Merge branch 'master' into master
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
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@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ RewriteRule ^women(/.*)?$ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^standards(.*) /freesoftware/standards$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^education(.*) /freesoftware/education$1 [R=301,L]
# Translators
RewriteRule ^translators/weblate [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^translators(.*) /contribute/translators/translators.html [R=301,L]
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@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ RewriteRule ^news/podcast-opus.rss$ /news/podcast-opus.en.rss [L,R=301]
# ILoveFS
# TODO for new news-item: update links for latest news-item
RewriteRule ^news/latest-news$ /news/2024/news-20240610-01.html [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/toolkit$ [R=301,L]
# TODO each year: update links for latest report
RewriteRule ^activities/ilovefs/latest-report$ /activities/ilovefs/report/report_2024.html [R=301,L]
@ -98,6 +103,7 @@ RewriteRule ^*)?$1 [R=301,L]
# TODO please update the link for new registration form
RewriteRule ^activities/yh4f/register [R=301,L]
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@ -231,9 +231,6 @@
<person id="ceballos">
<name>Lina Ceballos</name>
@ -863,10 +860,7 @@
<person id="palepu">
<name>Jithendra Palepu</name>
@ -251,7 +251,8 @@
<h3>Über das Buch</h3>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/book-reviews.html">Reviews</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/letters.html">Briefe an Zangemann</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/movie.html">Film</a></li> </ul>
<li><a href="">No Starch Press</a> (englisches Buch)</li>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis - Film</title>
<body class="article">
<h1 class="p-name">Der "Ada & Zangemann"-Film</h1>
<video style="align:center" width="100%" crossorigin="crossorigin" controls="controls">
<source media="screen and (min-device-width:1000px)" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"" src=""></source>
<source media="screen and (min-device-width:1000px)" type="video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"" src=""></source>
Nach dem Erfolg des illustrierten Buches „Ada & Zangemann - Eine
Geschichte von Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis“ gibt es die
Geschichte nun auch als Animationsfilm.
Er ist als Open Educational Resource unter einer "Creative Commons By
Share-Alike"-Lizenz veröffentlicht und erzählt die Geschichte des
berühmten Erfinders Zangemann und des Mädchens Ada, einer neugierigen
Tüftlerin. Ada beginnt mit Hard- und Software zu experimentieren und
erkennt dabei, wie wichtig es für sie und andere ist, Technologie kontrollieren zu können.
Diese faszinierende Geschichte von Matthias Kirschner und Sandra
Brandstätter ermutigt Kinder, insbesondere Mädchen, mit Hard- und
Software zu tüfteln und ihre eigene Technik zu gestalten.
<em>Der Film ist derzeit auf Englisch und Deutsch verfügbar.
Weitere Sprachen werden in den nächsten Monaten folgen. In
Vorbereitung sind sich derzeit Versionen auf Französisch, Spanisch,
und Italienisch. </em>
<h2>Sharepic Generator</h2>
Gefällt Dir „Ada & Zangemann“? Hinterlasse Deine Bewertung
in Deinen sozialen Netzwerken mit unserem Sharepic-Generator!
<h2>Download Möglichkeiten</h2>
<li>FSFE Peertube: <a href="">Deutsch</a>,
<a href="">English</a>
<li> <a href="">English</a>
<li>Wikimedia: <!--a href="">Deutsch</a-->,
<a href=",_Skateboards,_and_Raspberry_Ice_Cream.webm">English</a>
<li>Youtube: <a href="">Deutsch</a>,
<a href="">English</a>
<sidebar promo="our-work">
<h3>About the book</h3>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/index.html">Übersicht</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/book-reviews.html">Reviews</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/letters.html">Briefe an Zangemann</a></li>
<li><a href="">No Starch Press</a> (English book)</li>
<li><a href="">O'Reilly</a> (German book)</li>
<li><a href="">C&F éditions</a> (French book)</li>
<li><a href="">Distributor StreetLib</a> (Italian book)</li>
<li><a href="">Additional Materials / Git Repository</a></li>
<li><a href="">Reading presentations</a></li>
<li><a href="">Sharepic generator</a></li>
<li><a href="/contribute/spreadtheword#childrensbook">Order materials</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/index.html#id-get-active">Get Active</a></li>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<title>The Movie - Ada & Zangemann book reviews</title>
<title>Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream - Movie</title>
<body class="article">
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<em>The movie is currently released in English. More languages will follow in the next months. In the queue we currently have German, French, Spanish, Danish, and Italian.</em>
<em>The movie is currently released in English and German. More languages will follow in the next months. In the queue we currently have French, Spanish, Danish, and Italian.</em>
<h2>Sharepic generator</h2>
@ -46,10 +46,16 @@
<h2>Download locations</h2>
<li>FSFE Peertube: <a href="">English</a></li>
<li>FSFE Peertube: <a href="">English</a>,
<a href="">German</a>
<li> <a href="">English</a></li>
<li>Wikimedia: <a href=",_Skateboards,_and_Raspberry_Ice_Cream.webm">English</a></li>
<li>Youtube: <a href="">English</a></li>
<li>Wikimedia: <a href=",_Skateboards,_and_Raspberry_Ice_Cream.webm">English</a>,
<!--a href="">German</a-->
<li>Youtube: <a href="">English</a>,
<a href="">German</a>
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<activity id="devices" date="2024-10-18" status="active">
<title>DMA: Contenzioso contro Apple</title>
La FSFE sta intervenendo per salvaguardare il Software Libero in un caso giudiziario chiave che coinvolge Apple e la Commissione Europea.
Apple sta cercando di evitare gli obblighi derivanti dal Digital Markets Act (DMA).
La FSFE cerca di responsabilizzare Apple in base al DMA in modo favorevole agli sviluppatori.
<link href="/activities/apple-litigation/apple-litigation.html" />
<image url="/graphics/logos/applelitigation-logo.png" />
<order priority="5" highlight="yes" />
<tag key="policy" />
@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
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<div dir="rtl">
<h2>يوم أنا ♥ البرمجيات الحرة ٢٠٢٤: صياغة مستقبل البرمجيات الحرة</h2>
<p>لطالما كان <q>يوم أحب البرمجيات الحرة</q> عرفاً راسخاً. في هذا اليوم،
نتقدم بالشكر إلى كل أولئك الذين يقفون وراء مشاريع أو منتجات البرمجيات
الحرة، ونحيطهم علماً بأن عملهم لا يمر مرور الكرام. دعونا نحتفل معاً بكل
أولئك الرائعين الذين يساهمون في مجال البرمجيات الحرة: أنتم مدعوون
للانضمام إلى احتفالات <q>يوم أحب البرمجيات الحرة</q> في جميع أنحاء
أوروبا. تواصل مع <a href="/about/groups.html">مجموعة من مجموعات FSFE
المحلية</a> من حولك ورتب للقاء ممتع.</p>
<p>إننا ممتنون لأولئك الذين يعملون ويساهمون في عالم البرمجيات الحرة:
المطورين، والمصممين، والمترجمين، والمدافعين عنها، والمانحين،
والمستخدمين، وغيرهم. ثمة الكثير من الأوساط الاجتماعية المتباينة التي
تعنى بالبرمجيات الحرة، والتي تحمل قيماً متباينة، أو محاور اهتمام متباينة
في عملها. ولكننا جميعاً نشاطر بعضنا البعض حبنا للبرمجيات الحرة، ونقدّر
حرية استخدام البرمجيات ودراستها وتبادلها وتحسينها. دعونا نحتفل بتقديرنا
للبرمجيات الحرة ولأولئك الذين يقفون وراءها بكلمة شكر بسيطة <q>شكراً
<p>موضوع نسخة هذا العام هو <q>صياغة المستقبل بالبرمجيات الحرة</q> لأننا
نريد تسليط الضوء على القيمة الحاسمة التي تحملها الأجيال الجديدة. نريد
إشراك الشباب في الاحتفال، سواء من خلال التقدم بالشكر إلى المساهمين
الشباب، أو من خلال التعريف بمبادئ البرمجيات الحرة لأولئك الذين لم يكونوا
على علم بها من قبل. بوسعك أن تكون جزءاً من ذلك من خلال الانضمام إلى
الاحتفالات والترتيب لتجمع ما في محيطك.</p>
<h2 id="events">انضم إلى الحفل</h2>
<p>هل تريد الاحتفال مع غيرك من عشاق البرمجيات الحرة؟ ألقِ نظرة على مجموعتنا الحالية من الفعاليات التي تشهدها كافة أنحاء أوروبا! تابعنا على <a
href="">وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي</a> كي لا
يفوتك شيء!</p>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>بيرغامو</strong>، إيطاليا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 18:00-23:00
<li>📍 <span lang="it" dir="ltr"><a
href="">Spazio Polaresco</a>, via
Polaresco, 15, 24129, Bergamo, Italy</span></li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
الفعالية على منصة Mobilizon</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>بُلسانة</strong>، إيطاليا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 19:00 (CET)</span></li>
<li>📍 <span lang="it" dir="ltr">Via Resia – Reschenstraße 168,
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy</span></li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
href="">صفحة فعالية
مجموعة LUGBZ</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>بولونيا</strong>، إيطاليا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 21:00-22:30
<li>👈 انظر <a
الفعالية على منصة Mobilizon</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات
<li>🇬🇧 مجموعة FSFE <strong>Potteries</strong>، ستافوردشير
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">13.02.2024, 18:30 (GMT)</span></li>
<li>📍 <span lang="en" dir="ltr">Upstairs at <a
Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University, Keele,
<li>👈 انظر <a href="">مجموعة
FSFE Potteries</a> لمزيد من المعلومات.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>نادي Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden</strong>
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.204, 19:00 (CET)</span></li>
<li>📍 <span lang="de" dir="ltr">Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden (CCCWI),
Sedanplatz 7, Wiesbaden, Hessen</span></li>
<li>👈 البرنامج:
<li>19:00 - 19:30 👋 الترحيب</li>
<li>19:30 - 20:00 📢 مداخلات سريعة I</li>
<li>20:00 - 20:30 ⏸️ استراحة</li>
<li>20:30 - 21:00 📢 مداخلات سريعة II</li>
<li>ab 21:00 🧉 جولة ونقاش مفتوح</li>
<li>👈 انظر <a href="">Chaos Computer Club
Wiesbaden</a> لمزيد من المعلومات.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>برلين</strong>
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 18:00-21:00
<li>📍 <span lang="de" dir="ltr"><a
href="">xHain</a>, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243
<li>👈 لمزيد من المعلومات ألقِ نظرة على صفحة <a
href="">مجموعة برلين
<li>🇩🇰 <strong>آرهوس</strong>، الدنمارك
<li>⏰ <span lang="da" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 17:00-20:00
<li>📍 <span lang="da" dir="ltr">PROSA i Aarhus, Søren Frichs Vej 38K
th.، 8230 Åbyhøj</span></li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
hreflang="dk">صفحة الفعالية</a> لمزيد من المعلومات.</li>
<li>🇨🇭 زيورخ
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 18:00 (CET)</span></li>
<li>📍 <span lang="de" dir="ltr"><a
Bahnstrasse 170, Zürich</a></span></li>
<li>👈 لمزيد من المعلومات ألقِ نظرة على <a
href="">مجموعة زيورخ
<li>🇳🇱 <strong>آرنم</strong>، هولندا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00
<li>📍 <span lang="nl" dir="ltr"><a href="">Hack42</a>,
Cruquiusweg 3, 6827 BL Arnhem</span></li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
href="">صفحة ويكي
المخصصة للفعالية على موقع مؤسسة FSFE</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات
<li>يرجى <a
في الفعالية</a> ifإن كنت تود الحضور.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 <strong>برشلونة</strong>، إسبانيا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00
<li>📍 <span lang="es" dir="ltr"><a
href="">La Barraqueta</a>, Carrer de
Tordera, 30 · Barcelona</span></li>
<li>👈 البرنامج:
<li>19:00 الترحيب</li>
<li>19:15 تعريف بالبرمجيات الحرة من قبل Xavi de Blas</li>
<li>19:45 الاحتفال ولقاءات التعارف</li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
الفعالية</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 مدريد، إسبانيا
<li>⏰ <span lang="en" dir="ltr">14.02.2024, 19:30</span></li>
<li>📍 <span lang="es" dir="ltr"><a
href="">Madrid Makespace</a>, Calle Ruiz
Palacios 7, 28039 Madrid, Spain</span></li>
<li>👈 انظر <a
الفعالية</a> للوقوف على مزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل.</li>
<p>إن كنت ترغب في الترتيب لفعالية ما في محيطك، فلا تتردد في التواصل معنا
عبر <a href="/contact/">البريد الإلكتروني</a>. في <q>يوم أحب البرمجيات
الحرة ٢٠٢٤</q> نريد تنظيم فعاليات مكرسة للشباب. وهاك بعض الأفكار:</p>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>اتصل بمكتبتك المحلية ورتب لقاء قراءةٍ لكتاب الأطفال <a
href="/activities/ada-zangemann/"><q>Ada & Zangemann</q></a>.</li>
<li>اتصل بـ [مجموعة عشاق التقنية hackerspace المحلية]
( في محيطك ورتب
للقاء حول البرمجيات الحرة بصحبتهم.</li>
<li>اتصل بنادي الشباب المحلي في محيطك ورتب لفعالية ما هناك تشمل كلمات
حول البرمجيات الحرة، وورش عمل جماعية، وقطعاً من البيتزا!</li>
<li>تواصل مع مجموعة مستخدمي Linux المحلية في محيطك أو مع <a
href="/about/groups.html">مجموعة البرمجيات الحرة المحلية</a> في محيطك
ورتب لفعالية ما بصحبتهم!</li>
<div class="icon-grid">
<img src="/graphics/icons/ilovefs-use.png"
alt="قلب ILoveFS مع كلمة “use”"
<h3>قل شكراً</h3>
<p>تقدم بالشكر لأولئك الذين يمنحونك القدرة على الاستمتاع بالحرية
البرمجية. رتب لقاءً لمجموعة محلية معينة، أو ساهم بنشر رسالة البرمجيات
الحرة. بوسعك استخدام <a
href="">sharepics</a>، أو <a
href="/contribute/spreadtheword#ilovefs">الملصقات والبالونات</a>، أو <a
href="/activities/ilovefs/artwork/artwork.%20html">الأعمال الفنية</a>،
و<a href="/order/order.html">البضائع</a> بمناسبة <em>#ilovefs</em>.</p>
<img src="/graphics/icons/ilovefs-study.png"
alt="قلب ILoveFS مع كلمة “study”"
<h3>تذكر اللقاءات الطيبة</h3>
<p>ما هو مشروع البرمجيات الحرة الذي استخدمته العام الماضي؟ ما الذي منحك
الشعور بالقوة؟ وما الذي كان طريفاً حينها؟ وكمصدر للإلهام، ألقِ نظرة على <a
href="/activities/ilovefs/whylovefs/gallery.html">بيانات الحب</a> و <a href="">مقاطع الفيديو</a> التي يبثها الآخرون.</p>
alt="قلب ILoveFS مع كلمة “share”"
<h3>عبّر عن حبك</h3>
<p>هنا تكمن المتعة! لقد ابتكرنا <a
href="">مولد التعبير</a>، والذي يمْكنك
من خلاله بسهولة ابتكار صور للتعبير على طريقتك والإفصاح عن تقديرك على
وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي (<em>#ilovefs</em>)، في منشورات المدونات، وفي
الصور، وفي <a
الفيديو</a>، أو <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html#ilovefs">مباشرة
إلى مطوري البرمجيات الحرة والمساهمين فيها</a>.</p>
alt="قلب ILoveFS مع كلمة “improve”"
<h3>تحسين البرمجيات الحرة</h3>
<p>لئن كان الكلام من فضة، فالمساهمة من ذهب! ساهم في مشروع ما من مشاريع
البرمجيات الحرة من خلال الشيفرة البرمجية، أو من خلال الترجمة، أو من خلال
مد يد العون لمستخدمي ذلك المشروع. ونرجو، إن كان ذلك بوسعك، التفكير في
دعم عملنا من خلال <a href="/donate">التبرع لصالح مؤسسة البرمجيات الحرة
في أوروبا</a>.</p>
<figure class="no-border">
<p>ما هي المساهمة التي تود التقدم بها إلى هذا اليوم الخاص المكرس لأولئك
الذين يمنحونك القدرة على استخدام البرمجيات الحرة؟ هل ستستخدم ملصقاتنا
وبالوناتنا؟ أم ستبتكر صورة أو مقطع فيديو باستخدام قميص ILoveFS الجديد؟
وما قولك بشأن الاحتفال بحرية البرمجيات مع زملائك وأصدقائك في تجمع داخل
الشركة أو في فعالية ما من الفعاليات العامة؟ أياً كان ما ستقدم عليه، اصدح
به على الملأ مستعيناً بالوسم <em>#ilovefs</em>. وإن كانت لديك أي
استفسارات، <a href="/contact/">أرسل لنا رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني
<p>إلى الجميع نقول: يوم سعيد من أيام <strong class="text-danger">أنا أحب البرمجيات
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<h2>Ich ♥ Freie Software Tag 2024: Schmiede die Zukunft von Freier Software</h2>
<p>Der “Ich Liebe Freie Software Tag” ist eine langjährige Tradition. An diesem Tag danken wir all den Menschen, die hinter Freien Software-Projekten oder -Programmen stehen, und lassen sie wissen, dass ihre Arbeit nicht unbemerkt bleibt. Lasst uns gemeinsam all die wunderbaren Menschen feiern, die sich für Freie Software einsetzen: Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, an den "Ich Liebe Freie Software Tag"-Feiern in ganz Europa teilzunehmen. Setze dich mit deiner <a href="/about/groups.html">lokalen FSFE-Gruppe</a> in Verbindung und organisiere ein lustiges Treffen.</p>
<p>Wir sind all jenen dankbar, die an Freier Software arbeiten und dazu beitragen: Entwickler*innen, Designer*innen, Übersetzer*innen, Befürworter*innen, Nutzer*innen und mehr. Es gibt viele verschiedene Freie-Software-Gemeinschaften da draußen, mit unterschiedlichen Werten oder unterschiedlichen Arbeitsschwerpunkten. Aber wir alle teilen unsere Liebe zu Freier Software und schätzen die Freiheit, Software zu nutzen, zu studieren, zu teilen und zu verbessern. Lasst uns unsere Wertschätzung für Freie Software und die Menschen dahinter mit einem einfachen <q>Dankeschön</q> feiern!</p>
<p>Die diesjährige Ausgabe steht unter dem Motto "Schmiede die Zukunft mit Freier Software", weil wir uns auf den entscheidenden Wert der neuen Generationen konzentrieren wollen. Wir möchten junge Menschen in die Feierlichkeiten einbeziehen, indem wir uns bei ihnen bedanken und ihnen die Prinzipien Freier Software näher bringen, die sie bisher nicht kannten. Alle sind dazu eingeladen an unseren Veranstaltungen in gany Europa teilzunehmen oder gar selbst ein Treffen zu organisieren.</p>
<h2 id="events">Seid Teil des Ich Liebe Freie Software Tages</h2>
<p>Du möchtest mich anderen Freie Software Enthusiasten feieren? Hier ist eine Liste der Veranstaltungen für den Ich Liebe Freie Software Tag 2024. Damit du keine Änderungen verpasst, folge uns auf <a href="">Mastodon</a>!</p>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>🇬🇧 FSFE <strong>Potteries</strong>, Staffordshire
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 13.02.2024, 18:30 (GMT)</li>
<li>📍 Im ersten Stock<a href="">KPA Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire</a></li>
<li>👉 Schau gerne auf der Seite von <a href="">FSFE Potteries</a> für mehr Informationen.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bergamo</strong>, Italien
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00-23:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Spazio Polaresco</a>, via Polaresco, 15, 24129, Bergamo, Italien</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau <a href="">auf Mobilizon Veranstaltungen</a> vorbei.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bolzano/Bozen</strong>, Italien
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 Via Resia – Reschenstraße 168, Bozen-Bolzano, Italien</li>
<li>👉 Schau gerne auf der Seitevon <a href="">LUGBZ</a> für mehr Informationen und Details zur Veranstaltung vorbei.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bologna</strong>, Italien
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 21:00-22:30 (CET)</li>
<li>👉 Schau gerne auf <a href="">Mobilizon Veranstaltungen</a> für mehr Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden</strong>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.204, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden (CCCWI), Sedanplatz 7, Wiesbaden, Hessen</li>
<li>👉 Das Programm:</li>
<li>19:00 - 19:30 👋 Willkommen</li>
<li>19:30 - 20:00 📢 Lightning Talks I</li>
<li>20:00 - 20:30 ⏸️ Pause</li>
<li>20:30 - 21:00 📢 Lightning Talks II</li>
<li>ab 21:00 🧉 Offene Runde und Diskussion</li>
<li>Schau gerne auf der Seite des <a href="">Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden</a> für mehr Informationen.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Berlin</strong>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00-21:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">xHain</a>, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 Berlin</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau gerne auf der Seite der <a href="">lokalen Gruppe Berlin</a>.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Hamburg</strong>, Germany
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Hadley’s</a>, Beim Schlump 84a, 20144 HH</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau gerne auf der Seite der <a href="">Hamburger lokalen Gruppe</a> nach.</li>
<li>🇩🇰 <strong>Aarhus</strong>, Dänemark
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 17:00-20:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 PROSA i Aarhus, Søren Frichs Vej 38K th., 8230 Åbyhøj</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau gerne auf der <a href="" hreflang="dk">Veranstaltungsseite</a> nach.</li>
<li>🇨🇭 <strong>Zurich</strong>, Schweiz
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Kleinwäscherei, 12, Neue Hard, Escher Wyss, Industriequartier, Zurich</a></li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau auf der Seite der <a href="">lokalen Gruppe Zürich</a> vorbei.</li>
<li>🇳🇱 <strong>Arnhem</strong>, Niederlande
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Hack42</a>, Cruquiusweg 3, 6827 BL Arnhem</li>
<li>👉 Schau auf der Wiki-Seite <a href="">des Niederlande-Teams</a> vorbei für mehr Informationen.</li>
<li> Bitte, <a href="">melde dich für die Veranstaltung an</a> falls du an dieser teilnehmen möchtest.</li>
<li>🇳🇱 <strong>The Hague</strong>, Netherlands
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 16:00-18:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 In der Kantine der <a href="">Königlichen Akademie der Künste Den Haag</a> (<cite lang="nl">Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten</cite>) 4, Prinsessegracht, The Hague</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen <a href="">schau hier</a> auf ihrerem Instagram.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spanien
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">La Barraqueta</a>, Carrer de Tordera, 30 · Barcelona</li>
<li>👉 Das Programm:</li>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>19:00 Willkommen</li>
<li>19:15 Einfürung zu Freier Software mit Xavi de Blas</li>
<li>19:45 Feier und Netzwerken</li>
<li> Schau gerne auf der Seite <a href="">Veranstaltung</a> für mehr Informationen und Details.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 <strong>Madrid</strong> Spanien
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:30</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Madrid Makespace</a>, Calle Ruiz Palacios 7, 28039 Madrid, Spanien</li>
<li>👉 Für mehr Informationen schau auf der <a href="">Seite der Veranstaltung</a> nach.</li>
<p>Wenn Sie eine Veranstaltung in Ihrer Region organisieren möchten, können Sie sich gerne per <a href="/contact/">E-Mail</a> an uns wenden. Für den "I Love Free Software Day 2024" wollen wir Veranstaltungen für junge Menschen organisieren. Hier sind einige Ideen:</p>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>Kontaktiere deine örtliche Bibliothek und organisiere eine Lesung aus unserem Kinderbuch <a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/">"Ada & Zangemann"</a></li>
<li>Kontaktiere deinen örtlichen <a href="">Hackerspace</a> und organisiere ein Treffen mit Freier Software</li>
<li>Kontaktiere deinen örtlichen Jugendclub und organisiere dort eine Veranstaltung mit Vorträgen über Freie Software, praktischen Workshops und Pizza!</li>
<li>Wende dich an deine lokale Linux-Benutzergruppe oder deine <a href="/about/groups.html">lokale FSFE-Gruppe</a> und organisiere eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung!</li>
<div class="icon-grid">
<img src="/graphics/icons/ilovefs-use.png"
alt="ILoveFS heart with “use”"
<h3>Sag Danke!</h3>
<p>Danke den Menschen, die es dir ermöglichen, die Freiheit der Software zu genießen. Organisiere ein Treffen einer lokalen Gruppe oder verbreite das Wort über Freie Software. Dafür kannst du gerne unseren <a href="">Sharepic-Generator</a>, unsere <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword#ilovefs">Sticker und Luftballons</a>, oder unsere <a href="/activities/ilovefs/artwork/artwork.html">Grafiken</a>, und <a href="/order/order.html">Merchandise</a> für <em>#ilovefs</em>.</p>
<img src="/graphics/icons/ilovefs-study.png"
alt="ILoveFS heart with 'study'"
<h3>Erinnere dich an die guten Zeiten</h3>
<p>Welches Freie-Software-Projekt hast du im vergangenen Jahr genutzt? Was hat dich gestärkt? Was hat dir Spaß gemacht? Für etwas Inspiration schaue dir die <a href="/activities/ilovefs/whylovefs/gallery.html">Aussagen</a> und <a href="">Videos</a> anderer an.</p>
alt="ILoveFS heart with 'share'"
<h3>Teile deine Liebe</h3>
<p>Das ist der lustige Teil! Wir haben einen <a href="">Sharepic-Generator</a> entwickelt, mit dem du ganz einfach deine eigenen Sharepics erstellen und deine Wertschätzung auf sozialen Medien teilen kannst (<em>#ilovefs</em>), in Blogbeiträgen, Bilder und <a href="">Videos</a>, oder <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html#ilovefs">direkt an die Entwickler*innen und Mitwirkenden Freier Software</a>.</p>
alt="ILoveFS heart with 'improve'"
<h3>Verbessere Freie Software</h3>
<p>Reden ist Silber, mitmacen ist Gold! Hilf einem Freien Software-Projekt mit Code, einer Übersetzung oder indem du den Nutzenden hilfst. Wenn du kannst unterstütze unsere Arbeit mit einer <a href="/donate">Spende an die Free Software Foundation Europe</a>.</p>
<figure class="no-border">
<p>Was ist dein Beitrag zu diesem besonderen Tag, der den Menschen gewidmet ist, die dir die Nutzung Freier Software ermöglichen? Wirst du einen Teil unsere Aufkleber und Luftballons verwenden? Oder ein Foto oder Video mit deinen neuen ILoveFS-Shirt machen? Und wie wäre es, wenn du die Softwarefreiheit mit deinen Kolleg*innen und Freund*innen bei einer Veranstaltung im Unternehmen oder einem öffentlichen Event feierst? Was auch immer du tust, zeige es der Welt, indem du den <em>#ilovefs</em> Hashtag verwendest. Falls du Fragen hast, <a href="/contact/">sende uns eine E/mail</a>.</p>
<p>Einen schönen <strong><span class="text-danger">Ich Liebe Freie Software</span></strong> Tag! ❤</p>
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<h2>I ♥ Free Software Day 2024: Forge the future of Free Software</h2>
<h2>I ♥ Free Software Day 2025: Hidden projects</h2>
<p>“I Love Free Software Day” has been a long lasting tradition. On this day, we thank all the people behind Free Software projects or programs and let them know that their work does not go unnoticed. Let’s celebrate together all the wonderful people working for Free Software: you are invited to join “I Love Free Software Day” celebrations all across Europe. Connect with your <a href="/about/groups.html">local FSFE group</a> and organise a fun meetup.</p>
“I Love Free Software Day” is a long-lasting tradition. On this
day, we thank all the people behind Free Software projects or programs
and let them know that their work does not go unnoticed. Let’s
celebrate all the wonderful people working for Free Software together:
join the “I Love Free Software Day” celebrations all over Europe. Get
in touch with your <a href="/about/groups.html">local
FSFE group</a> and organise a fun meeting.
<p>We are grateful to those who work and contribute to the Free Software universe: developers, designers, translators, advocates, donors, users, and more. There are a lot of different Free Software communities out there, with different values or different focuses in their work. But we all share our love for Free Software and value the freedom to use, study, share and improve software. Let's celebrate our appreciation for Free Software and the people behind it with a simple <q>Thank you!</q></p>
We are grateful to those who work and contribute to the Free Software
universe: developers, designers, translators, advocates, contributors,
users, and more. There are a lot of different Free Software
communities out there, with different values or different focuses in
their work. But we all contribute to Free Software and value the
freedom to use, study, share and improve software. Let's celebrate our
appreciation for Free Software and the people behind it with a simple
<q>Thank you!</q>
<p>This year’s edition is themed “Forge the future with Free Software” because we want to focus on the critical value of new generations. We want to involve youngsters in the celebration, both by thanking young contributors, and by introducing the principles of Free Software to those who were not aware of it before. You can be part of this by joing the celebrations and organising a gathering in your local area.</p>
For this 12th edition of the "I Love Free Software Day" we have a
special focus on Free Software projects that are not on the
front line. In a world that is becoming more and more digital, Free Software is
everywhere. It is in your car, on your router, on the servers that run
our daily infrastructure. Often these projects are hidden so they do not
get the focus they deserve to keep our daily lives up and running.
This year our celebrations will focus on those hidden projects.
<h2 id="events">Join the party</h2>
<h2 id="events">Join the celebrations for "I Love Free Software Day 2025"</h2>
<p>Do you want to celebrate with other Free Software enthusiasts? Take a look at our current collection of events taking place all over Europe! Follow us on <a href="">social media</a> not to miss anything!</p>
You want to participate in the "I Love Free Software Day 2025"? Join
any of the events listed below **more are coming soon** and follow us
on <a href="">social media</a> to stay
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>🇬 🇧 FSFE <strong>Potteries</strong>, Staffordshire (UK)
<li>🇬🇧 FSFE <strong>Potteries</strong>, Staffordshire (UK)
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 13.02.2024, 18:30 (GMT)</li>
<li>📍 Upstairs at <a href="">KPA Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire</a></li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">FSFE Potteries</a> for more information.</li>
<li>⏰ 13.02.2025, 18:30 (GMT)</li>
<li>📍 Upstairs at <a
Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University, Keele,
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bergamo</strong>, Italy
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Nuremberg</strong>, Germany
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00-23:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Spazio Polaresco</a>, via Polaresco, 15, 24129, Bergamo, Italy</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">this Mobilizon event</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bolzano/Bozen</strong>, Italy
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 Via Resia – Reschenstraße 168, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">LUGBZ event page</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇮🇹 <strong>Bologna</strong>, Italy
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 21:00-22:30 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 Via Azzo Giardino 48, 40122 Bologna, Italy</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">this Mobilizon event</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden</strong>, Germany
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.204, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden (CCCWI), Sedanplatz 7, Wiesbaden, Hessen</li>
<li>👉 The Program:</li>
<li>19:00 - 19:30 👋 Welcome</li>
<li>19:30 - 20:00 📢 Lightning Talks I</li>
<li>20:00 - 20:30 ⏸️ Break</li>
<li>20:30 - 21:00 📢 Lightning Talks II</li>
<li>ab 21:00 🧉 Open round and discussion</li>
<li>See <a href="">Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden</a> for more information.</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Berlin</strong>, Germany
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00-21:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">xHain</a>, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 Berlin</li>
<li>👉 For more information take a look at the <a href="">local group Berlin</a> page.</li>
<li>⏰ 13.02.2025, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 TBA</li>
<li>🇩🇪 <strong>Hamburg</strong>, Germany
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Hadley’s</a>, Beim Schlump 84a, 20144 HH</li>
<li>👉 For more information take a look at the <a href="">Hamburg local group</a> page.</li>
<li>🇩🇰 <strong>Aarhus</strong>, Denmark
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 17:00-20:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 PROSA i Aarhus, Søren Frichs Vej 38K th., 8230 Åbyhøj</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="" hreflang="dk">the event page</a> for more information.</li>
<li>🇨🇭 <strong>Zurich</strong>, Switzerland
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 18:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Kleinwäscherei, 12, Neue Hard, Escher Wyss, Industriequartier, Zurich</a></li>
<li>👉 For more information take a look at the <a href="">local group Zürich</a>.</li>
<li>🇳🇱 <strong>Arnhem</strong>, Netherlands
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Hack42</a>, Cruquiusweg 3, 6827 BL Arnhem</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">the dedicated wiki page on FSFE website</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li> Please <a href="">register for the event</a> if you wish to attend.</li>
<li>🇳🇱 <strong>The Hague</strong>, Netherlands
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 16:00-18:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 In the canteen of the <a href="">Royal Academy of Art The Hague</a> (<cite lang="nl">Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten</cite>) 4, Prinsessegracht, The Hague</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">the post about it</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 <strong>Barcelona</strong>, Spain
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:00-22:00 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">La Barraqueta</a>, Carrer de Tordera, 30 · Barcelona</li>
<li>👉 The Program:</li>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>19:00 Welcome</li>
<li>19:15 Introduction to Free Software by Xavi de Blas</li>
<li>19:45 Celebrating and networking</li>
<li> See <a href="">the event page</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇪🇸 <strong>Madrid</strong>, Spain
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 19:30 (CET)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Madrid Makespace</a>, Calle Ruiz Palacios 7, 28039 Madrid, Spain</li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">the event page</a> for more information and details.</li>
<li>🇵🇹 <strong>Portugal</strong>
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>⏰ 14.02.2024, 21:30-23:00 (GMT)</li>
<li>📍 <a href="">Online</a></li>
<li>👉 See <a href="">the event page</a> for more information and details.</li>
<p>If you want to organise an event in your local area feel free to reach out to us via <a href="/contact/">email</a>. For "I Love Free Software Day 2024" we want to organise events dedicated for young people. Here are some ideas:</p>
If you want to organise an event in your local area feel free to take a
look at our toolkit <a href="">toolkit</a> for local groups. In this kit you find resources
for organising your own I Love Free Software Day event. reach
out to us via <a
href="/contact/">email</a>. For "I Love Free Software
Day 2025" we want to organise events dedicated for Free Software
projects that are a part of our core infrastructure.
<ul class="ilovefs-ul">
<li>Contact your local library and organise a reading of our children's book <a href="/activities/ada-zangemann/">"Ada & Zangemann"</a></li>
<li>Contact your <a href="">local hackerspace</a> and organise a Free Software meet-up with them</li>
<li>Contact your local youth club and organise an event there with talks about Free Software, hands on workshops, and Pizza!</li>
<li>Reach out to your local Linux user group or your <a href="/about/groups.html">local Free Software group</a> and organise an event together!</li>
Contact your local library and organise a talk about Free Software and the four freedoms
Contact your <a
hackerspace</a> and organise a Free Software meet-up with them
Contact local Free Software companies and organise an event with them
Reach out to your <a
href="/about/groups.html">local Free Software group</a>, local Linux
User Group or digital rights groups and organise
an event together!
@ -166,7 +106,16 @@
<h3>Say thanks</h3>
<p>Thank the people who enable you to enjoy software freedom. Organise a local group meeting or spread the word about Free Software. You can use our <a href="">sharepics</a>, <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword#ilovefs">stickers and balloons</a>, or <a href="/activities/ilovefs/artwork/artwork.html">artwork</a>, and <a href="/order/order.html">merchandise</a> for <em>#ilovefs</em>.</p>
<p>Think about a Free Software project that you are grateful for and that deserves more attention. Reach out to them on the 14th of February to
say thank you. Organise a local group meeting or spread the word
about Free
Software. You can use our <a
href="">sharepics</a>, <a
href="/contribute/spreadtheword#ilovefs">stickers and
balloons</a>, or <a
href="/activities/ilovefs/artwork/artwork.html">artwork</a>, and <a
merchandise</a> for <em>#ilovefs</em>.</p>
@ -175,7 +124,12 @@
<h3>Remember the good times</h3>
<p>Which Free Software project did you use in the past year? What felt empowering? What was fun? For some inspiration have a look at others’ <a href="/activities/ilovefs/whylovefs/gallery.html">love statements</a> and <a href="">videos</a>.</p>
<p>Which Free Software project did you use in the past year? What
felt empowering? What was fun? For some inspiration have a look at
others’ <a
statements</a> and <a
@ -185,7 +139,13 @@
<h3>Share your love</h3>
<p>That’s the fun part! We have created a <a href="">sharepic generator</a>, with which you can easily create your very own sharepics and share your appreciation on social media (<em>#ilovefs</em>), in blog posts, pictures and <a href="">video messages</a>, or <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html#ilovefs">directly to the Free Software developers and contributors</a>.</p>
<p>That’s the fun part! We have created a <a
href="">sharepic generator</a>,
with which you can easily create your very own sharepics and share
your appreciation on social media (<em>#ilovefs</em>), in blog
posts, pictures and <a href="">video
messages</a>, or <a href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html#ilovefs">directly to the Free
Software developers and contributors</a>.</p>
@ -195,7 +155,10 @@
<h3>Improve Free Software</h3>
<p>Talking is silver, contributing is gold! Help a Free Software project with code, a translation, or by assisting its users. If you can, please consider supporting our work with a <a href="/donate">donation to the Free Software Foundation Europe</a>.</p>
<p>Talking is silver, contributing is gold! Help a Free Software project with a donation, a translation or by assisting its users. If
you can, please consider supporting our work with a <a
href="/donate">donation to the Free Software Foundation
@ -208,7 +171,16 @@
<p>What is your contribution to this special day dedicated to the people who enable you to use Free Software? Will you use our stickers and balloons? Or make a picture or video with your new ILoveFS shirt? And what about celebrating software freedom with your colleagues and friends at a company gathering or public event? Whatever you do, show it to the world by using the <em>#ilovefs</em> tag. And if you have questions, <a href="/contact/">just drop us an email</a>.</p>
What is your contribution to this special day dedicated to the people
who enable you to use Free Software? Will you use our stickers and
balloons? Or make a picture or video with your new ILoveFS shirt? And
what about celebrating software freedom with your colleagues and
friends at a company gathering or public event? Whatever you do, show
it to the world by using the <em>#ilovefs</em> tag. And if you have
questions, <a
href="/contact/">just drop us an email</a>.
<p>Happy <strong><span class="text-danger">I Love Free Software</span></strong> Day everyone! ❤</p>
@ -38,12 +38,10 @@ my %names = (
"gabriel.ku" => "Gabriel Ku Wei Bin",
"hf" => "Henning Fehr",
"jn" => "Johannes Näder",
"lina.ceballos" => "Lina Ceballos",
"linus" => "Linus Sehn",
"lucas.lasota" => "Lucas Lasota",
"marta" => "Marta Andreoli",
"mk" => "Matthias Kirschner",
"jithendra" => "Jithendra Palepu",
"reinhard" => "Reinhard Müller",
"tobiasd" => "Tobias Diekershoff",
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
Free Software Foundation Europe is an international organisation.
Our goal is to <strong>reach as many people as possible</strong>
and include them in our activities to promote, help and support
the Free Software movement. To achieve this, we want to make our
the Free Software movement. To achieve this, we want to make our
published texts and website available in several languages.
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
A major part of the translation effort applies to the web pages,
especially the frequently updated pages like the <a href="/index.html">front
page</a>, the <a href="/news/">news page</a> and the <a
href="/events/">events page</a>. But not only web pages have to be translated: <a
href="/events/">events page</a>. But not only web pages have to be translated: <a
href="/press/">Press releases</a>, <a
href="/news/newsletter.html">newsletters</a>, <a
href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html#promo-material">brochures and leaflets</a>
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
As FSFE is active in many different countries, texts are also
often written in different languages. However, we generally use
often written in different languages. However, we generally use
English as a starting point for sharing these texts with other
parts of the organisation and for further translations.
Therefore, we especially need help to
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
Experience shows that the best translation results are achieved
when people translate from a foreign language to their mother
tongue. Having a good idea about <a href="/about/">what the
tongue. Having a good idea about <a href="/about/">what the
FSFE is</a> and about <a href="/about/principles.html">our
concepts and values</a> is a good idea before starting
translating. To help you out with difficult words and phrases, we
translating. To help you out with difficult words and phrases, we
maintain a <a
href="/contribute/translators/wordlist.html">wordlist in over 15
languages</a> that you can rely on when facing technical
@ -72,19 +72,19 @@
Translations are generally coordinated on the <a
mailing list</a>, and everyone wanting to contribute to
translations efforts can subscribe to this list. It is also a place
translations efforts can subscribe to this list. It is also a place
to seek help when in doubt or cooperating with other translators on
larger projects. As we have material available in over 30
larger projects. As we have material available in over 30
languages already, the chance is that you will always find
somebody in the organization willing to help you.
Texts to be translated or proofread are sent to this list along
with a reference to the desired languages. Whoever starts with a
with a reference to the desired languages. Whoever starts with a
translation sends an answer to the list to avoid duplicate work.
Finished translations are also sent to the list to allow others to
proofread the translation and propose possible improvements. Both
proofread the translation and propose possible improvements. Both
original texts and translations are usually sent around as plain
text file attachments to minimize copy and paste efforts.
@ -94,12 +94,16 @@
members that relieve and support each other, so translations to
a language would not depend on a single person.
Recently we have adopted the use of weblate for some of our activities. You can find the FSFE project <a href="/translators/weblate">here</a> and we are grateful for your help with translating via weblate.
<h2>Your contribution makes a difference!</h2>
Many of our translators are already active in other Free Software
projects in addition to FSFE. Helping with translation efforts in
projects in addition to FSFE. Helping with translation efforts in
the FSFE strengthens the Free Software community at large and gives
people, no matter the language or nationality, a chance of learning
more about Free Software.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<donor date="2023-01-19">Marco van Hulten</donor>
<donor>Martin F. Krafft</donor>
<donor>Mateus Araujo Borges</donor>
<donor date="2023-12-13">Matteo Settenvini</donor>
<donor>Matteo Settenvini</donor>
<donor date="2023-08-24">Matthias Graf</donor>
<donor>Matthias Köslin</donor>
<donor date="2023-12-04">Michael Dittmer</donor>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<donor date="2024-07-25" img="donors/silver-avm.png">AVM</donor>
<donor date="2024-06-07" img="donors/silver-collabora.png">Collabora Productivity</donor>
<donor date="2024-06-11" img="donors/silver-libreoffice.jpg">Document Foundation</donor>
<donor date="2024-09-11" img="donors/silver-heinlein-support.png">Heinlein Support</donor>
<donor date="2024-12-03" img="donors/silver-heinlein-support.png">Heinlein Support</donor>
<donor date="2024-06-17">Lars Hohl a.k.a. derPUPE</donor>
<donor date="2024-08-02" img="donors/silver-linagora.png">LINAGORA</donor>
<donor date="2024-07-17" img="donors/silver-linuxfoundation.png">Linux Foundation</donor>
@ -78,9 +78,11 @@
<donor date="2024-07-17">Kommunikationsnetz Franken</donor>
<donor date="2024-02-26">Liferay International</donor>
<donor date="2024-12-31">LIHAS - LinuxHaus Stuttgart</donor><!-- Adrian Reyer -->
<donor date="2024-11-19">M. Schönitzer</donor>
<donor date="2024-05-10">Maik Wendt</donor>
<donor date="2024-09-29">Martin F. Krafft</donor>
<donor date="2024-12-31">Mateus Araujo Borges</donor>
<donor date="2024-12-01">Matteo Settenvini</donor>
<donor date="2024-12-31">Matthias Köslin</donor>
<donor date="2024-10-12">Moritz Bunkus (-10)</donor>
<donor date="2024-10-04">Morten Lind</donor>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-11-27T10:00:00Z" end="2024-11-27T11:30:00Z">
<title>Deutschlandpremiere des Animationsfilms "Ada & Zangemann" in Essen, Germany</title>
<p>Die Premiere findet am Mittwoch, den 27. November von 10:00 bis 11:30 Uhr im größten Kinosaal Deutschlands in der Lichtburg Essen statt und ist eine Kooperation mit der Junior Uni Essen.</p>
<p>Mehr als 700 Grundschulkinder aus Essen werden als Gäste an der Premiere teilnehmen. Der Film thematisiert digitale Selbstbestimmung aus der Perspektive junger Menschen und wird nach der Premiere unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz als freies Bildungsmaterial verfügbar sein, auch für die Nutzung in Schulen und anderen Bildungseinrichtungen. </p>
<tag key="de">
Germany </tag>
<tag key="talk"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-11-27T10:00:00Z" end="2024-11-27T11:30:00Z">
<title>German Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie in Essen, Germany</title>
<p>The premiere will take place on Wednesday, 27 November from 10:00h. to 11:30h. in Germany's largest cinema hall at Lichtburg Essen, in cooperation with the Junior Uni Essen.</p>
<p>More than 700 primary school children from Essen will attend the premiere as guests. The film focuses on digital self-determination from the perspective of young people and will be available after the premiere under a Creative Commons licence as free educational material, also for use in schools and other educational institutions. <br />
<tag key="de">
Germany </tag>
<tag key="talk"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-12-04T14:15:00Z" end="2024-12-04T16:15:00Z">
<title>Hearing "Open Source" in Berlin, Germany</title>
<p>Hearing on "Open Source" in the German Bundestag, German only. Alexander Sander, FSFE's Senior Policy consultant, is invited as expert and will present our position. Stream will be provided.</p>
<tag key="de">
Germany </tag>
<tag key="talk"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-12-16T17:30:00Z" end="2024-12-16T19:30:00Z">
<title>EMI-FORUM: FOSS - Freie Open-Source Software in Amberg, Germany</title>
<p>Wie in den vergangenen Jahren veranstaltet die Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik, abgekürzt „EMI“, das EMI-Forum. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltungen beleuchten Experten aus Wirtschaft und Hochschule aktuelle Entwicklungen in Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik. Ziel ist es, relevante Themen für Studierende, Hochschulangehörige und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit anschaulich aufzubereiten. Wir freuen uns auf anregende Diskussionen. Das EMI-Forum wird unterstützt von der Stadt Amberg. </p>
<p>Am 16ten Dezember diskutieren wir gemeinsam über Freie Software. Hierfür spricht Bonnie Mehring über die "Public Money? Public Code!" Initiative der Free Software Foundation Europe und zeigt auf wieso "Public Money? Public Code!" mehr als nur die öffentliche Verwaltung betrifft. Dabei wird ein besonderer Fokus auf die Auswirkungen auf mittelständische und kleine Unternehmen gelegt. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 17:30 und ist kostenfrei für alle Interessierten zugänglich.</p>
<tag key="de">
Germany </tag>
<tag key="talk"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-12-16T17:30:00Z" end="2024-12-16T19:30:00Z">
<title>EMI-FORUM: FOSS - Free Open-Source Software in Amberg, Germany</title>
<p>As in previous years, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, abbreviated to ‘EMI’, is organising the EMI Forum. As part of these events, experts from industry and the university shed light on current developments in electrical engineering, media and computer science. The aim is to present relevant topics for students, university members and the interested public. We look forward to stimulating discussions. The EMI Forum is supported by the City of Amberg.</p>
<p>On 16 December we will discuss Free Software together. Bonnie Mehring will talk about the "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative of the Free Software Foundation Europe and shows why "Public Money? Public Code!" affects more than just public administration. A special focus will be placed on the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises. The event starts at 17:30 and is open to all interested parties free of charge.</p>
<tag key="de">
Germany </tag>
<tag key="talk"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<event start="2024-12-17T18:00:00Z" end="2024-12-17T22:00:00Z">
<title>Flörgåsbord 2024! (free tenpin bowling all evening!) in Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</title>
<p>IMPORTANT! Please RSVP or ask questions via the FSFE Potteries mailing list (or e-mail us) before coming.</p>
<p>Mailing list:<br />
<p>For it's second year running, we bring back "Flörgåsbord"... our annual tenpin bowling evening for the groups of FSFE Potteries, StaffsLUG, and ORG Stoke.</p>
<p>This year it'll be on Tuesday 17th December from 6:00pm onwards (although most will arrive around 6:30pm)</p>
<p>Stuff to know...</p>
<p>The room - For this evening we have privately booked a room in the centre of Newcastle-under-Lyme, that can hold up to 40 people and comes complete with 4 full size ten pin bowling lanes. The room also has plenty of comfortable seating booths for people get a drink or eat food (with ordering possible via QR code). This room is located upstairs from the Vue cinema... and you can find exact directions in the 'How to find us' section.</p>
<p>It's FREE - We're pickup up the bill for the bowling all evening!</p>
<p>All the games are free and unlimited! - All 4 bowling lanes will be on unlimited free play for the whole evening, 6 people at most to a lane.</p>
<p>It's a social - Just like any of our past socials, there will be places to sit and just have a quiet chat (no loud music if you don't want it!). Not everyone will be bowling anyway... so don't feel like you have to. </p>
<p>There is food and drinks - The venue has a kitchen serving hot food (so you don't need to eat before coming out) as well as offering drinks. Please follow the hyperlink (related to this event that you're reading) to see the details of the food and drink offered by the venue ...and you can now order everything by using the QR codes shown on the tables of their new seating booths!</p>
<p>Open to all in the FSF, LUG, and ORG - So a great mix of people in one social... but you're also welcome to bring friends and family too. The only thing we ask is that you RSVP if you're coming as we need to be sure it'll be under 40 people. So don't worry if it doesn't look like many are coming, as this has gone out to other groups too.</p>
<p>It's a veritable Flörgåsbord! - Forgive the silly name! It comes from trying to merge the acronyms FSF/LUG/ORG that then got us "Florg" which then turned into Flörgåsbord... kind of like Smörgåsbord (a Swedish buffet)... so basically people from lots of different local technology groups!.</p>
<p>It's a Christmas thing! - We like running these at Christmas time... so you can consider this as a more fun way to get together... rather than a Christmas meal every year!</p>
<p>Travel - Plenty of way to get to Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre (including buses... as it's got it's own bus station). If you're parking then you can either use the Vue cinema park car, or one of the council ran car parks.</p>
<p>⏰ 6:00pm doors open<br />
📍 Lymelight Lanes, 98-104 High Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 1PT. </p>
<tag key="gb">
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland </tag>
<tag key="localgroup"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
<module id="banner-become-supporter"/>
<div class="next-steps">
<div class="three-columns">
<div class="column">
<a href="/contribute/spreadtheword.html">
@ -83,6 +83,16 @@
<a class="learn-more" href="/order/index.html">Einkaufen...</a>
<div class="column">
<a href="">
<img src="/graphics/booth-presentation.jpg" alt="Zwei Freiwillige an einem Stand der FSFE präsentieren Informationsmaterial und Merch" />
<a class="learn-more" href="">Mehr Informationen...</a>
<description>Gemeinnützige Organisation, die für ein allgemeines Verständnis und Unterstützung von Freier Software arbeitet. Beinhaltet Meldungen, Veranstaltungen und Kampagnen.</description>
@ -34,9 +34,7 @@
<option value="gabriel.ku">Gabriel Ku Wei Bin</option>
<option value="repentinus">Heiki Lohmus</option>
<option value="hf">Henning Fehr</option>
<option value="jithendra">Jithendra Palepu</option>
<option value="jn">Johannes Näder</option>
<option value="lina.ceballos">Lina Ceballos</option>
<option value="lucas.lasota">Lucas Lasota</option>
<option value="marta">Marta Andreoli</option>
<option value="mk">Matthias Kirschner</option>
@ -101,8 +99,6 @@
<option value="PERSONELL-KU">PERSONELL Wei Bin Gabriel Ku</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-INDORATO">PERSONELL Francesca Indorato</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-LASOTA">PERSONELL Lucas Lasota</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-CEBALLOS">PERSONELL Lina Ceballos</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-WAGENER">PERSONELL Linda Wagener</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-MEHRING">PERSONELL Bonnie Mehring</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-SNOW">PERSONELL Florian Snow</option>
<option value="PERSONELL-GALAN">PERSONELL Ana Galán</option>