work.html">Naše práce</a> je
umožněna komunitou
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">dobrovolníků</a>,
Evropská nadace pro svobodný software (FSFE) je nezisková nevládní organizace.
<a href="/projects/work.en.html">Naše práce</a> je možná díky komunitě
<a href="/contribute/contribute.en.html">dobrovolníků</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">členů</a> a
<a href="thankgnus.html">dárců</a>. Vaše dary jsou důležité pro naši
sílu a samostatnost. Umožňují nám pokračovat v práci pro Free
Software kdekoliv je to nezbytné, a je zapotřebí nezávislý hlas.
<a href="thankgnus.en.html">dárců</a>. Vaše příspěvky jsou klíčové pro
naši sílu a samostatnost. Umožňují nám pokračovat v práci pro svobodný
software kdekoliv je to nezbytné a je zapotřebí nezávislý hlas.
<h2>Způsoby darování</h2>
<h2>Způsoby zaslání daru</h2>
<h3>On-line platby</h3>
<h3>Platba online</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Jméno (osoba nebo firma)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Pokud si nepřejete zůstat v anonymitě, bude toto jméno uvedeno na
<a href="thankgnus.en.html">seznamu dárců</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Přeji si zůstat v anonymitě
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Stoupenci</a><br/></td>
<th>Měsíční příspěvek</th>
<th>Roční příspěvek</th>
<th>Jednorázový dar</th>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Přispěvatelé</a><br/></td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Stoupenec</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Větší přispěvatelé</a><br/></td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Přispěvatel</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;6,000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patroni</a><br/></td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Podporující přispěvatel</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(Vaše volba)</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patron</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Zadejte výši:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Přeji si zůstat v anonymitě
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="cs_CZ"/>
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="cs"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Dar"/>
<input type="submit" value="Darovat"/>
<h3>Bankovní převod</h3>
Dary mohou být zaslány odkudkoliv na světě na
následující účty:
Dary mohou být posílány odkudkoliv na světě na tyto účty:
<h4>Dary v EUR (Euro)</h4>
@ -96,52 +118,45 @@
<h3>Ostatní možnosti</h3>
<h3>Další možnosti</h3>
Pokud Vám žádná z výše uvedených možností nevyhovuje, prosím
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">kontaktujte nás</a> a domluvíme se
s Vámi na jiných možnostech.
Pokud vám nevyhovuje ani jedna z předchozích možností,
<a href="mailto:office&#64;fsfeurope.org">napište nám</a>
prosím a my se s vámi domluvíme na dalších možnostech.
Jako jednotlivec, můžete také zvážit
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">připojení ke Členství v FSFE</a>
Jako jednotlivec můžete také zvážit
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">připojení se ke členství ve FSFE</a>
jako alternativu nebo navíc k daru.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Co se bude dít dál</h2>
Pokud darujete více jak 120 Euro za rok, chtěli bychom přidat Vaše
jméno do naší <a href="thankgnus.html">dárcovské listiny</a>. Pro on-line
dary, můžete použít políčko "Přeji si zůstat v anonymitě" pro vyjádření
jestli si přejete nebo nepřejete být uveden v tomto listu. Pokud pošlete
svůj dar bankovním převodem, prosím
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">kontaktujte nás</a> o tom.
Pokud darujete více než 120 euro za rok, rádi bychom vaše jméno přidali
na naši <a href="thankgnus.en.html">dárcovskou listinu</a>. Pokud přispíváte
online a přejete si zůstat v anonymitě, můžete zaškrtnou políčko "Přeji si zůstat
v anonymitě". U bankovních převodů nám o takovém rozhodnutí
<a href="mailto:office&#64;fsfeurope.org">napište</a>.
Kromě toho, můžete vložit naše
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">sponzorské tlačítka</a>
na Váš vlastní webové stránky a ukázat tak Vaši podporu.
Můžete navíc přidat naše
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.en.html">sponzorská tlačítka</a>
na své webové stránky a tím ukázat, že nás podporujete.
V některých zemích, mohou být dary odečteny z daně z příjmu.
V současnosti, je to v případě <a href="germany.html">Německa</a> a
<a href="switzerland.html">Švýcarska</a>.
V některých zemích mohou být dary odečteny z daně z příjmu. V současnosti se to týká
<a href="germany.en.html">Německa</a>, <a href="netherlands.en.html">Nizozemska</a> a
<a href="switzerland.en.html">Švýcarska</a>.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
<translator>Pavel Kačer</translator>
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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Spenden Sie jetzt!</title>
<title>Spenden Sie jetzt! - FSFE</title>
@ -9,11 +10,19 @@
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Sparschwein"/>
Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist eine gemeinnützige Nichtregierungsorganisation. <a href="/projects/work.html">Unsere Arbeit</a> wird durch eine Gemeinschaft von <a href="/contribute/contribute.html">ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern</a>, <a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> und <a href="thankgnus.html">Spendern</a> ermöglicht. Ihre Spenden sind essenziell für unsere Stärke und Unabhängigkeit. Sie ermöglichen es uns, weiterhin für Freie Software zu arbeiten, wo immer das nötig ist, und sie machen uns zu einer unabhängigen Stimme.
Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist eine gemeinnützige
Nichtregierungsorganisation. <a href="/projects/work.html">Unsere
Arbeit</a> wird durch eine Gemeinschaft von <a
href="/contribute/contribute.html">ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern</a>, <a
href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> und <a
href="thankgnus.html">Spendern</a> ermöglicht. Ihre Spenden sind
essenziell für unsere Stärke und Unabhängigkeit. Sie ermöglichen es uns,
weiterhin für Freie Software zu arbeiten, wo immer das nötig ist, und
machen uns zu einer unabhängigen Stimme.
@ -22,58 +31,140 @@
<h3>Online spenden</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Name (Person oder Firma)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Sollte Sie nicht anonym bleiben wollen, wird dieser Name auf
der <a href="thankgnus.html">Liste der Spender</a> erscheinen)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Ich möchte anonym bleiben
<label for="email">E-Mail-Adresse</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> €120</td>
<th>monatliche Spende</th>
<th>jährliche Spende</th>
<th>einmalige Spende</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Unterstützer</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> €600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Träger</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> €1.200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Substantieller Träger</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> €6.000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Mäzen</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(Sie wählen)</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y120"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o120"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y600"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o600"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a
Träger</a><br/></td> <td><input name="amount" type="radio"
value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled
= true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1.200</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1.200</td> </tr> <tr>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Mäzen</a><br/></td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="m500"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6.000</td> <td><input
name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true;
oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6.000</td> </tr> <tr> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;">Wählen Sie einen Betrag:</td> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount"
type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked"
onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false;
yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value=""
palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td> <td
style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount"
type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked"
onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value =
&quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled
= false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> <input
name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros"
style="width:5em"/></td> <td style="border-bottom: medium
none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother"
checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;;
yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true;
yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value=""
palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<p><input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/>Ich möchte anonym bleiben.</p>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="de_DE"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Spende"/>
<input type="submit" value="spenden"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donation"/>
<input type="submit" value="Spenden"/>
<p>Spenden können von überall auf der ganzen Welt an die folgenden Konten überwiesen werden:</p>
Spenden können von der ganzen Welt auf die folgenden Konten
überwiesen werden:
<h4>Spenden in EUR</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Kontonummer: 3004732<br/>
Bankleitzahl: 36020030<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Düsseldorf, Deutschland<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Deutschland
<h4>Spenden in CHF</h4>
@ -85,24 +176,43 @@
<h3>Andere Möglichkeiten</h3>
<h3>Andere Optionen</h3>
<p>Falls keine der oben genannten Varianten für Sie passend ist, <a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">treten Sie mit uns in Kontakt</a>! Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen andere Möglichkeiten.</p>
<p>Als eine Einzelperson können Sie alternativ oder zusätzlich zu einer Spende auch <a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">ein Fellow der FSFE werden</a>.</p>
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
Falls keine der oben genannten Varianten für Sie passend ist, <a
href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">treten Sie mit uns in Kontakt</a>! Wir
besprechen gerne andere Möglichkeiten mit Ihnen.
Als eine Einzelperson können Sie alternativ oder zusätzlich zu einer
Spende auch <a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">ein Fellow der
FSFE werden</a>.
<h2>Weitere Schritte</h2>
<p>Falls Sie 120 Euro oder mehr pro Jahr spenden, würden wir gerne Ihren Namen in unsere <a href="thankgnus.html">Spenderliste</a> aufnehmen. Bei Online-Spenden können Sie über die Checkbox <q>Ich möchte anonym bleiben</q> angeben, dass Ihr Name nicht in dieser Liste veröffentlicht werden soll. Falls Sie Ihre Spende überweisen, bitten wir Sie uns diesbezüglich zu <a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">kontaktieren</a>.</p>
Falls Sie 120 Euro oder mehr pro Jahr spenden, würden wir gerne Ihren Namen
in unsere <a href="thankgnus.html">Spenderliste</a> aufnehmen. Bei
Online-Spenden können Sie über die Checkbox <q>Ich möchte anonym bleiben</q>
angeben, dass Ihr Name nicht in dieser Liste veröffentlicht werden soll.
Falls Sie Ihre Spende überweisen, bitten wir Sie uns diesbezüglich zu <a
<p>Zusätzlich können Sie unser <a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Sponsoring-Logo</a> auf Ihrer Webseite platzieren, um Ihre Unterstützung für uns zu zeigen.</p>
Zusätzlich können Sie unser <a
href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Sponsoring-Logo</a> auf
Ihrer Webseite platzieren, um Ihre Unterstützung für uns zu zeigen.
<p>In manchen Ländern können Spenden an uns von der Steuer abgesetzt werden. Im Moment trifft dies für <a href="germany.html">Deutschland</a> und die <a href="switzerland.html">Schweiz</a> zu.</p>
In manchen Ländern können Spenden an uns von der Steuer abgesetzt werden.
Im Moment trifft dies für <a href="germany.html">Deutschland</a> und die <a
href="switzerland.html">Schweiz</a> zu.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
@ -113,3 +223,4 @@ Local Variables: ***
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Δωρίστε τώρα!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (Free Software Foundation
Europe) είναι μια μη-κερδοσκοπική μη-κυβερνητική οργάνωση.
<a href="/projects/work.html">Η δραστηριότητά μας</a>
γίνεται εφικτή από μια κοινότητα με
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">εθελοντές</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Μέλη</a> και
<a href="thankgnus.html">δωροθέτες</a>. Οι δωρεές σας είναι κρίσιμες
για τη δύναμη και την αυτονομία μας. Μας παρακινούν να συνεχίσουμε να
εργαζόμαστε για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό όπου είναι απαραίτητο και με
ανεξάρτητη φωνή.
<h2>Τρόποι δωρεάς</h2>
<h3>Ηλεκτρονική πληρωμή</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Υποστηρικτής</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Συντελεστής</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Τακτικός Συντελεστής</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;6,000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Ευεργέτης</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(δική σας επιλογή)</td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Επιθυμώ να παραμείνω ανώνυμος
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="el_GR"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Δωρεά"/>
<input type="submit" value="Δωρίστε"/>
<h3>Τραπεζικό έμβασμα</h3>
Οι δωρεές μπορούν να κατατεθούν από οποιοδήποτε μέρος του κόσμου
στους ακόλουθους λογαριασμούς:
<h4>Δωρεές σε ΕΥΡΩ</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Δωρεές σε Ελβετικό Φράγκο (CHF)</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Άλλες επιλογές</h3>
Αν καμία από τις παραπάνω επιλογές δε σας ταιριάζει, παρακαλούμε
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας</a>
ώστε να συζητήσουμε τις πιθανές εναλλακτικές.
Εάν είστε φυσικό πρόσωπο, μπορείτε επίσης να εξετάσετε τη δυνατότητα να
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">γίνετε μέλος της Κοινότητας
του FSFE</a> εναλλακτικά ή συμπληρωματικά με μια δωρεά.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Τι γίνεται στη συνέχεια</h2>
Εάν δωρίσετε πάνω από 120 Ευρώ σε διάστημα ενός χρόνου, θα θέλαμε να
προσθέσουμε το όνομα σας στoν
<a href="thankgnus.html">κατάλογο με τους δωροθέτες</a> μας. Για
διαδικτυακές δωρεές, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την επιλογή
"Επιθυμώ να παραμείνω ανώνυμος" για να υποδείξετε εάν επιθυμείτε
ή όχι να προστεθείτε στη λίστα. Εάν καταθέσετε τη δωρεά σας μέσω
τραπεζικού εμβάσματος, παρακαλούμε
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας</a>
σχετικά με το θέμα αυτό.
Επιπλέον, μπορείτε να εκφράσετε την υποστήριξη σας προσθέτοντας τα
<a href="http://fsfe.org/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">κουμπιά
χορηγιών</a> στην ιστοσελίδα σας.
Σε ορισμένες χώρες, οι δωρεές σας στο FSFE μπορούν να αφαιρεθούν
από τον φόρο εισοδήματος. Έως τώρα, αυτό ισχύει για την
<a href="germany.html">Γερμανία</a> και την
<a href="switzerland.html">Ελβετία</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-02-16 11:14:48 +0200 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011) $ $Author: reinhard $</timestamp>
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@ -30,37 +30,62 @@
<h3>Online payment</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Supporter</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Sustaining Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;6,000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patron</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(you choose)</td>
<label for="name">Name (person or company)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Unless you want to remain anonymous, this name will be mentioned on
the <a href="thankgnus.html">donors list</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> I wish to remain anonymous
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Monthly donation</th>
<th>Yearly donation</th>
<th>One-time donation</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Supporter</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Sustaining Contributor</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patron</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Set an amount:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
@ -110,11 +135,6 @@
alternatively or additionally to a donation.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>What happens next</h2>
@ -134,7 +154,8 @@
In some countries, donations to us can be deducted from income tax.
Currently, this is the case in <a href="germany.html">Germany</a> and
Currently, this is the case in <a href="germany.html">Germany</a>, the
<a href="netherlands.html">Netherlands</a>, and
<a href="switzerland.html">Switzerland</a>.

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@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - lahjoitukset</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
Free Software Foundation Europe on voittoa tavoittelematon, ei-valtiollinen
järjestö. <a href="/projects/work.html">Työmme</a> on mahdollista vain yhteisön avulla, johon kuuluvat
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">vapaaehtoiset</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org/index.fi.html">Fellowship-jäsenet</a> sekä
<a href="thankgnus.html">lahjoittajat</a>. Lahjoituksesi ovat elintärkeitä vahvuuksiemme ja itsenäisyytemme varmistamiseksi. Niiden avulla voimme jatkaa työskentelyä vapaiden ohjelmistojen eteen kaikkialla missä se on tarpeen, riippumattomana äänenä.
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> 120&#8364;</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">tukija</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> 600&#8364;</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">hyväntekijä</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> 1 200&#8364;</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">ylläpitävä hyväntekijä</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> 6 000&#8364;</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">suojelija</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(oma valinta)</td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Haluan lahjoittaa nimettömänä
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="fi_FI"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donation"/>
<input type="submit" value="Donate"/>
Lahjoituksia voidaan siirtää mistä tahansa päin maailmaa
seuraaville tileille:
<h4>Lahjoitukset euroissa</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Lahjoitukset Sveitsin frangeissa</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Muut vaihtoehdot</h3>
Jos yllä olevat vaihtoehdot eivät sovi sinulle,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">ota meihin yhteyttä</a> niin voimme
keskustella eri mahdollisuuksista.
Yksityishenkilönä voit harkita myös
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">FSFE:n Fellowship-jäseneksi liittymistä</a>
joko lahjoituksen sijaan tai lisäksi.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Mitä seuraavaksi?</h2>
Jos lahjoitat enemmän kuin 120 euroa vuodessa, lisäisimme sinut mielellämme
<a href="thankgnus.html">lahjoittajien luetteloomme</a>. Verkkolahjoitusten
tapauksessa voit käyttää valintalaatikkoa ”Haluan lahjoittaa nimettömänä”, jos
et halua tulla lisätyksi luetteloon. Jos lähetät lahjoituksesi tilisiirtona,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">ota meihin yhteyttä</a> asian tiimoilta.
Voit lisäksi kertoa tuestasi muille lisäämällä
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">sponsoripainikkeen</a>
Joissain maissa lahjoitukset voidaan vähentää veroista. Tällä hetkellä
tämä on mahdollista <a href="germany.html">Saksassa</a> ja
<a href="switzerland.html">Sveitsissä</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-03-07 14:30:59 +0200 (ma, 07 maalis 2011) $ $Author: nicoulas $</timestamp>
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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Faites un don maintenant&#160;!</title>
<h1>Dons à la FSFE</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
La Free Software Foundation Europe est une organisation non gouvernementale
à buts non lucratifs. Notre travail est rendu possible grâce à une communauté de
<a href="/contribute/">volontaires</a>, de <a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">fellows</a>
et de <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">donateurs</a>. Vos dons sont la base
de notre force et de notre autonomie — ils nous permettent de défendre les
intérêts des Logiciels Libres n'importe où et d'être une voix indépendante.
<h2>Comment faire un don</h2>
<h3>En ligne</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Sympathisant</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Donateur</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Bienfaiteur</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;6,000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Mécène</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(choisissez)</td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Je souhaite rester anonyme
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="fr_FR"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Don"/>
<input type="submit" value="Faire un don"/>
<h3>Depuis un compte bancaire</h3>
Généralement, les dons peuvent être transférés depuis n'importe où dans le
monde aux comptes suivants&#160;:
<h4>Dons en Euros (EUR)</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Dons en Francs suisses (CHF)</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Autres options</h3>
Si aucune des options précédentes ne vous convient,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contactez-nous</a> et nous
discuterons des possibilités de paiement avec vous.
En tant qu'individu, vous pouvez également considérer de
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">rejoindre la Fellowship de la FSFE</a>
comme alternative ou complément à votre don.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Informations supplémentaires</h2>
Si vous donnez plus de 120EUR par an, nous
souhaiterion ajouter votre nom à notre <a href="thankgnus.html">liste de donateurs</a>. Pour les dons en lignes, vous pouvez choisir de cocher la case «&#160;Je souhaite rester anonyme&#160;» pour nous indiquer que vous ne souhaitez pas que votre nom soit mentionné sur notre liste en ligne. Si vous faites un virement, merci de nous
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contacter</a> pour nous informer.
Vous pouvez également ajouter nos
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.en.html">logos de sponsors</a>
à votre site web pour votre montrer votre soutien à la FSFE.
Dans certains pays, les dons sont déductibles des impôts. Actuellement, c'est
le cas en <a href="germany.html">Allemagne</a> et en <a href="switzerland.html">Suisse</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-02-16 10:14:48 +0100 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011) $ $Author: reinhard $</timestamp>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Fai una donazione ora!</title>
<h1>Fai una donazione</h1>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
La Free Software Foundation Europe è una organizzazione non-profit
non governativa. <a href="/projects/work.html">Il nostro lavoro</a>
è reso possibile grazie ad una comunità di
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">volontari</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellow</a> e
<a href="thankgnus.html">donatori</a>. Le vostre donazioni sono
fondamentali per la nostra forza e autonomia. Ci permettono di continuare
a lavorare per il Software Libero ove necessario, ed essere una voce
<h2>Modi per fare una donazione</h2>
<h3>Pagamento online</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Sostenitore</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Donatore</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Benefattore</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;6,000</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Protettore</a><br/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(scegli tu)</td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Vorrei rimanere anonimo
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="it_IT"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donation"/>
<input type="submit" value="Donate"/>
<h3>Bonifico bancario</h3>
Le donazioni possono essere fatte da qualsiasi parte del
mondo sui seguenti conti:
<h4>Donazioni in EUR</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Donazioni in CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Altre opzioni</h3>
Se nessuna di queste opzioni ti soddisfa,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contattaci</a> e discuteremo
un possibilità per te.
Come individuo, puoi prendere in considerazione di
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">iscriverti alla Fellowship della FSFE</a>
in alternativa o in aggiunta a una donazione.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Cosa succede dopo</h2>
Se fai una donazione di più di 120 Euro in un anno, ci piacerebbe
aggiungere il tuo nome nella nosta <a href="thankgnus.html">lista
dei donatori</a>. Per le donazioni online è possibile utilizzare la
checkbox "Voglio rimanere anonimo" ad indicare se vuoi o non vuoi essere
incluso nella lista. Se invii una donazione tramite bonifico bancario,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contattaci</a> a riguardo.
In aggiunta, puoi includere il nostro
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">Pulsante dello sponsor</a>
sul tuo sito web per mostrare il tuo sostegno per noi.
In alcuni paesi, le donazioni che riceviamo possono essere detratte dalle tasse.
Attualmente, è questo il caso di <a href="germany.html">Germania</a> e
<a href="switzerland.html">Svizzera</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-02-16 10:14:48 +0100 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011) $ $Author: reinhard $</timestamp>
<translator>Massimo Barbieri</translator>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
FSFE - Doneer nu!
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
De Free Software Foundation Europe is een non-profit, onafhankelijke organisatie.
<a href="/projects/work.html">
Ons werk
word mogelijk gemaakt door een gemeenschap van
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">
<a href="thankgnus.html">
. Uw donaties zijn een kritiek onderdeel van onze kracht en autonomie. Ze faciliteren dat we door kunnen gaan met ons werk voor Vrije Software en om onafhankelijk te blijven.
Donatie mogelijkheden
Online gift
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;%quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/>
<a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">
<input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;%quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/>
<a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">
<input name="amount" type="radio" value="1200" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;%quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/>
<a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">
Doorlopende Contributie
<input name="amount" type="radio" value="6000" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;%quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/>
<a href="thankgnus.html#patron">
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">
<input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">
(u kiest)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/>
Ik wil graag anoniem blijven
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="nl_NL"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donatie"/>
<input type="submit" value="Doneer"/>
Donaties kunnen overal ter wereld worden overgemaakt naar:
Donaties in EURO
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Duitsland
Donaties in CHF
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
Postkonto: 60-539461-0
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0
Overige opties
Als geen van de bovenstaande opties voor u beschikbaar zijn, neem dan graag
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">
contact met ons op
zodat we de mogelijkheden kunnen bespreken.
Als een individu kunt u ook overwegen om
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">
lid te worden van de Fellowship van FSFE
als alternatief of naast een donatie.
<title>FSFE - Doneer nu!</title>
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Varkens-bank"/>
De Free Software Foundation Europe is een non-profit, onafhankelijke
organisatie. <a href="/projects/work.html">Ons werk</a> wordt mogelijk
gemaakt door een gemeenschap van <a
href="/contribute/contribute.html">vrijwilligers</a>, <a
href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">Fellows</a> en <a
href="thankgnus.html">donoren</a>. Uw donaties zijn een essentieel
onderdeel van onze kracht en autonomie. Ze maken het mogelijk dat we
onafhankelijk blijven en ons werk voor Vrije Software kunnen
<h3>Online gift</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Naam (persoon of bedrijf)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Tenzij u anoniem wenst te blijven zal uw naam vermeld worden op de
<a href="thankgnus.html">lijst van donoren</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/>Ik wil anoniem blijven.
<label for="email">E-mailadres</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<th>Maandelijkse donatie</th>
<th>Jaarlijkse donatie</th>
<th>Eenmalige donatie</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Supporter</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Contributeur</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Doorlopende contributie</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m100" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 100</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Patroon</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m500" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 500</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(U kiest):</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<!-- Translators: please replace "en" with the language code of your
language and translate "Donation" and "Donate" -->
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="nl_US"/>
<input type="hidden" name="text" value="Donatie"/>
<input type="submit" value="Doneren"/>
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
Donaties kunnen overal ter wereld worden overgemaakt naar:
Wat gebeurt er hierna?
Als u meer dan 120 Euro per jaar doneert, willen we uw naam graag op onze
<a href="thankgnus.html">
donoren lijst
plaatsen. Voor online donaties kunt u de optie "Ik wil graag anoniem blijven" gebruiken om aan te geven of u akkoord gaat met opname in de lijst. Als u uw donatie via een bankoverschrijving gaat, neem alstublieft hierover
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">
contact op
Daarnaast kunt u onze
<a href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">
Sponsor iconen
op uw website plaatsen als blijk van uw support.
In sommige landen zijn donaties aan ons belastingaftrekbaar. Op dit moment is dat mogelijk in
<a href="germany.html">
<a href="switzerland.html">
$Date$ $Author$
<translator>Deborah Maayen</translator>
<h4>Donaties in EURO</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
IBAN: DE69 3602 0030 0003 0047 32<br/>
National-Bank Essen, Steinstraße 13, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany<br/>
<h4>Donaties in CHF</h4>
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.<br/>
Postkonto: 60-539461-0<br/>
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6053 9461 0<br/>
<h3>Overige opties</h3>
Als geen van de bovenstaande opties voor u beschikbaar zijn, gelieve dan
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact</a> met ons op te nemen zodat
we de mogelijkheden kunnen bespreken.
Als een individu kunt u ook overwegen om <a
href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">lid te worden van de Fellowship
van FSFE</a> als alternatief of naast een donatie.
<h2>Wat gebeurt er hierna?</h2>
Als u meer dan 120 Euro per jaar doneert, willen we uw naam graag op onze
<a href="thankgnus.html">donorenlijst</a> plaatsen. Voor online donaties
kunt u de optie "Ik wil graag anoniem blijven" gebruiken om aan te geven
of u akkoord gaat met opname in de lijst. Als u doneert via een
bankoverschrijving, gelieve dan hierover <a
href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">contact met ons</a> op te nemen.
Daarnaast kunt u onze <a
href="/about/graphics/sponsoring/sponsoring.html">sponsorplaatjes</a> op uw
website plaatsen als blijk van uw support.
In sommige landen zijn donaties aan ons belastingaftrekbaar. Op dit moment
is dat mogelijk in <a href="netherlands.html">Nederland</a>,
<a href="germany.html">Duitsland</a> en
<a href="switzerland">Zwitserland</a>.
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
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@ -10,57 +10,86 @@
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="Piggy-bank"/>
<img src="/graphics/piggy-bank.png" alt="свинья-копилка"/>
Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения — некоммерческая неправительственная организация.
<a href="/projects/work.html"> Наша работа</a> возможна
Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения —
некоммерческая неправительственная организация.
<a href="/projects/work.html">Наша работа</a> возможна
только благодаря
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">добровольцам</a>,
<a href="http://fellowship.fsfe.org">членам Содружества</a> и
<a href="thankgnus.html">спонсорам</a>. Ваши пожертвования необходимы для нашей независимости.
Они дают нам возможность продолжать работать по продвижению свободного программного обеспечения и быть независимыми.
<a href="thankgnus.html">спонсорам</a>. Ваши пожертвования
необходимы для нашей эффективности и самостоятельности. Они дают нам
возможность продолжать работать на благо свободного программного
обеспечения там, где это необходимо, и выражать независимое мнение.
<h2>Способы внесения пожертвований</h2>
<form action="/cgi-bin/donate.pl" method="post" id="donate">
<label for="name">Имя (частное лицо или компания)</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type="text"/>
(Если только вы не пожелаете сохранить анонимность, это имя будет внесено в
<a href="thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>)
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Я хочу сделать анонимное
<label for="email">E-mail</label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="email"/>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="120" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;120</td>
<th>Единовременное пожертвование</th>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#supporter">Спонсор</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m10" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 10</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o120" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 120</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="600" onclick="amount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; amount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364;600</td>
<td><a href="thankgnus.html#contributor">Сторонник</a><br/></td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="m50" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 50</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o600" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 600</td>
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<td><a href="thankgnus.html#sustainingcontributor">Постоянный спонсор</a><br/></td>
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<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="y1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o1200" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 1,200</td>
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<td><a href="thankgnus.html#patron">Меценат</a><br/></td>
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<td><input name="amount" type="radio" value="o6000" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/> &#8364; 6,000</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="other" checked="checked" onclick="amount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="amount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">(Ваш выбор)</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;">Выберите сумму:</td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="mother" checked="checked" onclick="yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = false; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="mamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="yother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; oamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = false; oamount_other.disabled = true"/>
<input name="yamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<td style="border-bottom: medium none;"><input name="amount" type="radio" value="oother" checked="checked" onclick="mamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; yamount_other.value = &quot;&quot;; mamount_other.disabled = true; yamount_other.disabled = true; oamount_other.disabled = false"/>
<input name="oamount_other" type="text" value="" palceholder="euros" style="width:5em"/></td>
<input name="anonymous" type="checkbox"/> Я хотел бы сделать анонимное пожертвование
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@ -73,7 +102,8 @@
<h3>Банковский перевод</h3>
Пожертвования могут быть перечислены из любой страны мира на следующие банковские счета:
Пожертвования могут быть перечислены из любой страны мира на следующие
банковские счета:
<h4>Пожертвования в EUR</h4>
@ -98,28 +128,25 @@
Если ни один из вышеперечисленных способов Вам не подходит, пожалуйста,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">напишите нам</a>, и мы обсудим другие возможности.
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">напишите нам</a>, и мы обсудим
другие возможности.
Вы можете также подумать о том, чтобы
Как частное лицо Вы также могли бы
<a href="https://fellowship.fsfe.org/join">стать членом Содружества ЕФСПО</a>
вместо пожертвования или в дополнение к нему.
<a href="http://flattr.com/thing/96089/Free-Software-Foundation-Europe" target="_blank">
<img src="/graphics/flattr-badge-large.png" alt="Flattr this" title="Flattr this" border="0" /></a>
<h2>Что дальше</h2>
Если Вы пожертвуете больше, чем 120 евро в течение года, мы добавим Ваше имя в <a href="thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>.
Если Вы не желаете обнародовать Ваши данные, то для пожертвований через Интернет Вы можете сделать отметку "Я хотел бы сделать анонимное пожертвование".
Если Вы пересылаете пожертвование банковским переводом, пожалуйста,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">сообщите нам</a> об этом.
Если Вы пожертвуете больше 120 евро в течение года, мы добавим Ваше имя в
<a href="thankgnus.html">список спонсоров</a>. При онлайн-переводе, если
Вы не желаете обнародовать Ваши данные, можно поставить отметку "Я хочу
сделать анонимное пожертвование". При использовании банковского перевода,
<a href="mailto:office@fsfeurope.org">напишите нам</a>.
@ -129,13 +156,15 @@
В некоторых странах сумма пожертвования может быть вычтена из дохода, облагаемого подоходным налогом.
В настоящее время это возможно в <a href="germany.html">Германии</a> и
<a href="switzerland.html">Швейцарии</a>.
В некоторых странах сумма вашего пожертвования может быть вычтена из
подоходного налога. В настоящее время к этим странам относятся
<a href="germany.html">Германия</a>,
<a href="netherlands.html">Нидерланды</a> и
<a href="switzerland.html">Швейцария</a>.
<timestamp>$Date: 2011-02-16 10:14:48 +0100 (Mi, 16. Feb 2011) $ $Author: reinhard $</timestamp>
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
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