Generate list of included XML files in prebuild run
All checks were successful
the build was successful

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Müller 2019-03-11 02:35:51 +01:00
parent 144a32ae93
commit b5759da7a0
13 changed files with 153 additions and 253 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@

View File

@ -4,11 +4,6 @@
# This Makefile creates some .xml and xhtml files which serve as source files
# in the main build run. It is executed in the source directory, before the
# Makefile for the main build run is constructed and executed.
# It also touches all the .sources files which refer to added, modified, or
# deleted .xml files. This way, we avoid that in the main build Makefile each
# .html file has to list a long and changing list of .xml prerequisites - it is
# sufficient to just have the .sources file as a prerequisite.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -56,49 +51,16 @@ d_year.en.xml: $(if $(findstring $(YEAR),$(shell cat d_year.en.xml)),,.FORCE)
printf %s\\n '$(YEAR)' >$@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate tag maps
# Generate XML filelists
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generation of tag maps is handled in an external script which generates
# tools/tagmaps/*.map, tags/tagged-*.en.xhtml, and tags/tagged-*.sources. The
# tag map files cannot be targets in this Makefile, because the list of map
# files is not known when the Makefile starts - some new tags might be created
# when generating the .xml files in the news/* subdirectories.
# Generation of XML filelists is handled in an external script which generates
# all .xmllist and the tags/tagged-*.en.xhtml files. These files cannot be
# targets in this Makefile, because the list of tags is not known when the
# Makefile starts - some new tags might be created when generating the .xml
# files in the news/* subdirectories.
.PHONY: tagmaps
all: tagmaps
tagmaps: $(SUBDIRS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Touch .sources files for which the web pages must be rebuilt
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The .sources files in the tags directory are already handled by
SOURCES_FILES := $(shell find * -name '*.sources' -not -path 'tags/*')
# Secondary expansion means that the SOURCEDIRS and SOURCEREQS variables will
# be executed once for each target, and it allows us to use the variable $@
# within the expression.
# This variable contains all the directories listed in the .sources file. It is
# added to the prerequisites so that the removal of a file from such a
# directory also triggers a rebuild of the web pages which have included the
# now removed file. However, we explicitly exclude "." (the root source
# directory) because that also contains a lot of other files.
SOURCES_DIRS = $(shell ls -d `sed -rn 's;^(.*/)[^/]*:(\[.*\])$$;\1;gp' $@` | grep -v '^\.$$')
# This variable contains all the actual .xml files covered by the .sources
# file. It obviously is a prerequisite because a page has to be rebuilt if any
# of the .xml files included into it has changed.
SOURCES_REQS = $(shell ./build/ sourceglobs $@ | sed 's;$$;.??.xml;g' )
# We simply touch the .sources file. The corresponding .xhtml files in all
# languages depend on the .sources file, so all languages will be rebuilt in
# the main build run.
%.sources: $$(SOURCES_DIRS) $$(SOURCES_REQS) | tagmaps
touch $@
.PHONY: xmllists
all: xmllists
xmllists: $(SUBDIRS)

View File

@ -52,20 +52,6 @@ if [ -z "$inc_arguments" ]; then
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && workfile="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && processor="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && sourcesfile="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && sourceglobfile="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && lang="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && globfile="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && reffile="$1"
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift 1 && today="$1"
@ -99,9 +85,6 @@ if [ -z "$inc_arguments" ]; then
process_file) [ -z "$workfile" ] && die "Need at least input file" ;;
build_xmlstream) [ -z "$workfile" ] && die "Missing xhtml file name" ;;
tree_maker) [ -z "$target" ] && die "Missing target location" ;;
sourceglobs) [ -z "$sourcesfile" ] && die "Missing .sources file" ;;
lang_sources) [ -z "$sourceglobfile" -o -z "$lang" ] && die "Need source globfile and language" ;;
cast_refglobs) [ -z "$globfile" -o -z "$reffile" ] && die "Need globfile and reffile" ;;
wakeup_news) true;;
*help*) print_help; exit 0 ;;
*) die "Urecognised command or no command given" ;;

View File

@ -69,8 +69,5 @@ case "$command" in
process_file) process_file "$workfile" "$processor" ;;
build_xmlstream) build_xmlstream "$(get_shortname "$workfile")" "$(get_language "$workfile")" ;;
tree_maker) tree_maker "$tree" "$target" ;;
sourceglobs) sourceglobs "$sourcesfile" ;;
lang_sources) lang_sources "$sourceglobfile" "$lang" ;;
cast_refglobs) cast_refglobs "$globfile" "$reffile" ;;
wakeup_news) wakeup_news "$today" ;;

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ build_into(){
[ -n "$statusdir" ] && cp "$basedir/build/" "$statusdir/index.cgi"
printf %s "$start_time" |logstatus start_time
[ -s "$(logname lasterror)" ] && rm "$(logname lasterror)"
[ -s "$(logname debug)" ] && truncate -s 0 "$(logname debug)"
[ -f "$(logname lasterror)" ] && rm "$(logname lasterror)"
[ -f "$(logname debug)" ] && rm "$(logname debug)"
forcelog Makefile

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update tagmaps (tools/tagmaps/*.map) and tag list pages (tags/tagged-*)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script collects all <tag> content from all XML files in the source
# directory, and from that creates or updates the following files:
# tools/tagmaps/<tag>.map - a list of all XML files containing that tag. It is
# used by the "premake" Makefile via "build/ sourceglobs" to
# determine the XML files covered by each .sources file.
# tags/tagged-<tag>.en.xhtml - a source file which will be built by the
# standard build process into a web page listing all news and events with
# this tag.
# tags/tagged-<tag>.sources - the pattern list of XML files to be included when
# building that web page.
# Each of these files is only touched when the actual file list for a tag
# changes, so the makefile can determine which taglist web pages must be
# rebuilt.
# Changing or removing tags in XML files is also considered, in which case a
# file is removed from the map, and the taglist web page source files are
# touched so the build script will rebuild the corresponding web page.
# When a tag has been removed from the last XML file where it has been used,
# all the files listed above are correctly deleted.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -e
echo "Updating tag maps"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure temporary directory is empty
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -rf /tmp/tagmaps
mkdir /tmp/tagmaps
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a complete and current map of which tag is used in which files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "* Collecting list of files for each tag"
for xml_file in `find * -name '*.xml' | xargs grep -l '</tag>' | sort`; do
xsltproc build/xslt/get_tags.xsl "${xml_file}" | while read raw_tag; do
tag=`echo "${raw_tag}" | tr -d ' +-/:_' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
echo ${xml_file} >> "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}.map"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update only those map files where a change has happened (an XML file been
# added or removed) so make can later see what has changed since the last build
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "* Checking for updated tags"
for map_file in `ls /tmp/tagmaps`; do
if ! cmp --quiet "/tmp/tagmaps/${map_file}" "tools/tagmaps/${map_file}"; then
tag=`basename "${map_file}" .map`
echo "* Tag ${tag} has been updated."
cp "/tmp/tagmaps/${map_file}" "tools/tagmaps/${map_file}"
cp "tags/tagged.en.xhtml" "tags/tagged-${tag}.en.xhtml"
echo "news/*/news:[${tag}]" >> "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
echo "news/*/.news:[${tag}]" >> "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
echo "news/nl/nl:[${tag}]" >> "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
echo "news/nl/.nl:[${tag}]" >> "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
echo "events/*/events:[${tag}]" > "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
echo "d_day:[]" >> "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove the map files for tags which have been completely deleted
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "* Checking for deleted tags"
for map_file in `ls tools/tagmaps | grep '\.map'`; do
if [ ! -f "/tmp/tagmaps/${map_file}" ]; then
tag=`basename "${map_file}" .map`
echo "* Tag ${tag} has been deleted."
rm "tools/tagmaps/${map_file}"
rm "tags/tagged-${tag}.en.xhtml"
rm "tags/tagged-${tag}.sources"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove the temporary directory
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "* Cleaning up"
rm -rf /tmp/tagmaps

build/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update XML filelists (*.xmllist) and tag list pages (tags/tagged-*)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# From all <tag> content from all XML files, and from all .sources filelists,
# this script creates or updates the following files:
# */.<base>.xmllist - a list of all XML files matching the patterns in the
# corresponding */<base>.sources list.
# tags/tagged-<tag>.en.xhtml - a source file which will be built by the
# standard build process into a web page listing all news and events with
# this tag.
# Each of these files is only touched when the actual content has changed,
# so the build makefile can determine which web pages must be rebuilt.
# Changing or removing tags in XML files is also considered, in which case a
# file is removed from the .xmllist files.
# When a tag has been removed from the last XML file where it has been used,
# the tagged-* are correctly deleted.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -e
set -o pipefail
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure temporary directory is empty
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -rf /tmp/tagmaps
mkdir /tmp/tagmaps
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a complete and current map of which tag is used in which files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "* Generating tag maps"
for xml_file in `find * -name '*.xml' | xargs grep -l '</tag>' | sort`; do
xsltproc "build/xslt/get_tags.xsl" "${xml_file}" | while read raw_tag; do
tag=`echo "${raw_tag}" | tr -d ' +-/:_' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
echo ${xml_file} | sed -r 's;\...\.xml$;;' >> "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}"
for tag in `ls /tmp/tagmaps`; do
echo "d_day" >> "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}"
sort -u "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}" > "/tmp/tagmaps/tmp"
mv "/tmp/tagmaps/tmp" "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update only those files where a change has happened (an XML file been added
# or removed) so make can later see what has changed since the last build
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
for tag in `ls /tmp/tagmaps`; do
if ! cmp --quiet "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}" "tags/.tagged-${tag}.xmllist"; then
echo "* Updating tag ${tag}"
cp "tags/tagged.en.xhtml" "tags/tagged-${tag}.en.xhtml"
cp "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}" "tags/.tagged-${tag}.xmllist"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove the map files for tags which have been completely deleted
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
for tag in `ls tags | sed -rn 's/tagged-(.*)\.en.xhtml/\1/p'`; do
if [ ! -f "/tmp/tagmaps/${tag}" ]; then
echo "* Deleting tag ${tag}"
rm "tags/tagged-${tag}.en.xhtml"
rm "tags/.tagged-${tag}.xmllist"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove the temporary directory
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -rf /tmp/tagmaps
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update map files for .sources
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
all_xml="`find * -name '*.xml' | sed -r 's;\...\.xml$;;' | sort -u`"
for source_file in `find * -name '*.sources' | sort`; do
cat ${source_file} | while read line; do
pattern=`echo "${line}" | sed -rn 's;(.*):\[.*\]$;\1;p'`
pattern=`echo "${pattern}" | sed -r -e 's;\.;\\.;g' -e 's;\*;.*;g'`
tag=`echo "${line}" | sed -rn 's;.*:\[(.*)\]$;\1;p'`
tag=`echo "${tag}" | tr -d ' +-/:_' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ -z "${pattern}" ]; then
# We append || true so the script doesn't fail if grep finds nothing at all
if [ -n "${tag}" ]; then
cat "tags/.tagged-${tag}.xmllist"
echo "${all_xml}"
fi | grep "${pattern}" || true
done | sort -u > "/tmp/xmllist"
list_file="`dirname ${source_file}`/.`basename ${source_file} .sources`.xmllist"
if ! cmp --quiet "/tmp/xmllist" "${list_file}"; then
echo "* Updating ${list_file}"
cp "/tmp/xmllist" "${list_file}"
rm -f /tmp/xmllist

View File

@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ xhtml_maker(){
processor="$(get_processor "$shortname")"
list_file="`dirname ${shortname}`/.`basename ${shortname}`.xmllist"
[ -f "${shortname}.sources" ] && sourcesfile="${shortname}.sources" || unset sourcesfile
[ -f "${list_file}" ] && xmllist="${list_file}" || unset xmllist
# For speed considerations: avoid all disk I/O in this loop
for lang in $(get_languages); do
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ xhtml_maker(){
cat <<MakeEND
all: $(mes "$outfile")
$(mes "$outfile"): $(mes "$depfile" "$processor" "$textsen" "$textsfile" "$fundraisingfile" "$menufile" "$sourcesfile")
$(mes "$outfile"): $(mes "$depfile" "$processor" "$textsen" "$textsfile" "$fundraisingfile" "$menufile" "$xmllist")
\${PROCESSOR} \${PROCFLAGS} process_file "${infile}" "$(mio "$processor")" >"$outfile" || { rm $outfile; exit 1; }
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ EOF
for lang in ${languages}; do
\$(OUTPUTDIR)/%.${lang}.rss: \$(INPUTDIR)/%.*.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/%.sources \$(INPUTDIR)/%.rss.xsl \$(INPUTDIR)/tools/menu-global.xml $(get_textsfile "en") $(get_fundraisingfile "${lang}")
\$(OUTPUTDIR)/%.${lang}.rss: \$(INPUTDIR)/%.*.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/.%.xmllist \$(INPUTDIR)/%.rss.xsl \$(INPUTDIR)/tools/menu-global.xml $(get_textsfile "en") $(get_fundraisingfile "${lang}")
@echo "* Building \$*.${lang}.rss"
@\${PROCESSOR} \${PROCFLAGS} process_file \$(INPUTDIR)/\$*.${lang}.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/\$*.rss.xsl > \$@
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ EOF
for lang in ${languages}; do
\$(OUTPUTDIR)/%.${lang}.ics: \$(INPUTDIR)/%.*.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/%.sources \$(INPUTDIR)/%.ics.xsl \$(INPUTDIR)/tools/menu-global.xml $(get_textsfile "en") $(get_fundraisingfile "${lang}")
\$(OUTPUTDIR)/%.${lang}.ics: \$(INPUTDIR)/%.*.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/.%.xmllist \$(INPUTDIR)/%.ics.xsl \$(INPUTDIR)/tools/menu-global.xml $(get_textsfile "en") $(get_fundraisingfile "${lang}")
@echo "* Building \$*.${lang}.ics"
@\${PROCESSOR} \${PROCFLAGS} process_file \$(INPUTDIR)/\$*.${lang}.xhtml \$(INPUTDIR)/\$*.ics.xsl > \$@
@ -291,13 +292,13 @@ EOF
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All files which should just be copied over
COPY_SRC_FILES := \$(shell find \$(INPUTDIR) -type f -not -path '\$(INPUTDIR)/.git/*' -not -name 'Makefile' -not -name '*.sources' -not -name '*.xhtml' -not -name '*.xml' -not -name '*.xsl')
COPY_SRC_FILES := \$(shell find \$(INPUTDIR) -type f -not -path '\$(INPUTDIR)/.git/*' -not -name 'Makefile' -not -name '*.sources' -not -name "*.xmllist" -not -name '*.xhtml' -not -name '*.xml' -not -name '*.xsl')
# The same as above, but moved to the output directory
@echo "* Copying file \$*"
@cp \$< \$@
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ SOURCE_DST_FILES := \$(patsubst \$(INPUTDIR)/%,\$(OUTPUTDIR)/source/%,\$(HTML_SR
@echo "* Copying source \$*"
cp \$< \$@
@cp \$< \$@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up excess files in target directory

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ build_xmlstream(){
\$Author: automatic \$
$(auto_sources "${shortname}.sources" "$lang")
$(auto_sources "${shortname}" "$lang")
$(include_xml "$infile")

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
[ -z "$inc_sources" ] && . "$basedir/build/"
. "$basedir/build/"
case "$command" in
sourceglobs) sourceglobs "$sourcesfile" ;;
lang_sources) lang_sources "$sourceglobfile" "$lang" ;;
cast_refglobs) cast_refglobs "$globfile" "$reffile" ;;
*) die "Unrecognised command or no command given" ;;

View File

@ -4,56 +4,25 @@ inc_sources=true
[ -z "$inc_misc" ] && . "$basedir/build/"
[ -z "$inc_xmlfiles" ] && . "$basedir/build/"
# read a .sources file and glob up referenced xml files for processing in list_sources
[ -f "$sourcesfile" ] && grep ':\[.*\]$' "$sourcesfile" \
| while read line; do
tags="$(printf %s "$line" \
| sed -r 's;^.+:\[(.*)\]$;\1;;
s;[-_+ /];;g
s;,; ;g
sourcefiles="$(printf '%s\n' "$basedir/"${glob}*.[a-z][a-z].xml)"
for tag in $tags; do
sourcefiles="$(printf '%s\n' "$sourcefiles" |grep -Ff "$basedir/tools/tagmaps/${tag}.map")"
printf '%s\n' "$sourcefiles"
done \
| sed -rn 's;^(.+).[a-z]{2}.xml$;\1;p' \
| sort -u
# read a .sources file and generate a list
# read a .xmllist file and generate a list
# of all referenced xml files with preference
# for a given language
# Optional 3rd parameter: preglobbed list of source files
# can lead to speed gain in some cases
[ "$#" -ge 3 ] && \
sourceglobs="$3" \
|| sourceglobs="$(sourceglobs "$sourcesfile")"
for base in $sourceglobs; do
echo "${base}".[a-z][a-z].xml "${base}".en.[x]ml "${base}.${lang}".[x]ml
done |sed -rn 's;^(.* )?([^ ]+\.[a-z]{2}\.xml).*$;\2;p'
cat "`dirname ${shortname}`/.`basename ${shortname}`.xmllist" | while read base; do
echo "${basedir}/${base}".[a-z][a-z].xml "${basedir}/${base}".en.[x]ml "${basedir}/${base}.${lang}".[x]ml
done | sed -rn 's;^(.* )?([^ ]+\.[a-z]{2}\.xml).*$;\2;p'
# import elements from source files, add file name
# attribute to first element included from each file
list_sources "$sourcesfile" "$lang" \
list_sources "$shortname" "$lang" \
| while read source; do
printf '\n### filename="%s" ###\n%s' "$source" "$(include_xml "$source")"
done \
@ -61,18 +30,3 @@ auto_sources(){
s;\n### (filename="[^\n"]+") ###\n[^<]*(<![^>]+>[^<]*)*(<([^/>]+/)*([^/>]+))(/?>);\2\3 \1\6;g;
list_sources "$sourcesfile" "$lang"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- This XSL script processes all <tag> elements of an XML file and -->
<!-- outputs the content of each of these elements, separated by newlines. -->
<!-- It is used by the script build/ -->
<!-- It is used by the script build/ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This directory is used for auto generated tag maps.
A tag map has the file name of a tag, used anywhere on the site
and contains a list of all files that use this tag.