Move XSL updates to phase 1

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Müller 2019-03-12 16:34:02 +01:00
parent 2568a39396
commit 798f8f1458
3 changed files with 72 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ default_xsl:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate XML filelists
# Update XML filelists
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# After this step, the following files will be up to date:
@ -134,3 +134,18 @@ default_xsl:
all: xmllists
xmllists: $(SUBDIRS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update XSL stylesheets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This step updates (actually: just touches) all XSL files which depend on
# another XSL file that has changed since the last build run. The phase 2
# Makefile then only has to consider the directly used stylesheet as a
# prerequisite for building each file and doesn't have to worry about other
# stylesheets imported into that one.
.PHONY: stylesheets
all: stylesheets
stylesheets: $(SUBDIRS)

View File

@ -24,35 +24,6 @@ OUTPUTDIR = $output
STATUSDIR = $statusdir
LANGUAGES = $languages
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Touch all XSL files depending on a newer other XSL file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate make dependencies for all .xsl files in input tree
find "${input}" -name '*.xsl' -not -name '.default.xsl' -printf '%P\n' \
| while read xsl_file; do
prerequisites=$(echo $(
cat "${input}/${xsl_file}" \
| tr '\n\t\r' ' ' \
| sed -r 's;(<xsl:(include|import)[^>]*>);\n\1\n;g' \
| sed -nr '/<xsl:(include|import)[^>]*>/s;^.*href *= *"([^"]*)".*$;\1;gp' \
| xargs -I'{}' realpath "${input}/$(dirname ${xsl_file})/{}" \
| sed -r "s;^${input};\$(INPUTDIR);"
if [ -n "${prerequisites}" ]; then
echo "all: \$(INPUTDIR)/${xsl_file}"
echo "\$(INPUTDIR)/${xsl_file}: ${prerequisites}"
echo ""
cat <<EOF
@echo "* Touching \$*"
@touch \$@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build .html files from .xhtml sources
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

tools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update XSL stylesheets (*.xsl) according to their dependency
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script is called from the phase 1 Makefile and updates (actually: just
# touches) all XSL files which depend on another XSL file that has changed
# since the last build run. The phase 2 Makefile then only has to consider the
# directly used stylesheet as a prerequisite for building each file and doesn't
# have to worry about other stylesheets imported into that one.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -e
set -o pipefail
echo "* Updating XSL stylesheets"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate a temporary makefile with dependencies for all .xsl files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
for xsl_file in $(find * -name '*.xsl' -not -name '.default.xsl'); do
prerequisites=$(echo $(
cat "${xsl_file}" \
| tr '\t\r\n' ' ' \
| sed -r 's/(<xsl:(include|import)[^>]*>)/\n\1\n/g' \
| sed -rn '/<xsl:(include|import)[^>]*>/s/^.*href *= *"([^"]*)".*$/\1/gp' \
| xargs -I'{}' realpath "$(dirname ${xsl_file})/{}" \
if [ -n "${prerequisites}" ]; then
echo "all: ${xsl_file}"
echo "${xsl_file}: ${prerequisites}"
echo ""
echo '%.xsl:'
echo -e '\techo "* Touching $*"'
echo -e '\ttouch $@'
} > "${makefile}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Execute the temporary makefile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
make --silent --file="${makefile}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -f "${makefile}"