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FSFE-ja ka ndjekur projektin që në fillimin 2014-s. Tani së\nfundi, Komisioni Europian \nbotoi materialet para të bazuara në intervista të bëra prej tyre palët\ne interesuara. Edhe pse FSFE-ja përkrah plotësisht këtë nismë\neuropiane, sendërtimi projektit bën të shqetësohemi. Analizës së parë\ntë FOSSA-s mungon të kuptuarit Software-i të Lirë; ajo përmban disa\ngabime; dhe është bazuar në intervista të përgjithshme të bëra keq. Presidenti FSFE-së, Matthias Kirschner dhe \npërfaqësuesi Anërarësisë Shok të FSFE-së, Mirko Böehm, që qenë intervistuar që të dy për\nprojektin, kanë përmbledhur mangësitë më të dukshme të materialeve të botuara\nnga FOSSA. Megjithatë, duke parë punën nga një tjetër perspektivë: FOSSA është\nende në hapat para dhe ndihmën më tepër ekspertëve të Software-it të Lirë, \nmund kthejmë FOSSA-n në drejtimin duhur. FSFE-ja të vazhdojë t’i ndjekë\nnga afër sendërtimet pritura të FOSSA-s. Nëse keni ndonjë koment apo mendime\nlidhur nismën, ju lutemi, mos ngurroni t’i ndani mendimet tuaja te\n\nlista jonë diskutimeve ose dërgojini drejtpërsëdrejti për Matthias Kirschner-in. \nNë këtë mënyrë, të bëjmë të mundur që krejt shqetësimet vend t’i komunikohen\nBE-së.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.el.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Νοέμβριος 2010", "teaser": "Αυτή η έκδοση εξηγεί πώς σταθμίζουμε την πίεση των\nοργανισμών ιδιωτικού λογισμικού σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, τι κάνουμε σε \nεπίπεδο Ηνωμένων Εθνών για να ενημερώσουμε περισσότερους σχετικά με\nτους κινδύνους των πατεντών λογισμικού, τι κάνουμε για να ξεφορτωθούμε \nτις διαφημιστικές καταχωρίσεις μη-ελεύθερου λογισμικού από δικτυακούς\nτόπους του δημοσίου, και τι μπορείτε να κάνετε για να φέρετε την αλλαγή.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201204.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Abril 2012", "teaser": "\"proyecto\" siempre algo temporal, el sentido estricto término. Algunos miembros movimiento Software Libre dicen \"proyecto\" para referirse iniciativas duran mucho tiempo. Éste vuestro editor también hizo esto, hasta Bernhard Reiter convenció para usar diferentes términos para gente, el resultado crean acciones temporales concertadas. Después varias personas FSFE animaran Bernhard poner por escrito sus pensamientos, acaba publicar artículo explicándolo: Adoptando los usos más convencionales término \"proyecto\", las iniciativas Software Libre tendrán mayor éxito. \"El Software Libre llegado para quedarse, prepárate para esta situación.\", escribe Bernhard.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.cs.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe charitativní organizace, která usiluje uživatelskou kontrolu nad technologií.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – September 2014", "teaser": "freie Meinungsäußerung, Pressefreiheit, Versammlungsfreiheit, \nVereinigungsfreiheit Recht Privatsphäre essentielle \nVoraussetzungen freie Gesellschaft. Freiheiten \neingeschränkt wird, schwierig, aufrecht erhalten. \nGesellschaft wichtig, Freiheiten verteidigen. Besonders \nHinblick grundlegenden Änderungen, Allgegenwärtigkeit \nvon Computern angestoßen wurden. Änderungen alte Freiheiten \ngefährden Bedarf neuen Freiheiten entstehen lassen. Daher \nFreiheit Software entscheidend, Macht Gesellschaft verteilen \nund balancieren. FSFE überzeugt, dass freie Gesellschaft \nFreiheiten braucht, Freie Software bieten kann. Deshalb stehen \nwir Freie Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe association lucratif offre utilisateurs les moyens contrôler\n technologie.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202310.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union nl policy routers fediverse gnu ada-zangemann", "title": "GNU cumple 40 años +++ Libertad del Enrutador, Fediverso & Ada", "teaser": "Octubre comienza después celebrarse el 40º aniversario proyecto \nGNU, señaló el inicio nuestro movimiento Software Libre. \nNueva temporada política, tanto nivel UE como nacional. Gracias \npor contribuir hacer nuestro vídeo Qué el Software Libre esté \ndisponible más idiomas... ¡y tenemos nuestra primera lectura pública \nde Ada italiano!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Newsletter FSFE - únor 2018", "teaser": "\"Prostředky, které pocházejí od občanů, musí být investovány systémů, které mohou být opětovně využity otevřeny místnímu ekosystému, \"říká Francesca Bria, komisařka pro digitální technologie inovace v Barceloně. hnací silou digitálního transformačního plánu města, mimo jiné - usiluje zavedení svobodného softwaru otevření správě města.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - diciembre 2014", "teaser": "Actualmente nueva Comisión Europea está fijando las directrices política\n para los próximos cinco años. FSFE está contacto permanente con\nel equipo Comisión, creen el momento oportuno para el Software Libre Bruselas.\nQueremos asegurarnos aprovechar este momento para impulsar los cambios contratación\nde software, normalización, independencia dispositivo. Así nuestro presidente Karsten\nGerloff participado varias reuniones.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.it.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "La neutralità del dispositivo è realtà ++ Stoccolma ++ Infrastruttura FSFE ++ IA", "teaser": "newsletter gennaio conosciamo sviluppo positivo libertà software legge mercati digitali. Leggi mancanza codice pubblico costi Stoccolma 100M€. hacker sistema rivelano l'infrastruttura FSFE. Vincent Lequertier sottolinea trasparenza l'IA. FOSDEM porte.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202309.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy deviceneutrality fediverse legal ada-zangemann internship upcyclingandroid ccc", "title": "\"Zurück zur Schule\" für EU- und deutsche Politik+++Ada weltweit erhältlich", "teaser": "September bringt Bilanz EU-Politik Halbzeit \nderzeitige deutsche Regierung betrachten Ganze \nPerspektive Freien Software. ‘Ada & Zangemann' international\nbestellt helfen, Video 'What Free Software' \nin weitere EU-Sprachen übersetzen. denken daran - Rooten \nGerätes führt Ungültigkeit Garantie.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Το Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού Ευρώπης είναι μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση που δίνει δύναμη στους χρήστες\n να ελέγχουν την τεχνολογία.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.da.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Bæredygtighedspodcast +++ Job-mulighed +++ Delvis Router Frihed i Grækenland", "teaser": "dette nummer: opløftende podcastepisode fremskridtet \"Upcycling Android\"-kampagnen.\n har ledig stilling ved FSFE.\n Grækenland færd med sikre Router Frihed bortset fra på fiberforbindelser.\n Nyheder fra fælleskabet kommer fra Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg, Wien, Zurich, Belgien, Italien, Holland, Oversætter- og Kvindegrupperne.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – January 2014", "teaser": "Many hackers (including us, course!) enjoying various\n\t\tfestivities occurring around winter solstice. But, alas!, time\n\t\tto dwell Christmas presents enjoy family recess –\n\t\tthe Yule gone, year made anew, fight for\n\t\tfreedom liberty demands attention more. Hence, only\n\t\tfitting begin short review 2014 got store for\n\t\tus next months.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – April 2015", "teaser": "neue Geschäftsführer \nJonas Öberg hielt Vortrag Libreplanet besuchte Boston, \nden Vorstand Mitarbeiter FSF treffen. Blogbeitrag schrieb \nseine Treffen Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako Hill, Bradley Kuhn Henry \nPoole Vorstand FSF, Mitarbeiter FSF sowie Geschäftsführer \nder FSF, John Sullivan. besprach, Zusammenarbeit verbessern \nkönnte zwei wichtigsten Herausforderungen FSFE sieht:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe organizzazione benefica dà utenti mezzi per\n controllare tecnologia.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - augustus 2009", "teaser": "Augustus gevolg vakanties rustigere\n periode. Desondanks namen FSFE Fellowship deel aan\n verschillende activiteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/boilerplate.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Boilerplate", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201009.it.html", "tags": "newsletter education sfd cloud", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Settembre 2010", "teaser": "edizione parleramo Software Libero\nnell'ambito dell'educazione, soluzioni distribuite Software Libero \ncome alternativa servizi centralizzati, alcuni modi celebrare quello\nche -- comunità Software Libero -- già realizzato, come\npuoi partecipare campionato europeo calcio interessato\nal calcio.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του FSFE - Δεκέμβριος 2013", "teaser": "Το 2005 αρχίσαμε να δίνουμε κρυπτογραφημένες κάρτες\nσε όσους μας έκαναν μια δωρεά και γράφτηκαν ως Μέλη (Fellow) του FSFE. Πιστεύουμε ότι είναι\nσημαντικό να υπενθυμίζουμε στους ανθρώπους τα εργαλεία Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού για την κρυπτογράφηση των\nεπικοινωνιών μας. Πέραν αυτού, στο FSFE, από την ίδρυσή μας το 2001, εξηγούμε ότι\nεκείνα τα 40 ψηφία πάνω στις εταιρικές μας κάρτες έχουν να κάνουν με την κρυπτογράφηση και γιατί\nαυτό είναι σημαντικό. 8 χρόνια αργότερα, το θέμα της κρυπτογράφησης αναδείχθηκε στα ΜΜΕ, και τώρα\nαναφέρεται σε όλες τις Ευρωπαϊκές εφημερίδες. Αυτό είναι συγχρόνως και καλό και κακό:\nΑυτή τη στιγμή αντιμετωπίζουμε το πρόβλημα της πολύ έντονης προσοχής των ΜΜΕ, αλλά αυτό δεν\nσημαίνει ότι έχουμε πιο πολλούς πόρους για να το χειριστούμε. Θα θέλαμε να δουλέψουμε περισσότερο πάνω\nστα θέματα αυτά, αλλά δεν μπορούμε και να σταματήσουμε να δουλεύουμε στα άλλα μακροπρόθεσμα θέματα.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201303.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2013", "teaser": "1. 3. Februar nahmen tausende Leuten FOSDEM Brüssel teil,\ndem \"Free Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting\".\nBei FOSDEM Möglichkeit, Entwickler Mitwirkende nahezu aller\ngroßen Freie Software-Projekte treffen. FSFE immer dabei, mit\nden Teilnehmern laufende Entwicklungen Bedürfnisse Mitarbeit der\nFreie-Software-Gemeinschaft sprechen. guter Ort, um\nInformationen auszutauschen, interessanten Leuten sprechen, zukünftige\nAktivitäten planen Leute treffen, denen normalerweise\nnur E-Mail-Kontakt würde.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202309.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy deviceneutrality fediverse legal ada-zangemann internship upcyclingandroid ccc", "title": "\"Back to school\" for EU and German policy +++ Ada available worldwide", "teaser": "September brings resumption politics middle term \ncurrent German government, look Free Software \nperspective. 'Ada & Zangemann' ordered internationally, \nand help us translate 'What Free Software' video \nmore languages. remember - rooting device void \nwarranty.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe charity empowers users to\n control technology.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.el.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE – Ιούνιος 2014", "teaser": "Νοιάζεστε για την ιδιωτικότητά σας και είτε πληρώνετε έναν πάροχο e-mail, ή μπορεί ακόμη και\nνα τρέχετε τον δικό σας διακομιστή αλληλογραφίας για να διατηρείτε την αυτονομία σας, τον έλεγχο, και την ιδιωτικότητα επί της\nηλεκτρονικής σας αλληλογραφίας. Αυτά τα κάνετε διότι θέλετε να εξασφαλίσετε πως καμία μεγάλη εταιρεία δεν θα έχει αντίγραφα\nόλων των προσωπικών σας μηνυμάτων ηλεκτρονικής αλληλογραφίας. Και πάλι όμως, αυτό δεν εμποδίζει τις άλλες εταιρείες\nαπό το να βάζουν χέρι στα δεδομένα σας. Αν ο στόχος σας είναι να αυξήσετε την ασφάλειά σας,\nτότε δεν αρκεί απλώς να φροντίζετε για τη δική σας ασφάλεια. Πρέπει να πείσετε\nτους ομοτίμους σας να αυξήσουν και τη δική τους ασφάλεια: όπως λέει και ο Jacob Appelbaum, η ασφάλεια είναι κάτι το\nαλληλοεξαρτώμενο.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202403.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem podcast ilovefs ngi deviceneutrality policy event", "title": "I love FS celebrations +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ SFP episode", "teaser": "March newsletter here! Last month took us FOSDEM, ‘I \nLove Free Software Day’ celebrated Europe. launched \na new SFP episode state Free Software discussion \nbanking Software Freedom. Check interesting reading \nevent recommendations!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2012", "teaser": "Free Software community celebrated worldwide Software Freedom Day, held annually\nthe third Saturday September, diverse events meetings. local Fellowship group in\n Manchester test discuss alternative Skype.\nThey extensive testing published results.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201109.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín FSFE - Septiembre 2011", "teaser": "El primer día nueva organización siempre bastante intenso, mucha gente nueva, procedimientos, mucha información. Para nuestra nueva becaria prácticas Eszter Bako fue incluso más intenso. Pasó primer día FSFE asistiendo Desktop Summit, acompañada por más 800 geeks hablando cosas extrañas como KDE, Gnome, Qt, GTK, Plasma, Git, QML, D-Bus, sobre cómo fabricar tostadora. Para los recién llegados comunidad Software Libre eso puede ser extraña impresión.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.tr.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe, kullanıcıları teknolojiyi kontrol\n etmeleri için teşvik eden bir dernektir.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200905.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Μάιος 2009 ", "teaser": "Ο Μάιος ήταν ένας δραστήριος μήνας για εμάς. Όχι μόνο επειδή\nοι πρώτες πραγματικές ηλιαχτίδες άρχισαν να εμφανίζονται σε όλην την Ευρώπη, αλλά\nκυρίως επειδή κατά τη διάρκεια όλου του μήνα διενεργήσαμε την πρώτη μας εκλογική\nδιαδικασία για την εκλογή ενός Μέλους αντιπροσώπου στη Γενική Συνέλευση (ΓΣ) του\nFSFE. Επιπλέον, δημοσιεύσαμε πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για τις θέσεις του\nσυντονιστή και του προσωπικού στο νομικό μας τμήμα, και η Αυστριακή ομάδα ολοκλήρωσε\nτη δύσκολη και ικανοποιητική περιήγηση σε όλην την Αυστρία, συμμετέχοντας στη\n\"Linuxwochen Eisenstadt\".", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202212.it.html", "tags": "newsletter compliance gpl yh4f european-union localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Diritti digitali deboli nell'UE +++ Scacco matto! +++ 5 ragioni", "teaser": "numero notiamo passaggio\n Dichiarazione Diritti Digitali dell'Unione Europea\n testo poco chiaro ambiguo.\n motore scacchi Software Libero vince sua\n battaglia legale.\n contributo può aiutare libertà software. Iscrizione YH4F. team greco incontra dopo molto tempo.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Juin 2016", "teaser": "FSFE signé côtés 72 organisations lettre destination régulateur européen télécommunications soutenir règles fortes neutralité net cadre négociations cours les actes d'exécutions règlement européen 2015/2120 récement adopté. règlement établi base neutralité net forte, FSFE les autres organisations toute planète demandent l'organe régulateurs européens communications électroniques (Body European Regulators Electronic Communication - BEREC) 28 régulateurs nationaux soutenir règles d'établir lignes directrices fortes neutralité net Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2015", "teaser": "Fin octobre, FSFE\na soumis recommandations\nà Commission européenne concernant stratégie marché unique numérique, feuille route politique européenne l’ère numérique vise supprimer les obstacles réglementaires entre les 28 marchés nationaux. Commission s'est notamment donnée objectif développer l'aspect numérique industries européennes, développer normes « cloud », l'Internet objets big data, ainsi d'améliorer l'éducation numérique.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe organización benéfica potencia los usuarios el control tecnología.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202406.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections legal ada-zangemann fr es nl hr event dma highlights", "title": "EU-verkiezingen +++ VDM & Apple +++ REUSE-gereedschap", "teaser": "aflevering leggen onze plannen film maken \nAda & Zangemann vragen steun. nieuwe \nREUSE-versie gepubliceerd. Lees FSFE's opinie Europese Commissie \nover Apple's nieuwe strategie VDM leven gevolg \nVrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201702.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shkurt 2017", "teaser": "\"Shkenca Hapur\" është një lëvizje sapolindur që kërkon të bartë në fushën shkencës katër liritë që praktikojmë në Software-in Lirë.\nEdhe pse ende në fillimet veta, Shkenca Hapur po tërheq gjithnjë më tepër rëndësi nga vendim-marrësit. Në sytë ministrave të financave të Bashkimit Europian, Shkenca Hapur prodhon dhe përdor një sasi të madhe të Dhënash të Hapura, çka nga ana vet ka potencial për përfitime të mëdha ekonomike. \"European Cloud Initiative\", për shembull, është pjesë strategjisë së Komisionit Europian për Shkencën Hapur, menduar për krijimin një \"ekonomie konkurruese të dhënash dhe dijeje në Europë\". Ajo synon forcimin pozitave të Europës në risitë që lidhen të dhënat, ndaj edhe shihet të shndërrohet në pjesë të rëndësishme të Tregut të Përbashkët Dixhital Europian. Ose, fjalët OCDE-së: \"Nxitja ndarjes të tjerët dhe ripërdorimit të të dhënave kërkimore duhet të prodhojë më tepër vlerë për paranë publike\".", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja Informativa de la FSFE - Noviembre 2016", "teaser": "Desde el 2005, FSFE mantenido dos ramas diferentes: FSFE nuestra Fellowship. Aunque esto tuvo sentido principio, vuelto cada vez más incómodos por forma esto crea separación entre los Fellows FSFE como dos entidades separadas, ¡a pesar todos trabajamos juntos! consecuencia, hemos reducido las actividades promoción \"Fellowship\" como algo distinto FSFE, ahora hablamos más sobre \"Grupos FSFE\" vez \"Grupos Fellowship\", para nuestros grupos locales.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Νοέμβριος 2014", "teaser": "Αυτόν το μήνα, ο πρώτος Δήμαρχος του Μονάχου αντέδρασε επιτέλους σε μια \nέρευνα σχετικά με φήμες περί μιας πιθανής επιστροφής σε μια επιφάνεια εργασίας \nβασισμένης σε περιβάλλον Microsoft Windows. Από τα μισά της χρονιάς, ο πρώτος \nκαι ο δεύτερος Δήμαρχος προκάλεσαν σύγχυση αναφορικά με τη μελλοντική \nστρατηγική του Μονάχου. Αμφότεροι οι δήμαρχοι έκαναν αρνητικά σχόλια για το \nΕλεύθερο Λογισμικό απαντώντας στις \nερωτήσεις\n μας προς τους υποψηφίους, πριν τις εκλογές του Μαρτίου (στα Γερμανικά). \nΠαρά τις προσπάθειες από την πλευρά του FSFE, και ειδκότερα από την τοπική μας \nομάδα στο Μόναχο, ήταν δύσκολο να λάβει κανείς ξεκάθαρα στοιχεία για τα \nπροβλήματα στις εγκαταστάσεις Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού του Μονάχου. \nΤώρα, όπως γράψαμε και στο\nδικό μας Δελτίο Τύπου, τα πορίσματα της έρευνας αυτής δείχνουν πως δεν\nυφίσταται πραγματική βάση για τους ισχυρισμούς τους.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2015", "teaser": "All’inizio mese FSFE risposto \"Consultazione\nsul rispetto proprietà intellettuale procedure fornitura\npubbliche\", avviata Commissione Europea. Secondo Commissione, lo\nscopo iniziale consultazione \"raccogliere prove, opinioni e\nconsigli rispetto diritti proprietà intellettuale segreti\nindustriali procedure fornitura pubbliche\" valutare sia\nbisogno guida materia pubbliche amministrazioni.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202105.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20 ngi", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ Artificial Intelligence +++ New Staffer Fani Partsafyllidou", "teaser": "May Newsletter read time traveller Cory Doctorow sends wishes 20 Years FSFE utopian 2041, Router Freedom developments Greece, Germany, Austria well application benefits Free Software licenses usual diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe liefdadigheidsorganisatie gebruikers staat stelt technologie controleren.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202111.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Recyclage des logiciels +++ Traducteurs de la FSFE +++ La Liberté des Routeurs en danger en Lettonie", "teaser": "infolettre novembre, apprenez pourquoi neutralité appareils recyclage logiciels essentiels rendre (ré)utilisation matériel plus efficace fonction ressources. Lisez informations rôle clé les traducteurs jouent FSFE perte Liberté Routeurs Lettonie. Regardez nouvelle vidéo les valeurs fondamentales Logiciels Libres, suivez évènements communautaires.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe gemeinnütziger Verein, der\n Menschen selbstbestimmten Umgang Technik unterstützt.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202302.de.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc ilovefs AI upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "I Love Free Software +++ Behörden auf Fediverse", "teaser": "Ausgabe laden öffentliche Institutionen ein, freie, \ndezentralisierte soziale Medien nutzen. Schauen Info-Session \nzu deutschen Kommunen soziale Medien nutzen an. FSFE-Ehrenamtlicher \nzweifelt Glaubwürdigkeit KI-generiertem Text. \nBald Love Free Software Day - feiern uns!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "I love FS +++ 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: Interns", "teaser": "February Newsletter, invite Games Event celebrate \"I Love Free Software\" Day February 14th. Listen podcast episode Stanislas Dolcini game '0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant'. FOSDEM concluded FSFE there! complete celebrations 20 years FSFE interview past interns.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.es.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Podcast en sostenibilidad +++ Oferta laboral +++ Libertad del Enrutador griega", "teaser": "Compartimos episodio podcast inspirador progreso campaña \nUpcycling Android. Ofertamos puesto empleado FSFE. Grecia va \na asegurar Libertad Enrutador excepto fibra óptica. \nNovedades comunidad Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlín, Hamburgo, Viena, \nZúrich, Bélgica, Italia, Países Bajos, Traductores Mujeres.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202011.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup routers reuse community policy", "title": "Libertad del Software 2020 +++ Estrategia Open Source UE +++ Nuevo personal", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín noviembre, revisamos nuestro informe anual \"Libertad Software Europa\" nueva Estrategia Software Libre Comisión Europea. Nuevo personal, nueva llamada para los proyectos comunitarios FSFE, REUSE está despegando, el grupo local Zurich recibió premio, mucho mas por descubrir sucedido.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201204.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2012", "teaser": "\"project\" always temporary, narrow sense the\nterm. Free Software people use \"project\" refer long lasting\ninitiatives instead. editor this, Bernhard Reiter\nconvinced use different terms people, result create, and\ntemporary concerted actions. several people FSFE encouraged Bernhard\nto write thoughts, published an\n article arguing: adopting widespread use term project,\nFree Software initiatives successful. \"Free Software to\nstay, prepare mind situation.\", writes Bernhard.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.es.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Cooperación global +++ Trabajo en remoto", "teaser": "difusión COVID-19 enfrentamos pandemia global requiere muchos esfuerzos coordinados exige nuevas soluciones globales. Nuestro extraordinario boletín concentra libertad software para soluciones globales, soluciones software libre para conexiones remotas cómo FSFE afronta toda situación. Como costumbre, destacamos nuestras actividades comunitarias damos consejos sobre puede hacer para educarse forma entretenida mientras está casa. Disfrute lectura, manténgase sano proteja libertad.", "type": "page", "date": "2030-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201405.en.html", "tags": "newsletter security dfd ayc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2014", "teaser": "probably heard bug Free Software OpenSSL nicknamed\n\"heartbleed\". The\nFSFE already welcomed industry initiative fund critical Free Software\nprojects, topic discussed several blog articles the\nplanet: Sam Tuke wrote about\nhis impression, Hugo Roy shared XKCD comic explaining\nhow heartbleed works, Martin Gollowitzer wrote what\nthe Heartbleed bug revealed StartSSL certificate\nauthority.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-05-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - Julio 2017", "teaser": "Compartir el conocimiento propio aumentar colaboración principios fundamentales comunidad Software Libre. Por esa razón, FSFE complace proporcionar ahora sus seguidores voluntarios registrados plataforma para crear administrar repositorios Git interfaz web confortable git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/index.uk.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe — благодійна організація, яка надає користувачам можливість\n контролювати технології.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201907.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter community legal", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand gaat aandacht onze nieuwe testimonials-pagina vers voorbereide samenvatting FSFE's jaarlijkse juridische licentiewerkgroep plaatsvond Barcelona. Verder kunt komende evenementen waaraan deelnemen organiseren ontdekken, evenals enkele visuele details bekijken waar staat gebruik Vrije Software Europa promoten breiden.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-07-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202308.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy IEA fediverse yh4f ada-zangemann workshop event", "title": "CRA & IEA +++ Aflevering SFP +++ Zomerontmoeting", "teaser": "augustusnummer vindt laatste updates CRA IAE, \neen nieuwe aflevering onze Software FreedomPodcast, \nSoftwarevrijheid EU-beleid, aankondiging symposium \nover gedecentraliseerde sociale netwerken. JHvV-deelnemers - wij \n- wachten terugkoppeling jury projecten.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-08-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202001.it.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ccc", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ (pre-) FOSDEM +++ 36C3", "teaser": "2020 solo nuovo anno, l'inizio nuova decade. sempre sistemi automatici gestiti software, rappresentazione politica libertà necessaria mai. newsletter gennaio puoi leggere Cory Doctorow supporta finanziariamente FSFE dovresti fare stesso. Puoi leggere attività prossimo FOSDEM, inclusi incontri pre-FOSDEM riflessioni presenza Chaos Communication Congress. nuovo Podcast libertà software Harald Welte riscontri comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202005.es.html", "tags": "newsletter corona limux pmpc", "title": "\nJakatones Públicos +++ Munich apoya el Código Público (Public Code) +++ Nuevos Podcast\n", "teaser": "Lee acerca nuestra demanda para publiquen los resultados los maratones jáquer, financiados dinero público, como Software Libre; acerca nuevo acuerdo coalición Munich alinea nuestros principios \"¿Dinero Público? - ¡Código Público!\" qué pasó dentro FSFE nuestra comunidad. Destacamos los resultados nuestro sprint web nuestras publicaciones, podcast periódico extraordinario.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-05-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-ordererror.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Ooops, there is something wrong with your input!", "teaser": "Please make sure entered last name, email, full address, order itself. Comments optional.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - nëntor 2016", "teaser": "Që prej 2005-s, FSFE-ka ka mirëmbajtur dy marka\ntë dallueshme: FSFE-në dhe Anëtarësinë tonë Shok. Ndërkohë që kjo kish\nkuptim fillimisht, është bërë gjithnjë më parehatshme mënyra kjo\nkrijoi një ndarje Anëtarëve Shok dhe FSFE-së dy entitete të ndarë,\npavarësisht faktit që punojmë të tërë tok! Për këtë arsye, kemi ulur numrin\ne veprimtarive tona që promovojnë \"Anëtarësinë Shok\" diçka ndaras nga\nFSFE-ja, dhe tani flasim më tepër rreth \"Grupesh FSFE\", në vend se\n\"Grupe Anëtarësie Shok\", kur vjen puna për grupet tanë vendorë.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202402.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers ilovefs ngi deviceneutrality european-parliament policy IEA", "title": "Celebrate I Love Free Software Day +++ Interoperable Europe Act adopted", "teaser": "again, FOSDEM disappoint! Meeting Free Software community Brussels always one best moments year! meet celebrate Love Free Software Day news Interoperable Europe Act adopted! newsletter includes first interviews 2023 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom participants… more!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Spread the word", "teaser": "going Free Software meeting even organising one?\n Maybe like promote Free Software work FSFE around\n friends colleagues public event? various\n reasons might like receive promotion material Free\n Software FSFE. Whatever might be, happy send you\n printed promotion material cost. this\n page, find overview material details each\n product.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - abril 2016", "teaser": "Hemos publicado nuestra posición sobre Directiva equipos \nradioeléctricos 2014/53/UE (adoptada mayo 2014) exige los \nfabricantes dispositivos comprueben el software los mismos. principio, podría \nsonar razonable pero tiene unas implicaciones muy negativas sobre los derechos los usuarios \ny el Software Libre, competencia leal, innovación, el medio ambiente, el \nvoluntariado – todo ello sin grandes beneficios para seguridad. directiva \naplicarse los estados miembros antes 13 junio 2016. Hemos formulado varias propuestas las \ninstituciones estados miembros UE medidas concretas para resolver \nestas cuestiones.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202403.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem podcast ilovefs ngi deviceneutrality policy event", "title": "Ik hou van Vrije Software-vieringen +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ SFP-aflevering", "teaser": "Onze nieuwsbrief maart hier! afgelopen maand FOSDEM gegaan heel Europa ‘Ik hou Vrije Software dag’ gevierd. lanceerden nieuwe aflevering SFP status Vrije Software discussie bankieren softwarevrijheid. Bekijk interessant leesmateriaal aanbevelingen evenementen!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200911.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2009", "teaser": "November: another month full activities work FSFE.\nAmong things launched Fellowship grant project, fought for\nOpen Standards European public sector, excellent time at\nthe FSCONS Sweden, participated WIPO ensure Free\nSoftware principles respected. keep FSFE strong independent,\nwe launched year-end fund raising campaign: Cooking Freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Përhapni fjalën", "teaser": "Mbërritët këtu ngaqë - ashtu - shqetësoheni për Software-in Lirë dhe të drejtat qytetare dixhitale. duhet ndihma juaj për të përhapur fjalën rreth përparësive të Software-it të Lirë, dhe për t’u shpjeguar të tjerëve pse të duhej të shqetësoheshin edhe ata për Lirinë. Përkrahja Software-it të Lirë është zbavitëse dhe ndoshta një nga rrugët më të mira për të ndihmuar lëvizjen Software-it të Lirë! Në këtë faqe të gjeni materiale të ndryshme grafike për përdorim dhe fletë-palosje që mund t’i shtypni ju vetë ndihmë dhe mbështetje për përhapjen fjalës. Kemi një faqe më vete, nëse kërkoni për material promocional të shtypur në mënyrë profesionale nga FSFE-ja, që mund të kihet falas.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2015", "teaser": "European Commission published new version its\nstrategy internal use Free Software. FSFE provided input the\nCommission update phase strategy broadly similar to\nthe previous version, some\nimprovements.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201912.es.html", "tags": "newsletter community ccc pmpc drm", "title": "La CDU quiere código público +++ Reunión Comunitaria +++ 36C3", "teaser": "El último boletín año termina noticia emocionante para libertad software: el mayor partido conservador Europa, el alemán CDU, adhirió principio el software desarrollado dinero público debe estar publicado bajo licencias Software Libre. Además, invitamos leer sobre FSFE hecho, los logros conseguido, durante los últimos 12 meses, profundizar el informe nuestra Reunión Comunitaria Anual 2019, elaborado por Florian Snow. También encontrarás información sobre nuestra participación mayor conferencia hacking Europa, 36C3, petición ayuda patrocinio para continuar nuestra misión capacitar los usuarios para controlar tecnología.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.it.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2014", "teaser": "Immagina portare amici bar, invece bevande calde\ne fredde, menù prevede informazioni misure adottare \ngarantire privacy mondo digitale. esempio \"https dappertutto\"\ncome primo piatto, \"E-mail cifrate GnuPG\" secondo, \"tosdr.org\"\n(informazioni riguardo termini utilizzo) dolce. tipi\ndi bar esistono già Paesi Bassi. meeting tedesco dell'FSFE Essen, \nFelix Stegerman, vice coordinatore Paesi Bassi, presentato\nil progetto creare \"privacy caffè\" spiegato lui\npensa arrivato tempo un'ottima opportunità Software\nLibero, fare stessa cosa altri posti.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletim Informativo FSFE - Agosto 2015", "teaser": "início mês, FSFE respondeu “Consulta sobre\ncontratação pública propriedade intelectual”, iniciada pela Comissão\nEuropeia. acordo com Comissão objectivo inicial consulta era\n“recolher evidências, opiniões comentários sobre respeito dos direitos de\npropriedade intelectual segredos comerciais em procedimentos contratação\npública”, concluir há necessidade guia para autoridades\npúblicas este respeito.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201307.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2013", "teaser": "\"To protect rights, need prevent others denying\n rights asking surrender rights. Therefore, have\n certain responsibilities distribute copies software, you\n modify it: responsibilities respect freedom of\n others.\" (Praemble GNU GPL)", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202405.es.html", "tags": "newsletter llw licensing legal yh4f-project ada-zangemann fr dk berlin event highlights", "title": "LLW 2024 +++ Entrevistas YH4F +++ Ada en Francia", "teaser": "Mayo viene noticias legales como el \"Legal & Licensing \nWorkshop\" demanda Bitcoin sobre responsabilidad los \ndesarrolladores Software Libre. También hablamos dos \nparticipantes YH4F 2023 nuestro grupo local danés envió Carta \nAbierta parlamento. ¿Has visto Ada & Zangemann ganado \npremio ya está disponible versión francesa ebook?", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Partecipa", "teaser": "comunità persone tutta Europa occupano Software Libero. Se\n d'accordo idee potresti unirti \n lavoro libertà. molti modi \n farlo certo troverai\n almeno un'attività adatta interessi competenze.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201912.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter community ccc pmpc drm", "title": "La CDU veut du code public +++ Meeting de la communauté +++ 36C3", "teaser": "dernière lettre d'information l'année apporte excellente nouvelle Logiciel Libre : parti conservateur plus important d'Europe, CDU allemande, approuvé principe selon lequel logiciel développé l'argent public doit être sous licence Logiciel Libre. invitons aussi lire FSFE effectué réalisé durant les 12 derniers mois plonger compte-rendu Florian Snow Meeting Annuel 2019. trouverez aussi aperçu participation plus importante conférence relative hacking Europe, 36C3 ainsi qu'un appel soutien aide afin continuer mission d'aider les utilisateurs maîtriser les technologies.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202007.de.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc", "title": "Benigànim unterschreibt Offenen Brief +++ Interview mit der Stadt Bühl +++ Neuer Podcast", "teaser": "Hackathons Apps öffentlichen Verwaltungen: \n Lesen jüngsten Erfolge Europa Bezug Freie Software Juli-Newsletter. \n Finden Videos mehreren Online-Veranstaltungen denen FSFE vertreten war, \n lesen vielfältigen Aktivitäten unserer Gemeinschaft.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200910.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Οκτώβριος 2009", "teaser": "Ο Οκτώβριος υπήρξε ένας μεστός, ζωντανός και γεμάτος \nπροκλήσεις μήνας για το FSFE. Κάναμε περισσότερο έργο απ' όσο θα χωρέσει \nστα όρια αυτού του δελτίου. Για το λόγο αυτό, μετά την ανάγνωση του δελτίου, \nπαρακαλούμε επισκεφθείτε την ενότητα ειδήσεων του ιστοχώρου μας για να \nέχετε μία πλήρη επισκόπηση του έργου μας:", "type": "page", "date": "2009-11-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juillet 2014", "teaser": "Imaginez alliez café amis mais, place d'une boisson chaude fraîche, menu propose informations comment assurer vie privée numérique. Comme « https everywhere » entrée, « chiffrement e-mail GnuPG » plat principal « tosdr.org » (information les conditions d'utilisation) dessert. tels cafés existent déjà Pays-Bas. réunion FSFE, Allemand, d'Essen, Felix Stegerman, coordinateur délégué Pays Bas présenté plans mettre place plus cafés vie privée expliqué pourquoi pense c'est bon moment bonne opportunité Logiciel Libre faire ailleurs.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201702.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - februari 2017", "teaser": "\"Open Wetenschap\" groeiende beweging vraagt vier vrijheden Vrije Software praktijk brengen, geïntroduceerd wetenschap. Hoewel Open Wetenschap lang bestaat kennen besluitvormers steeds strategisch belang toe. ogen ministers Financiën Europese Unie produceert gebruikt Open Wetenschap Open Data. beurt mogelijk grote economische voordelen. \"Europese Cloud Initiatief\" maakt bijvoorbeeld deel strategie Europese Commissie Open Wetenschap. bedoeld bouwen \"competitieve data- kenniseconomie Europa\". doel hiervan Europa's positie binnen data gestuurde innovatie versterken. beschouwt daarmee belangrijk deel Europese digitale eengemaakte markt. Of, zoals Organisatie Economische Samenwerking Ontwikkeling stelt: \"Het aanmoedigen delen hergebruiken onderzoeksdata waarde publiek geld genereren\".", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.ro.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Buletinul de știri al FSFE - iulie 2014", "teaser": "Imaginează-ți că-ți iei câțiva prieteni și mergeți într-o cafenea, dar în loc băuturi fierbinți și reci, meniul prezintă informații despre măsurile care garantează intimitatea digitală. Precum „https peste tot” ca aperitiv, „criptarea corespondenței cu GnuPG” felul principal și „tosdr.org” (informații despre termenii serviciilor) ca desert. Astfel cafenele există deja în Țările Jos. întâlnirea în limba germană din Essen FSFE, Felix Stegerman, coordonatorul nostru adjunct din Țările Jos, și-a prezentat planurile pune punct mai multe cafenele ale intimității și motivele pentru care crede că este momentul potrivit și oportunitate bună pentru programele libere, să facă fel și în alte locuri.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Corra la voz", "teaser": "encuentra está página porque, igual nosotros, preocupa el Software Libre los derechos civiles digitales. Necesitamos ayuda para difundir las ventajas Software Libre también para explicar gente por qué debe preocuparse por libertad. ¡Defender el Software Libre divertido probablemente sea las mejores formas ayudar movimiento por el Software Libre! esta página encontrará material ayuda para correr voz: gráficos puede usar folletos para imprimir. Existe otra página material promocional impreso por FSFE calidad profesional, disponible sin coste.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201205.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Μάιος 2012", "teaser": "Όπως μπορείτε να διαβάσετε και να δείτε στη φετινή\n αναφορά, η Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων 2012 εορτάστηκε με 54 εκδηλώσεις\nσε 23 χώρες και σε 19 γλώσσες. Ήταν η μεγαλύτερη DFD στην ιστορία με πάνω από\n26 ομιλίες, πάνω από 6 βραβεία για τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα, πολλές άλλες εκδηλώσεις\nκαι η κάλυψη από τον τύπο να μετράει σχεδόν εκατό άρθρα. Το FSFE έκανε τον\nσυντονισμό ανάμεσα σε όλες τις διαφορετικές εκδηλώσεις, βράβευσε πολλούς\nοργανισμούς και στη Γερμανία επικοινώνησε γραπτά με πάνω από 370 και \nτηλεφωνικά με πάνω από 170 πολιτικούς σχετικά με τα \nΑνοιχτά Πρότυπα. Πολλοί από τους πολιτικούς\nαυτούς, από ένα φάσμα πολιτικών κομμάτων, \nδραστηριοποιήθηκαν \nγια την DFD. Το FSFE επίσης έστειλε 100 ενημερωτικά\n πακέτα μαζί με χειροπέδες με προτάσεις σε ανθρώπους που περιλαμβάνουν\nπολλούς πολιτικούς, Εκτελεστικούς Διευθυντές και τον Πάπα. Η επίτροπος της ΕΕ\nNeelie Kroes χρησιμοποίησε τις χειροπέδες μας σε μια δημόσια ομιλία, η οποία\nκατέληξε με αρκετή\n επιπλέον κάλυψη από τον τύπο συμπεριλαμβανομένης της πρώτης σελίδας του\nGuardian Online. Το FSFE ευελπιστεί να λάβει γνώση περισσότερων αναφορών \nσχετικά με το τι έκαναν με τις χειροπέδες οι παραλήπτες του πακέτου.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-orderthanks.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Merci pour votre commande !", "teaser": "enverrons commande dès possible. N'hésitez envoyer commentaires propos service\n\t\tou matériels. pensez adorons les rapports les photos montrant comment matériel utilisé.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/promotion-materials-archive.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Promotiemateriaal Archief", "teaser": "pagina vind promotiemateriaal langer gedrukte versie aanbieden. gelinkte bestanden uiteraard steeds gebruiken informatiemateriaal verder verspreiden printen evenement.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202111.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Reciclando software +++ Traductores FSFE +++ La Libertad del Enrutador Letona", "teaser": "este Boletín descubre por qué neutralidad los dispositivos el reciclado software esenciales para el uso nuestro hardware sea mas eficiente recursos. Lee sobre el clave papel los traductores falta Libertad Enrutador Letón. Mira el vídeo sobre los valores clave el Software Libre sigue los eventos.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-ordererror.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Ooops, il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec vos entrées !", "teaser": "Veuillez assurer indiqué nom, e-mail, adresse compléte commande. Les commentaires optionnels.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202211.it.html", "tags": "newsletter tedective yh4f encryption european-union se podcast interview pmpc ch localgroup by de berlin hamburg-group it nl women-group", "title": "La FSFE vince Datathon UE ++ Vincitori YH4F e nuovo giro ++ No a controllo chat", "teaser": "\"TEDective\" FSFE, programma aiutare analizzare spesa pubblica, vince primo premio Datathon UE, riparte concorso Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. bozza legge UE potrebbe imporre chat sicure. Cittadini Svezia voce Decidim, FSFE Svizzera chiede amministrazioni unirsi social federati.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.bg.html", "tags": "", "title": "Сътрудничество с ЕФСС", "teaser": "Ние сме разнородна група хора от цяла Европа, обединени от общ интерес към Свободния Софтуер. \n Ако се чувствате по същия начин,присъедине се към нас и работата ни в полза на Свободния\n Софтуер. Има много начини да се\n ангажирате и със сигурност ще намерите начин, който да отговаря на вашите интереси и\n умения.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201009.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter education sfd cloud", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Septembre 2010", "teaser": "Cette édition couvre les logiciels libres \nl'éducation, les solutions distribuées basées les logiciels libres \ncomme alternatives services centralisés, aussi plusieurs \nmanières célébrer – communauté logiciels libres – \navons accompli, ainsi qu'un moyen participer l'Euro 2012 \nvous intéressez football.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202312.de.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f upcyclingandroid IEA be routers deviceneutrality pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "YH4F kickoff +++ UpA Open Letter +++ Router freedom in Belgium", "teaser": "vergangenen Monat startete YH4F 2024, Deutsche Bundestag erhielt Offenen Brief Upcycling Android, deckten auf, dass ambitionierte Ansatz Interoperable Europe Act verwässert wurde, feierten Belgiens Verpflichtung Routerfreiheit, gab viele weitere spannende Neuigkeiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Colabora", "teaser": "Somos comunidad diversa personas toda Europa más allá, comprometidas el Software Libre. sientes así, únete nosotros nuestro trabajo por libertad. Hay muchas maneras participar seguramente encontrarás forma ajuste tus intereses habilidades.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/promotion-materials-archive.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Infomaterial Archiv", "teaser": "Seite findest Infomaterial, mehr Druck befindet. kannst jedoch verlinkten Dateien verwenden, Material online verbreiten Veranstaltung drucken.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202306.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy pmpc ada-zangemann legal routers deviceneutrality education yh4f", "title": "Ley de IA e Interoperabilidad + Encuesta de la Libertad del Enrutador + Podcast varios, YH4F & Ada", "teaser": "junio tenemos novedades sobre Ley Europea Interoperabilidad \nla Regulación IA, publicamos nuestra encuesta europea \nLibertad Enrutador. Estuvimos dos podcast fuimos el 'Member \nthe spotlight' Edri. Nuevo estudio sobre regulación \nneutralidad red, lee historia llegada Ada India \nrural.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.es.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "El derecho a instalar S. Libre +++ 60 libros en bibliotecas +++ Taller en Berlín", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín marzo, compartimos algunas buenas noticias: 60 \n libros infantiles sobre libertad software fueron donados \n bibliotecas. FSFE reclama el derecho instalar Software Libre. \n El primer taller Upcycling Android tiene lugar Berlín. El \n grupo local Aarhus, Dinamarca, reúne después mucho tiempo \n sin juntarse.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Vertel het verder!", "teaser": "vond hierheen u, zoals wij, geeft Vrije Software digitale burgerrechten. hulp nodig woord voordelen Vrije Software verder vertellen leggen waarom vrijheid zouden moeten geven. Opkomen Vrije Software leuk ongetwijfeld beste manieren Vrije Sofwarebeweging helpen! pagina vindt afbeeldingen gebruiken folders af drukken uzelf ondersteunen helpen verder vertellen. zoekt professioneel gedrukt promotiemateriaal FSFE, aparte pagina voor. materiaal gratis beschikbaar.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202303.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs podcast fosdem yh4f localgroup dk it de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Los dispositivos médicos deberían llevar Software Libre +++ 25 vídeos nuevos", "teaser": "Nuevo podcast sobre necesidad los dispositivos médicos lleven \nSoftware Libre. Echa vistazo las charla impartimos FOSDEM \nvarios videos resuelven cuestiones legales. Los participantes \nYH4F ya están \nprogramando. Gracias todas las contribuciones, nuestra campaña \nrecaudación fondos terminó exitosamente. Noticias comunidad \n9 países.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": " FSFE Newsletter - Décembre 2016", "teaser": "Cette année FSFE célébré 15ème anniversaire. 15 ans donner plus pouvoir utilisateurs, soutenir les communautés battre meilleures lois. 15 ans pendant lesquels vu toute activité, celles considérions comme mineures l'époque, peuvent prendre l'importance quand travaille ensemble. 15 ans pendant lesquels vu toute activité, celles considérions impossible, peuvent réussir faisons front commun. Ensemble, réussi lutter contre les groupes pression parmi les plus importants. Tout cela n'aurait possible sans soutien continu communauté contribution milliers d'heures travail soutien financier. lecteur régulier lettre d'information, aimez travail, n'êtes encore membre communauté... pensez rejoindre FSFE !", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Février 2012", "teaser": "smartphone petit ordinateur baladez partout, tout temps.\nMalheureusement, plupart smartphones sous contrôle des\nutilisateurs, c'est-à-dire nôtre, sous celui leurs fabricants des\nopérateurs.\nMême les téléphones Android livrés logiciels libres des\nextensions propriétaires pas, général, intérêt.\nLes mises jour logiciel disponibles qu'aussi longtemps le\nfabricant montre intérêt appareil. Les applications disponibles\nsur marché officiel plupart temps libres. Personne n'est\nautorisé étudier fonctionnement qu'ellses font réellement votre\ntéléphone. peut qu'elles fonctionnent parfois comme voulez,\nmais elles peuvent aussi contenir fonctionnalités malveillantes.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201106.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juni 2011", "teaser": "monopolist dominante positie gebruikt gebieden monopolies creeren? Europese Commissie besloot 2004 Microsoft verplicht concurrenten informatie voorzien werkgroep-server verbonden Windows-computers. meest belangrijke concurrent gebied Samba-project. Samba Free Software (Vrije Software). Europese Commissie daarom duidelijk gemaakt Microsoft informatie aanleveren compatibel GNU GPL. beslissing 2004 vereiste Commissie publicatie innovaties, slechts gevraagd eenvoudige informatie Microsoft-computers elkaar praten.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201709.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc digital-o-mat savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE nieuwsbrief - september 2017", "teaser": "Digitale diensten, aangeboden gebruikt overheden, vormen deel cruciale infrastructuur 21ste-eeuwse democratische landen. Helaas overheden, dankzij beperkende software-licenties, volledige controle digitale infrastructuur. Hoewel publiceren publiek gefinancierde software vrije licentie grote voordelen oplevert overheden samenleving, beleidsmakers steeds weinig enthousiast verbeteren wetgeving gebied. tijd veranderen. FSFE Europese wetgeving vereist publiek gefinancierde software ontwikkeld publieke sector publiek beschikbaar komen Vrije Open Bron Softwarelicentie. publiek geld publieke code moeten zijn!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-orderthanks.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Bedankt voor uw bestelling!", "teaser": "zullen bestelling snel mogelijk versturen. Voel vrij feedback geven onze diensten materialen. Hou alstublieft gedachten houden verslagen afbeeldingen waar materiaal gebruikt.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201008.de.html", "tags": "newsletter openstandards public-administration de rmll", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2010", "teaser": "Fokus Ausgabe steht Freie Software im\nöffentlichen Sektor: nationaler Ebene innerhalb Vereinigten\nKönigreichs Großbritannien Nordirland, italienischen Region Bozen\nund österreichischen Stadt Linz. stellen neue Definition\nund Merkhilfe Offene Standards laden ein, an\ndemnächst stattfindenden regionalen Veranstaltungen Freier Software\nteilzunehmen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - Mayo 2015", "teaser": "Comisión Europea publicado nueva versión su\nestrategia para el uso interno Software Libre. FSFE proporcionó información \nComisión durante fase actualización bien estrategia muy parecida la\nversión anterior, hay algunas \nmejoras.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.it.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "Diritto di installare Software Libero +++ Donati 60 libri +++ Workshop a Berlino", "teaser": "newsletter marzo condividiamo alcune buone notizie c'è gran bisogno: 60 libri bambini libertà software stati donati biblioteche. FSFE chiede diritto installare Software Libero. tenere primo workshop Upcycling Android Berlino. gruppo locale Aarhus incontra dopo tanto tempo.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Mach mit!", "teaser": "vielfältige Gemeinschaft ganz Europa darüber\n hinaus, Freie Software einsetzt. etwas\n anhört, dann\n schließe unserer Arbeit Freiheit an.\n gibt Vielzahl Möglichkeiten, beteiligen, du\n sicher finden, Interessen Fähigkeiten\n entspricht.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201506.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - qershor 2015", "teaser": "Të mërkurën parë të majit, një koalicion organizmash për liri dixhitale,\n përfshi FSFE-në, dhe shumë veprimtarë individualë organizuan\n\t\tDitën Ndërkombëtare Kundër DRM-së \n për 2015-n, për ndërgjegjësim rreth Administrimit Dixhital të Kufizimeve dixhitale, një mekanizëm\n kudondodhur dhe rrënjosur thellë, konceptuar për t’u plaçkitur shtetasve\n konceptin pronësisë.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201702.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter - Februar 2017", "teaser": "\"Open Science\" aufstrebende Bewegung, vier Freiheiten,\ndie Freier Software genießen, Wissenschaftsbereich überträgt.\nObwohl Bewegung ziemlich Anfang steht, Open Science zunehmender strategischer\nBedeutung Entscheidungsträger. Augen Finanzminister\nder Europäischen Union erzeugt verwendet Open Science Open\nData, Gegenzug Potential großen wirtschaftlichen\nVorteilen bietet. \"European Cloud Initiative\" beispielsweise\nTeil Strategie Europäischen Kommission Open Science und\nzielt darauf ab, \"konkurrenzfähige\ndaten- wissensbasierte Wirtschaft Europa\" aufzubauen. Ziel\nist es, Position Europas daten-orientierten\nInnovationen stärken Strategie voraussichtlich wichtiger\nTeil Europäischen Digitalen Binnenmarkts. Oder, die\nOrganisation wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Entwicklung es\nausdrückt: \"Die\nFörderung Teilens Wiederverwendung Forschungsdaten\nkann Mehrwert öffentliche Gelder bringen\".", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Octubre 2011", "teaser": "Nuestro FSFE Fellow Michael tiene solución para todos aquellos vosotros quieren saber cuando acabado lavadora. articulo explica cómo construir \"Laundruino\", basándose el microcontrolador libre Arduino, el cual avisa estatus colada.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202304.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann public-administration policy AI routers gr hr se women-group", "title": "Ley europea de Responsabilidad e Interoperabilidad + Libertad parcial en Grecia", "teaser": "abril discutimos las propuestas UE afectando Software Libre: \nintroducción las reglas responsabilidad el software Ley \nInteroperabilidad Europea. Grecia asegura Libertad Enrutador pero \nexcluye las conexiones fibra.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-orderthanks.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Thank you for your order!", "teaser": "send order soon possible. Feel free give feedback service material. keep mind love reports pictures material used.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-freebie.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "We offer things for free, but...", "teaser": "Thank interest exploring promotion material. \n seems visited us via freebie website offering things \n get free. would like ask think \n reasons order free promotion material us.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - julio 2015", "teaser": "Mientras estudiaba el paquete (DSM),\nnuestro presidente Karsten Gerloff notó el Comisario Günther\n Oettinger Comisión europea había desatendido publicar sus recientes encuentros los grupos presión. Así Karsten\nrecordó Comisión compromiso transparencia. Entretanto\nel Jefe Gabinete Oettinger, Michael Hager, explicaba larga enfermedad\nhabía retrasado publicación las reuniones, actualización \nde lista las mismas.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-ordererror.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Oeps, er is iets mis gegaan met uw input!", "teaser": "Zorgt alstublieft achternaam, e-mailadres, adresgegevens bestelling goed ingevoerd. Opmerkingen optioneel.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Spread the word", "teaser": "found way here, - like us - care Free Software digital civil rights. need help spread word advantages Free Software, explain others care Freedom, too. Advocating Free Software fun arguably one best ways help Free Software movement! page find graphics use leaflets printed support help spreading word. separate page search professionally printed promotion material FSFE, available cost.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201610.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2016", "teaser": "Dopo alcuni cambiamenti programma tirocinio FSFE fatto all'inizio\ndi settembre, felici annunciarvi disponibilità un\ntirocinio tecnico\ncon FSFE. cercando tirocinante lavorerà tre mesi\nnel ufficio Berlino, studiando Software Libero FSFE, mentre allo\nstesso tempo contribuirà riscrittura parti infrastruttura tecnica.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201704.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Abril 2017", "teaser": "El pasado diciembre, Alemania unió \n Asociación Gobierno \n Abierto ahora tiene hasta junio 2017 para desarrollar \n decidir plan acción. El aumento transparencia la\n información continua, eficacia gubernamental administración \n amigable para el ciudadano, parte los objetivos Gobierno \n Abierto.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201403.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mars 2014", "teaser": "gouvernement Royaume-Uni avance vers moins verrous technologiques. janvier, ils publié quelques principes les prochains contrats informatiques gouvernementaux. Ils souhaitent casser domination grandes entreprises informatiques fournissent grande majorité logiciels services gouvernement.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-orderthanks.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Faleminderit për porosinë!", "teaser": "Porosinë tuaj dërgojmë më shpejt që të mundemi. Mos ngurroni të jepni përshtypjet rreth shërbimit dhe materialeve tona. Kini parasysh edhe që pëlqejnë raportet dhe fotot rreth ku përdoren materialet tona.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202007.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc", "title": "Benigànim tekent Open Brief +++ Interview met de stad Bühl +++ Nieuwe podcast", "teaser": "hackathons apps overheden: lees recente successen Vrije Software Europa onze juli-nieuwsbrief, onze verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten vind video's verschillende online evenementen waar FSFE aanwezig was.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2012", "teaser": "comunità Software Libero celebra globalmente Software Freedom Day, tiene ogni anno terzo sabato settembre, vari eventi incontri. gruppo Fellowship Manchester incontrato discutere verificare alternative esistano Skype. effettuato test estensivi, pubblicato risultati.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201610.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - oktober 2016", "teaser": "enkele veranderingen FSFE's stageprogramma begin september \nblij vacature aankondigen \ntechnische stage\nbij FSFE. zoeken stagiair gedurende drie maanden werken \nin kantoor Berlijn, leert Vrije Software FSFE, gelijktijdig \nbijdraagt herschrijven delen onze technische infrastructuur.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201102.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Febbraio 2011", "teaser": "video internet rivelano spesso fastidio utenti Software Libero. Molti siti web richiedono flash video plugin libero poter riprodurre video. Forse amici chiedono grado vedere video youtube browser, pensano strano quando inizi scaricare youtube-dl. gnash altri programmi grado riprodurre direttamente video flash situazione migliorata. flash ancora noioso fastidio utenti Software Libero sviluppatori.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Marzo 2015", "teaser": "Crediamo standard proprietari brevetti software ostacoli\nper l'adozione Software Libero. togliere ostacoli, dobbiamo aiutare\nla pubblica amministrazione capire problema. motivo mese scorso\nabbiamo risposto consultazione Commissione Europea sull'interazione \ndegli standard brevetti mercato interno, l'industria, l'imprenditorialità\ne PMI.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-orderthanks.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Danke für deine Bestellung!", "teaser": "Bestellung schnell möglich zukommen lassen. Gib gerne Feedback dazu, Service Material fandest. magst, schick gerne Berichte Fotos darüber, Material eingesetzt hast!", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201102.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2011", "teaser": "Videos internet often prove literal nuisance Free Software users. Several websites required non-free flash video plugin view videos. Perhaps friends wondering able watch youtube videos within web browser, thought freak started downloading videos youtube-dl. gnash programs able play flash video directly situation improved. flash still pain annoying Free Software users developers.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Novembre 2010", "teaser": "Cette édition explique comment allons l'encontre travail lobbyisme organisations propriétaires niveau européen, faisons niveau Nations Unies informer public les dangers brevets logiciels, train d'accomplir débarrasser publicités logiciels libres les sites web publics pouvez apporter faire différence.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201302.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Februar 2013", "teaser": "Software Werkzeug, Gesellschaft nützlich\nsein kann. Sofwarepatente Gefahr Nutzen \nSoftwareentwicklung -verteilung rechtlichen finanziellen Risiken\nbelegen. tun Patentinhabern rechtliche Macht geben, patentierte\nIdeen völlig Softwareentwicklung auszuschließen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202210.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fr podcast interview open-letter deviceneutrality sq career internal tech-teams ada-zangemann localgroup de berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl women-group ch", "title": "Free Software in France +++ Hackerspace in Albania +++ Job", "teaser": "issue, discuss rising awareness Free Software \n France. share plans monitoring implementation \n Device Neutrality principles. hackerspace Albania shares \n ‘Public Money! Public Code’ demand. looking working \n student next system administrator assistant.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/promotion-materials-archive.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Archive des matériels promotionnels", "teaser": "cette page trouverez matériel n'imprimons plus. Cependnat pouvez toujours fichiers les transmettre numériquement les imprimer évenement.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - gusht 2014", "teaser": "Në të kaluarën, qytetari rëndomtë një republike,\n që merrej punën vet të përditshme, qe goxha, të themi, \n lirë. Gjatë punës, raste mund t’i duhej një vegël ose\n ndonjë këshillë, dhe kufijtë lirisë së tij \n shtriheshin kufijtë njohjes së tij, sipas thënies së lashtë\n latine scientia potentia (shkenca është fuqi): nëse\n duhej një vegël dhe mungonte dija për ndërtuar atë, \n bëhej varur nga veglabërësi, por vetëm për të patur veglën.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202112.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling Android ++ Étape majeure pour la Neutralité des appareils ++ Nico Rikken + Ada + Job", "teaser": "l'infolettre décembre, parlons d'Upcycling Android, initiative vaincre l'obsolescence logiciels les Logiciels Libres. L'Union européenne traite Législation les marchés numériques, étape majeure neutralité appareils. L'Allemagne cherche adopter devise « Argent public, code public » ! entretenons Nico Rikken les 20 ans FSFE. Rencontrez Ada, personnage livre enfants. Trouvez opportunité d'emploi.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202009.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "\"A place for public code\" +++ FSFE support +++ Job vacancy", "teaser": "Read September newsletter new strong alliance formed administrations, business civil society organisations asking \"A place public code\". read call apply FSFE support local project, job vacancy, diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202010.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "35 anni di FSF +++ Partecipazione all'SFSCon +++ Posto di lavoro tecnico", "teaser": "newsletter ottobre potrai leggere trentacinquesimo anniversario FSF, prossima partecipazione all'SFSCon, disponibilità posto lavoro tecnico all'FSFE, altre varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - Junio 2009", "teaser": "Junio resultado ser emocionante. Además las actividades esperadas las reuniones Fellowhip, participaciones acontecimientos tales como el LinuxTag Berlín, mayoría nuestra energía atención estuvo volcada Asamblea General (GA) celebrada Miraflores Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201608.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information - Août 2016", "teaser": "L'objectif projet pilote d'audit sécurité Libre l'Open Source (Free Open Source Security Audit FOSSA) d'améliorer sécurité Logiciels Libres utilisés les institutions européennes. FSFE suit projet depuis début 2014. Récemment, Commission Européenne publié premier tour livrables basés les entretiens les différentes parties prenantes. Bien FSFE soutienne totalement cette initiative européenne, façon dont projet mis œuvre inquiète. première analyse FOSSA montre manque compréhension Logiciels Libres, inclut plusieurs erreurs factuelles, basé entretiens généraux mal conduits.\nLe président FSFE Matthias Kirschner représentant Fellowship FSFE Mirko Bhm, tous les deux interviewés projet, résumé les problèmes les plus évidents dernières publications FOSSA. D'un autre côté, FOSSA toujours premières étapes l'aide plus d'experts Logiciel Libre, pourrions remettre projet bonne direction. FSFE continuera suivre près les futurs développements projet FOSSA. cas où commentaires retours cette initiative, n'hésitez partager pensées liste discussion directement Matthias Kirschner. Cela permettra assurer toutes les questions pertinentes communiquées l'UE.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Faites passer le mot !", "teaser": "arrivés jusqu'ici parce que, comme nous, \n préoccupez Logiciel Libre droits civiques numériques. \n besoin aide faire passer mot \n les avantages Logiciel Libre expliquer autres \n pourquoi ils devraient aussi faire attention libertés. \n Militer Logiciel Libre amusant sans aucun doute \n l'une meilleures façons d'aider mouvement Logiciel \n Libre ! cette page pouvez trouver graphismes \n utiliser dépliants pouvez imprimer vous-même \n soutenir aider diffuser message. \n page distincte matériel\n promotionnel imprimé manière professionnelle FSFE, \n pouvez commander gratuitement.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201912.en.html", "tags": "newsletter community ccc pmpc drm", "title": "CDU wants public code +++ Community Meeting +++ 36C3", "teaser": "last Newsletter year ends exciting news software freedom: biggest conservative party Europe, German CDU, endorsed principle software developed public money Free Software License. invite read FSFE done achieved last 12 months dig Florian Snow's report Annual Community Meeting 2019. find outlook participation biggest hacking related conference Europe, 36C3 call support help continue mission towards empowering users control technology.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201310.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2013", "teaser": "27 September 1983 Richard Stallman announced GNU project. initiative\nthat started programmer's frustration\n broken printer driver changed society. idea of\nsoftware everyone use,\n study, share improve proven powerful.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.fi.html", "tags": "", "title": "Osallistu", "teaser": "Olemme monipuolinen joukko ihmisiä kaikkialta Euroopasta muualta,\n jotka ovat sitoutuneet vapaisiin ohjelmistoihin. Jos tunnet kuuluvasi\n joukkoomme,\n liity mukaan tekemään työtä vapaude puolesta. On\n monia tapoja osallistua löydämme varmasti tavan, joka sopii yhteen\n mielenkiintojesi taitojesi kanssa.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - nëntor 2013", "teaser": "Në pamje të parë disa pajisje mund të duken kot. Pse të\nduhej t’i blinte dikush? Disa persona tallën redaktorin tuaj kur bleu Open Moko Neo\nFreerunner vet. Mund të blinit pajisje më të lira CPU më të shpejtë, \nmë tepër RAM, më tepër hapësirë disku, mbështjellëse më të hijshme, lidhje\nnë rrjet më të mirë, mikrofon dhe kufje më të mira për kohën.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201305.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mai 2013", "teaser": "Jahr letzten Mittwoch März findet Document Freedom Day (DFD) statt: weltweite Tag, Bekanntheit Offenen Standards vergrößern, FSFE organisiert wird. Jahr Jahr großartig, Nachricht Freiheit Offenen Standards immer rund Welt getragen wurde. Jahr gab 59 Veranstaltungen 30 Ländern, darunter viele erstmalige Teilnehmer, etwa Niger, Indonesien Vereinigten Staaten.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2017", "teaser": "Wissen teilen Zusammenarbeit verbessern Kernprinzipien Freie-Software-Community. Deshalb FSFE große Freude, Unterstützern registrierten Ehrenamtlichen benutzerfreundliche Plattform Erstellen Verwalten Git-Repositories Verfügung stellen: git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201103.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2011", "teaser": "\"On 27th January facebook shut Egypt. the\nmoment stopped protests. Media assumes due the\ninfluence Mubarak's granddaughter Mark Zuckerberg's girl-friend.\" Of\ncourse true. software controlled one company,\nsomething like happen. owner social network would\nhave Egypt company? Would company able resist state\npressure?", "type": "page", "date": "2011-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2015", "teaser": "new Executive\nDirector Jonas Öberg gave talk Libreplanet, visited Boston meet\nFSF board members staff. his\nblog posts wrote meetings Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako\nHill, Bradley Kuhn, Henry Poole FSF's board, FSF's staff well FSF's\nExecutive Director John Sullivan discussing improve cooperation the\ntwo main challenges sees FSFE:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201308.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2013", "teaser": "Android Freie Software kostenlos ist, unfreie\nSoftwarekonkurrenz Wettbewerb stehen, deswegen Markt\nweniger Alternativen bieten daher leidet Konsument unter\nmangelndem Wettbewerb. Argumentation \"FairSearch\"-Koalition in\nKurzform. Wesentlichen Europäische Kommission darum gebeten, ein\nrestriktives Geschäftsmodell liberalen vorzuziehen. \nstellt genau Gegenteil davon dar, Wettbewerbshütern getan sollte, um\neinen gerechten Markt entwickeln.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-08-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Maggio 2015", "teaser": "Commissione Europea pubblicato nuova versione\n\tdella strategia l’uso interno Software Libero. FSFE\n\tha contribuito durante fase aggiornamento e, nuovo\n\tdocumento molto simile precedente versione,\n\tci alcuni\n\tmiglioramenti.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202107.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "20 anni di FSFE +++ La Finlandia raggiunge la Libertà del Router +++ microFSFE", "teaser": "newsletter luglio, invitiamo comunità festeggiare 20 anni FSFE, congratuliamo Finlandia l'ottenimento Libertà Router analizziamo attività Software Libero bambini. preparazione elezioni tedesche, aiutaci sostenere Software Libero pubblica amministrazione.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Spargi la voce!", "teaser": "andando incontro proposito Software Libero, oppure vuoi organizzare uno?\n Magari piacerebbe promuovere Software Libero lavoro FSFE fra tuoi\n amici colleghi, oppure qualche evento pubblico? varie ragioni\n servirebbe ricevere materiale informativo periodo specifico?\n Qualsiasi ragione, contenti spedirti materiale informativo\n maniera assolutamente gratuita. pagina,\n puoi trovare panoramica materiale dettagli ogni prodotto.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Contribute", "teaser": "diverse community people Europe beyond,\n committed Free Software. feel likewise,\n join us work freedom. many ways\n engage surely find way fits interests and\n skills.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201104.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - April 2011", "teaser": "kamer bed, bureau bank. situatie redacteur stagiair werk ging FSFE Georg Greve's eenkamerappartement Hamburg, 2004. FSFE begon activiteiten \nMaart 2001 eerste zuster organisatie FSF VS. sindsdien lange afgelegd. \nTen eerste krijgen onze stagiaires verplichte kooklessen Georg, plaats daarvan eigen bureaus hoeven langer zittend bank werken. Ten tweede Fellowship groei vrijwilligers activiteiten leidt:", "type": "page", "date": "2011-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/promotion-materials-archive.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Promotion Material Archive", "teaser": "page find promotion material offer printed version anymore. However course use linked files spread information material online print event.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201711.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse ga fla", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - nëntor 2017", "teaser": "Fiduciary License Agreement (FLA) FSFE-së qe sjellë për herë të parë më 2002-shin, përgjigje ndaj sfidës së administrimit të të drejtave dhe lëndës brenda projektesh Software-i të Lirë përgjatë periudhash të gjata kohe. FLA-ja përfaqëson një marrëveshje kontributori baraspeshuar mirë, që jep dorëzanit, përgjegjës për administrimin të drejtave brenda një projekti Software-i të Lirë, pushtet dhe përgjegjësi për garantimin që software-i kontribuar të mbesë lirë dhe hapur. Në këtë mënyrë projekti, tok krejt kontribuesit përkatës, janë të mbrojtur nga çdo shpërdorim pushtetit nga mbajtës të mundshëm të rinj të të drejtave të kopjimit.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201804.es.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare rmll community", "title": "Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Abril 2018", "teaser": "El 19 marzo Fundación Software Libre Europa junto OpenMedia entregaron petición más 11.000 ciudadanos quienes solicitan los legisladores europeos salvar internet daño irreversible producto actual reforma particular Artículo 13 impone bloqueos preventivos los repositorios código línea. Estas firmas dirigieron los co-legisladores europeos: Euro Parlamentarios Consejo Unión Europea, fue recibido por diputada parlamento europeo (MEP) Julia Reda, relatora suplente Comisión Jurídica Parlamento Europeo (JURI) conduce el principal esfuerzo parlamentario reforma derecho autor actual.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Μάρτιος 2016", "teaser": "Για 6η συνεχόμενη φορά ζητήσαμε από όλους να εκφράσουν την ευγνωμοσύνη και εκτίμησή τους απέναντι στους συνεργάτες του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού την ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου. Ρίξτε μια ματιά στην φετινή μας έκθεση #ilovefs 2016 και δείτεποιους αναγνωρίσαμε φέτος ανάμεσα από αναρίθμητες δημοσιεύσεις σε blog, φωτογραφίες, έργα τέχνης, memes, προσωπικές σημειώσεις και άλλα πολλά. Μην ξεχάσετε να σημειώσετε την 14η Φεβρουαρίου του επόμενου χρόνου ως μέρα \"Λατρεύω το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\" προκειμένου να συνεχίσουμε αυτή την όμορφη παράδοση αναγνώρισης ανθρώπων αλλά και σκληρής δουλειάς από όσους βρίσκονται πίσω από το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Ευχαριστούμε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες που βρήκαν το χρόνο να πουν \"ευχαριστώ\" και που βοήθησαν στην επιτυχία του #ilovefs 2016!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201207.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2012", "teaser": "FSFE's goal ensure owners devices always\nin full\nand sole control them. fundamental principle recently being\nchallenged. maintaining sustained growth development use of\nsoftware, broad availability general purpose computers crucial. This\nmonth FSFE published its\n \"Secure Boot\" analysis.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-ordererror.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Hmmm, diçka nuk shkon me ato që dhatë!", "teaser": "Ju lutemi, sigurohuni që dhatë mbiemrin, email-in, adresën plotë, dhe vetë porosinë. Komentet janë në dëshirën tuaj.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Janvier 2014", "teaser": "Bon nombre hackers (nous compris, bien évidemment !) pris\n part festivités cours alentours solstice d’hiver.\n Mais, hélas ! temps pavaner cadeaux Noël profiter vacances famille\n arrive fin – Yule1 terminé, nouvelle année commence, le\n combat liberté demande fois plus attention. cette raison, parait approprié débuter courte revue 2014 réserve les mois venir.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202402.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter routers ilovefs ngi deviceneutrality european-parliament policy IEA", "title": "Vier Ik hou van Vrije Software Dag +++ Verordening Interoperabel Europa aangenomen", "teaser": "Opnieuw stelde FOSDEM teleur! Vrije Software-gemeenschap Brussel ontmoeten beste momenten jaar! vlak weer bijeen komen hou Vrije Software Dag vieren nieuws Verordening Interoperabel Europa aangenomen! nieuwsbrief bevat onze eerste interviews deelnemers editie-2023 Jeugd Hackt Vrijheid... meer!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - Noviembre 2015", "teaser": "finales octubre, FSFE\npresentó sus recomendaciones\na Digital Single Market Strategy Comisión Europea, hoja ruta\npara política europea digital animando eliminación las barreras \nreguladoras\nentre los 28 mercados nacionales. particular, Comisión \n fijado objetivos para digitalizar las industrias europeas, desarrollar estándares \n“la nube”, “el Internet las Cosas”, los grandes datos, promocionar \nmejor educación digital.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201910.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast", "title": "FSFE nieuwsbief - oktober 2019", "teaser": "maand richten onze aandacht digitale beperkingen internationale dag digitale beperkingen. Daarom lanceerden onze eerste aflevering maandelijkse Software Freedom Podcast, keer Cory Doctorow hoofdrol. jaarverslag gepubliceerd, waarin onze activiteiten afgelopen 12 maanden samengevat waarin licht werpen gemeenschap waarop succes gebouwd. Zoals gewoonlijk zult komende evenementen FSFE ontdekken, waaronder onze jaarlijkse gemeenschapsbijeenkomst, evenals opnames informatie evenementen waaraan deelgenomen.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-10-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201101.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - January 2011", "teaser": "mission bring Free Software schools\nand universities. new task gather information their\n stakeholders, create\n targeted leaflets. sure favourite colour the\ncoordinators Thomas\n Jensch Guido Arnold\nis Fellowship green. That's education team.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201912.de.html", "tags": "newsletter community ccc pmpc drm", "title": "CDU will Public Code +++ Community Meeting +++ 36C3", "teaser": "letzte Newsletter Jahres beendet Jahr aufregenden Neuigkeiten Softwarefreiheit:\n größte konservative Partei Europa, deutsche CDU, unterstützt Forderung, dass\n öffentlichen Mitteln entwickelte Software Freie-Software-Lizenz stehen sollte.\n Weiterhin laden ein, nachzulesen, FSFE letzten 12 Monaten getan erreicht und\n Florian Snows Bericht Jahrestreffen Community 2019 vertiefen.\n Außerdem finden Überblick Teilnahme größten europäischen Hackerkonferenz, 36C3, und\n Bitte Unterstützung Hilfe Mission, Nutzerinnen Nutzern selbstbestimmten Umgang Technik ermöglichen.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Draag bij", "teaser": "gevarieerde gemeenschap mensen heel Europa daarbuiten toegewijd Vrije Software. herkent doe mee werk vrijheid. vele manieren mee zult zeker manier vinden interesses vaardigheden past.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200904.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Avril 2009", "teaser": "Connaissez-vous chose rende viables les Logiciels Libres ?\nVous ! Oui, c'est soutien permet d'opérer travers\nl'Europe entière différents niveaux promouvoir défendre\nles principes Logiciel Libre. Entre autres choses, vos\ndons rendu possible l'organisation coordination du\ndeuxième atelier juridique européen les licences (European\nLicensing Legal Workshop). Ils permis l'équipe autrichienne\nde participer nombreux évènements publics travers toute\nl'Autriche financent également poste stagiaire bureau de\nZurich.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-05-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201008.es.html", "tags": "newsletter openstandards public-administration de rmll", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - agosto 2010", "teaser": "El tema central esta edición el Software Libre el sector\npúblico: nivel internacional el Reino Unido, región italiana Bozen,\ny ciudad austriaca Linz. Presentamos nueva definición mnemotecnia\nde los Estándares Abiertos, invitamos participar los próximos actos\ndel Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Newsletter FSFE - Outubro 2014", "teaser": "Ao comprar portátil, pode ser difícil evitar pagar por uma licença do\nMicrosoft Windows, visto muitos portáteis vêm acoplados uma. Esta \"Taxa\nWindows\" aumentou artificialmente os preços hardware para utilizadores de\nSoftware Livre queiram apoiar desenvolvimento Software Livre em vez de\nsoftware não-livre como Microsoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202211.en.html", "tags": "newsletter tedective yh4f encryption european-union se podcast interview pmpc ch localgroup by de berlin hamburg-group it nl women-group", "title": "FSFE wins EU Datathon +++ YH4F winners and new round +++ No to chat control", "teaser": "FSFE’s ‘TEDective’, program helping analyse public spending, \n wins first prize Datathon Youth Hacking \n 4 Freedom contest starts again. draft law might end secure \n chats. Citizens Sweden say Free Software Decidim \n FSFE Switzerland asks administrations join federated \n social media.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201710.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Oktober 2017", "teaser": "herziet moment auteursrechtregels passen moderne digitale tijdperk. voorstel deel uitmaken auteursrechtrichtlijn digitale interne markt. plaats realiteiten verschillend inhoud online gedeeld erkennen bedreigthet huidige voorstel auteursrechtrichtlijn, bijzonder artikel 13 gericht online hostingleveranciers, vermogen toegang krijgen publieke codebronnen code online delen. nieuwe regels beschermd artikel 13 intentie nieuwe verplichtingen introduceren code hostingplatforms mogelijke overtredingen auteursrecht voorkomen, zullen platforms uiteindelijk direct aansprakelijk activiteiten gebruikers. Artikel 13 legt gebruik dure uploadfilters code mogelijk overtreding identificeren. probleem zo'n eis geautomatiseerde filters bekend accurate wijze identificeren code adequaat gedeeld overtreding bijbehorende Vrije Software-licentie. Daarbij legt artikel 13 verreikende toezichtverplichting code hostingplatforms actief zoeken overtredingen gebruikers. voorgestelde artikel 13 beschouwt iedere gebruiker code hosting platform mogelijke overtreder wiens inhoud, inclusief hele codebronnen, ieder moment offline gehaald voorkomen welk moment geüpload wordt. code gemakkelijk \"gedepubliceerd\" ernstige belemmering vormen software daarbovenop gebouwd wordt.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – November 2015", "teaser": "Ende Oktober veröffentlichte FSFE Empfehlungen \nDigitalen Binnenmarkt-Strategie (Digital Single Market) Europäischen Kommission. \nein Fahrplan europäische Politik digitalen \nZeitalter, Regulierungsbarrieren 28 unterschiedlichen \nnationalen Märkten abzubauen. Speziellen Kommission \nZiele gesetzt, europäischen Industrien digitale Zeitalter \nbegleiten, Standards „die Cloud“, „das Internet Dinge“ \nMassendaten (Big Data) entwickeln digitale Bildung \nauszubauen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202005.en.html", "tags": "newsletter corona limux pmpc", "title": "Public Hackathons +++ Munich supports Public Code +++ New Podcasts", "teaser": "Read demand publish results publicly financed hackathons Free Software, new coalition-agreement Munich aligns principles \"Public Money? Public Code!\" happened inside FSFE community. read results web-sprint, regular podcast extraordinary one.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-05-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/contribute.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Contribuer", "teaser": "communauté diversifiée personnes toute l'Europe au-delà,\n s'engagent Logiciel Libre. comme nous,\n rejoignez-nous travail liberté. nombreuses façons\n s'engager trouverez sûrement moyen correspond intérêts\n compétences.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Februar 2015", "teaser": "Tage 14. Februar Webseite rosa färben \n\tund voller Herzen sein, Entwickler Freier Software \n\tfeiern. Seit 2010 ergreifen Valentinstag \n\tGelegenheit, Liebsten, \n\tMenschen, hart daran arbeiten, dass Freie Software \n\tnutzen können, ganz besonders Herz schließen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/getyourgraphic.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Diffondi il messaggio", "teaser": "arrivato fino vuol dire cuore Software Libero libertà digitali. bisogno aiuto diffondere messaggio, far capire vantaggi Software Libero spiegare gente perchè importante prestare attenzione proprie libertà. Sostenere Software Libero può essere divertente modo migliore contribuire crescita movimento Software libero. pagina trovi diverso materiale grafico usare volantini stampare sostenerti aiutarti diffondere messaggio. Inoltre puoi ordinare materiale promozionale stampato professionalmente, disponibile gratuitamente.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201906.es.html", "tags": "newsletter huawei google fya", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - junio de 2019", "teaser": "El boletín este presta atención caso Google/Huawei el importante panorama presenta. sección Get Active solicitamos proactividad para promocionar el uso Software Libre. Además, puedes averiguar ocurrió el Web-a-thon Frankurt Main, revisar materiales sobre las acciones hemos llevado cabo para promocionar mejorar concienciación público general sobre el Software Libre, así como ver los planes hemos trazado para el futuro próximo, los tú puedes tomar parte.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-06-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword-ordererror.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe - Ups, irgendetwas stimmte hier nicht!", "teaser": "Bitte stelle sicher, dass Name, Email-Adresse, Postanschrift gewünschte Bestellung angegeben hast. Kommentare optional.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - janar 2015", "teaser": "Toka, edhe një herë, ka plotësuar një tjetër rrotullim \n të plotë, të numëruar prej nesh, zakoni. këtu në\n FSFE kemi qenë të zënë gjatë gjithë 2014-s, duke punuar fort\n për të bërë të mundur që përdoruesit të mbesin në kontroll \n të pajisjeve të tyre dhe që Software-i Lirë të mund \n të konkurrojë denjësisht në tenderat publikë. Më tepër\n informacion, përfshi shkallën suksesit tonë, qoftë ky edhe \n kufizuar, mbi perspektivat tona për të ardhmen, për të dyja\n këto çështje, dhe mbi skajet zonave tona të tjera \n të eksplorimit mund të gjenden te\n\t\traporti ynë\n vjetor për 2014-n, shkruar nga presidenti ynë\n Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202306.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy pmpc ada-zangemann legal routers deviceneutrality education yh4f", "title": "AI Act and Interoperability +++ Router Freedom Survey +++ Podcasts, YH4F & Ada", "teaser": "June issue brings updates Interoperable Europe Act \nthe Regulation, publication conclusions \nEuropean Router Freedom survey. invited two podcast episodes \nand focus Edri's 'Member spotlight'. Check \nstudy net neutrality regulation read lovely story Ada \narriving rural India.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Giugno 2009", "teaser": "Giugno certamente stato mese entusiasmante. Oltre\nalle attività incontri Fellowship, partecipazioni\nad eventi LinuxTag Berlino, gran parte sforzi della\nnostra attenzione stati diretti all'Assemblea Generale (GA) è\ntenuta Miraflores Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/advocacy/cwfs.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Created with Free Software", "teaser": "because, like us, care Free Software. need help to\n spread word advantages using\n Free Software, help convince others care too.\n Advocating Free Software easy arguably one the\n best ways help Free Software movement.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202308.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy IEA fediverse yh4f ada-zangemann workshop event", "title": "CRA & IEA +++ episodio SFP +++ Encuentro de verano", "teaser": "Agosto viene las novedades CRA (Ley \nCiberresiliencia) IEA (Ley Europa Interoperable), nuevo \nepisodio nuestro Software Freedom Podcast el anuncio nuestro simposio sobre \nredes sociales descentralizadas. Los participantes YH4F -y nosotros \ntambién- esperamos las conclusiones jurado sobre sus proyectos.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-08-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Décembre 2013", "teaser": "Depuis 2005, offrons chacun donateurs carte cryptographique. pensons qu’il important rappeler gens l’existence d’outils Libres chiffrer leurs communications. plus, depuis création FSFE 2001, expliquons sans relâche suite 40 chiffres bas cartes visite sert chiffrement, c’est quelque chose d’important. Huit ans plus tard, les médias pris conscience l’existence chiffrement, l’on parle désormais tous les journaux d’Europe. C’est fois bonne mauvaise nouvelle : bonne, parce l’attention médias fixée sujet ; mauvaise, parce cela donne automatiquement les ressources dont besoin profiter attention. voudrions pouvoir faire plus sujet pouvons autant arrêter travailler autres chantiers long terme.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informazioni per i redattori", "teaser": "squadra editori occupa redigere controllare contenuti\npubblicati Free Software Foundation europe. Scriviamo nuovi articoli,\ncomunicati stampa, articoli opinione proposito problemi più\nimportanti riguardanti Software Libero.\nDona competenze lingua inglese movimento Software Libero,\naderendo squadra redattori!", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.es.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Febrero 2018", "teaser": "\"Los fondos provenientes los ciudadanos tienen invertirse sistemas abiertos ámbito local puedan reutilizarse\" dice Francesca Bria, Comisaria Tecnología Digital Innovación Barcelona. Ella fuerza impulsora detrás Plan Transformación Digital ciudad, que, entre otras cosas intenta establecer el uso Software Libre los datos abiertos administración ciudad.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201712.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter ccc", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - dhjetor 2017 / janar 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe hedh vështrimin prapa mbi një vit vërtet ngazëllues. Teksa më një anë, përmes veprimtarish speciale arritëm t’i ngremë në një nivel të ri fushatat tona të rregullta, të tilla dua Software-in Lirë dhe Pyetni Kandidatët Tuaj, gjithashtu nisëm tre veprimtari të rëndësishme këtë vit, që të vazhdohen gjatë 2018-s dhe më tej. Këto janë Para Publike, Kod Publik, Shpëtoni Ndarjen Kodit dhe Nisma Ripërdorni.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2015", "teaser": "end October, FSFE\nprovided recommendations\nto European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy, roadmap\nfor European policy digital age aimed bringing regulatory barriers\nbetween 28 different national markets. particular, Commission set goals digitalise European industries, develop standards “the cloud”, “the Internet Things”, big data, enhance digital education.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202007.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc", "title": "Benigànim firma la Carta Abierta +++ Entrevista con la ciudad de Bühl +++ Nuevo Podcast", "teaser": "Desde los maratones jáquer las apps hasta las administraciones públicas: lée acerca los éxitos recientes Europa sobre el Software Libre nuestro boletín julio. Encuentra además vídeos muchos eventos telemáticos donde FSFE estuvo representada lée acerca las actividades nuestra diversa comunidad.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202206.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration interview de education nl sustainability localgroup berlin dk gr ch hamburg-group women-group it", "title": "Gemeenten gebruiken Vrije Software +++ PMPC-tour in Italië", "teaser": "Lees nummer negen overheden innoveren \n geld besparen Vrije Software, Nederlandse coalitie oproept eerlijk \n digitaal onderwijs duurzame telecomsector \n haalbaar Vrije Software. Vrijwilligers organiseren ‘Publiek geld? \n Publieke code!‘-tour Italië.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - oktober 2015", "teaser": "FSFE algemene vergadering Boekarest \neen nieuw leidersteam komende twee jaren gekozen. \nReinhard Müller doorgaan rol penningmeester terwijl jouw \neindredacteur rol voorzitter nemen. Allessandro Rubini \nvice-voorzitter. elektrotechnisch ingenieur werkt drivers \napparaten ingebedde systemen. eerste leden FSFE \nwerd onlangs opnieuw lid werk steunen. voormalige voorzitter \nFSFE, Karsten Gerloff,\nverwelkomde\ndeze verandering schreef volgende stappen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editorial-guidelines.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Editorial Guidelines", "teaser": "editing updating existing content fsfe.org, Editorial\nteam requires certain standard practices style, order both\ninformation pages news content remain consistent all, clear. \n\nThis guide designed impact individual creativity. providing\nbasic parameters guide intends hard work done editing\nbegins, contributors thoughtful writing they\nwish.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202310.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union nl policy routers fediverse gnu ada-zangemann", "title": "GNU wird 40 +++ Routerfreiheit, Fediverse & Ada", "teaser": "Oktober, kurzem 40. Jubiläum GNU-Projekts gefeiert, Bewegung Freien Software begann. Sowohl nationalen Ebenen Sommerpause politische Saison begonnen. Vielen Dank Spenden Übersetzung Videos: \"What Free Software\" weitere Sprachen… erste Ada-Lesung Italienisch!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201006.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-commission openstandards eif openstandards google", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juni 2010", "teaser": "Mai ziemlich geschäftig, ersten Mal großen Kirchenveranstaltung teilgenommen, Besucher Freie Software informieren. Digitale Agenda Europäischen Kommission analysiert, gab Neuigkeiten freie Video-Formate.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Πληροφορίες για Συντάκτες", "teaser": "Η ομάδα των συντακτών είναι υπεύθυνη για την επεξεργασία και διόρθωση\n του περιεχομένου που δημοσιεύει το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.\n Γράφουμε νέα άρθρα, δελτία τύπου και κείμενα γνώμης σχετικά με τα πιο \n πιεστικά για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό ζητήματα. Συνεισφέρετε, με τον \n εξαιρετικό χειρισμό της Αγγλικής που διαθέτετε, στο κίνημα του Ελεύθερου \n Λογισμικού συμμετέχοντας σην ομάδα των συντακτών.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201203.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2012", "teaser": "„7.500 Menschen starben letzten Jahr. 100 Menschen täglich.“ las\nder Autor Artikels U-Bahn InfoScreen Berlin. Julia Fuchs, einer\nFreiwilligen Mitarbeiterin beim DocumentFreedomDay, darüber diskutierte was\nhier verkehrt – Lesekünste Autors, Fähigkeiten elementarer\nMathematik Nachrichtenagentur –, erscheint neue Meldung: FreeYourAndroid.org Kampagne!\nLeider Autor langsam Bild davon machen. DPA hat\nvom Offiziellen Start der\nKampagne bereits gut berichtet. Daher viele Menschen darüber\ngelesen, Freie Software Mobiltelefonen verwenden kann. Der\nLeiter Kampagne, Thorsten Grote, sammelt Moment öffentlichen\nBerichte darüber. Bitte schicke Nachrichten Blog-Einträge über\n#FreeYourAndoid press@fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.en.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "The right to install Free Software +++ 60 books to libraries +++ Berlin workshop", "teaser": "March Newsletter, share much needed good news: people donated 60 children's books software freedom public libraries. FSFE calls right install Free Software. first Upcycling Android workshop happening Berlin. local group Aarhus, Denmark, meets long time.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editorial-guidelines.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Indicazioni per i redattori", "teaser": "Modificando aggiornando contenuti esistenti fsfe.org, Team redattori richiede rispetto serie pratiche stile, modo pagine informative notizie coerenti, soprattutto chiare.\n\nLo scopo pagina influire creatività individuale. Fornendo parametri base, guida comprende lavoro duro viene svolto prima redazione testi inizi, assume redattori possano essere accorti desiderano.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - marzo 2015", "teaser": "Creemos los estándares propietarios las patentes software barreras para \nla adopción Software Libre. Para deshacerse estas barreras hemos ayudar administración \npública entender esto, también. Motivo por el que, el pasado, respondimos \nuna consulta sobre interacción los estándares las patentes Dirección General\nde Comisión Europea para el Mercado Interior, Industria,\nEmprendimiento Pymes.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - noviembre 2014", "teaser": "ciudad Múnich usa Software Libre más 15.000 \npuestos ahorrado unos\n11.000.000€ ello. Durante migración Software Libre, consolidaron\nsus heterogéneas tecnologías información (TI) 51 puestos 1000 empleados 22\ndepartamentos TI. pesar estos retos mayoría\nde los usuarios está contenta migración afirma desea dar marcha atrás\n(en alemán). todo esto sucedido las puertas oficina central Microsoft en\nAlemania.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Podcast Duurzaamheid +++ Vacature +++ Gedeeltelijke Routervrijheid in Griekenland", "teaser": "nummer delen wij opbeurende podcast-aflevering voortgang \n Android Opwaarderen-campagne. Wij vacature \n FSFE-staf. Griekenland staat punt Routervrijheid veilig stellen, uitzondering glasvezelverbindingen. Gemeenschapsnieuws komt Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlijn, \n Hamburg, Wenen, Zürich, België, Italië, Nederland Vertalers Vrouwen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - qershor 2014", "teaser": "Shqetësoheni dhe kujdeseni për privatësinë dhe, ose paguani për një mundësues\nemail-i, ose mundet edhe që xhironi shërbyesin tuaj për email, për të ruajtur \nautonominë, kontrollin dhe privatësinë email-eve tuaj. Këtë bëni ngase \ndëshironi të siguroheni që asnjë nga kompanitë mëdha të mos ketë kopje të \nkrejt email-it tuaj personal. Por, prapëseprapë, kjo nuk pengon kompanitë \ntjera të fusin duart në të dhënat tuaja. Nuk mjafton thjesht të shqetësoheni \ndhe kujdeseni për sigurinë tuaj, nëse po përpiqeni rrisni atë. Lypset të bindni\ntë tjerët, ata të cilët shkëmbeni mesazhe, rritin sigurinë tyre \ngjithashtu: siç shprehet Jacob Appelbaum, siguria\nështë ndërvarur.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information pour les éditeurs", "teaser": "Léquipe éditoriale responsable l'édition relecture contenu publié Free Software Foundation Europe. écrivons nouveaux articles, communiqués presse opinions les sujets les plus importants concernant les logiciels libres. Apportez aide mouvement logiciels libres donnant peu temps capacités linguistiques anglais rejoignant l'équipe éditoriale.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201205.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - květen 2012", "teaser": "Jak můžete dočíst v letošním\nreportu, byl Document Freedom Day (pozn. překl. svobodných\ndokumentů, dále DFD) roku 2012 oslaven 54 událostmi 23 zemích světa\na v 19 světových jazycích. 26 proslovy, 6 cenami za otevřené\nstandardy, spousty dalších událostí téměř stovku článků v tisku se\njedná největší DFD v historii. FSFE koordinovalo různé události,\nodměnilo několik organizací v Německu zaslalo e-dopis více než 370 a\npřímo telefonovalo přes 170 politikům, kterým byla vysvětlena\nproblematika otevřených\nstandardů. Někteří z těchto politiků, z odlišných politických\nstran, se\npřímo účastnilo aktivit DFD. FSFE také rozeslalo 100\ninformačních balíčků osobám dle vašich návrhů, mezi nimiž bylo\nněkolik politiků, vedoucích firem nebo například papež. Komisař EU\nNeelie Kroes využil námi zaslaných pout při veřejném projevu, což\nvyústilo v další\nzmínky v tisku, například titulní straně Guardian Online. FSFE\nse rádo dozví dalších příkladech využití pout svými adresáty.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201105.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Μάιος 2011", "teaser": "882 πατέντες λογισμικού, που σχετίζονται με το GNU/Linux, \nστα χέρια ανθρώπων που θα μπορούσαν να τις χρησιμοποιήσουν για να πιέσουν τις\nεταιρείες Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού και τους προγραμματιστές; Ίσως στα χέρια της\nMicrosoft, η οποία για χρόνια χρησιμοποιεί νεφελώδεις ισχυρισμούς για να\nαπορροφά τέλη αδειών χρήσης από εταιρείες που χρησιμοποιούν τον πυρήνα Linux\nστα προϊόντα τους. Αυτόν το μήνα οι αρχές ανταγωνισμού της Γερμανίας και των\nΗΠΑ ενέκριναν την πώληση των πατεντών αυτών στο CPTN, μια κοινοπραξία που\nαποτελείται από τις Microsoft, Oracle, Apple και EMC. Αλλά ξεκόβοντας από\nδυσάρεστες εκπλήξεις κατά την αναμονή δημοσίευσης των λεπτομερειων της\nαπόφασης, ουδετεροποιήσαμε τον κίνδυνο για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201308.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Αύγουστος 2013", "teaser": "Επειδή το Android είναι Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό και δωρεάν, ο ανταγωνισμός από το\nμη-ελεύθερο λογισμικό δεν μπορεί να τα βάλει μαζί του και, άρα, η αγορά \nδιαθέτει λιγότερες εναλλακτικές, συνεπώς ο καταναλωτής υποφέρει από έλλειψη \nανταγωνισμού. Σε συμπυκνωμένη μορφή, αυτά είναι τα επιχειρήματα της λεγόμενης \nσυμμαχίας \"Fair Search\" (Δίκαιης Αναζήτησης). Ουσιαστικά, ζητούν από την \nΕυρωπαϊκη Επιτροπή να ευνοήσει ένα περιοριστικό επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο \nεις βάρος ενός φιλελεύθερου, πράγμα που είναι ακριβώς το αντίθετο από εκείνο \nπου οι ρυθμιστικές Αρχές του ανταγωνισμού θα έπρεπε να πράττουν, για να \nπετύχουν μία δίκαιη αγορά.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-08-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202302.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc ilovefs AI upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Io amo il Software Libero +++ Autorità pubbliche nel Fediverso", "teaser": "numero invitiamo istituzioni pubbliche unirsi social \n network liberi decentralizzati. Guarda presentazione \n città tedesche usano Software Libero. volontario FSFE \n dubbi sull'affidabilità testo scritto dall'IA. giornata \"Io amo \n Software Libero\" arrivando. festa!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informação para os editores", "teaser": "equipe editores é responsável edição revisão conteúdo publicado pela Free Software Foundation Europe. Escrevemos novos artigos, comunicados imprensa artigos opinião sobre os problemas determinantes Software Livre. Contribua com seu domínio Inglês para movimento Software Livre incorporando-se nossa equipe editorial.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2016", "teaser": "published position Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU \n(adopted May 2014) demands device manufacturers check \ndevice software's compliance. first sight, may sound reasonable \nbut highly negative implications user rights Free Software, \nfair competition, innovation, environment, volunteering – mostly \nwithout large benefits security. directive needs implemented \nin member states 13 June 2016. formulated several proposals \nto institutions member states concrete steps solve \nthese issues.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informationen für Lektoren", "teaser": "Lektoren-Team dafür zuständig, Inhalte bearbeiten und\n Korrektur lesen, Free Software Foundation Europe\n veröffentlicht werden. schreiben neue Artikel, Presseerklärungen\n Stellungnahmen dringlichsten Freie-Software-Themen. Stellen\n Englischkenntnisse Dienst Freier Software, Sie\n Lektoren-Team anschließen.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - gusht 2015", "teaser": "Në fillimet këtij muaji, FSFE-ja iu përgjigj “Konsultës mbi\nrespektimin pronësisë intelektuale në procedurat prokurimeve publike”,\ntë mbajtur nismën Komisionit Europian. Sipas Komisionit, qëllimi fillestar\ni konsultës qe “mbledhja provave, opinioneve dhe përshtypjeve lidhur me\nrespektimin të drejtave të pronësisë intelektuale dhe sekreteve tregtare\ngjatë procedurave të prokurimit publik”, dhe të shprehej nëse për këtë\ntemë ka nevojë për një udhërrëfyes për autoritetet publike.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "Het recht om Vrije Software te installeren +++ 60 boeken naar bibliotheken +++ Berlijn werkgroep", "teaser": "onze Nieuwsbrief maart delen wij broodnodige goede \n nieuws: mensen 60 kinderboeken softwarevrijheid \n openbare bibliotheken geschonken. FSFE roept recht \n Vrije Software installeren. eerste Android \n Opwaarderen-werkgroep vindt plaats Berlijn. plaatselijke \n groep Aarhus (Denemarken) komt lange tijd weer bijeen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202101.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem ccc", "title": "Planes de la FSFE para 2021 +++ IloveFS +++ FOSDEM", "teaser": "nuestro boletín enero, lee sobre nuestros planes para 2021, incluyendo nuestras próximas actividades celebración cumpleaños nuestra participación FOSDEM. Lanzamos este año campaña \"I love Free Software\" y, como habitual, el informe sobre nuestras variadas actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202102.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "FSFE20 +++ IloveFS +++ Job vacancy", "teaser": "February Newsletter, interview founding president Georg Greve part publication series celebrate 20 Years FSFE, reflect love Free Software Day FOSDEM participation, advertise new job vacancy usual report diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201609.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Settembre 2016", "teaser": "Grazie aver contribuito far diventare Summit FSFE \ndello scorso finesettimana successo! entusiasti aver visto così tante\nfacce familiari ansiosi incontrarvi nuovo. Naturalmente, il\nSummit FSFE stata l'unica cosa successa scorso mese. questa\nnewsletter potrai leggere altre attività comunità.\nNella newsletter ottobre, condivideremo altre cose\nsu successo Summit. Resta sintonizzato noi!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.es.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "IA en la UE +++ Carta abierta al Bundestag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Meshnet", "teaser": "abril, damos bienvenida los prometedores desarrollos IA \n UE. dirigimos gobierno alemán por presupuesto \n concreto para el S. Libre. Entrevista Bushan Shah, Plasma \n Mobile, otra Elektra Wagenrad el nuevo podcast sobre trabajo \n red tipo malla. Felicitamos KDE por el primer software \n certificado eco mundo.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.cs.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informace pro Editory", "teaser": "Tým editorů zodpovědný za editaci korekci obsahu publikovaného nadací FSFE. Zveřejňujeme zde nové články, tiskové zprávy stanoviska k většině témat spojených FSFE. Zapojte přispějte, prosím, týmu FSFE svými znalostmi anglického jazyka.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Avril 2016", "teaser": "publié position concernant directive 2014/53/EU les équipements radios (adopté Mai 2014) exige fabricants d'appareils vérifier conformité logicielle. première vue cela peut sembler raisonnable cela conséquences très négatives les droits l'utilisateur Logiciels Libres, concurrence loyale, l'innovation, l'environnement bénévolat - principalement sans grand avantage sécurité. directive doit être transposée chaque état membre avant 13 juin 2016. formulé plusieurs propositions institutions européennes états membres l'union européenne indiquant mesures concrètes résoudre cette situation.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informatie voor redacteuren", "teaser": "redactieteam verantwoordelijk bewerken proeflezen inhoud gepubliceerd Free Software Foundation Europe. schrijven nieuwe artikelen, persberichten opiniestukken meest urgente Vrije Software-onderwerpen. Doe beheersing Nederlands mee Vrije Softwarebeweging deel nemen redactieteam.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201910.de.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2019", "teaser": "Monat wenden Aufmerksamkeit \"digitaler Restriktion\" Internationalen Tag dagegen zu. Dafür erste Ausgabe monatlichen Software Freedom Podcast herausgebracht, Mal Cory Doctorow, DRM spricht. Jahresbericht veröffentlicht, Aktivitäten letzten 12 Monate zusammenfassen Gemeinschaft, Erfolg aufbaut, hervorheben. üblich nächsten Veranstaltungen FSFE, einschließlich diesjährigen Community Meeting Aufzeichnungen Informationen Veranstaltungen, denen teilgenommen haben, entdecken.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-10-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.de.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "Geräteneutralität wird Realität +++ Stockholm +++ FSFE-Infrastruktur +++ KI", "teaser": "Januar-Newsletter würdigen Bedeutung Gesetzes digitale Märkte überwiegend positive Entwicklung Softwarefreiheit. Lesen Sie, Fehlen Freier Software Stockholm 100 Millionen Euro gekostet hat. Systemhacker-Team zeigt Hintergründe FSFE-Infrastruktur. Vincent Lequertier betont, dass KI Transparenz braucht. FOSDEM steht Tür.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - korrik 2016", "teaser": "FSFE-ja ofroi Komisionit Europian mendimet\ne veta lidhur rishikimin që po bëhet Kuadrit Europian të Ndërveprueshmërisë (EIF). EIF synon të promovojë ndërveprueshmëri të zgjeruar në sektorin publik të BE-së, dhe gjendet përgjatë rishikimit të tretë që nga 2004. Edhe pse në versionin projekt jepet përparësi Standardeve të Hapura në ofrimin shërbimeve publike, në të promovohen \nkushte të dëmshme licencimi FRAND (të ashtuquajturat \"fair, reasonable non-discriminatory\") për standardet. Në praktikë, këto janë \ntejet anti-konkurrencë dhe të papërshtatshme \njo vetëm për Software-in Lirë por për krejt sektorin software në përgjithësi. Veç kësaj, projekti shpërfill gjithashtu edhe marrëdhënien provuar ndërveprueshmërisë dhe Software-it të Lirë: mjaft kuadro ligjore kombëtare kërkojnë shprehimisht që shërbimet tyre kombëtare të jenë të bazuara në Software të Lirë. \ni kërkuam Komisioni Europian që t’i shohë këto dhe të tjera mangësi dhe të sigurojë ndërveprueshmëri në një rrugë të efektshme", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.es.html", "tags": "ayc drm newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - julio 2014", "teaser": "Imagine invita algunos amigos café, pero lugar bebidas \ncalientes frías, el menú consiste información sobre las medidas para asegurar privacidad\ndigital. Como \"https todas partes\", entrantes; \"Cifrado correo GnuPG\", de\nplato fuerte, \"tosdr.org\"; (información sobre términos servicios) como\npostre. Tales cafés ya existen Holanda. reunión alemán \nFSFE mantenida Essen, Felix Stegerman, nuestro coordinador adjunto para los \nPaíses Bajos, presentó sus planes para crear más cafés privacidad por qué piensa \nque el momento oportuno buena oportunidad para el Software Libre hacer mismo en\notros lugares.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - septiembre 2015", "teaser": "Actualmente usamos los servicios línea para casi todo \ncada vez proporcionamos más datos. También perdemos, más nunca, \nel control nuestros datos. Junto otras organizaciones FSFE apoya la\npublicación Manifiesto los Datos Usuario 2.0 promueve los\nderechos básicos los usuarios controlar sus datos mientras usan los servicios red. acuerdo con\nel manifiesto, los usuarios han controlar el acceso sus datos, han \nsaber sus datos almacenan por los servicios red, han poder\nelegir libremente plataforma sin les obligue usar proveedores tecnología. \nEl manifiesto buen punto partida para el dabate sobre los derechos los usuarios\nen red, FSFE espera otras organizaciones unan esfuerzo\nde apoyar los servicios red respeten los derechos fundamentales los usuarios.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202001.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ccc", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ (pre-) FOSDEM +++ 36C3", "teaser": "2020 new year, dawn new decade. automated systems run software, political representation freedom needed ever. Read January Newsletter Cory Doctorow supports FSFE financially too. Read upcoming FOSDEM activities including pre-FOSDEM meeting reflections presence Chaos Communication Congress. new Software Freedom Podcast Harald Welte reports community.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/editors/editors.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information for Editors", "teaser": "editors team responsible editing proofreading content published Free Software Foundation Europe. write new articles, press releases, opinion pieces pressing Free Software issues. Contribute command English Free Software movement joining editorial team.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201909.es.html", "tags": "newsletter community reuse pmpc ccc", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Septiembre de 2019", "teaser": "el boletín este mes, prestamos atención impacto Software Libre competitividad, texto nuestro experto invitado, el profesor doctor Simon Schlauri. También aprovechamos oportunidad para anunciar los fantásticos avances hemos logrado el proyecto REUSE, encaminados hacer los derechos autor el licenciamiento más fáciles para los desarrolladores. Más abajo puedes conocer los próximos eventos información sobre Reunión Anual Comunidad FSFE, así como algunas fotografías vídeos los eventos donde nuestra comunidad, estado promocionando el Software Libre largo Europa. También ofrecemos algunas recomendaciones sobre artículos podrían serte útiles.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201008.en.html", "tags": "newsletter openstandards public-administration de rmll", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2010", "teaser": "focus edition Free Software public\nsector: national level within United Kingdom, Italian region of\nBozen, Austrian city Linz. introduce new definition of\nmnemonic Open Standards, invite participate upcoming local Free\nSoftware events.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201804.en.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2018", "teaser": "March 19, Free Software Foundation Europe together OpenMedia, jointly delivered petition signed 11.000 individuals, ask European politicians save internet irreversible dangerous impact ongoing copyright reform, particular Article 13, imposes preventive blocking online code repositories. signatures addressed co-legislators: European Parliament Council European Union, received MEP Julia Reda, shadow rapporteur European Parliament's Committee Legal Affairs (JURI) drives main parliamentary effort current copyright reform.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200909.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2009", "teaser": "Software Freedom Day one main events Free Software\ncommunity September, event never miss: year FSFE\ncelebrated Leipzig, Vienna Hamburg help Fellows.\nThanks them, campaign \"Ask candidate Free Software!\" for\nthe German elections became great success.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201303.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2013", "teaser": "February 1st February 3rd thousands people went Brussels to\nparticipate FOSDEM -- Free Open Source Software Developers' European\nMeeting. FOSDEM opportunity meet developers and\ncontributors nearly major Free Software projects. FSFE always there\nto talk people ongoing developments needs contributions\nin Free Software community. good place exchange information,\ntalk interesting people, plan future activities, meet the\npeople would usually e-mail contact with.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/web.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informacion për përgjegjës sajtesh", "teaser": "Ekipi Web mirëmban dhe zhvillon sajtet FSFE-së —\n që shtrihen nga fsfe.org sajtet për projekte\n dhe fushata. Përgjegjësit sajteve janë vullnetarë që punojnë\n për të përmirësuar fytyrën që paraqet botës organizmi, dhe për\n të përmirësuar zgjidhjet teknike bazë të punës sonë web.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202103.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "Luca versus Lenovo +++ Reinhard en de FSFE +++ IloveFS verslag", "teaser": "onze nieuwsbrief maart leest onze supporter Luca Bonissi Lenovo dwong 20.000 euro terug betalen voorgeïnstalleerde Windows, onze supporter Reinhard Müller twee decennia vrijwilligerswerk doet FSFE, \"I Love Free Software\"-verslag zoals gewoonlijk onze gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/web.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informationen für Webmasters", "teaser": "Web-Team pflegt entwickelt Internetauftritt der\n FSFE — fsfe.org Projekt- und\n Aktionsseiten. Webmaster Ehrenamtliche, daran arbeiten\n Gesicht Organisation Welt, die\n technischen Lösungen Webauftritts verbessern.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/web.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informations pour les Webmasters", "teaser": "L'équipe Web maintient développe les sites FSFE —\n allant fsfe.org sites projets de\n campagnes. Les administrateurs site bénévoles améliorent l'image que\n l'organisation donne monde, apportent solutions techniques\n efforts Web.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201106.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - červen 2011", "teaser": "Co byste udělali monopolní společností, která zneužívá své\n dominantní pozice v jedné oblasti pro získání monopolního postavení\n v jiných oblastech? Evropská komise v roce 2004 rozhodla, že\n Microsoft musí poskytnout svým konkurentům informace tom, jak\n připojit k serveru pracovní skupiny počítači, kterých běží\n Microsoft Windows. Neboť hlavním konkurentem serverů Microsoftu je\n projekt svobodného software Samba, komise dala jasně najevo, že\n Microsoft musí vydat informace rozhraních v takové podobě, která\n kompatibilní licencemi svobodného software, jako například GNU\n GPL. Rozhodnutí komise z roku 2004 nevyžadovalo, aby Microsoft\n publikoval informace inovacích, požadovalo pouze zodpovězení\n jednoduché otázky, jakým způsobem spolu počítače Microsoft Windows\n komunikují.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201903.nl.html", "tags": "ngi savecodeshare", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - maart 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand licht nieuwe project waar FSFE recent deelnam uit. biedt financieringsmogelijkheden waar voordeel kunt hebben. kunt laatste nieuws auteursrichtlijnherziening ten aanzien artikel 13 lezen, evenals korte samenvatting verder afgelopen maand gebeurd. \"keuze redactie\"-sectie maand kunt interessant nieuws vinden rond ontwikkelingen betrekking radio-apparatuurrichtlijn erachter komen verder steun verlenen onze \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\"-campagne. erover zeggen?", "type": "page", "date": "2019-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201811.en.html", "tags": "newsletter sfscon", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2018", "teaser": "17 years, FSFE empowering people control technology, get better every year. help understand work do, published \"Software freedom Europe\", yearly report FSFE activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-11-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202211.es.html", "tags": "newsletter tedective yh4f encryption european-union se podcast interview pmpc ch localgroup by de berlin hamburg-group it nl women-group", "title": "FSFE gana el Datathon de la UE + Premios YH4F y nueva ronda + No chat control", "teaser": "‘TEDective’ FSFE, programa ayuda análisis gasto \n público, gana el 1º premio Datathon UE. Nueva edición \n nuestra competición YH4F. proyecto ley UE podría terminar \n los chats seguros. Los suecos tienen voz el Software Libre \n Decidim. FSFE Suiza anima las administraciones unan \n Fediverso.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juni 2009", "teaser": "Juni definitiv aufregender Monat!\nNeben laufenden Tätigkeiten Fellowshiptreffen, Teilnahme\nan Veranstaltungen LinuxTag Berlin, floss meiste\nEnergie Aufmerksamkeit Generalversammlung (GV) zu, in\nMiraflores Sierra abgehalten wurde.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202008.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc open-science limux copyright", "title": "Consulta europea +++ 100 días en Munich +++ Coordinador de Ciencia Abierta", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín agosto, estamos evaluando las razones por \nlas Comisión Europea debiera evitar el uso término \"propiedad \nintelectual\". También preguntamos nuevo gobierno Munich sobre sus \nprogresos materia Software Libre, presentamos nuestro nuevo \nCoordinador Ciencias Abiertas Christian Busse. Como siempre, puedes \nleer sobre nuestras diversas actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-08-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2009 ", "teaser": "month full activity, one bit news cast a\nshadow all. learned death Richard Rothwell,\nwho prominent respected advocate Free Software in\neducation Fellow. saying farewell below.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "Boletim de notícias da FSFE - Novembro de 2010", "teaser": "Esta edição explica como combatemos trabalho lobista organizações privativas nível europeu, fazemos nível Nações Unidas para informar gente sobre os perigos patentes software, estamos fazer para livrar dos anúncios software não-livre em sítios web públicos como você pode agir para atingir uma mudança.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/web.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information for Webmasters", "teaser": "Web team maintain develop FSFE's websites —\n ranging fsfe.org project campaign\n sites. Webmasters volunteers working enhance the\n organization's face world, improve technical\n solutions web efforts.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201911.en.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast pmpc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2019", "teaser": "month, present Portuguese friends ANSOL success story solving problems DRM creates country gives tips take similar actions country. Episode 2 FSFE's Software Freedom Podcast dedicate KDE Community transformations updates currently undertaking. discover upcoming events interesting stories visuals events community promoted Free Software across Europe. offer sneak peak year's FSFE Annual Community Meeting Bolzano, Italy official report. Get Active section, ask help new \"Public Money? Public Code!\" initiative. need municipalities public sector bodies embrace principles become part signatories.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-11-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/web.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informatie voor webmasters", "teaser": "Web team beheert ontwikkelt FSFE's websites:\nvan fsfe.org project- campagnesites.\nWebmasters vrijwilligers gezicht organisatie wereld toe\nen technische oplossingen onze webinspanningen verbeteren.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.tr.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Bülteni - Ağustos 2009", "teaser": "Ağustos geleneksel olarak, tatiller nedeniyle etkinliklerin yavaşladığı bir aydır.\nYine FSFE Kardeşlik çatısı altında bir çok şey gerçekleşti.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.de.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter – Oktober 2010", "teaser": "Ausgabe diskutieren irreführenden\nBegriff „faire, vernünftige diskriminierende Bedingungen“\n(englisch FRAND), legen dar, zentralisierte\nComputer-Systeme Internet Governance Forum (IGF) unternehmen, und\nwir berichten aktuellen Stand unserer laufenden Kampagne zur\nBeendigung Werbung unfreie Software öffentliche\nEinrichtungen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2013", "teaser": "2005 started giving crypto cards\nto individuals donated us become Fellow FSFE. believe it\nis important remind people Free Software tools encrypt our\ncommunications. Besides since FSFE founded 2001, explaining\nthat 40 digits business cards encryption this\nis important. 8 years later, topic encryption hit ithe media, now\nmentioned every newspaper Europe. good bad time:\nWe currently face problem media attention high does\nnot mean resources deal it. would like work on\nthese issues cannot stop working long term topics.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2009", "teaser": "causa vacanze estive, Agosto tradizionalmente mese basso livello attività.\nNonostante questo, molte cose avvenute sotto tetti FSFE Fellowship.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/web/features.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Overview of website features", "teaser": "page shows various features fsfe.org website provides for\n editors. far complete always work progress, like\n website general. hey, already paragraph special\n feature,
.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202010.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "35 años de FSF +++ Participación en la SFSCon +++ Oferta de empleo de técnico", "teaser": "Lee nuestro boletín octubre sobre el 35 cumpleaños FSF, nuestra próxima participación SFSCon, nuestra oferta empleo técnico, sobre nuestras otras variadas actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.de.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Juni 2014", "teaser": "sorgen Privatsphäre bezahlen E-Mail Dienst. \nEventuell sogar eigenen E-Mail Server, autonom und\nE-Mail eigenen Kontrolle behalten. betreiben Aufwand, \nkein großer Konzern Kopien gesamten E-Mail Korrespondenz bekommt.\nTrotzdem verhindert nicht, dass Firmen Zugang Daten bekommen.\nEs ungenügend, eigene Sicherheit sorgen. müssen Freunde \ndavon überzeugen, Sicherheit verbessern: Jacob Appelbaum \nsagt „Sicherheit voneinander abhängig“.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200905.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - mei 2009 ", "teaser": "maand behoorlijk zweet moeten\n werken. alleen eerste echte zonnige dagen waarvan\n heel Europa mocht genieten, wij organiseerden verkiezing\n onze eerste Fellowschipvertegenwoordiger Algemene\n Vergadering. vacatures bekendgemaakt nieuwe\n coördinator medewerkers onze juridische afdeling\n Oostenrijks team tour heel Oostenrijk,\n deelnemer \"Linuxwochen Eisenstadt\", succesrijk en\n voldaan afgesloten.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.cs.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informace pro návrháře", "teaser": "Založili jsme tým designerů pracující projektech podporujících\n Svobodný Software, zlepšení grafického vyjádření FSFE,\n nabízející podporu dalším Free Software projektům. Můžete připojit\n tohoto týmu jeho\n mailing listu.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Dezember 2014", "teaser": "neue Europäische Kommission stellt Zeit Weichen \npolitischen Kurs nächsten fünf Jahre. FSFE regem Kontakt \nmit Verantwortlichen Kommission, offene Türen \nFreie Software Brüssel sehen. Dynamik nutzen, \nVeränderungen öffentlichen Beschaffung Auftragsvergabe, \nStandardisierungen Gerätehoheit bewirken. Deshalb \nPräsident Karsten Gerloff Treffen teilgenommen.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202007.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc", "title": "Benigànim e Lettera Aperta +++ Intervista alla città di Bühl +++ Nuovo Podcast", "teaser": "Hackathon, app, amministrazioni pubbliche: newsletter luglio potrai leggere recenti successi Europa riguardano Software Libero. Puoi trovare video vari eventi online FSFE rappresentata, leggere varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201807.en.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2018", "teaser": "July 5, European Parliament rejected mandate fast-track controversial legislation intended reform online copyright. 318 MEPs voted draft law amended Legal Affairs (JURI) committee, compared 278 favor. legislation opens new round amendments, sent second vote September.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202307.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy IEA pmpc yh4f", "title": "Interoperabel Europa +++ Cyberveerkrachtverordening +++ Verordening KI", "teaser": "Juli onze nieuwsbrief ook! aflevering \nnieuws laatste status Verordening Interoperabel Eruopa \nde Verordening Kunstmatige Intelligentie. JHvV-wedstrijd net \nafgelopen.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informação para Designers", "teaser": "Organizámos uma equipa designers trabalham em projectos,\n promovem Software Livre, melhoram expressão gráfica FSFE\n disponibilizam apoio outros projectos Software Livre. Pode\n contactar esta equipa através lista \n\t\tendereços.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2014", "teaser": "ville Munich utilise Logiciels Libres plus 15 000\nordinateurs, permis d’économiser 11 millions\nd’euros. Lors migration vers les Logiciels Libres, ville a\nrationnalisé environnement informatique 51 lieux, 1 000\ninformaticiens 22 services informatiques ; véritable défi. Malgré les\ndifficultés inhérentes tel changement, la\nplupart utilisateurs heureux résultat veulent revenir en\narrière (en allemand). tout cela s’est passé sous fenêtre siège\nallemand Microsoft.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201007.el.html", "tags": "newsletter gpl licensing european-commission tech-teams", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Ιούλιος 2010", "teaser": "Αυτή η έκδοση καλύπτει τη δήλωση της Neelie Kroes για\n τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα, τη συζήτηση για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό στη Σαξωνία (Γερμανία) και την\n επαναδειοδότηση του WebM ώστε να είναι συμβατό με την GPL, και σας ζητάει να διατηρήσετε\n επαφή με τους βουλευτές της περιοχής σας για τα ζητήματα του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202403.es.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem podcast ilovefs ngi deviceneutrality policy event", "title": "Celebraciones del I love FS +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ Episodio del SFP", "teaser": "¡Ya está aquí nuestra newsletter marzo! Acudimos \nFOSDEM, por toda Europa, celebró el ‘I Love Free \nSoftware Day’. Además lanzamos nuevo episodio nuestro podcast \nsobre el estado \ndel software libre debate sobre los servicios bancarios libertad \ndel software. ¡Echa vistazo algunas lecturas interesantes recomendaciones eventos!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201209.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Σεπτέμβριος 2012", "teaser": "Όλο και περισσότεροι αρχίζουν να χρησιμοποιούν κινητά τηλέφωνα με Android. \nΑλλά για να έχετε πλήρη έλεγχο του τηλεφώνου σας, θα χρειαστεί να εγκαταστήσετε\nσε αυτά άλλο ένα Android firmware. Για να διευκολύνουμε την απαελευθέρωση του\nκινητού αυτού ξεκινήσαμε τη δράση Ελευθερώστε το Android σας.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.it.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Collaborazione globale +++ Lavoro remoto", "teaser": "diffusione COVID-19 affrontando pandemia mondiale richiede grandi sforzi coordinamento nuove soluzioni globali. straordinaria newsletter focalizza libertà software soluzioni globali, soluzioni Software Libero connessioni remoto, FSFE gestendo l'intera situazione. solito, diamo evidenza attività comunità cerchiamo dare consigli cosa puoi fare utile divertente mentre casa. Goditi lettura, rimani buona salute, proteggi libertà.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201805.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter llw rmll rmll community", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - mei 2018", "teaser": "FSFE volgde decennium durende traditie opnieuw jaarlijkse Vrije Software juridische licentiewerkgroep (LLW) organiseren Spaanse Barcelona. fungeerde ontmoetingsplaats 's werelds leidende juridische experts debatteren kwesties beste praktijken maken Vrije Software-licenties. jaar besloten evenement terig brengen 'roots' nadruk leggen \"werkgroep\"-deel originele titel evenement. Onze driedaagse conferentie trok ongeveer 120 juridische experts bood ongeëvenaard aantal parallelle tracks interactieve sessies ontworpen duiken meest controversiële onderwerpen juridische wereld Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Νοέμβριος 2013", "teaser": "Σε πρώτη ματιά, ορισμένες συσκευές μπορεί να μοιάζουν μια βλακεία και μισή. \nΓιατί άραγε να τις αγοράσει ο οποιοσδήποτε; Μερικοί γέλασαν με τον συντάκτη σας\nόταν εκείνος αγόρασε το δικό του \nOpen Moko Neo\nFreerunner. Εκείνη την εποχή, μπορούσες να αγοράσεις φθηνότερες συσκευές, \nμε γρηγορότερη CPU, περισσότερη RAM, μεγαλύτερο χώρο στο δίσκο, πιο όμορφο \nπερίβλημα, καλύτερη συνδεσιμότητα με το διαδίκτυο, καλύτερο μικρόφωνο και \nηχεία.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202312.es.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f upcyclingandroid IEA be routers deviceneutrality pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "Arranca YH4F +++ Carta Abierta de UpA +++ Libertad del Router en Bélgica", "teaser": "El pasado, comenzó YH4F 2024, el Parlamento Alemán recibió \nCarta Abierta Upcycling Android, descubrimos el ambicioso plan \nla Ley Europa Interoperable quedó agua borrajas, celebramos el \ncompromiso Bélgica Libertad Router, ¡y muchas más \nnoticias interesantes!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2014", "teaser": "tempi passati, vita quotidiana cittadini una\n\t\trepubblica era, potremmo dire, relativamente libera. Durante il\n\t\tnormale svolgersi attività, occasionalmente bisogno\n\t\tdi nuovo strumento consigli, vecchio proverbio latino\n\t\tscientia potentia impone limiti libertà\n\t\tsiano limiti conoscenza: bisogno nuovo\n\t\tstrumento sapevano costruirlo, diventavano dipendenti dal\n\t\tcostruttore strumento, unicamente ottenerlo.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/styleguide.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Charte graphique de la FSFE", "teaser": "Les publications supports FSFE créés diffusés\n nombreux canaux. charte graphique centrale doit\n harmoniser toutes créations. Cette charte réunit les\n ressources les plus importantes permettre créer\n supports FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202103.it.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "Luca contro Lenovo +++ Reinhard e la FSFE +++ Resoconto IloveFS", "teaser": "newsletter marzo, leggi sostenitore Luca Bonissi ottenuto Lenovo risarcimento 20 000 euro rimborso Windows, sostenitore Reinhard Müller due decenni storia volontario FSFE, resoconto \"Io amo Software Libero\" varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201608.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Αύγουστος 2016", "teaser": "Ο στόχος του πιλοτικού προγράμματος \"Ελεύθερος και Ανοιχτού Κώδικα Έλεγχος Ασφαλείας\" (FOSSA) είναι να αυξήσει την ασφάλεια του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, που χρησιμοποιείται από τα Ευρωπαϊκούς θεσμούς. Το FSFE παρακολουθεί το συγκεκριμένο project από το 2014. Πρόσφατα, η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή\n\nδημοσίευσε τα πρώτα παραδοτέα στοιχεία, που βασίζονται σε συνεντεύξεις με τους ενδιαφερόμενους φορείς\n\n. Ενώ το FSFE στηρίζει απόλυτα αυτή την Ευρωπαϊκή πρωτοβουλία, η εφαρμογή του προγράμματους μας δημιουργεί προβληματισμούς. Η πρώτη ανάλυση της FOSSA παραμερίζει την κατανόηση του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, περιλαμβάνει πολλά πραγματικά σφάλματα, ενώ βασίστηκε σε γενικές συνεντεύξεις φτωχού περιεχομένου.\nΟ Πρόεδρος του FSFE Matthias Kirschner\nκαι\nο Εκπρόσωπος της FSFE Fellowship Mirko Böehm\n, οι οποίοι έδωσαν συνέντευξη για το συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα, δημιούργησαν μία σύνοψη των πιο εμφανών ελλείψεων των πρόσφατων δημοσιεύσεων της FOSSA. Ωστόσο, από μία άλλη οπτική: η FOSSA βρίσκεται ακόμη στα πρώτα της στάδια και με τη βοήθεια περισσότερων ειδικών για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό, θα μπορούσαμε να οδηγήσουμε τη FOSSA στη σωστή κατεύθυνση. Το FSFE θα συνεχίσει να παρακολουθεί στενά τις επόμενες εφαρμογές της FOSSA. Σε περίπτωση που έχετε σχόλια ή feedback για την πρωτοβουλία, παρακαλούμε να μην διστάσετε να μοιραστείτε τις σκέψεις σας μαζί μας στη\n discussion list\nή απευθείας στον Matthias Kirschner. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, θα είμαστε σίγουροι/ες ότι όλοι οι σχετικοί προβληματισμοί θα επικονωνηθούν στην ΕΕ.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Korrik 2017", "teaser": "Ndarja të tjerët dijeve dhe thellimi bashkëpunimit janë parime bazë të bashkësisë së Software-it të Lirë. Ndaj, FSFE-ja është gëzuar t’u ofrojë tani përkrahësve dhe vullnetarëve të regjistruar një platformë krijimi dhe administrimi deposh Git një ndërfaqe të rehatshme, nën git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200910.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2009", "teaser": "Ottobre stato mese denso, vibrante impegnativo FSFE.\nAbbiamo svolto molto lavoro possa essere incluso newsletter.\nPer motivo, dopo averla letta, invitiamo visitare sezione delle\nnotizie sito web avere visione completa lavoro:", "type": "page", "date": "2009-11-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informatie voor ontwerpers", "teaser": "team ontwerpers werkt projecten Vrije Software promoten, grafische expressie FSFE stroomlijnen Vrije Software-projecten steunen. team bereiken via e-maillijst.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200912.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Δεκέμβριος 2009", "teaser": "Παρόλο που οι θερμοκρασίες πέφτουν υπό το μηδέν σε όλην την Ευρώπη και οι γιορτές\nτων Χριστουγέννων πλησιάζουν, το FSFE συνεχίζει να εργάζεται κανονικά για την ελευθερία στο λογισμικό.\nΟι σημαντικότερες ειδήσεις του Δεκεμβρίου είναι ότι έχουμε ξεκινήσει την αναδιαμόρφωση του ιστοχώρου μας, έχουμε\nπροσθέσει τον Andreas Tolf Tolfsen ως αναπληρωτή συντονιστή για τους διαχειριστές ιστού και έχουμε δημοσιεύσει\nμια δήλωση για το διακανονισμό της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής με τη Microsoft στην υπόθεση αντιμονοπωλιακής\nνομοθεσίας για τους περιηγητές ιστού. Συνεχίστε την ανάγνωση για να μάθετε περισσότερα για το τι κάναμε το Δεκέμβριο.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dicembre 2016", "teaser": "Quest'anno, FSFE celebrato 15esimo compleanno. 15 anni sostegno persone, supporto comunità, favore legislazione migliore. 15 anni durante quali visto tutte attività, considerate piccole momento, possono diventare grandi lavoriamo insieme. 15 anni durante quali visto tutte attività, considerate impossibili momento, possono avere successo insieme. Insieme, meglio pressioni maggiori compagnie. stato possibile senza supporto continuo comunità, contribuito migliaia ore lavoro sostenuto finanziariamente. lettore abituale newsletter, piace lavoro ancora parte comunità ... prendi considerazione l'ipotesi unirti FSFE!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202303.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs podcast fosdem yh4f localgroup dk it de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos", "teaser": "issue podcast episode need medical \n devices Free Software. Watch talks FOSDEM videos \n legal issues developing. Participants YH4F already \n coding. Thanks contributions, fundraising ended \n successfully. bring community news 9 countries.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Πληροφορίες για Σχεδιαστές", "teaser": "Έχουμε δημιουργήσει μια ομάδα σχεδιαστών που εργάζονται σε προγράμματα \n προβολής του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, οι οποίοι βελτιώνουν τη γραφική έκφραση\n του FSFE, και προσφέρουν υποστήριξη σε άλλα προγράμματα Ελεύθερου \n Λογισμικού.\n Μπορείτε να έρθετε σε επαφή με την ομάδα αυτή στο σχετικό \n κατάλογο \n παραληπτών ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202101.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE's plans for 2021 +++ #IloveFS +++ FOSDEM", "teaser": "January Newsletter, read plans 2021 including upcoming birthday celebrations participation FOSDEM. roll year's \"I love Free Software\" campaign and, usual, report various community activites.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201207.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Ιούλιος 2012", "teaser": "Στόχος του FSFE είναι να διασφαλίσει ότι οι κάτοχοι συσκευών πληροφορικής \nτεχνολογίας έχουν πάντα τον πλήρη και αποκλειστικό έλεγχο σε αυτές. Αυτή η \nθεμελιώδης αρχή έχει πρόσφατα αμφισβητηθεί. Για τη διατήρηση της βιωσιμότητας \nστην ανάπτυξη και χρήση λογισμικού, είναι κρίσιμη η ευρεία διαθεσιμότητα \nυπολογιστών γενικού σκοπού. Αυτόν το μήνα το FSFE δημοσίευσε την \n ανάλυσή του για την «Ασφαλή Εκκίνηση».", "type": "page", "date": "2012-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/styleguide.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Οδηγός Σχεδίασης της Κοινότητας", "teaser": "Επειδή οι δημοσιεύσεις του FSFE και το σχετικό υλικό δημιουργούνται \n και διανέμονται μέσα από μια ποικιλία διαύλων, υπάρχει ανάγκη για \n μια κεντρική πηγή σχετική με οδηγίες για το στυλ σχεδίασης. Αυτός \n ο οδηγός σχεδίασης είναι μια απόπειρα συλλογής τουλάχιστο των \n σημαντικότερων συστατικών που θα σας βοηθήσουν να δημιουργήσετε \n οποιοδήποτε υλικό μπορείτε να σχεδιάσετε για το FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/styleguide.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Guida Stilistica", "teaser": "momento pubblicazioni FSFE materiali relativi \n vengono creati distribuiti attraverso diversi canali, necessità \n risorsa centrale guida stilistica. scopo guida \n stilistica raccogliere almeno capisaldi importanti \n aiutarti creare qualunque materiale FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - september 2014", "teaser": "vrijheid meningsuiting, vrijheid pers,\n vrijheid samenkomst, vrijheid vereniging \nen privacy essentiële voorwaarden vrije samenleving. \neen vrijheden ontbreken \nis moeilijk handhaven. samenleving \nbelangrijk vrijheden \nverdedigen, vooral licht fundamentele veranderingen zoals \nverandering geïntroduceerd komst computers. Zulke \nveranderingen bedreiging vormen oude vrijheden kunnen\n behoefte nieuwe creëren. vrijheid software \ncruciaal verdelen balans brengen macht \nsamenleving. FSFE ervan overtuigd vrije samenleving \nvrijheden nodig alleen Vrije Software bieden. Daarom \nverdedigen wij Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informazioni per i designer", "teaser": "costituito squadra designer occupa progetti\n promozione Software Libero, dall'ottimizzazione grafica FSFE\n supporto altri progetti Software Libero. Puoi entrare in\n contatto gruppo tramite la\n mailing list.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "J'aime les LL +++ 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant +++ FOSDEM +++ 20 ans de la FSFE : Stagiaires", "teaser": "lettre d'informations février, invitons évènement Jeux célébrer journée «J'aime les Logiciels Libres» 14 février. Écoutez épisode podcast Stanislas Dolcini jeu «0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant». FOSDEM vient juste terminer FSFE était! terminons célébrations les 20 ans FSFE entretien stagiaires passés.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2016", "teaser": "FSFE provided European Commission \ninput regard ongoing revision European Interoperability \nFramework (EIF). EIF aims promote enhanced interoperability \nthe public sector, currently going third revision \nsince 2004. Whilst draft version gives preference Open Standards delivering public services, also\npromotes harmful FRAND (so-called \"fair, reasonable non-discriminatory\") \nlicensing terms standards. practice, \nhighly anti-competitive unfit \nnot Free Software whole software sector general. \nIn addition, draft ignores proven relationship \ninteroperability Free Software: many national frameworks explicitly\nrequire \ntheir national services based Free Software. \nasked European \nCommission address shortcomings ensure interoperability \nin efficient way.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202011.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup routers reuse community policy", "title": "Software Freedom 2020 +++ EU Open Source Strategy +++ New staffers", "teaser": "Newsletter November, review annual report \"Software Freedom Europe\" new Free Software Strategy European Commission. new staffers, new call FSFE community projects, REUSE taking off, local group Zurich received award, much happened discover.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201403.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - mars 2014", "teaser": "Qeveria Britanisë së Madhe po ecën përpara drejt një të ardhme më pak bllokim prej tregtuesve të mundësisë së zgjedhjes. Në\njanar botuan disa parime mbi kontratat ardhshme qeveritare në fushën TI-ve. Ata duan të çajnë mbizotërimin kompanive të mëdha të software-it, të cilat ofrojnë shumicën madhe të software-it dhe të shërbimeve për qeverinë Britanisë së Madhe.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202311.es.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f ga reuse fediverse ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "SFSCON 2023 +++ Ganadores YH4F +++ REUSE va al espacio", "teaser": "Nuestro Informe anual, Software Freedom Europe 2023, ya está disponible. entrega los premios YH4F, conocimos los impresionantes proyectos los ganadores esta edición, nuestro equipo viajó Bolzano para asistir SFSCON encanta descubrir especificación REUSE sigue ayudando desarrolladores como los Centro Aeroespacial Alemán. Descubre estas otras historias nuestro número noviembre.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201109.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Settembre 2011", "teaser": "primo giorno nuova organizzazione sempre molto intenso, tante\nnuove persone, nuove procedure, tante informazioni. nuova stagista Eszter Bako stato ancora più\nintenso: trascorso primo giorno l'FSFE Desktop Summit, circondata\nda quasi 800 persone parlavano cose strane KDE, Gnome, Qt, GTK, Plasma, Git, QML,\nD-Bus, riguardo come\n costruire tostapane. inizia, comunità Software Libero può dare\nuna strana impressione...", "type": "page", "date": "2011-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Αύγουστος 2014", "teaser": "Στις παλιές μέρες, οι συνηθισμένοι πολίτες μιας δημοκρατίας \n\t\tστις καθημερινές τους δραστηριότητες, ήταν αρκετά, ας πούμε, \n ελεύθεροι. Καθώς μεριμνούσαν για τις καθημερινές τους εργασίες, \n θα χρειάζονταν σε ορισμένες περιστάσεις κάποιο νέο εργαλείο \n ή κάποια συμβουλή, αλλά η\n\t\tπαλιά Λατινική παροιμία scientia potentia (η επιστήμη είναι δύναμη) καθόριζε ότι τα όρια της\n\t\tελευθερίας τους ήταν ακριβώς εκείνα της γνώσης τους: αν χρειαζόταν ένα νέο\n\t\tεργαλείο και τους έλειπε η γνώση να το φτιάξουν, γίνονταν εξαρτημένοι από τον\n\t\tκατασκευαστή εργαλείων απλώς και μόνο για να μπορούν να το αποκτήσουν.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - julio del 2009 ", "teaser": "Este estado repleto actividades, pero noticia ha\nproyectado gran sombra sobre ellas. Hemos sabido muerte Richard Rothwell,\nque fue destacado respetado defensor Software Libre en\nla educación Fellow. Más adelante despediremos él.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201703.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2017", "teaser": "February, news LiMux shook the\n world. LiMux, project run city Munich completed\n 2013, constitutes one finest examples of\n vendor-neutral administration based Free Software; during\n execution phase, 15,000 personal computers laptops used\n public administrations migrated Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/styleguide.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Style Guide", "teaser": "Since FSFE publications related materials created and\n distributed variety channels, need a\n central resource style guidelines. style guide attempts to\n collect least important cornerstones help you\n create whatever FSFE material with.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202305.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann legal reuse routers lt deviceneutrality education se llw yh4f podcast", "title": "FOSS-North & LLW +++ Neutralità del dispositivo +++ NGI Zero", "teaser": "numero, scopri progetto UE NGI0, LLW, conferenza FOSS-North, \ne lotta studenti lituani evitare l'utilizzo A2F \nproprietari. perdere nuovo SFP neutralità dispositivo, \napprofondisci conoscenza due articoli interessanti, assapora \nle \nultime letture \"Ada & Zangemann\" scopri due progetti YH4F.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informationen für Designer", "teaser": "Designerteam zusammengestellt, verschiedenen\n Projekten arbeitet, Freie Software verbreiten, dabei visuelle\n Auftreten FSFE verbessert sowie Projekte Freie Software\n unterstützt. Team über\n Mailingliste\n erreichen.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201101.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Janvier 2011", "teaser": "mission d'introduire les Logiciels Libres les\nécoles les universités. nouvelle tâche consiste rassembler des\ninformations les acteurs Logiciel Libre\ndans l'éducation, créer des\nbrochures ciblées. certain couleur favorite des\ncoordinateurs Thomas Jensch Guido Arnold vert Fellowship. parle notreéquipe éducation.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202306.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy pmpc ada-zangemann legal routers deviceneutrality education yh4f", "title": "Verordening KI en Interoperabiliteit +++ Routervrijheid-enquête +++ Podcasts, JHvV & Ada", "teaser": "juninummer bevat updates Verordening Interoperabel Europa AI-verordening, evenals publicatie conclusies onze Europese Routervrijheid-. uitgenodigd twee podcastafleveringen stonden centraal Edri's 'Lid schijnwerper'. Bekijk onderzoek netneutraliteit lees mooi verhaal Ada Indiase platteland komt.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Mayo 2017", "teaser": "10 24 abril 2017, FSFE celebrado novena votación anual donde eligió representante Fellowship para representar comunidad FSFE los Fellowships Asamblea General FSFE. Asamblea General está formada por miembros FSFE e.V. órgano representación. responsable planificación estratégica, elaboración los presupuestos, el establecimiento agenda, exoneración elección destitución Consejo Ejecutivo Director Financiero. el ganador las elecciones este año ... ¡Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - mars 2015", "teaser": "besojmë standardet pronësore dhe patentat mbi software-in janë pengesa për\nbirësimin Software-it të Lirë. Për t’i hequr qafe këto pengesa duhet të ndihmo-\njmë administratën publike që edhe ajo kuptojë këtë. Kjo është arsyeja pse muajin\ne fundit iu përgjigjëm një konsultimi lidhur ndërveprimin standardeve dhe pa-\ntentave, organizuar nga Drejtoria Përgjithshme Bashkimit Europian mbi Tregun\ne Brendshëm, Industrinë, Sipërmarrjen dhe NVM-të.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Información para Diseñadores", "teaser": "Hemos formado equipo diseñadores trabajan proyectos promueven el Software Libre, agilizando expresión gráfica FSFE ofreciendo apoyo otros proyectos Software Libre. Puedes contactar este equipo lista distribución.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202012.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc sustainability united-nations localgroup community fya corona ch", "title": "CWA zonder Google +++ Internationale ontwikkelingssamenwerking +++ KDE-interview", "teaser": "Lees onze december-nieuwsbrief Duitse Corona Waarschuwings-App onafhankelijk gepubliceerd softwarevrijheid vergroten, leer publieke code internationale ontwikkelingssamenwerking, geniet interview Cord-Landwehr KDE aannemen REUSE, verhaal lokale groep Zurich DINACon award ontving meer.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201811.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter sfscon", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2018", "teaser": "17 jaar lang stelt FSFE mensen staat controle technologie elk jaar beter in. helpen begrijpen werken zojuist \"Softwarevrijheid Europa\", jaarverslag FSFE onze activiteiten gepubliceerd.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-11-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information pour les Designers", "teaser": "mis place équipe designers travaille projets promouvant les logiciels libres, retouchant perfectionnant les logos illustrations FSFE offrant support toutes les autres activités FSFE. pouvez contacter cette équipe travers \n mailing list.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202306.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy pmpc ada-zangemann legal routers deviceneutrality education yh4f", "title": "Legge IA e interoperabilità +++ Libertà del Router +++ Podcast, YH4F & Ada", "teaser": "newsletter giugno aggiorna normativa un'Europa \ninteroperabile regolamentazione IA, riporta risultati sondaggio \nLibertà Router. stati invitati due podcast stati \ncentro serie \"Membri luce\" Edri. Scopri studio \nneutralità rete leggi splendida storia Ada nell'India \nrurale.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201303.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - mars 2013", "teaser": "Nga 1 shkurt deri më 3 shkurt mijëra vetë qenë në Bruksel për të marrë\npjesë në FOSDEM -- Takimi Europian Zhvilluesve të Software-it të Lirë dhe\nme Burim të Hapur. Në FOSDEM keni mundësinë të takoheni programues dhe\nkontribues nga thuajse krejt projektet Software-it të Lirë. FSFE-ja gjendet\npërherë aty, për t’u folur njerëzve mbi zhvillimet aktuale dhe nevojave dhe\ndhe kontributeve në bashkësinë Software-it të Lirë. Ndaj kjo bën një vend\ntë goditur për shkëmbim informacionesh, për biseda njerëz shumë interesantë,\npër planifikim veprimtarish të ardhshme, dhe për t’u takuar krejt njerëzit\nme të cilët zakonisht keni vetëm kontakte email.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information for Designers", "teaser": "established team designers working projects\n promoting Free Software, streamlining FSFE's graphical expression,\n offering support Free Software projects. can\n reach team their\n mailing list.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/designers/designers.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Информация для оформителей – ЕФСПО", "teaser": "Мы организовали группу оформителей, работающих\nнад проектами фонда по содействию свободному программному обеспечению.\nОни поддерживают облик ЕФСПО на современном уровне и помогают другим\nпроектам, связанным со свободными программами. Связаться с оформителями\nможно через список\nрассылки.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juli 2014", "teaser": "Stelt enkele vrienden meeneemt café waar het\nmenu, plaats hete koude dranken, informatie staat nemen van\nmaatregelen uzelf verzekeren digitale privacy. zoals\n\"https everywhere\" voorafje, \"GnuPG e-mail encryptie\" hoofdgerecht en\n\"tosdr.org\" (informatie gebruiksvoorwaarden) toetje.\nZulke café's bestaan Nederland. Duitstalige FSFE-bijeenkomst in\nEssen presenteerde Felix Stegerman, onze Vice-coördinator Nederland,\nzijn plannen privacycafé's zetten. zette uiteen waarom denkt\ndat juiste moment goede mogelijkheid Vrije Software om\ndit plaatsen doen.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2015", "teaser": "believe proprietary standards software patents barriers to\nFree Software adoption. get rid barriers help public\nadministration understand this, too. last month responded to\na consultation interaction standards patents European\nCommission's Directorate-General Internal Market, Industry,\nEntrepreneurship SMEs.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201405.el.html", "tags": "newsletter security dfd ayc", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE – Μάϊος 2014", "teaser": "Θα ακούσατε πιθανότατα για το πρόβλημα με το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό OpenSSL που είναι γνωστό και σαν\n\"heartbleed\". Το\nFSFE ήδη καλωσόρισε την πρωτοβουλία της βιομηχανίας να χρηματοδοτήσει έργα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\nκρίσιμης σημασίας, και το θέμα συζητήθηκε σε πάρα πολλά άρθρα ιστολογίων ανά τον\nπλανήτη: ο Sam Tuke έγραψε τις\nεντυπώσεις του, ο Hugo Roy μοιράστηκε ένα καρτούν του XKCD που εξηγεί\nπως δουλεύει αυτό το heartbleed, ενώ ο Martin Gollowitzer έγραψε σχετικά με το τι\nτου αποκάλυψε το σφάλμα του Heartbleed αναφορικά με την αρχή η οποία εκδίδει τα πιστοποιητικά\nStartSSL.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202012.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc sustainability united-nations localgroup community fya corona ch", "title": "CWA without Google +++ International development cooperation +++ KDE interview", "teaser": "December Newsletter, read German Corona Warn App published independently extend software freedom, learn public code international development cooperation, enjoy interview Cord-Landwehr KDE REUSE adoption, one Zurich local group receiving DINACon award much more.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – November 2014", "teaser": "Stadt München betreibt mehr 15.000 Arbeitsplatzrechnern Freie \nSoftware dabei \n11.000.000€ gespart. Migration Freie Software \nihre heterogene 51 Standorten 1000 IT-Angestellten 22 \nIT-Abteilungen konsolidiert. Trotz Herausforderungen meisten \nBenutzer Migration zufrieden sagen, dass zurück wechseln \nwollen. geschah Vorgarten Microsofts deutscher \nHauptzentrale.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202106.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Digitale Autonomie immer gefragter in den Niederlanden +++ REUSE Booster +++ Torsten Grote", "teaser": "Digitale öffentliche Dienste Niederlanden immer mehr von\n monopolistischen Firmen abhängig. niederländische Team FSFE fordert\n daher aktiv digitale Rechte. Juni 2021 REUSE Booster Leben\n gerufen, Freie-Software-Projekte rechtlichen Ratschlägen zu\n Urheberrechten unterstützen. interviewen Torsten Grote, ein\n FSFE-Mitglied, Notwendigkeit freien Android-Geräten schon sehr\n früh betont hat.", "type": "page", "date": "2031-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Πληροφορίες για Μεταφραστές", "teaser": "Το FSFE είναι ένας διεθνής οργανισμός. Ο στόχος μας είναι \n να πλησιάσουμε όσους περισσότερους ανθρώπους μπορούμε \n και να τους συμπεριλάβουμε στις δραστηριότητές μας για προβολή, βοήθεια \n και υποστήριξη προς το κίνημα του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. \n Για να το επιτύχουμε αυτό, θέλουμε να διαθέσουμε τα δημοσιευμένα μας \n κείμενα και τον ιστοχώρο μας σε πολλές γλώσσες.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.tr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Çevirmenler için Bilgi - Kelime Listesi", "teaser": "Tutarlı bir dil birliği oluşturmak için aşağıdaki İngilizce terimler için\n sabit çeviri karşılıkları kullanmaya çalışıyoruz:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201106.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2011", "teaser": "would monopolist, uses dominant position one\narea create monopolies areas well? European Commission has\ndecided 2004 Microsoft provide competitors information how\nto connect workgroup server computers running Microsoft Windows. Since\nthe main competitor Microsoft’s workgroup server Free Software Samba\nproject, Commission made clear Microsoft release\ninteroperability information way compatible Free Software\nlicenses like GNU GPL. Commission's 2004 decision require\nMicrosoft publish innovative information, asked simple information\nhow Microsoft computers talk other.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201309.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Σεπτέμβριος 2013", "teaser": "Το F-Droid \nείναι ένα project που προσφέρει εφαρμογές Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού για το Android \nμε ένα σύστημα αποθετηρίου, το οποίο μοιάζει πολύ με τα συστήματα \nπακεταρίσματος των διανομών του GNU/Linux. Αυτό διαφέρει από άλλες αγορές \nεφαρμογών για κινητά, σαν το Google Play, ή το AppStore της Apple, αφού τόσο\nτο λογισμικό από την πλευρά του πελάτη, όσο και του διακομιστή, σέβονται τις \nελευθερίες σας και δεν σας αναγκάζουν να εγγραφείτε σε έναν λογαριασμό για να \nτα χρησιμοποιήσετε. Οι ρυθμίσεις του F-Droid σέβονται την ιδιωτικότητά σας:\nαν και μπορείτε να τις ενεργοποιήσετε, από προεπιλογή δεν δείχνουν προγράμματα\nτα οποία 1) προβάλλουν διαφημίσεις, 2) παρακολουθούν και υποβάλλουν αναφορές \nγια την δραστηριότητά σας, προωθούν 3) μη-ελεύθερα πρόσθετα ή 4) μη-ελεύθερες \nυπηρεσίες δικτύου, ή 5) εξαρτώνται από άλλες μη-ελεύθερες εφαρμογές. \nΑυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο στο FSFE, από την αρχή της εκστρατείας \"Ελευθερώστε το \nAndroid σας\" κατευθύνουμε τον κόσμο στο F-Droid.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.bg.html", "tags": "", "title": "ФСФ Европа — информация за преводачи, словник", "teaser": "Опитваме се да използваме унифицирани преводи на следните английски\n термини за консистентност.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201910.en.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2019", "teaser": "month, focus attention digital restrictions International Day them. end, launched first episode monthly Software Freedom Podcast, time starring Cory Doctorow talking DRM. published yearly report, summing activities past 12 months shining light community build success on. usual, discover upcoming events FSFE, including Annual Community meeting, well recordings information events participated in.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-10-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Mai 2015", "teaser": "Europäische Kommission neue Version \nStrategie internen Gebrauch Freier Software veröffentlicht. \nFSFE Aktualisierungsphase Kommission unterstützt. \nStrategie vorherigen Version Großteil ähnlich. gibt Verbesserungen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201208.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2012", "teaser": "first time, European Parliament (EP) release one of\nits programs Free Software. program question called AT4AM,\nshort \"Automatic Tool Amendments\". Parliament making laws, and\nAT4AM automates lot formalities associated legislative\nprocess.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - Agosto 2009", "teaser": "Agosto tradicionalmente alto nivel actividad\na causa las vacaciones. Algunas cosas sucedieron bajos los tejados FSFE la\nFellowship.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202002.es.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ilovefs", "title": "(pre-)FOSDEM +++ IloveFS +++ Comunidad", "teaser": "Desde nuestro propio evento pre-FOSDEM, apasionante fin semana FOSDEM Día Amo el Software Libre (I Love Free Software Day), febrero estado lleno interesantes noticias para FSFE. Hemos aprovechado estos eventos para presentar nuestro trabajo, así como para ofrecer las otras comunidades europeas oportunidad presentar el suyo. Lee sobre nuestros puestos informativos nuestras presentaciones, sobre el amor los próximos eventos, nuestro boletín febrero.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Octobre 2012", "teaser": "communauté logiciel libre célèbre Journée Mondiale logiciel libre Software Freedom Day (Anglais), lieu tous les ans troisième samedi septembre, différents événements rencontres. groupe soutien de\n Manchester (Anglais) s'est retrouvé tester débattre alternatives Skype. Ils effectué nombreux tests dont \nils publient les résultats.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informação para os tradutores - Glossário", "teaser": "Sempre tentamos traduzir directamente os seguintes termos Ingleses\n para assegurar uma linguagem consistente:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2014", "teaser": "city Munich runs Free Software 15.000 workplace\ncomputers saved over\n11.000.000€ return. migration Free Software, they\nconsolidated heterogeneous 51 places 1000 employees 22\nIT departments. Despite challenges most\nusers happy migration say switch back\n(in German). happened front-yard Microsoft's German\nheadquarters.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201104.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Aprile 2011", "teaser": "stanza letto, scrivania divano. situazione quando\nil sottoscritto (Matthias Kirschner) cominciò lavorare 2004 stagista FSFE\nnel monolocale Georg Greve Amburgo. FSFE cominciato operare\nnel marzo 2001 \nprima organizzazione associata FSF Stati Uniti. allora abbiamo\npercorso lunga strada.\nInnanzitutto, stagisti obbligati seguire lezioni\ndi cucina Georg; ora, invece, proprie scrivanie devono lavorare\nsul divano... secondo luogo, Fellowship favorisce crescita\ndi volontari attività:", "type": "page", "date": "2011-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Απρίλιος 2015", "teaser": "Ο νέος μας Εκτελεστικός\nΔιευθυντής Jonas Öberg έδωσε μια ομιλία στο Libreplanet, και επισκέφθηκε τη Βοστώνη για να γνωρίσει\nτο ΔΣ και το προσωπικό του FSF. Στις αναρτήσεις\nτου ιστολογίου του έγραψε για τη συνάντησή του με τους Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako\nHill, Bradley Kuhn, Henry Poole από το ΔΣ του FSF και το προσωπικό του FSF, καθώς και με τον Εκτελεστικό\nΔιευθυντή του FSF John Sullivan, και συζήτησαν πώς να βελτιώσουν τη συνεργασία και αυτές που εκτιμά ως τις\nδύο κύριες προκλήσεις για το FSFE:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mai 2017", "teaser": "10. 24. April 2017 fand FSFE \n neunte jährliche Wahl Fellowship-Repräsentantin \n statt, Community- Fellowshipmitglieder Mitgliederversammlung \n FSFE vertritt. Mitgliederversammlung besteht Mitgliedern \n FSFE e.V. stellt juristische Person FSFE dar. \n verantwortlich strategische Planung, Finanzplanung, \n Zielsetzung, Entlastung Wahl Vorstands \n Finanzleiters. Gewinner \n diesjährigen Wahl lautet ... Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2009", "teaser": "August traditionally month lower level activity due to\nholidays. Still, lot things happened FSFE's the\nFellowship's roofs.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Информация для переводчиков – ЕФСПО", "teaser": "Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения — международная\nорганизация. Задача фонда состоит в привлечении внимания\nи вовлечении как можно большего количества людей в деятельность\nпо продвижению, защите и поддержке интересов сообщества свободного\nпрограммного обеспечения. Выполнение этой задачи неразрывно связано\nс переводом текстовых материалов на разные языки.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information for Translators - Word List", "teaser": "try use fixed translations following English terms ensure a\n consistent language:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201904.en.html", "tags": "newsletter tech-teams pmpc coc copyright ngi", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2019", "teaser": "month's newsletter highlights presence FSFE's campaign\"Public Money? Public Code!\" German media growing popularity across Europe. find short reminder news around newly voted Copyright Directive, well short summary else happened past month. Get Active section month remind new open call Next Generation Internet project part launched. Additionally find new events attending Web-a-thon organise Frankfurt Main.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201905.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections european-parliament", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mayo 2019", "teaser": "Esta edición boletín noticias presta especial atención las próximas elecciones europeas. También contamos historia colectivo español Pica Pica Hacklab, quienes han conseguido influir el Parlamento Asturias, haciendo uso nuestra campaña \"Public Money? Public Code!\". historia Pica Pica Hacklab lleva hasta las inminentes elecciones europeas, las serán designados los nuevos miembros Parlamento Europeo, por ofrecemos consejos sugerencias sobre cómo proceder para promover activamente el Software Libre entre ellos. Como siempre, también ofreceremos información sobre los próximos eventos los FSFE participará, así como retrospectiva novedades pasado.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201706.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2017", "teaser": "round public consultation last year, 'new' European Interoperability Framework (EIF) finally published March 2017. alignment answers public consultation, general responses citizens businesses demanded Free Software within public e-services, revised EIF includes recommendation public administrations across Europe ensure level playing field Free Software demonstrate active fair consideration using Free Software offering e-services.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informacion për Përkthyesit", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe është një organizëm ndërkombëtar.\n Synimi ynë është të mbërrijmë në më shumë njerëz të mundet\n dhe t’i përfshijmë ata në veprimtaritë tonë për promovimin, ndihmën dhe\n përkrahjen lëvizjes së Software-it të Lirë. Për arritur këtë, \n dëshirojmë që tekstet botuara prej nesh dhe sajti ynë të jenë të përkthyer\n në shumë gjuhë.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201709.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc digital-o-mat savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Septembre 2017", "teaser": "Les services numériques proposés utilisés administrations publiques font\npartie infrastructures vitales nations démocratiques 21ème siècle.\nNéanmoins, cause licences logiciels restrictives, nombreuses entités \npubliques n'ont contrôle total infrastructure numérique. \npublication d'un logiciel financé l'argent public sous licence libre engendre \nnombreux bénéfices les gouvernements société civile, les responsables \npolitiques réticents améliorer législation sujet. temps cela change. \nÀ FSFE, voulons législation exige les logiciels développés \nsecteur public financés l'argent public mis disposition sous \nlicence libre open source. c'est l'argent public, cela doit aussi être \ncode public !", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202104.it.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20", "title": "Pacchetto attività Libertà del Router +++ Fernanda Weiden +++ Saldi di primavera", "teaser": "newsletter aprile, leggi pacchetto attività Libertà Router, dell'intervista l'ex vice presidente Fernanda Weiden, nuovo Software Freedom Podcast Elisa Lindinger, saldi primavera e, solito, varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-04-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201109.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Σεπτέμβριος 2011", "teaser": "Η πρώτη ημέρα σε μία νέα οργάνωση είναι πάντοτε αρκετά εντατική, πολλές\nγνωριμίες με καινούργιο κόσμο, νέες διαδικασίες, πάρα πολλή νέα πληροφορία. Για\nτην καινούργια μας εκπαιδευόμενη Eszter Bako ήταν ακόμη πιο εντατική.\nΠέρασε την πρώτη της ημέρα με το FSFE στο Desktop Summit, περικυκλωμένη από\nσχεδόν 800 ανθρώπους που συζητούσαν για περίεργα πράγματα, όπως το KDE, το\nGnome, την Qt, το GTK, το Plasma, το Git, την QML, το D-Bus, ή για το πώς\n να φτιάξουν μία τοστιέρα. Η κοινότητα του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού μπορεί\n να προκαλέσει στους αρχάριους μία παράξενη εντύπωση.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - qershor 2016", "teaser": "FSFE-ja tok 72 organizma të tjerë, në negociatat në zhvillim sipër\npër udhëzime lidhur sendërtimin Rregullatores së BE-së\ntë sapomiratuar për periudhën 2015/2120, \nnënshkruan\nnjë letër për rregullatorët telekomit në BE, në përkrahje të rregullave të forta për\nasnjanësinë në rrjet. Rregullatorja krijon bazën për një asnjanësi të fortë\nnë rrjet, dhe FSFE-ja, tok organizma të tjerë nga anembanë bota,\ni kërkon Grupit Europian të Rregullatorëve të Komunikimeve Elektronike (BEREC)\ndhe 28 rregullatorëve telekom kombëtarë t’i përkrahin këto rregulla dhe\ntë vendosin udhëzime për asnjanësi të fortë në rrjet në Europë.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2016", "teaser": "year, FSFE celebrated 15th birthday. 15 years empowering users, supporting communities, pushing better legislation. 15 years saw activities, even considered small time, become big work together. 15 years saw activities, even considered impossible time, succeed stand together. Together, even succeeded heaviest lobbying large interest groups. would possible without continuous support community, contributing thousands hours work time backing us financially. frequent reader newsletter, like work yet part community ... consider joining FSFE!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Información para traductores", "teaser": "Fundación Software Libre Europa organización\n internacional. Nuestra meta llegar mayor cantidad\n gente sea posible involucrarla nuestras\n actividades para promover, ayudar apoyar movimiento del\n Software Libre. Para conseguirlo, queremos los textos que\n publicamos nuestra web estén disponibles varios idiomas.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.el.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Οκτώβριος 2010", "teaser": "Σε αυτήν την έκδοση συζητάμε την παραπλανητική\nδιατύπωση «δίκαιοι, εύλογοι και χωρίς διακρίσεις όροι» (\"fair, \nreasonable non-discriminatory terms\", FRAND), εξηγούμε τι\nκάνουμε για τα συγκεντρωτικά υπολογιστικά συστήματα και το\nΦόρουμ Διακυβέρνησης Διαδικτύου (Internet Governance Forum, IGF), \nκαι σας ενημερώνουμε για την τρέχουσα δράση μας για να μπει τέλος\nσε διαφημίσεις μη-ελεύθερου λογισμικού από δημόσιους φορείς.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2015", "teaser": "looking Digital Single Market (DSM) package,\nour president Karsten Gerloff noticed Commissioner Günther\nOettinger neglected publish recent meetings lobbyists. Karsten\nreminded Commission transparency commitment. Meanwhile\nOettinger's Head Cabinet, Michael Hager, explained long-term sickness\nleave cabinet led delay publishing meetings, they\nupdated lists meetings.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201309.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Septembre 2013", "teaser": "F-Droid projet permettant mettre disposition applications libres Android grâce système dépôt similaire plupart systèmes paquets distributions GNU/Linux. différence entre celui-ci les autres fournisseurs d'applications, comme Google Play l'App Store d'Apple, les logiciels côté client côté serveur respectent libertés obligent créer compte l'utiliser. Les paramètres défaut F-Droid prennent soin vie privée : pouvez choisir les changer mais, défaut, F-Droid montre les applications 1) affichent publicité; 2) traquent rapportent activité; encouragent 3) les add-ons libres, 4) les services internet libres, 5) dépendent d'autres applications libres. C'est pourquoi dirigeons les gens vers F-Droid depuis début campagne \"Free Android\"de FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201103.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Μάρτιος 2011", "teaser": "\"Στις 27 Ιανουαρίου το facebook ανέστειλε τη λειτουργία του\nστην Αίγυπτο. Για μια στιγμή σταμάτησαν οι διαμαρτυρίες. Τα μέσα ενημέρωσης\nυποθέτουν ότι αυτό οφείλεται στην επιρροή της εγγονής του Μουμπάρακ που είναι\nτο κορίτσι του Mark Zuckerberg\". Φυσικά αυτό δεν ισχύει. Αλλά με λογισμικό το\nοποίο ελέγχεται από μια εταιρεία, κάτι παρόμοιο μπορεί να συμβεί. Τι θα είχε\nσυμβεί αν ιδιοκτήτης του κοινωνικού δικτύου ήταν μια Αιγυπτιακή εταιρεία;\nΘα ήταν ικανή να αντισταθεί στην κρατική πίεση;", "type": "page", "date": "2011-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201201.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - January 2012", "teaser": "Competition authorities investigating sale 6000 patents from\nNortel, bankrupt telecommunications equipment manufacturer, consortium\nof Apple, Microsoft four companies.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Πληροφορίες για Μεταφραστές - Κατάλογος Λέξεων", "teaser": "Προσπαθούμε να χρησιμοποιούμε σταθερή ορολογία στην μετάφραση των ακόλουθων\n αγγλικών όρων ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η γλωσσική συνέπεια:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201610.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - tetor 2016", "teaser": "disa ndryshimesh në programin praktikantëve të FSFE-së në fillim të shtatorit,\njemi të gëzuar të njofotjmë një vend për\npraktikant teknik\npranë FSFE-së. Kërkojmë një praktikant që mund të punojë për tre muaj\nnë zyrën tonë në Berlin, duke mësuar rreth Software-it të Lirë dhe FSFE-së, teksa\nnë të njëjtën kohë jep ndihmesë në rishkrimin një pjese të infrastrukturës tonë teknike.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.hu.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSF Europe - Fordítói segédlet - Szólista", "teaser": "Az alábbi angol kifejezéseket megpróbáljuk mindig ugyanarra fordítani,\n hogy fordítás nyelvezete egységes legyen:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202107.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "20 Jaren FSFE +++ Finland bereikt Routervrijheid +++ microFSFE", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief juli nodigen onze gemeenschap deel nemen \n viering 20 Jaren FSFE, prijzen Finland veiligstellen \n Routervrijheid kijken Vrije Software-activiteiten \n kinderen. bereiden Duitse verkiezingen nodigen \n helpen Vrije Software-eisen ondersteunen.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Febbraio 2016", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe guardando verso entusiasmante 2016.\nQuesto l’anno celebreremo 15mo compleanno ciò darà\nl’occasione guardare indietro, vedere mostrare supporto\nci portato qui. ogni modo, guardando gestire sfide\nfuture.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informazioni per i traduttori - Glossario", "teaser": "Cerchiamo tenere sempre stessa traduzione seguenti termini inglesi\n assicurare consistenza linguaggio:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202401.it.html", "tags": "newsletter routers pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon ilovefs internship ngi deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "Puntate podcast ++ Wiki Libertà del Router ++ Diventa nostro stagista", "teaser": "iniziando 2024 tanta energia, ricerca prossimo \nstagista grandi novità: due nuove puntate SFP, wiki \ntecnica Libertà Router, l'ebook \"Ada & Zangemann\" \ngratuito francese, vediamo l'ora festeggiare giornata \"Io \namo Software Libero\" prossimo 14 febbraio!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - April 2015", "teaser": "Onze nieuwe Uitvoerend Directeur \nJonas Öberg hield praatje Libreplanet bezocht Boston FSF-bestuursleden \nen staf ontmoeten. blog schreef \nover ontmoetingen Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako Hill, Bradley Kuhn Henry Poole \nvan FSF-bestuur FSF-staf, alswel FSF's Uitvoerend Directeur John Sullivan waarin \nis gediscussieerd samenwerking verbeteren twee belangrijkste uitdagingen \nhij ziet FSFE:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201212.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2012", "teaser": "7th November, several political candidates standing Manchester\nCentral By-election participated \"Manchester\n Digital Debate\", organised UK coordinator Sam Tuke Open\nRights Group (ORG). event part FSFE's \"Ask Candidates\" campaign, which\naims provide opportunity engage (local) politicians digital\nconcerns typically address.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202212.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter compliance gpl yh4f european-union localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Zwakke digitale rechten in EU +++ Schaakmat! +++ 5 redenen waarom", "teaser": "aflevering merken EU-Verklaring inzake digitale rechten \n onduidelijke, dubbelzinnige tekst tendeert. Vrije Software-schaakmachine wint \n juridische strijd. bijdrage softwarevrijheid helpen. JHvV-registratie. Griekse team komt lange tijd weer elkaar.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informatie voor vertalers - Woordenlijst", "teaser": "proberen vaste vertalingen gebruiken volgende Engelse begrippen zeker consistent taalgebruik:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.nn.html", "tags": "", "title": "Contribute - Informasjon for omsetjarar", "teaser": "FSFE internasjonal organisasjon. Målet vårt å nå flest mogleg\n\t\t\tfolk, og taka våre aktivitetar. å klare det ynskjer vi\n\t\t\tå publiserte tekstane våre tilgjengelege på fleire språk og\n\t\t\tmålformer.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201605.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Mei 2016", "teaser": "Europese Commissie heeft, deel digitale interne \nmarktstrategie, communicatie prioriteiten ICT-standaardisatie gepubliceerd \néén cruciale factoren digitale economie. FSFE \nverwelkomt algehele aanpak communicatie voordeel \nopen standaarden grotere rol Vrije Software-gemeenschappen \nin standaardisatieproces.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - december 2015", "teaser": "comités interne markt consumentenbescherming (IMCO) \nindustrie, onderzoek energie (ITRE) Europese Commissie brachten \ngezamenlijk eigen initiatief rapport gebaseerd \ndigitale interne marktstrategie Commissie. FSFE's beleidsteam \nanalyseerde rapport stelde veranderingen zodat standaarden \nzouden ingevoerd open, minimalistisch uitvoerbaar \nVrije Software, controle gebruikers data integreren \nom zeker stellen gezamenlijke open wetenschapscloud uitgevoerd \nmet Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.sv.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information för översättare", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe är internationell organisation.\n har som mål att nå ut till så många människor som möjligt\n och inkludera våra aktiviteter för att främja, hjälpa och stödja\n frimjukvarurörelsen. För att uppnå detta vill göra våra publicerade\n texter och hemsida tillgänglig på flera språk.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – September 2015", "teaser": "Heutzutage nutzen nahezu Onlinedienst \nund stellen Diensten immer mehr Daten Verfügung. Ebenso verlieren \nwir mehr Kontrolle eigenen Daten. FSFE \nOrganisationen unterstützen Veröffentlichung User \nData Manifest 2.0, Grundrechte Nutzer Schutz \nDaten stärken soll. Manifest zufolge müssen Nutzer Zugang \nzu Daten kontrollieren können, müssen wissen, Daten \nOnlinedienst gespeichert müssen Lage sein, Zwang \neinen Anbieter wählen. Manifest guter Start Debatte \nüber Onlinedaten Nutzern FSFE freut \nOrganisationen, Onlinedienste einsetzen, \nfundamentalen Rechte Nutzer schützen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201709.de.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc digital-o-mat savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2017", "teaser": "öffentlichen Verwaltungen angebotenen genutzten digitalen Dienste Teil kritischen Infrastruktur demokratischer Nationen 21. Jahrhunderts. Jedoch viele öffentliche Stellen aufgrund restriktiver Softwarelizenzen vollständige Kontrolle digitale Infrastruktur. Obwohl Veröffentlichung öffentliche Gelder finanzierter Software freien Lizenz viele Vorteile Regierungen Zivilgesellschaft bringt, politische Entscheidungsträger immer zögerlich, Verbesserung rechtlichen Grundlagen Bereich geht. Zeit, ändern. FSFE fordern Europa rechtliche Grundlagen, erfordern, dass öffentlich finanzierte Software, öffentliche Verwaltung entwickelt wurde, Freie-Software- Open-Source-Lizenz öffentlich zugänglich gemacht muss. öffentliche Gelder handelt, Quellcode öffentlich sein!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informatie voor vertalers", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe internationale organisatie. doel zoveel mogelijk mensen bereiken betrekken onze activiteiten Vrije Software-beweging promoten, helpen steunen. bereiken willen onze gepubliceerde teksten onze website verschillende talen beschikbaar maken.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - maart 2016", "teaser": "zesde keer rij vroegen iedereen Valentijnsdag \ndankbaarheid waardering kenbaar maken bijdragen \nVrije Software. Bekijk #ilovefs 2016-rapport zie \naan \ndit jaar erkentelijkheid bewezen via ontelbare blogs, afbeeldingen, \nkunstwerken, memes, persoonlijke notities dergelijke. Vergeet \nom komend jaar 14 februari markeren \"I love Free Software\"-dag \nom gaan aardige traditie erkennen mensen \nen harde werk achter Vrije Software. bedanken deelnemers tijd \nhebben gemaakt 'dank wel' zeggen #ilovefs 2016 zo'n succes \nte maken!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201405.es.html", "tags": "newsletter security dfd ayc", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - mayo 2014", "teaser": "Usted probablemente oído hablar sobre el bug el Software Libre OpenSSL llamado\n\"heartbleed\". La\nFSFE bienvenida iniciativa industria para financiar proyectos críticos Software Libre, el asunto sido discutido diferentes blogs \nplanet: Sam Tuke escribió \nsus impresiones, Hugo Roy compartió comic XKCD explicando \ncomo funciona heartbleed, Martin Gollowitzer escribió qué\nle mostró el bug Heartbleed sobre autoridad certificado \nStartSSL.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-05-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "I love FS +++ 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: Stagiair(e)s", "teaser": "onze Nieuwsbrief februari nodigen wij \n spellenevenement \"I Love Free Software\"-dag 14 februari \n vieren. Luister onze podcast-aflevering Stanislas Dolcini \n spel \"0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant\". FOSDEM net afgesloten \n FSFE erbij! Wij ronden onze viering 20 jaren FSFE af \n interview vroegere stagiair(e)s.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200910.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - octobre 2009", "teaser": "mois d'octobre dense dynamique FSFE tout rentrerait cette lettre. C'est pourquoi invite, après lecture, compléter point vue consultant les nouvelles site :", "type": "page", "date": "2009-11-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201806.en.html", "tags": "newsletter llw coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2018", "teaser": "July 7 9, FSFE run annual community meeting conjunction Libre Software Meeting Strasbourg, France. weekend July 7 + 8, excited run track, set speakers community friends cover several burning topics regarding Free Software. track covers business topics like marketing Free Software funding Free Software projects well policy topics tinkering Brussels success factors Free Software implementations public services well contemporary important issues regarding diversity Free Software, software freedom cloud, many more. find overview topics dedicated wiki page.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201204.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Aprile 2012", "teaser": "\"progetto\" sempre temporaneo, senso stretto termine.\nInvece, alcune persone attive Software Libero usano termine \"progetto\" riferimento ad\niniziative lunga durata. Anch'io facevo, finché Bernhard Reiter convinto\nad utilizzare termini differenti persone, risultati creati, azioni\nconcertate carattere temporaneo. Dopo alcune persone FSFE incoraggiato\nBernhard mettere carta propri pensieri, pubblicato \nun articolo, sostenendo: Adottando concezione estesa termine \"progetto\", le\niniziative Software Libero successo. \"Il Software Libero destinato restare,\npreparatevi situazione.\", scrive Bernhard.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Ordliste - Informasjon for oversettere", "teaser": "forsøker å anvende samme oversettelsene av følgende\n engelskspråklige begrepene å sikre konsekvent språkbruk.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shkurt 2016", "teaser": "2016, Free Software Foundation Europe sheh përpara një vit\nngazëllues. Ky është viti kremtimit të ditëlindjes sonë të 15-të dhe\ndo të japë një mundësi të reflektojmë mbi të shkuarën, për të parë\ndhe t’ju treguar përkrahja juaj pruri deri këtu. Por ndërkohë\nshohim edhe përpara, për t’ua dalë sfidave që presin.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202008.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc open-science limux copyright", "title": "European Consultation +++ 100 days in Munich +++ Open Science Coordinator", "teaser": "August Newsletter, evaluating reasons European Commission avoid using term \"intellectual property\". asked new government Munich progress regarding Free Software, introduce new Open Science Coordinator, Christian Busse. usual, read diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-08-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - februari 2015", "teaser": "Kom 14 februari onze website bekijken, roze vol hartjes \nom vieren makers Vrije Software bestaan. mogelijkheid gebruikt gemaakt \niedere Valentijnsdag sinds 2010 alleen vieren onze geliefden bestaan, toegewijde \nmensen erg hard werken zodat wij mogelijkheid Vrije Software gebruiken.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.sv.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSF Europe - Information för översättare - Ordlista", "teaser": "försöker använda enhetlig översättning för\n följande engelska ord för att få ett konsekvent ordbruk:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202102.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "FSFE20 +++ IloveFS +++ Oferta de empleo", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín febrero, entrevistamos presidente fundador Georg Greve como parte nuestra serie publicaciones para celebrar los 20 años FSFE, proyectamos el \"I love Free Software Day\" participación FOSDEM, anunciamos nueva oferta empleo informamos sobre nuestras actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202110.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021", "teaser": "October Newsletter read Till Jaeger, knows \n\t first-hand takes enforce Free Software licenses. Find \n\t contest launched: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Learn \n\t donations high school yearbook team. Follow \n\t latest activities write dates upcoming \n\t SFScon.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201012.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Décembre 2010", "teaser": "Cette édition penche les évolutions actuelles politiques les Standards Ouverts, donne quelques informations les brevets logiciels, mise jour l'informatique distribuée provenance FSCONS explique comment pouvez soutenir cette fin d'année.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.pl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informacje dla tłumaczy", "teaser": "FSFE jest międzynarodową organizacją. Naszym celem jest \n dotarcie jak największej liczby osób zachęcenie \n włączenia się w nasze działania aby promować, wspierać wspomagać ruch wolnego oprogramowania.\n Aby osiągnąć, chcemy aby nasze artykuły strona internetowa były dostępne w różnych językach.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200912.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2009", "teaser": "Despite temperatures dropping zero Europe the\nChristmas holidays approaching, FSFE kept working usual software\nfreedom. major news December begun to\nrestructure website, added Andreas Tolf Tolfsen webmaster deputy\ncoordinator, published statement EC's settlement with\nMicrosoft browser antitrust case. Read learn about\nwhat December.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.de.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "Das Recht, Freie Software zu installieren +++ 60 Bücher für Bibliotheken +++ Berliner Workshop", "teaser": "März-Newsletter teilen dringend benötigte gute Nachrichten: 60 Kinderbücher über\n Softwarefreiheit wurden öffentliche Bibliotheken gespendet. FSFE fordert Recht, Freie\n Software installieren. erste Upcycling-Android-Workshop findet Berlin statt. Die\n FSFE-Gruppe Aarhus, Dänemark, trifft langer Zeit wieder.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informacione për Përkthyesit - Listë Fjalësh", "teaser": "Përpiqemi të përdorim përkthime fikse për termat vijues anglisht, për \n të siguruar njëtrajtësi brenda gjuhës:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202406.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections legal ada-zangemann fr es nl hr event dma highlights", "title": "Elecciones UE +++ DMA & Apple +++ Herramienta REUSE", "teaser": "esta entrega, explicamos nuestros planes para hacer película historia Ada \n& Zangemann estamos pidiendo apoyo. Lanzada nueva versión \nde REUSE; lee opinión FSFE informada Comisión Europea \nsobre nueva estrategia Apple para cumplir DMA impacto \nsobre el Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202311.it.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f ga reuse fediverse ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "SFSCON 2023 +++ I vincitori di YH4F +++ REUSE va nello spazio", "teaser": "report annuale, Libertà software Europa 2023, stato pubblicato. cerimonia premiazione YH4F, scoperto progetti straordinari ideati vincitori quest’edizione, team andato Bolzano SFSCON felici specifiche REUSE continuando aiutare sviluppatori dell’agenzia aerospaziale tedesca. altre storie newsletter novembre!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201805.en.html", "tags": "newsletter llw rmll rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2018", "teaser": "Following decade long tradition, FSFE led annual Free Software Legal Licensing Workshop (LLW) Barcelona, Spain, meeting point world-leading legal experts debate issues best practices surrounding Free Software licences. year decided bring event back roots emphasise \"Workshop\" part original title. 3-day conference attracted around 120 legal experts came unprecedented amount parallel tracks interactive sessions designed dive contentious topics legal world Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.da.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 Underskriver åbent brev om OS frihed +++ Fair marked app +++ Dine digitale rettigheder", "teaser": "dette nummer: alliance på mere end 45 enheder støtter universel ret til installere hvilken som helst software på enhver enhed. Fri software overvejes medtaget EU's digitale erklæring rettigheder. FSFE's gennemsigtighed appen til offentlige indkøb kommer til Datathon finaler. Italienske FSFE-frivillige forbereder tur.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information - Mai 2015", "teaser": "commision européenne publié nouvelle version stratégie usage interne logiciel libre. FSFE apporté contribution lors phase mise jour bien stratégie reste globalement similaire version initiale, quelques améliorations faites.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.da.html", "tags": "", "title": "Oplysninger til oversættere - Ordliste", "teaser": "prøver anvende samme oversættelser af følgende engelsksprogede \n udtryk, sikre konsekvent sprog.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201703.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - maart 2017", "teaser": "februari kwam nieuws LiMux schok. LiMux, project gemeente München afgerond 2013, geldt mooiste voorbeelden verkoper-neutrale overheid gebaseerd Vrije Software. Tijdens invoeringsfase 15.000 overheids-pc's -laptops gemigreerd Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Février 2015", "teaser": "Venez 14 février voir site Web rose plein cœurs célébrer les créateurs logiciels libres. Depuis 2010, chaque Saint-Valentin, profitons l'occasion dire amour seulement proches, aussi personnes dévouées travaillent très dur s'assurer possibilité d'utiliser logiciels libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201710.en.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2017", "teaser": "currently revising copyright rules proposal Copyright Directive Digital Single Market, may suitable modern digital age. Instead recognising realities different content shared online, current Copyright Directive proposal, particular Article 13 targeted online hosting providers, threatens ability access public code repositories share code online.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201207.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2012", "teaser": "scopo FSFE assicurarsi proprietari sistemi\ninformatici detangano sempre completo controllo stessi.\nQuesto principio fondamentale stato recentemente messo discussione. mantenere crescita sostenuta sviluppo nell'uso software, disponibilità estesa macchine d'impiego generale fondamentale. mese, FSFE pubblicato un'analisi \"Secure Boot\".", "type": "page", "date": "2012-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.fi.html", "tags": "", "title": "tietoja kääntäjille - sanaluettelo", "teaser": "Yritämme käyttää sovittuja käännöksiä seuraaville englanninkielisille \n termeille varmistaaksemme yhtenäisen kielen käytön:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Dhjetor 2014", "teaser": "Komisioni ri Europian po përcakton drejtimin politikave të veta për\npesë vitet ardhshme. FSFE-ja është në kontakte të shpeshta stafin e\nKomisionit, që sheh në Bruksel rreze drite për Software-in Lirë. Duam të\narrijmë përdorim këtë impuls për të nxitur ndryshime në prokurimin \nsoftware-it, standardizimin tij, dhe për zgjedhje të lirë pajisjesh. Për\nkëtë, presidenti ynë, Karsten Gerloff mori pjesë në disa takime.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.es.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Marzo 2018", "teaser": "campaña FSFE \n ¿Dinero Público? !Código Público! solo pedimos el código pagado\n por los ciudadanos esté disponible para los ciudadanos: además, queremos\n destacar buenos ejemplos para otros políticos puedan seguirlos. Un\n buen ejemplo esto el\n \n Artículo 68 el\n \n Artículo 69 «Codice Amministrazione Digitale», ley italiana\n obliga administración pública italiana preferir soluciones informáticas hechas\n por ellos mismos, aquellas basadas Software Libre, por sobre las privativas.\n Además, administración pública tienen el deber compartir el código\n fuente documentación cualquier software desarrollado dinero\n público. Estas leyes colocan Italia vanguardia Europa, una\n legislación favorece el código público.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201007.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter gpl licensing european-commission tech-teams", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Juillet 2010", "teaser": "Cette édition couvre déclaration Neelie Kroes les Standards Ouverts,\n dispute Logiciel Libre lieu Saxe (Allemagne) le\n changement licence WebM devient compatible GPL ; enfin\n demandons rester contact les politiciens les sujets\n Logiciel Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information for Translators", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe international organisation.\n goal reach many people possible\n include activities promote, help support\n Free Software movement. achieve this, make our\n published texts website available several languages.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2016", "teaser": "Jahr feierte FSFE 15. Geburtstag. 15 Jahre \nder Befreiung Anwendern, Unterstützung Communities \nDruckmachen bessere Gesetzgebung. 15 Jahre, sehen, dass \nalle Aktivitäten, mögen klein beginnen, große Wirkung \nzeigen, zusammenarbeiten. 15 Jahre, sehen, dass \nAktivitäten, anfangs unmöglich erschienen, erfolgreich \nsein können, zusammenarbeiten. Zusammen manchmal \nsogar schwersten Geschütze großer Interessensgruppen \nerfolgreich gewesen. 15 Jahre, wissen, dass \nmöglich wäre kontinuierliche Unterstützung unserer \nCommunity, tausenden freiwilligen Stunden finanzieller \nHilfe Erfolg beigetragen hat. regelmäßiger \nLeser Newsletters, Teil unserer Community \n... trete FSFE bei!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shtator 2015", "teaser": "Tashmë përdorim shërbime internet për gjithçka dhe \nu japim atyre gjithnjë më shumë të dhëna tonat. Por ndërkohë humbasim më\nshumë kurrë edhe kontrollin mbi të dhënat tona. Tok organizma të tjera,\nFSFE-ja përkrah\nbotimin Manifestit 2.0 Mbi të Dhënat Përdoruesve cili promovon\ntë drejtat themelore të përdoruesve të kontrollojnë të dhënat tyre, teksa\npërdorin shërbime në internet. Sipas manifestit, përdoruesit duhet të kenë\nkontrollin kush mund t’i përdorë të dhënat tyre, duhet të dinë nëse\ntë dhënat tyre depozitohen nga shërbimet në internet, dhe duhet të kenë\nmundësi të zgjedhin lirisht një platformë, pa qenë të detyruar t’u nënshtrohen\nbllokimeve nga ana tregtuesve. Manifesti është një pikënisje goditur për\ndebatin mbi të drejtat përdoruesve në internet, dhe FSFE-ja pret që\npërpjekjes për shërbime në internet që respektojnë të drejtat themelore\ntë përdoruesve t’i bashkohen edhe organizma të tjera.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juin 2014", "teaser": "faites attention vie privée payez fournisseur mail, gérez propre serveur mail préserver autonomie, conserver contrôle assurer respect vie privée mails. faites parce souhaitez assurer les grandes entreprises n'aient copies tous mails personnels. Malheureusement, cela suffit empêcher certaines entreprises mettre main données. n'est suffisant d'assurer seule sécurité, souhaitiez davantage sûreté. devez d'abord convaincre pairs faire meme : comme Jacob Appelbaum sécurité interdépendante (en anglais).", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201703.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Mars 2017", "teaser": "février, les nouvelles LiMux bouleversé monde.\n LiMux projet ville Munich mis place 2013. Celui-ci plus \n beaux exemples d'une administration publique indépendante fournisseurs grâce Logiciels Libres.\n Pendant mise œuvre 15000 ordinateurs (fixe portable) utilisés l'administration publique migrés vers Logiciel Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informationen für Übersetzer - Wortliste", "teaser": "folgenden englischen Ausdrücke versuchen immer gleich zu\n übersetzen, einheitliche Sprachregelung gewahrt bleibt:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201806.de.html", "tags": "newsletter llw coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter - Juni 2018", "teaser": "7. 9. Juli veranstaltet FSFE jährliches Community-Meeting Verbindung Libre Software Meeting Straßburg, Frankreich. Wochenende 7. + 8. Juli begeistert, Track betreiben, Sprechern Freunden unserer Community aufgebaut wurde, brennende Themen bezüglich Freier Software behandeln. Track umfasst Business-Themen Marketing Freie Software Förderung Freie-Software-Projekten sowie politische Themen Rumbasteln Brüssel Erfolgsfaktoren Einsatz Freier Software öffentliche Dienstleistungen sowie aktuelle, wichtige Themen Bezug Diversität Freier Software, Softwarefreiheit Cloud viele mehr. Überblick Themen findest Wiki-Seite dafür.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.pl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSF Europe - Informacje dla tłumaczy - Lista trudniejszych zwrotów", "teaser": "Staramy się używać ustalonych tłumaczeń następujących angielskich zwrotów\n\t w celu zapewnienia spójności tekstów:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Janvier 2015", "teaser": "Terre complété, fois plus, habituelle révolution. Ici, FSFE, très occupés 2014 travailler les utilisateurs gardent contrôle leurs terminaux Logiciel Libre puisse jour battre armes égales les appels d'offres publics. trouverez plus d'informations, compris petits succès futurs projets, deux questions, aussi autres fronts rapport annuel 2014 rédigé président Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - septiembre 2014", "teaser": "Las libertades expresión, prensa, reunión asociación privacidad condiciones necesarias para Sociedad Libre. faltara ellas, sería difícil mantener las restantes. Como sociedad, importante defender estas libertades, especialmente ante cambios fundamentales como el introducido por ubicuidad los ordenadores. Tales cambios pueden amenazar esos derechos crear necesidad otros nuevos. Así ahora libertad software crucial para distribuir equilibrar el poder sociedad. FSFE está convencida sociedad libre necesita las libertades sólo el Software Libre puede ofrecer. Por eso abogamos por el Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202206.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration interview de education nl sustainability localgroup berlin dk gr ch hamburg-group women-group it", "title": "Municipalidades utilizando Software Libre +++ viaje PMPC por Italia", "teaser": "esta entrega, lee sobre las diez administraciones innovan \n ahorran dinero Software Libre, coalición Holandesa hace \n llamado para conseguir educación justa, cómo posible \n sector telecomunicaciones sostenible Software Libre. Los \n voluntarios organizan viaje por campaña ¿Código Público? \n ¡Dinero Público!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "KI in EU +++ Open brief aan Bondsdag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Meshnet", "teaser": "onze April-nieuwsbrief verwelkomen veelbelovende ontwikkelingen rond \n KI EU. richten onze eis, duidelijk \n budget Vrije Software, Duitse regering. interviewen Plasma Mobile-ontwikkelaar \n Bhushan Shah praten Elektra Wagenrad Mesh-netwerken. feliciteren KDE eco-gecertificeerde software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Oktober 2014", "teaser": "laptops gebundeld Microsoft Windows-licentie \ningewikkeld vermijden daarvoor betalen. \"Windows Belasting\" \nkunstmatig hardware-prijzen verhoogt Vrije Software-gebruikers \ngebruik willen maken besturingssysteem Microsoft. Wij Vrije Software-gebruikers \nwillen ontwikkeling Vrije Software steunen plaats niet-vrije software zoals \nMicrosoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information pour les traducteurs", "teaser": "FSFE organisation internationale. objectif est\n d'atteindre plus personnes possible les intégrer\n activités promouvoir soutenir mouvement Logiciel\n Libre. cela, voulons rendre articles sites Web\n disponibles plusieurs langues.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Νοέμβριος 2015", "teaser": "Στο τέλος Οκτωβρίου, το FSFE\nπαρείχε τις συστάσεις του\nγια τη Στρατηγική της Ενιαίας Ψηφιακής Αγοράς της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής,\nέναν οδικό χάρτη για την Ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική στην ψηφιακή εποχή με στόχο\nτην κατάλυση των κανονιστικών φραγμών ανάμεσα σε 28 διαφορετικές εθνικές\nαγορές. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η Επιτροπή έχει θέσει ως στόχους την ψηφιοποίηση\nτων Ευρωπαϊκών βιομηχανιών, την ανάπτυξη προτύπων για «το νέφος», το\n«Διαδίκτυο των Πραγμάτων» και τα big data, και την περαιτέρω ενίσχυση της\nψηφιακής εκπαίδευσης.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Νοέμβριος 2016", "teaser": "Το FSFE έχει διατηρήσει δύο διαφορετικά brands: \nτο FSFE και το Fellowship. Ενώ αυτή η διάκριση αρχικά είχε νόημα,\nσταδιακά νιώσαμε άβολα με τον τρόπο που δημιουργήθηκε η εντύπωση ότι \nοι Fellows και το FSFE αποτελούν δύο διαφορετικές οντότητες, παρά το γεγονός\nότι δουλεύουμε όλοι και όλες μαζί! Εξαιτίας αυτού, μειώσαμε \nτις δραστηριότητές μας που προωθούν το \"Fellowship\" ως κάτι διαφορετικό \nαπό το FSFE, και πλέον μιλάμε περισσότερο για \"FSFE Groups\" από ότι για \n\"Fellowship Groups\", όσον αφορά τις τοπικές μας ομάδες.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "ЕФСПО – Информация для переводчиков – Список терминов", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - mars 2018", "teaser": "campagne Public\n Money? Public Code! FSFE demandons seulement code\n financé peuple disponible peuple. voulons également mettre\n lumière bon exemples ceux prennent les décisions tire des\n leçons. très bon exemple l' Article\n 68 l' \n Article 69 \"Codice Amministrazione Digitale\", loi\n italienne impose administrations publiques Italie préférer les\n solutions développées interne les solutions utilisant Logiciel Libre\n logiciels propriétaires. plus, administrations devoir de\n partager code source documentation logiciels conçus de\n l'argent publique; lois placent l'Italie l'avant garde législation\n européenne matière code public.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Boletín Informativo de la FSFE - junio 2014", "teaser": "usted preocupa privacidad paga proveedor correo, incluso \ntiene propio servidor correo para mantener autonomía, control, privacidad sobre \ncorreo. Usted hace esto para asegurarse ninguna gran compañía tiene copia\nde todo correo personal. Pero esto previene el otras compañías \nmetan mano sus datos. basta tener cuenta solo nuestra seguridad. busca incrementar seguridad, además, convencer \na sus \"pares\" incrementen suya: Como dice Jacob Appelbaum, seguridad \nes interdependencia.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informationen zu Übersetzungen", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe internationale\n Organisation. Ziel es, möglichst viele Menschen zu\n erreichen Arbeit einzubeziehen. zu\n erreichen, Texte, veröffentlichen, mehreren\n Sprachen verfügbar machen.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.de.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter – November 2010", "teaser": "Ausgabe erläutert, Lobbyismus von\nproprietären Organisationen europäischer Ebene begegnen, auf\nEbene Vereinten Nationen tun, mehr Leute Gefahren von\nSoftware-Patenten informieren, unternehmen, Werbung für\nunfreie Software Webseiten öffentlicher Einrichtungen entfernen,\nund unternehmen können, gegenwärtige Situation zu\nverändern.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Oktober 2015", "teaser": "diesjährigen Mitgliederversammlung Bukarest \nwählte FSFE neue \nFührungsteam nächsten zwei Jahre. Reinhard Müller \nPosten Finanzleiter weiterhin wahrnehmen. Autor Posten \nPräsidenten übernehmen Alessandro Rubini Vizepräsident. Alessandro \nist Elektronik-Ingenieur arbeitet Gerätetreibern eingebetteten Systemen. \nEr ersten Mitglieder FSFE trat kürzlich erneut bei, \nArbeit unterstützen. ehemalige Präsident FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, \nbegrüßte Veränderungen schrieb \nüber Pläne Zukunft Blog.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201807.es.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Boletín - julio 2018", "teaser": "El 5 julio el Parlamento Europeo rechazó el mandato acelerar controversial ley pretendía reformar el derecho autor Internet. total 318 diputados Parlamento Europeo («Member European Parliament», MEP) votaron contra borrador ley había sido corregido por Comisión Asuntos Jurídicos (JURI), mientras otros 278 diputados votaron favor. ley queda ahora abierta para nueva ronda modificaciones antes ser enviada para segunda votación septiembre.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201402.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Φεβρουάριος 2014", "teaser": "Περισσότεροι δημόσιοι οργανισμοί που χρησιμοποιούν Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό σημαίνει περισσότερα χρήματα για την\nανάπτυξη Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού και λιγοτερα προβλήματα για τους πολίτες που χρησιμοποιούν Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\n στις επικοινωνίες τους με τις Αρχές. Τον Ιανουάριο η Ιταλική\n κυβέρνηση κατέστησε το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό προεπιλογή για τις δημόσιες\n υπηρεσίες. Το Ιταλικό Ψηφιακό Πρακτορείο (Italian Digital Agency) εξέδωσε νέους κανόνες που ορίζουν ότι\n όλοι οι κυβερνητικοί οργανισμοί της χώρας πρέπει να λαμβάνουν υπόψη τους το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\n πριν προβούν σε αγορά αδειών χρήσης για ιδιοκτησιακά προγράμματα. Ο κανόνας, ο οποίος ετέθη σε\n συζήτηση επί πάνω από ένα έτος, τώρα πλέον επιβεβαιώθηκε. Ο Carlo Piana, ο οποίος\n συμμετείχε εκπροσωπώντας το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) στην ομάδα εργασίας, έγραψε:\n«Τώρα οι δημόσιοι οργανισμοί δεν έχουν δικαιολογίες να μη συμμορφώνονται με τις κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες.\nΔεν υπάρχουν πια δικαιολογίες, δεν υπάρχει χώρος για αμφίσημες ερμηνείες».", "type": "page", "date": "2014-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200909.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Septembre 2009", "teaser": "journée libération logiciels (Software Freedom Day) l'un évènements principaux communauté Logiciel Libre septembre, c'est évènement manquons jamais : cette année, FSFE particpé Leipzig, Vienne Hambourg l'aide Fellows. c'est encore grâce campagne «Posez candidat question Logiciels Libres !» (Ask candidate Free Software!) lors dernières élections allemandes succès.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201608.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2016", "teaser": "goal \"Free Open Source Security Audit\" (FOSSA) pilot \nproject increase security Free Software used \nEuropean institutions. FSFE following project since \nearly 2014. Recently, European Commission \n\npublished first round deliverables based their\ninterviews stakeholders. FSFE full support \nthis European initiative, implementation project leaves us \nconcerned. FOSSA's first analysis lacks understanding Free \nSoftware; includes several factual errors; based poorly \nconducted general interviews. FSFE President Matthias Kirschner \nFSFE Fellowship \nRepresentative Mirko Böehm, interviewed project,\nhave summarised evident shortcomings recent \nFOSSA publications. However, looking another perspective: FOSSA \nstill first stages help Free Software \nexperts, get FOSSA going right direction. FSFE \ncontinue closely follow FOSSA's upcoming implementations. case \nany comments feedback concerning initiative, please \nhesitate share thoughts us \n\ndiscussion list directly attention Matthias Kirschner. \nThis way, make sure relevant concerns communicated \nto EU.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.fi.html", "tags": "", "title": "Tietoa kääntäjille", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe kansainvälinen järjestö.\n Tavoitteenamme tavoittaa mahdollisimman suuri joukko ihmisiä\n ottaa heidät mukaan edistämään, auttamaan tukemaan vapaiden ohjelmistojen\n liikettä. Jotta tämä olisi mahdollista, haluamme että tekstijulkaisumme\n internet-sivumme olisivat saatavilla useilla kielillä.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201007.de.html", "tags": "newsletter gpl licensing european-commission tech-teams", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2010", "teaser": "Ausgabe berichtet Ausführungen Neelie\n Kroes Offenen Standards, Diskussion Freie Software deutschen\n Bundesland Sachsen, Lizenzänderung WebM Kompatibilität mit\n GPL ruft auf, Politikern Themen im\n Zusammenhang Freier Software Kontakt bleiben.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juli 2015", "teaser": "Terwijl keek pakket Digitale Interne Markt ('Digital Single Market' DSM), \nviel onze voorzitter Karsten Gerloff EU-Commissaris Günther\n Oettinger nagelaten recente ontmoetingen lobbyisten publiceren. herinnerde Karsten \nCommissie transparantiebelofte. Ondertussen verklaarde Michael Hager, hoofd kabinet \nOettinger, langdurige absentie verband ziekte geleid afstel publiceren \nontmoetingen, werkten lijst ontmoetingen bij.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - November 2016", "teaser": "Sinds 2005 beheerde FSFE twee afzonderlijke merken: FSFE onze Fellowship. Hoewel aanvankelijk zinnig was, kregen toenemende mate ongemakkelijk gevoel manier waarop scheiding opleverde tussen Fellows FSFE twee afzonderlijke entiteiten, ondanks feit allemaal samenwerken! Daarom minder activiteiten ondernomen ter promotie \"Fellowship\" zijnde afzonderlijks FSFE spreken \"FSFE Groepen\" plaats \"Fellowshipgroepen\" gaat onze lokale groepen.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - prill 2014", "teaser": "Edhe pse më tepër sipërmarrës dhe politikanë po kuptojnë rëndësinë \nStandardeve të Hapura, njerëzit nuk shohin lidhjen jetën tyre \ntë përditshme. Kjo është arsyeja pse më 26 mars organizuam sërish Ditën Lirisë së Dokumenteve (DLD). \nKëtë vit patëm plot material të ri: fletëpalosje të reja, \nnë gjuhë të ndryshme, shpjegime mbi Standardet Hapura, dhe një\nseri vizatimore ju tregojnë pse të duheshin përdorur Standardet Hapura, që\ntë mos keni probleme kartelat tuaja kur të jeni të moshuar.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201104.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2011", "teaser": "One room bed, desk, sofa. situation when\nyour editor started working intern FSFE Georg Greve's one\nroom appartment Hamburg 2004. FSFE started operations\nin March 2001 first\nsister organisation FSF US. a\nlong way since then.\nFirst all, interns get Georg's mandatory cooking lessons more,\ninstead desks work the\nsofa more. Second, Fellowship leads growth\nof volunteers activities:", "type": "page", "date": "2011-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "Väljendiloend - Info tõlkijatele - Euroopa Vaba Tarkvara Fond", "teaser": "proovime kasutada üht sama tõlget järgnevate ingliskeelsete\n\t\t\tterminite puhul, saavutada ühtne keelekasutus.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Ιούνιος 2009", "teaser": "Ο Ιούνιος ήταν σαφώς ένας συναρπαστικός μήνας. Εκτός από τις\nσυνεχιζόμενες δραστηριότητές μας με συναντήσεις της Κοινότητας, συμμετοχές σε\nεκδηλώσεις όπως η LinuxTag στο Βερολίνο, η περισσότερη από την ενεργητικότητα και\nτην προσοχή μας κατευθύνθηκαν προς τη Γενική Συνέλευση (ΓΣ) που έγινε στα Miraflores\nde Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Februar 2012", "teaser": "Smartphones kleine Computer, ständig herumtragen. Leider meisten\nSmartphones uns, Benutzern, kontrolliert, Herstellern \nBetreibern. Android-Handys nicht-freier Software proprietären Erweiterungen \nverkauft, normalerweise völlig Interesse arbeiten. Software Aktualisierungen \ngibt solange Hersteller kommerzielles Interesse Gerät hat. Programme\nvom öffentlichen Markt normalerweise frei. Niemand darf herausfinden, funktionieren\nund wirklich Handy machen. Manchmal arbeiten einfach genau so, wollen, \nmanchmal beinhalten sogar schädliche Funktionen.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200905.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Mai 2009", "teaser": "mois mai extrêmement actif nous. seulement cause premiers vrais rayons soleil au-dessus toute l'Europe, surtout parce durant tout mois lieu l'élection premier représentant Fellows l'Assemblée Générale FSFE. plus, publié annonce recrutement d'un directeur général, ainsi celles concernant l'équipe département juridique. Enfin, équipe autrichienne accompli tournée réjouissante satisfaisante travers toute l'Autriche, participant semaines Linux «Linuxwochen Eisenstadt».", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Δεκέμβριος 2015", "teaser": "Οι επιτροπές του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου για την \"Εσωτερική Αγορά και την Προστασία του Καταναλωτή\" (IMCO) και για τη \"Βιομηχανία, την Έρευνα και την Ενέργεια\" (ITRE) εξέδωσαν την δική τους κοινή έκθεση για τη Στρατηγική της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την Ενιαία Ψηφιακή Αγορά. Η ομάδα πολιτικής του FSFE ανέλυσε την έκθεσή τους και πρότειναν τροποποιήσεις για την ένταξη ελεύθερων, μινιμαλιστικών και εφαρμόσιμων προτύπων για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό, για την ενσωμάτωση του ελέγχου των χρηστών στα δεδομένα τους και για την εξασφάλιση ότι το ενιαίο cloud ελευθέρων επιστημών θα ερμηνευτεί βάσει Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "Teave tõlkijatele - Euroopa Vaba Tarkvara Fond", "teaser": "Euroopa Vaba Tarkvara Fond rahvusvaheline organisatsioon. \n Meie eesmärgiks jõuda nii paljude inimesteni kui võimalik\n\t\t\tning kaasata neid vaba tarkvara liikumise reklaamimisse, edendamisse\n\t\t\tja toetamisse. Selle saavutamiseks soovime, avaldatud tekstid \n veebilehed oleksid kättesaadavad mitmetes keeltes.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202308.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy IEA fediverse yh4f ada-zangemann workshop event", "title": "CRA & IEA +++ SFP episode +++ Summer Meeting", "teaser": "August issue comes latest updates CRA \nIAE, new episode Software Freedom podcast exploring Software \nFreedom policy, announcement symposium \ndecentralised social networks. YH4F participants -and too- \nwaiting jury feedback projects.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-08-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Información para traductores - Glosario", "teaser": "Intentamos usar traducciones prefijadas los siguientes términos inglés\n\tpara asegurar coherencia redacción:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information - Août 2009", "teaser": "mois d'août traditionnellement moins chargé, compte tenu vacances. Néanmoins, nombreuses choses passées les chaumières FSFE Fellowship.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202008.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc open-science limux copyright", "title": "Consultation Européenne +++ 100 jours à Munich +++ Coordinateur pour la Science Ouverte", "teaser": "lettre d'information mois d'août, interrogeons les raisons lesquelles Commission Européenne devrait éviter d’utiliser terme \"propriété intellectuelle\". aussi interrogé nouveau gouvernement Munich progrès concernant Logiciel Libre, présentons nouveau Coordinateur Science Ouverte, Christian Busse. Comme toujours, trouverez aussi informations les activités diverses communautés.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-08-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Settembre 2014", "teaser": "libertà parola, stampa, assemblea, di\nassociazione privacy precondizioni essenziali Società Libera. una\ndi libertà viene mancare, risulta difficile mantenere altre. quanto\nsocietà, importante difendere libertà, specialmente luce di\ncambiamenti fondamentali introdotti dall'ubiquità computer.\nTali cambiamenti possono minacciare vecchie libertà possono creare necessità di\nistituirne nuove. ora libertà software cruciale \ndistribuire bilanciare potere all'interno società. La\nFSFE convinta società libera necessiti libertà solo \nSoftware Libero può offrire. ragioni difendiamo \nil Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202405.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter llw licensing legal yh4f-project ada-zangemann fr dk berlin event", "title": "JLW 2024 +++ JHvV-interviews +++ Ada in Frankrijk", "teaser": "Mei komt juridisch nieuws zoals Juridische & Licentiewerkgroep Bitcoin-rechtszaak betrekking aansprakelijkheid Vrije Software-ontwikkelaars. spraken twee deelnemers editie-2023 JHvV. Onze lokale groep Denemarken stuurde Open Brief Parlement. gezien Ada &\n\tZangemann prijs Franse e-boek versie beschikbaar is?", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202304.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann public-administration policy AI routers gr hr se women-group", "title": "UE: responsabilità, interoperabilità +++ Parziale Libertà del Router in Grecia", "teaser": "newsletter aprile discutiamo proposte UE riguardano Software Libero: \nl’introduzione regole responsabilità software legge \nsull’Europa interoperabile. Grecia protegge Libertà Router \nesclude fibra.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.bg.html", "tags": "", "title": "ФССЕ - Съдействие - Информация за преводачи", "teaser": "ФССЕ е международна организация. Нашата цел е да достигнем до\n\t\t\tколкото се може повече хора и да ги включим в дейностите ни. За да\n\t\t\tпостигнем това, ние искаме да направим публикациите достъпни на няколко\n\t\t\tезика.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202010.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "35 jaren FSF +++ Deelname aan SFSCon +++ Technische vacature", "teaser": "Lees onze oktober-nieuwsbrief FSF's 35ste verjaardag, onze komende deelname SFSCon, onze technische vacature onze diverse gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201111.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Νοέμβριος 2011", "teaser": "Πόσον καιρό πρέπει να διαρκούν τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα (copyright);\nΤι πρέπει να πατεντάρεται; τα έμβια όντα ή το λογισμικό; \nΟ Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας (WIPO) ασχολείται με τέτοια\nερωτήματα. Από το 2004, παρακολουθούμε στενά τον WIPO για να διασφαλίσουμε\nότι δεν προκαλεί ζημιά στο Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Η σημαντικότερη απαίτηση\nπου προβάλλουμε είναι ότι όταν πρόκειται για το copyright και τις πατέντες,\nτα οφέλη πρέπει να αναλύονται σε σχέση με το κόστος.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201506.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Juin 2015", "teaser": "premier mercredi mai, coalition d'organisations défendant les libertés numériques, dont FSFE, ainsi qu’un grand nombre militants mené \nJournée internationale contre les DRM\n2015 afin sensibiliser les gens sujet verrous numériques, mécanique profondément ancrée destinée faire perdre toute notion propriété population.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202010.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "35 years for the FSF +++ Participation at SFSCon +++ Technical job vacancy", "teaser": "Read October newsletter FSF's thirty-fifth anniversary, our\n upcoming participation SFSCon, technical job vacancy, our\n diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201305.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Maggio 2013", "teaser": "Ogni anno l'ultimo mercoledì Marzo luogo Document Freedom Day (DFD) : giornata mondiale sensibilizzazione Standard Aperti, organizzata FSFE. E' sorprendente vedere anno dopo anno messaggio libertà Standard Aperti continua diffondersi mondo. Quest'anno, stati 59 eventi 30 paesi, molti partecipato prima volta, Nigeria, Indonesia Stati Uniti.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201506.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2015", "teaser": "first Wednesday May, coalition digital liberties\n\t\torganizations, including FSFE, multitude individual activists\n\t\theld the\n\t\tInternational Day DRM 2015\n\t\tto raise awareness digital restrictions management, pervasive\n\t\tand deeply entrenched mechanism designed plunder citizenry of\n\t\tthe concept ownership.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Information pour les Traducteurs - Liste de mots", "teaser": "essayons d'utiliser traduction fixes termes anglais suivants afin conserver cohérence site :", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - maj 2015", "teaser": "Komisioni Europian ka botuar një version të ri të strategjisë\nsë vet mbi përdorimin brendshëm të Software-it të Lirë. FSFE-ja ndihmoi\nKomisionin të dhëna gjatë fazës së përditësimit dhe, teksa strategjia është\nnë përgjithësi ngjashme versionin mëparshëm, ka disa përmirësime.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.en.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Sustainability podcast +++ Job opportunity +++ Partial Router Freedom in Greece", "teaser": "issue share uplifting podcast episode progress \n Upcycling Android campaign. work position \n FSFE staff. Greece secure Router Freedom except fiber \n connections. Community news comes Aarhus, Barcelona, Berlin, \n Hamburg, Vienna, Zurich, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Translators, \n Women.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informasjon for oversettere", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe internasjonal organisasjon. Vårt mål å nå så mange som\n\tmulig og å inkludere våre aktiviteter å promotere, hjelpe og støtte\n bevegelsen fri programvare. å oppnå dette ønsker at\n våre publiserte tekster skal være tilgjengelige på flest mulig språk.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202001.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ccc", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ (pre-) FOSDEM +++ 36C3", "teaser": "2020 alleen nieuw jaar, dageraad nieuw decennium. steeds software aangestuurde geautomatiseerde systemen politieke vertegenwoordiging vrijheid ooit nodig. Lees onze januari-nieuwsbrief waarom Cory Doctorow FSFE financieel steunt waarom moeten doen. Lees onze komende FOSDEM-activiteiten waaronder onze pre-FOSDEM-ontmoeting reflecties onze aanwezigheid Chaos Communication Congress. nieuwe Software Freedom Podcast Harald Welte verslagen onze gemeenschap.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.de.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Juli 2014", "teaser": "Stellen vor, gehen Freunden Café anstelle\nheißer kalter Getränke stehen Speisekarte Informationen\nzur Sicherung digitaler Privatsphäre. „https everywhere“ \nVorspeise, „GnuPG E-Mail-Verschlüsselung“ Hauptgericht „tosdr.org“ \n(Information Nutzungsbedingungen Onlinediensten) Nachspeise. \nSolche Cafés gibt Niederlanden. Beim deutschsprachigen FSFE-Treffen \nin Essen präsentierte Felix Stegerman, stellvertretender Koordinator Niederlande,\nseine Pläne Etablierung weiterer Privatsphären-Cafés erklärte, \nwarum denkt, dass unserer Gegend richtige Zeit \neine gute Gelegenheit Freie Software ist.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202111.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling of software +++ FSFE Translators +++ Router Freedom at risk in Latvia", "teaser": "November Newsletter learn device neutrality \n\t upcycling software essential make (re-)using \n\t hardware resource-efficient. Read key role \n\t translators play FSFE loss Router Freedom \n\t Latvia. Watch new video Free Software core values, \n\t follow community events.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201008.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter openstandards public-administration de rmll", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Août 2010", "teaser": "thème central cette édition les logiciels libres secteur public :\nau niveau national Royaume-Uni, région italienne Bozen, ville Linz Autriche. \nNous introduisons définition moyen mnémotechnique les standards ouverts invitons participer évènements locaux autour logiciels libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juni 2009", "teaser": "Juni boeiende maand geweest. Naast onze vaste\n activiteiten zoals Fellowshipvergaderingen deelnemen aan\n evenementen zoals LinuxTag Berlijn, maand veel\n tijd energie gestoken Algemene Vergadering (AV) die\n plaatvond Miraflores Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201307.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2013", "teaser": "„Um Rechte schützen, müssen daran hindern, \n Rechte verweigern aufzufordern, Rechte \n verzichten. Grunde tragen Verantwortung, \n Kopien Software verbreiten Software verändern: Verantwortung,\n Freiheit respektieren.“ (Vorwort GNU GPL, entnommen \n inoffiziellen Übersetzung.)", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín FSFE - Noviembre 2013", "teaser": "primera vista algunos dispositivos parecen asco, ¿por qué deberíamos comprarlos entonces? Muchas personas rieron cuando el editor este boletín compró Open Moko Neo Freerunner. Podías encontrar dispositivos más baratos CPU más rápida, más memoria RAM, más espacio disco, más bonitos, mejor conexión red, mejor micrófono mejores altavoces.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.ca.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informació per a traductors - Glossari", "teaser": "Aquesta pàgina recull les traduccions d'alguns termes recorrents\n\t el lloc web fsfe.org. suggerir, afegir debatre, escriviu\n\t translators@lists.fsfe.org", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2013", "teaser": "appareils payent mine dont personne première vue voudrait. éditeur exemple essuyé quelques moqueries quand acheté Neo FreeRunner chez Open Moko. moment pouviez trouver appareils moins chers processeur plus rapide, davantage RAM, davantage d’espace stockage, meilleur design, meilleure connectivité, meilleurs microphones haut-parleurs.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - mars 2016", "teaser": "Për të gjashtin vit rresht kërkuam kujtdo që ditën Shën Valentinit\ntë shprehë mirënjohjen dhe vlerësimin tyre ndaj kontribuesve në\nSoftware-in Lirë. Hidhini një sy raportit tonë #ilovefs 2016 dhe shihni kujt shkoi mirënjohja këtë vit, përmes postimesh, fotosh, punësh grafike, memesh,\nshënimesh personale, etj. Mos harroni t’i vini shenjë 14 shkurtit\ntë ardhshëm Dita \"E dua Software-in Lirë\", që të vazhdohet kjo traditë\ne bukur mirënjohjes ndaj njerëzve dhe punës së palodhur të gjithkujt\npas Software-it të Lirë. Falënderojmë krejt pjesëmarrësit që gjetën kohë\ntë thonë \"faleminderit\" dhe që shndërruan #ilovefs 2016 në një sukses\ntë tillë!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200904.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsbrief - april 2009", "teaser": "Weet Vrije Software duurzaam maakt? U! Ja, dankzij uw\n steun wij heel Europa verschillende niveaus de\n Vrije Softwareprincipes beschermen promoten. Dankzij steun\n wij tweede Vrije Softwareworkshop licenties en\n wetgeving organiseren, Oostenrijkse team ons\n vertegenwoordigen verschillende evenementen heel\n Oostenrijk stagiair blijven veroorloven voor\n kantoor Zurich.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-05-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201610.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2016", "teaser": "changes FSFE's internship program early\nSeptember, we're happy able announce opening a\ntechnical intern\nwith FSFE. We're seeking intern work us three months\nin Berlin office, learning Free Software FSFE, at\nthe time contributing rewriting parts technical infrastructure.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - nëntor 2015", "teaser": "Në fund të tetorit, FSFE-ja\nparaqiti rekomandimet veta\npër Strategjinë Komisionit Europian Për Një Treg të Përbashkët Dixhital,\nrruga për një politikë europiane në epokën dixhitale, që synon heqjen\ne pengesave rregullatore 28 tregjeve të ndryshme kombëtare. \nNë veçanti, Komisioni ka caktuar objektiva për dixhitalizimin industrive\neuropiane, për zhvillim standardesh për “renë”, “Internetin Gjërave”, \ndhe big data-n, dhe për zgjerimin dhe thellimin mëtejshëm të arsimit\ndixhital.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informação para os tradutores", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe é uma organização internacional.\n nosso objetivo é contactar maior número pessoas possível\n incluí-las nas nossas atividades para promover, ajudar apoiar\n movimento Software Livre. Para realizar este objetivo, queremos que\n nossa página web os textos publicamos fiquem disponíveis em várias línguas.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201402.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2014", "teaser": "public administrations using Free Software means money the\ndevelopment Free Software less problems citizen using Free Software\n communicating authorities. January Italian\n government made Free Software default choice public\n administrations. Italian Digital Agency issued new rules saying that\n government organisations country must consider using Free Software\n buying licenses proprietary programs. rule, been\n discussed year, reaffirmed. Carlo Piana, who\n participated FSFE's behalf working group, wrote:\n\"Now public administrations excuse comply guidelines.\nThere excuses, room ambiguous interpretations.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2014-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/contribute/translators/translators.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Informazioni per i Traduttori", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe un'organizzazione internazionale.\n obiettivo raggiungere persone possibile\n coinvolgerle attività modo promuovere, aiutare e\n sostenere movimento Software Libero. riuscirci, vogliamo far sì\n pubblicazioni sito disponibili molte lingue.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Coopération globale +++ Travail à distance", "teaser": "diffusion COVID-19, faisons face pandémie globale nécessite nombreux efforts coordonnés demande nouvelles solutions globales, solutions Logiciel Libre les connections distance gestion situation FSFE. Comme toujours, mettons lumière les activités communauté donnons astuces éduvertir tout restant maison. Bonne lecture, restez bonne santé, protégez liberté.", "type": "page", "date": "2030-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202105.it.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20 ngi", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ Intelligenza Artificiale +++ New entry Fani Partsafyllidou", "teaser": "newsletter maggio, leggi viaggiatore tempo Cory Doctorow manda auguri 20 anni FSFE utopico 2041, sviluppi Libertà Router Grecia, Germania Austria, benefici applicazioni IA rilasciate Software Libero e, solito, varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201102.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Février 2011", "teaser": "Les vidéos Internet souvent pénibles les utilisateurs Logiciels Libres. nombreux sites web requièrent plugin non-libre Flash lecture vidéos. amis demandent peut-être aussi pourquoi n'êtes mesure regarder vidéos YouTube depuis navigateur web, prennent fou quand commencez télécharger vidéos youtube-dl. gnash d'autres logiciels capables lire directement vidéos Flash, situation s'est améliorée. Flash encore problème tant les utilisateurs les développeurs Logiciels Libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nieuws", "teaser": "FSFE stelt gebruikers staat diverse activiteiten gebruikers staat stellen technologie controleren biedt concreet engagement voor\n softwarevrijheid. Volg verzeker ervan reguliere updates diepere inzichten onze verscheidene kanalen ontvangen.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast-opus.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Podcast", "teaser": "page placeholder mere technical reasons. Please\n refer page more\n information podcast.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201208.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2012", "teaser": "prima volta, Parlamento Europeo rilasciare propri\nprogrammi Software Libero. programma questione chiamato\nAT4AM, sigla \"Automatic Tool Amendments, strumento automatico per\ngli emendamenti. Parlamento legifera, AT4AM automatizza molte delle\nformalità associate processo legislativo.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202102.it.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "FSFE20 +++ IloveFS +++ Posto di lavoro vacante", "teaser": "newsletter febbraio, intervistiamo presidente fondatore Georg Greve all'interno pubblicazioni festeggiare 20 anni FSFE, riflettiamo giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\" partecipazione FOSDEM, riportiamo nuova offerta lavoro parliamo varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Software Freedom Podcast", "teaser": "aanvulling onze reguliere nieuwsartikelen maandelijkse nieuwsbrief publiceert FSFE regelmatig Software Freedom Podcast.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2014", "teaser": "Imagine take friends café, instead hot cold\nbeverages, menu features information measures ensuring digital\nprivacy. Like \"https everywhere\" starter, \"GnuPG e-mail encryption\" for\nthe main course, \"tosdr.org\" (information terms services) as\ndessert. cafés already exist Netherlands. German speaking\nFSFE meeting Essen, Felix Stegerman, Deputy Coordinator Netherlands,\npresented plans set privacy cafés thinks the\nright time good opportunity Free Software places as\nwell.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201201.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Enero 2012", "teaser": "Las autoridades sobre Competencia están investigando venta 6.000 patentes Nortel, fabricante equipos telecomunicaciones quiebra, consorcio formado por Apple, Microsoft otras cuatro compañías.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201706.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Juin 2017", "teaser": "Après consultation publique l'an dernier, « nouveau » cadre européen d'intéropérabilité \" European Interoperability Framework \" (EIF) [EN] finalement publié mars 2017. continuité réponses consultation publique réponses\n citoyennes d'entreprises demandant plus Logiciel Libre \nles services publics numériques, nouvelle version l'EIF \nrecommande administrations publiques travers l'Europe d'assurer \nune saine compétition Logiciel Libre montrer prise \ncompte honnête active Logiciels Libres lorsqu'elles offrent \nservices ligne.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/archive-template.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "News Archive for :YYYY:", "teaser": "FSFE empowers users control technology diverse activities concrete engagement for\n software freedom. Follow us make sure\n receive regular updates deeper insights various channels.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - prill 2015", "teaser": "Drejtori ynë Ekzekutiv ri,\nJonas Öberg foli në Libreplanet, dhe vizitoi Bostonin për t’u takuar\nme anëtarë drejtues dhe staf të FSF-së. Në postimet\ne veta në blog shkroi rreth takimeve Matthew Garret-in, Benjamin Mako\nHill-in, Bradley Kuhn-in, Henry Poole-in, anëtarë drejtues të FSF-së, të stafit,\nsi dhe Drejtorin Ekzekutiv të FSF-së, John Sullivan, për të diskutuar si\ntë përmirësohet bashkëpunimi, dhe rreth dy sfidave kryesore ndaj FSFE-së, siç\ni sheh ai:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202301.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers be pmpc podcast security privacy encryption gnu reuse interview career ilovefs upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Promising news from Belgium and Dortmund +++ IT Security +++ Job opportunity", "teaser": "January’s Newsletter: Dortmund embraces Free \n Software, Belgium working ensure Router Freedom. \n cryptographer analyzes security. digital health ecosystem \n licenses files REUSE tool. looking office \n coordinator. look forward seeing FOSDEM Love Free \n Software events.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202301.it.html", "tags": "newsletter routers be pmpc podcast security privacy encryption gnu reuse interview career ilovefs upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Novità promettenti da Belgio e Dortmund +++ Sicurezza IT +++ Posto di lavoro", "teaser": "newsletter gennaio: Dortmund abbraccia \n Software Libero, Belgio lavora Libertà Router. \n crittografa analizza sicurezza informatica. ecosistema digitale \n sanitario utilizza REUSE licenze. Cerchiamo coordinatore \n d'ufficio. impazienti vederci FOSDEM giornata \"Io \n amo Software Libero\".", "type": "page", "date": "2023-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201206.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Ιούνιος 2012", "teaser": "Υπάρχουν δύο κύριοι όροι που συνδέονται με λογισμικό\nτο οποίο μπορεί ελεύθερα να χρησιμοποιηθεί, να μελετηθεί, να διαμοιραστεί\nκαι να βελτιωθεί: Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό και Ανοιχτός Κώδικας.\nΜπορείτε επίσης να βρείτε διαφορετικούς συνδυασμούς και μεταφράσεις των\nόρων αυτών όπως FOSS, Libre Software, FLOSS και άλλα. Διαβάζοντας άρθρα\nγια το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό ή ακούγοντας ανθρώπους που ασχολούνται με το\nΕλεύθερο Λογισμικό συχνά ανακύπτει η ερώτηση: Γιατί χρησιμοποιούν τον\nέναν ή τον άλλον όρο και πώς αυτοί οι όροι διαφέρουν μεταξύ τους;", "type": "page", "date": "2012-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202305.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann legal reuse routers lt deviceneutrality education se llw yh4f podcast", "title": "FOSS-North & LLW+++Device Neutrality+++NGI Zero", "teaser": "issue, read project NGI Zero, LLW, \nFOSS-North conference, struggle Lithuanian students avoid \nusing proprietary 2FA. miss new SFP episode Device \nNeutrality; deepen knowledge two interesting articles; enjoy \nthe latest ‘Ada & Zangemann’ readings; discover two YH4F projects.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.sv.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nyhetsarkiv", "teaser": "[ Nyheter ]\n [ Nyhetsbrev ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201203.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Μάρτιος 2012", "teaser": "«7500 νεκροί πέρυσι, 100 ανά ημέρα». Αυτό διάβασε ο εκδότης του ενημερωτικού\nδελτίου στην οθόνη ειδήσεων του μετρό στο Βερολίνο. Συζητώντας με την\nεθελόντρια της DFD Julia\nFuchs τι πάει στραβά -- η ικανότητα ανάγνωσης του εκδότη σας, οι βασικές\nτου γνώσεις στα μαθηματικά ή το πρακτορείο ειδήσεων -- κάτι διαφορετικό\nαναδύθηκε: \nη δράση μας FreeYourAndroid.org!\nΔυστυχώς ο εκδότης άργησε να ετοιμάσει μια σχετική αφίσα. Αλλά καθώς το\nΓερμανικό πρακτορείο DPA κάλυπτε την\nεπίσημη έναρξη της δράσης, \nείχαμε πολύ καλή κάλυψη από τον τύπο, έτσι πολύς κόσμος διάβασε για το πώς\nμπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό στα κινητά τηλέφωνα. Ενώ ο\nδιευθυντής της δράσης Torsten Grote συλλέγει τώρα όλο το ρεπορτάζ, παρακαλούμε\nστείλτε ειδήσεις και άρθρα από ιστολόγια για το #FreeYourAndroid στο press@fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arkiv Lajmesh", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201906.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter huawei google fya", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juni 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand licht Google/Huawei-zaak bredere beeld openbaart uit. word Actief-sectie roepen proactief gebruik Vrije Software promoten. kunt erachter komen gebeurde onze Web-a-thon Frankfurt Main enkele media bekijken onze acties promoten verbeteren bewustzijn Vrije Software breder publiek. kunt lezen gepland nabije toekomst, waar deel kunt uitmaken.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-06-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201405.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter security dfd ayc", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - maj 2014", "teaser": "Ka gjasa të keni dëgjuar për të metën që gjet në OpenSSL-në Software-it\ntë Lirë, të cilës vunë nofkën \"heartbleed\". FSFE-ja \ne ka mirëpritur tashmë nismën palëve të interesuara të industrisë \npërkatëse për financim fondesh për projekte kritike Software-i të Lirë, \ndhe për temën është diskutuar në disa artikuj blogjesh: Sam Tuke shkroi përshtypjet tij, Hugo Roy ndau një karikaturë nga XKCD\nqë shpjegon funksionon heartbleed-i, dhe Martin Gollowitzer-i shkroi rreth se\nçfarë tregoi atij rasti të metës Heartbleed në lidhje autoritete \ndëshmish StartSSL.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201001.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem fellowship gpl gpl openstandards united-nations swpat", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - January 2010", "teaser": "January, FSFE awarded Theodor Heuss Medal \"trendsetting\norganisation\". recognition hard work past years a\ngood start new year.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "Apparaatneutraliteit wordt een realiteit +++ Stockholm +++ FSFE-infrastructuur +++ KI", "teaser": "onze nieuwsbrief januari erkennen wij belang Wet Digitale Markten overwegend positieve ontwikkeling softwarevrijheid. Lees gebrek publieke code Stockholm €100 miljoen kostte. team systeemhackers ontrafelt schuilgaat achter FSFE-infrastructuur. Vincent Lequertier benadrukt KI transparantie nodig heeft. FOSDEM komt eraan.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Αρχειοθήκη Ειδήσεων", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – August 2014", "teaser": "Einstmals gewöhnliche Bürger Republik ziemlich frei, während\n alltäglichen Beschäftigung nachging.\n Arbeit benötigte gelegentlich neue Werkzeuge\n Rat. alte lateinische Sprichwort scientia potentia \n definierte Grenzen Freiheit Grenzen seines\n Wissens. neues Werkzeug benötigte, Wissen \n hatte, herzustellen, wurde abhängig Schlosser \n Werkzeugmacher, Besitz Werkzeugs kommen können.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Zpravodaj FSFE - říjen 2012", "teaser": "Komunita kolem svobodného software celém světě oslavila rozličnými\n akcemi setkáními svobody\n software (DSS), který slaví ročně třetí říjnovou sobotu. Místní manchesterská skupina FSFE\n uskutečnila setkání za účelem pokusů diskusí ohledně alternativ k programu Skype.\n Provedli vyčerpávající testování zde\n jsou výsledky.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.it.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 firme lettera aperta OS libero ++ App mercato equo ++ I tuoi diritti digitali", "teaser": "Un'alleanza 46 enti - aumento - sostiene diritto universale \ninstallare qualsiasi software qualsiasi dispositivo. prevista \nl'inclusione Software Libero Dichiarazione UE Diritti \nDigitali. L'app FSFE trasparenza appalti pubblici va \nalle finali Datathon UE. Volontari italiani preparano tour.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - januari 2015", "teaser": "Aarde opnieuw volledige omwenteling volbracht, waar we\ngewoonlijk rekenen. FSFE heel 2014 bezig \nhard werken gebruikers ervan verzekeren controle houden apparaten \ndat Vrije Software ooit gelijke omstandigheden mag concurreren publieke inkoopbijeenkomsten. \nMeer informatie, zoals mate beperkte succes onze toekomstige vooruitzichten \nbeide onderwerpen onze werkgebieden gevonden \njaarlijkse rapport 2014, geschreven \ndoor onze voorzitter Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201910.es.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - octubre de 2019", "teaser": "Este ponemos nuestra atención las restricciones digitales el día internacional contra ellas. este fin, hemos lanzado el primer episodio «Software Freedom Podcast» (el Podcast para Libertad Software), esta ocasión protagonizado por Cory Doctorow, habla sobre el DRM. Hemos publicado nuestro informe anual, resumiento las actividades los últimos 12 meses destacando comunidad hace posible nuestro éxito. Como habitual, también descubrirás los próximos eventos FSFE, incluyendo nuestra Reunión Anual Comunidad, así como las grabaciones información los eventos los hemos participado.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-10-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE – Newsletter", "teaser": "Zusätzlich regelmäßigen Meldungen\n veröffentlicht FSFE Monat Newsletter, die\n wichtigsten Aktivitäten berichtet wird.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201305.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2013", "teaser": "Every year last wednesday March, Document Freedom Day (DFD) takes place: global day raise awareness Open Standards, organised FSFE. amazing see year year message freedom Open Standards continued spread around world. year, 59 events 30 countries, many first time participants, including Niger, Indonesia United States.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.de.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "KI in der EU +++ Offener Brief an den Bundestag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Meshnet", "teaser": "April-Newsletter begrüßen vielversprechenden\n Entwicklungen Thema KI EU. wenden die\n deutsche Regierung fordern klares Budget Freie\n Software. interviewen Plasma-Mobile-Entwickler Bhushan\n Shah sprechen Elektra Wagenrad Podcast-Episode\n Mesh-Netze. gratulieren KDE weltweit ersten\n öko-zertifizierten Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Februar 2016", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe freut aufregendes Jahr 2016. \nDieses Jahr feiern 15. Geburtstag gibt Chance \nzurückzublicken, anzusehen zeigen, Unterstützung \nso weit gebracht hat. freuen darauf, kommende \nHerausforderungen meistern.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.da.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nyhedsarkiv", "teaser": "[ Nyheder ]\n [ Nyhedsbrev ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201402.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Februar 2014", "teaser": "mehr öffentliche Verwaltungen Freie Software einsetzen, dann\nbedeutet mehr Geld Entwicklung weniger Probleme \nfür Bürger, Freie Software Kommunikation \nBehörden nutzen wollen. Januar \n italienische Regierung Freie Software Standardwahl öffentliche \n Verwaltung gemacht. „Italian Digital Agency“ legte neue Regeln \nfest, besagen, dass Regierungsorganisationen Land zunächst \nin Erwägung ziehen müssen, Freie Software einzusetzen, bevor Lizenzen \nfür proprietäre Programme gekauft werden. Regelung wurde seit \nüber Jahr diskutiert erneut bestätigt worden. Carlo \nPiana, Auftrag FSFE Arbeitsgruppe teilnahm schrieb:\n„Jetzt öffentlichen Verwaltungen Entschuldigung mehr, um\nsich Richtlinien halten. gibt Ausreden mehr \nkeinen Raum zweideutige Interpretationen.“", "type": "page", "date": "2014-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nyhetsarkiv", "teaser": "[ Nyheter ]\n [ Nyhetsbrev ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE – Οκτώβριος 2015", "teaser": "Στη φετινή Γενική Συνέλευση στο Βουκουρέστι, το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) \nεξέλεξε τη νέα ηγετική του ομάδα για τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια. Ο Reinhard Mueller θα συνεχίσει ως Οικονομικός Σύμβουλος, καθώς ο συντάκτης του παρόντος θα αναλάβει ρόλο Προέδρου, με τον Alessandro Rubini ως Αντιπρόεδρο. Ο Alessandro είναι ηλεκτρονικός μηχανικός που δουλεύει πάνω σε προγράμματα οδήγησης συσκευών και ενσωματωμένα συστήματα. Ήταν ένα από τα πρώτα μέλη του FSFE και πρόσφατα ξανάγινε μέλος προκειμένου να υποστηρίξει το έργο μας. Ο τέως Πρόεδρος του FSFE, Karsten Gerloff,\nαποδέχτηκε την αλλαγή και γράφει για τα μελλοντικά του σχέδια.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.en.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2018", "teaser": "FSFE's \n Public Money? Public Code! campaign demand code\n paid people available people. also\n highlight good examples public code decision makers learn\n it. One good example is\n \n Article 68 and\n \n Article 69 \"Codice Amministrazione Digitale\", an\n Italian law requiring public administrations inside Italy prefer\n internally made solutions Free Software solutions proprietary\n ones. addition, administrations duty share source\n code documentation software developed public money.\n laws put Italy forefront European legislation favour of\n public code.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - dhjetor 2016", "teaser": "Këtë vit, FSFE-ja kremtoi ditëlindjen vet të 15-të. 15 vjet fuqizimi\ntë përdoruesve, përkrahje bashkësish dhe përpjekje për legjislacion\nmë të mirë. 15 vjet për të parë krejt veprimtaritë, edhe ato të para\nsi të vockla dikur, mund të kenë peshë kur punojmë së toku. 15 vjet për të parë\nse krejt veprimtaritë, edhe ato të para të pamundshme dikur, mund të dalin me\nsukses kur jemi të bashkuar. Tok, në disa raste patëm sukses edhe kundrejt\nlobimesh nga më të fuqishmit nga grupe të mëdha interesi. 15 vjet për të parë se\nkrejt kjo s’do të kish qenë mundur pa përkrahjen vazhdueshme të anëtarëve të\nbashkësisë sonë, që kanë kontribuar mijëra orë pune nga koha tyre dhe na\nkanë mbështetur edhe financiarisht. Dhe nëse jeni lexues zakonshëm buletinit\ntonë, ju pëlqen puna jonë, por ende s’jeni pjesë bashkësisë sonë … atëherë\nshihni mundësinë të bëheni pjesë FSFE-së!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201711.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse ga fla", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - november 2017", "teaser": "FSFE's Fiduciaire Licentie-overeenkomst (FLA) geïntroduceerd 2002 uitdaging beheer rechten inhoud binnen Vrije Software-project langere perioden gaan. FLA goed gebalanceerde overeenkomst bijdragers geeft gevolmachtigde verantwoordelijkheid rechten binnen Vrije Software-project beheren macht verantwoordelijkheid zeker stellen bijgedragen software vrij open blijven. manier project, samen betreffende bijdragers, beschermd iedere vorm misbruik mogelijk nieuwe auteursrechthouder.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arquivo de notícias", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - agosto 2015", "teaser": "principios mes, FSFE respondió “Consulta sobre \nel respeto propiedad intelectual los procedimientos contratación pública”,\niniciado por Comisión Europea. Según Comisión el propósito\ninicial consulta “reunir pruebas, opiniones comentarios\nsobre el respeto propiedad intelectual los secretos comerciales en\nlos procedimientos contratación pública”, evaluar existe, respecto, la\nnecesidad guía pública para las autoridades.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.ca.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arxiu de notícies", "teaser": "[ Notícies ]\n [ Butlletins ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201106.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Giugno 2011", "teaser": "Cosa monopolista, usa posizione dominante una\narea specifica creare monopoli altre aree? Commissione Europea\nha deciso 2004 Microsoft deve fornire concorrenti informazioni\nnecessarie connettere server workgroup computer gira Microsoft\nWindows. momento maggiore competitore server workgroup Microsoft\nè progetto Software Libero Samba, Commissione messo chiaro che\nMicrosoft deve rilasciare informazioni interoperabilità maniera che\nsia compatibile licenze Software Libero GNU GPL. decisione\npresa Commissione 2004 richiesto Microsoft pubblicare\ninformazioni innovative, chiesto semplici informazioni computer \nMicrosoft comunicano l'un l'altro.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Archivo de Noticias", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200904.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2009", "teaser": "know one thing makes Free Software sustainable? You! Yes, it\nis support allows us operate across whole Europe at\ndifferent levels promote defend Free Software principles.\nAmongst things, donations made possible planning and\ncoordination Second European Licensing Legal Workshop. They\nallowed Austrian team participate many public events across\nthe whole Austria continue intern Zurich office.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-05-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.en.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2018", "teaser": "\"Funds citizens invested systems reused open local ecosystem\" says Francesca Bria, Commissioner Digital Technology Innovation Barcelona. driving force behind City's Digital Transformation Plan, - among things - aims establish use Free Software open data city's administration.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - maart 2018", "teaser": "FSFE's \n Publiek Geld? Publieke Code! campagne eisen alleen code volk betaald beschikbaar volk. willen goede voorbeelden uitlichten zodat beleidsmakers ervan leren. Twee erg goede voorbeelden \n \n artikel 68 en\n \n artikel 69 \"Codice Amministrazione Digitale\", Italiaanse wet overheden binnen Italië vereist voorkeur geven intern gemaakte oplossingen Vrije Software-oplossingen boven propriëtaire oplossingen. Daarbij komt overheden plicht broncode documentatie welk ontwikkelde software betaald publiek geld delen. wetten plaatsen Italië front Europese wetgeving ten gunste publieke code.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.cs.html", "tags": "", "title": "Archiv novinek", "teaser": "[ Novinky ]\n [ Zpravodaj ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201907.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter community legal", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - juillet 2019", "teaser": "lettre d'information mois, portons attention particulière nouvelle page Témoignages ainsi qu'au résumé fraîchement préparé l'Atelier Licence Législation annuel lieu Barcelone. Plus bas, découvrirez les évènements venir accueillons auxquels participons, ainsi quelques détails visuels façon les endroits où promu étendu l'usage Logiciel Libre travers l'Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-07-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2017", "teaser": "10 24 April 2017 FSFE ran ninth annual vote Fellowship representative represent FSFE's community Fellowship FSFE's General Assembly. General Assembly consists members FSFE e.V. FSFE's legal body. responsible strategic planning, budgeting, agenda-setting, exonerating, electing recalling Executive Council Financial Officer. winner year's election ... Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.hu.html", "tags": "", "title": "Hírarchívum", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201702.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2017", "teaser": "\"Open Science\" emerging movement asks \ntransfer four freedoms practice Free Software science. \nAlthough still emerging, Open Science receives strategic \nimportance decision-makers. eyes financial ministers \nEuropean Union, Open Science produces uses lot Open Data, \nin turn potential big economic benefits. \"European Cloud \nInitiative\", example, part European Commission's strategy \nfor Open Science, intended building \"competitive data \nand knowledge economy Europe\". aims strengthening Europe's \nposition data-driven innovation thus considered become \nimportant part European Digital Single Market. Or, Organisation \nfor Economic Co-operation Development puts it: \"Encouraging \nsharing re-use research data could generate value public money\".", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201306.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2013", "teaser": "Free Software programmer wants unfortunately still granted: software patents. monopolise ideas software, programmers cannot use them. April German Parliament (the 'Bundestag') introduced joint motion software patents. urges German government take steps limit granting patents computer programs. first hearing Parliament, editor invited external expert legal committee meeting May 13th.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201006.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter european-commission openstandards eif openstandards google", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE – Juin 2010", "teaser": "mois mai bien rempli, première fois participé grand évènement organisé église informer les visiteurs propos Logiciel Libre. analysé l'Agenda numérique Commission Européenne nouveau les formats vidéo libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202002.it.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ilovefs", "title": "(pre-)FOSDEM +++ IloveFS +++ Comunità", "teaser": "partire evento pre-FOSDEM, passando dall'emozionante weekend FOSDEM, arrivare giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\", febbraio stato mese pieno entusiasmanti novità FSFE. Durante occasioni, presentato lavoro, dato l'opportunità comunità provenienti dall'Europa presentare loro. Leggi newsletter febbraio cosa fatto stand presentazioni, leggi dell'amore prossimi eventi.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201911.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast pmpc drm", "title": "FSFE nieuwsbrief - november 2019", "teaser": "maand presenteren onze Portugese vrienden ANSOL succesverhaal oplossen problemen DRM land creëert geven tips soortgelijke acties kunt ondernemen land waar woont. Aflevering 2 FSFE's Software Freedom Podcast verschenen wij wijden KDE-gemeenschap transformaties updates momenteel uitvoeren. kunt aankomende evenementen interessante verhalen ontdekken beelden evenementen waar onze gemeenschap Vrije Software heel Europa heen gepromoot. bieden voorproefje officiële rapport FSFE jaarlijkse gemeenschapsbijeenkomst jaar Bolzano (Italië). Word Actief- sectie vragen hulp nieuwe \"Publieke Geld? Publieke Code!\"-initiatief. gemeenten openbare lichamen nodig principes omarmen deel maken ondertekenaars.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-11-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201302.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shkurt 2013", "teaser": "Software-in duam një mjet në ndihmë të shoqërisë. Patentat\ne software-it përbëjnë një kërcënim ndaj kësaj, ngaqë, duke dhënë\ntë zotit të patentave fuqi ligjore t’u ndalojë krejtësisht zhvilluesve\ntë software-it përdorimin ideve të patentuara, shtojnë zhvillimit\ndhe shpërndarjes së software-it rreziqe ligjore dhe financiare.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettres d'information", "teaser": "complément communiqués presse réguliers, FSFE publie chaque mois lettre d'information résume activités.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "News", "teaser": "FSFE empowers users control technology diverse activities concrete engagement for\n software freedom. Follow us make sure\n receive regular updates deeper insights various channels.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202307.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy IEA pmpc yh4f", "title": "Interoperables Europa +++ Cyber Resilience Act +++ AI Act", "teaser": "Juli somit Newsletter! Ausgabe \nhaben Updates neuesten Stand Interoperable Europe Act,\nzum Cyber Resilience Act Artificial Intelligence Act. Wettbewerb\nYH4F gerade Ende gegangen.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2017", "teaser": "kernprincipes Vrije Software-gemeenschap behoren delen kennis verbeteren samenwerking. FSFE daarom blij platform bieden waar supporters geregistreerde leden via comfortabele web-interface Git-bronnen (\"repositories\") creëren beheren: git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202112.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling Android ++ Major step for Device Neutrality ++ Nico Rikken + Ada + Job", "teaser": "December Newsletter talk Upcycling Android, \n initiative overcome software obsolescence Free Software. \n voting Digital Markets Act, major step \n device neutrality. Germany aims adopt PMPC! interview Nico \n Rikken 20 Years FSFE. Meet Ada, character children's \n book. Spot job opportunity.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Δεκέμβριος 2016", "teaser": "Αυτή τη χρονιά, το FSFE γιόρτασε τα 15α γενέθλιά του. 15 χρόνια ενδυνάμωσης \nτων χρηστών, υποστήριξης των κοινοτήτων και άσκησης πίεσης για καλύτερη \nνομοθεσία. 15 χρόνια στα οποία συνειδητοποιήσαμε ότι όλες οι δράσεις, ακόμη\nκι αν αρχικά είναι μικρής έκτασης, μπορούν να γίνουν μεγάλες, όταν δουλεύουμε\nόλοι και όλες μαζι! Μαζί, πολλές φορές τα καταφέραμε ακόμη και ενάντια στην \nισχυρή πίεση που άσκησαν μεγάλες ομάδες συμφερόντων. 15 χρόνια δράσεων, καμία\nαπό τις οποίες δεν θα ήταν δυνατή, χωρίς τη συνεχή υποστήριξη της κοινότητάς μας, \nτα μέλη της οποίας αφιέρωσαν εκατοντάδες ώρες εργασίας ή συνείσφεραν \nοικονομικά. Αν διαβάζετε συχνά το newsletter μας και σας αρέσει το έργο μας, \nαλλά δεν είστε ακόμη μέλος της κοινότητάς μας, τότε σκεφτείτε να γίνετε\nτώρα μέλος του FSFE!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201209.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2012", "teaser": "people start using mobile phones Android. in\norder full control phone, install another\nAndroid firmware them. make phone liberation easy started Free Android campaign.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202212.en.html", "tags": "newsletter compliance gpl yh4f european-union localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Weak EU Digital Rights +++ Checkmate! +++ 5 reasons why", "teaser": "issue note shift Digital Rights Declaration \n unclear, ambiguous text. Free Software chess engine wins \n legal battle. contribution help software freedom. YH4F \n registration. Greek team meets long time.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Notizie", "teaser": "FSFE dà utenti mezzi controllare tecnologia tramite proprie diverse attività concreto coinvolgimento libertà software. Seguici assicurati di\n\tricevere aggiornamenti periodici approfondimenti vari canali.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.ro.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletinul de știri al FSFE – ianuarie 2014", "teaser": "Mulți hăcuitori (inclusiv noi, bineînțeles!) s-au bucurat diversele\n\t\tfestivități avut loc în apropierea solstițiului iarnă. Dar, vai!\n\t\tnu mai este timp să rămânem cadourile Crăciun și să bucurăm \n\t\tvacanța în familie – zilele Crăciun trecut, anul s-a reînnoit și \n\t\tlupta pentru libertate din nou solicită atenția. Deci, este oportun\n\t\tsă începem cu scurt rezumat lucrurilor pe care 2014 pregătite\n\t\tpentru în următoarele câteva luni.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202009.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "\"Un posto per il codice pubblico\" +++ Supporto FSFE +++ Posto di lavoro vacante", "teaser": "Leggi newsletter settembre forte alleanza formata amministrazioni, politici, organizzazioni commerciali società civile chiedono \"Un posto codice pubblico\", bando supporto FSFE progetto locale, posto lavoro vacante, varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Software Freedom Podcast", "teaser": "addition regular news stories monthly newsletter, FSFE regularly\n publishes Software Freedom Podcast.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Wereldwijde samenwerking +++ Werken op afstand", "teaser": "verspreiding COVID-19 geconfronteerd wereldwijde pandemie gecoördineerde inspanningen vergt nieuwe wereldwijde oplossingen vraagt. Onze buitengewone nieuwsbrief concentreert softwarevrijheid wereldwijde oplossingen, Vrije Software-oplossingen verbindingen afstand manier waarop FSFE hele situatie omgaat. Zoals gewoonlijk leggen nadruk onze gemeenschappelijke activiteiten geven tips kunt uzelf edutainen terwijl thuisblijft. Geniet lezen, blijf gezond bescherm vrijheid.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Μάρτιος 2015", "teaser": "Πιστεύουμε ότι τα ιδιοκτησιακά πρότυπα και τα διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας (πατέντες) λογισμικού είναι εμπόδια για την\nυιοθέτηση Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Για να ξεφορτωθούμε αυτά τα εμπόδια πρέπει, επίσης, να βοηθήσουμε\nκαι τις δημόσιες υπηρεσίες να το κατανοήσουν αυτό. Για τον λόγο αυτό, τον τελευταίο μήνα, απαντήσαμε σε\nμια διαβούλευση για την αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ Προτύπων και διπλωμάτων ευρεσιτεχνίας που οργάνωσε η Γενική Διεύθυνση της\nΕυρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την Εσωτερική Αγορά, τη Βιομηχανία,\nτην Επιχειρηματικότητα και τις Μικρο-Μεσαίες Επιχειρήσεις.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201108.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2011", "teaser": "\"If people understand computing related to\n freedom, it’s nobody explained properly\" (Bernhard\n Reiter)", "type": "page", "date": "2011-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201905.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections european-parliament", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2019", "teaser": "newsletter edition gives special attention upcoming Elections. telling story Spanish Pica Pica Hacklab successfully used \"Public Money? Public Code!\" campaign influence Parliament Asturias. Pica Pica's story takes us upcoming Elections bring new MEPs European Parliament provide advice tips get active promoting Free Software them. always, read events FSFE going part month, well retrospective happened past month.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "IA na UE +++ Carta aberta ao Parlamento Alemão +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Redes mesh", "teaser": "boletim abril, celebrámos avanços promissores IA UE. \nPedimos ao Governo Alemão orçamento dedicado ao Software Livre. Num \nepisódio podcast entrevistámos desenvolvedor Plasma \nMobile, Bhushan Shah falámos com Elektra Wagenrad, sobre Redes mesh. \nFelicitamos KDE pelo primeiro software mundo receber cetificação \necológica.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Newsletter", "teaser": "Oltre fornire notizie, ogni\n mese FSFE pubblica newsletter riassume principali\n attività svolte interesse dell'associazione.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201307.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juillet 2013", "teaser": "\"Pour protéger droits, devons empêcher d'autres les refusent l'on demande les abandonner. C'est cette raison lorsque distribuez copies logiciel libres lorsque les modifiez certaine responsabilité : responsabilité respecter les libertés autres.\" (Préambule GNU GPL)", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Σεπτέμβριος 2014", "teaser": "Η ελευθερία του λόγου, η ελευθερία του τύπου, η ελευθερία της συνάθροισης ανθρώπων, η ελευθερία\nτου συνεταιρίζεσθαι και της σύστασης συλλόγων, καθώς και η ιδιωτικότητα, αποτελούν προϋποθέσεις για μια Ελεύθερη Κοινωνία.\nΑν μια από αυτές τις ελευθερίες λείπει, τότε είναι δύσκολη η διατήρηση και των υπολοίπων. Ως κοινωνία,\nείναι σημαντικό να υπερασπισθούμε αυτές τις ελευθερίες, ειδικά υπό το φως των ριζικών αλλαγών\nόπως, για παράδειγμα, της εισαγωγής των υπολογιστών παντού.\nΑυτές οι αλλαγές μπορούν να απειλήσον τις παλιές ελευθερίες, αλλά μπορεί και να δημιουργήσουν ανάγκη για νέες.\nΆρα, η ελευθερία του λογισμικού είναι τώρα κομβικής σημασίας για τη διανομή και την ισορροπία ισχύος στην κοινωνία.\nΤο Ευρωπαίκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογιμσικού (FSFE) είναι πεπεισμένο ότι μια ελεύθερη κοινωνία χρειάζεται τις ελευθερίες που μόνο το\nΕλεύθερο Λογισμικό μπορεί να προσφέρει. Και γι' αυτό υπερασπιζόμαστε το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Οκτώβριος 2012", "teaser": "Η κοινότητα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού γιόρτασε την παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Λογισμικού, που\nδιοργανώνεται κάθε χρόνο το τρίτο Σάββατο του Σεπτεμβρίου, με ποικίλες\nεκδηλώσεις και συναντήσεις. Η τοπική ομάδα της Κοινότητας\nτου Μάντσεστερ συναντήθηκε για να δοκιμάσει και να συζητήσει τις\nεναλλακτικές εφαρμογές που υπάρχουν για το Skype. Μετά από εκτεταμένες δοκιμές\nδημοσίευσαν τα αποτελέσματα.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE et-ee - Uudised", "teaser": "[ News ]\n [ Uudisteleht ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nieuwsbrieven", "teaser": "aanvulling onze reguliere nieuwsverhalen publiceert FSFE iedere maand nieuwsbrief waarin belangrijkste activiteiten samengevat.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202404.it.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem elections zooom deviceneutrality policy european-parliament event", "title": "DMA e Device Neutrality +++ voto di CRA & PLD +++ Attivati per le elezioni in UE", "teaser": "mese scorso entrato vigore \nDigital Markets Act lanciato sito web \nneutralità dispositivi, parlamento UE votato CRA PLD, \npubblicato guida attività legate prossime elezioni UE. \nGuarda video devroom FOSDEM!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201909.de.html", "tags": "newsletter community reuse pmpc ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2019", "teaser": "Newsletter richten Aufmerksamkeit einen\n Aufsatz Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri Einfluss, Freie\n Software freien Wettbewerb hat. nehmen die\n Gelegenheit wahr, Fortschritte Projekt REUSE zu\n berichten, Umgang Urheberrecht Lizenzierung für\n Entwickler vereinfachen. unten außerdem die\n nächsten Veranstaltungen Informationen jährlichen\n Community-Treffen FSFE finden. gibt Fotos und\n Videos Veranstaltungen, denen freiwilligen Helfer und\n Freie Software Europa beworben haben. Schließlich empfehlen\n Artikel FSFE-Planet, nützlich finden\n könnten.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Nachrichten", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201109.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2011", "teaser": "first day new organisation always quite intensive, many new\npeople, procedures, much information. new intern Eszter Bako even more\nintense. spent first day FSFE Desktop Summit, surrounded nearly 800\npeople talking strange things KDE, Gnome, Qt, GTK, Plasma, Git, QML,\nD-Bus, how\n build toaster. beginners Free Software community give a\nstrange impression.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200904.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Απρίλιος 2009", "teaser": "Γνωρίζετε ποιοι κάνουν το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό βιώσιμο; \nΕσείς! Ναι, είναι η υποστήριξή σας που μας επιτρέπει να λειτουργούμε σε όλην\nτην Ευρώπη και σε διαφορετικά επίπεδα για να προβάλλουμε και να υπερασπίσουμε\nτις αρχές του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Μεταξύ άλλων, οι δωρεές σας έκαναν εφικτό\nτο σχεδιασμό και το συντονισμό του Δεύτερου Ευρωπαϊκού Τεχνικού Συνεδρίου\nΑδειοδότησης και Νομικών Θεμάτων. Επέτρεψαν στην Αυστριακή ομάδα να συμμετάσχει \nσε πολλές δημόσιες εκδηλώσεις σε όλην την Αυστρία και να διατηρήσει την απασχόληση\nενός βοηθού στο γραφείο μας στη Ζυρίχη.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-05-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201009.de.html", "tags": "newsletter education sfd cloud", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2010", "teaser": "Ausgabe berichten Freie Software im\nBildungsbereich, Freier Software basierende verteilte Lösungskonzepte\nals Alternative zentralisierten Diensten, Möglichkeiten feiern,\nwas -- Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft -- bereits erreicht haben, und\ndarüber, Fußball-Europameisterschaft teilnehmen können, sogar\nwenn gar Fußball interessieren.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2016", "teaser": "6th time row asked everyone express gratitude \nand appreciation towards Free Software contributors Valentine's Day. \nCheck #ilovefs 2016 report see got acknowledged \nthis year countless blog posts, pictures, artwork, memes, personal \nnotes many more. forget mark next year's 14 February \n\"I love Free Software\" Day continue nice tradition acknowledging \nthe people hard work everyone behind Free Software. thank \nparticipants found time say \"thank you\" making #ilovefs \n2016 success!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Archive des nouvelles", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130625-02.el.html", "tags": "procurement european-union", "title": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή λέει στους Δημόσιους φορείς να απελευθερωθούν από το κλείδωμα (lock-in)", "teaser": "Σε μια Ανακοίνωση που δημοσιεύθηκε σήμερα, η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή παροτρύνει τους δημόσιους φορείς να απελευθερωθούν από το κλείδωμα σε έναν προμηθευτή για τα συστήματα πληροφορικής τους. Η Επιτροπή θέλει τους δημόσιους οργανισμούς να στηρίζονται πάνω σε πρότυπα, όταν αγοράζουν λογισμικό, παρά πάνω σε εμπορικά ονόματα προϊόντων (brand names) και σε ιδιοκτησιακή τεχνολογία.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202407.es.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality reuse european=union ada-zangemann european-commission es zooom it event dma yh4f education highlights", "title": "DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, Infraestructura de la UE & más", "teaser": "¡El número julio viene cargado noticias!. Seguimos vigilando \nplanteando nuestra preocupación por el cumplimiento DMA. Pedimos \nla UE utilice Software Libre infraestructura digital os \npreguntamos por vuestras experiencias el openwashing. también \ntraemos novedades sobre REUSE, YH4F, Ada & Zangemann ....", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202109.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Vraag naar transparante CovPass-apps in EU +++ Nederlanders krijgen Routervrijheid", "teaser": "onze nieuwsbrief augustus september vieren verkregen recht gebruik eigen router Nederland. leggen waarom elke app verspreiding Covid-19 aanpakt Vrije Software zijn. delen nieuws onze levendige gemeenschap, volgen zomer gebeurd ligt.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201902.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs pmpc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2019", "teaser": "month's Newsletter introducing new expert policy brochure \"Public Money? Public Code\" reflecting importance source code availability trust security critical IT-infrastructure. always Newsletter gives overview talks given booths set-up community well short summary done - month including FOSDEM, 35C3, FOSS4SMEs Next Generation Internet. \"get active\" item, month encourage participate IloveFS-campaign.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201007.es.html", "tags": "newsletter gpl licensing european-commission tech-teams", "title": "Boletín de noticias la FSFE – Julio 2010", "teaser": "presente edición cubre declaración Neelie Kroes sobre los estándares abiertos, disputa cerca Software Libre Sajonia (Alemania) el cambio licencia WebM vuelve compatible GPL  ; por fin, les pedimos queden contacto los políticos sobre los tópicos Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130923-01.en.html", "tags": "privacy united-nations privacy policy", "title": "FSFE backs 13 principles against surveillance", "teaser": "coalition 265 organisations launched list 13 International Principles Application Human Rights Communication Surveillance. groups officially presented list principles Friday last week 24th session United Nations Human Rights Council Geneva.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2013", "teaser": "Jahr 2005 begonnen, Kryptographie-Karten Leute vergeben, gespendet Fellows FSFE wurden. denken, dass wichtig ist, Menschen Freie Programme erinnern, denen Kommunikation verschlüsseln können. Daneben seit Gründung FSFE Jahre 2001 Leuten erklärt, dass 40 Ziffern Visitenkarten Verschlüsselung gehören warum wichtig sind. Acht Jahre später schlug Thema Verschlüsselung Medien Zeitung ganz Europa thematisiert. gut schlecht zugleich: Moment kämpfen Problem, dass Medieninteresse hoch ist, trotzdem mehr Ressourcen haben, darum kümmern. gerne mehr Thema arbeiten, aufhören, Langzeitaufgaben arbeiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201909.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter community reuse pmpc ccc", "title": "Lettre d’information de la FSFE, Septembre 2019", "teaser": "mois-ci, allons concentrer l‘impact Logiciel Libre concurrence, article écrit expert invité, professeur docteur Simon Schlauri. profitons aussi l’occasion annoncer les progrès impressionnants réalisé projet REUSE rendre droit d’auteur les accords licence plus faciles. Plus bas, pouvez découvrir les évènements venir informations propos Comité Annuel FSFE, ainsi quelques photos vidéos évènements lors desquels communauté fait promotion Logiciel Libre travers l’Europe. proposons enfin quelques recommandations d’articles pouvant être intéressants.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.ro.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arhiva ştirilor", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131213-01.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Ende 160 mijë euro për 2014-n", "teaser": "lexues sajtit tonë, jeni ndërgjegjshëm\n për rëndësinë Software-it të Lirë për një shoqëri të lirë. FSFE-ja lufton\n për Software-in Lirë që prej 2001-shit. Prej asaj kohe, kemi vulën tonë në një ndryshim të madh,\n duke ushtruar trysni politike, duke ndihmuar zhvilluesit Software-it të\n Lirë ekspertizë ligjore, dhe duke krijuar ndërgjegjësim publik mbi lirinë\n software-it. Që të vazhdojmë këtë punë të rëndësishme, për 2014-n duhet\n një buxhet 390 mijë eurosh. mungojnë ende 160 mijë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202404.de.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem elections zooom deviceneutrality policy european-parliament event", "title": "DMA und Geräteneutralität +++ Abstimmung über CRA & PLD +++ EU-Wahlen: aktiv werden!", "teaser": "letzten Monat trat DMA \nKraft, Website Geräteneutralität eingerichtet, \nEU-Parlament CRA PLD abgestimmt \nLeitfaden bevorstehenden EU-Wahlen veröffentlicht. Sehen \nsich Videos Devrooms FOSDEM an!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202112.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "\nAndroid Opwaarderen ++ Belangrijke stap voor Apparaatneutraliteit ++ Nico Rikken + Ada + Vacature\n", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief december Android Opwaarderen, initiatief behulp Vrije Software software-veroudering heen komen. stemt Wet Digitale Markten, belangrijke stap Netneutraliteit. Duitsland doel PMPC stappen! interviewen Nico Rikken 20 Jaren FSFE. Ontmoet Ada: personage kinderboek. Ontdek vacature.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Newsletters", "teaser": "addition regular news stories, each\n month FSFE issues newsletter summarises its\n important activities.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130423-02.sq.html", "tags": "drm", "title": "Ndal DRM-së në HTML5 - Nënshkruani Peticionin!", "teaser": "Bashkohuni thirrjen tonë ndaj World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) dhe organizmave anëtare të tij për të kundërshtuar propozimin për Zgjerime Mediash të Fshehtëzuara (EME). Ky propozim synon trupëzimin mbulimit të Administrimit Dixhital të Kufizimeve (DRM) brenda HTML-së dhe të përjashtonte kështu shfletuesit Software Lirë nga të qenët të përputhshëm mjaft faqe web.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201012.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter – Dezember 2010", "teaser": "Ausgabe berichtet neue Entwicklungen bei\nRichtlinien Offenen Standards, paar grundlegende Informationen über\nSoftwarepatente, Neuigkeiten FSCONS verteiltem Rechnen wie\nSie Jahresende unterstützen können.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Ιούνιος 2016", "teaser": "Το FSFE μαζί με άλλες 72 οργανώσεις \nυπέγραψε \nτην επιστολή προς τους νομοθέτες για τις τηλεπικοινωνίες στην Ευρώπη υποστηρίζοντας τις ρυθμίσεις για την ουδετερότητα του διαδικτύου \n στα πλαίσια των διαπραγματεύσεων που βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη για τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές σχετικά με την εφαρμογή \nτου πρόσφατα ρυθμισμένου Κανονισμού 2015/212. Ο Κανονισμός δημιουργεί μια \nβάση για ισχυρή ουδετερότητα του διαδικτύου και το FSFE μαζί με άλλους οργανισμούς \nαπό όλον τον κόσμο ζητά από το Σώμα των Ευρωπαϊκών Ρυθμιστικών Αρχών για τις Ηλεκτρονικές \nΕπικοινωνίες (\"Body European Regulators Electronic\" - BEREC) και τους 28 εθνικούς νομοθέτες για τις τηλεπικοινωνίες να τηρήσουν \nαυτούς τους κανόνες και να ορίσουν οδηγίες αυξημένης ισχύος για την ουδετερότητα του διαδικτύου παντού στην Ευρώπη.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202112.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling Android ++ Neutralità del dispositivo ++ Nico Rikken ++ Ada ++ Lavoro\n", "teaser": "newsletter dicembre parliamo Upcycling Android, un'iniziativa superare l'obsolescenza software. L'UE votando legge mercati digitali, passo importante neutralità dispositivo. Germania PMPC! Intervistiamo Nico \n Rikken 20 anni FSFE. Conosci Ada, protagonista libro. Opportunità lavoro.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.hr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arhiva vijesti", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2014", "teaser": "new European Commission currently setting direction policy\nmaking coming five years. FSFE frequent contact with\nCommission staff, currently see open doors Free Software Brussels.\nWe make sure use momentum push changes software\nprocurement, standardisation, device sovereignty. president Karsten\nGerloff participated several meetings.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.sq.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "Praktika e organizuar nga FSFE-ja mbi përputhshmërinë zbulon shkelje të \nGPL-së nga FANTEC, Welte fiton në gjykatë", "teaser": "Gjykata\n Rajonale Hamburgut [Landgericht Hamburg] deklaroi FANTEC GmbH-në fajtore\n për shkelje të licencës GNU General Public License në lojtësin tyre \n FANTEC 3DFHDL të mediave. Në çështjen gjyqësore të Harald Welte-s kundër\n FANTEC GmbH gjykata vendosi që FANTEC-u duhet të paguajë një gjobë plus\n kostot shtesë të avokatëve, dhe duhet të japë informacion të saktë rreth\n zinxhirit të tyre të shpërndarjes së FANTEC 3DFHDL Media Player.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/newsletter.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "Boletín de noticias", "teaser": "Además nuestras noticias habituales, cada\n FSFE emite boletín noticias resume sus\n actividades más importantes.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202006.it.html", "tags": "newsletter routers european-parliament nl competition pmpc", "title": "Libertà del Router in Europa +++ Amburgo e Software Libero +++ Parlamento EU", "teaser": "newsletter giugno potrai leggere, varie notizie, risultati raggiunti FSFE riguardo Libertà Router Europa, nuovo accordo governo Amburgo vuole focalizzarsi Software Libero, Parlamento Europeo richiede \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\". sempre, potrai trovare diverse attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131107-01.en.html", "tags": "swpat", "title": "Rockstar vs. Google: Software patents as a license for privateering", "teaser": "Rockstar, consortium companies formed collect certain patents put sale dissolution procedure Nortel, sued Google companies seven patents.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201609.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter - September 2016", "teaser": "Vielen Dank alle, beigetragen haben, FSFE-Summit letztes Wochenende riesigen Erfolg machen! begeistert, viele bekannte Gesichter sehen freuen baldiges Wiedersehen. Natürlich FSFE Summit einzige, letzten Monat passiert ist. Newsletter Aktivitäten unserer Gemeinschaft lesen. Oktober-Newsletter mehr darüber berichten, Summits geschehen ist. Bleiben dran mehr!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130927-01.sq.html", "tags": "gnu", "title": "Të ndryshosh botën: Projekti GNU bëhet 30 vjeç", "teaser": "bënë 30 vjet që kur Richard Stallman njoftoi fillimin projektit GNU. Një nismë, që zuri fill irritimin \ne programuesit për shkak të një përudhësi të dëmtuar shtypësi, ka ndryshuar\nshoqërinë tonë. Ideja software-it që gjithkush mund përdorë, studiojë, \nndajë të tjerët dhe përmirësojë doli në fakt shumë fuqishme.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Архив новостей - ЕФСПО", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.sr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Архива Вести - ФССЕ", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.fi.html", "tags": "", "title": "Uutisarkisto", "teaser": "[ Uutiset ]\n [ Uutiskirje ]", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130625-02.en.html", "tags": "procurement european-union", "title": "EC tells public bodies to break free from lock-in", "teaser": "Communication published today, European Commission urges public bodies break free vendor lock-in systems. Commission wants public bodies rely standards rather brand names proprietary technology buy software.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/news.sl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Arhiv novic", "teaser": "", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Aprile 2015", "teaser": "nuovo direttore esecutivo\nJonas Öberg tenuto conferenza Libreplanet, visitato Boston per\nincontrare staff membri consiglio d'amministrazione FSF.\nIn post suo\nblog descritto meeting Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako\nHill, Bradley Kuhn, Henry Poole consiglio dell'FSF, staff FSF e\ncon direttore esecutivo John Sullivan, quali stato discusso migliorare\nla cooperazione due principali sfide egli vede FSFE:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130730-01.sq.html", "tags": "ee policy electronic-voting", "title": "Letër e Hapur Komitetit Elektoral Kombëtar të Estonisë mbi Lirinë dhe Votimin në Internet", "teaser": "FSFE-ja ka dërguar një letër të hapur Komitetit Elektoral Kombëtar të Estonisë (NEC) lidhur sistemin votimit në Internet të vendit. kërkojmë NEC-ut bërjen publike Software të Lirë të software-it të përdorur në procesin votimit.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201912.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter community ccc pmpc drm", "title": "CDU wil publieke code +++ Gemeenschapsontmoeting +++ 36C3", "teaser": "laatste nieuwsbrief jaar bevat opwindend nieuws softwarevrijheid: grootste conservatieve partij Europa, Duitse CDU, onderschreef principe publiek geld ontwikkelde software Vrije Softwarelicentie vallen. Verder nodigen lezen FSFE afgelopen 12 maanden gedaan bereikt verdiepen verslag Florian Snow onze jaarlijkse gemeenschapsontmoeting 2019. vindt vooruitblik onze deelname 36C3, grootste conferentie hacken Europa oproep steun hulp voortzetten onze missie gebruikers staat stellen technologie controleren.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.it.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "Io amo il SL +++ 0 A.D.: Imperi Dominanti +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: stagisti", "teaser": "newsletter febbraio invitiamo giocare festeggiare \n giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\" 14/2. Ascolta puntata \n podcast Stanislas Dolcini gioco \"0 A.D.: Imperi Dominanti\". \n FOSDEM appena terminato c'era FSFE! Concludiamo \n festeggiamenti 20 anni FSFE un'intervista stagisti.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201711.en.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse ga fla", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2017", "teaser": "FSFE's Fiduciary License Agreement (FLA) initially introduced 2002, address challenge managing rights content within Free Software project long periods time. FLA well-balanced contributor agreement, gives trustee, responsible managing rights within Free Software project, power responsibility make sure contributed software always remains free open. way project, together respective contributors, protected possible misuse power new copyright holder.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202209.it.html", "tags": "newsletter interview upcyclingandroid localgroup dk berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Librem 5: un PC in tasca +++ Tornano gli stand", "teaser": "numero guardiamo sviluppo telefono Librem 5 Phosh, \nil noto ambiente grafico telefoni Linux. tornano stand! \ncontenti discutere Software Libero nuovamente presenza.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202105.es.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20 ngi", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ Inteligencia Artificial +++ Nueva empleada Fani Partsafyllidou", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín mayo lee sobre el viajero tiempo Cory Doctorow quien envía sus deseos por los 20 años FSFE desde utópico año 2041, los avances Libertad Enrutador Grecia, Alemania Austria. Sobre los beneficios aplicación IA bajo licencias Software Libre nuestras variadas actividades comunidad.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220225-01.nl.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid european-union workshop", "title": "Android Opwaarderen: softwarevrijheid in Europees ecologisch ontwerp verankeren", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe pleiten wij universele recht om\n elk besturingssysteem elke software elk apparaat installeren de-installeren. actualisering\n Europese ecodesign geeft historische kans recht onderdeel maken van\n Europese wetgeving. Onze Android Opwaarderen-campagne begin onze\n activiteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201006.el.html", "tags": "newsletter european-commission openstandards eif openstandards google", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Ιούνιος 2010", "teaser": "Ο Μάιος ήταν αρκετά φορτωμένος, για πρώτη φορά\nείχαμε συμμετάσχει σε μια μεγάλη εκκλησιαστική εκδήλωση για να ενημερώσουμε\nτους επισκέπτες για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Αναλύσαμε την Ψηφιακή Ατζέντα\nτης Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής και υπήρξαν ειδήσεις για τους ελεύθερους τύπους \nαρχειοθέτησης για βίντεο.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130620-02.en.html", "tags": "drm microsoft gaming", "title": "As Microsoft repeal some Xbox restrictions, more apply to other products", "teaser": "Faced user protests, Microsoft forced to\n make terms latest Xbox gaming console look little less\n restrictive. However, “new” terms caused\n outrage fact new all: similar other\n proprietary software licences, including covering Microsoft\n software products on-line services.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202006.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter routers european-parliament nl competition pmpc", "title": "La Liberté des Routeurs en Europe +++ Hambourg soutient le Logiciel Libre +++ Parlement Européen", "teaser": "lettre d'informations Juin, pouvez informer entre autres les réalisations FSFE concernant Liberté Routeurs Europe, nouvel accord coalition Hambourg mettant avant Logiciel Libre Parlement Européen réclamant \"Argent Public ? Code Public !\". Comme toujours, trouverez aussi informations les activités diverses communautés.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202011.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup routers reuse community policy", "title": "Libertà Software 2020 +++ Strategia Open Source UE +++ Nuovi membri dello staff", "teaser": "newsletter novembre parliamo resoconto annuale \"Libertà Software Europa\" nuova strategia Commissione Europea Software Libero. nuovi membri staff, nuovo bando progetti comunità FSFE, REUSE decollando, gruppo Zurigo ricevuto riconoscimento, molto altro ancora.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130312-01.en.html", "tags": "policy european-commission microsoft antitrust", "title": "EC hits Microsoft with EUR 561 million fine over web browsers", "teaser": "Last week, European Commission slapped company fine 500 million EUR breaching settlement bundling Internet Explorer Windows. Karsten Gerloff, president FSFE, explaining position Free Software Foundation Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130620-02.sq.html", "tags": "drm microsoft gaming", "title": "Teksa Microsoft-i heq dorë nga disa kufizime te Xbox-i, edhe më tepër të tilla zbatohen mbi produkte të tjera", "teaser": "përballur protesta të përdoruesve, Microsoft-i \n është detyruar t’i bëjë kushtet shitjes për konsolën vet më të \n për lojëra Xbox të duken më pak kufizuese. \n Megjithatë, kushtet “e reja” që shkaktuan një zemërim të tillë, nuk qenë\n të reja aspak: ato qenë të ngjashme shumicën licencave të tjera produktesh\n software-i pronësor, përfshi ato që përfshijnë produkte të tjera software-i\n dhe shërbime në linjë nga Microsoft-i.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220112-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement es", "title": "La brochure \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\" è ora disponibile in spagnolo", "teaser": "Un'ampia parte lavoro possibile grazie contributo \n\t volontari. stato così volta. brochure \n\t \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico\" ora tradotta spagnolo, \n\t organizzato evento condividere splendida notizia \n\t partecipato\n\t GNUHealth, Pica Pica HackLab, Lliurex, Linkat KDE.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-01.it.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "Il concorso di programmazione Youth Hacking 4 Freedom lancia la seconda edizione", "teaser": "aperte registrazioni seconda edizione concorso \"Youth Hacking 4 Freedom\", concorso hacking FSFE adolescenti tutta Europa. gara offre giovani 14 18 anni l'opportunità sfidarsi, incontrare persone pensano stesso modo vincere premi denaro.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-02.en.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Document Freedom Day from Brussels to Taiwan: Open Standards celebrated in 30 countries", "teaser": "30 countries around world, activists celebrating Open Standards today's Document Freedom Day, annual campaign promote Open Standards. 50 groups hosting events around world, Brussels Nicaragua Nepal.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130920-01.sq.html", "tags": "fellowship sfd", "title": "Ditën e Lirisë së Software-it, përkrahni FSFE-në!", "teaser": "duhen kompjuter të cilëve zihet besë. \n Lajmet së fundi mbi survejimin në shkallë planetare bëjnë \n të qartë të rëndësishëm janë sistemet kompjuterave për \n shoqërinë tonë. Kontrolli këtyre kompjuterave lypset të jetë \n në dorën përdoruesve të tyre.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201208.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Αύγουστος 2012", "teaser": "Για πρώτη φορά, το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο (EP) πρόκειται να εκδώσει ένα από\nτα προγράμματά του ως Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Το εν λόγω πρόγραμμα ονομάζεται \nAT4AM, ένα ακρωνύμιο για \"Automatic Tool Amendments\" (Αυτόματο Εργαλείο \nΔιορθώσεων). Το Κοινοβούλιο νομοθετεί και το AT4AM αυτοματοποιεί αρκετή από την\nτυπολογία που συνοδεύει τη νομοθετική διαδικασία.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220504-01.da.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": " EU-erklæring om Digitale Rettigheder & Principper: Fri Software inkluderet af Det Europæiske Parlament", "teaser": "Tidligt år forelagde komissionen udkast til EU-erklæring Digitale Rettigheder og Principper, sigter mod vejlede digitale transformation EU. Europaparlamentet nået til enighed tekst, og Fri Software af den.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220427-01.nl.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid deviceneutrality european-commission european-parliament policy european-union open-letter", "title": "EU Ecodesign: 38 organisaties eisen het recht op toegang tot en hergebruik van hardware", "teaser": "FSFE publiceert open brief, mede-ondertekend 38 organisaties bedrijven, EU-wetgevers vragen recht elke software elk apparaat installeren, inclusief volledige toegang hardware. rechten ondersteunen herbruikbaarheid levensduur onze apparaten. alliantie bestaat entiteiten milieu-, economische technologische sector.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202212.es.html", "tags": "newsletter compliance gpl yh4f european-union localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Débiles Derechos Digitales de la UE +++ ¡Jaque mate! +++ 5 razones", "teaser": "este boletín informativo criticamos el cambio supone \n Declaración Derechos Digitales UE por ser texto ambiguo, \n poco claro. máquina ajedrez Software Libre gana batalla \n legal. contribución puede ayudar libertad software. \n Registro para YH4F. El equipo griego reúne después largo \n período.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202401.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon ilovefs internship ngi deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "Podcast episodes +++ Router Freedom tech wiki +++ Become our policy intern", "teaser": "starting 2024 lot energy, looking policy intern \nand great news: two new SFP episodes, Router Freedom tech wiki, \nthe ‘Ada & Zangemann’ ebook free charge French, looking \nforward celebrating ‘I Love Free Software Day’ 14 February!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Aprile 2014", "teaser": "Sebbene sempre imprenditori politici capiscono l'importanza standard aperti, gente comune vede connessione vita giorni. Ecco perchè 26 marzo organizzato nuovo Giorno liberazione documenti - Document Freedom Day (DFD). Quest'anno prodotto molto materiale: nuovi opuscoli diverse lingue spiegano standard aperti, bel fumetto spiega perchè dovresti usare standard aperti così avere problemi file quando diventano vecchi.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201605.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mai 2016", "teaser": "Rahmen Strategie gemeinsamen digitalen Binnenmarkt Europäische Kommission Schreiben Prioritäten Standardisierung Informations- Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) Schlüsselfaktor Digitalwirtschaft veröffentlicht. FSFE begrüßt Ansatz grundsätzlich, Schreiben vertreten wird, verstärkt Freie Standards setzen Gemeinschaft Freie Software besser Standardisierungsprozesse einzubinden.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201102.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Φεβρουάριος 2011", "teaser": "Τα βίντεο στο διαδίκτυο συχνά και στην κυριολεξία αποδεικνύονται ενόχληση για \nτους χρήστες Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Πολλοί ιστότοποι απαιτούν το μη-ελεύθερο \nπρόσθετο για βίντεο flash για να παίξει το βίντεο. Ίσως και οι φίλοι σας \nαναρωτιούνται γιατί δεν μπορείτε να δείτε βίντεο από το youtube μέσα από \nτον περιηγητή ιστού που χρησιμοποιείτε και νομίζουν ότι είστε το φρικιό που \nκατεβάζει βίντεο με το\nyoutube-dl. Με το\ngnash και άλλα προγράμματα\nπου παίζουν απ' ευθείας βίντεο τύπου flash, η κατάσταση βελτιώνεται. Αλλά το\nflash είναι έτσι κι αλλιώς μια πονεμένη ιστορία και για τους χρήστες και για \nτους προγραμματιστές Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2014", "teaser": "Quando compra computer, può risultare difficile evitare pagamento licenza \nMicrosoft Windows, molti portatili vengono venduti sistema operativo preinstallato.\nQuesta \"tassa Windows\" aumenta artificialmente prezzo utenti Software Libero \nnon vogliono essere utenti sistema operativo Microsoft. Noi, utenti Software Libero,\nvogliamo supportare sviluppo Software Libero proprietario Microsoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201805.es.html", "tags": "newsletter llw rmll rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2018", "teaser": "Siguiendo tradición ya tiene década, FSFE nuevamente celebra como cada año «Mesa Trabajo sobre Legalidad Licenciamiento Software Libre» (LLW) Barcelona, España, sirve como punto encuentro, para expertos legales, para debatir sobre los problemas las buenas prácticas cuando licencia Software Libre. Este año decidió regresar origen hacer énfasis palabra «Taller» título original. Nuestras conferencias tres días atrajeron 120 expertos legales tuvimos cantidad sin precedentes eventos paralelos sesiones interactivas diseñadas para dejar pasar discusión los temas polémicos el mundo legal Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202211.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter tedective yh4f encryption european-union se podcast interview pmpc ch localgroup by de berlin hamburg-group it nl women-group", "title": "FSFE wint EU Datathon +++ Winnaars JHvV en nieuwe ronde +++ Nee tegen chatcontrole", "teaser": "FSFE's 'TEDective', programma overheidsuitgaven helpt analyseren, \n wint eerste prijs Datathon onze eigen Jeugd Hackt Vrijheid-wedstrijd ging opnieuw start. concept-wet einde maken beveiligde kletsgesprekken (chats). Burgers Zweden krijgen inspraak Vrije Software Decidim FSFE Zwitserland vraagt overheden sluiten gefedereerde sociale media.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.pt.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "Okular KDE torna-se o primeiro programa de computador eco-certificado do mundo", "teaser": "visualizador documentos Okular, KDE é primeiro software reconhecido com etiqueta ecológica Blue Angel. FSFE congratula reconhecimento confirma os benefícios usar desenvolver Software Livre. Em conjunto com iniciativa Reciclagem Android (Upcycling Android), lutámos pela liberdade dos utilizadores UE próximos meses.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202305.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann legal reuse routers lt deviceneutrality education se llw yh4f podcast", "title": "FOSS-North & LLW +++ Neutralidad del Dispositivo +++ NGI Zero", "teaser": "este boletín electrónico, lee sobre el proyecto NGI Zero UE, \nLWW, FOSS-North, lucha los estudiantes lituanos por evitar \nusar sistema propietario 2FA. Nuevo episodio SFP sobre Neutralidad \ndel Dispositivo, dos interesantes artículos, disfruta las últimas \nlecturas ‘Ada & Zangemann’ descubre dos proyectos YH4F.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131104-02.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Internet-Anbieter: Routerzwang schadet Nutzern", "teaser": "Internet-Anbieter zwingen Kunden oft Router auf, diese\n\tkeine Kontrolle haben. Anbieter hält dabei Zugangsdaten für\n\tden Internet- Telefoniezugriff sowie verwendete Protokolle und\n\tAnschlüsse Kunden geheim.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202008.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc open-science limux copyright", "title": "Europese consultatie +++ Honderd dagen in München +++ Coördinator Open Wetenschap", "teaser": "onze nieuwsbrief augustus evalueren redenen waarom Europese Commissie gebruik term \" intellectueel eigendom\" moeten vermijden. vroegen nieuwe stadsbestuur München vooruitgang gebied Vrije Software stellen onze nieuwe coördinator Open Wetenschap Christian Busse voor. Zoals gewoonlijk kunt lezen onze verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-08-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2017", "teaser": "Sharing one's knowledge enhancing collaboration core principles Free Software community. Therefore, FSFE happy provide supporters registered volunteers platform create manage Git repositories comfortable web interface git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Février 2016", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe prépare année passionnante l'année 2016. C'est l'année où célébrons 15e anniversaire l'occasion regarder derrière chemin parcouru, voir montrer comment soutien amenés ici. Cependant, également impatients surmonter les défis venir.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202009.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "\"Een plaats voor publieke code\" +++ FSFE-steun +++ Vacature", "teaser": "Lees onze september-nieuwsbrief nieuwe sterke alliantie gevormd overheden, politiek, bedrijfsleven maatschappelijke organisaties vraagt 'een plaats publieke code'. Lees onze oproep FSFE-steun lokale project vragen, onze vacature onze verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201506.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juni 2015", "teaser": "eerste woensdag mei coalitie digitale vrijheidsorganisaties, \nwaaronder FSFE, groot aantal individuele activisten \n\t\tInternationale dag DRM 2015\n\t\tgehouden bewustzijn vergroten digitale beperkingen-management: hardnekkig diep ingegraven mechanisme ontworpen burgerschap concept eigenaarschap plunderen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.es.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "I love FS +++ 0 A.D.: El Ascenso de los Imperios +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: becarios", "teaser": "el Boletín Febrero, invitamos Evento Juegos para \n celebrar el Día \"I Love Free Software\" el 14 febrero. Escucha el \n nuevo podcast Stanislas Dolcini juego '0 A.D.: El Ascenso \n los Imperios'. Terminó FOSDEM ¡y FSFE estuvo allí! Completamos \n nuestra celebración los 20 años FSFE entrevistas \n antiguos becarios.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130226-01.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Dita e Lirisë së Dokumenteve: Hapet regjistrimi i veprimtarive për 2013-n", "teaser": "Sot hapet regjistrimi veprimtarive për Ditën Lirisë së Dokumenteve, 27 mars 2013. Ekipet vendore mund të vendosin hollësitë mbi veprimtaritë DocumentFreedom.org, dhe t’i vendosin harta globale fushatës.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201209.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2012", "teaser": "Immer mehr Menschen fangen an, mobile Telefone Android benutzen. Aber\num volle Kontrolle Telefon behalten, müssen Android\nFirmware darauf installieren. Telefon-Befreiung einfach wir\ndie Free Android Kampagne Leben\ngerufen.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130402-01.en.html", "tags": "tools", "title": "How to break free from Skype", "teaser": "April 8, Microsoft discontinue Windows Messenger service. current users switched Skype. Free Software Foundation Europe advises former users Windows Messenger take opportunity embrace \nOpen Standards Jabber (XMPP) instead switching Skype.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221205-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "­5 razones por las cuáles tu contribución es crucial para la promoción del Software Libre", "teaser": "apoyo contribución para promoción Software Libre importante para asegurar nuestro trabajo largo plazo, asegurando nuestra independencia, fortaleciendo nuestra sociedad democrática, promoviendo implementando pasos concretos hacia libertad software, haciendo más fácil el uso el desarrollo Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201101.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - januari 2011", "teaser": "missie Vrije Software scholen universiteiten brengen. nieuwe taak informatie belanghebbenden verzamelen, toegespitste pamfletten maken. weet zeker lievelingskleur coördinators Thomas Jensch Guido Arnold is, namelijk: Fellowship groen. kennen educatieteam.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220714-01.en.html", "tags": "career internal", "title": "CLOSED - The FSFE is looking for an intern to support policy activities", "teaser": "looking reliable driven intern support \nFSFE's policy activities contribute work empower people \nto control technology. person work 35 hours week \nteam FSFE Berlin office six month period.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2009 ", "teaser": "Monat voller Ereignisse, eine\nNachricht Schatten geworfen. Tod\nvon Richard Rothwell erfahren, prominenter angesehener\nVerfechter Freier Software Bildung - Fellow. Wir\nverabschieden unten ihm.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201806.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter llw coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juni 2018", "teaser": "7 9 juli organiseert FSFE jaarlijkse gemeenschapsontmoeting neemt deel Libre Software Meeting Straatsburg (Frankrijk). erg blij weekeinde 7 9 juli track aanbieden, opgezet sprekers onze gemeenschap vrienden, waarbij ingegaan verschillende urgente onderwerpen ten aanzien Vrije Software. Onze track gaat zakelijke onderwerpen zoals marketing Vrije Software financieren Vrije Software-projecten, beleidsonderwerpen zoals knutselen Brussel succesfactoren Vrije Software-implementaties binnen publieke diensten hedendaagse belangrijke onderwerpen ten aanzien diversiteit Vrije Software, software-vrijheid cloud meer. vindt overzicht onze onderwerpen betreffende wiki-pagina.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.de.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2018", "teaser": "Public Money?\n Public Code!-Kampagne FSFE fordern nur, dass Software,\n öffentlichen Mitteln finanziert wurde, öffentlich genutzt werden\n kann. möchten gute Beispiele hervorheben, sodass andere\n Entscheidungsträger davon lernen können. Gute Beispiele die\n \n Artikel 68 und\n \n Artikel 69 \"Codice Amministrazione Digitale\", einem\n italienischen Gesetz, öffentliche Institutionen verpflichtet,\n intern entwickelte Freie Softwarelösungen gegenüber proprietären\n präferieren. Zudem müssen Verwaltungen Quellcode die\n Dokumentation eigener, öffentlichen Geldern entwickelter, Software\n veröffentlichen. Gesetzgebung nimmt Italien Vorreiterrolle\n Gebiet innerhalb Europas ein.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220427-01.fr.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid deviceneutrality european-commission european-parliament policy european-union open-letter", "title": "Éco-conception à l'UE : 38 organisations demandent le droit d'accéder à et de réutiliser les matériels", "teaser": "FSFE publie lettre ouverte, co-signée 37 organisations entreprises, demander législateurs l'UE droit d'installer tout logiciel tout appareil, incluant plein accès matériel. droits viennent soutien réutilisabilité longévité appareils. L'alliance composée d'entités secteurs environnemental, économique technologique.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221118-01.de.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "YH4F Gewinner in Brüssel geehrt", "teaser": "Festakt wurden Brüssel Preise \n Gewinner ersten Ausgabe Youth Hacking \n 4 Freedom Wettbewerbs Stavros, Miquel, Artur, Ekaterina, Hector \n Mark verliehen. wünschen Gute Zukunft vielen Beiträgen \n Freien Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131107-01.el.html", "tags": "swpat", "title": "Rockstar εναντίον Google: Τα διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας (πατέντες) λογισμικού ως άδεια για λεηλασία", "teaser": "Η Rockstar, μια κοινοπραξία εταιρειών που \nσχηματίστηκε για να περισυλλέξει ορισμένα διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας \nπου ετέθησαν προς πώληση κατά τη διαδικασία διάλυσης της Nortel, \nυπέβαλε αγωγή στην Google \nκαι σε άλλες εταιρείες για επτά από αυτές τις πατέντες.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Φεβρουάριος 2012", "teaser": "Τα έξυπνα κινητά τηλέφωνα είναι μικροί υπολογιστές που κουβαλάμε στην\nτσέπη μας συνεχώς. Δυστυχώς, τα περισσότερα δεν ελέγχονται από εμάς, αλλά\nαπό τους κατασκευαστές και τους χειριστές τους. Ακόμη και τα τηλέφωνα με\nAndroid πωλούνται με μη-ελεύθερο λογισμικό και με ιδιοκτησιακά πρόσθετα,\nτα οποία δεν λειτουργούν πλήρως προς το δικό μας συμφέρον. Οι ενημερώσεις\nλογισμικού θα είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο όσο ο κατασκευαστής διατηρεί \nεπιχειρηματικό ενδιαφέρον για τη συσκευή σας. Οι διαθέσιμες από την επίσημη \nαγορά εφαρμογές είναι τις περισσότερες φορές μη-ελεύθερες. Σε κανέναν δεν\nεπιτρέπεται να μελετήσει πώς αυτές λειτουργούν και τι στ' αλήθεια κάνουν με \nτο κινητό σας. Μερικές φορές δεν λειτουργούν ακριβώς όπως θέλετε και άλλοτε\nπεριέχουν ακόμη και κακόβουλα χαρακτηριστικά.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202406.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections legal ada-zangemann fr es nl hr event dma highlights", "title": "EU election +++ DMA & Apple +++ REUSE tool", "teaser": "issue, explain plans make movie story Ada \n& Zangemann asking support. new REUSE version \nreleased; read FSFE opinion European Commission \nApple’s new strategy comply DMA impact Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201809.en.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare copyright pmpc routers savecodeshare", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2018", "teaser": "September 12, European Parliament rejected mandate fast-track \ncontroversial legislation intended reform online copyright. previous \nrejection July, voted package – time adopted. However, amendment 143 150 current copyright reform proposal, least limited exclusion “open source software developing platforms (..) within meaning Directive”. (consolidated document)", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131211-01.de.html", "tags": "de swpat public-administration", "title": "Verpasste Chancen: Wo die Große Koalition nachbessern muss", "teaser": "finale Koalitionsvertrag, die\n SPD-Mitglieder 14. Dezember abstimmen, beschreibt als\n Weichenstellung echten digitalen Gesellschaft. Free\n Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) ebenfalls Fortschritte erkennen, aber\n Meilensteine, Deutschland Spitzenreiter Digitalisierung\n Gesellschaft Wirtschaft würde, die\n Koalitionspartner Ziel gesetzt haben.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221215-01.nl.html", "tags": "routers be", "title": "Routervrijheid: België op de juiste weg om eindgebruikers te beschermen", "teaser": "Belgische regelgever BIPT besloten Routervrijheid glasvezel (FTTx) soorten verbindingen waarborgen. FSFE nam deel publieke raadpleging drong beleidsmakers recht realiteit maken toezicht ISP-praktijken verbeteren.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130226-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Document Freedom Day: 2013 Event registration now open", "teaser": "Today event registration opens Document Freedom Day 2013, March 27th. Local teams add details activities DocumentFreedom.org, marked global campaign map.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201211.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Νοέμβριος 2012", "teaser": "Οι περισσότεροι από τους συμμετέχοντες στις ημερίδες \nΕλευθερώστε το Αndroid σας\nενδιαφέρθηκαν να μάθουν για το αν η απόκτηση root δικαιωμάτων στη συσκευή σας\n(π.χ. σε ένα κινητό Android) και η αντικατάσταση του λειτουργικού συστήματος \nμε κάτι άλλο ακυρώνει την νόμιμη εγγύηση για τον καταναλωτή. Ζητήσαμε από τον \nσυντονιστή μας για τα νομικά Matija Šuklje και τον νομικό σύμβουλο του FSFE \nCarlo Piana να αναλύσουν το πρόβλημα. Η\n απάντησή τους είναι: Όχι. «Απλά το γεγονός ότι τροποποιήσατε ή αλλάξατε \nτο λογισμικό της συσκευής σας, δεν αποτελεί επαρκή αιτία για να ακυρωθεί η \nνόμιμη εγγύησή σας. Εφ' όσον έχετε αγοράσει τη συσκευή ως καταναλωτής στην\nΕυρωπαϊκή Ένωση». Διαβάστε το κείμενο\nτης \n ανάλυσης.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d’information - Septembre 2015", "teaser": "jours, utilisons les services\n\t\ten ligne tout fournissons plus plus nos\n\t\tdonnées. C’est ainsi perdons maîtrise propres\n\t\tdonnées, plus jamais. Conjointement d’autres\n\t\torganisations,\n\t\tla FSFE\n\t\tsoutient publication Manifeste données utilisateur\n\t\t2.0, objet définir les droits élémentaires de\n\t\tmaîtriser propres données quand utilisons services\n\t\ten ligne. Selon manifeste, les utilisateurs doivent pouvoir\n\t\tcontrôler l’accès leurs données, savoir comment leurs données\n\t\tsont stockées les services ligne être libres choisir\n\t\tune plateforme, sans faire l’expérience l’enfermement\n\t\tpropriétaire. Manifeste bon point départ un\n\t\tdébat d’envergure les droits utilisateurs ligne. La\n\t\tFSFE souhaite d’autres organisations rejoignent cet effort\n\t\tpour promouvoir services ligne respectent les droits\n\t\tfondamentaux leurs utilisateurs.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130503-01.en.html", "tags": "drm w3c", "title": "International Day Against DRM: fight deliberately crippled technology", "teaser": "Friday, May 3rd 2013, FSFE joining 8th international \"Day DRM\" campaign call end Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). fight DRM gathering momentum past weeks. Freedom activists rallied DRM HTML5, stressing technology's harmful effects innovation user's freedom. today's Day DRM, sister organisation Free Software Foundation deliver petition signatures opposing DRM HTML5 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)in Boston.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221215-02.de.html", "tags": "pmpc de", "title": "Veranstaltung: Kommunen brauchen Freie Software - Dortmund geht als Referenzkommune voran", "teaser": "Stadt Dortmund initialisiert zusammen Berlin München \n \"Open Source Big 3\" richtet \n \"Koordinierungsstelle Digitale Souveränität Open \n Source\" ein. Free Software Foundation Europe, Verein \n Offene Kommunen.NRW Initiative Do-FOSS informieren \n 11.01.2023 Onlineveranstaltungen \n Entwicklungen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.sr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Bilten - Novembar 2014", "teaser": "Grad Minhen koristi slobodni softver više od 15 000 računara radnim mestima,na taj način uštedevši dosad više od 11 miliona eura. Tokom prelaska slobodni softver, učvrstili svoj raznolik sektor 51 lokaciji 1000 zaspolenih 22 odseka. Uprkos izazovima,većina korisnika zadovoljna prelaskom kažu žele vrate staro.\n(na nemačkom). sve ovo dogodilo ispred nosa nemačkog sedišta kompanije Microsoft.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130716-01.sq.html", "tags": "european-union european-parliament policy", "title": "Letër e Hapur presidentit të Parlamentit Europian mbi transparencën", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe dhe Open Rights Group kanë dërguar një \n letër të hapur [pdf] presidentit \n të Parlamentit Europian, Martin Schulz. Zotit Schulz është kërkuar së fundi [pdf] të kryejë një studim mbi transparencën brenda Parlamentit.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.sq.html", "tags": "fellowship ilovefs", "title": "FSFE-ja ju fton të shpalosni dashurinë tuaj për Software-in e Lirë!", "teaser": "Për 14 shkurtin, Free Software Foundation Europe\nu kërkon krejt përdoruesve të Software-it të Lirë të shpalosin\nvlerësimin tyre për Software-in Lirë. FSFE-ja sugjeron që\nta shfrytëzoni këtë ditë një mundësi për t’i thënë \"faleminderit\"\nnjërit prej personave të palodhur të bashkësisë së Software-it të Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Newsletter FSFE- Settembre 2015", "teaser": "Oggigiorno usiamo servizi online ogni cosa e\nsempre forniamo dati. Tuttavia, mai oggi ne\nperdiamo controllo. Insieme altre organizzazioni,\nla FSFE\nsostiene pubblicazione User Data Manifesto 2.0 il\nquale promuove diritti base dell’utente controllare propri\ndati durante l’utilizzo servizi online. Secondo manifesto, gli\nutenti devono poter controllare l’accesso propri dati, sapere sono\nconservati servizi online essere grado scegliere\nliberamente piattaforma senza venire bloccati all’interno un\nsistema specifico. manifesto buon punto partenza il\ndibattito diritti dell’utente online, FSFE cerca altre\norganizzazioni unire forze modo ottenere servizi online che\nrispettino diritti fondamentali utenti.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.de.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "Okular von KDE ist das weltweit erste öko-zertifizierte Computerprogramm", "teaser": "KDEs Dokumentenbetrachter Okular erste Software überhaupt Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel ausgezeichnet worden. FSFE gratuliert Meilenstein, weitere positive umweltrelevante Aspekte Freier Software benennt. Zusammen unserer Upcycling-Android-Initiative setzen universelle Nutzerfreiheiten ein.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201403.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2014", "teaser": "UK government making progress towards less vendor lock-in. In\nJanuary, published\na principles future government contracts. break the\ndominance big software companies provided vast majority of\nsoftware services UK government.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130729-01.en.html", "tags": "european-union european-commission competition antitrust", "title": "FSFE objects to claims of 'predatory pricing' in Free Software", "teaser": "recent antitrust submission the\n European Commission, Microsoft-led coalition falsely claimed the\n distribution Free Software free charge hurts competition. FSFE written\n letter European Commission's competition authorities to\n refute claim, make clear Free Software is\n critical open, competitive market.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201907.es.html", "tags": "newsletter community legal", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - julio de 2019", "teaser": "el boletín este mes, prestamos especial atención nuestra página Testimonios, el recién elaborado informe Taller Licenciamiento Legal este año, tuvo lugar Barcelona. Más abajo, puedes conocer los próximos eventos vamos hospedar, así como aquellos los vamos participar, también puedes ver algunos ejemplos visuales cómo dónde hemos estado promocionando extendiendo el uso Software Libre, largo Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-07-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130703-01.de.html", "tags": "ayc de public-administration policy", "title": "Bundestagswahl: Positionen der Parteien zu Freier Software", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe veröffentlicht\n heute Freie-Software-Wahlprüfsteine Bundestagswahl 22.\n September 2013. darin aufgeführten Parteien bezogen Stellung den\n Fragen öffentlich finanzierte Software Freie Software bereitgestellt\n muss, ElsterFormular Software, Kontrolle Mobilen Geräten,\n Secure Boot, gebührenfreier Lizenzierung Standards, Werbung unfreie\n Software Webseiten öffentlichen Verwaltung Softwarepatenten.\n Erfreulicherweise Parteien Wissen seit letzten\n Bundestagswahl bezüglich Freier Software klar verbessert.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220602-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration interview de", "title": "L'amministrazione tedesca è re@di per l'utilizzo di Software Libero", "teaser": "rete nove municipalità Germania mostra vantaggi \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\"", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201609.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shtator 2016", "teaser": "Faleminderit për ndihmesën për bërë Kuvendin FSFE-së javën kaluar\nnjë sukses shumë të madh! Qemë të ngazëllyer të shihnim kaq shumë \nfytyra familjare dhe presim padurim të takohemi sërish ju. Sigurisht që\nKuvendi FSFE-së s’qe gjëja vetme muajin shkuar. Në këtë buletin mund\ntë lexoni mbi veprimtari të tjera të bashkësisë sonë. Në buletinin tetorit\ndo të japim një pasqyrë më të gjerë mbi zhvillimet Kuvendit. prisni!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201203.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2012", "teaser": "\"7500 dead people last year, daily 100.\" your\neditor read subway news screen Berlin. discussing DFD volunteer Julia\n Fuchs wrong -- editors reading skills, basic\nmathematical skills, news agency -- something else popped up: FreeYourAndroid.org campaign!\nUnfortunately editor slow make picture that. the\nGerman news agency DPA covered official campaign start, a\nvery good press coverage, lot people read use Free\nSoftware mobile phones. campaign manager Torsten Grote currently\ngathering press coverage, please send news blog stories about\n#FreeYourAndroid press@fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130620-01.tr.html", "tags": "procurement tr microsoft google education fya open-letter tr policy", "title": "Başbakan Erdoğan'a Açık Mektup: 5 Milyar Dolarlık Yatırımı Dijital Özgürlük İçin Yapın!", "teaser": "Geçtiğimiz haftalarda, İstanbul'daki politik olaylar uluslararası basının ilgi odağındaydı. Halen Türk hükümeti halkı ile ilgili önemli tartışmalar meydana geliyor. Bu süreçte yaşamını yitirenler oldu.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220112-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement es", "title": "El folleto ¿Dinero público? ¡Código público! ya disponible en Español", "teaser": "gran parte nuestro trabajo posible gracias las \n\t contribuciones nuestros voluntarios. Esta vez fue distinto. \n\t Nuestro folleto ¿Dinero público? ¡Código público! está ahora \n\t traducido Español, llevamos cabo evento para compartir \n\t esta gran noticia nuestra comunidad. GNUHealth, Pica Pica \n\t Hacklab, Lliurex, Linkat KDE participaron nuestro evento.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-02.sq.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Dita e Lirisë së Dokumenteve, nga Brukseli në Taivan: Standardet e Hapura festohen në 30 vende", "teaser": "Në 30 vende anembanë botës, veprimtarët po festojnë Standardet Hapura gjatë Ditës së sotme të Lirisë së Dokumenteve, një fushatë përvitshme kushtuar nxitjes së Standardeve të Hapura. Më tepër 50 grupe po organizojnë veprimtari anembanë botës, nga Brukseli në Nikaragua dhe Nepal.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220531-01.en.html", "tags": "it pmpc localgroup event translations", "title": "Volunteers organise ‘Public Money? Public code!’ tour in Italy", "teaser": "Code paid people available people! \n Volunteers present ‘Public Money? Public Code!’ campaign \n Trento, Bologna, Caltanissetta. live Italy, \n perfect chance learn initiative \n support it.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202006.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter routers european-parliament nl competition pmpc", "title": "Routervrijheid in Europa +++ Hamburg voor Vrije Software +++ Europees Parlement", "teaser": "Lees onze juni-nieuwsbrief FSFE betreffende Routervrijheid Europa bereikt, nieuw regeerakkoord Hamburg nadruk legt Vrije Software Europees Parlement \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" eist. Lees zoals onze verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín FSFE - Febrero 2012", "teaser": "Los teléfonos inteligentes (o \"smartphones\") pequeños ordenadores llevamos encima todo el tiempo. Desafortunadamente, mayoría los teléfonos inteligentes están controlados por nosotros, los usuarios, sino por los fabricantes los operadores. Incluso los teléfonos Android entregan software libre complementos propietarios normalmente funcionan según el interés común. Las actualizaciones software sólo seguirán estando disponibles mientras el fabricante aún tenga algún interés comercial sobre dispositivo. Las aplicaciones disponibles las tiendas oficiales muchas veces libres. Nadie está autorizado estudiar cómo funcionan qué hacen realmente teléfono. Algunas veces funcionan exactamente como quieres, incluso veces podrían contener características maliciosas.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130424-01.sq.html", "tags": "ro", "title": "FSFE-ja i uron Ceata-s mirëseardhjen si organizëm shok", "teaser": "Një grup veprimtarësh të Software-it të Lirë nga Rumania dhe Moldavia janë bërë programit të FSFE-së për organizma shok. Aktive që prej 2008-s, Ceata legalizua fondacion në shkurt të 2013-s. Fundația Ceata dhe FSFE-ja të punojnë tok për të nxitur dhe përhapur lirinë software-it në Rumani dhe kudo në Europë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201709.en.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc digital-o-mat savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2017", "teaser": "Digital services offered used public administrations part critical infrastructure 21st century democratic nations. Due restrictive software licences, however, many public bodies full control digital infrastructure. Although publishing publicly funded software free licence generates great benefits governments civil society, policy makers still reluctant improve legislation area. time change this. FSFE, European legislation requiring publicly financed software developed public sector must made publicly available Free Open Source Software licence. public money, public code well!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shtator 2014", "teaser": "Liria fjalës, liria shtypit, liria organizimit, liria asociimit,\ndhe privatësia janë parakushte thelbësore për një Shoqëri të Lirë. Nëse një\nnga këto liri mungon, është vështirë të ruhen të tjerat. Për një shoqëri,\nështë rëndësishme të mbrojë këto liri, veçanërisht kur merren parasysh\nndryshime themelore, të tilla sjellë nga kudogjendja kompjuterave.\nNdryshime të tilla mund të kërcënojnë liritë vjetra dhe të krijojnë nevojën\npër të reja. Kështu që tani liria software-it është kyçe për shpërndarjen \ndhe baraspeshimin pushtetit në shoqëri. FSFE-ja është bindur një shoqëri\ne lirë lyp liritë që vetëm Software-i Lirë mund t’i ofrojë. pse mbrojmë\nSoftware-in Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221221-01.it.html", "tags": "ada-zangemann", "title": "Sostienici e partecipa all'estrazione di un libro “Ada & Zangemann”", "teaser": "grande notizia! ringraziarti sostegno, apprezziamo ancor tempi difficili, dando 28 copie traduzione inglese libro \"Ada & Zangemann – fiaba parla software, skateboard gelato lampone\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201308.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2013", "teaser": "Como Android software libre gratis, competencia (de software\nprivativo) puede competir ella, por el mercado tiene menos\nalternativas el consumidor termina sufriendo por falta competencia.\nEste es, pocas palabras, el argumento llamada coalición \"Fair\nSearch\". Esencialmente piden Comisión Europea inclinarse a\nfavor modelo negocio restrictivo sobre liberal, es\nexactamente contrario los reguladores competencia deben hacer\ncon el fin lograr mercado justo.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-08-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220712-01.da.html", "tags": "sustainability upcyclingandroid localgroup interview", "title": "En PC i din lomme: Librem 5, en Fri Software telefon", "teaser": "Librem 5 kører det fuldt konvergente PureOS. Det betyder tage din skrivebordscomputer med dig, indeni din telefon. Systemets dedikerede grafiske miljø, Phosh, bliver mere og mere populær mulighed Linux telefoner. Guido Günther, af Purisms hovedudvikelere, afslører detaljer Librems softwareudvikling dette interview.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.sr.html", "tags": "fellowship ilovefs", "title": "FSFE Вас позива да искажете своју љубав према Слободном Софтверу!", "teaser": "14-тог фебруара Free Software Foundation Europe позива \nсве кориснике Слободног Софтвера да искажу своју захвалност Слободном Софтверу. \nFSFE предлаже да се овај дан искористи као прилика да се каже \"хвала” неком \nод посвећених и марљивих људи из заједнице Слободног Софтвера.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202202.de.html", "tags": "newsletter fsfe20 pmpc podcast es internship fosdem", "title": "I love FS +++ 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: Praktikanten", "teaser": "Februar-Newsletter laden Spiele-Event ein, um\n \"I Love Free Software\"-Tag 14. Februar feiern. Hör unsere\n Podcast-Episode Stanislas Dolcini Spiel \"0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant\"\n an. FOSDEM ging gerade Ende FSFE dabei! schließen\n Feierlichkeiten 20 Jahren FSFE Interview ehemaligen\n Praktikanten ab.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220225-01.en.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid european-union workshop", "title": "Upcycling Android: anchoring software freedom into European ecodesign", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe, advocate universal right to\n install de-install operating system software device. update\n European ecodesign gives historical chance make right part of\n European legislation. Upcycling Android campaign marks beginning our\n activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220712-01.es.html", "tags": "sustainability upcyclingandroid localgroup interview", "title": "Un PC en tu bolsillo: Librem 5, un móvil con Software Libre", "teaser": "Librem 5 ejecuta PureOS, totalmente convergente, significa puedes \n llevar escritorio contigo móvil. entorno gráfico dedicado, Phosh, \n está convirtiendo opción popular para los móviles Linux. \n Guido Günther, los desarrolladores principales Purism revela \n detalles software Librem esta entrevista.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-02.fr.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Document Freedom Day from Brussels to Taiwan: Open Standards celebrated in 30 countries", "teaser": "30 countries around world, activists celebrating Open Standards today's Document Freedom Day, annual campaign promote Open Standards. 50 groups hosting events around world, Brussels Nicaragua Taiwan.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130729-01.sq.html", "tags": "european-union european-commission competition antitrust", "title": "FSFE-ja kundërshton pretendimet për 'politika rrënuese çmimesh' në Software-in e Lirë", "teaser": "Në një dokument antitrust të kohëve të fundit \n parashtruar Komisionit Europian, një koalicion udhëhequr nga \n Microsoft-i pretendohet gënjeshtërt shpërndarja falas Software-it\n të Lirë dëmton konkurrencën. FSFE-ja ka shkruar\n një letër autoriteteve të konkurrencës në Komisionin Europian për hedhur\n poshtë këtë pretendim, dhe bën të qartë që Software-i Lirë është kritik \n për një treg të hapur, konkurrues.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220520-01.it.html", "tags": "education nl", "title": "La FSFE firma il manifesto olandese che chiede miglioramenti per l'istruzione", "teaser": "studenti dovrebbero essere costretti utilizzare software \nproprietario propria istruzione. FSFE unisce \n\"Coalizione Equa Istruzione \nDigitale\" olandese sostenendo soluzioni rispettose privacy coinvolgono \nil Software Libero scuole.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201706.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juni 2017", "teaser": "openbare consultatieronde vorig jaar 'nieuwe' Europese interoperabiliteitsraamwerk (EIF) uiteindelijk gepubliceerd maart 2017. Overeenkomstig onze antwoorden openbare consultatie algemene antwoorden burgers bedrijven vroegen Vrije Software binnen openbare elektronische diensten bevat herziene EIF aanbeveling overheden heel Europa \"een eerlijk speelveld Vrije Software zeker stellen actieve eerlijke overweging gebruik Vrije Software laten zien\" aanbieden elektronische diensten.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221026-02.it.html", "tags": "policy european-union encryption", "title": "Se imposto, il controllo UE sulle chat limiterà il Software Libero", "teaser": "Sicuramente già sentito parlare controverso disegno legge dell'UE controllo obbligatorio chat presunto scopo affrontare efficacemente abusi sessuali minori. legge implica monitoraggio controllo tutte comunicazioni cittadini, crittografate modo sicuro.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.ro.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletinul de știri al FSFE - octombrie 2014", "teaser": "Când cumperi calculator portabil, este dificil să eviți să plătești \nlicență Microsoft Windows, vreme multe portabile vin împreună cu o\nastfel licență. Această „taxă pentru Windows” crescut în mod artificial\nprețul aparatelor pentru utilizatorii programe libere care să \nfolosească sistemul operare Microsoft. Noi, ca utilizatori \nprograme libere, vrem să sprijinim dezvoltarea programelor libere, în loc de\ncea programelor nelibere, precum Microsoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201211.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2012", "teaser": "participants Free Android\nworkshops concerned whether rooting device (e.g. an\nAndroid phone) replacing operating system something else voids\nyour statutory warranty consumer. asked legal coordinator\nMatija Šuklje FSFE legal council Carlo Piana analyse problem. Their\n answer is: No. \"Just fact modified changed software\nof device, sufficient reason void statutory warranty. As\nlong bought device consumer European Union.\" Read throughout\ntheir \n analysis.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201109.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2011", "teaser": "erste Tag neuen Organisation ziemlich intensiv; viele neue\nLeute, Abläufe, viele Informationen. neue Praktikantin Eszter Bako sogar noch\nintensiver. verbrachte ersten Tag FSFE Desktop\nSummit, umgeben fast 800 Leuten, seltsame Dinge KDE,\nGNOME, Qt, GTK+, Plasma, Git, QML, D-Bus, darüber wie\nein Toaster gebaut redeten. Anfängern Freie Software\nGemeinde seltsamen Eindruck vermitteln.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201212.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2012", "teaser": "7. November mehrere politische Kandidaten dem\nManchester Central Wahlbezirk “Manchester\nDigital Debate” teilgenommen. Debatte wurde UK\nKoordinator Sam Tuke Open Rights Group (ORG) organisiert. Die\nVeranstaltung Teil FSFE „Ask Candidates“ Kampagne, die\n(lokale) Politiker digitalen Themen konfrontieren soll, denen\nsie normalerweise auseinandersetzen.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.en.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "KDE's Okular becomes the world's first eco-certified computer program", "teaser": "KDE's universal document viewer Okular first software awarded Blue Angel ecolabel. FSFE congratulates Okular milestone confirms environmental benefits using developing Free Software. Together Upcycling Android initiative campaign universal user freedoms upcoming months.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": "Le droit d'installer des Logiciels Libres +++ 60 livres pour les bibliothèques +++ Atelier à Berlin", "teaser": "lettre d'informations mars, partageons quelques bonnes nouvelles particulièrement nécessaires : personnes donné 60 livres enfants liberté logiciels bibliothèques publiques. FSFE appelle droit l'installation Logiciels Libres. premier atelier « Upcycling Android » déroule Berlin. groupe local d'Aarhus Danemark réunit première fois depuis longtemps.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130319-01.sq.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n Dhe fituesi i zgjedhjeve për Asamblenë e Përgjithshme (AP) të Anëtarëve Shok të FSFE-së është…\n ", "teaser": "…Heiki \"Repentinus\" Ojasild! Koha zgjedhjeve për postin drejtuesit të\n AP-së të Anëtarëve Shok për këtë vit përfundoi më 15 mars dhe qe interesante\n deri në fund. Albert Dengg që qe gjithashtu kandidat për PN-në Anëtarëve \n Shok premtoi të jetë afër dhe të vazhdojë punën tij të madhe për\n FSFE-në në këtë fushë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130729-01.pt.html", "tags": "european-union european-commission competition antitrust", "title": "FSFE objecta alegações de 'preços predatórios' no Software Livre", "teaser": "Numa recente submissão sobre Direito Concorrência à\n\tComissão Europeia, uma coligação encabeçada pela Microsoft afirma\n\terradamente distribuição Software Livre forma gratuita\n\tprejudica competição. FSFE escreveu\n\tuma carta às autoridades competição Comissão Europeia para refutar\n\teste argumento, deixar claro Software Livre é crítipo para um\n\tmercado aberto competitivo.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130730-01.de.html", "tags": "ee electronic-voting policy", "title": "Offener Brief zu Freiheit und Internetabstimmungen an Estlands nationales Wahlkomitee", "teaser": "FSFE offenen Brief Internet-Wahlsystem Landes Estlands nationales Wahlkomitee (NEC) gesendet. bitten darin NEC Wahl benutzte Software Freie Software veröffentlichen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201909.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter community reuse pmpc ccc", "title": "FSFE nieuwsbrief - september 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand richten onze aandacht impact Vrije Software concurrentie, stuk geschreven onze gastdeskundige prof. dr. Simon Schlauri. maken gelegenheid gebruik geweldige vooruitgang REUSE-project geboekt auteursrecht licenties ontwikkelaars gemakkelijker maken. Verder beneden kunt komende evenementen informatie FSFE Annual Community Meeting ontdekken enkele foto's video-opnames zien evenementen waarop onze gemeenschap heel Europa heen Vrije Software gepromoot. bevelen enkele artikelen nuttig vinden.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130503-01.de.html", "tags": "drm w3c", "title": "Internationaler Tag gegen DRM: Gegen bewusst verkrüppelte Technologie kämpfen", "teaser": "Freitag, 3. Mai 2013, tritt FSFE 8.\ninternationalen \"Tag\n DRM\"-Kampagne bei, Digitale\n Rechteminderung beenden. Kampf DRM letzten Wochen\nan Bedeutung gewonnen. Freiheitsaktivisten DRM HTML5\nzusammen getan schädlichen Auswirkungen Technologie auf\nInnovationen Freiheit Benutzer deutlich gemacht. heutigen Tag\ngegen DRM Schwesterorganisation Free Software Foundation die\nPetitionsunterschriften DRM HTML5 World Wide Web Konsortium (W3C)\nin Boston überbringen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220823-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc", "title": "Steun “Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!” met een SharePic", "teaser": "lancering \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" (PGPC) initiatief enorm gegroeid steun ervoor toegenomen. nieuwe leuke manier steun \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" betuigen. nieuwe SharePic-sjabloon iedereen steun campagne laten zien.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-08-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202209.en.html", "tags": "newsletter interview upcyclingandroid localgroup dk berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Librem 5: a PC in your pocket +++ Booths are back", "teaser": "issue look software development Librem 5 phone \n Phosh, popular graphical environment Linux phones. \n booths back! happy discuss Free Software person \n again.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220520-01.nl.html", "tags": "education nl", "title": "FSFE ondertekent Nederlands manifest dat oproept tot verbeteringen in het onderwijs", "teaser": "Leerlingen zouden propriëtaire software hoeven gebruiken deel nemen het\nonderwijsproces. FSFE sluit Nederlandse Coalitie Eerlijk Digitaal\nOnderwijs oplossingen ondersteunt privacy respecteren gebruik maken Vrije Software in\nscholen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-01.de.html", "tags": "dfd de", "title": "taz.die tageszeitung wird mit dem Document Freedom Award Deutschland ausgezeichnet", "teaser": "taz.die tageszeitung erhält diesjährigen deutschen Document Freedom Award. Preis zeichnen Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Förderverein Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) alljährlich Organisation aus, vorbildhaft Verwendung Offener Standards hervortut.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220414-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "Il Software Libero deve essere incluso nella Dichiarazione sui Diritti e Principi Digitali", "teaser": "26 gennaio 2022, Commissione Europea presentato \n\t proposta Dichiarazione UE Diritti Principi Digitali \n\t servirà futuro punto riferimento visione comune \n\t dell'UE diritti digitali. dichiarazione ora \n\t discussione Parlamento Consiglio Europei, Software Libero \n\t dovrebbe farne parte.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130612-01.en.html", "tags": "swpat de policy", "title": "German Parliament tells government to strictly limit patents on software", "teaser": "Friday 7th June German Parliament decided\n upon joint\n motion limit software patents (see English translation by\n BIKT). Parliament urges German Government take steps to\n limit granting patents computer programs. Software should\n exclusively covered copyright, rights copyright\n holders devalued third parties' software patents.  The\n exception patents allowed computer programs which\n replace mechanical electromagnetic component. addition the\n Parliament made clear governmental actions related patents must\n never interfere legality distributing Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220224-01.it.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "FSFE al FOSDEM: una devroom molto significativa, chat virtuali e waffle", "teaser": "nota conferenza annuale Software Libero, FOSDEM, \n scambiato opinioni chattato persone comunità Software \n Libero. sensibilizzato questioni impattano \n movimento devroom legale policy. Guarda video interventi rimani \n contatto tramite Matrix fino prossimo FOSDEM.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201706.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juni 2017", "teaser": "Konsultationsrunde letzten Jahr wurde \nder \"neue\" Europäische Interoperationsrahmen (European Interoperability \nFramework - EIF) März 2017 endlich veröffentlicht. \nÜbereinstimmung Antworten \nöffentlichen Konsultation, sowie allgemeinen \nReaktionen Bürgern Firmen, mehr Freie Software \nöffentlichen e-Services forderten, enthält überarbeitete EIF \ndie Empfehlung öffentlichen Verwaltungen EU, \"gleiche \nWettbewerbsbedingungen\" Freie Software sorgen \"aktive \nund faire Erwägung\" beim Angebot e-Services nachzuweisen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2013", "teaser": "ersten Blick sehen Geräte Mist aus. Warum würde\njemand kaufen? Herausgeber dieses\nNewsletters ausgelacht, Open Moko\nNeo Freerunner gekauft hat. Schon Zeit meisten\nGeräte schnelleren Prozessor, mehr Speicher, schöneres\nGehäuse, bessere Netzwerkanbindung, besseres Mikrofon bessere\nLautsprecher.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-01.en.html", "tags": "dfd de", "title": "taz.die tageszeitung receives Document Freedom Germany Award ", "teaser": "German newspaper taz.die tageszeitung (TAZ) receives year's\nDocument Freedom Day award. award, Free Software\nFoundation Europe (FSFE) Foundation Free Information\nInfrastructure (FFII) honour organisations make exemplary use of\nOpen Standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130503-01.es.html", "tags": "drm w3c", "title": "Día internacional contra el DRM: combate una tecnología deliberadamente limitadora", "teaser": "Este viernes, 3 mayo 2013, FSFE 8ª campaña \"día internacional contra el DRM\" llamada para terminar Gestión digital restricciones (DRM). lucha contra el DRM tenido impulso las pasadas semanas. Los activistas por libertad han conseguido apoyos contra el DRM HTML5, haciendo hincapié los efectos dañinos esta tecnología libertad los usuarios. el día hoy contra el DRM, nuestra organización hermana Free Software Foundation entregará World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Boston las firmas recogidas oponiéndose DRM HTML5.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220330-01.it.html", "tags": "AI pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "Legge sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IA): il Software Libero ne è la chiave!", "teaser": "sforzo allineare politiche digitali diritti fondamentali \n\t gente, Parlamento Europeo processo definire \n\t quadro legale sviluppo l'uso tecnologie IA. FSFE \n\t seguendo processo modo venga incluso Software Libero, \n\t promossa l'innovazione, migliorati controlli rafforzata \n\t fiducia.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Mai 2017", "teaser": "10 24 avril 2017 FSFE organisé neuvième élection annuelle Fellowship élire personne représentant communauté FSFE Assemblée Générale. L'Assemblée Générale constituée membres FSFE e.V. constitue personne morale FSFE. responsable planning stratégique, budget, agendas, exonérations, l'élection renouvellement conseil exécutif trésorier. gagnant l'élection cette année est... Daniel Pocock !", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Newsletter FSFE - Ottobre 2015", "teaser": "All’Assemblea Generale quest’anno, Bucarest, FSFE \nha eletto nuova squadra dirigente\nper prossimi due anni. Reinhard Müller continuerà ruolo di\nTesoriere, mentre sottoscritto assumerà Presidente,\ncon Alessandro Rubini Vice-Presidente. Alessandro ingegnere\nelettronico lavora device driver sistemi embedded.\nÈ stato primi membri FSFE riunito recente\nper sostenerci lavoro. Presidente precedente, Karsten Gerloff\nha\nben accolto cambiamento descritto progetti futuri.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201505.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Mei 2015", "teaser": "Europese Commissie nieuwe versie gepubliceerd \nstrategie interne gebruik Vrije Software. FSFE leverde input Commissie \ngedurende verwerkingsfase hoewel strategie algemeen overeenkomt eerdere \nversie enkele verbeteringen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.el.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Ιούλιος 2014", "teaser": "Φαντασθείτε να πάτε με μερικούς φίλους σε μια καφετέρια, αλλά αντί για καφέδες και\nαναψυκτικά, το μενού να έχει προσφορά πληροφοριών με μέτρα για διασφάλιση της ψηφιακής\nιδιωτικότητας. Σαν το \"https everywhere\", ως ορεκτικό, το \"GnuPG κρυπτογράφηση e-mail\" ως κυρίως\nπιάτο, και το \"tosdr.org\" (με πληροφορίες για τους όρους παροχής των υπηρεσιών) ως\nεπιδόρπιο. Αυτού του είδους οι καφετέριες υπάρχουν ήδη στην Ολλανδία. Στη Γερμανόφωνη\nσυνάντηση του FSFE στην πόλη της Έσσης, ο Felix Stegerman, ο Συντονιστής εκπρόσωπός μας από την\nΟλλανδία, παρουσίασε τα σχέδιά του να στήσει ακόμη περισσότερα από αυτά τα privacy cafes και γιατί\nθεωρεί πως είναι η σωστή στιγμή και μια καλή ευκαιρία για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό, να κάνει κάτι τέτοιο\nκαι σε άλλα μέρη.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201608.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - augustus 2016", "teaser": "doel \"Vrije open bron veiligheidsonderzoek\" \n(FOSSA) proefproject veiligheid vergroten Vrije Software \ngebruikt Europese instellingen. FSFE project gevolgd sinds \nbegin 2014. Europese Commissie \n\npubliceerde onlangs eerste ronde af leveren producten, gebaseerd \ninterviews belanghebbenden.. Hoewel FSFE initiatief volledig steunt \nraken bezorgd uitvoering project. FOSSA's eerste analyse \nontbreekt begrip Vrije Software; bevat verschillende \nfeitelijke fouten; gebaseerd slecht uitgevoerde algemene interviews.\nFSFE-voorzitter \nMatthias Kirschner \nFSFE-Fellowshipvertegenwoordiger Mirko Böehm, beide project \ngeïnterviewd, meest hand liggende tekortkomingen recente \nFOSSA publicaties samengevat. Daartegenover staat dat, kijkend vanuit \nperspectief, FOSSA steeds eerste fasen bevindt. \nhulp Vrije Software-experts FOSSA juiste richting krijgen. FSFE \ndoorgaan nauwgezet volgen FOSSA's komende uitvoeringen. \nAarzel om, geval commentaar respons initiatief, \nuw gedachten onze \n\ndiscussielijst delen direct aandacht Matthias Kirschner \nbrengen. manier ervoor instaan relevante zorgen \nzullen gecommuniceerd.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130918-01.de.html", "tags": "ayc de elections public-administration", "title": "Landtagswahl Hessen: SPD und CDU enttäuschen, Grüne und Piraten punkten", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe veröffentlicht heute ihre\n Freie-Software-Wahlprüfsteine\n Landtagswahl Hessen 22. September 2013. den\n Fragen FSFE sehen, inwieweit Landesverbände den\n Themen auseinandergesetzt haben. Trotz wiederholter Nachfrage und\n Bestätigung Eingang unserer Fragen SPD die\n Fragen geantwortet (siehe Update unten). FDP Linke fällt Bewertung schwer: Sie\n Antworten ihrer\n Bundesverbände 1:1 übernommen, generelle Zustimmung zur\n Bundesebene zulässt, allerdings Bewertung Kenntnisstand im\n Landesverband erschwert. Enttäuschend Antwort CDU:", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221026-01.en.html", "tags": "competition tedective", "title": "FSFE wins the transparency challenge of the EU Datathon 2022", "teaser": "sixth edition Datathon, \n EU’s open data competition, came close last week awards \n ceremony. Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) first \n prize challenge ‘transparency public procurement’ \n program helps analyse public administrations European \n Union spend money.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2015", "teaser": "year's General Assembly Bucharest, FSFE \nelected new leadership team\nfor next two years. Reinhard Müller continue role as\nFinancial Officer editor assume role President,\nwith Alessandro Rubini filling Vice-President. Alessandro an\nelectronic engineer working device drivers embedded systems.\nHe one first members FSFE recently joined again\nto support us work. FSFE's former President, Karsten Gerloff\nwelcomed\nthe change wrote future steps.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130730-01.pt.html", "tags": "ee electronic-voting policy", "title": "Carta Aberta sobre Liberdade e Voto Electrónico ao Comité Eleitoral Nacional da Estónia", "teaser": "FSFE enviou uma carta aberta ao Comité Eleitoral Nacional Estónia (NEC) sobre sistema voto electrónico país. Pedimos ao NEC para lançar software usado processo eleitoral como Software Livre.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220127-01.it.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "La FSFE al FOSDEM 2022", "teaser": "2021, quest'anno FOSDEM terrà online. impedito coorganizzare ancora volta devroom questioni legali policy. entusiasmati vediamo l'ora presentarti interessantissimo programma weekend.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201407.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - korrik 2014", "teaser": "Përfytyroni shkoni disa shokë në kafe, por në vend pijesh të ftohta\napo të nxehta, menuja përmban informacione mbi masa për sigurimin privatësisë\ndixhitale. Si, për shembull, \"https kudo\"; antipastë, \"Fshehtëzim email-esh\nme GnuPG\"; pjatë kryesore, dhe \"tosdr.org\"; (informacione mbi kushte \nshërbimesh) ëmbëlsirë. Kafe të tilla gjenden tashmë në Holandë. Në takimin \ne FSFE-së në Esen, Felix Stegerman, bashkërenduesi ynë prej Holande, paraqiti\nplanet tij për të krijuar më tepër kafe privatësie dhe shpejgoi pse është\ni mendimit është koha duhur dhe një mundësi mirë për Software-in Lirë\npër bërë këtë edhe në vende të tjera.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201704.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - prill 2017", "teaser": "Dhjetorin kaluar, Gjermania iu bashkua nismës\n Open Government\n Partnership dhe tashmë duhet që deri në qershor të 2017-s\n të hartojë dhe vendosë për një plan veprimesh. Shtim transparencës dhe raportim vazhdueshëm, efektshmëri në qeverisje dhe administrata dashamirëse ndaj qytetarit, të tëra këto janë pjesë synimeve të nismës Open Government.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202206.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration interview de education nl sustainability localgroup berlin dk gr ch hamburg-group women-group it", "title": "Municipalities using Free Software +++ PMPC tour in Italy", "teaser": "issue, read nine administrations innovating \n saving money Free Software, Dutch coalition calling fair \n digital education, sustainable telecom sector \n attainable Free Software. Volunteers organise ‘Public Money? \n Public code!’ tour Italy.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220201-01.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "❤ Festeggiamo insieme la prossima giornata \"Io amo il Software Libero\"!", "teaser": "Ogni 14 febbraio, persone mondo festeggiano giornata “Io \n\tamo Software Libero”. giornata mostriamo amore \n\tper Software Libero ringraziamo tutte persone \n\tcontribuiscono libertà software. Quest'anno \n\torganizzando intero evento dedicato giochi rilasciati \n\tSoftware Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130729-02.en.html", "tags": "european-union european-commission competition antitrust", "title": "FSFE objects to claims of 'predatory pricing' in Free Software", "teaser": "According reports specialist online media, so-called\n\"FairSearch\" coalition - comprised Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, a\nnumber online service providers - argues, latest submission\nto European Commission, free-of-charge distribution of\nAndroid, Free Software[1] mobile operating\nsystem developed Google, constitutes predatory pricing. Suggesting\nthat distribution Free Software free charge harmful to\ncompetition wrong substance, dangerous competition\nand innovation.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220420-01.de.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Online-Diskussion: Die Zukunft der Routerfreiheit in Österreich", "teaser": "Österreich Reformgesetz Telekomsektor eingeführt, Möglichkeiten Verbrauchern eigenen Router/Modem auszuwählen verwenden auswirken wird. Zusammen Verbund Telekommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (VTKE) organisiert FSFE Event Thema \"Die Zukunft Routerfreiheit Österreich\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130620-01.en.html", "tags": "procurement tr microsoft google education fya open-letter tr policy", "title": "Open Letter to Prime Minister Erdoğan", "teaser": "recent weeks, political events Istanbul focus international media. Important discussions taking place Turkey's government people. Several lost lives process", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202110.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021", "teaser": "onze nieuwsbrief oktober leest Till Jaeger, eerste hand weet \n nodig Vrije Softwarelicenties handhaven. Kom weten \n wedstrijd net gelanceerd hebben: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Leer donaties jaarboekgroep middelbare school. Volg onze laatste activiteiten schrijf data komende SFScon op.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202012.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc sustainability united-nations localgroup community fya corona ch", "title": "CWA sin Google +++ Cooperación al desarrollo internacional +++ Entrevista KDE", "teaser": "el Boletín diciembre, lee sobre App Alemana Aviso Coronavirus, publicada aparte para ampliar libertad software, aprende sobre código público cooperación desarrollo internacional, disfruta entrevista Cord-Landwehr KDE sobre REUSE, grupo local Zurich recibió premio DINACon mucho mas.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201107.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2011", "teaser": "Imagine bought computer pre-installed Free Software. After\nsome time decide install additional software made someone\nelse. vendor sold computer, however, approve, decides people made additional software\nthat installed. Sounds like purchasing computer vendor great idea!", "type": "page", "date": "2011-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201710.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc savecodeshare sha", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Octobre 2017", "teaser": "L'UE train réviser réglementation droit d'auteur afin qu'elle mieux adaptée l'ère numérique moderne proposition directive européenne droit d’auteur marché unique numérique. lieu tenir compte réalités façon dont les différents contenus ligne partagés, l'état actuel proposition Directive européenne droit d'auteur particulier article 13 consacré hébergeurs contenu ligne menacent menacenotre capacité accéder dépôts (/répertoires) code source ligne. Les nouvelles règles inscrites l'article 13 visent introduire nouvelles obligations les plateformes d’hébergement code source d'empêcher possible violation droit d'auteur, sinon plateformes pourraient être tenues directement responsables l’activité utilisateurs. L'article 13 impose ainsi l'utilisation filtres onéreux lors mise ligne contenu afin d’identifier code présumé contrevenant. problème telle exigence, c'est qu'il n'existe aucun filtre automatique connu jour puisse identifier rigoureusement code partagé manière adéquate sans enfreindre licence Logiciel Libre. plus, l'article 13 impose obligation surveillance considérable plateformes d’hébergement code afin chercher activement activités illicites part utilisateurs. point vue, l'état actuel l'article 13 considère chaque utilisateur d'une plateforme d’hébergement code comme potentiel auteur d'infractions droit d'auteur, dont contenu, compris totalité d'un dépôt peut être mis hors-ligne bien interdit d'être mis ligne plateforme n'importe quel moment.Si code devient aussi facilement publiable, cela entraverait sévèrement tous les autres logiciels construire par-dessus.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.pt.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "Oficina de observância da FSFE descobre violação da GPL pela FANTEC, Welte ganha em tribunal", "teaser": "Tribunal\n Regional Hamburg [Landgericht Hamburg] considerou FANTEC GmbH culpada pela\n violação GNU General Public License seu media player FANTEC\n\t3DFHDL. caso Harald Welte contra FANTEC GmbH tribunal decidiu a\n\tFANTEC tem pagar uma multa além custos adicionais pelos advogados, e\n\tque tem entregar informação exacta sobre cadeia distribuição \n FANTEC 3DFHDL Media Player.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter - Juni 2016", "teaser": "Zusammen 72 Organisationen FSFE \ndas Schreiben Regulierungsbehörden Telekommunikation \nunterzeichnet, starke Netzneutralitäts-Regeln \nandauernden Verhandlungen Richtlinien Umsetzung kürzlich \nverabschiedeten EU-Richtlinie 2015/2020 einsetzt. Richtlinie bildet \nGrundlage starke Netzneutralität FSFE fordert zusammen \nOrganisationen ganzen Welt Gremium Europäischer Regulierungsstellen \nfür elektronische Kommunikation (GEREK) nationalen Regulierungsbehörden \nauf, Regeln Richtlinie durchzusetzen starke Regeln \nNetzneutralität Europa aufzustellen.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221004-01.en.html", "tags": "yh4f interview", "title": "✦ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Winners ✦", "teaser": "year coding evaluation Youth Hacking 4 Freedom \n competition comes end, giving us amazing projects. won? \n six winning programs offer sign language transcription, smart table \n robot, personal assistant, music tutorial, file sharing, \n homework manager. Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130926-01.de.html", "tags": "ayc at elections public-administration", "title": "Nationalratswahl 2013: Positionen der Parteien zu Freier Software und digitaler Gesellschaft", "teaser": "29.09.2013 finden Österreich die\n Nationalratswahlen statt. Ende Wahlkampfes veröffentlicht Free\n Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Positionen Parteien Thema\n Freie Software digitale Gesellschaft.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220503-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "European Parliament votes for Free Software in AI resolution ", "teaser": "Today European Parliament passed resolution Artificial \nIntelligence (AI) huge majority 495 votes favor, 34 \nand 102 abstentions. many references advantages Free \nSoftware included text - FSFE urges Parliament \ntransfer position regulation.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220202-01.nl.html", "tags": "internal tech-teams tools fosdem", "title": "Welkom in de Matrix: de FSFE draait nu haar eigen server", "teaser": "FSFE gemeenschap graag ondersteunen verschillende Vrije Software\n communicatiekanalen. Wij blij aankondigen wij onlangs\n Matrix lijst toegevoegd. succesvolle betatests elke FSFE-supporter en\n vrijwilliger eigen Matrix-account aanmaken. Wij zullen onze\n instantie gebruiken FSFE's virtuele kraam tijdens FOSDEM!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220315-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Germany: 100 days of coalition agreement - hardly one day for Free Software", "teaser": "end week, new German government office 100 days. \nThe coalition agreement contains ambitious statements use Free Software (also known Open Source), far \nnothing implemented. contrary: dependencies cemented.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130716-01.en.html", "tags": "european-union european-parliament policy", "title": "Open Letter on transparency to President of the European Parliament", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe Open Rights Group sent\n open letter [pdf] the\n President European Parliament, Martin Schulz. Mr Schulz recently\n asked [pdf] produce study transparency within the\n Parliament.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202406.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections legal ada-zangemann fr es nl hr event dma highlights", "title": "Elezioni UE +++ DMA & Apple +++ Strumento REUSE", "teaser": "numero, spieghiamo progetti fare film \nstoria Ada & Zangemann chiediamo sostegno. stata \nrilasciata nuova versione REUSE. Leggi l'opinione FSFE \nCommissione Europea nuova strategia Apple rispettare DMA \ne impatto Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130423-02.ro.html", "tags": "drm", "title": "Nu lăsați DRM-ul să ajungă în HTML5 - Semnați petiția!", "teaser": "Vă rugăm să ni vă alăturați în apelul către World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) și organizațiile sale membre să respingă propunerea „Encrypted Media Extensions” (prescurtată EME, rom. extensii medii criptate). Această propunere scopul să încorporeze suportul pentru Digital Restriction Management (prescurtat DRM, rom. gestiunea restricțiilor digitale) în HTML și în consecință, ar exclude navigatoarele libere mai fi compatibile cu multe pagini.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130712-01.sq.html", "tags": "encryption microsoft", "title": "Rrjedhje e re informacioni nga Snowden: Depozitimi i të dhënave tuaja te Microsoft-i është veprim i pakujdesshëm", "teaser": "Në një artikull\n të botuar sot, Guardian përshkruan Microsoft-i po \n bashkëpunon aktivisht NSA-në. Sipas artikullit, Microsoft-i \n po furnizon NSA-në akses të gjerë komunikimet cilitdo \n që përdor shërbimet kompanisë:", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130611-01.en.html", "tags": "openstandards sk eura-slovakia", "title": "Filing taxes without non-free software: Slovak company appeals fines", "teaser": "case Slovak company protesting forced use non-free software file taxes, court failed rule substance case.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202405.en.html", "tags": "newsletter llw licensing legal yh4f-project ada-zangemann fr dk berlin event highlights", "title": "LLW 2024 +++ YH4F interviews +++ Ada in France", "teaser": "May comes legal news Legal & Licensing Workshop \nthe Bitcoin lawsuit regarding liability Free Software developers. \nWe talked two 2023 YH4F participants Danish local group \nsent Open Letter parliament. see Ada & \nZangemann prize French ebook version \navailable?", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221205-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "­5 redenen waarom uw steun en bijdrage voor de \npromotie van Vrije Software cruciaal is", "teaser": "steun bijdrage promotie Vrije Software belangrijk voortdurend werk veilig stellen, onze onafhankelijkheid verzekeren, onze democratische samenleving versterken, concrete stappen softwarevrijheid promoten implementeren, gebruik ontwikkeling Vrije Software vergemakkelijken.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221215-01.en.html", "tags": "routers be", "title": "Router Freedom: Belgium on the right way to protect end-users", "teaser": "Belgian regulator BIPT decided safeguard Router Freedom \n connection types, including optical fiber (FTTx). FSFE \n engaged public consultation urging policy makers make \n right reality, improve monitoring ISP practices.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200909.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Σεπτέμβριος 2009", "teaser": "Η Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Λογισμικού είναι ένα από τα κύρια γεγονότα της \nκοινότητας Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού το Σεπτέμβριο, και είναι ένα γεγονός που δεν χάνουμε ποτέ.\nΑυτή τη χρονιά το FSFE γιόρτασε στη Λειψία, τη Βιέννη και το Αμβούργο με τη βοήθεια των\nΜελών της Κοινότητας. Χάρη σ' αυτούς, η καμπάνια \"Ρωτήστε τον υποψήφιό σας για το \nΕλεύθερο Λογισμικό!\" για τις Γερμανικές εκλογές γνώρισε μεγάλη επιτυχία.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.it.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Podcast sulla sostenibilità +++ Lavoro +++ Libertà del Router parziale in Grecia", "teaser": "numero condividiamo podcast progressi campagna Upcycling Android. Aperta opportunità lavoro squadra FSFE. Grecia punto garantire Libertà Router, senza fibra. News comunità Aarhus, Barcellona, Berlino, Amburgo, Vienna, Zurigo, Belgio, Italia, Paesi Bassi, gruppi Traduttori Donne.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Oktober 2014", "teaser": "Laptop kauft, Bezahlen Microsoft \nWindows Lizenz schwierig vermeiden herausstellen. Grund ist: Viele \nLaptops (und Computer) schon Windows Betriebssystem \nausgeliefert verkauft. „Windows Steuer“ Hardwarepreise \ndie Nutzer Freier Software, Microsofts Betriebssystem nutzen \nwollen, künstlich erhöht. Nutzer Freier Software statt \ndessen Entwicklung Freier Software fördern.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Φεβρουάριος 2015", "teaser": "Μόλις φτάσει η 14η Φεβρουαρίου, η ιστοσελίδα μας θα γεμίσει με ροζ χρώμα και καρδούλες, για να\n\t\tγιορτάσουμε τους δημιουργούς του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Δημιουργήσαμε την ευκαιρία\n\t\tσε κάθε Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου, από το 2012, όχι μόνο να γιορτάζουμε τους αγαπημένους μας,\n\t\tαλλά και τους αφοσιωμένους ανθρώπους που εργάζονται πολύ σκληρά για να διασφαλίσουν ότι εμείς\n\t\tθα έχουμε την επιλογή να χρησιμοποιούμε Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220202-01.en.html", "tags": "internal tech-teams tools fosdem", "title": "Welcome to the Matrix: the FSFE now runs its own server", "teaser": "FSFE eager support community diverse Free Software\n communication channels. happy announce recently added\n Matrix list. successful beta tests, every FSFE supporter and\n volunteer create Matrix account. use our\n instance FSFE’s virtual booth FOSDEM!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2015", "teaser": "Earlier month, FSFE answered “Consultation on\nthe respect intellectual property public procurement procedures”,\ninitiated European Commission. According Commission initial\npurpose consultation “gather evidence, opinions feedback\nregarding respect intellectual property rights trade secrets in\npublic procurement procedures”, assess whether need guide\nfor public authorities regard.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.de.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "FSFE entdeckt Verletzung der GPL-Lizenz durch FANTEC, Welte gewinnt vor Gericht", "teaser": "Landgericht Hamburg FANTEC GmbH schuldig gesprochen, Media Player FANTEC 3DFHDL GNU General Public License verletzen. Fall Harald Welte FANTEC GmbH Gericht entschieden, dass FANTEC Strafzahlung begleichen zudem zusätzliche Kosten Anwälte aufkommen muss. Weiteren FANTEC Herrn Welte exakte Auskunft Vertriebswege FANTEC 3DFHDL Media Player erteilen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.de.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 unterzeichnen den offenen Brief zu OS-Freiheit +++ Fair-Market-App +++ Deine digitalen Rechte", "teaser": "Ausgabe: Allianz 46 Organisationen - es\n immer mehr - unterstützt universelle Recht, Software\n Gerät installieren. Freie Software die\n Aufnahme EU-Erklärung digitalen Rechten Betracht\n gezogen. App FSFE Transparenz öffentlichen\n Beschaffungswesen erreicht Finale EU-Datathons. Italienische\n FSFE-Freiwillige bereiten Rundreise vor.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201803.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter it ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Mars 2018", "teaser": "fushatën \n Para Publike? Kod Publik! të FSFE-së kërkojmë jo vetëm që kodi paguar nga populli të jetë përdorshëm nga populli. pëlqen edhe të nxjerrim në pah shembuj të goditur, që kështu vendim-marrës të tjerë të mund të nxjerrin mësime prej tyre. Një shembull shumë mirë janë\n \n Neni 68 dhe\n \n Neni 69 \"Kodit të Administratës Dixhitale\", një ligj italian që kërkon administratës publike brenda Italisë të parapëlqejë zgjidhje të krijuara brenda dhe zgjidhje Software të Lirë, në vend ato pronësore. Veç kësaj, këto administrata kanë për detyrë të ndajnë të tjerët kodin burim dhe çfarëdo dokumentimi të çfarëdo software-i që ato kanë zhvilluar paranë publike. Ligje të tilla vendosin Italinë në pararojë të legjislacionit europian të favorshëm ndaj kodit publik.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131213-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "160,000 Euro short for 2014", "teaser": "reader website, aware the\n importance Free Software free society. FSFE fighting\n Free Software since 2001. Since then, made big difference by\n exercising political pressure, helping Free Software developers legal\n expertise, building public awareness software freedom. continue\n important work, need total budget 390,000 Euro 2014. are\n currently still 160,000 short goal.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220823-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc", "title": "Sostieni “Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\" con una immagine", "teaser": "quando l'iniziativa “Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!” stata lanciata, essa cresciuta molto sperimentato sostegno crescente. Ora c'è nuovo divertente modo mostrare proprio sostengo “Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!”. nuovo template SharePic, possono mostrare proprio sostegno campagna.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-08-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201609.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2016", "teaser": "Thank contributing making FSFE Summit \nthis past weekend huge success! excited see many\nfamiliar faces we're eager meet soon. course, the\nFSFE Summit thing going past month. this\nnewsletter read community's activities.\nIn October newsletter, share more\nof happened Summit. Stay tuned more!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130221-01.sq.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "Fushata #ILOVEFS 2013", "teaser": "Çdo vit, më 14 Shkurt njerëzit kremtojnë ditën dashurinë,\nmarrëdhëniet intime të tjerët... dhe për të tretin vit radhazi, mrekullitë\ne Software-it të Lirë. Anembanë botës njerëzit shprehin dashurinë tyre gjatë\nditës \"E dua software-in lirë\" .\nDo të donim t’ju falënderonim për pjesëmarrjen, dhe të ndanim ju disa thënie\ntë bukura, postime blogjesh dhe mikroblogjesh të shkruara nga frymëzimi prej\npërkushtimit tonë ndaj Software-it të Lirë.\nKur programuesit të lexojnë deklarimet tuaja, pa mëdyshje të gjejnë energji\nshtesë për të vazhduar veprën tyre.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130927-01.da.html", "tags": "gnu", "title": "Ændring af verden: GNU-projektet fylder 30 år", "teaser": "30 år siden bekendtgjorde Richard Stallman tilblivelsen \naf GNU-projektet. initiativ, begyndte med \nen programmørs frustrationer defekt printerdriver, har ændret vores \nsamfund. Ideen software, som anvende, studere, dele \nog forbedre, har virkelig vist sig være slagkraftig.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220503-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Il Parlamento Europeo vota per il Software Libero nell'IA – La posizione va inclusa nel regolamento", "teaser": "Oggi Parlamento Europeo approvato delibera sull'Intelligenza \nArtificiale (IA) larga maggioranza 495 voti favore, 34 \ncontrari 102 astenuti. molti riferimenti testo \nvantaggi Software Libero: FSFE ora sollecita Parlamento \ntrasferire posizione regolamento IA.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200910.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2009", "teaser": "October dense, vibrant challenging month FSFE.\nWe done work fit limits letter.\nFor reason, reading newsletter, please visit the\nnews section website complete overview our\nwork:", "type": "page", "date": "2009-11-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200908.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Αύγουστος 2009", "teaser": "Ο Αύγουστος είναι παραδοσιακά ένας μήνας με χαμηλότερο \nεπίπεδο δραστηριοτήτων λόγω των διακοπών. Ωστόσο, ένα πλήθος γεγονότων έλαβε \nχώρα κάτω από τη στέγη του FSFE και της Κοινότητας.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130703-01.sq.html", "tags": "ayc de policy public-administration", "title": "Zgjedhjet parlamentare në Gjermani: Pozicionet e partive lidhur me Software-in e Lirë", "teaser": "Sot, Free Software Foundation Europe boton pyetjet veta lidhur me\n Software-in Lirë dhe zgjedhjet, referuar atyre parlamentare gjermane \n të kësaj vjeshte, që të zhvillohen më 22 shtator. Pyetjeve që mbulonin\n çështje kontrolli përdoruesve mbi pajisjet tyre elektronike, \n dhënia publikut programeve të kompjuterave të financuar nga paraja publike, \n Software Lirë, dhe patentat mbi software-in, janë përgjigjur krejt \n partitë politike.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - tetor 2014", "teaser": "Kur blihet një laptop, mund të jetë vështirë të shmanget pagesa një licence\nMicrosoft Windows, ngaqë mjaft prej laptopëve shiten një të tillë brenda paketës.\nKjo “Taksë Windows” rrit artificialisht çmimet hardware-it për përdoruesit \nSoftware-it të Lirë që nuk duan të përdorin sistem operativ të Microsoft-it. Ne, si\npërdorues të Software-it të Lirë, duam të përkrahim zhvillimin Software-it të Lirë, \nnë vend të atij jo të lirë, të llojit Microsoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201309.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2013", "teaser": "F-Droid project that\nprovides Free Software applications Android via repository system, much\nlike package systems GNU/Linux distributions. differs from\nother mobile app markets, like Google Play Apple's AppStore, since the\nclient server side software respect freedoms force to\nregister account use them. F-Droid's settings value privacy:\nalthough choose enable it, default show programs\nwhich 1) show advertisement, 2) track report activity, promote 3)\nnon-free add-ons 4) non-free network services, 5) depend other\nnon-free apps. since beginning FSFE's \"Free Android\" campaign we\npoint people F-Droid.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220531-01.it.html", "tags": "it pmpc localgroup event translations", "title": "I volontari organizzano il tour \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\" in Italia", "teaser": "codice pagato cittadini deve essere disposizione cittadini!\n volontari presenteranno campagna \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\"\n Trento, Bologna Caltanissetta. vivi Italia, \n l'occasione ideale conoscere meglio l'iniziativa e\n sostenerla.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130920-01.en.html", "tags": "fellowship sfd", "title": "On Software Freedom Day, support FSFE!", "teaser": "need computers trust. recent\n news planet-wide surveillance make clear important\n computer systems society. Control computer\n systems needs hands users.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130625-02.fr.html", "tags": "procurement european-union", "title": "La commission européenne incite les organismes publics à se libérer de leur enfermement", "teaser": "communication publiée aujourd'hui, Commission Européenne exhorte les organismes publics libérer système informatique verrous propriétaires. commission souhaite lorsqu'ils achètent logiciels, les organismes publics basent standards plutôt noms marques technologies propriétaires.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220420-01.it.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Sessione online: il futuro della Libertà del Router in Austria", "teaser": "L'Austria introdotto riforma legge settore telecomunicazioni impatta capacità consumatori scegliere usare propri router modem. Insieme all'Associazione produttori apparecchiature terminali (VTKE), FSFE organizzando sessione \"Il futuro Libertà Router Austria\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220905-01.it.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "Ampia alleanza: la digitalizzazione serva al cambiamento sociale ed ecologico", "teaser": "Un'ampia alleanza 13 organizzazioni settori protezione ambientale, politica digitale, cooperazione sviluppo dell'università, pubblica catalogo richieste mostrare soluzioni politiche società digitale sostenibile, preludio conferenza digitalizzazione sostenibilità \"Bits & Bäume\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130620-01.sq.html", "tags": "procurement tr microsoft google education fya open-letter tr policy", "title": "Letër e Hapur kryeministrit Erdoğan", "teaser": "Në javët fundit, veprimtaritë politike në Stamboll janë në qendër të vëmendjes së medias ndërkombëtare. Po zhvillohen diskutime të rëndësishme rreth qeverisë së Turqisë dhe popullit të saj. Në këtë proces kanë humbur jetën disa vetë", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201012.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - December 2010", "teaser": "editie gaat huidige ontwikkelingen beleid rond Open Standaarden. Daarnaast geeft informatie softwarepatenten, brengt nieuws FSCONS distributed computing verneem einde jaar kunt steunen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201902.de.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs pmpc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Februar 2019", "teaser": "Monat stellt Newsletter neue Expertenbroschüre \"Public Money? Public Code\" reflektiert Bedeutung Offenen Quellcodes Vertrauen Sicherheit kritischen IT-Infrastrukturen. immer gibt Newsletter Überblick Vorträge Stände unserer Community sowie kurze Zusammenfassung dessen, getan - Monat FOSDEM, 35C3, FOSS4SMEs Next Generation Internet Projekt. Aufruf mitmachen empfehlen Monat unserer IloveFS-Kampagne teilzunehmen.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του FSFE – Ιανουάριος 2014", "teaser": "Πολλοί hackers (περιλαμβανομένων και ημών, ασφαλώς!) χαρήκαμε τις διάφορες\n\t\tγιορτές που γίνονται στο χειμερινό ηλιοστάσιο. Αλλά, αλίμονο!, δεν είναι\n\t\tπια καιρός να στεκόμαστε στα Χριστουγεννιάτικα δώρα, απολαμβάνοντας την οικογενειακή γαλήνη –\n\t\tτα Χριστούγεννα πέρασαν, μπήκε ο νέος χρόνος, και η πτήση προς την ελευθερία\n\t\tαπαιτεί και παλι την προσοχή μας. Συνεπώς, ταιριάζει απόλυτα\n\t\tνα αρχίσουμε με μια μικρή ανασκόπηση για το τι μας επιφυλάσσει το\n\t\t2014 κατά τους επόμενους λίγους μήνες.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221221-01.nl.html", "tags": "ada-zangemann", "title": "Steun ons en neem deel aan de ‘Ada & Zangemann’ boekverloting", "teaser": "geweldig nieuws! bedanken steun, moeilijke tijden waarderen, geven 28 Engelstalige exemplaren boek 'Ada & Zangemann - verhaal software, skateboards frambozenijs'.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201103.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Marzo 2011", "teaser": "\"Il 27 Gennaio Facebook stato spento Egitto. \nmomento fermato protesta. media ritengono è\ndovuto all'influenza nipote Mubarak ragazza Mark Zuckerberg.\" \nOvviamente vero. software controllato azienda, \nqualcosa simile può succedere. Cosa potrebbe succedere proprietaria \nsocial network stata azienda Egiziana? azienda potuto \nresistere pressione stato?", "type": "page", "date": "2011-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201207.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Juli 2012", "teaser": "Ziel FSFE sicherzustellen, dass Eigentümer IT-Geräten \npermanent volle alleinige Verfügungsgewalt IT-Geräte innehaben. \nDieses grundlegende Prinzip letzter Zeit herausgefordert. \nanhaltendes Wachstum Entwicklung Benutzung Software aufrecht erhalten, \nist breite Verfügbarkeit universellen Computern kritischer Bedeutung.\nDiesen Monat FSFE Analyse \n „Secure Boot“ veröffentlicht.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.nl.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Teken onze open brief over het recht om welke software dan ook op welk apparaat dan ook te installeren", "teaser": "100 maatschappelijke organisaties verschillende sectoren onze open brief \"Het recht welke software welk apparaat installeren\" ondertekend. Nu, Europese Week Afvalvermindering, stellen brief open ondertekening individuen. Sluit onze zaak laat stem horen!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201210.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Oktober 2012", "teaser": "Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft feierte weltweiten Software Freedom Day, der\njährlich dritten Samstag September abgehalten wird, \nverschiedenen Events Meetings. örtliche Fellowship Gruppe\n Manchester traf sich, Alternativen Skype diskutieren.\nSie ausführliche Tests gemacht Ergebnisse veröffentlicht.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202209.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter interview upcyclingandroid localgroup dk berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Librem 5: een pc in uw zak +++ Kramen zijn terug", "teaser": "aflevering kijken software-ontwikkeling Librem 5 telefoon \n Phosh, populaire grafische omgeving Linux-telefoons. \n kraampjes terug! blij Vrije Software weer persoonlijk bespreken .", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2014", "teaser": "care privacy either paying e-mail provider, even\nrun mail server keep autonomy, control, privacy your\nemail. make sure big company copies\nof personal email. Still, prevent companies\nfrom getting hands data. enough merely take care of\nyour security, seek increase security. convince\nyour peers increase security, too: like Jacob Appelbaum says, security\nis interdependent.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130730-01.et.html", "tags": "ee electronic-voting policy", "title": "Avalik kiri vabadusest ja Interneti-hääletusest Vabariigi Valimiskomisjonile", "teaser": "FSFE saatnud Vabariigi Valimiskomisjonile (VVK) riiklikku Interneti-hääletuse süsteemi käsitleva avaliku kirja. palume, valimiskomisjon avaldaks valimiste raames kasutatava tarkvara vaba tarkvarana.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220516-01.en.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Key stakeholders debated the future of Router Freedom in Austria", "teaser": "Together Alliance Telecommunication Terminal Equipment \nManufacturers (VTKE), FSFE organised online event \"The Future \nRouter Freedom Austria\" decision makers could debate \nindustry civil society stakeholders future developments \nregarding free choice terminal equipment Austria.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202005.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter corona limux pmpc", "title": "Publieke Hackathons +++ München steunt Publieke Code +++ Nieuwe Podcasts", "teaser": "Lees onze eis resultaten publiek geld gefinancierde hackathons publiceren Vrije Software, nieuw coalitie-akkoord München overeenstemming onze principes \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code! \" binnen FSFE onze gemeenschap plaatsgevonden. lichten resultaten onze web-sprint onze publicaties, reguliere buitengewone podcast uit.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-05-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.en.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Global cooperation +++ Remote working", "teaser": "spreading COVID-19 facing global pandemic requires lot coordinated efforts asks new global solutions. extraordinary newsletter concentrates software freedom global solutions, Free Software solutions remote connections FSFE handles whole situation. usual, highlight community activities give tips edutain staying home. Enjoy read, stay healthy, protect freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202206.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration interview de education nl sustainability localgroup berlin dk gr ch hamburg-group women-group it", "title": "Municipi che usano il Software Libero +++ Il Tour PMPC in Italia", "teaser": "edizione parla nove amministrazioni innovano \n risparmiano denaro Software Libero, coalizione \n olandese richiede un'equa istruzione digitale, può \n avere settore telecomunicazioni sostenibile Software \n Libero. Volontari organizzano tour \"Denaro pubblico? Codice \n pubblico!\" Italia.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130712-01.fr.html", "tags": "encryption microsoft", "title": "Nouvelle fuite de Snowden : stocker ses données chez Microsoft est négligent", "teaser": "article publié aujourd'hui, Guardian décrit comment Microsoft coopère activement NSA. D'après l'article, Microsoft donne NSA accès total toutes les communications tous les utilisateurs services :", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202103.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "Luca contra Lenovo +++ Reinhard y la FSFE +++ Informe del IloveFS", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín marzo lee sobre nuestro promotor Luca Bonissi quien forzó Lenovo pagar reembolso 20.000 euros por Windows preinstalado, sobre nuestro promotor Reinhard Müller, voluntario FSFE durante dos décadas, nuestro informe \"I Love Free Software\" también sobre nuestras otras variadas actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130424-01.ro.html", "tags": "ro", "title": "FSFE îi urează bun venit Fundației Ceata ca organizație asociată", "teaser": "grup activiști pentru programe libere din România și Republica Moldova intrat în programul organizații asociate FSFE. Activ din 2008, grupul Ceata s-a înregistrat ca organizație în februarie 2013. Fundația Ceata și FSFE lucra împreună promovarea libertății programelor în România și în toată Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-01.de.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "Der Programmierwettbewerb Youth Hacking 4 Freedom geht in die zweite Runde", "teaser": "Ab sofort Jugendliche zweiten Durchgang „Youth Hacking 4 Freedom“ anmelden, Programmierwettbewerb FSFE junge Menschen ganz Europa. Wettbewerb bietet Jugendlichen 14 18 Jahren Möglichkeit, Herausforderug stellen, Gleichgesinnte treffen Geldpreise gewinnen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201712.es.html", "tags": "newsletter ccc", "title": "Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Diciembre 2017 / Enero 2018", "teaser": "Fundación Software Libre Europa despide año muy emocionante. Por lado, logramos llevar nuevo nivel, extraordinarias actividades, campañas como love Free Software Ask Candidates. Además, este año comenzamos tres nuevas importantes actividades, mantendremos más allá 2018. Estas son: Public Money Public Code, Save Code Share Reuse Initiative.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201903.es.html", "tags": "ngi savecodeshare", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - marzo 2019", "teaser": "El boletín este destaca el nuevo proyecto unido recientemente FSFE las oportunidades financiación ofrece, tal vez desees aprovechar. Puedes conseguir las últimas actualizaciones sobre reforma Directiva derechos autor las últimas noticias sobre el Artículo 13, así como breve resumen sucedido durante el pasado. sección selección editor este mes, puedes encontrar interesantes noticias sobre los desarrollos Directiva equipos radio, descubrir quién más expresado apoyo nuestra Campaña \"¿Dinero público? ¡Código Público!\" tienen decir respecto.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201205.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mayo 2012", "teaser": "Como puedes leer el reportaje anual,\n el Document Freedom Day 2012 celebrón 54 eventos 23\npaises 19 idiomas. sido el mayor DFD Historia cno\nmás 26 charlas, más 6 premios por Estándares Abiertos, muchos otros eventos y\nla cobertura prensa llego más 100 artículos. FSFE coordinó\nlos diferentes eventos, premió varias organizaciones, Alemania\nmandó más 370 correos-e llamó más 170 políticos acerca los Estándares\nAbiertos. Varios estos políticos, rango amplio \npartidos, hizo actividades\n para el DFD. FSFE también envió 100 paquetes\n informativos incluyendo esposas personas como\npolíticos, empresarios, el Papa. El Comisario UE Neelie Kroes usó nuestras\nesposas discurso público, dió como resultado mucha\n cobertura mediática incluyendo portada Guardian\nOnline. FSFE está deseando saber qué hicieron las esposas otros los recibieron el \npaquete informativo.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d’information - FSFE - Août 2015", "teaser": "Plus tôt mois-ci, FSFE répondu la\n« consultation respect propriété intellectuelle lors\ndes procédures passation marché public », initiée la\nCommission européenne. L’objectif initial, tel défini la\nCommission, « recueillir preuves, opinions informations\nsur respect droit propriété intellectuelle secrets\nd’affaires lors procédures passation marché public »\net d’évaluer besoin d’un guide destination autorités\npubliques cet égard.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202210.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fr podcast interview open-letter deviceneutrality career internal sq tech-teams ada-zangemann localgroup de berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl women-group ch", "title": "Vrije Software in Frankrijk +++ Hackerspace in Albanië +++ Vacature", "teaser": "aflevering bespreken groeiende bewustzijn Vrije Software \n Frankrijk. delen onze plannen implementatie principes Apparaatneutraliteit gaten houden. hackerspace Albanië deelt 'Publiek geld? Public Code!'-eis. Wij zoek werkstudent onze volgende assistent-systeembeheerder worden.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220615-01.it.html", "tags": "career internal", "title": "La FSFE assume un responsabile di progetto senior delle comunicazioni", "teaser": "cercando responsabile progetto senior comunicazioni \nper 20-25 ore settimana Berlino. grande opportunità \nevidenziare l'importanza libertà software, \npossano usare, studiare, condividere migliorare software \nsostenere altri diritti libertà parola, stampa privacy.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130612-01.sq.html", "tags": "swpat de policy", "title": "Parlamenti gjerman i thotë qeverisë të kufizojë në mënyrë strikte patentat mbi software-in", "teaser": "Të premten, më 7 qershor, parlamenti gjerman vendosi\n për një mocion \n të përbashkët mbi kufizimin patentave mbi software-in (shihni përkthimin në Anglisht nga\n BIKT). Parlamenti kërkon qeverisë gjermane të ndërmarrë hapa për\n kufizimin akordimit të patentave mbi programe kompjuteri. Software-i\n të duhej të mbulohej përjashtimisht nga të drejta kopjimi, dhe \n mbajtësit të drejtave të kopjimit nuk të duhej të zhvlerësoheshin\n prej palësh të treta përmes patentash software-i. I vetmi përjashtim ku\n patentat të duheshin lejuar janë programet kompjuterit që zëvendësojnë\n një përbërës mekanik ose elektromagnetik. Veç kësaj, parlamenti bëri të qartë\n që veprimet qeveritare lidhur patentat nuk duhet të përzihen kurrë \n ligjshmërinë shpërndarjes së Software-it të Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - nëntor 2014", "teaser": "Qyteti Mynihut xhiron Software të Lirë në më tepër 15000 kompjutera\ndhe rrjedhojë ka kursyer\nmbi 11 milionë euro. Gjatë migrimit në Software të Lirë, ata\nkonsoliduan sektorin tyre heterogjen të shtrirë në 51 vende 1000 nëpunës\nTI dhe 22 departamente TI. gjithë këto sfida, shumica\ne përdoruesve janë të kënaqur migrimin dhe shprehen nuk duan të kthehen\nte dikurshmja (në Gjermanisht). Dhe krejt kjo ndodhi mu përpara hundës së \nqendrës së Microsoft-it për Gjermaninë.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130423-02.en.html", "tags": "drm", "title": "Stop DRM in HTML5 - Sign the Petition!", "teaser": "Join us calling World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) member organisations reject Encrypted Media Extensions proposal (EME). proposal aims incorporating support Digital Restriction Management (DRM) HTML would therefore exclude Free Software browsers compatible many web pages.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201706.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2017", "teaser": "një raundi konsultimesh publike vitin shkuar, Platforma 're' Europiane Ndërveprueshmërisë (PEN) botua më në fund në mars të 2017-s. Në një vijë përgjigjet tona në konsultimin publik, dhe përgjigjet përgjithshme nga qytetarë dhe biznese që kërkonin më tepër Software të Lirë brenda e-shërbimeve publike, PEN-a rishikuar përfshin një rekomandim për administrata publike në Europë të garantojnë për Software-in Lirë të drejta të barabarta kandidimi dhe të demonstrojnë interesim aktiv dhe të paanshëm mbi përdorimin Software-it të Lirë, kur ofrohen e-shërbime.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.ru.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "Лицензионная мастерская ЕФСПО обнаруживает нарушение GPL со\nстороны FANTEC, Вельте выигрывает в суде", "teaser": "Областной суд Гамбурга счел компанию FANTEC GmbH виновной в нарушении\nСтандартной общественной лицензии GNU в ее проигрывателе FANTEC\n3DFHDL. В судебном разбирательстве между Гаральдом Вельте и FANTEC\nGmbH суд постановил, что компания FANTEC должна уплатить штраф плюс\nдополнительные расходы на юристов, а также обнародовать точные\nсведения об их каналах распространения проигрывателя FANTEC 3DFHDL.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201605.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - maj 2016", "teaser": "pjesë strategjisë për Treg të Përbashkët Dixhital, Komisioni Europian \nka botuar\nnjë material rreth përparësive në standardizimin TIK një nga faktorët\nkyçë në ekonominë dixhitale. FSFE-ja mirëpret frymën përgjithshme\ntë trajtimit të shpërfaqur në material në favor të standardeve më të hapura\ndhe përfshirjes më të gjerë të bashkësive të Software-it të Lirë në proceset\ne standardizimit.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221220-01.it.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "La FSFE assume un/una coordinatore/coordinatrice d'ufficio", "teaser": "Ricerchiamo incaricato coordinamento dell'ufficio Berlino tempo indeterminato 25-35 ore settimana. team gestione d'ufficio, costituirà cardine operazioni amministrative. candidato ideale esperienza amministrazione d'ufficio, segreteria, organizzazione eventi altri ruoli amministrativi.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220628-01.el.html", "tags": "gr routers", "title": "Η Ελλάδα μπορεί να εξασφαλίσει την ελεύθερη επιλογή δρομολογητών. Εξαιρεί τις οπτικές ίνες.\n", "teaser": "Η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται ένα βήμα πιο κοντά στη διασφάλιση της ελευθερίας \n επιλογής του δρομολογητή, αλλά οι ρυθμιστικές αρχές εξαιρούν τις \n συνδέσεις οπτικών ινών (FTTH) από τη νομοθεσία. Ένας συνασπισμός \n οργανώσεων, σύμμαχοι του FSFE, ζητούν από τους νομοθέτες να \n επανεξετάσουν τη νομοθεσία και να προστατεύσουν έτσι την ελευθερία \n όλων των χρηστών.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202308.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy IEA fediverse yh4f ada-zangemann workshop event", "title": "CRA & IEA +++ SFP Episode +++ Sommertreffen", "teaser": "Augustausgabe bringt neuesten Updates CRA IAE, \neine neue Episode Software Freedom Podcasts, \nSoftwarefreiheit EU-Politik beschäftigt Ankündigung \nunseres Symposiums dezentralisierte Soziale Netzwerke. Sowohl \nTeilnehmern YH4F wir, warten gespannt Feedback \nder Jury Projekten.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-08-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130429-01.sq.html", "tags": "pt legal procurement", "title": "Një gjykatë portugeze eliminon një prokurim të paligjshëm që favorizonte Microsoft-in", "teaser": "Më 27 prill, gjykata administrative Almadas, Portugali, shpalli të paligjshme një kontratë prej 550 mijë eurosh Microsoft-it dhe bashkisë së Almadas. Kërkesat teknike të konkurrimit të shpallur nga bashkia ia bënin të pamundur cilësdo kompani tjetër veç Microsoft-it dhe partnerëve të tyre parashtrimin një propozimi.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200912.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2009", "teaser": "Trotz Temperaturen Gefrierpunkt ganz Europa\nund anstehenden Weihnachtsfeiertagen arbeitet FSFE weiterhin wie\ngewöhnlich Freiheit Software. Hauptneuigkeiten Dezember\nbestehen darin, dass begonnen haben, Webseite umzugestalten, Andreas\nTolf Tolfsen stellvertretende Koordinator Webmaster-Team verstärkt und\ndas Erklärung Einigung EG Microsoft Browser\nKartellverfahren veröffentlicht haben. Lesen weiter, genaueres über\nunsere Arbeit Dezember erfahren.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201905.de.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections european-parliament", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mai 2019", "teaser": "Newsletter beschäftigt besonders kommenden EU-Wahlen. erzählen Geschichte spanischen\nPica Pica Hacklab, \"Public Money? Public Code!\"-Kampagne erfolgreich beim Parlament Asturien vermarktete. Pica Picas Geschichte\nleitet EU-Wahlen, neue Parlamentsmitglieder bescheren wird. geben Tipps, aktiv kannst, \nbei Gelegenheiten Freie Software werben. immer stellen nächsten Veranstaltungen vor, Monat stattfinden, \nblicken Veranstaltungen letzten Monat zurück.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220615-01.en.html", "tags": "career internal", "title": "CLOSED - The FSFE is hiring a Senior Project Manager Communication", "teaser": "looking Senior Project Manager Communication 20-25 \n hours week Berlin office. great opportunity \n help amplify importance software freedom, every human \n use, study, share, improve software thereby support \n fundamental rights like freedom speech, press, privacy.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130927-01.el.html", "tags": "gnu", "title": "Αλλάζοντας τον κόσμο: Το GNU project γίνεται 30", "teaser": "Ήταν πριν 30 χρόνια όταν ο Richard Stallman ανακοίνωσε το\nGNU project. Μια πρωτοβουλία που ξεκίνησε από την \nαπογοήτευση ενός προγραμματιστή για ένα χαλασμένο οδηγό εκτυπωτή και άλλαξε \nτην κοινωνία μας. Η ιδέα για το λογισμικό που όλοι μπορούν να χρησιμοποιούν, \nνα μελετούν, να μοιράζονται και να βελτιώνουν αποδείχθηκε πραγματικά πανίσχυρη.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - January 2015", "teaser": "Earth completed full, customarily counted\n\t\trevolution. FSFE busy throughout 2014, working hard\n\t\tto ensure users remain control devices Free\n\t\tSoftware may compete level playing field public tenders.\n\t\tMore information, including extent limited success \n\t\tfuture prospects, issues frontiers may be\n\t\tfound annual report 2014,\n\t\tpenned President Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - tetor 2015", "teaser": "Në Asamblenë Përgjithshme të këtij viti në Bukuresht, FSFE-ja\nzgjodhi një ekip të ri drejtues\npër dy vitet ardhshme. Reinhard Müller të vazhdojë në rolin tij si\npërgjegjësi financave, teksa redaktori juaj të marrë rolin presidentit,\nme Alessandro Rubini-n në vendin zv.presidentit. Rubini është inxhinier\nelektronik që merret përudhësa pajisjesh dhe sisteme të trupëzuar.\nAi ka qenë një nga anëtarët parë të FSFE-së dhe tani së fundi është\nrikthyer për të mbështetur punën tonë. Presidenti mëparshëm FSFE-së, Karsten Gerloff\ni mirëpriti\nndryshimet dhe shkroi rreth rrugës së tij në të ardhmen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130703-01.en.html", "tags": "ayc de policy public-administration", "title": "German Parliament elections: The parties' positions on Free Software", "teaser": "Today, Free Software Foundation Europe publishes its\n Free Software related election questions fall's elections\n German parliament, take place on\n September 22. \n political parties responded questions, cover\n issues like users' control electronic devices, the\n release publicly funded computer programs Free Software, and\n software patents.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220202-01.de.html", "tags": "internal tech-teams tools fosdem", "title": "Willkommen in der Matrix: Die FSFE betreibt nun eigenen Server", "teaser": "FSFE unterstützt Community verschiedenen\n Freie-Software-Kommunikationskanälen. Heute fügen offiziell Matrix\n Liste hinzu. erfolgreichen Betatests Unterstützer\n Freiwillige FSFE eigenen Matrix-Accounts erstellen. werden\n Instanz virtuellen Stand FSFE FOSDEM\n nutzen!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202012.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc sustainability united-nations localgroup community fya corona ch", "title": "CWA senza Google +++ Cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo +++ KDE e REUSE", "teaser": "newsletter dicembre, puoi leggere dell'app tedesca tracciamento coronavirus pubblicata estendere libertà software, codice pubblico cooperazione internazionale sviluppo, un'intervista Cord-Landwehr KDE sull'utilizzo REUSE, gruppo locale Zurigo ricevuto premio molto altro.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.it.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2010", "teaser": "edizione spiegheremo contrastando il\nlavoro organizzazioni lobbistiche proprietarie livello Europeo, quello\nche presso Nazioni Unite informare gente possibile\nrelativamente pericoli brevetti software, ciò sbarazzarci\ndella pubblicità software libero siti web pubblici, cosa puoi fare per\nprodurre cambiamento.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Juli 2015", "teaser": "Präsident, Karsten Gerloff, DSM-Paket (Digital \nSingle Market) genauer Lupe nahm, aufgefallen, dass Kommissar \nGünther Oettinger versäumt hatte, Informationen Treffen Lobbyisten \nveröffentlichen. Daher erinnerte Karsten Kommission Transparenzvorgaben. \nMittlerweile erklärte Leiter Kabinetts, Michael Hager, dass längerfristige \nErkrankung Verzögerung Veröffentlichung geführt hatte. Inzwischen \ndie Berichte Oettingers Treffen aktualisiert worden.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.nl.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "KDE's Okular wordt 's werelds eerste eco-gecertificeerde computerprogramma", "teaser": "KDE's universele documentlezer Okular eerste software Blauwe Engel-ecolabel toegekend krijgt. FSFE feliciteert Okular mijlpaal bevestigt gebruik ontwikkeling Vrije Sofware voordelen milieu heeft. Samen Android Opwaarderen-initiatief voeren komende maanden campagne universele gebruikersvrijheden EU.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.es.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 firmas por la libertad del SO +++ App de Mercado Justo +++ Derechos Digitales", "teaser": "alianza 45 organizaciones apoya el derecho universal instalar \ncualquier software cualquier dispositivo. El S.L. puede ser incluido \nen declaración UE derechos digitales. transparencia \nFSFE licitación pública apps llega final \"Datathon\" \nla UE. Voluntarios italianos FSFE preparan viaje.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - April 2016", "teaser": "publiceerden standpunt radio-apparatuurrichtlijn 2014/53/EU \n(aangenomen mei 2014) fabrikanten eist conformiteit software \nvan ieder apparaat controleren. eerste instantie komen zijnde \nredelijk sterk negatieve gevolgen gebruikersrechten Vrije Software, \neerlijke competitie, innovatie, milieu vrijwilligerswerk, meestal grote \nvoordelen veiligheid. richtlijn lidstaten ingevoerd 13 juni 2016. \nWe verschillende voorstellen \naan EU-lidstaten opgesteld concrete stappen uitdagingen lossen.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202102.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "FSFE20 +++ IloveFS +++ Poste vacant", "teaser": "lettre d'information février, entretenons président fondateur Georg Greve cadre série publications célébrant les 20 ans FSFE, revenons journée love Free Software participation FOSDEM, annonçons nouveau poste vacant rapportons comme toujours diverses activités communautaires.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juni 2016", "teaser": "FSFE samen 72 organisaties \n\nde brief telecomautoriteiten ondertekend ter ondersteuning sterke \nregels rond netneutraliteit tijdens lopende onderhandelingen \nover richtlijnen invoering onlangs aangenomen \nEU-richtlijn 2015/2120. richtlijn creëert basis sterke netneutraliteit. \nSamen organisaties hele wereld vraagt FSFE \nlichaam Europese autoriteiten elektronische communicatie BEREC \nde 28 nationale telecomautoriteiten regels ondersteunen sterke \nrichtlijnen netneutraliteit Europa voeren.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130730-01.en.html", "tags": "ee policy electronic-voting", "title": "Open Letter on Freedom and Internet Voting to Estonia's National Electoral Committee", "teaser": "FSFE sent open letter Estonia's National Electoral Committee (NEC) regarding country's Internet voting system. ask NEC release software used election process Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201306.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - juin 2013", "teaser": "Aucun développeur logiciel libre n'en veut malheureusement ils toujours délivrés  : les brevets logiciels. Ils monopolisent idées les logiciels, empêchant les développeurs les utiliser. avril parlement allemand (le « Bundestag ») introduit motion commune contre les brevets logiciels. appelle gouvernement allemand prendre mesures limitant l'octroi brevets les programmes informatiques. Après première audience parlement, éditeur invité tant qu'expert externe réunion comité juridique, 13 mai.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130729-01.el.html", "tags": "european-union european-commission competition antitrust", "title": "Το FSFE αντιτίθεται στις αιτιάσεις περί 'επιθετικής τιμολόγησης' \n στο Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό", "teaser": "Κατά την υποβολή μιας πρόσφατης αναφοράς προς την\n Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, η συμμαχία της οποίας ηγείται η Microsoft, ισχυρίσθηκε \n ψευδώς ότι η δωρεάν διανομή Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού βλάπτει τον ανταγωνισμό. \n Το FSFE \n έγραψε\n μια επιστολή προς την Αρχή προστασίας του ανταγωνισμού της Ευρωπαϊκής \n Επιτροπής για να αντικρούσει αυτές τις αιτιάσεις, και για να καταστήσει \n σαφές πως το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό είναι κρίσιμης σημασίας για μια ανοιχτή \n και ανταγωνιστική αγορά πληροφορικής.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201006.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-commission openstandards eif openstandards google", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2010", "teaser": "May quite busy, first time we\nparticipated big church event inform visitors Free\nSoftware. analysed European Commission's Digital Agenda, and\nthere news free video formats.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.es.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Octubre de 2010", "teaser": "esta edición discutimos sobre dudosa expresión \"fair, reasonable\nand non-discriminatory terms\" (FRAND) \"términos, justos, razonables discriminatorios\", explicamos qué hacemos respecto los sistemas informáticos centralizados el\nInternet Governance Forum (IGF) Foro Gobernanza Internet, ponemos día \nsobre nuestra campaña para terminar los anuncios software privativo instituciones públicos.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130218-01.de.html", "tags": "de ayc", "title": "Bundestagswahl: Was sollen Kandidatinnen und Parteien zu Freier Software gefragt werden?", "teaser": "Positionen Parteien Freier Software?\n Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Jahr die\n Bundestagswahl herausfinden. bereits letzten\n Landtagswahlen, FSFE sogenannte Wahlprüfsteine zur\n Beantwortung Parteien schicken auswerten.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221118-01.it.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "Cerimonia premiazione vincitori YH4F a Bruxelles", "teaser": "premi vincitori prima edizione concorso Youth Hacking \n 4 Freedom, Stavros, Miquel, Artur, Ekaterina, Hector, e\n Mark, stati consegnati cerimonia Bruxelles. Auguriamo brillante futuro, molti contributi libertà software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - junio 2016", "teaser": "FSFE junto otras 72 organizaciones \n \nfirmado carta los reguladores telecomunicaciones UE apoyo fuerte regulación \nsobre neutralidad red las negociaciones curso para regulación las directrices \nde aplicación Reglamento 2015/2120 UE recientemente aprobado. El Reglamento crea base\nsólida para neutralidad red FSFE junto otras organizaciones todo el mundo pide al\ncuerpo Reguladores Europeos las Comunicaciones Electrónicas (BEREC) los 28 reguladores \n nacionales telecomunicaciones, defensa estas normas el establecimiento fuertes\n directrices para neutralidad red Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201204.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Απρίλιος 2012", "teaser": "Ένα «έργο» είναι πάντα προσωρινό, με τη στενή έννοια του \nόρου. Αντίθετα κάποια άτομα από το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό χρησιμοποιούν το «έργο» \nόταν αναφέρονται σε πρωτοβουλίες που εκτείνονται σε βάθος χρόνου. Και ο εκδότης \nσας έτσι έκανε, μέχρι που ο Bernhard Reiter τον έπεισε να χρησιμοποιεί \nδιαφορετικούς όρους για ανθρώπους, για το αποτέλεσμα που δημιουργούν και\nγια προσωρινού συντονισμού ενέργειες. Αφού πολλοί στο FSFE ενθάρρυναν τον\nBernhard να διατυπώσει γραπτά τις σκέψεις του, τώρα έχει δημοσιεύσει ένα\n άρθρο όπου αναπτύσσει το επιχείρημα: υιοθετώντας την περισσότερο \nδιαδεδομένη χρήση του όρου έργο (project), οι πρωτοβουλίες Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\nθα έχουν μεγαλύτερη επιτυχία. «Το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό είναι εδώ για να μείνει,\nπροετοιμαστείτε διανοητικά για μια τέτοια κατάσταση.», γράφει ο Bernhard.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Juillet 2017", "teaser": "Partager savoir améliorer coopération les principes fondamentaux communauté Logiciel Libre. C'est pourquoi FSFE heureuse fournir soutiens volontaires enregistrés plate-forme créer gérer dépôts Git interface web confortable l'adresse git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131105-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Server-Spende: FSFE sagt Danke!", "teaser": "kurzem gebrauchten Server\n österreichischen Hoster abaton Wien gespendet bekommen. Mit\n neuen Maschine FSFE Infrastruktur ausbauen und\n ausfallsicherer gestalten.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201302.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2013", "teaser": "software tool help society. Software patents threat to\nthis add legal financial risks software development and\ndistribution giving patent holders legal power completely prohibit\nsoftware developers using patented ideas.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220420-01.en.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Online session: The future of Router Freedom in Austria", "teaser": "Austria introduced reform law telecommunications sector affect ability consumers choose use routers modems. Together Alliance Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE) FSFE organising session \"The Future Router Freedom Austria\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201609.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - september 2016", "teaser": "Dank bijdrage zodat FSFE-top afgelopen weekeinde enorm succes \nis geworden! doet enorm plezier zoveel bekende gezichten zien \nen zien elkaar graag binnenkort opnieuw. FSFE-top natuurlijk \nenige plaatsvond afgelopen maand. nieuwsbrief lezen \nonze gemeenschappelijke activiteiten. nieuwsbrief oktober zullen \nwe delen gebeurde top. Blijf hoogte!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220112-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement es", "title": "Public Money? Public Code! brochure is now available in Spanish", "teaser": "large part work possible thanks contribution \n\t volunteers. exception. Public Money? \n\t Public Code! brochure translated Spanish, \n\t hosted event share great news community. \n\t GNUHealth, Pica Pica HackLab, Lliurex, Linkat, KDE took \n\t part event.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220224-01.en.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "FSFE at FOSDEM: A vital Devroom, virtual chats, and waffles", "teaser": "prominent annual conference Free Software, FOSDEM, exchanged opinions chatted people \n Free Software community. raised awareness wider issues impact movement Legal Policy Devroom, \n co-hosted FSFE. Enjoy videos talks stay touch via Matrix next FOSDEM.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220504-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Dichiarazione UE diritti & principi digitali: Software Libero incluso dal Parlamento Europeo", "teaser": "All'inizio quest'anno, Commissione proposto bozza \n dichiarazione UE diritti principi digitali mira guidare \n trasformazione digitale nell'UE. Ora Parlamento europeo raggiunto \n accordo testo Software Libero parte.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-02.en.html", "tags": "interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Let’s talk with young hackers Ekaterina, Miquel and Alexia about YH4F", "teaser": "first edition Youth Hacking 4 Freedom contest ended. \n 5 months coding, 35 young people came \n outstanding projects. Three introduced \n interview. Ekaterina, mind behind Music Companion, Miquel \n developed Smart Table Assistant Alexia, creator basic \n password manager.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201806.es.html", "tags": "newsletter llw coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Boletín - Junio 2018", "teaser": "Entre el 7 9 julio FSFE tendrá reunión comunitaria anual paralelo el «Libre Software Meeting» Estrasburgo, Francia. Estamos emocionados porque el fin semana entre el 7 8 habrá encuentro participativo conferencistas amigos nuestra comunidad cubrirán varios temas candentes sobre el Software Libre. Nuestra serie conferencias cubrirá temas negocio como marcadotecnia financiación para los proyectos Software Libre. Además, entre los temas políticos tenemos desde rectificación Bruselas hasta los factores asociados implementación exitosa Software Libre administración pública. Entre otros temas están los importantes problemas torno diversidad libertad nube. puede ver lista los temas trataremos lapágina wiki.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220510-01.it.html", "tags": "deviceneutrality routers sustainability", "title": "La FSFE richiede sostenibilità digitale nel settore delle telecomunicazioni", "teaser": "contributo consultazione promossa dall'autorità europea \ndelle telecomunicazioni, BEREC, FSFE chiede aumentare livello \ndi sostenibilità digitale settore telecomunicazioni \nsalvaguardando neutralità dispositivo stabilendo diritto \ninstallare qualsiasi software qualsiasi dispositivo.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201403.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Μάρτιος 2014", "teaser": "Η κυβέρνηση της Βρετανίας σημειώνει πρόοδο προς την κατέυθυνση του μικρότερου εγκλωβισμού σε προμηθευτές (vendor lock-in). Τον\nΙανουάριο, έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα\nμερικές αρχές για την κατάρτιση των μελλοντικών κυβερνητικών συμβάσεων προμήθειας IT. Θέλει να σπάσει την\nκυριαρχία των μεγάλων εταιρειών λογισμικού που προμήθευαν την συντριπτική πλειοψηφία\nλογισμικού και υπηρεσιών στην κυβέρνηση του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130923-01.sq.html", "tags": "privacy united-nations privacy policy", "title": "FSFE-ja mbështet 13 parimet kundër survejimit", "teaser": "Një koalicion më shumë 265 organizmash ka hedhur në qarkullim një listë 13 Parime Ndërkombëtare mbi Zbatimin të Drejtave të Njeriut në Survejimin Komunikimeve. Të premten javës së fundit, grupet paraqitën zyrtarisht listën parime në sesionin 24-t të Këshillit të Kombeve të Bashkuara për Të Drejtat Njeriut në Gjenevë.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201704.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - April 2017", "teaser": "Afgelopen december nam Duitsland deel \n Open Government Partnership\n daarom juni 2017 beslissen actieplan \n ontwikkelen. Toenemende transparantie, voortdurend rapporteren,\n effectief regeren burgervriendelijke overheid doelen een\n Open Government.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130712-01.en.html", "tags": "encryption microsoft", "title": "New Snowden leak: Storing your data at Microsoft is negligent", "teaser": "article\n published today, Guardian describes Microsoft actively\n cooperating NSA. According article, Microsoft providing\n NSA broad access communications anyone using the\n company's services:", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201402.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shkurt 2014", "teaser": "Më shumë administratë publike që përdor Software të Lirë të thotë më\nshumë para për zhvillimin Software-it të Lirë dhe më pak probleme për\nqytetarët që përdorin Software-in Lirë për të komunikuar autoritetet.\nNë janar, qeveria italiane\ne ka bërë Software-in Lirë zgjidhjen parazgjedhje për administratën publike.\nAgjencia për Italinë Dixhitale ka botuar rregulla të reja, ku thuhet krejt\norganizmat qeveritare të vendit duhet të marrin në shqyrtim përdorimin e\nSoftware-it të Lirë, përpara të paguajnë licenca për programe pronësore.\nRregulli, cili është diskutuar për më shumë një vit, tani është ripohuar.\nCarlo Piana, që mori pjesë grupi punës në emër të FSFE-s, shkroi:\n\"Tani administratat publike nuk kanë më justifikime për të mos vepruar në\npajtim udhëzimet. Nuk ka më justifikime, nuk ka më vend për interpretime të dykuptimta.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2014-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220315-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Germania, 100 giorni del nuovo governo: nemmeno uno per il Software Libero", "teaser": "fine settimana, nuovo governo coalizione tedesco stato \n carica 100 giorni. L'accordo governo contiene dichiarazioni \n ambiziose sull'utilizzo Software Libero (conosciuto Open \n Source), oggi stato fatto nulla. contrario: \n dipendenze verranno ulteriormente consolidate.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202011.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup routers reuse community policy", "title": "Liberté logicielle 2020 +++ Stratégie Open Source Européenne +++ Nouvelles équipières", "teaser": "lettre d'information novembre, analysons rapport annuel \"Liberté Logicielle Europe\" ainsi nouvelle Stratégie Logiciel Libre Commission Européenne. nouveaux équipiers, nouvel appel les projets communauté FSFE, REUSE prend envol, groupe local Zurich recoit prix tant d'autres choses découvrir.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202007.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc", "title": "Benigànim signs Open Letter +++ Interview with city of Bühl +++ New Podcast", "teaser": "hackathons apps public administrations: Read recent successes Europe regarding Free Software July Newsletter. find videos multiple online events FSFE represented read diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.en.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "FSFE compliance workshop discovers GPL violation by FANTEC, Welte wins in court", "teaser": "Regional\n Court Hamburg [Landgericht Hamburg] found FANTEC GmbH guilty of\n violating GNU General Public License media player FANTEC\n 3DFHDL. case Harald Welte versus FANTEC GmbH court\n decided FANTEC pay penalty fee plus additional costs the\n lawyers, give exact information chain of\n distribution FANTEC 3DFHDL Media Player.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220714-01.it.html", "tags": "career internal", "title": "La FSFE cerca stagista per supportare le attività di policy", "teaser": "cercando persona posizione stagista affidabile motivata supportare attività policy FSFE contribuire lavoro dare persone mezzi controllare tecnologia. persona lavorerà 35 ore settimana team nell'ufficio FSFE Berlino periodo mesi.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201712.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ccc", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - december 2017 / januari 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe kijkt terug erg opwindend jaar. ene kant brachten onze reguliere campagnes, zoals love Free Software Vraag kandidaten buitengewone activiteiten nieuw niveau; kant begonnen drie nieuwe belangrijke activiteiten waarmee 2018 daarna verder gaan. Publiek Geld Publieke Code, Save Code Share Reuse-initiatief.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221206-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "EU Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles falls short of its ambitions ", "teaser": "Member states, European Parliament, Commission reached \na consensus Declaration Digital Rights Principles. \nAlthough aims serve reference point digital \ntransformation Europe, instead descends murky waters, \ncausing ambiguity. wording unclear overlooks existing \ngood proposals.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220823-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc", "title": "Support “Public Money? Public Code!” with a SharePic", "teaser": "Since launch “Public Money? Public Code!” initiative, grown lot experienced increase support. new fun way showing support “Public Money? Public Code!”. new SharePic-Template, everybody show support campaign.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-08-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202302.en.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc ilovefs AI upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "I Love Free Software +++ Public authorities in Fediverse", "teaser": "issue invite public institutions join free, \n decentralised social networks. Watch info-session German \n municipalities using Free Software. FSFE volunteer doubts \n reliability AI-generated text. Love Free Software Day \n around corner. Celebrate us!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130422-01.en.html", "tags": "european-union de de swpat", "title": "German Parliament says: Stop Granting Software Patents", "teaser": "German Parliament, Bundestag, introduced \n joint motion software patents. resolution urges the\n German government take steps limit granting patents on\n computer programs.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Febbraio 2015", "teaser": "14 febbraio sito diventerà rosa ricolmo di\n\t\tcuori celebrare creatori Software Libero. 2010, giorno\n\t\tdi San Valentino, solo colto l'occasione celebrare l'amore verso\n\t\tchi amiamo, verso persone che, dedizione, lavorano assicurare\n\t\tche possibilità usare Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220427-01.de.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid deviceneutrality european-commission european-parliament policy european-union open-letter", "title": "38 Organisationen fordern Recht auf Zugang und Wiederverwendung von Hardware", "teaser": "FSFE veröffentlicht Gesetzgeber gerichteten 38 Organisationen Unternehmen mitgezeichneten offenen Brief, universale Recht fordert Software Gerät installieren. Recht dient Wiederverwendbarkeit Langlebigkeit unserer Geräte.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.es.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Firma la carta abierta por el derecho a instalar cualquier software en dispositivos\n", "teaser": "Más 100 organizaciones sociedad civil varios sectores \n firmaron ya nuestra carta abierta por \"El derecho universal instalar \n cualquier software cualquier dispositivo\". Ahora, Semana \n Europea para Reducción Desperdicios, extendemos carta abierta \n las personas forma individual. ¡Únete nuestra causa haz oír \n voz!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130221-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ILOVEFS campaign 2013", "teaser": "Every year February 14th people celebrate love,\nrelationship others.. third year running, wonders Free\nSoftware. around world people expressed love \"I love\nFree software\" day. We\nwould like thank participating, share lovely quotes, dents,\ntweets, blog entries articles done dedication to\nFree Software. developers\nwill read declarations, definitely find extra energy carry on\ntheir good work.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201608.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2016", "teaser": "L'obiettivo progetto pilota \"Controllo Sicurezza Software Libero Open Source\" (FOSSA) \nè aumentare sicurezza Software Libero usato dalle\nistituzioni Europee. FSFE seguito progetto sin\ndall'inizio 2014. Recentemente, Commissione europea \n\nha pubblicato primo stralcio contenuti basato sue\ninterviste soggetti interessati. FSFE supportando pienamente questa\niniziativa Europea, l'implementazione progetto ci\npreoccupa. prima analisi, FOSSA dimentica cosa Software Libero;\nl'analisi include diversi errori fatto; stata basata interviste carattere\ngenerale condotte male. presidente FSFE Matthias Kirschner \nil rappresentante FSFE Fellowship\nMirko Böehm, stati entrambi intervistati progetto,\nhanno riassuntole mancanze evidenti recenti pubblicazioni\ndel progetto FOSSA. Comunque, guardando un'altra prospettiva: FOSSA è\nancora stadio iniziale l'aiuto esperti Software Libero,\npotremo avere FOSSA vada giusta direzione. FSFE continuerà\na seguire vicino prossime implementazioni FOSSA. caso abbia\nosservazioni commenti riguardo iniziativa, non\nesitare condividere pensieri \n\nlista discussione direttamente all'attenzione Matthias Kirschner. \nIn modo, sicuri tutte preoccupazioni rilevanti comunicate\nalla EU.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130612-01.de.html", "tags": "swpat de policy", "title": "Bundestag fordert die Regierung auf, Softwarepatente streng zu begrenzen", "teaser": "Freitag 7. Juni Deutsche Bundestag einen\n interfraktionellen\n Antrag (englische\n Übersetzung BIKT) Begrenzung Softwarepatenten beschlossen.\n Bundestag fordert Bundesregierung auf, Erteilung von\n Patenten Computerprogramme beschränken. Software ausschließlich\n Urheberrecht erfasst werden, Rechte Urheber sollen nicht\n Patente Dritter entwertet können. Patente Software sollen\n lediglich erlaubt sein, Computerprogramm  mechanische oder\n elektromechanische  Komponente ersetzt. Weiteren Bundestag\n klargestellt, dass Regierung Umsetzung rechtssichere\n Veröffentlichung Freier Software sicherstellen muss.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202001.es.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ccc", "title": "Cory Doctorow +++ (pre-) FOSDEM +++ 36C3", "teaser": "2020 solo nuevo año: el amanecer nueva década. más más sistemas automatizados funcionando por software, representación política libertad más necesaria nunca. Lee, nuestro boletín enero, porqué Cory Doctorow apoya económicamente FSFE, porqué tú también deberías hacerlo. Lee sobre nuestras próximas actividades el FOSDEM, incluyendo nuestra reunión pre-FOSSDEM las reflexiones sobre nuestra presencia el \"Chaos Communication Congress\". También tenemos nuevo episodio \"Podcast Libertad Software\" (\"Software Freedom Podcast\"), Harald Welte información nuestra comunidad.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - December 2014", "teaser": "nieuwe Europese Commissie bepaalt moment \nde koers maken beleid \nde komende vijf jaar. FSFE veelvuldig contact staf \nde Commissie, moment \nopen deuren ziet Vrije Software Brussel. willen ervan \nverzekeren momentum gebruiken veranderingen gebied \nvan software-inkoop, standaardisatie souverein beheer apparaten\n bewerkstelligen. onze voorzitter Karsten Gerloff nam deel \nverschillende ontmoetingen.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130319-01.en.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is…\n ", "teaser": "…Heiki \"Repentinus\" Ojasild! election period year's Fellowship\n GA seat ended March 15 exciting end. Albert Dengg\n stood Fellowship GA seat promised stay around and\n continue great work FSFE area.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202107.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "20 Years FSFE +++ Finland achieving Router Freedom +++ microFSFE", "teaser": "July Newsletter, invite community join \n celebrations 20 Years FSFE, applaud Finland securing \n Router Freedom, look Free Software activities \n children. getting ready German elections invite \n help us support Free Software demands public administration \n election campaign.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220127-01.en.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "The FSFE at FOSDEM 2022", "teaser": "2021, year's FOSDEM take place online. neither stopping \nus co-hosting Legal Policy Issues Devroom present \nwith digital booth. excited look forward presenting interesting \nprogramme throughout whole weekend.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220310-01.fr.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "Journée #ilovefs : Jeux Libres et générateur d'images SharePic", "teaser": "Depuis 2010, Free Software Foundation Europe organise journée annuelle « J'aime les Logiciels Libres ». Ensemble, centaines d'amateurs d'amatrices Logiciels Libres, fêté amour les Logiciels Libres 14 février. grand merci toutes les personnes participé fêtant journée #ilovefs.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201310.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín FSFE - Octubre 2013", "teaser": "El 27 septiembre 1983 Richard Stallman presentó el proyecto GNU, iniciativa comenzó frustración programador controlador (driver) estropeado impresora cambiado sociedad por completo. idea el software pueda usar, estudiar, compartir mejorar cualquiera, demostrado poderosa.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130312-01.sq.html", "tags": "policy european-commission microsoft antitrust", "title": "BE-ja godet Microsoft-in me 561 milionë gjobë për shfletuesit web", "teaser": "Javën kaluar, Komisioni Europian ndëshkoi kompaninë një gjobë prej më shumë 500 milionë euro për shkelje të një ujdie lidhur trupëzimin Internet Explorer-it brenda Windows-it. Karsten Gerloff, president FSFE-së, shpjegon pozicionin Free Software Foundation Europe-s.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-03-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201605.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Mai 2016", "teaser": "cadre strartégie numérique marché unique, Commission Européenne publié communication les priorités matière standardisation les TIC, les présentant comme facteur clé l'économie numérique. FSFE accueille plaisir l'approche générale prise cette communication faveur d'une augmentation standards ouverts d'une plus grande intégration communautés Logiciel Libre les processus standardisation.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130402-01.sq.html", "tags": "tools", "title": "Si të çlirohemi prej Skype-it", "teaser": "Më 8 Prill, Microsoft-i të ndërpresë shërbimin vet Windows Messenger. Krejt përdoruesit deriatëhershëm të kalohen nën Skype. Free Software Foundation Europe këshillon përdoruesit mëparshëm të Windows Messenger-it shfrytëzojnë këtë mundësi për të përqafuar Standarde të Hapura, të tillë Jabber (XMPP), në vend të hidhen Skype-i.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220905-01.de.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "Bündnis fordert eine nachhaltige Digitalisierung im Dienste der Gesellschaft", "teaser": "breites Bündnis 13 Organisationen Umweltschutz, \n Digitalpolitik, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Wissenschaft \n veröffentlicht Forderungskatalog Gestaltung \n nachhaltigeren digitalen Gesellschaft. Auftakt \n bevorstehenden Konferenz Digitalisierung Nachhaltigkeit „Bits \n & Bäume“.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201206.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juni 2012", "teaser": "gibt zwei Begriffe Software Verbindung stehen, Frei \nnutzen, studieren, teilen verbessern darf: Freie Software Open Source. findet \nverschiedene Kombinationen Übersetzungen beiden Begriffe FOSS, Libre Software, \nFLOSS, usw. Artikel Freie Software liest Menschen, Freier \nSoftware tun haben, zuhört, kommt oft Frage auf: Warum benutzen \nBegriff unterscheiden voneinander?", "type": "page", "date": "2012-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 Ondertekenen Open Brief over Besturingssysteemvrijheid +++ Eerlijke Markt App +++ Uw Digitale Rechten", "teaser": "uitgave: alliantie 45 entiteiten steunt \n universele recht software apparaten installeren. Vrije software \n overwogen opgenomen EU-verklaring digitale \n rechten. FSFE's transparantie overheidsinkoop-app haalt \n Datathon finale. Italiaanse FSFE-vrijwilligers bereiden tour voor.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201007.en.html", "tags": "newsletter gpl licensing european-commission tech-teams", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2010", "teaser": "edition covers Neelie Kroes' statement Open\n Standards, Free Software discussion Saxony (Germany), the\n relicensing WebM GPL compatible, asks keep touch\n politicians Free Software issues.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201909.en.html", "tags": "newsletter community reuse pmpc ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2019", "teaser": "month's newsletter, focus attention impact Free Software competition, piece written guest expert, Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri. take chance announce awesome progress made REUSE project towards making copyright licensing easier developers. down, discover upcoming events information FSFE Annual Community meeting, well see photos video recordings events community promoted Free Software across Europe. make recommendations articles may find useful.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201012.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Δεκέμβριος 2010", "teaser": "Αυτή η έκδοση καλύπτει τις τρέχουσες εξελίξεις στις\nπολιτικές για τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα, κάποιες βασικές πληροφορίες για τις\nπατέντες στο λογισμικό, ενημέρωση από το FSCONS για τα κατανεμημένα\nυπολογιστικά συστήματα, και πώς μπορείτε να μας υποστηρίξετε στο τέλος \nτου χρόνου.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20131107-01.sq.html", "tags": "swpat", "title": "Rockstar vs. Google: Patentat mbi software-in si një licencë për kusari", "teaser": "Rockstar, një konsorcium kompanish formuar për të grumbulluar disa patenta të nxjerra në shitje përmes procedurës së shpërbërjes së Nortel-it, ka paditur Google-in dhe të tjera kompani për shtatë nga këto patenta.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201108.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Agosto 2011", "teaser": "\"Se gente capisce l'uso proprio computer è\nlegato propria libertà, nessuno spiegato adeguatamente\"\n(Bernhard Reiter)", "type": "page", "date": "2011-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - december 2016", "teaser": "jaar vierde FSFE 15e verjaardag. 15 jaar gebruikers sterker gemaakt, gemeenschappen gesteund aangedrongen betere wetgeving. 15 jaar gezien activiteiten, zelfs moment klein beschouwd, groot samenwerken. 15 jaar gezien activiteiten, zelfs moment onmogeljk gezien, succes samenwerken. Soms boekten samen zelfs succes ten opzichte zwaarste lobby grote belangengroepen. 15 jaar waarin wisten mogelijk voortdurende steun onze gemeenschap, duizenden uren werk doneerden financieel steunden. nieuwsbrief regelmatig leest, werk bevalt lid bent onze gemeenschap... overweeg mee FSFE!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2012", "teaser": "Smartphones small computers carry around time. Unfortunately, most\nsmartphones controlled us, users, manufacturers the\noperators. Even Android phones shipped non-free software proprietary\nadd-ons usually work full interest us. Software updates\nwill keep available manufacturer still commercial\ninterest device. applications available official market\nare time non-free. Nobody allowed study work and\nwhat really phone. Sometimes work exactly you\nwant, sometimes might even contain malicious features.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.fr.html", "tags": "fellowship ilovefs", "title": "La FSFE vous propose de montrer votre amour des Logiciels Libres !", "teaser": "14 février Free Software Foundation Europe appelle tous les utilisateurs logiciels libres montrer amour Logiciel Libre. FSFE propose considérer cette journée comme opportunité dire «Merci» nombreuses personnes dévouées communauté Logiciel Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.en.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Sign our open letter about the right to install any software on any device", "teaser": "100 civil society organisations across sectors already \n signed open letter “The universal right install \n software device”. Now, European Week Waste \n Reduction, open letter signed individuals. Join \n cause make voice heard!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201203.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Marzo 2012", "teaser": "\"7500 morti scorso anno, fino 100 ogni giorno.\" scrive letto queste\nparole schermata informativa metropolitana Berlino. Mentre discutevo la\nvolontaria DFD Julia Fuchs trattasse problema vista, di\ncompetenze aritmetiche, problema dell'agenzia stampa,\nqualcos'altro apparso stesso schermo: campagna FreeYourAndroid.org!\nSfortunatamente scrive stato troppo lento scattare foto che\nimmortalasse momento. Poiché l'agenzia stampa tedesca DPA coperto\nil lancio ufficiale della\ncampagna, copertura molto buona, molti scoperto\ncome possibilie utilizzare Software Libero telefoni cellulari. Il\nmanager campagna Torsten Grote momento raccogliendo informazioni\nsulla copertura mediatica lancio campagna. favore, inviateci\ninformazioni articoli blog #FreeYourAndroid press@fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-02.it.html", "tags": "interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Parliamo con i giovani hacker Ekaterina, Miquel e Alexia di YH4F", "teaser": "conclusa prima edizione concorso Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Dopo 5 mesi codifica, oltre 35 giovani presentato progetti eccezionali. presenteremo tre intervista. Ekaterina, mente dietro Music Companion, Miquel sviluppato Smart Table Assistant Alexia, creatrice semplice password manager.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220323-01.it.html", "tags": "interview upcyclingandroid security", "title": "Intervista con lo sviluppatore di Plasma Mobile Bhushan Shah", "teaser": "opzioni volessi far girare Software Libero \n telefono? campagna Upcycling Android \n intervistato sviluppatore Plasma Mobile Bhushan Shah far \n girare proprio telefono ecosistema GNU/Linux dispositivi mobili \n sicuro rispettoso privacy.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.it.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "IA nell'UE +++ Lettera aperta al Bundestag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Rete mesh", "teaser": "newsletter aprile, accogliamo incoraggianti \n sviluppi sull'IA nell'UE. rivolgiamo governo tedesco \n chiedere chiaro budget Software Libero. Intervistiamo \n Bhushan Shah, sviluppatore Plasma Mobile, parliamo reti \n mesh Elektra Wagenrad. Complimenti KDE primo software \n eco-certificato mondo.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130716-01.it.html", "tags": "european-union european-parliament policy", "title": "Lettera Aperta sulla trasparenza al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe l'Open Rights Group inviato lettera aperta [pdf] Presidente Parlamento Europeo, Martin Schulz. Schulz stato richiesto [pdf] elaborare studio trasparenza all'interno Parlamento.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-07-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202106.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Rising demands for Dutch digital autonomy +++ REUSE Booster +++ Torsten Grote", "teaser": "Dutch digital public services rely increasingly monopolistic \n\t\tcompanies; FSFE Dutch team actively demands digital rights. \n\t\tJune, launched REUSE Booster share legal advice Free \n\t\tSoftware projects copyright. interviewed Torsten Grote, \n\t\tmember FSFE, stressed need Free Androids \n\t\tearly on.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200911.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2009", "teaser": "Novembre: altro mese pieno attività lavoro\nda svolgere FSFE. tante cose dato via sussidi della\nFellowship, battuti Standard Aperti settore pubblico Europeo,\nabbiamo trascorso momenti eccellenti FSCONS Svezia, abbiamo\npartecipato WIPO assicurarci principi Software Libero siano\nrispettati. mantenere FSFE forte indipendente, lanciato\nla campagna raccolta fondi fine anno: Cibo Libertà.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202107.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "20 años de FSFE +++ Finlandia consigue la Libertad del Enrutador +++ microFSFE", "teaser": "el Boletín julio, invitamos comunidad celebrar los 20 años FSFE, aplaudimos Finlandia por asegurar Libertad Enrutador seguimos las actividades Software Libre para niños. preparamos para las elecciones alemanas invitamos ayudarnos promocionar el Software Libre administración campaña electoral.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221209-01.en.html", "tags": "interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Discover more YH4F projects and learn about the participants Héctor and Leonardo", "teaser": "thinking registering second edition Youth \n Hacking 4 Freedom? yet sure? Two participants \n last edition, Héctor Leonardo, talked us \n projects developed journey throughout Free \n Software world! Discover experiences first edition \n YH4F.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130422-01.sq.html", "tags": "european-union de de swpat", "title": "Parlamenti gjerman thotë: Ndal Akordimit të Patentave mbi Software-in", "teaser": "Parlamenti gjerman ka paraqitur një mocion të përbashkët\n kundër patentave mbi software-in. Rezoluta kërkon qeverisë gjermane\n të ndërmarrë hapa për kufizimin akordimit të patentave mbi programe \n kompjuteri.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220510-01.nl.html", "tags": "deviceneutrality routers sustainability", "title": "FSFE roept op tot digitale duurzaamheid in de telecomsector", "teaser": "bijdrage raadpleging Europese telecomregulator BEREC georganiseerd, roept FSFE niveau digitale duurzaamheid telecomsector verhogen neutraliteit apparaten veilig stellen recht voeren iedere software ieder apparaat installeren.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130429-01.en.html", "tags": "pt legal procurement", "title": "Illegal procurement favouring Microsoft killed in Portuguese court", "teaser": "April 27, administrative court Almada, Portugal, declared 550, 000 Euro contract Microsoft municipality Almada illegal. technical specifications competition launched municipality prevented company Microsoft partners submit proposal.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130424-01.en.html", "tags": "ro", "title": "FSFE welcomes Ceata as associate organisation", "teaser": "group Free Software activists Romania Moldova joined FSFE's program associate organisations. Active since 2008, Ceata incorporated foundation February 2013. Fundația Ceata FSFE work together promote software freedom Romania throughout Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201809.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare copyright pmpc routers savecodeshare", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - september 2018", "teaser": "12 september verwierp Europees Parlement mandaat controversiële wetgeving bedoeld online auteursrecht herzien versneld voeren. vorige afwijzing juli stemden opnieuw pakket keer aangenomen. Desalniettemin amendement 143 150 huidige voorstel auteursrechtherziening tenminste beperkte uitzondering “open bron software ontwikkelplatforms (..) binnen betekenis richtlijn”. (geconsolideerd document)", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Februari 2016", "teaser": "2016 belooft Free Software Foundation Europe opwindend jaar \nworden. jaar vieren onze 15e verjaardag geeft kans \nterug kijken, laten zien jullie steun gebracht. \nWe kijken echter vooruit, uitdagingen toekomst gaan.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220510-01.da.html", "tags": "deviceneutrality routers sustainability", "title": "FSFE kalder på digital bæredygtighed i telekommunikationssektoren.", "teaser": "Som bidrag til høring arrangeret af europæiske telekommunikationstilsynsmyndighed BEREC opfordrer FSFE til øge niveauet af digital bæredygtighed telekommunikationssektoren ved sikre enhedens neutralitet og indføre retten til installere hvilken som helst software på enhver enhed.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.en.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "Device Neutrality becomes a reality +++ Stockholm +++ FSFE infrastructure +++ AI", "teaser": "January Newsletter, recognise importance \n\tDigital Markets Act mostly positive development software \n\tfreedom. Read lack public code cost Stockholm €100 \n\tmillion. System Hackers team unravel lies behind FSFE \n\tinfrastructure. Vincent Lequertier stresses needs \n\ttransparency. FOSDEM coming up.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202109.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Demand for transparent CovPass apps in EU +++ Dutch gain Router Freedom", "teaser": "August-September Newsletter, celebrate \n\t right using custom router Netherlands. explain \n\t every app tackles spread Covid-19 Free \n\t Software. share news vibrant community, following \n\t happened summertime lies ahead us.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221004-01.it.html", "tags": "yh4f interview", "title": "✦ Vincitori di Youth Hacking 4 Freedom ✦", "teaser": "Dopo anno codifica valutazione, termina concorso Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, progetti sbalorditivi. vinto? programmi vincitori stati trascrizione linguaggio segni, tavolo robot smart, assistente personale, tutorial musica, condivisione file, programmazione compiti. Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130626-01.fr.html", "tags": "compliance legal gpl legal licensing", "title": "Un «compliance workshop» de la FSFE découvre une violation de la GPL par FANTEC, Welte gagne le procés", "teaser": "tribunal régional Hamburg [Landgericht Hamburg] déclaré FANTEC GmbH coupable violation GNU General Public License lecteur multimédia FANTEC 3DFHDL. l'affaire Harald Welte contre FANTEC GmbH tribunal jugé FANTEC devait payer amende les frais d'avocat additionnels obligation doner utilisateurs les informations exactes concernant chaine distribution lecteur multimédia FANTEC 3DFHDL.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202002.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ilovefs", "title": "(pre-)FOSDEM +++ ILoveFS +++ Community", "teaser": "pre-FOSDEM event, exciting FOSDEM weekend, love Free Software day, February full exciting news FSFE. used occasions present work, well offer communities around Europe opportunity present own. Read booths presentations, love upcoming events February Newsletter.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'informations de la FSFE - Juin 2009", "teaser": "mois juin véritablement excitant ! plus nos\nrencontres Fellowship participation évènements tels le\nLinuxTag Berlin, cœur efforts porté l'Assemblée Générale (AG)\nqui s'est tenu Miraflores Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221205-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "5 reasons why your contribution \nis crucial for the promotion of Free Software", "teaser": "support contribution promotion Free Software important securing continuous work, ensuring independence, strengthening democratic society, promoting implementing concrete steps towards software freedom, making easier use develop Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.en.html", "tags": "fellowship ilovefs", "title": "FSFE asks to show your love for Free Software!", "teaser": "February 14th Free Software Foundation Europe asks all\nFree Software users show appreciation Free Software. FSFE suggests\nto take day opportunity say \"thank you\" one dedicated\nhard-working people Free Software community.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201411.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - November 2014", "teaser": "stad München beheert Vrije Software 15.000 werkcomputers bespaarde daarmee € 11.000.000,-. Gedurende overstap Vrije Software versterkten heterogene 51 plaatsen 1000 IT-medewerkers 22 IT-afdelingen. Ondanks uitdagingen meeste gebruikers blij overstap zeggen terug willen (in Duits). gebeurde voortuin Duitse hoofdkantoor Microsoft.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-11-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201810.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter microsoft swpat digital-o-mat sfscon", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - oktober 2018", "teaser": "Historisch gezien Microsoft softwareoctrooien gebruikt adoptie Vrije Software bedrijven openbaar bestuur vertragen octrooi-inbreuk claimen belangrijke Vrije Softwarecomponenten miljarden dollars herdistributeurs Vrije Software nemen. afgelopen jaren zocht Microsoft echter steeds toenadering Vrije Softwaregemeenschap. oktober leidde Microsoft's volgende grote stap: toetreden LOT Network Open Invention Network (OIN), twee organisaties richten oplossen problemen ontstaan softwareoctrooien richting GNU/Linux systemen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Newsletter FSFE - Novembre 2015", "teaser": "fine ottobre, FSFE presentato le\n\t\tsue raccomandazioni strategia Commissione Europea per\n\til mercato comune digitale (Digital Single Market Strategy), piano per\n\tle politiche europee nell’era digitale orientato abbattere barriere\n\tnormative separano 28 diversi mercati nazionali. particolare, la\n\tCommissione posta obbiettivi termini digitalizzazione delle\n\timprese europee, sviluppo standard \"il cloud\", \"l’Internet of\n\tThings\" big data, nonché miglioramenti nell’educazione\n\tdigitale.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200904.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Aprile 2009", "teaser": "Sapete cos'è rendere Software Libero sostenibile? Voi! Sì, il\nvostro supporto permette lavorare diversi livelli tutta Europa\nper promuovere difendere principi Software Libero. altre cose,\nle donazioni reso possibile l'organizzazione coordinamento\ndel secondo European Licensing Legal Workshop. Inoltre, permesso al\nteam austriaco partecipare numerosi eventi pubblici tutta l'Austria e\ndi continuare avere stagista nell'ufficio Zurigo.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-05-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130402-01.el.html", "tags": "tools", "title": "Πώς να απελευθερωθείτε από το Skype", "teaser": "Στις 8 Απριλίου, η Microsoft θα διακόψει την\nυπηρεσία της Windows Messenger. Όλοι οι χρήστες της υπηρεσίας αυτής θα \nμεταβούν στο Skype. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού συμβουλεύει\nτους πρώην χρήστες του Windows Messenger να εκμεταλλευτούν αυτήν την ευκαιρία\nκαι να αγκαλιάσουν τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα όπως το Jabber (XMPP) αντί για τη\nμετάβαση στο Skype.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130927-01.en.html", "tags": "gnu", "title": "Changing the world: The GNU project turns 30", "teaser": "30 years ago Richard Stallman announced GNU project. initiative started a\nprogrammer's frustration broken printer driver changed society.\nThe idea software everyone use, study, share improve proven\nvery powerful indeed.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-09-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220121-01.it.html", "tags": "fsfe20 internship interview", "title": "20 anni di FSFE: intervista ad ex stagisti", "teaser": "pubblicazione finale 20 anni FSFE, vogliamo ringraziare coloro lavorato l'organizzazione stage. contattato otto ex stagisti chiesto raccontarci tempo trascorso FSFE attuale coinvolgimento Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.de.html", "tags": "fellowship ilovefs", "title": "Die FSFE bittet darum: Zeigen Sie Ihre Liebe für Freie Software!", "teaser": "14. Februar bittet Free Software Foundation Europe\nalle Nutzer Freier Software, Anerkennung Freie Software zeigen. Die\nFSFE schlägt vor, Tag Gelegenheit wahrzunehmen, engagierten\nund hart arbeitenden Menschen Freie Software Gemeinschaft „Danke“ zu\nsagen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201310.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Οκτώβριος 2013", "teaser": "Στις 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 1983, ο Richard Stallman ξεκίνησε το \nέργο GNU. \nΜια πρωτοβουλία που ξεκίνησε από την \nαπογοήτευση \nενός προγραμματιστή για έναν χαλασμένο οδηγό εκτυπωτή και η οποία \nάλλαξε την κοινωνία μας. Η ιδέα για το λογισμικό που όλοι μπορούν \nνα χρησιμοποιούν, να μελετούν, \nνα μοιράζονται και να βελτιώνουν αποδείχθηκε πραγματικά πανίσχυρη.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2016", "teaser": "FSFE voorzag Europese Commissie \nonze input ten \naanzien doorgaande revisie Europese interoperabiliteitsraamwerk \n(EIF). EIF doel promoten verbeterde interoperabiliteit \nde publieke sector gaat moment derde herziening \nsinds 2004. Terwijl \nde werkversie voorkeur geeft open standaarden leveren \npublieke diensten promoot schadelijke FRAND (zogenoemde eerlijke, \nredelijke niet-discriminerende)-licentietermen standaarden. praktijk \nzijn \nsterk anti-competitief ongeschikt, alleen Vrije Software \nvoor hele softwaresector algemeen. Daarbij gaat werkversie \nvoorbij bewezen relatie tussen interoperabiliteit Vrije Software: \nveel nationale raamwerken \n\nvereisen expliciet nationale diensten gebaseerd zullen Vrije \nSoftware. \nvroegen Europese \nCommissie gaan tekortkomingen interoperabiliteit \nop efficiënte manier zeker stellen.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202407.en.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality reuse european=union ada-zangemann european-commission es zooom it event dma yh4f education highlights", "title": "DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, EU infrastucture & more", "teaser": "July issue full news! continue monitor raise \nour concerns DMA compliance. call upon use Free \nSoftware digital infrastructure asking \nexperiences openwashing. bring updates REUSE, \nYH4F, Ada & Zangemann...", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130327-01.sq.html", "tags": "dfd de", "title": "taz.die tageszeitung nderohet me Çmimin Gjerman të Lirisë së Dokumenteve ", "teaser": "Gazeta gjermane taz.die tageszeitung (TAZ) merr çmimin Ditës së\nLirisë së Dokumenteve për këtë vit. këtë çmim, Free Software\nFoundation Europe (FSFE) dhe Foundation Free Information\nInfrastructure (FFII) nderojnë organizma që kanë arritur përdorim\nshembullor të Standardeve të Hapur.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-03-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-01.es.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": " Abierta la segunda edición del concurso de programación Youth Hacking 4 Freedom", "teaser": "inscripción para segunda edición “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom\", \ncompetición programación FSFE para adolescentes toda Europa, \nacaba comenzar. Esta competición ofrece jóvenes entre 14 18 \naños oportunidad desafiarse sí mismos, conocer otros \nadolescentes ideas afines ganar premios metálico.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2016", "teaser": "FSFE consegnato Commissione europea \nle indicazioni riguardo revisione corso Quadro europeo d'Interoperabilità (EIF). \nLo EIF promuove migliore interoperabilità settore pubblico della\nUE 2004 ora passando attraverso terza revisione.\n Nonostante bozza dia preferenza Standard Aperti fornire servizi pubblici, promuove\nanche dannosi termici licenza FRAND (così detti \"equi, ragionevoli discriminatori\") \nper standard. pratica, essi sono\naltamente anti-competitivi inadatti \nnon solo Software Libero l'intero settore software generale. \nInoltre, bozza ignora provata relazione esistente fra interoperabilità\ne Software Libero: molti inquadramenti nazionali\nrichiedono esplicitamente\nche servizi nazionali basati Software Libero. \nchiesto Commissione europea considerare lacune\ne assicurare l'interoperabilità modo efficiente.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201112.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Δεκέμβριος 2011", "teaser": "Ποιος ελέγχει τα αποτελέσματα της δικής σας αναζήτησης στο διαδίκτυο;\nΟι μηχανές αναζήτησης είναι ένας ζωτικός σύνδεσμος ανάμεσα σε εσάς και\nτις πληροφορίες. Από την οπτική του FSFE, είναι σημαντικό ότι οι χρήστες\nέχουν τη δυνατότητα να είναι ανεξάρτητοι. Γι' αυτό ενημερώνουμε για την\nέκδοση 1.0 του YaCy, μια ομότιμη μηχανή αναζήτησης. Διαβάστε για το YaCy \nστο δελτίο τύπου που\nδημοσιεύουμε, στο\nάρθρο \n από το ιστολόγιο του Karsten Gerloff ή επιλέξτε έναν από τους \nπολλούς\n ιστοχώρους ειδήσεων που έγραψαν γι' αυτό, μεταξύ άλλων οι Wall Street \nJournal, BBC News, Telegraph ή το TAZ.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - diciembre 2015", "teaser": "Las comisiones Parlamento Europeo Mercado Interior Protección \ndel Consumidor (IMCO) así como Industria, Investigación Energía (ITRE) emitieron \nun informe conjunto, por propia iniciativa, basado estrategia para el mercado digital \núnico Comisión. El equipo político FSFE analizado el informe los cambios \npropuestos para incluir estándares abiertos, minimalista, aplicables \ncon el Software Libre, para integrar el control los usuarios sobre sus datos \nasegurarse única nube ciencia abierta realice \nSoftware Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2016", "teaser": "Sin 2005, FSFE mantenuto due differenti\nmarchi: FSFE Fellowship. Mentre senso all'inizio,\ncrescendo dimostrato progressivamente scomodo creato una\nseparazione fra Fellow FSFE due entità separate,\nignorando fatto lavoriamo insieme! conseguenza, ridotto nostre\nattività promuovono \"Fellowship\" qualcosa distinto FSFE,\ne parliamo \"Gruppi FSFE\" posto \"Gruppi Fellowship\", nostri\ngruppi locali.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130503-01.sq.html", "tags": "drm w3c", "title": "Dita Ndërkombëtare Kundër DRM-së: kundërvihuni teknologjive të cunguara me dashje", "teaser": "Këtë të premte, 23 maj 2013, FSFE-ja po bashkohet fushatës së 8-të Ndërkombëtare \"Dita kundër DRM-s\" në thirrjen për t’i dhënë fund Administrimit Dixhital të Kufizimeve - Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). Beteja kundër DRM-s ka fituar forcë javët fundit. Aktivistë të Lirisë janë bërë kundër DRM-së në HTML5, duke vënë theksin efektet dëmshme mbi risitë dhe lirinë përdoruesve të kësaj teknologjie. Ditën sotme Kundër DRM-së, organizmi ynë simotër, Free Software Foundation, t’i paraqesë në Boston Konsorciumit World Wide Web (W3C)paraqesë nënshkrimet peticionit që kundërvihet DRM-së brenda HTML5-s.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.en.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "AI in EU +++ Open letter to Bundestag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Meshnet", "teaser": "April Newsletter, welcome promising developments \n EU. address German Government demand clear \n budget Free Software. interview Plasma Mobile developer \n Bhushan Shah, talk Elektra Wagenrad podcast episode \n Mesh Networking. congratulate KDE world's first \n eco-certified software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202104.es.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20", "title": "Paquete Libertad del Enrutador +++ Fernanda Weiden +++ Ventas de primavera", "teaser": "nuestro boletín primavera puedes leer sobre nuestro Paquete Actividad Libertad Enrutador, entrevista nuestra antigua vicepresidenta Fernanda Weiden, nuestro nuevo episodio Software Freedom Podcast Elisa Lindinger, nuestras ventas primavera como habitual, sobre nuestras otras variadas actividades comunitarias.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-04-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2009 ", "teaser": "mese stato pieno attività, notizia particolare ha\ngettato ombra tutto. appreso morte Richard Rothwell, un'attivista di\nrilievo rispettato Software Libero nell'ambito educativo Fellow.\nGli porgeremo addio sotto.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130611-01.sq.html", "tags": "openstandards sk eura-slovakia", "title": "Deklarim taksash pa software jo të lirë: një kompani sllovake apelon gjobat", "teaser": "Në një çështje gjyqësore të kompanie Sllovake që ka protestuar kundër detyrimit për të përdorur një software jo të lirë për të deklaruar taksat, një gjykatë ka dështuar të japë një vendim mbi thelbin çështjes.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221206-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "La Dichiarazione UE dei principi e dei diritti digitali ridimensionata nelle ambizioni", "teaser": "Stati Membri, Parlamento Commissione europei trovato consenso Dichiarazione principi diritti digitali. \nDoveva essere punto riferimento trasformazione digitale Europa, invece riversa torbide acque risolvendosi un'ambiguità fondo. espressioni vaghe incurante buone proposte.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221219-01.it.html", "tags": "reuse licensing copyright", "title": "GNU Health opta per REUSE", "teaser": "contesto dell'iniziativa REUSE Booster, FSFE fornisce valutazioni individuali assistenza diretta progetti Software Libero nell'implementazione REUSE. GNU Health, progetto combina medicina sociale tecnologia, recentemente diventato conforme REUSE. parlato dottor Luis Falcón, fondatore.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Augustus 2014", "teaser": "oude tijden gewone burger Republiek \n\t\tdagelijkse dingen bezighield nogal, laten zeggen, vrij. Terwijl \n\t\top taken richtten hadden af toe nieuw gereedschap enig \n\t\tadvies nodig, oude Latijnse gezegde scientia potentia \n\t\tbepaalde grenzen vrijheid samenviel grenzen \n\t\tkennis: nieuw gereedschap nodig hadden kennis hadden \n\t\tom maken afhankelijk gereedschapsmaker \n\t\thet gereedschap komen.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202112.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling Android ++ Neutralidad del Dispositivo ++ Nico Rikken + Ada + Vacante", "teaser": "el boletín diciembre lee sobre Upcycling Android, iniciativa para superar obsolescencia software Software Libre. UE vota el DMA, gran paso por neutralidad dispositivo. ¡Alemania interesa por adoptar PM-PC! Entrevistamos Nico Rikken. Conoce Ada, personaje libro infantil. Oferta laboral.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220310-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "\"I Love Free Software Day\": Free Software\ngames and a SharePic generator", "teaser": "Since 2010 Free Software Foundation Europe been\norganising yearly \"I Love Free Software Day\". Together\nwith hundreds Free Software enthusiasts celebrated love for\nFree Software 14th February. took part\nand celebrated \"I Love Free Software Day\", would\nlike thank much.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130625-02.sq.html", "tags": "procurement european-union", "title": "Komisioni Europian u thotë organizmave publike të çlirohen nga kyçjet", "teaser": "Në një njoftim të botuar sot, Komisioni Europian kërkon organizmave publike të çlirohen nga bllokimi mundësive të zgjedhjes prej tregtuesve më sistemet tyre TI. Komisioni dëshiron që organizmat publike të marrin për bazë standardet, dhe jo markat dhe teknologjitë pronësore, kur blejnë software.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-06-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Februari 2012", "teaser": "Smartphones kleine computertjes vaak ons\ndragen. Jammer genoeg wij, gebruikers, baas onze\nsmartphones makers telecommaatschappijen. Zelfs\nAndroidtelefoons geleverd onvrije software propriëtaire\ntoevoegingen veelal belang werk doen. Alleen\nzolang maker commercieel belang apparaat heeft\nverschijnen nieuwe software-updates. apps beschikbaar zijn\nin officiële market meestal onvrij. niemand toegestaan\nte bestuderen nou eigenlijk telefoon werken. sommige\ngevallen werken simpelweg zoals willen, andere\ngevallen zelfs schadelijk zijn.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220504-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "EU Declaration of Digital Rights: Free Software included by European Parliament", "teaser": "Early year, Commission proposed draft \n Declaration Digital Rights Principles aims guide \n digital transformation EU. European Parliament \n agreed text Free Software makes part it.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202009.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "\"Un lugar para el código público\" +++ Promoción FSFE +++ Oferta de trabajo", "teaser": "nuestro boletín septiembre podrás leer sobre nueva resistente alianza formada por administraciones, políticos, empresas organizaciones sociedad civil, demandando \"un lugar para el código público\". Además podrás leer sobre nuestra llamada para conseguir respaldo financiación FSFE para proyecto local, sobre nuestra oferta empleo, sobre otras diversas actividades nuestra comunidad.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-09-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/i-voting/2013-08-19_Response_from_the_Electronic_Voting_Committee.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Response from the Electronic Voting Committee", "teaser": "following text translation Committee's response, originally received Estonian. original, untranslated response available here.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2016", "teaser": "sechsten Mal Folge aufgerufen, Mitwirkenden \nFreier Software Valentinstag Anerkennung zeigen danken. \nSehen Bericht #ilovefs-Tag 2016 erfahren Sie, wem Jahr \nzahllosen Blogeinträgen, Bildern, Kunstwerken, Memes, persönlichen Mitteilungen \nund vielem mehr gedankt wurde. Vergessen nicht, 14. Februar \nnächsten Jahres \"I love Free Software\" Tag vorzumerken, schöne \nTradition beizubehalten, Menschen harte Arbeit Freier \nSoftware würdigen. danken Teilnehmern, Zeit gefunden \nhaben, \"Danke\" sagen #ilovefs 2016 erfolgreich gemacht \nhaben.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220323-01.en.html", "tags": "interview upcyclingandroid security", "title": "Interview with Plasma Mobile developer Bhushan Shah", "teaser": "options run phone Free Software? \n Upcycling Android campaign interviewed Plasma Mobile \n developer Bhushan Shah running privacy-respecting \n secure GNU/Linux phone ecosystem phone.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dicembre 2015", "teaser": "comitato parlamentare europeo mercato interno protezione dei\n consumatori (IMCO) l'industria, ricerca energia (ITRE) hanno\n pubblicato rapporto iniziativa basato strategia il\n mercato unico digitale Commissione. gruppo FSFE occupa\n politiche analizzato proposto modifiche fine includere\n standard aperti, minimalistici implementabili Software\n Libero, migliorare controllo utenti propri dati di\n assicurarsi cloud unico l'Open Science implementato tramite\n Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221219-01.en.html", "tags": "reuse licensing copyright", "title": "GNU Health opts for REUSE ", "teaser": "framework REUSE Booster initiative, FSFE provides \nindividual assessments direct assistance Free Software projects \nin implementation REUSE best practices. GNU Health, \nproject combines social medicine technology, recently \nbecome REUSE compliant. talked Dr. Luis Falcón, \nfounder.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220905-01.en.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "Broad alliance demands: Digitization must serve social and ecological change", "teaser": "broad alliance 13 organisations fields environmental \n protection, digital policy, development cooperation academia \n publishes catalog demands show political solutions towards \n sustainable digital society. prelude upcoming \n conference digitization sustainability \"Bits & \n Bäume\".", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/i-voting/2013-07-26_Open_Letter_to_NEC.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Open Letter on Freedom and Internet Voting to Estonia's National Electoral Committee", "teaser": "Subject: Internet voting Estonian elections: Issues & Recommendations Alleviate Concerns", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201107.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juli 2011", "teaser": "Stel net computer hebt gekocht voorgeïnstalleerde Vrije Software. tijd besluit extra software installeren bron. verkoper echter mee eens, besluit mensen klagen software ontwikkeld. klinkt alsof goed plan computer kopen!", "type": "page", "date": "2011-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202312.en.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f upcyclingandroid IEA be routers deviceneutrality pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "YH4F kickoff +++ UpA Open Letter +++ Router freedom in Belgium", "teaser": "Last month YH4F 2024 kicked off, German Parliament received Upcycling Android Open Letter, discovered ambitious plan Interoperable Europe Act turned watered down, celebrated Belgium’s commitment router freedom, much interesting news out.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221104-01.en.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "The coding contest Youth Hacking 4 Freedom launches its second edition", "teaser": "registration second edition “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom”, FSFE’s hacking competition teenagers Europe, started. contest offers young people aged 14 18 opportunity challenge themselves, meet like-minded people win cash prizes.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201104.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2011", "teaser": "Raum Bett, Schreibtisch Sofa. Lage, \nals Editor Praktikant FSFE Georg Greves Ein-Zimmer-Appartment \nin Hamburg Jahr 2004 arbeiten anfing. FSFE begann Operationen \nim März 2001 erste \nSchwesterorganisation FSF USA. seitdem \neinen weiten gebracht. Erstens bekommen Praktikanten \nnicht mehr Georgs verpflichtende Koch-Lehrstunden, stattdessen \neigenen Schreibtisch müssen mehr Sofa arbeiten. Zweitens \nhaben Fellowship (die Mitgliedschaft), Wachstum \nEhrenamtlichen Aktivitäten führt:", "type": "page", "date": "2011-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201008.el.html", "tags": "newsletter openstandards public-administration de rmll", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Αύγουστος 2010", "teaser": "Στο επίκεντρο αυτής της έκδοσης είναι το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\nστον δημόσιο τομέα: σε εθνικό επίπεδο στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, στην περιοχή του\nBozen στην Ιταλία και στην Αυστριακή πόλη Linz. Εισάγουμε έναν νέο \nμνημονικό κανόνα για τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα \nκαι σας καλούμε να συμμετάσχετε στις επόμενες εκδηλώσεις για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/i-voting/2013-07-26_Open_Letter_to_NEC.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "Avalik kiri vabadusest ja Interneti-hääletusest Vabariigi Valimiskomisjonile", "teaser": "Käesoleva kirja eesmärgiks tuua välja mõned probleemid Eesti Interneti-hääletuse süsteemis ning pakkuda lahendusi nende leevendamiseks. Oleme välja valinud järgnevad valdkonnad, mille kohta soovime teha allpool mõned märkused: kasutaja vabadus & hääletamisprotsessi läbipaistvus, usaldus matemaatika vs inimeste vastu kaughääletamisega kaasnevad ohud.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201305.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - maj 2013", "teaser": "Çdo vit, të mërkurën fundit të marsit, organizohet Dita Lirisë së Dokumenteve (DLD): dita mbarëbotërore për shtimin ndërgjegjësimit lidhur Standardet Hapura, organizuar nga FSFE-ja. Ka qenë mahnitëse të shihet mesazhi lirisë dhe Standardeve të Hapura ka vazhduar të përhapet nëpër botë vit viti. Këtë vit, pati 59 veprimtari në 30 vende, dhe mjaft pjesëmarrës për herë të parë, përfshi Nigerin, Indonezinë dhe Shtetet Bashkuara.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220323-01.nl.html", "tags": "interview upcyclingandroid security", "title": "Interview met Plasma Mobile-ontwikkelaar Bhushan Shah", "teaser": "opties telefoon Vrije Software laten werken? \n onze Android Opwaarderen-campagne interviewden Plasma Mobile \n ontwikkelaar Bhushan Shah draaien privacy respecterend \n veilig GNU/Linux-ecosysteem telefoon.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201011.en.html", "tags": "newsletter frand united-nations pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2010", "teaser": "edition explains counter lobby work of\nproprietary organisations European level, United\nNations level inform people dangers software patents, what\nwe get rid non-free software advertisement public websites,\nand make change.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/i-voting/2013-10-08_Follow-up_Letter_to_the_Electronic_Voting_Committee.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n\t\t\tVastuskiri Elektroonilise Hääletamise Komisjonile\n\t\t", "teaser": "Täname Teid 19. augustil 2013 saadetud vastuse eest meie pöördumisele Interneti-hääletuse tuvalisuse vabaduse teemadel. Teie vastus aitas meil valimiskomisjoni seisukohti paremini mõista ning leevendas nii mõndagi muret. Oli tore näha, meie seisukohad mitmetes küsimustes vähemalt eesmärkide tasandil sarnased. Selgitame järgnevalt põhjuseid, miks oleme mõnes küsimuses endiselt eriarvamusel ning toome välja vastuse elemendid, mida tunnustada soovime.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220520-01.en.html", "tags": "education nl", "title": "FSFE signs Dutch manifesto calling for education improvements", "teaser": "Students use proprietary software participate the\neducational process. FSFE joins Dutch ‘Coalition Fair Digital\nEducation’ supporting privacy-respecting solutions involving Free Software in\nschools.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202111.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Upcycling +++ Traduttori FSFE +++ Libertà del Router a rischio in Lettonia", "teaser": "newsletter novembre scopri neutralità dispositivo upcycling software fondamentali risparmiare risorse (ri)usando l'hardware. Leggi dell'importante ruolo traduttori, perdita Libertà Router Lettonia, guarda video valori fondamentali Software Libero segui eventi comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202309.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy deviceneutrality fediverse legal ada-zangemann internship upcyclingandroid ccc", "title": "\"Ritorno a scuola\" per UE e Germania +++ Ada disponibile in tutto il mondo", "teaser": "Settembre porta sé ripresa politiche dell'UE metà mandato \ndel governo tedesco, guardiamo prospettiva Software \nLibero. “Ada & Zangemann” ora può essere ordinato livello \ninternazionale, puoi aiutarci tradurre video “Cos'è \nSoftware Libero\" diverse lingue europee. ricorda: fare root \ninvalida garanzia.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2013/i-voting/2013-08-19_Response_from_the_Electronic_Voting_Committee.et.html", "tags": "", "title": "Elektroonilise Hääletamise Komisjoni vastus", "teaser": "Täname Teid 26.07.2013 saadetud kirja eest Interneti hääletuse teemal. Tõstatatud teemad igati olulised ning debatt vajalik. Järgnevalt mõningad seisukohad vastavalt Teie kirja struktuurile:", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202002.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ilovefs", "title": "(pre-)FOSDEM +++ IloveFS +++ Gemeenschap", "teaser": "eigen pre-FOSDEM-evenement, via opwindende FOSDEM-weekeinde, love Free Software-dag, stond februari bol opwindend nieuws FSFE. maakten gebruik mogelijkheden werk presenteren gemeenschappen Europa kans bieden eigen werk presenteren. Lees onze kramen presentaties, liefde komende evenementen onze februari-nieuwsbief.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201104.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Απρίλιος 2011", "teaser": "Ένα δωμάτιο με ένα κρεβάτι, ένα γραφείο κα έναν καναπέ. Αυτή ήταν η \nκατάσταση όταν ο εκδότης του δελτίου άρχισε να εργάζεται ως βοηθός\nγια το FSFE στο διαμέρισμα-στούντιο του Georg Greve στο Αμβούργο το 2004. \nΤο FSFE ξεκίνησε τη λειτουργία του τον\nΜάρτιο του 2001 ως ο πρώτος\nομοθυγατρικός οργανισμός του FSF στις ΗΠΑ. Έχουμε διανύσει\nπολύ δρόμο από τότε.\nΠρώτα απ' όλα οι βοηθοί μας δεν υποχρεώνονται πλέον να παρακολουθούν τα \nμαθήματα μαγειρικής του Georg, αντίθετα τώρα έχουν τα δικά τους γραφεία\nκαι δεν χρειάζεται πια να εργάζονται στον καναπέ. Δεύτερον, τώρα έχουμε\nτην Κοινότητα η οποία σημαίνει ανάπτυξη εθελοντών και δραστηριοτήτων:", "type": "page", "date": "2011-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101216-01.en.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "FSFE welcomes revised European Interoperability Framework (EIF)", "teaser": "European Commission today published long-awaited revision of\nthe European Interoperability Framework. document aims promoting interoperability European public sector. \nThe document result prolonged hard-fought process. Free Software Foundation Europe accompanied process offered input European Commission various stages.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202110.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021", "teaser": "newsletter ottobre, leggi Till Jaeger sperimentato prima persona cosa serve far rispettare licenze Software Libero. Scopri concorso appena lanciato: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Leggi donazione team dell'annuario scuola superiore. Segui ultime attività segnati date dell'SFScon.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Οκτώβριος 2014", "teaser": "Όταν αγοράζουμε έναν φορητό υπολογιστή, μπορεί να είναι δύσκολο να αποφύγουμε την πληρωμή\nγια μία άδεια χρήσης των Windows της Microsoft, αφού πολλοί φορητοί υπολογιστές παρέχονται πακεταρισμένοι με αυτά.\nΑυτός ο “Φόρος των Windows” προκαλεί μια τεχνητή άυξηση των τιμών του υλικού για τους χρήστες Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού που\nδεν θέλουν να χρησιμοποιούν το λειτουργικό σύστημα της Microsoft. Εμείς, ως χρήστες Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, θέλουμε να\nυποστηρίξουμε την ανάπτυξη του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, αντί για εκείνην του μη-ελεύθερου λογισμικού σαν τα\nMicrosoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202004.de.html", "tags": "newsletter corona tools", "title": "COVID-19 +++ Weltweite Zusammenarbeit +++ Mobile Arbeit", "teaser": "Ausbreitung COVID-19 stehen einer\n weltweiten Pandemie gegenüber, Menge koordiniertem Einsatz\n neue globale Lösungen erfordert. außerplanmäßiger Newsletter\n konzentriert Software-Freiheit globale Lösungen, Lösungen\n Remote-Verbindungen mithilfe Freier Software FSFE mit\n Gesamtsituation zurecht kommt. möchten Aktivitäten der\n Community hervorheben Tipps sowohl Unterhaltung für\n Weiterbildung Zeit Hause geben. Spaß beim Lesen, bleiben\n gesund schützen Freiheit!", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202305.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann legal reuse routers lt deviceneutrality education se llw yh4f podcast", "title": "FOSS-North & LLW +++ Apparaatneutraliteit +++ NGI Zero", "teaser": "nummer kunt lezen EU-project NGI Zero, LLW, \nFOSS-North conferentie strijd Litouwse studenten \npropriëtaire 2FA vermijden. Mis onze nieuwe SFP-aflevering \nApparaatneutraliteit niet, verdiep kennis twee interessante \nartikelen, geniet laatste 'Ada & Zangemann'-lezingen \nontdek twee YH4F-projecten.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100803-01.de.html", "tags": "dfd openstandards policy public-administration", "title": "Deutsche Ministerien missachten Anforderung der offenen Interoperabilität in der IT", "teaser": "Woche veröffentlichte Untersuchung nahelegt,\nwird Anforderung Einführung Offener\nStandards Mehrheit Bundesbehörden Deutschland ignoriert.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201911.es.html", "tags": "newsletter community podcast pmpc drm", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - noviembre de 2019", "teaser": "Este os presentamos nuestros amigos portugueses ANSOL historia éxito solucionando los problemas creados por el DRM país, os damos consejos sobre cómo podéis llevar cabo acciones similares el vuestro. El episodio 2 «Podcast por el Software Libre» FSFE ya está publicado, dedicamos Comunidad KDE, las transformaciones actualizaciones están llevando cabo. Puedes descubrir próximos eventos interesantes historias, apoyo visual, los eventos los nuestra comunidad promocionado el Software Libre largo Europa. Os ofrecemos pequeño adelanto Reunión Anual Comunidad FSFE este año, llevado cabo Bolzano, Italia, antes publique el informe oficial. sección «Actívate» pedimos ayuda nueva iniciativa «¿Dinero Público?, ¡Código Público!». Necesitamos más municipios administraciones públicas abracen estos principios unan lista firmantes.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-11-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101216-01.el.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Το FSFE υποδέχεται το αναθεωρημένο \n Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Διαλειτουργικότητας", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή έδωσε σήμερα στη δημοσιότητα \nτην επί μακρόν αναμενόμενη αναθεώρηση του \nΕυρωπαϊκού\nΠλαισίου Διαλειτουργικότητας (EIF). Αυτό το έγγραφο στοχεύει στην προώθηση \nτης διαλειτουργικότητας στον Ευρωπαϊκό δημόσιο τομέα. Το έγγραφο είναι το\nαποτέλεσμα μιας μακράς και σκληρών συγκρούσεων διαδικασίας. Το Ευρωπαϊκό\nΊδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού παρακολούθησε τη διαδικασία και προσέφερε στοιχεία\nστην Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή σε\nδιάφορα\nστάδια.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220628-01.it.html", "tags": "gr routers", "title": "La Grecia sta per assicurare la Libertà del Router ma esclude la fibra", "teaser": "Grecia fatto passo avanti assicurare Libertà \nRouter, autorità regolamentazione escludendo \nlegislazione connessioni fibra (FTTH). coalizione \norganizzazioni, alleati FSFE, chiede ora legislatori \nriconsiderino posizione salvaguardino così libertà \ngli utenti.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201101.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter – Januar 2011", "teaser": "Mission es, Freie Software Schulen und\nUniversitäten bringen. neue Aufgabe es, Informationen über\nihre Zielgruppen\nzu sammeln diese\nausdruckbares\nInformationsmaterial erstellen. sicher, die\nLieblingsfarbe Koordinatoren\nThomas Jensch und\nGuido Arnold das\nFellowship-Grün. sind\nunser Bildungsteam.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100330-01.ru.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Открытые стандарты в Европе под угрозой", "teaser": "В настоящее время Еврокомиссия пытается получить\nодобрение новой версии Европейской концепции совместимости со стороны\nгосударств-членов Евросоюза. В новом проекте документа Еврокомиссия\nотказывается от лидирующих позиций в области использования открытых\nстандартов, что наносит вред инновациям, конкуренции и свободе\nпользователей в Европе. ЕФСПО обновил страницу с анализом\nдокумента, сравнив новую и предыдущую версии, а также требования\nгрупп поддержки производителей несвободных программ. В преддверии Дня свободы документов ЕФСПО ведет\nпереговоры с Еврокомиссией и руководствами государств-членов, чтобы\nобратить их внимание на эти проблемы.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220516-01.it.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Principali esponenti hanno discusso il futuro della Libertà del Router in Austria", "teaser": "Insieme all'alleanza produttori apparecchiature terminali (VTKE), \nla FSFE organizzato l'evento online \"Il futuro Libertà \nRouter Austria\" responsabili decisioni possono discutere \ncon esponenti dell'industria società civile futuri \nsviluppi libera scelta apparati terminali Austria.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202005.it.html", "tags": "newsletter corona limux pmpc", "title": "Hackathon pubbliche +++ Monaco sostiene il codice pubblico +++ Nuovi podcast", "teaser": "Leggi richiesta pubblicare risultati hackathon finanziate denaro pubblico Software Libero, nuovo governo coalizione Monaco allineato principi \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\", cosa successo FSFE comunità. Evidenziamo risultati web-sprint pubblicazioni, podcast ordinario straordinario.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-05-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201606.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2016", "teaser": "FSFE together 72 organisations \nsigned \na letter telecom regulators support strong net neutrality \nrules on-going negotiations guidelines implementation \nof recently adopted Regulation 2015/2120. Regulation creates \nbasis strong net neutrality, FSFE together organisations \nfrom world asks Body European Regulators Electronic \nCommunication (BEREC) 28 national telecom regulators uphold \nthese rules establish strong net neutrality guidelines around Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101207-01.fr.html", "tags": "european-commission policy", "title": "Achat de logiciel par la Commission Européenne, un accord rude pour l'Europe", "teaser": "Commission Européenne va dépenser 189 millions d'euros logiciel privateura cours six prochaines années, allant directement l'encontre propres décisions recommandations. Commission annoncé semaine dernière accord-cadre six ans vue d'acquérir large gamme logiciels, principalement logiciels privateurs, services liés1.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201807.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Juillet 2018", "teaser": "5 juillet, Parlement Européen rejeté réforme\n controversée copyright ligne. 318 membres Parlement\n Européen voté contre projet loi amendé Commission\n Affaires Juridique (JURI), opposition 278 favorables au\n texte. projet loi donc soumis nouveaux amendements\n avant d'être nouveau soumis vote Septembre.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201009.el.html", "tags": "newsletter education sfd cloud", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Σεπτέμβριος 2010", "teaser": "Σε αυτήν την έκδοση καλύπτουμε το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\nστην εκπαίδευση, λύσεις κατανεμημένου Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού ως εναλλακτικό\nστις συγκεντροποιημένες υπηρεσίες, κάποιους τρόπους να πανηγυρίσουμε ό,τι\nεμείς -- η κοινότητα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού -- έχουμε ήδη επιτύχει, και πώς\nμπορείτε να συμμετέχετε στο Ευρωπαϊκό πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου ακόμη και \nαν δεν ενδιαφέρεστε για το ποδόσφαιρο.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220425-01.nl.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid cfp de", "title": "Oproep voor Deelname (OvD) is open voor Bits & Bäume 2022 over Digitalisering en Duurzaamheid", "teaser": "Technologie-experts ecologen bundelen krachten tijdens Bits & Bäume \n (\"Bits Bomen\")-conferentie oktober 2022 Berlijn. jaar \n maakt FSFE deel organisatiecomité. zoek boeiende \n lezingen inzichten Vrije Software helpen realiseren \n duurzame digitale samenleving. Deel expertise meld 7 \n juni.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Stop unfair advertising - get your government to promote free PDF readers!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe calls Europeans seek advertisements proprietary PDF readers government's\n websites, report them. addition, FSFE prepared\na petition\ndemanding end advertising practices, encourages the\npublic sign it.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220127-01.nl.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "De FSFE op FOSDEM 2022", "teaser": "Net 2021 FOSDEM jaar online plaatsvinden. weerhoudt \nom opnieuw medeorganisator Devroom juridische beleidskwesties, digitale kraam aanwezig zijn. Wij enthousiast verheugen erop gedurende hele weekeinde interessant \nprogramma presenteren.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202307.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy IEA pmpc yh4f", "title": "Interoperable Europe +++ Cyber Resilience Act +++ AI Act", "teaser": "July newsletter! issue \nupdates latest status Interoperable Europe Act, Cyber \nResilience Act, Artificial Intelligence Act. competition \nYH4F ended.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201709.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc digital-o-mat savecodeshare sha", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shtator 2017", "teaser": "Shërbimet dixhitale të ofruara dhe përdorura nga administratat tonë publike janë pjesë infrastrukturës kritike të kombeve demokratike të shekullit XXI. Por për shkak të licencave kufizuese mbi software-in, shumë organizma publikë nuk kanë kontroll të plotë mbi infrastrukturën tyre dixhitale. Edhe pse botimi software-it të krijuar para publike nën një licencë të lirë sjell përfitime të mëdha për qeveritë dhe shoqërinë civile, ligjvënësit ende hezitojnë të përmirësojnë legjislacionin në këtë fushë. Ka ardhur koha që ky të ndryshohet. Në FSFE, duam legjislacion europian që kërkon medoemos që software-i financuar para publike krijuar për sektorin publik të ofrohet publikisht nën një licencë Software-i të Lirë dhe Burim të Hapur. Nëse paraja është publike, kështu të duhej të ishte edhe kodi!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së – janar 2014", "teaser": "Mjaft hackers (përfshi ne, sigurisht!) dëfryen në \n festimet ndryshme të zhvilluara gjatë solsticit të dimrit. \n Por që koha për të vrarë mendjen dhuratat \n Krishtlindjeve dhe për të shijuar përhumbjen në gjirin familjes \n mbaroi – Juli iku, viti ripërtëri, dhe beteja për lirinë dhe \n çlirimin kërkon sërish vëmendjen tonë. Ndaj, ia vlen të fillohet\n një përmbledhje të shkurtër të atyre që sjell për 2014 \n gjatë muajve të parë.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100907-01.it.html", "tags": "swpat policy", "title": "Sondaggio europeo sul Software Libero e gli standard: fai sentire la tua voce!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe chiedendo imprese\n europee Software Libero partecipare sondaggio riguardo posizione\n aziende rispetto all'accettabilità includere brevetti software standard\n industriali.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202008.it.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc open-science limux copyright", "title": "Consultazione Europea +++ 100 giorni in Monaco +++ Coordinatore Open Science", "teaser": "newsletter agosto, valutiamo Commissione Europea dovrebbe evitare utilizzare termine \"proprietà intellettuale\". Chiediamo nuovo governo Monaco progressi Software Libero, introduciamo nuovo coordinatore Open Science Christian Busse. solito, varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-08-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.it.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2010", "teaser": "edizione parleremo dell'ingannevole sigla FRAND (dall'inglese\n\"fair, reasonable non-discriminatory terms\" - termini giusti, ragionevoli non\ndiscriminatori), spiegheremo cosa proposito sistemi informatici centralizzati\ne dell'IGF (Forum Gestione Internet), aggiorneremo campagna facendo\nper togliere pubblicità software libero siti istituzioni pubbliche.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2015", "teaser": "Nowadays use online services everything \nincreasingly provide data them. However lose control \nof data ever. Together organisations\nFSFE supports \npublication User Data Manifesto 2.0 promotes users' \nbasic rights control data using online services. According\nto manifesto, users must control access data, \nto know data stored online services, \nbe able freely choose platform without forced vendor lock-in. \nThe manifesto good starting point debate users' rights\nonline, FSFE looks forward organisations joining effort\nto stand online services respect users' fundamental rights.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "171 instituciones publicas suprimen los anuncios de software privativo", "teaser": "Solo después comenzase campaña PDFreaders FSFE\n171 instituciones públicas han surpmido los anuncios hacían referencia software privativo\nde sus sitios web. Particularmente sido excepcional respuesta desde Croacia, Rusia Eslovenia. \nEn Corcia casi todas las instituciones hay suprimido los anuncios. mitad los contactados Rusia Eslovenia \nse han suscrito campaña FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - marzo 2016", "teaser": "Por sexta vez consecutiva os pedimos todos expreséis vuestra gratitud \ny aprecio los desarrolladores Software Libre el Día San Valentín. \nEcha vistazo nuestros informes #ilovefs 2016 observa quien logró reconocimiento \neste año través innumerables blogs, imágenes, obras arte, memes, notas \npersonales muchos más. olvides marcar el próximo el año el 14 febrero como \nel Día \"Me encanta el Software Libre\" para continuar esta bonita tradición reconocer\na las personas el duro trabajo trabajo hay tras software libre. ¡Agradecemos todos \nlos participantes encuentran tiempo para decir \"gracias\" para convertir #ilovefs\n2016 todo éxito!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220225-01.it.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid european-union workshop", "title": "Upcycling Android: ancorare la libertà software nell'ecocompatibilità europea", "teaser": "FSFE, difendiamo diritto universale [dis]installare qualsiasi sistema operativo software qualsiasi dispositivo. L'aggiornamento progettazione ecosostenibile europea svolta storica rendere diritto parte legislazione europea. campagna Upcycling Android segna l'inizio attività.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220504-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "EU-verklaring over digitale rechten: Vrije Software overgenomen door Europees Parlement", "teaser": "Begin jaar Commissie ontwerp \n verklaring digitale rechten beginselen voorgesteld, leidraad dienen \n digitale transformatie EU. Europees Parlement \n overeenstemming bereikt tekst Vrije Software maakt deel uit.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100508-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "45. Theodor Heuss Preis : Festrede von Ludwig Theodor Heuss", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe Theodor Heuss\nMedaille 2010 ausgezeichnet, kompetent beiträgt neue\nRegeln gesellschaftliche, politische rechtliche\nRahmenbedingungen World Wide Web digitale Freiheit durch\nFreie Software erarbeiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-05-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Octobre 2011", "teaser": "Michael Clemens, fellow FSFE, solution tous ceux d'entre\nvous veulent savoir quand linge machine laver prêt.\nSur blog, explique comment fabriquer « Laundruino », basé sur\nle Logiciel Libre microcontrôleur Arduino,\nqui informe l'avancement cycle machine.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220628-01.en.html", "tags": "gr routers", "title": "Greece about to secure Router Freedom but leaves fiber out", "teaser": "Greece one step closer securing Router Freedom, regulators \n excluding fiber (FTTH) connections legislation. \n coalition organisations, allies FSFE, requesting \n lawmakers reconsider thus safeguard freedom \n users.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Augustus 2015", "teaser": "Eerder maand diende FSFE antwoord “Consultatie \nhet bijzondere aspect intellectueel eigendom publieke inkoopprocedures” (“Consultation on\nthe respect intellectual property public procurement procedures”),\ngeïnitieerd Europese Commissie. Volgens Commissie aanvankelijke doel \nconsultatie “bewijs, meningen feedback verzamelen bijzondere aspect \nintellectuele eigendomsrechten handelsgeheimen publieke inkoopprocedures”, bepalen \nof overheidsorganisaties gids gebied nodig hebben.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220602-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration interview de", "title": "German administration is re@di for the use of Free Software", "teaser": "network nine cities Germany shows benefits ‚Public \n Money? Public Code!‘", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "День свободы документов 2010 – Освободите документы,\nспасите информацию!", "teaser": "Сможете ли вы прочесть свои электронные документы\nчерез 20 лет? Ежедневно миллионы компьютерных пользователей редактируют\nдокументы, таблицы, изображения, аудио и видео материалы. Что, если вы\nникогда больше не сможете открыть личные письма или даже альбом\nс фотографиями, сделанными во время медового месяца? Что, если вы\nне сможете обмениваться ими со своими друзьями, потому что программы,\nкоторые вы используете, несовместимы друг с другом? Для того чтобы\nизбежать подобных ситуаций в будущем, мы и празднуем День свободы\nдокументов 31 марта.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220427-01.it.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid deviceneutrality european-commission european-parliament policy european-union open-letter", "title": "Ecocompatibilità UE: 38 organizzazioni per il diritto di accesso all'hardware", "teaser": "FSFE pubblica lettera aperta, cofirmata 37 organizzazioni aziende,\n chiedere legislatori UE diritto installare qualsiasi software qualsiasi dispositivo, pieno accesso all'hardware, sostenere riusabilità longevità dispositivi.\n L'alleanza formata enti settori ambientale, economico tecnologico.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100331-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Освободите документы!", "teaser": "Сегодня День свободы документов. Этот международный праздник в честь\nоткрытых форматов документов и открытых стандартов проводится в третий\nраз. Сегодня группы добровольцев со всего мира распространяют информацию\nо том, как технические проблемы влияют на нашу повседневную жизнь.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "Stop alla pubblicità al software proprietario: via gli annunci dai siti pubblici!", "teaser": "mese, campagna, obbiettivo: sbarazzarsi delle\npubblicità software libero siti web pubblici. quattro settimane, \nla FSFE ricevuto segnalazioni riguardanti 2162 istituzioni Europee pubblicizzano\nlettori PDF liberi. Oltre 305 attivisti partecipato ricerca, \n1500 persone, 46 aziende 38 organizzazioni firmato \nPetizione rimozione \npubblicità software proprietario siti istituzioni pubbliche.\nPer momento caccia finita, ora tempo inseguire quei siti incoraggiano\ni visitatori mettere repentaglio propria libertà. momento eliminare la\npubblicità!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2015", "teaser": "Guardando pacchetto Mercato Unico Digitale (DSM - Digital Single Market),\nil presidente Karsten Gerloff notato Commissario europeo Günther\nOettinger pubblicato nulla proposito recente incontro lobbisti. \nCosì Karsten ricordato Commissione dell'impegno preso precedenza fini trasparenza. \nNel frattempo capo gabinetto Oettinger, Michael Hager, spiegato lunga assenza gabinetto \nper motivi salute causato ritardo pubblicazione incontri, frattempo \nstata aggiornata lista incontri.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221219-01.nl.html", "tags": "reuse licensing copyright", "title": "GNU Health kiest voor REUSE", "teaser": "kader REUSE-stimuleringsinitiatief Booster geeft FSFE \nindividuele beoordelingen directe hulp Vrije Softwareprojecten \nbij implementatie REUSE beste praktijken. GNU Health, \nproject sociale geneeskunde combineert technologie, onlangs \nREUSE-conform geworden. gesproken oprichter Dr. Luis Falcón.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220510-01.en.html", "tags": "deviceneutrality routers sustainability", "title": "FSFE calls for digital sustainability in the telecom sector", "teaser": "contribution consultation organised European telecom regulator, BEREC, FSFE calls increasing level digital sustainability telecommunications sector safeguarding device neutrality establishing right install software device.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220915-01.it.html", "tags": "internal career tech-teams", "title": "La FSFE assume uno studente lavoratore come assistente amministratore di sistema", "teaser": "cercando studente lavoratore sostenere lavoro \nnel dare persone mezzi controllare tecnologia. persona \nsupporterà l'infrastruttura tecnica FSFE lavorando \namministratori sistema. lavoro 10 ore settimana \nnell'ufficio Berlino avanti possibile lavoro remoto.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Ottobre 2011", "teaser": "Fellow FSFE Michael Clemens soluzione coloro che\nvogliono\nsapere quando bucato lavatrice fatto. \nsuo articolo spiega costruire usare \"Laundruino\", basato sul\nmicrocontroller \ncon Software Libero Arduino, modo ti\ninformi \nstato cicli lavaggio.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Document Freedom Day 2010 - Befreien Sie Ihre Dokumente, retten Sie Ihre Information!", "teaser": "Dokumente 20 Jahren lesen können? Tag\n bearbeiten Millionen Computernutzern Texte Präsentationen,\n Fotos nehmen Audio- Videodaten auf. Was, privaten\n Briefe mehr lesen gar Album Bildern Hochzeitsreise\n mehr öffnen könnten? Was, Dateien Freunden teilen könnten, weil\n Programme, nutzt, miteinander kommunizieren können?\n dabei helfen, Dokumente zukunftssicher machen, feiern 31. März \n Document Freedom Day.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - prill 2016", "teaser": "botuam pozicionet tona lidhur Direktivën mbi Pajisjet Radio 2014/53/EU \n(pranuar në maj të 2014-s), që kërkon prodhuesve të pajisjeve të kontrollojnë\npërputhshmërinë software-it të çdo pajisjeje. Në pamje të parë, kjo tingëllon\ne arsyeshme, por ka implikacione të forta negative mbi të drejtat përdoruesve\ndhe Software-in Lirë, konkurrencën ndershme, risitë, mjedisin, dhe\nvullnetarizmin – kryesisht pa përfitime kushedi çë për sigurinë. Direktiva lypset\ntë sendërtohet nga shtetet anëtare përpara 13 qershorit 2016. Kemi formuluar\ndisa propozime për institucione të BE-së dhe shtetet anëtare të BE-së, hapa\nkonkretë për zgjidhjen problemeve.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 public websites advertise non-free software", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe's pdfreaders.org campaign,\nFree Software activists 41 countries reported 2286 public sector institutions advertise non-free PDF readers their\nwebsites. FSFE contact institutions, trying get many\nadvertisements non-free PDF readers possible removed end year.\nProgress documented list reported institutions.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220928-01.nl.html", "tags": "annual-report sustainability upcyclingandroid pmpc AI routers deviceneutrality licensing legal reuse yh4f ada-zangemann education podcast fosdem community localgroup dk de berlin hamburg-group it nl es se ch translations women-group tech-teams", "title": "Softwarevrijheid in Europa 2022", "teaser": "werken voortdurend promotie Vrije Software Europa. 2022 \n echnologische duurzaamheid aangepakt, gepleit DMA- \n KI-verordeningen Europees niveau verdedigden Routervrijheid \n Europa. jongere mensen bereiken organiseerden codeerwedstrijd \n tieners publiceerden kinderboek softwarevrijheid.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200905.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Maggio 2009 ", "teaser": "Maggio stato mese caldo, solo iniziati comparire \ni primi veri raggi sole tutta Europa, soprattutto durante mese\nsi svolte prime votazioni l'elezione rappresentante Fellowship presso l'Assemblea\nGenerale FSFE. Inoltre, pubblicato annuncio lavoro posizioni\ndi coordinatore membro staff dipartimento legale, gruppo austriaco\nha concluso impegnativo gratificante giro tutta l'Austria,\npartecipando \"Linuxwochen Eisenstadt\".", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221214-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE holds 2nd edition of Legal Education Day at the SFSCon 2022", "teaser": "2nd Legal Education Day (LED), organized FSFE, took place Bolzano help Free Software developers understand legal topics basic level, avoid common pitfalls, allowing software projects reach full potential. LED track featured sessions basics copyright law, licenses, legal topics.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100129-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n Fellows: Kies in februari uw vertegenwoordiger voor de AV\n ", "teaser": "Heel februari krijgen Fellows FSFE kans een\n tweede vertegenwoordiger verkiezen Algemene\n Vergadering FSFE. winnaar verkiezing een\n stem strategische beslissingen toekomst\n FSFE. zetelt samen\n Torsten\n Grote sinds\n vorig jaar eerste Fellowshipzetel bemant. De\n Fellowshipvertegenwoordigers zijn\n volwaardige leden Algemene\n Vergadering, rechten plichten functie\n horen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201401.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Januar 2014", "teaser": "Viele Hacker (darunter natürlich wir!) vielen verschiedenen \n Festivitäten Zeit Wintersonnenwende genossen. Ach! Leider \n Zeit, einzig Weihnachtsgeschenken widmen \n Rückzug Familie genießen, schon vorbei. Yule vorüber, \n Jahr beginnt Neuem Kampf Freiheit verlangt \n volle Aufmerksamkeit. Daher allzupassend \n kleinen Vorschau beginnen. Lassen sehen, 2014 \n nächsten Monate bereit hält.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201809.es.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare copyright pmpc routers savecodeshare", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Septiembre 2018", "teaser": "El 12 septiembre, el parlamento europeo rechazado orden acelerar \ncontrovertida legislación destinada reformar los derechos autor línea. Tras rechazo previo \nen julio, votado nuevo este paquete está ocasión adoptado. Sin embargo, las enmiendas 143 150 sobre propuesta actual, existe menos exclusión limitada para las “plataformas desarrollo programas código abierto (..) los efectos presente Directiva”. (documento consolidado)", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220712-01.en.html", "tags": "sustainability upcyclingandroid localgroup interview", "title": "A PC in your pocket: Librem 5, a Free Software phone", "teaser": "Librem 5 runs fully convergent PureOS, means take \n desktop within phone. dedicated graphical \n environment, Phosh, becoming popular option Linux phones. \n Guido Günther, one Purism’s main developers, reveals details \n Librem’s software development interview.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220425-01.de.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid cfp de", "title": "CfP geöffnet für Bits & Bäume 2022 zum Thema Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit", "teaser": "Bits & Bäume-Konferenz bringt Expertinnen Experten \n Techsektor Nachhaltigkeitsbewegung zusammen. \n Jahr FSFE Teil Trägerkreises. suchen \n spannenden Beiträgen darüber, Freie Software Verwirklichung \n nachhaltigeren digitalen Gesellschaft beitragen kann. \n Einreichungen möglich 7. Juni.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201807.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2018", "teaser": "5 juli verwierp Europees Parlement mandaat snelle route nemen controversiële wetgeving bedoeld online auteursrecht hervormen. 318 Leden Europees Parlement stemden wetsvoorstel ingediend commissie Juridische Zaken (JURI) 278 leden stemden voor. wetgeving staat open nieuwe ronde wetsvoorstellen tweede stemronde september.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202307.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy IEA pmpc yh4f", "title": "Europa interoperable +++ Legge cybersicurezza +++ Legge IA", "teaser": "Luglio arrivato quindi newsletter! numero \nabbiamo alcuni aggiornamenti sull'ultimo stato normativa \nun'Europa interoperabile, legge resilienza sicurezza \ninformatica legge sull'intelligenza artificiale. concorso \nYH4F appena concluso.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201810.en.html", "tags": "newsletter microsoft swpat digital-o-mat sfscon", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2018", "teaser": "Historically, Microsoft used software patents slow Free Software adoption businesses public administration, claiming patent infringement important Free Software components taking billions dollars Free Software re-distributors. recent years, however, Microsoft approached Free Software community. October, led Microsoft's next big step join LOT Network Open Invention Network (OIN), two organisations aim solve problems created software patents towards GNU/Linux systems.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100802-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Τα υπουργεία στην Γερμανία περιφρονούν τις απαιτήσεις ανοικτής διαλειτουργικότητας στην Πληροφορική", "teaser": "Η έρευνα που δημοσίευσε το FSFE αυτήν την εβδομάδα δείχνει ότι στην πλειοψηφία τους, \n τα ομοσπονδιακά υπουργεία στη Γερμανία αγνοούν τις απαιτήσεις εφαρμογής για τα\n Ανοικτά Πρότυπα.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "Boletim de notícias da FSFE - Outubro de 2010", "teaser": "Em esta edição discutiremos termo enganoso \"condições justas, razoáveis não discriminatórias\" (FRAND), vamos explicar estamos fazer referente sistemas computação centralizada ao Internet Governance Forum (IGF), atualizar informações sobre nossa campanha em andamento para acabar com publicidade software privativo por instituições públicas.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Mei 2017", "teaser": "10 24 april organiseerde FSFE negende jaarlijkse verkiezing Fellowshipvertegenwoordiger FSFE's gemeenschap Fellowship vertegenwoordigen FSFE's Algemene Vergadering. Algemene Vergadering bestaat leden FSFE e. V. vormt FSFE's juridische lichaam. verantwoordelijk strategische planning, budgettering, bepalen agenda, goedkeuren jaarverslag kiezen terugroepen Uitvoerende Raad financieel directeur. winnaar verkiezing jaar is... Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220328-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Freie Software im Haushalt 2022 verankern!", "teaser": "Ampelkoalition Koalitionsvertrag festgelegten Ziele Digitalisierung Deutschlands, basierend \n Freier Software, Bundeshaushalt 2022 verankern. Andernfalls droht Zementierung Abhängigkeiten \n einzelnen Anbietern Verlust Souveränität Innovationskraft.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201111.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Novembre 2011", "teaser": "tempo dovrebbe estendersi copyright? Dovremmo rendere brevettabili gli\nesseri umani software? L'Organizzazione Mondiale la\nProprietà intellettuale (WIPO)\nsi occupa tipo domande. 2004, impegniamo assicurarci che\nla WIPO danneggi Software Libero. richiesta importante\nrispetto copyright brevetti,\nè benefici sempre considerati rispetto costi comportano.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201903.en.html", "tags": "ngi savecodeshare", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - March 2019", "teaser": "month's newsletter highlights new project FSFE recently joined funding opportunities offers, may take advantage of. get latest updates Copyright Directive reform hottest news regarding Article 13, well short summary else happened past month. Editor's choice section month find interesting news developments Radio Equipment Directive, find else expressed support \"Public Money? Public Code!\" campaign say it.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-03-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220330-01.nl.html", "tags": "AI pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "Wet op de Kunstmatige Intelligentie (KI): Vrije Software is de sleutel!", "teaser": "streven digitaal beleid afgestemd \n grondrechten burgers, Europees Parlement bezig \n standpunt bepalen rechtskader \n ontwikkeling gebruik KI-technologieën. FSFE volgt \n proces zodat Vrije Software ingevoegd, innovatie gestimuleerd \n controle alsmede vertrouwen versterkt.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Zeig Deine Liebe zu Freier Software am Valentinstag!", "teaser": "Valentinstag 2010 ruft Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\nalle Computernutzer auf, Liebe Freier Software zu\nzeigen. Projekt Initiative stehen echte,\nhart arbeitende Menschen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201710.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse pmpc savecodeshare sha", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - tetor 2017", "teaser": "Në propozimin për një Direktivë të BE-së mbi të Drejta Kopjimi në Tregun Përbashkët Dixhital, BE-ja është duke rishikuar rregullat për të drejta kopjimi, që të jenë më të përshtatshme për epokën dixhitale moderne. Në vend të pranimit të realiteteve lëndë të ndryshme ndahen të tjerët në internet, propozimi tanishëm Direktivës së BE-së mbi të Drejta Kopjimi, dhe veçanërisht neni 13 objekt furnizuesit depozitimit online, rrezikon aftësinë tonë të përdorim depo publike kodi dhe të ndajmë kod të tjerët në internet.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.el.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Το FSFE τιμάται με το Theodor Heuss Medal - \"πρωτοπόρος οργανισμός\"", "teaser": "Στο Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE)\n απονέμεται το φετινό Theodor Heuss Medal για την εξαιρετική δουλειά του\n για τη συμμετοχή στην κοινωνία της πληροφορίας με βάση την αρχή της ισονομίας.\n Από το 2001 το FSFE έχει δεσμευτεί στην ελευθερία χρήσης, έρευνας, τροποποίησης\n και αναδιανομής του λογισμικού σε όλα τα τμήματα της κοινωνίας και της πολιτικής.\n Το Ίδρυμα Theodor Heuss δηλώνει: \"Το FSFE ως ένας οργανισμός προχωρημένης σκέψης \n συνεισφέρει στην ανάπτυξη και εδραίωση κανόνων χρηστής παγκόσμιας διακυβέρνησης.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220121-01.en.html", "tags": "fsfe20 internship interview", "title": "20 Years FSFE: Interviewing past interns", "teaser": "final publication 20 Years FSFE, thank \n everyone worked organisation internship \n position. contacted eight former interns asked \n time FSFE current involvement Free \n Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Septembre 2014", "teaser": "liberté d’expression, liberté presse, liberté rassemblement, liberté réunion respect vie privée conditions essentielles société libre. l’une libertés venait manquer, difficile préserver les autres. société, primordial défendre libertés, d’autant plus les changements fondamentaux qu’entraîne l’omniprésence ordinateurs. changements peuvent menacer libertés acquises nécessiter nouvelles. Ainsi liberté logiciel cruciale distribuer équilibrer les pouvoirs société. FSFE convaincue qu’une société libre besoin libertés seuls permettent les Logiciels Libres. C’est pourquoi préconisons les Logiciels Libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 öffentliche Einrichtungen entfernen Werbung für unfreie Software", "teaser": "Monat nachdem FSFE Briefe der\nPDFreaders-Kampagne verschickt hat, 172 öffentliche Einrichtungen die\nWerbung proprietäre PDF-Betrachter Webseiten entfernt. Besonders\nherausragend Reaktionen Kroatien, Russland Slowenien. In\nKroatien entfernten nahezu gemeldeten Institutionen Werbung. Russland und\nSlowenien kamen Hälfte angeschriebenen Institutionen Aufforderung\nder FSFE nach.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221205-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "5 motivi dell'importanza del tuo contributo per la promozione del Software Libero", "teaser": "sostegno contributo promozione Software Libero importanti garantire lavoro continuo, garantire indipendenza, rafforzare società democratica, promuovere attuare passi concreti verso libertà software, rendere facile usare sviluppare Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201311.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2013", "teaser": "first glance devices might look like crap. anyone buy\nthem? people laughed editor bought Open Moko Neo\nFreerunner. could buy cheaper devices faster CPU, RAM, more\ndisk space, nicer casing, better network connection, better microphone and\nspeakers time.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221026-02.en.html", "tags": "policy european-union encryption", "title": "If enforced, EU chat control will limit Free Software", "teaser": "Surely already heard controversial draft law \n mandatory chat control supposed aim effectively tackle \n child sexual abuse. law implies monitoring scanning \n communications citizens – even securely encrypted \n end-to-end one.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202207.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter sustainability podcast interview upcyclingandroid career internal gr routers merchandise localgroup dk barcelona be berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Podcast sur le développement durable +++ Offre d'emploi +++ Liberté du routeur partielle en Grèce", "teaser": "numéro, partageons épisode podcast édifiant l'évolution\n campagne Upcycling Android. poste pourvoir le\n personnel FSFE. Grèce point garantir liberté routeurs, sauf pour\n les connexions fibre optique. Les nouvelles communauté viennent d'Aarhus, Barcelone, Berlin,\n Hambourg, Vienne, Zurich, Belgique, Italie, Pays-Bas, traducteurs, femmes.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221215-02.en.html", "tags": "pmpc de", "title": "Event: Municipalities Need Free Software - Dortmund is a Reference Municipality", "teaser": "City Dortmund, together Berlin Munich, initialising \n \"Open Source Big 3\" setting \"Coordination \n Office Digital Sovereignty Open Source\". Free \n Software Foundation Europe, Do-FOSS initiative, Offene \n Kommunen.NRW association provide information current \n developments online event 11 January 2023.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Vis din kjærlighet for fri programvare på Valentinesdagen!", "teaser": "år på Valentinesdagen kaller FSFE ut til brukere av fri\n programvare til å vise sin kjærlighet fri programvare. Bak hvert\n initiativ og organisasjon av fri programvare det ekte og hardt arbeidende\n folk.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202311.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f ga reuse fediverse ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "SFSCON 2023 +++ Winnaars JHvV +++ REUSE gaat naar de ruimte", "teaser": "jaarlijkse rapport, Softwarevrijheid Europa 2023, uit. uitreiking JHvV-prijzen leerden geweldige projecten winnaars editie; team ging Bolzano SFSCON blij ontdekken REUSE-specificatie ontwikkelaars, zoals Duitse lucht- ruimtevaartcentrum, blijft helpen. Lees verhalen novembernummer!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221212-01.en.html", "tags": "compliance gpl gaming", "title": "Copyleft-licensed chess engine wins legal case against proprietary counterpart", "teaser": "Copyleft ensures Free Software remains Free. Stockfish filed \n lawsuit ChessBase distributed parts Stockfish work \n proprietary license, violating GNU GPL obligations. Checkmate! \n Copyleft won. Stockfish secured numerous concessions ChessBase \n respect GPL.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Stop alla pubblicità ingiusta - convinci il tuo governo a promuovere lettori liberi di PDF!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe invita Europei cercare pubblicità\n lettori PDF proprietari siti propri governi segnalarceli.\nFSFE preparato petizione\nper chiedere fine pratica pubblicitaria, incoraggia pubblico \nfirmarla.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201103.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2011", "teaser": "\"Am 27. Januar wurde Facebook Ägypten abgeschalten. stoppte Proteste Moment. Medien nahmen wäre Einfluss Mubaraks Enkeltochter - Mark Zuckerbergs Freundin - geschehen.\"\nNatürlich wahr. Software Firma kontrolliert wird, Art passieren. Eigentümer sozialen Netwerks ägyptische Firma wäre? Hätte Firma staatlichen Druck standhalten können?", "type": "page", "date": "2011-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2015", "teaser": "Ausschüsse Europäischen Parlaments Binnenmarkt \nVerbraucherschutz (IMCO) sowie Industrie, Forschung Energie (ITRE) \nhaben gemeinsamen Bericht „Digitaler Binnenmarkt“-Strategie \nKommission veröffentlicht. Politik-Team FSFE Bericht \nuntersucht Änderungen vorgeschlagen, freie, minimalistische \nFreier Software implementierbare Standards hinzuzufügen, Kontrolle \nBenutzern Daten Teil Strategie lassen \nsicherzustellen, dass „Offene Wissenschafts-Cloud“ Freier Software \numgesetzt wird.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100331-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Liberate your documents!", "teaser": "Today Document Freedom Day 2010. third time, groups over\n world celebrating open document formats Open Standards. They\n raising awareness technical issue impacts day- to-day\n lives.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.en.html", "tags": "de", "title": "FSFE founder Georg Greve awarded German Cross of Merit", "teaser": "Berlin 28. April 2010. Georg Greve, founding\npresident Free Software Foundation Europe, received Cross\nof Merit ribbon Federal Republic Germany (Verdienstkreuz am\nBande). Georg received high award German President his\nwork Free Software Open Standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220330-01.fr.html", "tags": "AI pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "Loi sur les Intelligences Artificielles (IA) : les Logiciels Libres sont la clé !", "teaser": "mouvement d'adoption politiques numériques accord les droits fondamentaux personnes, Parlement européen train chercher position cadriciel légal développement l'utilisation technologies type IA. FSFE suit processus afin les Logiciels Libres inclus, l'innovation entretenue, contrôle augmenté, confiance renforcée.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Mars 2015", "teaser": "croyons les standards propriétaires les brevets logiciels barrières l'adoption Logiciel Libre. défaire barrières, devons aider l'administration publique comprendre aussi. C'est cela que, mois dernier, répondu consultation l'interaction entre les standards les brevets lancée Direction générale Marché intérieur, industrie, entrepreneuriat PME commission européenne.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220310-01.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "\"Io amo il Software Libero\": giochi Software Libero e un generatore di immagini", "teaser": "2010 Free Software Foundation Europe\norganizza l'annuale giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\". Insieme\na centinaia appassionati Software Libero, 14 febbraio celebrato amore il\nSoftware Libero. partecipato\ne festeggiato giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\", vorremmo\ndire grazie mille.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220310-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "\"I Love Free Software Day\": Vrije Software\nspelletjes en een SharePic-generator", "teaser": "Sinds 2010 Free Software Foundation Europe\njaarlijks \"I Love Free Software Day\" georganiseerd. Samen\nmet honderden Vrije Softwareliefhebbers vierden onze liefde voor\nVrije Software 14 februari. deelgenomen\ndoor \"I Love Free Software Day\" vieren, willen wij hartelijk bedanken.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220328-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Assicurare il Software Libero nel budget tedesco del 2022!", "teaser": "coalizione semaforo (SPD rossi, FPD gialli, Verdi) deve fissare\n obiettivi digitalizzazione Germania, basata \n Software Libero, accordo governo, budget federale \n 2022. Altrimenti c'è rischio consolidare dipendenze \n singoli fornitori, perdere pieno controllo forza innovativa.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100705-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Η Γερμανίδα Ομοσπονδιακή Επίτροπος για την Πληροφορική υποστηρίζει τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα \n για τον δημόσιο τομέα", "teaser": "Η κρατική λειτουργός Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, Επίτροπος για την Πληροφορική στη Γερμανική κυβέρνηση, δήλωσε σε μια\nσυνέντευξη στο περιοδικό C't (C't 2010 Heft 15, S. 150-51) ότι «μόνο με τη χρήση Ανοικτών\nΠροτύπων δύναται [η κυβέρνηση] να αποκτήσει ανεξαρτησία από εταιρίες ανάπτυξης λογισμικού». Αναγνώρισε επίσης ότι \n«η μέγιστη διαλειτουργικότητα επιτυγχάνεται με ανοικτά Πρότυπα Πληροφορικής».", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201310.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Oktober 2013", "teaser": "27. September 1983 Richard Stallman GNU-Projekt angekündigt. Initiative, Ursprung Frustration Programmierers wegen defekten Druckertreibers fand, Gesellschaft verändert. Idee Software, benutzen, untersuchen, teilen verbessern kann, durchschlagskräftig erwiesen.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE-Newsletter - Juli 2016", "teaser": "FSFE gab Europäischen Kommission Rückmeldung andauernden Überarbeitung Europäischen Interoperabilitätsrahmens (European Interoperability Framework - EIF). EIF Interoperabilität staatlichen Sektor fördern seit 2004 dritte Fassung erstellt. Entwurf Freien Standards Vorzug öffentlichen Diensten gibt, fördert nachteilige, sogenannte \"faire, vernünftige diskriminierungsfreie\" (FRAND - \"fair, resonable non-discriminatory\") Lizenzbedingungen Standards. Praxis Bedingungen hochgradig wettbewerbsschädlich ungeeignet, Freie Software, gesamten Softwaresektor. \nAußerdem ignoriert Entwurf bewährte Zusammenspiel Interoperabilität Freier Software: Viele nationale Rahmenwerke \nverlangen ausdrücklich, dass nationalen Dienste Freier Software aufbauen. \nbaten Europäische Kimmission darum, Schwächen Stellung nehmen darum, Interoperabilität effektiv sichern", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "FSFE-Gründer Georg Greve erhält Bundesverdienstkreuz", "teaser": "Berlin 28. April 2010. Georg Greve, Gründer und\nerste Präsident Free Software Foundation Europe, erhält \nVerdienstkreuz Bande Bundesrepublik Deutschland. deutsche\nBundespräsident verleiht hohe Auszeichnung Einsatz\nfür Freie Software Offene Standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220425-01.it.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid cfp de", "title": "Aperte candidature per Bits & Bäume 2022 sulla digitalizzazione e sostenibilità", "teaser": "Esperti tecnologia ecologisti parteciperanno conferenza \n Bits & Bäume ottobre 2022 Berlino. Quest'anno FSFE fa \n parte comitato organizzativo. Cerchiamo interventi \n approfondimenti Software Libero può aiutare realizzare \n società digitale sostenibile. Condividi competenze \n candidati entro 7 giugno.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100324-01.ru.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Радиостанции награждены за применение открытых стандартов", "teaser": "Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения\nнаградил Национальное радио Германии и Радио Оранж призом Дня свободы\nдокументов 2010 года за применение открытых стандартов и распространение\nинформации о них. Национальному радио в Берлине и Кельне праздничные\nторты с надписью «rOGG on!» вручила германская группа ЕФСПО\nпри поддержке Фонда свободной информационной инфраструктуры. Торт,\nпредназначенный для австрийского Радио Оранж, был вручен в Вене.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202302.es.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc ilovefs AI upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "I Love Free Software +++ La Administración pública en el Fediverso", "teaser": "este boletín electrónico invitamos las instituciones públicas unirse las \n redes sociales descentralizadas libres. Echa vistazo video nuestra sesión \n informativa sobre los municipios alemanes utilizan Software Libre. \n voluntario FSFE duda sobre fiabilidad texto generado \n mediante IA. acerca el Love Free Software Day. ¡Celébralo \n nosotros!", "type": "page", "date": "2033-02-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220201-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": " ❤ Laten we samen de volgende I Love Free Software Day vieren!", "teaser": "Elke 14 februari vieren mensen hele wereld \n\t\"I Love Free Software Day\". dag tonen wij onze liefde Vrije \n\tSoftware bedanken wij mensen bijdragen vrijheid software. \n\tDit jaar organiseren wij heel evenement gewijd Free \n\tSoftware-spellen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201202.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Newsletter FSFE - Febbraio 2012", "teaser": "smartphone piccoli computer portiamo sempre noi.\nSfortunatamente, maggior parte smartphone controllati noi,\ngli utenti, imprese operatori. cellulari Android vengono\nconsegnati software libero estensioni proprietarie, genere non\nfunzionano interesse. Aggiornamenti software continueranno essere\ndisponibili l'azienda questione mantiene un'interesse commerciale tuo\nmodello telefono. applicazioni disponibili mercato ufficiale sono\nspesso proprietarie. nessuno permesso studiarne funzionamento, sapere\ncosa effettivamente telefono. volte funzionano vorresti \ntu, potrebbero persino avere funzioni maligne.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100129-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Fellows: Wählen Sie Ihren Vertreter für die HV im Februar", "teaser": "gesamten Februars 2010 Fellows der\nFSFE zweiten Vertreter Hauptversammlung FSFE wählen. Der\nWahlsieger strategischen Entscheidungsträgern FSFE dabei helfen,\ndie Zukunft Organisation planen und\nmit Torsten Grote, den\nersten Fellowship-Sitz seit letztem\nJahr innehat, zusammenarbeiten. Beide Vertreter Fellowship\nsind Vollmitglieder Hauptversammlung für\neinen Zeitraum zwei Jahren genießen Rechte Pflichten, auch\nden Mitgliedern zukommen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101016-01.en.html", "tags": "openstandards policy", "title": "EIFv2: FSFE puts facts against BSA's fictions", "teaser": "FSFE yesterday sent letter European Commission support Open Standards interoperability. drawn-out battle retain least weak recommendation Open Standards revised European Interoperability Framework, FSFE countered leaked letter proprietary lobby group Business Software Alliance thorough analysis relation standards patents.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2014", "teaser": "olden days common citizen republic going their\n\t\teveryday business quite, shall say, free. tending their\n\t\tchores would occasionally need new tool advice, the\n\t\told Latin proverb scientia potentia dictated limits of\n\t\ttheir freedom limits knowledge: needed new\n\t\ttool lacked knowledge make it, became dependent the\n\t\ttoolmaker obtain tool.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100331-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Απελευθερώστε τα έγγραφά σας!", "teaser": "Σήμερα είναι η Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων (Document Freedom Day, DFD) 2010. \n Για τρίτη συνεχή χρονιά, ομάδες από όλον τον κόσμο εορτάζουν τους ανοικτούς\n τύπους αρχειοθέτησης εγγράφων και τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα. Ευαισθητοποιούν το κοινό \n για την επίπτωση που έχει ένα τεχνικό ζήτημα στην καθημερινή ζωή όλων μας.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202110.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín octubre lee sobre Till Jaeger, conocedor primera mano conlleva hacer cumplir las licencias Software Libre. Descubre competición recién lanzamos: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Descubre las donaciones equipo anuario escolar. Sigue nuestras últimas actividades anota las fechas próxima SFScon.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220427-01.en.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid deviceneutrality european-commission european-parliament policy european-union open-letter", "title": "EU Ecodesign: 38 organisations demand the right to access and to reuse hardware", "teaser": "FSFE publishes open letter, co-signed 38 organisations companies, ask legislators right install software device, including full access hardware. rights support reusability longevity devices. alliance composed entities environmental, economic, technological sectors.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100802-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "German ministries flout IT open interoperability requirements", "teaser": "Research published FSFE week suggests majority\nof federal government departments Germany ignoring requirements to\n implement Open\n Standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100331-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "¡Libere a sus Documentos!", "teaser": "Este año, celebrado, vez más, el día Documento Libre 2010.\n Por tercer año consecutivo grupos por todo el mundo han celebrado los\n formatos documentos abierto los estándares Abiertos. Está aumentando\n conciencia como cuestión técnica influye nuestro vivir\n cotidiano.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 δημόσια θεσμικά όργανα αφαίρεσαν μη-ελεύθερη διαφήμιση", "teaser": "Μόνο ένα μήνα μετά και αφού οι επιστολές για τη δράση \nPDFreaders του FSFE είχαν αποσταλεί, 172 δημόσια θεσμικά όργανα έχουν\nαφαιρέσει διαφημίσεις για ιδιοκτησιακά προγράμματα ανάγνωσης αρχείων \nPDF από τους ιστοτόπους τους. Ιδιαίτερα εξαιρετική ήταν η ανταπόκριση \nαπό Κροατία, Ρωσία και Σλοβενία. Στην Κροατία σχεδόν όλες οι αναφερθείσες\nυπηρεσίες σταμάτησαν τη διαφήμιση για μη-ελεύθερο λογισμικό. Οι μισοί\nαπό όσους ήρθαμε σε επαφή εκπλήρωσαν το αίτημα του FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202103.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "Luca vs Lenovo +++ Reinhard and the FSFE +++ IloveFS report", "teaser": "March Newsletter read supporter Luca Bonissi forced Lenovo pay 20.000 Euros refund pre-installed Windows, supporter Reinhard Müller volunteered FSFE two decades, \"I Love Free Software\" report usual diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220602-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration interview de", "title": "Deutsche Verwaltung ist re@di für den Einsatz von Freier Software", "teaser": "Netzwerk neun Städten Deutschland zeigt Vorteile 'Public Money? Public Code!'", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - dhjetor 2015", "teaser": "Komisionet Parlamentit Europian për Tregun Brendshëm dhe Mbrojtjen\ne Konsumatorit (IMCO) dhe për Industrinë, Kërkimin dhe Energjinë (ITRE)\nbotuan një raport të përbashkët, nismë tyre, bazuar në Strategjinë\ne Komisionit për një Treg Dixhital Unik. Ekipi FSFE-së për politikat\ne shqyrtoi raportin dhe ka propozuar ndryshime për të përfshirë standarde\nqë janë të hapët, natyrë minimale, dhe të sendërtueshëm Software\ntë Lirë, për të integruar kështu kontroll të përdoruesit mbi të dhënat veta\ndhe për siguruar që reja përbashkët unike mbi shkencën të sendërtohet me\nSoftware të Lirë bazë të vetën.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201703.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2017", "teaser": "Februar erschütterten Neuigkeiten LiMux Welt.\n LiMux Projekt Stadt München, 2013 abgeschlossen\n wurde. stellt eins besten Beispiele Hersteller\n neutrale, Freier Software basierende Verwaltung dar.\n aktiven Ausführungsphase wurden 15.000\n Arbeitsplatzrechner Laptops öffentlichen Verwaltung auf\n Freie Software umgestellt.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220712-01.nl.html", "tags": "sustainability upcyclingandroid localgroup interview", "title": "Een pc in uw zak: Librem 5, een Vrije Software-telefoon", "teaser": "Librem 5 draait volledig convergente PureOS, betekent \n desktop telefoon kunt meenemen. speciale grafische \n omgeving, Phosh, populaire optie Linux-telefoons worden. \n Guido Günther, hoofdontwikkelaars PureOS, onthult interview details \n Librem's software-ontwikkeling.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201907.de.html", "tags": "newsletter community legal", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2019", "teaser": "Highlights diesmonatigen Newsletters neue Testimonials-Seite Zusammenfassung diesjährigen \"Legal Licensing Workshops\" Barcelona. Außerdem findest Infos kommende Events uns, sowie visuelle Eindrücke unserer Arbeit Verbreitung Freier Software Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-07-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100802-01.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Os ministérios alemães ignoram os requisitos abertos de interoperabilidade nas TI", "teaser": "pesquisa publicada pela FSFE esta semana sugere maioria dos departamentos governo federal Alemanha estão ignorando os requisitos para implementar Padrões Abertos.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100324-01.nb.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Radiostasjoner mottar pris for bruk av åpne standarder", "teaser": "Berlin/Wien 24. Mars. Free Software Foundation Europe\ngir utmerkelse til Deutschlandradio og Radio Orange med Document Freedom Day Prize\n2010 bruken av åpne standarder og promotering av åpne standarder samfunnet. Det tyske\nteamet sammen med Foundation Free\nInformation Infrastructure (FFII) vil presentere DFD-kaken med \"rOGG on!\" på Berlin\nog Köln til Deutschlandradio. østerriske DFD-kaken går til Wien-baserte\nradiostasjonen Radio Orange 94.0.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201205.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Mai 2012", "teaser": "diesjährigen Bericht\nlesen können, wurde Document Freedom Day 2012 54 Veranstaltungen 23 Ländern in\n19 Sprachen gefeiert. 26 Vorträgen, 6 Preisverleihungen Offene\nStandards, vielen Veranstaltungen beinahe 100 Presseberichten, bisher größte\nDFD-Ereignis Geschichte. FSFE verschiedenen Veranstaltungen koordiniert,\nPreise mehrere Organisationen verliehen Deutschland 370 Emails 170\nAnrufe betreffend Offenen Standards Politiker gerichtet.\nEinige Politiker, unterschiedlichen Parteien angehörig, unterstützten \nAktivitäten DFD.\n\nDie FSFE verschickte 100 Info-Pakete, \n Handschellen enthielten, vorgeschlagene Personen, darunter mehrere Politiker,\nFirmenchefs Papst. EU-Kommissarin Neele Kroes verwendete Handschellen \neiner öffentlichen Rede, Menge zusätzlicher\n Presseberichte Folge hatte, darunter Titelblatt „Guardian Online“. Die\nFSFE weitere Berichte darüber Empfänger Pakete Handschellen gemacht\nhaben gespannt.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201105.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Maggio 2011", "teaser": "882 brevetti software, probabilmente legati GNU/Linux, \nin mano persone potrebbero usarli fare pressione aziende \nSoftware Libero sviluppatori? Forse mani Microsoft, \nanni usato modo nebuloso rivendicazioni brevetto estorcere costi \nlicenza compagnie utilizzano kernel Linux prodotti. \nmese l'autorità garante concorrenza Tedesca USA approvato \nvendita tali brevetti CPTN, consorzio costituito Microsoft, \nOracle, Apple, EMC. Ma, salvo brutte sorprese decisione dettagliata \ndeve ancora essere pubblicata, neutralizzato pericolo Software \nLibero.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220315-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Deutschland: 100 Tage Koalitionsvertrag – Kaum ein Tag für Freie Software", "teaser": "Ende Woche neue deutsche Bundesregierung 100 Tage Amt sein. Koalitionsvertrag finden \n vollmundige Aussagen Einsatz Freier Software (auch Open Source bekannt), umgesetzt wurde bisher nichts. \n Gegenteil: Abhängigkeiten sollen zementiert werden.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201105.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2011", "teaser": "882 software patents, likely related GNU/Linux, the\nhands people could use pressure Free Software companies and\ndevelopers? Maybe hands Microsoft, years used nebulous\npatent claims extract licensing fees companies use Linux\nkernel products. month German US competition\nauthorities approved sale patents CPTN, consortium consisting\nof Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, EMC. But, barring nasty surprises still\nto published detailed decision, neutralised danger Free\nSoftware.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100222-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "ЕФСПО – пользователям: «Боритесь за свободу выбора!»", "teaser": "ЕФСПО привествует рост свободы конкуренции на рынке\nбраузеров. С этого дня корпорация «Майкрософт» обязана предоставлять\nевропейским пользователям операционной системы Windows возможность\nвыбора между несколькими разными браузерами. Таким образом вступают\nв силу условия соглашения, заключенного корпорацией с Еврокомиссией\nв декабре 2009 года в обмен на прекращение судебного дела в отношении\n«Майкрософт». Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения\nпринимал активное участие в расследовании, проведенном\nЕврокомиссией.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201507.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information - Juillet 2015", "teaser": "Alors qu'il jetait oeil l'initiative marché unique numérique (MUN), président Karsten Gerloff remarqué commissaire européen Gunther Oettinger négligé publier récentes réunions groupes pression. Karsten\na donc rappelé Commission engagements matière transparence. \nLe directeur cabinet M. Oettinger, Michael Hager, expliqué qu'un congé maladie longue durée occasionné délai publication qu'ils venaient mettre liste jour.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-07-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Stoppen Sie unfaire Werbung – bringen Sie Ihre Regierung\ndazu, freie PDF-Reader zu fördern!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe ruft alle\n Europäer auf, Webseiten Regierung Werbung proprietäre\n Software Darstellung PDF-Dokumenten ausfindig der\nFSFE mitzuteilen. Zusätzlich FSFE\neine Petition vorbereitet,\ndie Beendigung Werbepraktiken verlangt, bittet die\nÖffentlichkeit, zu\nunterzeichnen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221221-01.de.html", "tags": "ada-zangemann", "title": "Unterstütze uns und nimm an der „Ada & Zangemann“-Buchverlosung teil", "teaser": "tolle Neuigkeiten! Dankeschön Unterstützung, \n schwierigen Zeiten umso mehr freuen, verlosen 28 Exemplare \n Buches „Ada & Zangemann: Märchen Software, Skateboards \n Himbeereis“..", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220414-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "EU-verklaring over Digitale Rechten en Principes: Vrije software moet worden opgenomen", "teaser": "26 januari 2022 Europese Commissie voorstel \n EU-verklaring Digitale Rechten Principes gepresenteerd. toekomst dienen \n referentiepunt gemeenschappelijke EU-visie onze \n digitale rechten. verklaring besproken Europees \n Parlement Raad. Vrije Software deel moeten gaan maken.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201509.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - September 2015", "teaser": "Vandaag dag gebruiken online diensten leveren hen \nsteeds data. verliezen echter controle ooit onze eigen \ndata. Samen organisaties steunt FSFE publicatie \nvan Gebruikersdatamanifest 2.0 ter promotie basisrechten gebruikers data controleren \nbij gebruiken online diensten. Volgens manifest moeten gebruikers toegang data \ncontroleren, moeten weten opgeslagen online diensten moeten vrijelijk platform \nkunnen kiezen lock-in verkopers. manifest vormt goed startpunt debat \nover online gebruikersrechten FSFE kijkt deelname organisaties inspanning \nop komen online diensten fundamentele gebruikersrechten respecteren.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201211.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2012", "teaser": "meisten Teilnehmer unserer „Befreien Android!“\nWorkshops besorgt, dass Rooten Geräte\n(z.B. Android Smartphones) folgende Ersetzen Betriebssystems Gewährleistungsanspruch\nerlischt. Koordinator Rechtsfragen, Matija Šuklje, Rechtsberater\nder FSFE, Carlo Piana, gebeten Problem analysieren. Antwort: Nein. „Allein Fakt dass Software eigenen \nGerätes verändert ausreichender Grund Erlöschen Gewährleistungsanspruchs.\nVorausgesetzt Gerät Konsument (Nutzer) innerhalb europäischen Union erworben.“\nLesen mehr \n Analyse.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Document Freedom Day 2010 - Bevrijd uw documenten, behoud uw informatie!", "teaser": "Zult 20 jaar documenten lezen? Elke dag\n\tbewerken computergebruikers zoals u, teksten en\n\trekenbladen. maken foto's, geluid- beeldopnamen. Stelt u\n\tzich persoonlijke brieven kan\n\tlezen foto-album foto's huwelijksreis\n\tniet openen. beeld die\n\tbestanden uitwisselen vrienden, de\n\tsoftware elk gebruikt, elkaar communiceren?\n\tOm documenten toekomstbestendig maken, vieren wij 31\n\tmaart Document Freedom Day.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 ιστότοποι του δημοσίου διαφημίζουν μη-ελεύθερο λογισμικό", "teaser": "Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκστρατείας \npdfreaders.org του Ευρωπαϊκού Ιδρύματος Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού,\nακτιβιστές του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού από 41 χώρες ανέφεραν 2286 φορείς του δημοσίου τομέα οι οποίοι\nδιαφημίζουν μη-ελεύθερα προγράμματα ανάγνωσης αρχείων PDF στους ιστοτόπους τους. Το FSFE τώρα θα έρθει σε\nεπαφή με αυτούς τους φορείς, σε μια προσπάθεια να επιτύχει την αφαίρεση όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερων διαφημιστικών\nκαταχωρίσεων για μη-ελεύθερα προγράμματα ανάγνωσης αρχείων PDF πριν από το τέλος του έτους. Η πρόοδος θα \nτεκμηριωθεί στον κατάλογο με τους αναφερθέντες φορείς του δημοσίου.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.pl.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Podpisz otwarty list o prawie do zainstalowania każdego oprogramowania na każdym urządzeniu", "teaser": "Więcej niż 100 organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w różnych sektorach już podpisało otwarty list temat \"Uniwersalnego prawa zainstalowania każdego oprogramowania każdym urządzeniu\". Teraz, w Europejskim Tygodniu dla Redukcji Odpadów otwieramy list został podpisany przez osoby. Dołącz naszej sprawy niech Twój głos będzie usłyszany!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2011", "teaser": "FSFE Fellow Michael Clemens solution want\nto know laundry washing machine done. In\n article explains build get \"Laundruino\", based the\nFree Software microcontroller Arduino, informs of\nthe status laundry cycle.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100305-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Юлия Клайн избрана представителем Содружества в Генеральную\nассамблею ЕФСПО", "teaser": "Члены Содружества ЕФСПО избрали второго представителя\nв Генеральную ассамблею, руководящий орган ЕФСПО. Юлия Клайн\nприсоединится к Торстену Гроте в работе над стратегией фонда и будет\nпредставлять Содружество в Генеральной ассамблее в течение следующих\nдвух лет.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201812.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - December 2018", "teaser": "tweede helft 2018 vonden vele interessante ontwikkelingen Vrije Softwaregemeenschap omgeving plaats. onze nieuwsbrief december willen graag drie belangrijke ontwikkelingen belichten potentieel duurzame veranderingen Vrije Softwarewereld aandacht schenken veranderingen betekenen werk FSFE 2019 daarna.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 public institutions removed non-free advertisement", "teaser": "one month letters PDFreaders campaign FSFE\nwere sent, 172 public institutions removed advertisements proprietary\nPDF readers websites. Particularly outstanding responses\nfrom Croatia, Russia Slovenia. Croatia almost reported institutions deleted advertisement. Half contacted Russia Slovenia fulfilled FSFE's\nrequest.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Octubre de 2014", "teaser": "comprar portátil, puede ser complicado evitar pagar por licencia Microsoft\ndado muchos portátiles vienen licencia incluida. Este \"impuesto Windows”\nha incrementado artificialmente los precios hardware para los usuarios Software Libre\nque quieren usar sistemas operativos Microsoft. Nosotros, como usuarios Software Libre,\nqueremos apoyar el desarrollo Software Libre lugar software privativo como \nMicrosoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220201-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": " ❤ Let's celebrate together the next I Love Free Software Day! ", "teaser": "Every 14th February, people around world celebrate \n\t“I Love Free Software Day”. day show love Free \n\tSoftware thank people contributing software freedom. \n\tThis year, organising whole event dedicated Free \n\tSoftware games.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100519-01.en.html", "tags": "european-commission policy", "title": "FSFE: Lack of Open Standards \"gaping hole\" in EC's Digital Agenda", "teaser": "European Commission officially published long-awaited\n\tDigital Agenda, outlining policy plans next five years.\n\t\"While includes important building blocks Free Software, the\n\tomission Open Standards rips gaping hole agenda,\" says\n\tKarsten Gerloff, President Free Software Foundation Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-05-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202304.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann public-administration policy AI routers gr hr se women-group", "title": "EU: Verantwortlichkeit, Interoperables Europa +++ Routerfreiheit in Griechenland", "teaser": "Aprilnewsletter diskutieren darüber, Vorschläge \nFreie Software tangieren: Einführung Haftungsregularien \nfür Software Interoperable Europe Act. Griechenland sichert \nRouterfreiheit zu, lässt Kabelverbindungen außen \nvor.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100129-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Fellows: Elect your GA representative in February", "teaser": "whole February 2010, FSFE's Fellows be\nable elect second representative FSFE's General Assembly. The\nwinner election help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the\nfuture organisation, join Torsten Grote occupies\nthe first Fellowship seat since\n earlier last year. Fellowship representatives full members General Assembly term of\ntwo years, rights obligations members.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220516-01.de.html", "tags": "routers at", "title": "Wichtige Interessengruppen diskutieren Zukunft der Routerfreiheit in Österreich", "teaser": "Gemeinsam Verbund Telekommunikations-Endgerätehersteller\n(VTKE) organisierte FSFE Online-Veranstaltung \"Die Zukunft der\nRouterfreiheit Österreich\", Entscheidungsträger mit\nAkteuren Industrie Zivilgesellschaft die\nzukünftigen Entwicklungen Routerfreiheit Österreich\ndiskutierten.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2009 ", "teaser": "drukke maand, slecht nieuws een\n donkere schaduw geworpen. Richard Rothwell, Fellow en\n vooraanstaand gerespecteerd pleiter Vrije Software\n onderwijs overleden. Wij nemen even verder graag\n afscheid hem.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221214-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE houdt tweede editie van de Juridische Educatiedag LED op SFSCon 2022", "teaser": "tweede Juridische Educatiedag (Legal Education Day, LED), georganiseerd FSFE, vond plaats Bolzano (Italië) Vrije Softwareontwikkelaars helpen juridische onderwerpen basisniveau begrijpen, zodat vaak voorkomende valkuilen vermijden softwareprojecten volle potentieel bereiken. LED-parcours bevatte sessies basisprincipes auteursrecht, licenties juridische onderwerpen.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221026-01.it.html", "tags": "competition tedective", "title": "La FSFE vince la gara di trasparenza del Datathon UE 2022", "teaser": "sesta edizione Datathon UE, concorso UE dati aperti, conclusa scorsa settimana cerimonia premiazione. Free Software Foundation Europe vinto primo premio gara \"trasparenza appalti pubblici\" programma aiuta analizzare pubbliche amministrazioni nell'UE spendono propri soldi.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202303.de.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs podcast fosdem yh4f localgroup dk it de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Medizinische Geräte sollten Freie Software nutzen +++ 25 Neue Videos", "teaser": "Ausgabe Podcastfolge Freie Software medizinischen Geräten, Vorträge \n FOSDEM & Videos Rechtsfragen Entwicklung, YH4F-Teilnehmer:innen programmieren \n bereits. Vielen Dank Unterstützung Spendenaktion \n erfolgreich. bringen Communityneuigkeiten 9 Ländern.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220330-01.en.html", "tags": "AI pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act: Free Software is key!", "teaser": "effort adopting digital policies aligned \n\t people's fundamental rights, European Parliament \n\t process finding position legal framework \n\t development use technologies. FSFE following \n\t process Free Software included, innovation fostered, \n\t control enhanced, trust strengthened.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220202-01.it.html", "tags": "internal tech-teams tools fosdem", "title": "Benvenuti in Matrix: la FSFE attiva il proprio server", "teaser": "FSFE vuole supportare comunità vari canali \ncomunicazione liberi. lieti annunciare recente aggiunta Matrix \na lista. Dopo beta test riusciti, ogni sostenitore volontario \ndella FSFE può ora creare proprio account Matrix. Useremo \nnostra istanza stand virtuale FSFE durante FOSDEM!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202306.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy pmpc ada-zangemann legal routers deviceneutrality education yh4f", "title": "AI Act und Interoperabilität+++Umfrage zu Routerzwang+++Podcasts, YH4F & Ada", "teaser": "Juniausgabe bringt Neues Interoperable Europe Act Regulierung Veröffentlichung Ergebnisse unserer Umfrage Thema Routerzwang. wurden zwei Podcastfolgen eingeladen Edri's 'Member spotlight'. Schauen Studie Thema Netzneutralitätsregulierung lesen schöne Geschichte darüber, Ada ländlichen Indien ankommt.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-06-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220915-01.en.html", "tags": "internal career tech-teams", "title": "CLOSED - FSFE is hiring a working student as an assistant system administrator", "teaser": "looking working student support work \n empowering people control technology. person support \n FSFE's technical infrastructure working system \n administrators. work 10 hours week Berlin office \n home office possible later stage.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220425-01.en.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid cfp de", "title": "CfP is open for Bits & Bäume 2022 about Digitisation and Sustainability", "teaser": "Technology experts ecologists join forces Bits & Bäume \n ('Bits Trees') conference October 2022 Berlin. year \n FSFE part organising committee. look exciting \n talks insights Free Software help realising \n sustainable digital society. Share expertise apply 7 \n June.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201712.en.html", "tags": "newsletter ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2017 / January 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe looks back exciting year. one hand managed take regular campaigns like love Free Software Ask Candidates new level extraordinary activities, started three new major activities year keep running 2018 beyond. Public Money Public Code, Save Code Share Reuse Initiative.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221118-01.en.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "YH4F winners awarded in ceremony in Brussels", "teaser": "awards winners first edition Youth Hacking \n 4 Freedom competition, Stavros, Miquel, Artur, Ekaterina, Hector, \n Mark handed ceremony Brussels. wish \n bright future, many contributions software freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220328-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Anchor Free Software in the 2022 German Federal Budget!", "teaser": "traffic light coalition must anchor goals digitisation Germany, based Free Software, set \n coalition agreement 2022 federal budget. Otherwise, risk cementing dependencies individual \n vendors losing sovereignty innovative power.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202302.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc ilovefs AI upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "I Love Free Software +++ Publieke autoriteiten in de Fediverse", "teaser": "nummer nodigen wij publieke instellingen deel nemen \n vrije gedecentraliseerde sociale netwerken. Bekijk onze infosessie \n Duitse gemeenten Vrije Software gebruiken. \n FSFE-vrijwilliger twijfelt betrouwbaarheid kunstmatige \n intelligentie (KI) gegenereerde tekst. Love Free Software Day komt \n eraan. Vier mee!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201612.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - Diciembre 2016", "teaser": "Este año, FSFE celebró 15 aniversario. 15 años empoderar usuarios, dar soporte comunidades promover mejor legislación. 15 años para ver todas las actividades, incluso las consideradas pequeñas momento, pueden crecer cuando trabajamos juntos. 15 años para ver todas las actividades, incluso aquellas consideradas entonces imposibles, pueden ser exito cuando permanecemos juntos. Juntos, veces triunfamos contra más dura presión grandes grupos interés. 15 años para saber todo esto habría sido posible sin el apoyo continuo nuestra comunidad, contribuyendo miles horas trabajo sosteniéndonos financieramente. eres lector asíduo nuestra hoja informativa, gusta nuestro trabajo pero todavía formas parte nuestra comunidad... ¡entonces considera ahora unirte FSFE!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100305-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n Julia Klein elected as Fellowship representative in FSFE GA \n ", "teaser": "FSFE's Fellows elected second\n representative organisation's governing body, the\n General Assembly. Julia Klein join Torsten Grote FSFE's\n strategic decision making body speak Fellows next\n two years.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220414-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement", "title": "EU Declaration of Digital Rights & Principles: Free Software should be included", "teaser": "26 January 2022, European Commission presented proposal \n\t Declaration Digital Rights Principles serve \n\t reference point future common vision \n\t digital rights. declaration discussed European \n\t Parliament Council, Free Software become part it.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Sites web publics, affranchissons-nous des publicités non libres !", "teaser": "mois, campagne, objectif : débarrasser publicités logiciels libres les sites web publics. quatre semaines, FSFE reçu rapports concernant 2162 institutions européennes promeuvent lecteurs PDF libres. plus 305 activistes pris part recherche d'institutions, 46 entreprises, 38 organisations 1500 personnes titre individuel signé Pétition retrait publicités logiciels propriétaires sites web publics.\nMaintenant chasse terminée, temps pourchasser sites web encoragent leurs visiteurs mettre leurs libertés danger. temps affranchir publicités !", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201204.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2012", "teaser": "„Projekt“ engsten Sinne immer zeitlichen Rahmen begrenzt. \nEine Leute Umfeld Freier Software verwenden Begriff „Projekt“ statt Bezug \nauf lang andauernde Initiativen. Schreiberling gemacht. Bernhard Reiter \ndazu brachte, unterschiedliche Begriffe Leute, erstellten Ergebnisse \nzeitlich abgestimmte Aktionen verwenden. Nachdem Leute FSFE Bernhard \nermutigten, Gedanken nieder schreiben, jetzt\n\neinen Artikel veröffentlicht, auseinandersetzt. gefächerten\nBegriff „Projekt“ Verwendet, Freie Software Initiativen erfolgreicher sein.\n„Freie Software hier, bleiben. Bereitet Denkweise Situation vor.“, \nschreibt Bernhard.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "La neutralité des appareils devient une réalité +++ Stockholm +++ Infrastructure de la FSFE +++ IA", "teaser": "lettre d'information janvier, reconnaissons l'importance Législation les marchés numériques comme développement majoritairement positif liberté logiciels. Lisez comment les logiciels libres couté 100 millions d'euros Stockholm. équipe Hackeurs systèmes éclaircit cache derrière l'infrastructure FSFE. Vincent Lequertier souligne fait les IA doivent être transparentes. L'évènement FOSDEM approche.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - März 2015", "teaser": "Überzeugung, dass proprietäre Standards \nSoftwarepatente Hindernisse Einführung Freier Software \ndarstellen. Hürden überwinden, müssen öffentlichen \nVerwaltung dabei helfen, ebenfalls verstehen. Deswegen \nwir letzten Monat Anhörung bezüglich Wechselwirkung \nzwischen Standards Patenten geantwortet, \nGeneraldirektion Europäischen Kommission Binnenmarkt, \nIndustrie, Unternehmertum KMU durchgeführt wurde.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201112.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2011", "teaser": "controls find internet? Search engines vital\nconnection information. eyes FSFE, important users can\nbe independent. spread awareness 1.0 release YaCy,\na peer-to-peer search engine. Read YaCy at\nour press release, Karsten\n Gerloff's blog entry choose one many\n news sites wrote it, including Wall Street Journal, BBC News,\nThe Telegraph TAZ.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101207-01.de.html", "tags": "european-commission policy", "title": "Softwarevertrag der Europäischen Kommission ist schlecht für\n Europa", "teaser": "Europäische Kommission innerhalb nächsten\nsechs Jahre 189 Millionen Euro proprietäre Software ausgeben, direktem\nWiderspruch eigenen Entscheidungen Richtlinien. Kommission\nkündigte letzte Woche sechs Jahre angelegten Rahmenvertrag zum\nKauf verschiedener, hauptsächlich proprietärer, Software verbundener\nDienstleistungen an1.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2014", "teaser": "Although entrepreneurs politicians understand importance of\nOpen Standards, people see connection daily life. is\nwhy 26 March organised Document Freedom Day (DFD). year we\nhad lot new materials: new leaflets different\nlanguages explain Open Standards, a\nnice comic shows use Open Standards problems\nwith files old.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Покончим с рекламой несвободных программ!", "teaser": "Один месяц, одна кампания, одна цель: избавиться \nот несвободной рекламы на общественных сайтах. За четыре недели ЕФСПО\nсобрал отчеты о 2162 европейских учреждениях,\nрекламирующих несвободные программы чтения PDF. В поисках\nучаствовало 305 активистов. Около 1500 частных лиц, а также 46 предприятий\nи 38 организаций подписали нашу\nпетицию\nза удаление рекламы несвободных программ с общественных сайтов.\nТеперь, когда сезон охоты закрыт, пора разобраться с сайтами, которые\nпоощряют посетителей подвергать опасности свою свободу.\nПора покончить с рекламой!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Σταματήστε τις αθέμιτες διαφημίσεις - ζητήστε από την κυβέρνησή σας να προβάλει ελεύθερα\n προγράμματα ανάγνωσης PDF!", "teaser": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού καλεί όλους τους Ευρωπαίους\n να ανακαλύψουν διαφημιστικές καταχωρίσεις για\n ιδιοκτησιακά προγράμματα ανάγνωσης αρχείων PDF στους ιστότοπους του δημοσίου και να\n τις αναφέρουν. Επιπλέον, το FSFE έχει ετοιμάσει\n μια συλλογή υπογραφών\n απαιτώντας να μπει τέλος σε τέτοιες διαφημιστικές πρακτικές και ενθαρρύνει το κοινό \n να την υπογράψει.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.ca.html", "tags": "", "title": "Dia de la Llibertat dels Documents 2010 - Allibera els teus documents, salva la teva informació!", "teaser": "Podràs seguir llegint els teus documents d'aquí 20 anys? Cada dia, milions d'usuaris d'ordinadors com editen text fulls càlcul, prenen fotografies graven àudio vídeo. Què passaria poguessis llegir mai més les teves cartes privades, ni tan sols obrir aquell àlbum fotos teva lluna mel? poguessis compartir aquells fitxers amb els teus amics, perquè els programes fa servir cadascú saben, volen, parlar entre ells? ajudar-te fer els teus documents superin el temps, celebrem el Dia Llibertat dels Documents (\"Document Freedom Day\", DFD) el proper 31 març.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201704.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2017", "teaser": "Dezember Deutschland Open Government \n Partnership beigetreten Juni 2017 Zeit \n Aktionsplan vorzulegen. Erhöhte Transparenz \n kontinuierliche Berichterstattung, effektive Regierung \n einwohnerfreundliche Administration Teile Ziele \n Open Government.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202210.it.html", "tags": "newsletter fr podcast interview open-letter deviceneutrality sq career internal tech-teams ada-zangemann localgroup de berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl women-group ch", "title": "Software Libero in Francia +++ Spazio hacker in Albania +++ Posto di lavoro", "teaser": "edizione, discutiamo crescente consapevolezza \nSoftware Libero Francia. Condividiamo progetti \nmonitorare l'implementazione principi neutralità \ndispositivo. spazio hacker Albania condivide \"Denaro pubblico? \nCodice pubblico!\". Cerchiamo studente lavoratore \nassistente sistemista.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200911.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - novembre 2009", "teaser": "Novembre : nouveau mois bien rempli FSFE. lancé le\n projet d'octroi d'adhésion Fellowship, battus faveur\n Standards Ouverts secteur public européen, passé un\n très bon moment FSCONS Suède, pris part discussions de\n l'OMPI afin les principes Logiciels Libres respectés, ne\n là les gros titres. Afin garantir indépendance renforcer\n FSFE, lancé campagne fin d'année destinée recueillir\n fonds : cuisiner liberté !", "type": "page", "date": "2009-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.it.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "Okular di KDE diventa il primo programma per computer eco-certificato al mondo", "teaser": "visualizzatore Okular primo programma essere stato premiato \n l'etichetta ecologica Blue Angel. FSFE congratula Okular \n traguardo conferma ancor benefici l'ambiente \n nell'usare sviluppare Software Libero. Insieme Upcycling Android, \n attiviamo libertà universali nell'UE prossimi mesi.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201112.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dicembre 2011", "teaser": "controlla l'esito ricerche internet? motori ricerca\nrappresentano un'importante connessione l'utente informazioni. Secondo \nFSFE, l'indipendenza utenti fondamentale. Ecco sosteniamo la\nvisibilità YacY, motore ricerca peer-to-peer. Puoi trovare maggiori\ninformazioni versione 1.0 YacY nostro\ncomunicato stampa, \n blog Karsten Gerloff, scegliere molti siti d'informazione parlano,\ntra Wall Street Journal, BBC News, Telegraph TAZ.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202104.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers fsfe20", "title": "Router Freedom Activity Package +++ Fernanda Weiden +++ Spring Sales", "teaser": "April Newsletter read Router Freedom Activity Package, interview former Vice President Fernanda Weiden, new Software Freedom Podcast Elisa Lindinger, Spring Sales usual diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-04-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101016-01.de.html", "tags": "openstandards policy", "title": "EIFv2: FSFE setzt den Fiktionen der BSA Fakten entgegen", "teaser": "FSFE gestern einen\nBrief Europäische Kommission Unterstützung\nvon Offenen Standards Interoperabilität geschickt. Zuge der\nlangwierigen Auseinandersetzung, European Interoperability Framework\nwenigstens schwache Empfehlung Offene Standards behalten, setzt\ndie FSFE einem\ndurchgesickerten\nBrief proprietären Lobbyisten-Gruppe Business Software Alliance\neine eigene gründliche Analyse Verhältnisses Standards Patenten\nentgegen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221220-01.en.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "CLOSED - FSFE is hiring an office coordinator", "teaser": "looking office coordinator open-ended 25-35 hours week position our\n Berlin office. part office management team the\n administrative backbone operations. ideal candidate experience\n office administrator, secretary, event organiser, another relevant\n administrative role.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 siti pubblici promuovo software non liberi", "teaser": "Durante campagna Free Software Foundation Europe pdfreaders.org,\ngli attivisti Software Libero 41 paesi diversi segnalato 2286 istituzioni settore pubblico promuovono lettori PDF liberi propri siti web.\nOra, FSFE contatterà istituzioni cercando fare rimuovere maggior numero possibile\ndi pubblicità lettori liberi prima fine dell'anno. \nI progressi riportati lista istituzioni segnalate.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Noticias de la FSFE - abril 2014", "teaser": "Aunque muchos emprendedores políticos entienden importancia los Estándares \nAbiertos, gente conexión vida cotidiana. Esta razón por la\nel 26 marzo organizamos nuevo El Día los Documentos Libres (DFD). Este año tuvimos\nbastante material nuevo: nuevos folletos diferentes \nlenguas explicando los Estándares Abiertos, un\nmagnífico comic explicando razón por hay usar Estándares Abiertos así tendrá problemas con\nsus archivos cuando sea viejo.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202407.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality reuse european=union ada-zangemann european-commission es zooom it event dma yh4f education highlights", "title": "DMA & Apple +++ Openwassen, EU-infrastructuur & meer", "teaser": "julinummer staat vol nieuws! blijven naleving VDM \ngaten houden onze bezorgdheid erover uiten. roepen \nVrije Software gebruiken digitale infrastructuur vragen \nnaar ervaringen openwassen. brengen updates REUSE, \nYH4F, Ada & Zangemann...", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101216-01.fr.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "La FSFE se réjouit de la révision du Cadre Européen d'Interopérabilité", "teaser": "Commission Européenne publié aujourd'hui très attendue révision Cadre Européen\nd'Interopérabilité (EIF, European Interoperability Framework). document vise à\npromouvoir l'interopérabilité secteur public européen. résultat d'un processus\nlong difficile. Free Software Foundation Europe accompagné processus fourni des\ninformations Commission Européenne plusieurs\nreprises.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201107.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2011", "teaser": "Stellen Computer vorinstallierter Freier Software gekauft. Zeit entscheiden zusätzliche Software installieren, jemandem erstellt wurde. Firma, Computer verkauft hat, gefällt nicht. Deswegen klagt Leute, zusätzliche Software programmiert haben, Computer installiert haben. Klingt wäre gute Idee Computer Firma kaufen!", "type": "page", "date": "2011-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202404.en.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem elections zooom deviceneutrality policy european-parliament event", "title": "DMA and Device Neutrality +++ CRA & PLD vote +++ EU elections: get active", "teaser": "Last month, DMA came force launched website \nDevice Neutrality, parliament voted CRA PLD, \nreleased guide get active upcoming elections. Check \nthe videos devrooms joined FOSDEM!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202002.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem ilovefs", "title": "(pre-)FOSDEM +++ IloveFS +++ Community", "teaser": "évènement pre-FOSDEM passionnant weekend FOSDEM, passant journée love Free Software, février mois riche informations FSFE. profité occasions présenter travail, tout offrant communautés l'Europe l'occasion présenter leur. pourrez lire propos stands présentations, propos d'amour évènements venir lettre d'information mois février.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.it.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Firma la lettera aperta per installare qualsiasi software su qualsiasi dispositivo", "teaser": "100 organizzazioni società civile settori già firmato lettera aperta “Il diritto universale installare qualsiasi software qualsiasi dispositivo”. settimana europea riduzione rifiuti apriamo possibilità farla firmare singole persone. Unisciti sentire voce!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201101.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Ιανουάριος 2011", "teaser": "Αποστολή τους είναι να φέρουν το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό \nστα σχολεία και τα πανεπιστήμια. Νέο καθήκον τους είναι να συλλέξουν \nπληροφορίες σχετικά με τα\nενδιαφερόμενα μέρη, \nκαι να δημιουργήσουν στοχευμένα \nφυλλάδια. Και είμαι βέβαιος ότι το αγαπημένο χρώμα των συντονιστών \nThomas Jensch και \nGuido Arnold είναι το πράσινο της\nΚοινότητας. Αυτή είναι \nη ομάδα μας για την εκπαίδευση.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-01-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100324-01.en.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Radio stations granted awards for using Open Standards", "teaser": "Berlin/Vienna March 24. Free Software Foundation Europe\nawarded Deutschlandradio Radio Orange Document Freedom Day 2010 Prize\nfor using Open Standards promoting society. FSFE's German\nteam together Foundation Free Information Infrastructure \n(FFII) present DFD cake displaying \"rOGG on!\" Berlin\nand Cologne Deutschlandradio. Austrian DFD cake goes the\nVienna-based station Radio Orange 94.0.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201605.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2016", "teaser": "part Digital Single Market strategy, European Commission \nhas published \nthe communication ICT standardisation priorities one \nkey factors digital economy. FSFE welcomes overall approach \ntaken communication favour open standards greater \ninclusion Free Software communities standardisation processes.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Document Freedom Day 2010 - Frigjør dine dokumenter, redd din informasjon!", "teaser": "Vil kunne lese dine dokumenter 20 år? Hver dag redigerer du\n og millioner av andre databrukere tekstdokumenter og regneark,\n knipser bilder, og tar opp lyd og video. Hva ikke kunne\n lese dine private brev lenger, eller åpne albumet med\n bryllupsbilder? Hva ikke kunne dele filene dine med\n venner fordi programvaren ikke lot dere snakke med hverandre?\n å hjelpe deg å gjøre dokumentene dine fremtidsikre, feirer\n Document Freedom Day 31. mars.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201409.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2014", "teaser": "freedom speech, freedom press, freedom assembly, freedom of\nassociation, privacy essential preconditions Free Society. it\nlacks one freedoms, difficult maintain others. a\nsociety, important defend freedoms, especially light of\nfundamental changes one introduced ubiquity computers.\nSuch changes threaten old freedoms create need new ones. So\nnow software freedom crucial distribute balance power society. The\nFSFE convinced free society needs freedoms Free\nSoftware offer. is, advocate Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.ru.html", "tags": "de", "title": "ЕФСПО награжден медалью Теодора Хойсса за вклад в развитие\nинформационного общества", "teaser": "В этом году медаль Теодора Хойсса присуждена\nЕвропейскому фонду свободного программного обеспечения (ЕФСПО)\nза выдающийся вклад в развитие равноправного информационного общества.\nС 2001 года ЕФСПО верно служит свободе использования, изучения,\nизменения и распространения программного обеспечения во всех сферах\nобщества и политики. В заявлении Фонда имени Теодора Хойсса сказано:\n«ЕФСПО — передовая организация, которая вносит весомый вклад в развитие\nи утверждение правил рационального управления на международном\nуровне».", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2016", "teaser": "2016, Free Software Foundation Europe looking forward towards \nan exciting year. year celebrating 15th birthday \nand give us chance look back, see show \nsupport brought us here. However, looking forward mastering \nthe challenges ahead.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101108-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Isländischer Entwickler erhält den Nordic Free Software Award", "teaser": "Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson, Entwickler Freier Software\naus Island, beim Aufbau Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft Island\nmitwirkte, Nordic Free Software Award ausgezeichnet worden.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100222-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE an Anwender: Nehmen Sie ihre Wahlfreiheit wahr!", "teaser": "FSFE begrüßt größeren Wettbewerbs Webbrowser-Markt: Seit\n heute Microsoft Windows-Nutzern Europa Möglichkeit anbieten,\n verschiedenen Browsern wählen. setzt Unternehmen\n Abkommen Europäischen Kommission Dezember 2009 die\n Praxis um. Free Software Foundation Europe aktiver Teilnehmer in\n Untersuchung Kommission.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200906.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2009", "teaser": "June definitely thrilling month. Besides ongoing\nactivities Fellowship meetings, participations events as\nthe LinuxTag Berlin, energy attention directed\nat General Assembly (GA) held Miraflores Sierra.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201107.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Juillet 2011", "teaser": "Imaginez achetiez ordinateur Logiciel Libre\npré-installé. Après quelque temps, décidez d'installer logiciel\ntiers. L'entreprise vendu l'ordinateur n'aime cela\ncependant, décide d'attaquer fournisseur logiciel tiers en\njustice. Peut-être qu'acheter ordinateur cette entreprise\nn'était bonne idée !", "type": "page", "date": "2011-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201511.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - November 2015", "teaser": "Eind oktober \nbood FSFE aanbevelingen \nvoor Digitale Interne Markt-strategie Europese Commissie. actieplan \nvoor Europees beleid digitale tijdperk doel neerhalen\nvan barrières tussen 28 verschillende nationale markten. Commissie \nhet bijzonder doelen gesteld digitaliseren Europese industrieën, \nhet ontwikkelen standaarden \"de cloud\", \"het Internet Dingen\" \nBig Data, verder verbeteren digitaal onderwijs.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201905.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc elections european-parliament", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - mei 2019", "teaser": "editie nieuwsbrief gaat speciale aandacht komende verkiezingen Europees Parlement. vertellen verhaal Spaanse Pica Pica Hacklab succesvol onze \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\"-campagne gebruikten parlement Asturië beïnvloeden. Pica Pica's verhaal brengt komende Europese verkiezingen waardoor Europees Parlement nieuwe leden krijgen. bieden advies tips actief Vrije Software hen kunt promoten. Zoals zult lezen evenementen waar FSFE maand deelneemt terugkijken afgelopen maand gebeurd.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-05-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100510-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe receives Theodor Heuss Medal", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Saturday received Theodor Heuss Medal in\n recognition work freedom information society. medal\n awarded year Stuttgart non-partisan foundation named for\n West Germany's first president.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100803-01.en.html", "tags": "dfd openstandards policy public-administration", "title": "German ministries flout IT open interoperability requirements", "teaser": "Research published week suggests majority of\nfederal government departments Germany ignoring requirements to\nimplement Open Standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202301.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter routers be pmpc podcast security privacy encryption gnu reuse interview career ilovefs upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Veelbelovend nieuws uit België en Dortmund +++ IT-veiligheid +++ Vacature", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief januari: gemeente Dortmund omarmt Vrije Software België werkt zekerstellen Routervrijheid. cryptograaf analyseert IT-beveiliging. digitaal gezondheidsecosysteem voorziet bestanden licenties REUSE-gereedschap. zoeken kantoorcoördinator. kijken ernaar FOSDEM zien. Love Free Software-evenementen.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.el.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Στον ιδρυτή του FSFE Georg Greve απονέμεται ο Ομοσπονδιακός Σταυρός του Τάγματος της Αξίας", "teaser": "Βερολίνο 28 Απριλίου 2010. Ο Georg Greve, ιδρυτικός πρόεδρος\nτου Ευρωπαϊκού Ιδρύματος Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού, έχει λάβει τον\nΣταυρό του Τάγματος της Αξίας της Ομοσπονδιακής Δημοκρατίας της Γερμανίας σε κορδέλα \n(Verdienstkreuz Bande). Ο Georg έλαβε αυτήν την υψηλή διάκριση από τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας\nγια την εργασία του στο Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό και στα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220928-01.en.html", "tags": "annual-report sustainability upcyclingandroid pmpc AI routers deviceneutrality licensing legal reuse yh4f ada-zangemann education podcast fosdem community localgroup dk de berlin hamburg-group it nl es se ch translations women-group tech-teams", "title": "Software Freedom in Europe 2022", "teaser": "continuously work promote Free Software Europe. 2022 \n addressed technological sustainability, advocated DMA \n act European level, defended Router Freedom \n Europe – among activities. reach younger \n people, organised coding competition \n teenagers published children's book software \n freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202102.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "FSFE20 +++ IloveFS +++ Vacature", "teaser": "onze februari-nieuwsbrief interviewen onze oprichter oud-voorzitter Georg Greve deel onze serie publicaties waarin 20 jaren FSFE vieren. reflecteren love Free Software Dag onze FOSDEM-participatie, plaatsen onze nieuwe vacature zoals gebruikelijk brengen verslag onze verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 istituzioni pubbliche hanno rimosso la pubblicità a software non libero", "teaser": "Dopo solo mese dall'inizio campagna PDFreaders FSFE, \n172 istituzioni pubbliche rimosso pubblicità lettori PDF proprietari \nloro siti web. Particolarmente eccezionali risposte provenienti \nCroazia, Russia Slovenia. Croazia quasi tutte istituzioni segnalati cancellato \npubblicità. Metà contattate Russia Slovenia soddisfatto richieste \ndella FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - maj 2017", "teaser": "Nga 10 deri më 24 prill 2017 FSFE-ja mbajti zgjedhjet nënta të përvitshme për një përfaqësues të Anëtarësisë Shok që të përfaqësojë bashkësinë FSFE-së dhe të Anëtarësisë Shok Asambleja Përgjithshme FSFE-së. Asambleja Përgjithshme përbëhet nga anëtarë të FSFE e.V. dhe është trupa ligjore FSFE-së. Është përgjegjëse për planifikimin strategjik, punë të buxhetit, falje dhe shkarkime në Këshillin Ekzekutiv dhe të Përgjegjësit Financiar. Dhe fituesi zgjedhjeve të sivjetshme është … Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201212.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - dhjetor 2012", "teaser": "Më 7 Nëntor, disa kandidatë politikë të pranishëm në Manchester\nCentral By-election morën pjesë në \"Debatin Dixhital të Mançesterit\", organizuar nga bashkërenduesi ynë për Mbretërinë Bashkuar dhe Open\nRights Group (ORG). Kjo veprimtari është pjesë fushatës së FSFE-së\n\"Pyesni Kandidatët Tuaj\", që synon të japë një mundësi për të angazhuar\npolitikanë (vendorë) drejt problemesh dixhitale të cilat zakonisht\nata nuk trajtojnë.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220224-01.nl.html", "tags": "fosdem event", "title": "FSFE op FOSDEM: een vitale ontwikkelruimte, virtueel geklets en wafels", "teaser": "FOSDEM, vooraanstaande jaarlijkse conferentie Vrije Software, wisselden meningen kletsten mensen Vrije Softwaregemeenschap. ontwikkelruimte ('Devroom') juridische beleidskwesties ('Legal Policy'), mede georganiseerd FSFE, maakten mensen bewust bredere kwesties onze beweging beïnvloeden. Bekijk video's lezingen blijf contact via Matrix volgende FOSDEM.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "FSFE mit Theodor Heuss Medaille ausgezeichnet - \"zukunftsweisende\n Organisation\"\n ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\n erhält Theodor Heuss Medaille 2010 außerordentliches\n Engagement gleiche gerechte Teilhabe der\n Informationsgesellschaft. Seit 2001 setzt FSFE allen\n Ebenen Gesellschaft Politik Freiheit ein, Software\n nutzen, untersuchen, verändern weiterzugeben. Die\n Stiftung führt aus: \"Die FSFE trägt zukunftsweisende\n Organisation bei, Regeln 'good global governance'\n erarbeiten durchzusetzen.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100222-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE to users: Seize your freedom of choice!", "teaser": "FSFE welcomes arrival greater competition web browser\n market. today, Microsoft offer Windows users Europe the\n possibility choose among different browsers. step puts into\n practice company's settlement European Commission from\n December 2009. Free Software Foundation Europe active\n participant Commission's investigation.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202301.es.html", "tags": "newsletter routers be pmpc podcast security privacy encryption gnu reuse interview career ilovefs upcyclingandroid localgroup de berlin hamburg-group gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Noticias prometeroras de Bélgica y Dortmund +++ Seguridad TI +++ Oferta de empleo", "teaser": "municipalidad Dortmund abraza el Software Libre Bélgica trabaja \npara asegurar Libertad Enrutador. criptógrafa analiza \nseguridad TI. ecosistema salud digital licencia sus archivos \nla herramienta REUSE. Buscamos coordinador oficina. Deseamos \nverles los próximos eventos FOSDEM Love Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 sitios web públicos que anuncian software no-libre", "teaser": "Durante campaña pdfreaders.org Free Software Foundation Europe, los activistas Software Libre 41 países han notificado 2286 instituciones sector público anuncian lectores PDF no-libres sus sitios web. FSFE va contactar estas instituciones, intentando conseguir sean suprimidos tantos anuncios lectores PDF no-libres como sea posible antes acabar el año. Los progresos realizados serán documentados lista notificaciones enviadas.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201707.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - červenec 2017", "teaser": "Sdílení znalostí posílení spolupráce jsou základními zásadami v komunitě Free Software. FSFE proto radostí poskytne svým příznivcům registrovaným dobrovolníkům platformu pro vytváření správu archivů Git pohodlným webovým rozhraním podle git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 institutions publiques ont arrêté la publicité pour des logiciels non-libres", "teaser": "mois après l'envoi lettres campagne\nPDFreaders, 172 institutions publiques arrêté publicité lecteurs\nPDF propriétaires leurs sites internet. Les réponses Croatie, la\nRussie Slovénie particulièrement remarquables. Croatie,\npresque toutes les institutions signalées retiré les publicités. moitié\nde celles signalées Russie Slovénie pliées demandes la\nFSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202404.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter fosdem elections zooom deviceneutrality policy european-parliament event", "title": "VDM en Apparaatneutraliteit +++ Stemming over VC en RP +++ EU-verkiezingen: word actief", "teaser": "Afgelopen maand trad Verordening Digitale Markten (VDM) werking lanceerden website Apparaatneutraliteit. Europees Parlement stemde Verordening Cyberweerbaarheid (VC) Richtlijn Productaansprakelijkheid (RP). publiceerden gids actief komende EU-verkiezingen. Bekijk video's ontwikkelruimtes waaraan FOSDEM deelnamen!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202401.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter routers pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon ilovefs internship ngi deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "Afleveringen podcasts +++ Techwiki Routervrijheid +++ Word onze stagiair(e) Beleid", "teaser": "beginnen 2024 energie, kijken stagiair(e) Beleid geweldig nieuws: twee nieuwe SFP-afleveringen, Techwiki Routervrijheid, elektronische boek ‘Ada & Zangemann’ kosteloos Frans kijken ‘Ik hou Vrije Software dag’ 14 februari!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101108-01.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Desenvolvedor islandês recebe o Prêmio Nórdico do Software Livre.", "teaser": "Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson, desenvolvedor Software Livre dos construtores comunidade Islândia, recebeu Prêmio Nórdico Software Livre.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201510.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja Informativa de la FSFE - octubre 2015", "teaser": "Asamblea General este año Bucarest, FSFE \nha elegido nuevo equipo dirección\npara los próximos dos años. Reinhard Müller continuará cargo de\nDirector Financiero mientras nuestro editor asume el papel Presidente,\nse completa Alessandro Rubini como Vice-Presidente. Alessandro \ningeniero electrónico trabaja controladores dispositivos sistemas embebidos.\nFue los primeros miembros FSFE últimamente reactivado\npara apoyar nuestro trabajo. El antiguo Presidente FSFE, Karsten Gerloff\nda bienvenida\nal cambio escribe sobre sus próximos pasos.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221121-01.de.html", "tags": "open-letter upcyclingandroid", "title": "Unterzeichne unseren offenen Brief über das Recht, jede Software zu installieren", "teaser": "Mehr 100 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen bereits offenen Brief „Das universelle Recht, Software Gerät installieren“ unterzeichnet. Jetzt, Europäischen Woche Abfallvermeidung, öffnen Brief Unterzeichnung Einzelpersonen. Mach verschaffe Stimme Gehör!", "type": "page", "date": "2022-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202111.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Opwaarderen van software +++ FSFE Vertalers +++ Routervrijheid in Letland in gevaar", "teaser": "onze novembernieuwsbrief leest waarom apparaatneutraliteit \n\t opwaarderen software essentieel (her)gebruik onze \n\t hardware hulpbron-efficiënter maken. Lees sleutelrol \n\t vertalers FSFE spelen verlies Routervrijheid \n\t Letland. Bekijk nieuwe video kernwaarden Vrije Software \n\t volg onze gemeenschapsevenementen.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201610.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Boletín de la FSFE - Octubre 2016", "teaser": "Después algunos cambios el programa prácticas FSFE principios septiembre, alegra poder anunciar plaza técnico interno FSFE. Buscamos interno pueda trabajar tres meses nuestra oficina Berlín, aprendiendo sobre el software libre FSFE, mientras mismo tiempo contribuya reescribir partes nuestra infraestructura técnica.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201603.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Mars 2016", "teaser": "6éme année consécutive, demandé chacun d'exprimer\nsa reconnaissance gratitude envers les contributeurs contributrices \ndu Logiciel Libre Saint Valentin. Regardez rapport #ilovefs \n2016 découvrez \na remercié cette année d'innombrables articles blog, photos, \ndessins, mème, notes personnelles beaucoup plus. N'oubliez \nnoter l'année prochaine 14 Février comme Journée \"I love Free \nSoftware\" continuer cette superbe tradition permet reconnaître \nl'énorme travail personnes derrière Logiciel Libre. remercions \ntous les participants trouvé temps dire \"merci\" \npermis faire d'#ilovefs 2016 tel succès!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220712-01.it.html", "tags": "sustainability upcyclingandroid localgroup interview", "title": "Un PC nella tua tasca: Librem 5, un telefono Software Libero", "teaser": "Librem 5 gira totalmente convergente PureOS, significa possibile portare proprio desktop proprio telefono. ambiente grafico dedicato, Phosh, diventando un'opzione popolare telefoni Linux. Guido Günther, principali sviluppatori Purism, svela dettagli sviluppo software Librem.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201402.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Février 2014", "teaser": "Plus d’administrations publiques utilisent logiciel libre, plus d’investissements développement, moins problèmes les citoyens utilisateurs logiciel libre lorsqu’ils communiquent les autorités. Janvier, l’État Italien fait logiciel libre choix défaut administrations pays.\nL'agence italienne numérique érigé nouvelle règle disposant toutes les organisations étatiques doivent considérer l’utilisation logiciel libre avant d’acheter licences programmes privateurs. Cette règle, fait l’objet discussions pendant plus d’un an, vient d’être réaffirmée. Carlo Piana, représentait FSFE groupe travail, écrit : « Désormais, les administrations publiques n’ont plus d’excuses respecter règles. n’y plus d’excuses, n’y place interprétations ambigües. ».", "type": "page", "date": "2014-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220316-01.fr.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability pdfreaders", "title": "L'application Okular de KDE devient le premier programme éco-certifié", "teaser": "Okular, visionneuse documents KDE, premier logiciel recevoir l'écolabel Blue Angel. FSFE les félicite confirme l'intérêt environnemental Logiciels Libres. contribuons initiative Upcycling Android campagne cours l'UE liberté utilisateurs l'UE.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20221221-01.en.html", "tags": "ada-zangemann", "title": "Support us and enter the ‘Ada & Zangemann’ book raffle", "teaser": "great news! thank support, \n appreciate even difficult times, giving away \n 28 English copies book 'Ada & Zangemann - Tale Software, \n Skateboards, Raspberry Ice Cream'.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 sítios web públicos que anunciam software não-livre", "teaser": "Durante campanha pdfreaders.org Free Software Fundation Europe, os ativistas Software Livre 41 países têm relatado 2286 instituições sector público anunciam leitores PDF não-livres seus sítios web. FSFE vai contatar estas instituições, tentando conseguir sejam suprimidos tantos anúncios leitores PDF não-livres PDF seja possível antes acabar ano. Os progressos realizados serão documentados lista instituições relatadas.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202210.es.html", "tags": "newsletter fr podcast interview open-letter deviceneutrality sq career internal tech-teams ada-zangemann localgroup de berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl women-group ch", "title": "Software Libre en Francia +++ Espacio jáquer en Albania +++ Trabajo", "teaser": "este Boletín presentamos el creciente conocimiento Software Libre Francia. Compartimos nuestros planes para monitorizar implementación Neutralidad Dispositivo. espacio jáquer Albania comparte demanda \"¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!\". Buscamos estudiante empleado como ayudante administrador sistemas.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100519-01.el.html", "tags": "european-commission policy", "title": "FSFE: Η απουσία Ανοικτών Προτύπων είναι η «μαύρη τρύπα» στην Ψηφιακή Ατζέντα της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή έχει επίσημα \n\tδημοσιεύσει την \n\tπολυαναναμενόμενη Ψηφιακή Ατζέντα, η οποία περιγράφει τα σχέδια εφαρμογής πολιτικών για την επόμενη\n\tπενταετία. «Ενώ περιέχει κάποια σημαντικά δομικά στοιχεία για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό, με την παράλειψη αναφοράς\n\tστα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα σχηματίζεται μια μαύρη τρύπα σε αυτήν την ατζέντα», \n\tδηλώνει ο Karsten Gerloff, Πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Ιδρύματος Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-05-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202203.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter upcyclingandroid ada-zangemann dk de workshop fosdem", "title": " O direito a Software Livre +++ 60 livros para bibliotecas +++ workshop em Berlim ", "teaser": "Newsletter março partilhamos boas notícias: 60 livros infantis, sobre software livre, foram doados bibliotecas. FSFE apela ao direito instalar Software Livre. primeiro workshop reciclagem Android (Upcycling Android) irá decorrer em Berlim. Após muito tempo, irá haver encontro grupo local em Aarhus, Dinamarca.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201804.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare rmll community", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Prill 2018", "teaser": "Më 19 Mars, Free Software Foundation Europe tok OpenMedia, depozituan së bashku një peticion të më shumë 11 000 individëve që kërkojnë politikanëve europianë të shpëtohet interneti nga ndikimi pakthyeshëm rrezikshëm reformës së ndërrmarë mbi të drejtat kopjimit, dhe veçanërisht nenit të 13-të të saj që imponon bllokim parandalues të depove internetore të kodit. Këto nënshkrime drejtohen bashkëpunëtorëve të propozimit në BE: Parlamentit Europian dhe Këshillit Bashkimit Europian, dhe morën në dorëzim nga eurodeputetja Julia Reda, raportuesi hije në Komitetin Çështjeve Ligjore në Parlamentin Europian (JURI) që udhëheq përpjekjen kryesore parlamentare lidhur reformën tanishme të të drejtave të kopjimit.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220503-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Europees Parlement stemt voor Vrije Software in KI-resolutie", "teaser": "Vandaag Europees Parlement resolutie kunstmatige \nIntelligentie (KI) aangenomen, enorme meerderheid 495 stemmen voor, 34 \nen 102 onthoudingen. verwijzingen voordelen Vrije \nSoftware opgenomen tekst; FSFE dringt Parlement \nhet eigen standpunt nemen KI-verordening.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "ЕФСПО: Нет нечестной рекламе — пусть государство\nподдерживает свободные программы!", "teaser": "Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения\nпризывает всех европейцев искать рекламу несвободных\nпрограмм чтения PDF на их государственных сайтах и сообщать о ней.\nКроме того, ЕФСПО приготовил петицию с требованием\nпокончить с практикой такой рекламы и предлагает общественности подписать ее.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Απρίλιος 2014", "teaser": "Παρόλο που όλο και περισσότεροι επιχειρηματίες και πολιτικοί κατανοούν τη σημασία των\nΑνοικτών Προτύπων, ο κόσμος δεν βλέπει τη συσχέτιση με την καθημερινή του ζωή. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο\nστις 26 Μαρτίου ξαναδιοργανώσαμε την Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων (DFD). Φέτος είχαμε\nπολλά νέα υλικά: νέα φυλλάδια σε πολλές διαφορετικές\nγλώσσες εξηγούν τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα, και ένα\nωραίο comic σας δείχνει γιατί θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείτε Ανοικτά Πρότυπα έτσι ώστε να μην έχετε προβλήματα\nμε τα αρχεία σας όταν περάσετε στην τρίτη ηλικία.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202312.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f upcyclingandroid IEA be routers deviceneutrality pmpc ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "JHvV trapt af +++ AOp open brief +++ Routervrijheid in België", "teaser": "Afgelopen maand trapte JHvV af, ontving Duitse Parlement open brief Android Opwaarderen, ontdekten ambitieuze plan Verordening Interoperabel Europa verwaterd, vierden verbintenis België Routervrijheid interessant nieuws.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201408.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Août 2014", "teaser": "l'ancien temps, vie quotidienne d’un citoyen ordinaire d'une république était, comme dirait, libre. Lorsque tâches quotidiennes besoin d'un nouvel outil qu’on cherchait conseil, seul l'ancien proverbe latin scientia potentia dictait les limites liberté comme celles connaissance : besoin d'un nouvel outil qu'on ignorait comment fabriquer, dépendant fabricant, uniquement acquisition.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201904.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter tech-teams pmpc coc copyright ngi", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - april 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand licht aanwezigheid FSFE's campagne \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" Duitse media groeiende populariteit Europa uit. kunt korte herinnering nieuws betreffende stemming Auteursrichtlijn vinden evenals korte samenvatting verder gedaan gedurende afgelopen maand. Word Actief-sectie maand herinneren nieuwe open oproep lancering Next Generation Internet project waar deel uitmaken. Verder kunt weten komen nieuwe evenementen bezoeken Web-a-thon Frankfurt Main organiseren.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201107.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Luglio 2011", "teaser": "Immagina avere comprato computer preinstallato software libero. Dopo \nqualche tempo decidi installare software aggiuntivo realizzato qualcun altro.\nTuttavia, venduto computer approva decide fare causa persone sviluppato software aggiuntivo installato. Sembra proprio aver comprato quel computer quel determinato venditore stata grandissima idea!", "type": "page", "date": "2011-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "End non-free advertisement: stamp out the ads!", "teaser": "One month, one campaign, one goal: getting rid non-free\nsoftware advertisements public websites. four weeks, FSFE received\nreports concerning 2162 European institutions who\n advertise non-free PDF readers. Apart 305 activists who\nparticipated search, 1500 individuals, 46 businesses 38\norganisations signed Petition\n Removal Proprietary Software Advertising Public Websites.\nNow hunt over, time chase websites encourage\nvisitors jeopardise freedom. time stamp ads!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100702-01.de.html", "tags": "it", "title": "FSFE: Bozen, bitte verschwende Dein Geld nicht", "teaser": "geehrter Herr Minister Bizzo,\n\nam 25. Mai 2010 entschied Landesverwaltung Bozen,\nin nächsten drei Jahren 2,2 Millionen Euro Erneuerung von\nSoftware-Lizenzen Microsoft Irland Erwerb zusätzlicher Lizenzen\naufzuwenden. Entscheidung wurde öffentliche Ausschreibung\ngetroffen. wurde Anbietern Möglichkeit gegeben, eigene\nAngebote erstellen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100907-01.fr.html", "tags": "swpat policy", "title": "Sondage de l'Union Européenne sur les logiciels libres et les standards : Faites entendre votre voix !", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe appelle entreprises européennes logiciels libres participer sondage les attitudes entreprises envers l'inclusion brevets les standards industriels l'acceptabilité cette pratique.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2015", "teaser": "European Parliamentary committees Internal Market Consumer \nProtection (IMCO) well Industry, Research Energy (ITRE) issued \ntheir joint own-initiative report based Commission's Digital Single \nMarket Strategy. FSFE's policy team analysed report proposed \nchanges include standards open, minimalistic, implementable \nwith Free Software, integrate users' control data \nmake sure single open science cloud implemented \nFree Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/th-eulogy-20100508.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "45. Theodor Heuss Preis / Würdigung der Medaillen", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe Theodor Heuss\nMedaille 2010 ausgezeichnet, kompetent beiträgt neue\nRegeln gesellschaftliche, politische rechtliche\nRahmenbedingungen World Wide Web digitale Freiheit durch\nFreie Software erarbeiten.", "type": "page", "date": null}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201404.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Avril 2014", "teaser": "Bien plus plus d'entrepreneurs politiciens comprennent l'importance Standards Ouverts, les gens voient lien vie quotidienne. C'est ça 26 mars organisions Journée Libération Documents -- Document Freedom Day (DFD). Cette année nouveaux supports : nouveaux tracts différentes langues expliquant les Standards Ouverts nouvelle bande dessinée explique pourquoi faut utiliser Standards Ouverts voulez avoir problème fichiers vieillissant.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Octobre 2014", "teaser": "Lorsque l’on achète ordinateur portable, peut être difficile avoir payer licence Microsoft Windows, puisque nombre d’entre vendus licence incluse. Cette « taxe Windows » artificiellement augmenté coût matériels les utilisateurs Logiciels Libres souhaitent utiliser système d’exploitation Microsoft. Nous, utilisateurs Logiciels Libres, désirons soutenir développement Logiciel Libre plutôt logiciels non-libres comme Microsoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201009.en.html", "tags": "newsletter education sfd cloud", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - September 2010", "teaser": "edition covering Free Software education,\ndistributed Free Software solutions alternative centralised services,\nsome ways celebrate -- Free Software community -- already\nachieved, participate European football championship\neven interested football.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 öffentliche Webseiten machen Werbung für unfreie Software", "teaser": "Rahmen Kampagne\npdfreaders.org\nder Free Software Foundation Europe Freie-Software-Aktivisten\naus 41 Ländern 2286 Einrichtungen\ndes öffentlichen Sektors gemeldet, Websites Werbung für\nunfreie PDF-Betrachter machen. FSFE Einrichtungen\nin Verbindung setzen versuchen, Ende Jahres Werbung\nfür unfreie PDF-Betrachter möglich entfernen lassen. Fortschritt\nwird Liste gemeldeten\nEinrichtungen dokumentiert werden.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200905.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2009 ", "teaser": "May hot month us. first real sunbeams\nstart showing all-over Europe, mainly whole month\nwe run first-ever voting process elect Fellow representative FSFE \nGeneral Assembly (GA). Moreover, published call applications as\ncoordinator staff positions legal department, Austrian\nteam concluded challenging satisfying tour across whole Austria,\nby participating \"Linuxwochen Eisenstadt\".", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.en.html", "tags": "de", "title": "FSFE honoured with Theodor Heuss Medal - \"trendsetting organisation\"", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\n receives year's Theodor Heuss Medal extraordinary\n work equitable participation information society. Since\n 2001 FSFE committed freedom use, investigate,\n modify redistribute software parts society and\n politics. Theodor Heuss Foundation states: \"FSFE forward\n thinking organisation contributes development and\n establishment rules good global governance.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201503.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Maart 2015", "teaser": "geloven niet-vrije standaarden softwarepatenten barrières vormen overgaan \nVrije Software. barrières af komen moeten publieke overheid helpen begrijpen. \nDaarom afgelopen maand antwoord gegeven consult interactie standaarden patenten Directoraat-Generaal Europese Unie Interne Markt, Industrie, Ondernemerschap SME's.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100222-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Το FSFE προς τους χρήστες: Αδράξτε την ελευθερία επιλογής σας!", "teaser": "Το FSFE καλωσορίζει την έλευση ενισχυμένου ανταγωνισμού στην αγορά περιηγητών ιστού.\n Από σήμερα, η Microsoft πρέπει να προσφέρει στους χρήστες των Windows στην Ευρώπη\n τη δυνατότητα να επιλέγουν ανάμεσα σε διαφορετικούς περιηγητές. Αυτό είναι το πρακτικό \n βήμα ενεργοποίησης του διακανονισμού της εταιρίας με την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή από τον \n Δεκέμβριο του 2009. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού συμμετείχε ενεργά \n στην έρευνα της Επιτροπής.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202206.pt.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration interview de education nl sustainability localgroup berlin dk gr ch hamburg-group women-group it", "title": "Municipalities using Free Software +++ PMPC tour in Italy", "teaser": "Neste boletim, nove administrações inovar poupar dinheiro com \nSoftware Livre, coligação Alemã pede uma educação digital justa, como \no Software Livre promove setor telecomunicações sustentável. \nVoluntários organizam tour \"Dinheiro Público? Código Público!\" em \nItália.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Lettre d'information de Juillet 2009 ", "teaser": "mois dernier débordant d'activité, terni une\nbien triste nouvelle. effet, appris décès Richard\nRothwell, partisan Logiciels Libres connu respecté le\nmilieu l'enseignement, Fellow. faisons adieux\nci-après.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201504.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - abril 2015", "teaser": "Nuestro nuevo Director\nEjecutivo Jonas Öberg dio charla Libreplanet, visitó Boston para encontrarse con\nel personal miembros junta FSF. un\nposts blog escribe sobre encuentro Matthew Garret, Benjamin Mako\nHill, Bradley Kuhn, Henry Poole junta FSF, personal FSF el Director Ejecutivo\nJohn Sullivan el discutió como mejorar cooperación los \ndos principales retos para FSFE:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201804.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare rmll community", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - april 2018", "teaser": "19 maart leverden Free Software Foundation Europe OpenMedia gezamenlijk petitie af 11.000 mensen Europese politici vragen internet beschermen onomkeerbare gevaarlijke gevolgen lopende auteursrechtherziening bijzonder Artikel 13 preventief blokkeren online code pakketbronnen oplegt. handtekeningen geadresseerd mede-wetgevers: Europees Parlement Raad EU. ontvangst genomen Europees Parlementslid Julia Reda. schaduwrapporteur rapporteert Comité Juridische Zaken (JURI) Europees Parlement, belangrijkste parlementaire inspanning levert ten aanzien lopende auteursrechtherziening.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Την Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου, δείξτε την αγάπη σας για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό!", "teaser": "Φέτος την Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου, το FSFE καλεί τους απανταχού χρήστες του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\n να δείξουν την αγάπη τους για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Πίσω από κάθε πρωτοβουλία και οργανισμό για το \n Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό υπάρχουν πραγματικοί, σκληρά εργαζόμενοι άνθρωποι.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200909.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - september 2009", "teaser": "Software Freedom Day maand één belangrijkste\n evenementen Vrije Softwaregemeenschap. FSFE heeft\n dag samen enkele Fellows evenementen georganiseerd\n Leipzig, Wenen Hamburg. Onze Fellows grote\n mate bijgedragen succes onze campagne \"Informeer bij\n kandidaat\" tijdens Duitse verkiezingen.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202308.it.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union de policy IEA fediverse yh4f ada-zangemann workshop event", "title": "CRA & IEA +++ Puntata SFP +++ Summer Meeting", "teaser": "numero agosto contiene ultimi aggiornamenti CRA \nIAE, nuova puntata Software Freedom Podcast analizza \nla libertà software politica UE l'annuncio \nconvegno proposito social network decentralizzati. partecipanti \ndi YH4F – – attendono commenti giuria \nprogetti.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-08-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Octobre 2010", "teaser": "cette édition, discutons terme trompeur « termes équitables, raisonnables non-discriminatoires » (FRAND - fair, reasonable\nand non-discriminatory), expliquons faisons propos systèmes informatiques centralisés Forum Gouvernance l'Internet, tenons courant campagne cessation publicités logiciels non-libres faites les institutions publiques.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201111.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2011", "teaser": "long copyright last? living beings software be\npatentable? World Intellectual Property Organisation deals sort\nof questions. Since 2004, involved WIPO make sure not\nharm Free Software. important demand comes to\ncopyright patents, benefits weighed costs.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "Fim da publicidade não-livre: acabemos com os anúncios!", "teaser": "mês, uma campanha, objetivo: livrar-se dos anúncios software não-livre em sítios web públicos. Em quatro semanas, FSFE recebeu comunicações sobre 2162 instituições europeias anunciam leitores PDF não-livres. Além dos 305 ativistas participaram pesquisa, 1500 pessoas, 46 empresas 38 organizações assinaram nossa Petição para Remoção Publicidade Software Privativo Sítios Web Instituições Públicas. Agora caça acabou, é hora perseguir os sítios web encorajam os visitantes comprometer liberdade. É hora acabar com os anúncios!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Gennaio 2015", "teaser": "Terra completato, volta ancora, ordinaria rivoluzione.\n\t\tAlla FSFE stati occupati lungo 2014, dando massimo\n\t\tper assicurare utenti potessero controllare propri dispositivi\n\t\te Software Libero potesse competere gare d'appalto pubbliche.\n\t\tAltre informazioni riguardano entrambi problematiche appena\n\t\tcitate altri obiettivi, descrizione nostri\n\t\tlimitati successi prospettive future, possono trovare report annuale 2014,\n\t\tscritto Presidente Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202304.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann public-administration policy AI routers gr hr se women-group", "title": "EU: Liability, Interoperable Europe Act +++ Partial Router Freedom in Greece", "teaser": "April’s newsletter discuss proposals affecting Free Software: introduction liability rules software Interoperable Europe Act. Greece secures Router Freedom excludes fiber connections.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201906.en.html", "tags": "newsletter huawei google fya", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2019", "teaser": "month's newsletter highlights Google/Huawei case greater picture reveals us. Get Active section call proactivity promoting use Free Software. Additionally, find happened Web-a-thon Frankfurt Main view media actions taken promoting increasing awareness Free Software wider audience, well see what's planned near future, take part in.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-06-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202303.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs podcast fosdem yh4f localgroup dk it de berlin gr nl ch women-group", "title": "Medische apparaten zouden Vrije Software moeten gebruiken +++ 25 nieuwe video's", "teaser": "nummer podcastaflevering noodzaak medische apparaten Vrije Software hebben. Bekijk onze voordrachten FOSDEM video's juridische kwesties ontwikkelen. Deelnemers YH4F coderen. Dankzij bijdragen onze fondsenwerving succes geworden. brengen gemeenschapsnieuws negen landen.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100324-01.el.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Βράβευση ραδιοφωνικών σταθμών για τη χρήση Ανοικτών Προτύπων", "teaser": "Βερολίνο/Βιέννη 24 Μαρτίου. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\nαπονέμει στους Deutschlandradio και Radio Orange το Βραβείο της Ημέρας Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων\n2010 για τη χρήση Ανοικτών Προτύπων και της προβολής τους στην κοινωνία. Η Γερμανική ομάδα\nμαζί με το Foundation Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) θα παρουσιάσουν το γλύκισμα της DFD \nπου γράφει \"rOGG on!\" σε Βερολίνο και Κολωνία για τον ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό Deutschlandradio. \nΤο γλυκό της DFD για την Αυστρία δίνεται στον Βιεννέζικο σταθμό Radio Orange 94.0.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202010.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup", "title": "35 ans de la FSF +++ Participation à la SFSCon +++ Emploi technique vacant", "teaser": "lettre d'information d'octobre, trouverez informations trente-cinquième anniversaire FSF, participation venir SFSCon, vacance emploi technique les diverses autres activités communauté.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.nl.html", "tags": "de", "title": "\n De FSFE wordt gehonoreerd met de Theodor Heuss medaille -\n \"trendsettende organisatie\"\n ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) ontvangt Theodor\n Heuss medaille 2010 uitzonderlijk werk iedereen\n eerlijke kansen geven informatiemaatschappij. sinds\n 2000 staat FSFE achter vrijheden software kunnen\n gebruiken, bestuderen, veranderen verder verdelen alle\n geledingen maatschappij politiek. Theodor\n Heuss Foundation stelt: \"De FSFE draagt vooruitdenkende\n organisatie ontwikkeling implementatie van\n regels goed globaal bestuur.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100330-01.el.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Τα Ανοικτά Πρότυπα απειλούνται στην Ευρώπη", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή προσπαθεί αυτήν τη στιγμή να θέσει ένα νέο προσχέδιο\n για το Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Διαλειτουργικότητας (European Interoperability Framework, EIF)\n υπό έγκριση από τα Κράτη-Μέλη. Το προσχέδιο προσφέρει έδαφος στις ανησυχίες ότι\n η Επιτροπή παραιτείται από την παγκόσμια ηγετική της θέση στη χρήση Ανοικτών Προτύπων,\n πλήττοντας την καιντοτομία, τον ανταγωνισμό και την ελευθερία των χρηστών στην Ευρώπη.\n Το FSFE έχει ενημερώσει τη σελίδα της ανάλυσης, \n συγκρίνοντας το τρέχον προσχέδιο με τα προηγούμενα, καθώς επίσης και τις αξιώσεις από κάποια\n ομάδα πίεσης για την προάσπιση ιδιοκτησιακών συμφερόντων. Ενώ πλησιάζει η\n Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων στις 31 Μαρτίου,\n το FSFE συνομιλεί με την Επιτροπή και διαμορφωτές αποφάσεων από τα Κράτη-Μέλη\n για να τους ευαισθητοποιήσει για το πρόβλημα.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201611.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - November 2016", "teaser": "Since 2005, FSFE maintained two distinct \nbrands: FSFE Fellowship. made sense initially, \nwe've grown increasingly uncomfortable way created \nseparation Fellows FSFE two separate entities, \ndespite fact we're working together! Accordingly, we've reduced \nactivities promoting \"Fellowship\" something distinct FSFE, \nand talk \"FSFE Groups\" rather \"Fellowship Groups\", \nlocal groups.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό δελτίο - Οκτώβριος 2011", "teaser": "Το μέλος του FSFE Michael Clemens έχει μια λύση για όλους εσάς εκεί έξω, \nπου θέλετε να ξέρετε πότε τελείωσε το πλύσιμο των ρούχων στο πλυντήριο.\n\n Στο άρθρο του εξηγεί πώς να φτιάξετε ένα \"Laundruino\" (Πλυντηρουίνο), \nβασισμένο σε έναν μικροελεγκτή Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\n Arduino, \nπου σάς ενημερώνει για τη φάση στην οποία βρίσκεται ακριβώς ο κύκλος \nπλυσίματος του πλυντηρίου σας.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201206.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Giugno 2012", "teaser": "due termini ricorrenti riguardanti software può liberamente essere usato, studiato, condiviso migliorato: Software Libero Software Open Source.\nCi differenti combinazioni traduzioni termini, FOSS, Software Libre, FLOSS eccetera. Leggere articoli Software Libero\no ascoltare persone impegnate settore solleva spesso questione: preferiscano certo termine piuttosto altro, differenza\ntra definizioni.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202011.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter pmpc public-administration localgroup routers reuse community policy", "title": "Softwarevrijheid 2020 +++ EU Open Source Strategie +++ Nieuwe stafleden", "teaser": "onze November-nieuwsbrief richten onze aandacht jaarverslag \"Softwarevrijheid Europa\" nieuwe Vrije Softwarestrategie Europese Commissie. nieuwe stafleden, nieuwe oproep FSFE-gemeenschapsprojecten, REUSE slaat aan, lokale groep Zurich ontving prijs gebeurd ontdekken.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 общественных учреждения удалили несвободную рекламу", "teaser": "Всего за один месяц после того, как в рамках\nкампании PDFreaders были разосланы письма, 172 общественных учреждения\nперестали рекламировать несвободные программы чтения PDF на своих\nсайтах. Особенно выдающиеся результаты показали Хорватия, Россия и Словения. В Хорватии\nпочти все учреждения, о которых нам сообщили, прекратили рекламу.\nПримерно половина из тех, с кем мы связались в России и Словении,\nудовлетворили просьбе ЕФСПО.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - dhjetor 2013", "teaser": "Më 2005-n filluam t’u jepnim karta fshehtëzimi\nindividëve që dhuronin për dhe që qenë bërë Anëtarë Shok të FSFE-së. \nBesojmë është rëndësishme t’u kujtojmë njerëzve mjetet Software Lirë\npër fshehtëzim të komunikimeve të tyre. Përveç kësaj, qëkur themelua FSFE-ja më\n2001-n, kemi shpjeguar njerëzve që ato 40 shifrat karta jonë biznesit\nishin për fshehtëzim dhe përse ky ishte dobishëm. 8 vjet më vonë, tema \nfshehtëzimeve plasi në media, dhe tani po përmendet në çdo gazetë të Europës. \nKjo ka të mirat dhe të këqijat veta në të njëjtën kohë: Ndeshemi problemin\nqë vëmendja medias është shumë madhe, por kjo nuk të thotë që kemi më \ntepër burime për trajtuar. të donim të merreshim më tepër këtë çështje,\npor nga ana tjetër nuk mund të ndalim punën mbi tema të tjera afatgjata.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201508.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – August 2015", "teaser": "Monat nahm FSFE „Beratung über\nden Respekt Urheberrechten öffentlichen Beschaffungsvorgängen“,\ndie Kommission gebracht wurde, Stellung. Laut EU-Kommission \nist Zweck Beratung „Sammeln Fakten,\nMeinungen Rückmeldungen Bezug Einhaltung von\nUrheberrechten Schutz Geschäftsgeheimnissen öffentlichen \nBeschaffungsvorgängen“ beurteilen, Bedarf Richtlinie öffentliche\nBehörden Thema gibt.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201806.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter llw coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Lettre d'information - Juin 2018", "teaser": "7 9 juillet, FSFE va organiser rencontre annuelle\n communauté lors RMLL\n Strasbourg, France. ravis annoncer que\n weekend 7 8 juillet, allons dérouler track\n interventions membres communauté pour\n couvrir plusieurs sujets brûlants concernant Logiciel Libre.\n track couvre les sujets attenant entreprises,\n tels les services autour Logiciel Libre financement des\n projets axées Logiciel Libre. également débattus les\n sujets politiques portant les actions auprès Bruxelles ainsi\n les facteurs succès l'implémentation Logiciel Libre\n service public, aussi questions plus contemporaines\n trait diversité manière générale Logiciel\n Libre, liberté logicielle cloud, bien\n d'autres thèmes également couverts. trouverez aperçu\n sujets \n page wiki dédiée.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dicembre 2014", "teaser": "nuova Commissione Europea attualmente impostando direzione delle\nscelte politiche prossimi cinque anni. FSFE costanti contatti con\nlo staff Commissione, Bruxelles vede porte aperte Software\nLibero. Vorremmo essere sicuri usare momento favorevole spingere\nverso cambiamenti fornitura software, standardizzazione, sulla\npiena proprietà controllo dispositivi. presidente Karsten Gerloff partecipato a\ndiversi incontri.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100702-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Bolzano, per favore non sprecare i tuoi soldi", "teaser": "Gentile Ministro Roberto Bizzo,\n\nil 25 maggio 2010 l'autorità governo regionale Bolzano deciso\ndi spendere 2.2 milioni Euro prossimi tre anni rinnovare le\nlicenze software vendute Microsoft Ireland, comprarne nuove.\nTutto ciò avvenuto senza pubblicazione bando concorso,\nrendendo impossibile fornitori software simili concorrenti fare\nle proprie offerte.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Τέλος με τις μη-ελεύθερες διαφημίσεις: εξαφανίστε τις!", "teaser": "Ένας μήνας, μια εκστρατεία, ένας στόχος:\nνα ξεφορτωθούμε τις διαφημιστικές καταχωρίσεις μη-ελεύθερου\nλογισμικού από τους δημόσιους δικτυακούς τόπους. Μέσα σε\nτέσσερις εβδομάδες, το FSFE έλαβε αναφορές για\n2162 Ευρωπαϊκούς φορείς \nπου διαφημίζουν μη-ελεύθερα προγράμματα PDFreaders. Εκτός από τους\n305 ακτιβιστές, οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν στην αναζήτηση, 1500 άτομα,\n46 επιχειρήσεις και 38 οργανισμοί υπόγραψαν στη\nΣυλλογή Υπογραφών για την\nΑφαίρεση Καταχωρίσεων Ιδιοκτησιακού Λογισμικού από Ιστοτόπους του Δημοσίου.\nΤώρα που το κυνήγι τελείωσε, είναι η ώρα της καταδίωξης εκείνων των δικτυακών\nτόπων που ενθαρρύνουν τους επισκέπτες να θέτουν σε κίνδυνο την ελευθερία τους.\nΕίναι ώρα να εξαφανίσουμε αυτές τις διαφημίσεις!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201711.es.html", "tags": "newsletter reuse ga fla", "title": "Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Noviembre 2017", "teaser": "El Contrato Licencia Fiduciario (FLA) FSFE introdujo inicialmente\nen 2002 para responder desafío gestionar los derechos el contenido\nde proyectos Software Libre por largos períodos tiempo. FLA un\ncontrato bien equilibrado provee fideicomisario, el responsable gestionar\nlos derechos proyecto Software Libre, poder responsabilidad para asegurar\nque el software siempre permanezca libre abierto. esta manera el proyecto\ny todos los colaboradores están protegidos contra cualquier abuso poder\nde posible nuevo propietario derecho autor.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101016-01.es.html", "tags": "openstandards policy", "title": "EIFv2: La FSFE expone hechos contra las ficciones de la BSA", "teaser": "FSFE envió ayer carta Comisión Europea para apoyar los Estándares Abiertos interoperabilidad. larga batalla para conseguir por menos débil recomendación los Estándares Abiertos nueva revisión Marco Europeo Interoperabilidad, FSFE opuso carta filtrada lobby privativo Business Software Alliance propio análisis minucioso relación entre las normas las patentes.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter – Januar 2015", "teaser": "Erde vollständigen Umlauf abgeschlossen.\n FSFE 2014 durchgehend hart gearbeitet, sicherzustellen, \n dass Nutzer Kontrolle Geräte behalten dass Freie \n Software öffentlichen Beschaffung Rolle spielt.\n Weitere Informationen finden Jahresbericht FSFE 2014, geschrieben \n Präsidenten Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202310.en.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union nl policy routers fediverse gnu ada-zangemann", "title": "GNU turns 40 +++ Router Freedom, Fediverse & Ada", "teaser": "October starts celebrating 40th anniversary GNU \nproject, marked beginning Free Software movement. \nnew political season started, national \nlevels. Thanks contributing make Free Software video \navailable languages… first Ada reading \nItalian!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201812.de.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Dezember 2018", "teaser": "zweiten Jahreshälfte 2018 voller interessanter Entwicklungen Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft.\n Dezember-Newsletter drei wichtige Punkte eingehen,\n möglicherweise langfristigen Einfluss Freie Software und\n Arbeit FSFE 2019 darüber hinaus bedeutet.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 общественных сайтов рекламируют несвободные программы", "teaser": "В ходе кампании pdfreaders.org,\nпроведенной Европейским фондом свободного программного обеспечения,\nактивисты свободного программного обеспечения из 41 страны прислали отчеты о 2286 организациях публичного сектора,\nкоторые рекламируют несвободные программы чтения PDF на своих сайтах.\nЕФСПО собирается связаться с этими организациями, чтобы к концу года\nкак можно большее число рекламных объявлений было удалено. Ход работы\nбудет документироваться в списке отчетов об организациях.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201705.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Maggio 2017", "teaser": "10 24 aprile 2017 FSFE tenuto nona votazione annuale l'elezione rappresentante Fellowship rappresentare comunità Fellowship FSFE all'Assemblea Generale FSFE. L'Assemblea Generale costituita membri FSFE e.V. l'organo legale FSFE. Essa responsabile strategia pianificazione, spesa, definizione dell'agenda, esonero, dell'elezione richiamo Consiglio Esecutivo Responsabile Finanziario. vincitore dell'elezione quest'anno è... Daniel Pocock!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100330-01.en.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Open Standards under threat in Europe ", "teaser": "European Commission currently trying get new draft\n European Interoperability Framework (EIF) approved by\n Member States. draft gives rise concerns the\n Commission giving worldwide leadership use of\n Open Standards, hurting innovation, competition user freedom\n Europe. FSFE updated\n analysis\n page, comparing current draft previous versions, as\n well demands proprietary lobby group. Ahead of\n Document Freedom Day on\n March 31, FSFE conversation EC Member State\n decision makers make aware problem.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202304.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann public-administration policy AI routers gr hr se women-group", "title": "EU: Europese verordening aansprakelijkheid en interoperabiliteit +++ Gedeeltelijke routervrijheid in Griekenland", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief april bespreken EU-voorstellen invloed \nzijn Vrije Software: invoering aansprakelijkheidsregels \nsoftware verordening Interoperabel Europa. Griekenland stelt \nRoutervrijheid veilig sluit glasvezelverbindingen uit.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202106.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Toenemende eisen voor Nederlandse digitale autonomie +++ REUSE Booster +++ Torsten Grote", "teaser": "Nederlandse digitale overheidsdiensten steeds afhankelijk monopolistische \n bedrijven; Nederlandse FSFE-team eist actief digitale rechten op. \n juni lanceerden REUSE Booster juridisch advies autonomie delen Vrije \n Software projecten. interviewden Torsten Grote, \n lid FSFE, noodzaak onze Androids vroeg stadium vrij maken \n benadrukte.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100702-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Bolzano, παρακαλούμε μην πετάς τα λεφτά σου", "teaser": "Αγαπητέ Υπουργέ Roberto Bizzo,\n\nΣτις 25 Μαΐου 2010 η περιφερειακή διοίκηση του\nBolzano αποφάσισε να ξοδέψει 2.2 εκατομύρια ΕΥΡΩ για τα τρία επόμενα έτη για την\nανανέωση αδειών χρήσης από τη Mcrosoft Ιρλανδίας, και την αγορά πρόσθετων αδειών.\nΌλα αυτά έγιναν χωρίς κάποια δημόσια πρόσκληση για προτάσεις, καθιστώντας αδύνατο\nγια τους ανταγωνιστές προμηθευτές παρόμοιου λογισμικού να κάνουν τις δικές τους προσφορές.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - februari 2018", "teaser": "\"Fondsen afkomstig burgers zullen moeten geinvesteerd systemen hergebruikt open staan lokaal ecosystem\" zegt Francesca Bria, commisaris digitale technologie innovatie Barcelona. drijvende kracht achter digitale transformatieplan stad, doel stadsbestuur laten stappen gebruik Vrije Software open data.\n\t\n\tforce behind City's Digital Transformation Plan, - among things - aims establish use Free Software open data city's administration.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201604.de.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2016", "teaser": "Stellungnahme EU-Funkrichtlinie 2014/53/EU (im Mai 2014 \nverabschiedet) veröffentlicht, Gerätehersteller zwingt, Gerät \nKonformität prüfen. ersten Blick mag vernünftig klingen, \nhat äußerst negative Auswirkungen Nutzerrechte Freie Software, \nfaire Konkurrenz, Innovation, Umwelt ehrenamtliche Arbeit, \nalles Gegenzug großen Sicherheitsgewinn bringen. \nRichtlinie Mitgliedstaaten 13. Juni 2016 umgesetzt \nwerden. mehrere Vorschläge \nLösung Probleme verfasst.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200909.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Settembre 2009", "teaser": "Software Freedom Day eventi principali comunità Software\nLibero Settembre, appuntamento manchiamo mai: quest'anno FSFE festeggiato\na Leipzig, Vienna Amburgo l'aiuto Fellow. Grazie loro, campagna \"Ask your\ncandidate Free Software!\" elezioni Tedesche stata grande successo.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201807.de.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc rmll community", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Juli 2018", "teaser": "5. Juli Europäische Parlament Erteilung Mandats Beratung der\n umstrittenen Urheberrechtsreform Mitgliedsstaaten vorübergehend zurückgewiesen.\n 318 278 Mitglieder Europäischen Parlaments (MdEP) stimmten Gesetzesentwurf Rechtsausschusses (JURI).\n MdEP weitere Anträge einbringen, bevor September erneute Abstimmung gibt.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201308.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Août 2013", "teaser": "Parce qu'Android Logiciel Libre gratuit, les logiciels non-libres peuvent rivaliser lui, ainsi marché moins d'alternatives les consommateurs souffrent manque compétition. résumé, voilà l'argumentaire coalition «Fair Search\". fait, ils demandent Commission Européenne favoriser modèle économique restrictif face plus libéral, l'exact opposé devrait être fait autorité concurrence obtenir marché équitable tous.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-08-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201308.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - August 2013", "teaser": "Android Free Software gratis, non-free software\ncompetition cannot compete it, therefore market less alternatives,\nthus consumer suffers lack competition. nutshell is\nthe argumentation so-called \"Fair Search\" coalition. Essentially they\nare asking European Commission favour restrictive business model over\na liberal one, exactly opposite competition regulators\nshould order achieve fair market.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-08-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201812.en.html", "tags": "newsletter savecodeshare coc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2018", "teaser": "second half 2018 full interesting developments Free Software community environment. December newsletter, would like shed light three major developments potential long-lasting changes Free Software world changes mean FSFE's work 2019 beyond.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202101.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE's plannen voor 2021 +++ IloveFS +++ FOSDEM", "teaser": "Lees onze januari-nieuwsbrief onze plannen 2021, inclusief onze komende verjaardagsvieringen onze deelname FOSDEM. rollen \"I love Free Software\"-campagne jaar rapporteren, zoals gewoonlijk, verschillende gemeenschapsactiviteiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100305-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n Η Julia Klein εξελέγη αντιπρόσωπος της Κοινότητας στη ΓΣ του FSFE \n ", "teaser": "Τα Μέλη του FSFE έχουν εκλέξει \n τον δεύτερο αντιπρόσωπό τους \n στο σώμα διακυβέρνησης του οργανισμού, τη Γενική Συνέλευση.\n Η Julia Klein θα συμμετέχει με τον Torsten Grote στο σώμα λήψης στρατηγικών αποφάσεων του FSFE\n για να μεταφέρει τη φωνή των Μελών για τα επόμενα δύο χρόνια.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202106.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Mayor demanda de autonomía digital holandesa +++ REUSE Booster +++ Torsten Grote", "teaser": "Holanda confiando más compañías monopolísticas; el grupo holandés FSFE reclama activamente los derechos digitales. junio iniciamos REUSE Booster para compartir consejos legales sobre copyright proyectos Software Libre. Entrevista Torsten Grote, miembro FSFE, quien insiste liberar nuestros Androids antes posible.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201902.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs pmpc fosdem ccc", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - februari 2019", "teaser": "nieuwsbrief maand introduceert onze nieuwe expertbeleidsbrochure \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" reflecteert belang beschikbaarheid broncode vertrouwen veiligheid cruciale IT-infrastructuur. nieuwsbrief geeft zoals overzicht gehouden lezingen kramen onze gemeenschap opgezet, alsmede korte samenvatting gedaan. maand gaat FOSDEM, 35C3, FOSS4SME's Next Generation Internet. \"word actief\"-item moedigen maand deel nemen onze IloveFS-campagne.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Ιούλιος 2016", "teaser": "Το FSFE προσέφερε στην Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή την δική του \nσυνεισφορά όσον αφορά στην τρέχουσα αναθεώρηση του Πλαισίου Ευρωπαϊκής Διαλειτουργικότητας (European Interoperability \nFramework - EIF). Στόχος του EIF είναι η προώθηση ενισχυμένης διαλειτουργικότητας στο \nδημόσιο τομέα της ΕΕ, και βρίσκεται προς το παρόν στη φάσης της τρίτης του αναθεώρησης \nαπό το 2004. Ενώ στο σχέδιο του δείχνει να προτιμά τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα για την διάδοση δημόσιων υπηρεσιών, προωθεί βλαβερούς FRAND (συντόμευση για το \"fair, reasonable non-discriminatory\", δηλαδή \"δίκαιους, αιτιολογημένους και χωρίς διακρίσεις) \nόρους για τα πρότυπα. Πρακτικά, αυτοί είναι \nάκρως μη-ανταγωνιστικοί και ακατάλληλοι \nόχι μόνο για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό αλλά για όλον τον τομέα του λογισμικού γενικότερα. \nΕπιπρόσθετα, το σχέδιο αγνοεί την αποδεδειγμένη σχέση μεταξύ \nδιαλειτουργικότητας και Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού: πολλά εθνικά πλαίσια ρητώς\nαπαιτούν \nοι εθνικές τους υπηρεσίες να στηρίζονται σε Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Εμείς \nζητήσαμε από την Ευρωπαϊκή \nΕπιτροπή να θέσει τα ανωτέρω μαζί με άλλα μειονεκτήματα του σχεδίου και να διασφαλίσει τη διαλειτουργικότητα \nμε αποτελεσματικό τρόπο", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - February 2015", "teaser": "February 14 website turning pink heart-laden to\n\t\tcelebrate creators Free Software. taken opportunity\n\t\ton every Valentine's Day since 2010 celebrate loved ones,\n\t\tbut dedicated people working hard ensure have\n\t\tthe option use Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201506.es.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Hoja informativa de la FSFE - junio 2015", "teaser": "el primer miércoles mayo, coalición organizaciones por las libertades\n\t\tdigitales, incluyendo FSFE multitud activistas individuales \n\t\tcelebró el\n\t\tDía Internacional contra el DRM 2015\n\t\tpara despertar conciencia contra el uso restricciones digitales, mecanismo\n\t\tgeneralizado profundamente arraigado diseñado para despojar ciudadanía del\n\t\tconcepto propiedad.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100510-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού λαμβάνει το Μετάλλιο Theodor Heuss", "teaser": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (Free Software Foundation Europe, FSFE) έλαβε το Σάββατο το \n Μετάλλιο Theodor Heuss σε αναγνώριση της εργασίας του\n για την ελευθερία στην κοινωνία της πληροφορίας. Το μετάλλιο απονέμεται μια φορά το χρόνο στη Στουτγάρδη\n από μια μη-ακτιβιστική οργάνωση που φέρει το όνομα του πρώτου προέδρου της Δυτ. Γερμανίας.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201607.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information de la FSFE - Juillet 2016", "teaser": "FSFE exposé commission européenne point vue révision Cadre européen d'interopérabilité (European Interoperability Framework - EIF). L'EIF vise promotion d'une interopérabilité poussée secteur public européen, troisième révision depuis 2004. Tandis qu'un premier jet favorise les standards ouverts les services publics, promeut les clauses licence nuisibles dites \"FRAND\" (pour \"fair, reasonable non-discriminatory\" c'est dire équitable, raisonnable non-discriminatoire). clauses pratique hautement anticoncurrentielles inappropriées, seulement Logiciel Libre aussi secteur logiciel général.\n\nDe plus, projet passe sous silence relation établie entre interopérabilité Logiciel Libre : nombreux règlements nationaux exigent leurs services nationaux basés Logiciel Libre. demandé à\nla commission européenne répondre, entre autres, préoccupations afin garantir efficacement l'interopérabilité.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201010.en.html", "tags": "newsletter frand pdfreaders campaigns pdfreaders", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2010", "teaser": "edition discuss misleading term \"fair, reasonable\nand non-discriminatory terms\" (FRAND), explain centralised\ncomputer systems Internet Governance Forum (IGF), update our\ncurrent campaign end non-free software commercials public institutions.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201310.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Octobre 2013", "teaser": "27 septembre 1983, Richard Stallman diffusé l'annonce projet GNU. initiative dont point départ frustration d'un programmeur liée fonctionnement peu satisfaisant d'un driver d'imprimante changé société. L'idée logiciels chacun peut utiliser, étudier, partager améliorer montré force.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-10-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο - Ιούλιος 2009", "teaser": "Αυτός ο μήνας ήταν πλήρης δραστηριοτήτων, τις οποίες\nσκίασε μια είδηση. Μάθαμε για το θάνατο του Richard Rothwell, ο οποίος\nήταν ένας εξέχων και σεβαστός συνήγορος του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού στην εκπαίδευση\nκαι Μέλος. Τον αποχαιρετούμε σε επόμενη παράγραφο.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201012.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - December 2010", "teaser": "edition covers current developments Open Standards policy, some\nbasic information software patents, update FSCONS about\ndistributed computing, support us end year.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101217-01.pl.html", "tags": "", "title": "172 instytucji usunęło własnościowe reklamy", "teaser": "Zaledwie miesiąc po tym jak listy kampanii\nPDFreaders zostały rozesłane, 172 instytucji publicznych przestało\nreklamować własnościowe czytniki PDF. Szczególnie pozytywny odzew\nuzyskano z Chorwacji, Słowenii oraz Rosji. W Chorwacji,\nprawie wszystkie instytucje zastosowały się zaleceń FSFE, tymczasem\nw Rosji i Słowenii była około połowa.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201206.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - June 2012", "teaser": "two major terms connected software can\nbe freely used, studied, shared improved: Free Software Open Source.\nYou find different combinations translations terms like FOSS, Libre\nSoftware, FLOSS on. Reading articles Free Software listening to\npeople involved Free Software often raises question: use one\nterm another differ other?", "type": "page", "date": "2012-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202209.es.html", "tags": "newsletter interview upcyclingandroid localgroup dk berlin hamburg-group it pmpc nl translations at women-group ch", "title": "Librem 5: un PC en tu bolsillo +++ Vuelven los stands informativos", "teaser": "este boletín adentramos el desarrollo software móvil Librem 5 Phosh, el popular entorno gráfico para los móviles Linux. ¡Y vuelven los stands informativos! Estamos contentos debatir nuevo persona sobre el Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201512.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Lettre d'information FSFE - Décembre 2015", "teaser": "commission Parlement européen marché intérieur protection consommateurs (IMCO) ainsi commission industrie, recherche énergie (ITRE) publié rapport d'initiative stratégie marché unique numérique commission européenne. L'équipe politique FSFE l'a analysé proposé changements inclure question standards ouverts, minimalistes pouvant être mis œuvre Logiciel Libre, afin d'intégrer contrôle l'utilisateur données s'assurer l'open science cloud européen implémenté Logiciel Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201110.cs.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - říjen 2011", "teaser": "Člen FSFE Michael Clemens našel řešení pro všechny z vás, kteří\ntouží vědět, kdy už prádlo v pračce vyprané. Ve\nsvém článku vysvětluje, jak základě mikrokontroléru Arduino svobodným\nsoftware postavit \"Laundruino\", které vám oznamuje stav pracího\nprocesu.", "type": "page", "date": "2011-10-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100907-01.en.html", "tags": "swpat policy", "title": "EU survey on Free Software and standards: make your voice heard!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe calling European Free Software\n businesses participate survey business attitudes\n towards acceptability including patents industry standards.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201406.nl.html", "tags": "newsletter ayc drm", "title": "FSFE Nieuwsbrief - Juni 2014", "teaser": "geeft privacy betaalt e-mail provider draait zelfs eigen e-mailserver om\nde autonomie, controle privacy e-mail behouden. doet zeker zijn\ndat groot bedrijf kopieën persoonlijke e-mail. voorkomt dat\nandere bedrijven data bezit krijgen. veiligheid geeft genoeg alleen\nuw eigen beveiliging regelen. kennissen ervan overtuigen maatregelen te\nnemen. Zoals Jacob Appelbaum zegt:\nVeiligheid is\nwederzijds afhankelijk.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-06-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100129-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "Членам Содружества: в феврале пройдут выборы члена Генеральной\nассамблеи", "teaser": "Члены Содружества могут выбрать второго\nпредставителя в Генеральную ассамблею в течение февраля 2010 года.\nПобедитель поможет ЕФСПО спланировать будущее организации руководящему\nоргану фонда и будет работать вместе с Торстеном Гроте, который\nстал первым представителем Содружества в Генеральной ассамблее в в прошлом году. На два года\nоба представителя Содружества становятся полноценными членами Генеральной\nассамблеи со всеми сопутствующими правами и обязанностями.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101207-01.en.html", "tags": "policy european-commission", "title": "European Commission's software contract is a rough deal for Europe [UPDATE]", "teaser": "European Commission spend EUR 189 million proprietary\nsoftware next six years, direct contradiction own\ndecisions guidelines. Commission last week announced a\nsix-year framework contract acquire wide range mostly\nproprietary software related services1.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201205.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - May 2012", "teaser": "read see years\n report, Document Freedom Day 2012 celebrated 54 events 23\ncountries 19 world languages. biggest DFD history with\nover 26 talks, 6 awards Open Standards, lots events the\npress coverage counted almost one hundred articles. FSFE coordinated\nbetween different events, awarded several organisation, Germany\nmailed 370 called 170 politicians Open\n Standards. Several politicians, range political\nparties, activities\n DFD. FSFE send 100 information\n packages including handcuffs suggested people including several\npoliticians, CEOs, Pope. Commissioner Neelie Kroes used our\nhandcuffs public speech, resulted lot of\n additional press coverage including front page Guardian\nOnline. FSFE eager hear reports recipients the\npackage handcuffs.", "type": "page", "date": "2012-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100222-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE til brukere: Grip din valgfrihet!", "teaser": "FSFE ønsker velkommen bedre konkurranse markedet internettlesere.\n Fra og med dag av Microsoft nødt til å tilby Windows-brukere Europa\n muligheten til å velge blant flere internettlesere. Dette steget setter i\n verk Microsoft sitt forlik med EU-kommisjonen fra desember 2009. \n Free Software Foundation Europe var aktiv deltager kommisjonens\n undersøkelser.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202307.es.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union AI policy IEA pmpc yh4f", "title": "Europa Interoperable +++ Ley de Ciberresilencia +++ Ley de IA", "teaser": "¡Julio ya está aquí también llegó nuestro boletín electrónico! esta \nentrega tenemos algunas actualizaciones las últimas evoluciones \nLey Europa Interoperable, Ley Ciberresiliencia Ley \nde Inteligencia Artificial. Acaba terminar competición YH4F.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100330-01.de.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Offene Standards in Europa gefährdet ", "teaser": "Europäische Kommission versucht Zeit, Zustimmung neuen Entwurf\n Europäischen Rahmenprogramms Interoperabilität (EIF) seitens \n Mitgliedsstaaten einzuholen. Entwurf lässt befürchten, dass die\n Kommission weltweite Vorrangstellung Verwendung Offener Standards\n aufgibt dabei sowohl Innovationen, Wettbewerb Freiheit der\n Verbraucher Europa einschränkt. FSFE \n Auswertungsseite,\n derzeitigen Entwurf Vorgängerversionen vergleicht, aktualisiert\n ebenso Forderungen Seiten proprietären Lobbygruppen neusten Stand\n gebracht. Schon Document Freedom Day am\n 31. März begab FSFE Gespräche Entscheidungsträgern der\n Mitgliedsstaaten, Problem aufmerksam machen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201410.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - October 2014", "teaser": "buying laptop, difficult avoid paying Microsoft\nWindows licence since many laptops bundled one. “Windows Tax”\nhas artificially increased hardware prices Free Software users not\nwant use Microsoft's operating system. Free Software users to\nsupport development Free Software instead non-free software like\nMicrosoft Windows.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202311.en.html", "tags": "newsletter yh4f ga reuse fediverse ada-zangemann sfscon", "title": "SFSCON 2023 +++ YH4F winners +++ REUSE goes to Space", "teaser": "yearly report, Software Freedom Europe 2023, out. YH4F award ceremony, learned awesome projects edition's winners, team went Bolzano SFSCON, happy find REUSE specification keeps helping developers, ones German Aerospace Center. Find stories November issue!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202006.es.html", "tags": "newsletter routers european-parliament nl competition pmpc", "title": "La Libertad del Enrutador en Europa +++ Hamburgo en pro del Software Libre +++ Parlamento Europeo", "teaser": "nuestro Boletín junio lee entre otros temas acerca los logros FSFE referencia Libertad Enrutador Europa, sobre el nuevo acuerdo coalición Hamburgo pone el foco el Software Libre acerca Parlamento Europeo demandando \"¿Dinero Público? - ¡Código Público!\". Como siempre, además podrás leer sobre las diversas actividades nuestra comunidad.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170619-01.nl.html", "tags": "legal licensing compliance", "title": "Juridische en licentiewerkgroep 2017: de tiende editie \"herstart\" het debat over Vrije Software-licenties", "teaser": "FSFE organiseerde april jaarlijkse \n Vrije Software juridische licentiewerkgroep (\"Software Legal Licensing Workshop\" LLW): trefpunt juridische experts hele wereld discussie gaan onderwerpen beste praktijken rond Vrije Software-licenties. jaar markeert tiende verjaardag LLW, gevierd recordaantal deelnemers: 120 top juridische experts technologisten kwamen helemaal Barcelona (Spanje) drie hele dagen lang discussie gaan juridische uitdagingen rond Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100331-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "Frigjør dine dokumenter!", "teaser": "dag det Document Freedom Day 2010. tredje gang samler grupper\n seg hele verden å feire åpne dokumentformater og åpne\n standarder. skaper bevissthet hvordan teknisk sak påvirker\n våre daglige liv.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201907.en.html", "tags": "newsletter community legal", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - July 2019", "teaser": "month's newsletter, pay special attention new Testimonials page freshly prepared summary FSFE's annual Legal Licensing Workshop took place Barcelona. down, discover upcoming events participating hosting, well see visual details managed promote extend use Free Software around Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-07-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201704.en.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - April 2017", "teaser": "Last December, Germany joined \n Open Government \n Partnership June 2017 develop decide\n action plan. Increased transparency continuous reporting, \n governmental effectiveness citizen-friendly administration are\n part goals Open Government.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202103.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem fsfe20", "title": "Luca contre Lenovo +++ Reinhard et la FSFE +++ Rapport IloveFS", "teaser": "lettre d'information mois mars, découvrez comment supporter Luca Bonissi contraint Lenovo payer remboursement 20 000 Euros pré-installation Windows, supporter Reinhard Müller volontaire FSFE pendant deux décennies, rapport \"I Love Free Software\" comme toujours nombreuses autres activités communautaires.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Document Freedom Day 2010 - Free your documents, save your information!", "teaser": "able read documents 20 years now? Every day,\n millions computer users like edit text spreadsheets, take\n pictures record audio video. read your\n private letters anymore, even open album pictures your\n honeymoon? exchange files friends, because\n software used one can't talk other? help you\n make documents future-proof, celebrate Document Freedom Day on\n March 31.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201412.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "FSFE Newsletter - Décembre 2014", "teaser": "nouvelle Commission européenne actuellement train fixer ligne directrice politique les cinq prochaines années. FSFE s'entretient régulièrement les équipes Commission, voient là moment propice Logiciel Libre Bruxelles. voulons saisir cette opportunité fois faire pression les appels d'offres liés logiciels, standardisation ainsi maîtrise appareils. C'est pourquoi président Karsten Gerloff participé plusieurs réunions.", "type": "page", "date": "2014-12-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.pt.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Paremos a publicidade desleal - advirta o seu governo para promover os leitores de PDF livres!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe convida todos os europeus procurar anúncios leitores PDF privativos nas páginas web dos seus governos, comunicá-las. Além disso, FSFE tem preparado\numa petição\nexigindo fim essas práticas publicidade, anima ao\npúblico para assiná-lo.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170209-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "I love Free Software Day 2017", "teaser": "time say \"thank you\" 14th February, \"I love Free \nSoftware\" Day 2017. Free Software Foundation Europe asks Free \nSoftware users use traditional day love think \nhardworking people contributing Free Software depend on. \nAs every year many ways people participate \ncampaign.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101102-01.de.html", "tags": "", "title": "Unfreie Werbung beenden: Beseitigt die Werbelinks!", "teaser": "Monat, Kampagne, Ziel: Werbung für\nunfreie Software Webseiten öffentlicher Einrichtungen beseitigen.\nIn vier Wochen FSFE Meldungen über\n2162 europäische\nEinrichtungen erhalten, Werbung unfreie PDF-Betrachter machen. \nNeben 305 Aktivisten, Suche beteiligten, haben\n1500 Einzelpersonen, 46 Unternehmen 38 Organisationen unsere\nPetition Entfernung von\nWerbung unfreie Software Webseiten öffentlichen\nVerwaltungen unterzeichnet. Jetzt, Suche vorüber ist, es\nan Zeit, Betreibern Websites hinterher jagen, ihre\nBesucher auffordern, Freiheit Gefahr bringen. Zeit die\nWerbelinks beseitigen!", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170214-02.sq.html", "tags": "policy openstandards european-commission european-parliament public-administration", "title": "Takimi Europian për Politika Software-i të Lirë 2017", "teaser": "Duke bazuar në përvojën takimit të suksesshëm pre-FOSDEM të vitit të kaluar, Free\nSoftware Foundation Europe dhe OpenForum Europe vazhdoi traditën për të mbledhur tok grupe aktive të Software-it të Lirë, një ditë para veprimtarive FOSDEM, qëllim diskutimin politikave publike që lidhem veprime në nivel BE-je, ashtu edhe në nivel kombëtar. Këtë vit, takimi përqendrua në nxitjen shkëmbimit të pikëpamjeve individëve dhe vendim-marrësve, duke sjellë të dhëna personale rreth temash të lidhura Software-in Lirë në politikat publike.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101108-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Ισλανδός προγραμματιστής τιμάται \n με το Nordic Free Software Award", "teaser": "Στον Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson από την Ισλανδία, \nπρογραμματιστή Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού και θεμελιωτή της κοινότητας, \nέχει απονεμηθεί το Nordic Free Software Award.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170908-01.nl.html", "tags": "copyright policy digital-single-market", "title": "Europese auteursrechtherziening hindert Vrije Software ontwikkeling", "teaser": "FSFE Open Forum Europe gaan samenwerken initiatief implicaties voorgestelde auteursrechtherziening ecosysteem waarop Vrije Software ontwikkeld laten zien: Save Code Share. deel initiatief publiceren vandaag witboek waarin manieren waarop voorgestelde Artikel 13 gemeenschappen bedrijven rond Vrije Software, daarvan bewust schade toebrengen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202204.fr.html", "tags": "newsletter AI european-parliament open-letter de upcyclingandroid interview podcast localgroup", "title": "IA dans l'UE +++ Lettre ouverte à Bundestag +++ Plasma Mobile +++ Meshnet", "teaser": "lettre d'informations d'avril, accueillons chaleureusement les développements prometteurs les IA l'UE. adressons Gouvernement allemand demander budget clair les Logiciels Libres. entretenons développeur Plasma Mobile : Bhushan Shah, parlons Elektra Wagenrad épisode podcast Réseau maillé. félicitons KDE premier logiciel éco-certifié mondialement.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-04-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100324-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Radiosender für Offene Standards ausgezeichnet", "teaser": "Berlin/Wien 24. März. Deutschlandradio Radio Orange\nerhalten Free Software Foundation Europe Document Freedom Day-Preis\n2010 Nutzung Förderung Offener Standards Gesellschaft. In\nBerlin Köln überreicht deutsche Team FSFE zusammen dem\nFörderverein freie informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) DFD-Torte\nmit Schriftzug \"rOGG on!\" Deutschlandradio. österreichische\nDFD-Torte geht Wien ansässigen Sender Radio Orange 94.0.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201602.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό δελτίο FSFE - Φεβρουάριος 2016", "teaser": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού αναμένει ότι το 2016 θα είναι μια συναρπαστική χρονιά. Πρόκειται για τη χρονιά που θα γιορτάσουμε τα 15α μας γενέθλια και αυτό θα μας δώσει την ευκαιρία να κοιτάξουμε πίσω, να θυμηθούμε και να υπενθυμίσουμε πώς η δική σας στήριξη μας έφερε εδώ που βρισκόμαστε. Πάντως, αναμένουμε με ανυπομονησία να καταφέρουμε να ξεπεράσουμε και τις δοκιμασίες που θα έρθουν.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171211-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Regel de uitrusting voor 2018: Schaf FSFE's nieuwe T-shirt ter viering van de honderd vrijheden van Vrije Software aan!", "teaser": "Draag T-shirt goed zien ijsbreker vrienden leggen binair tellen Vrije Software zijn!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201501.el.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Ιανουάριος 2015", "teaser": "Η Γη συμπλήρωσε, ξανά, ακόμη μία πλήρη, εθιμοτυπικά προσμετρούμενη\n\t\tπεριστροφή. Εδώ στο FSFE, ήμασταν απασχολημένοι όλο το 2014, δουλεύοντας σκληρά\n\t\tγια να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι οι χρήστες θα συνεχίσουν να έχουν τον έλεγχο των συσκευών τους και για να μπορεί\n\t\tτο Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό κάποια στιγμή να συναγωνίζεται με ίσους όρους στις δημόσιες προκηρύξεις.\n\t\tΠερισσότερες πληροφορίες, περιλαμβανομένης της έκτασης των περιορισμένων μας επιτυχιών και των \n\t\tμελλοντικών μας προοπτικών, και για τα δύο αυτά θέματα, αλλά και για άλλα μετωπά μας, μπορείτε να\n\t\tβρείτε στην ετήσια αναφορά για το 2014,\n\t\tπου γράφτηκε από τον Πρόεδρό μας, τον Karsten Gerloff.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201703.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Mars 2017", "teaser": "Në shkurt, lajmet mbi LiMux-in tronditën botën. LiMux, një projekt zhvilluar nga bashkia Mynihut dhe përfunduar më 2013-n, përbën një nga shembujt më të shkëlqyer për administratë të pavarur nga tregtuesit, të bazuar në Software të Lirë; gjatë fazës së ekzekutimit, migruan nën Software të Lirë 15 mijë kompjutera dhe kompjutera portativë të përdorur nga administrata publike.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171108-01.en.html", "tags": "reuse tools", "title": "FSFE makes copyrights computer readable", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) proud release next version REUSE practices designed make computers understand software copyrights licenses.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202109.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Trasparenza per l'app CovPass nell'UE +++ L'Olanda ottiene la Libertà del Router", "teaser": "newsletter agosto-settembre, festeggiamo\n diritto usare proprio router Olanda.\n Spieghiamo mai ogni app occupa affrontare diffusione Covid-19 deve essere Software Libero.\n Condividiamo notizie vivace comunità,\n raccontando ciò accaduto nell'estate ciò aspetta futuro.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101018-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "2286 sites web institutionnels font de la publicité pour des logiciels non libres", "teaser": "cours campagne pdfreaders.org Free Software Foundation Europe,\ndes centaines partisans logiciels libres 41 pays signalé 2286 institutions secteur public faisant publicité lecteurs PDF libres leurs sites web. FSFE va maintenant entrer contact institutions obtenir retrait d’un maximum publicités sites web d'ici fin l'année. pouvez suivre les progrès cette action liste institutions signalées.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-200907.tr.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE Bülteni - Temmuz 2009 ", "teaser": "Bu ay etkinliklerle doluydu, ama aldığımız bir haber\nhepsinin üzerine kara bir bulut gibi çöktü. Özgür Yazılım'ın saygı duyulan\nve öne çıkan savunucularından biri, aynı zamanda bir dostumuz olan\nRichard Rothwell'in ölüm haberini aldık. Mekânında huzur içinde yatmasını diliyoruz.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100129-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Μέλη: Εκλέξτε τον αντιπρόσωπό σας για τη ΓΣ τον Φεβρουάριο", "teaser": "Κατά τη διάρκεια του μηνός Φεβρουαρίου 2010, τα Μέλη του FSFE θα μπορούν\nνα εκλέξουν τον δεύτερο αντιπρόσωπό τους στη Γενική Συνέλευση του FSFE. Ο νικητής της ψηφοφορίας\nθα βοηθήσει το σώμα στρατηγικών αποφάσεων του FSFE να σχεδιάσει το μέλλον του οργανισμού και θα\nσυμπράξει με τον Torsten Grote ο οποίος κατέχει \nτην πρώτη θέση της Κοινότητας τους τελευταίους μήνες. \nΚαι οι δύο αντιπρόσωποι είναι πλήρη μέλη της Γενικής Συνέλευσης \nγια μια περίοδο δύο ετών και έχουν όλα τα δικαιώματα και υποχρεώσεις των άλλων μελών.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170811-01.nl.html", "tags": "internship", "title": "Open vacature: project-assistent", "teaser": "FSFE goed doel winstoogmerk toegewijd macht technologie handen houden. werken bouwen vrijheid digitale samenleving opereren levendige omgeving vrijwilligers vele landen. zoeken stagiair(e) gedurende drie zes maanden deel maken team afstand werken project organisatie voorbereiden komende 15 jaren werk.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-08-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170710-01.en.html", "tags": "policy eif openstandards", "title": "Estonian presidency in the EU: the FSFE asks for truly interoperable IT services in public sector", "teaser": "FSFE submitted comments upcoming \n Tallinn Declaration e-government drafted Estonian presidency \n Council EU. Therein FSFE asks current Estonian \n presidency promote greater inclusion Free Software delivering \n truly inclusive, trustworthy interoperable digital services \n citizens businesses across EU. Tallinn Declaration \n signed ministers October 2017, expressing member states' joint \n vision e-government political commitment follow goals set. \n proposal Tallinn declaration open public comments 14 July. \n FSFE asking organisations, companies, individuals let \n ministers know Free Software important transparent accountable \n e-government.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170315-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Report 2017: Love and Activism", "teaser": "Tuesday 14th February, \"I Love Free \nSoftware\" day celebrated eighth consecutive year, \ncan called tradition. day become special day \npeople around world declare love affection \nonly partner whole Free Software \ncommunity.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201502.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - shkurt 2015", "teaser": "14 shkurti po vjen dhe sajti ynë të bëhet rozë dhe\n të përmbytet zemra, kremtim për krijuesit \n Software-it të Lirë. Që prej 2010-s kemi përfituar nga\n rasti çdo ditë të Shën Valentinit të festojmë jo vetëm\n për të dashurit tanë, por edhe për njerëz të përkushtuar\n që punojnë fort për të dhënë mundësinë të përdorim\n Software të Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171107-01.nl.html", "tags": "ga coc internal", "title": "Algemene Vergadering 2017: nieuwe leden, nieuwe rollen en nieuwe richtingen", "teaser": "leden Free Software Foundation Europe 15 oktober bijeengekomen Edinburgh (Schotland) jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering. jaarlijkse bijeenkomst georganiseerd discussiëren strategieën komende jaar algemene koers organisatie bepalen. gedragsregels aangenomen, Patrick Ohnewein gekozen nieuwe penningmeester zes nieuwe leden bijgekomen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202101.it.html", "tags": "newsletter ilovefs fosdem ccc", "title": "Programmi dell'FSFE per il 2021 +++ Io amo il Software Libero +++ FOSDEM", "teaser": "newsletter gennaio, puoi trovare programmi 2021, l'imminente festa anniversario, partecipazione FOSDEM. lanciato campagna 2021 \"Io amo Software Libero\" e, solito, resoconto varie attività comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101216-01.de.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "FSFE begrüßt Revision des European Interoperability Framework", "teaser": "Europäische Kommission heute ihre\nlang erwartete Revision\ndes European\nInteroperability Framework (Rahmenwerk Interoperabilität)\nveröffentlicht. Dokument Förderung von\nInteroperabilität öffentlichen Sektor Europa Ziel. Das\nDokument Ergebnis ausgedehnten hart umkämpften\nVerfahrens. Free Software Foundation Europe Verfahren\nbegleitet gegenüber Europäischen Kommission zu\nverschiedenen\nZeiten\nStellungnahmen abgegeben.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202305.de.html", "tags": "newsletter european-union ada-zangemann legal reuse routers lt deviceneutrality education se llw yh4f podcast", "title": "FOSS-North & LLW+++Device Neutrality+++NGI Zero", "teaser": "Ausgabe geht EU-Projekt NGI Zero, LLW, FOSS-North \nund Ringen lithauischer Student:innen proprietäre 2FA \nvermeiden. Verpassen SFP Episode \nGeräteneutralität; Zwei Leseempfehlungen; \nentdecken neuen ‘Ada & Zangemann’ Lesungen; lesen \nmehr zwei YH4F Projekte.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-05-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201312.ro.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Buletinul de știri al FSFE - decembrie 2013", "teaser": "În 2005 început să dăm cartele criptografice persoanelor care\n ne-au făcut donații și devenit confrați FSFE. Credem că este important\n să aducem aminte oamenilor uneltele libere criptare comunicaț\n iilor. altfel, încă când FSFE fost fondată în 2001, explicat că\n acele 40 cifre pe cărțile noastre vizită legătură cu criptarea ș\n este aceasta importantă. 8 ani mai târziu, subiectul criptării a\n lovit mediile informare în masă și acum este menționat în fiecare ziar\n din Europa. Acest lucru este bun și rău în același timp: în prezent ne\n confruntăm cu problema că deși atenția mediilor informare este foarte\n crescută, înseamnă că avem mai multe resurse să ocupăm subiect.\n Ne-am dori să lucrăm mai mult pe acest subiect, dar nici putem să ne\n oprim din lucra alte teme pe termen lung.", "type": "page", "date": "2013-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.el.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο FSFE - Φεβρουάριος 2018", "teaser": "\"Τα κονδύλια που προέρχονται από τους πολίτες πρέπει να επενδύονται σε συστήματα που να μπορούν να είναι ανοιχτά και να επαναχρησιμοποιηθούν από το τοπικό οικοσύστημα\" δηλώνει η Francesca Bria, Επίτροπος Ψηφιακής Τεχνολογίας και Καινοτομίας της Βαρκελώνης. Αυτή είναι η κινητήρια δύναμη πίσω από το Σχέδιο Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού της πόλης, που - εκτός των άλλων - στοχεύει στην εδραίωση της χρήσης Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού και ανοιχτών δεδομένων στην αυτοδιοίκηση της πόλης.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.ru.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Основатель ЕФСПО Георг Греве награжден орденом «За заслуги»", "teaser": "28 апреля основатель и первый президент Европейского\nфонда свободного программного обеспечения Георг Греве был награжден\nорденом «За заслуги перед Федеративной Республикой Германия» восьмой\nстепени. Георг Греве получил эту высокую награду за работу в области\nсвободного программного обеспечения и открытых стандартов.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170214-02.en.html", "tags": "policy openstandards european-commission european-parliament public-administration", "title": "European Free Software Policy Meeting 2017", "teaser": "Building experience last year's successful \npre-FOSDEM meeting, Free \nSoftware Foundation Europe OpenForum Europe recently \ncontinued tradition bringing together active Free Software groups \na day FOSDEM event, order discuss public policy related \nactions national levels. year, meeting \nfocused encouraging exchanges views individual citizens \nand decision-makers, providing practical first-hand information topics \nrelating Free Software public policy.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201802.sq.html", "tags": "newsletter barcelona ilovefs ayc pmpc", "title": "Buletini i FSFE-së - Shkurt 2018", "teaser": "“Fondet që vijnë nga qytetarët duhet të investohen në sisteme që mund të ripërdoren dhe që janë të hapët ndaj ekosistemit lokal” shprehet Francesca Bria, komisionere për Teknologjinë dhe Novacionin Dixhital të Barcelonës. Ajo është motori Planit bashkiak të Shndërrimit Dixhital, cili - të tjerash - synon të rrënjosë në administratën bashkisë përdorimin Software-it të Lirë dhe të të dhënave të hapura.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170913-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc open-letter procurement", "title": "Public Money? Public Code! 31 Organisationen wünschen sich Verbesserungen bei der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe für Software", "teaser": "digitalen Dienste, öffentliche Verwaltungen anbieten benutzen, kritische Infrastruktur demokratischer Nationen 21. Jahrhunderts. Vertrauen Systeme aufzubauen, Herzstück unserer digitalen Infrastruktur sind, müssen Behörden volle Kontrolle haben. Aufgrund restriktiver Softwarelizenzen jedoch selten Fall.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171212-01.en.html", "tags": "radiodirective policy european-commission", "title": "Radio Lockdown: Current Status of Your Device Freedom", "teaser": "two years Free Software \nFoundation Europe worked issue Radio Lockdown introduced \nEuropean directive may hinder users load software \nradio devices like mobile phones, laptops routers. informed \nthe public talked decision makers fix critical points \ndirective. still much protect freedom security \nin radio devices. Read latest proceedings next \nsteps.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202006.en.html", "tags": "newsletter routers european-parliament nl competition pmpc", "title": "Router Freedom in Europe +++ Hamburg pro Free Software +++ European Parliament", "teaser": "June Newsletter read among things FSFE's achievements regarding Router Freedom Europe, new coalition agreement Hamburg puts focus Free Software European Parliament demanding \"Public Money? Public Code!\". always, read diverse community activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202106.it.html", "tags": "newsletter", "title": "Richieste per l'autonomia digitale olandese +++ REUSE Booster +++ Torsten Grote", "teaser": "servizi pubblici digitali olandesi basano sempre aziende monopoliste: team olandese FSFE richiede diritti digitali. lanciato REUSE Booster consigli legali copyright progetti Software Libero. intervistato Torsten Grote FSFE, insistito liberare Android fin inizi.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101108-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Icelandic developer receives Nordic Free Software Award", "teaser": "Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson, Free Software developer community\nbuilder Iceland, received Nordic Free Software Award.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-11-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100907-01.el.html", "tags": "swpat policy", "title": "Έρευνα της ΕΕ για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό και τα πρότυπα: \n κάντε τη φωνή σας να ακουστεί!", "teaser": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού \n (Free Software Foundation Europe) καλεί τις Ευρωπαϊκές επιχειρήσεις\n Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού να συμμετάσχουν σε μια έρευνα για τη στάση\n των επιχειρήσεων απέναντι στη δυνατότητα αποδοχής της ενσωμάτωσης \n διπλωμάτων ευρεσιτεχνίας σε βιομηχανικά πρότυπα.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101207-01.el.html", "tags": "european-commission policy", "title": "Η σύμβαση λογισμικού της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής είναι μια χωρίς\n επεξεργασία συμφωνία για την Ευρώπη [ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ]", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή θα δαπανήσει 189 εκατομμύρια ΕΥΡΩ\nσε ιδιοκτησιακό λογισμικό τα επόμενα έξι χρόνια, σε ευθεία αντίθεση με τις\nδικές της αποφάσεις και κατευθύνσεις. Η Επιτροπή την περασμένη εβδομάδα\nανακοίνωσε ένα πλαίσιο σύμβασης εξαετούς διάρκειας για να αποκτήσει μια \nευρεία γκάμα κυρίως ιδιοκτησιακού λογισμικού και σχετιζόμενων με αυτό \nυπηρεσιών1.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-12-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171013-01.nl.html", "tags": "fla legal licensing", "title": "FSFE presenteert gemoderniseerde fiduciaire licentiëringsovereenkomst 2.0", "teaser": "FSFE ContributorAgreements.org presenteren trots herziene bijgewerkte fiduciaire licentiëringsovereenkomst (Fiduciary Licence Agreement) 2.0 (FLA-2.0) - nieuwe generatie overeenkomst bijdragers verzekert bijgedragen software Vrije Software blijven.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202205.en.html", "tags": "newsletter open-letter upcyclingandroid european-union procurement tech-teams european-parliament AI localgroup ch nl berlin it hamburg-group women-group", "title": "46 Sign OS Freedom Open Letter +++ Fair Market App +++ Your Digital Rights", "teaser": "Issue: alliance 46 entities - counting - supports \n universal right install software device. Free Software \n considered inclusion Declaration Digital \n Rights. FSFE's transparency public procurement app gets \n Datathon finals. Italian FSFE volunteers prepare tour.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-05-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-202201.es.html", "tags": "newsletter deviceneutrality pmpc education se internal fosdem", "title": "La Neutralidad del Dispositivo: una realidad +++ Estocolmo +++ FSFE +++ IA", "teaser": "este Boletín, reconocemos importancia \"Digital Markets Act\", gran avance para libertad software. Lee cómo falta código público supone Estocolmo 100 millones €. El Equipo Jáquers Sistemas desvela infraestructura FSFE. Vincent Lequertier destaca IA necesita ser transparente. Próxima FOSDEM.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151216-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "La FSFE necesita tu donación para trabajar por el Software Libre en 2016", "teaser": "Mucha gente muchas empresas nuestra sociedad benefician del\nSoftware Libre. Fundación Europea Software Libre (FSFE) empodera gente para\ncontrolar tecnología desde el 2001. Para marcar diferencia nuestro trabajo, necesitamos\n140.000€ donaciones antes 31 enero, los ya hemos recibido \n60.000€.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170913-01.zh.html", "tags": "pmpc open-letter procurement", "title": "拿人民的納稅錢?就該做公開透明的資訊系統! 全世界超過 31 個組織要求改進政府數位資訊建設的流程與思維", "teaser": "現在,全世界有超過 31 個組織一起連署,發表了一封公開信(https://publiccode.eu/openletter/),呼籲他們的國會議員與立法委員制定法律,要求公眾納稅所建置或開發的軟體系統,必須使用自由暨開源軟體的授權。這些初步參與連署的組織包括混沌電腦俱樂部(Chaos Computer Club, CCC)、歐洲數位權利協會(European Digital Rights Association, EDRi)、歐洲自由軟體基金會(Free Software Foundation Europe, FSFE)、KDE、德國開放知識基金會(Open Knowledge Foundation Gemery)、開源商業聯盟(Open Source Business Alliance)、開放源碼促進會(Open Source Initiative, OSI)、文件基金會(The Document Foundation, TDF)、德國維基媒體協會(Wikimedia Deutschland)、還有中華民國軟體自由協會(SLAT)等。這些組織聯合聲名,邀集所有支持此一理念的個人與組織一起來連署(https://publiccode.eu/#action)。", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100702-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Bolzano, please don't waste your money", "teaser": "Dear Minister Roberto Bizzo,\n\nOn 25 May 2010 regional government authority of\nBolzano decided spend 2.2 million EUR next three years to\nrenew software licenses Microsoft Ireland, buy additional\nlicenses. done without public call tender, making it\nimpossible competing suppliers similar software make offers of\ntheir own.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150605-02.en.html", "tags": "drm policy european-parliament public-administration", "title": "FSFE's comments on Reda's Report", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe independent non-governmental organisation working put people control technology use. focus Free Open Source Software (FOSS): computer programs anyone may use, study, share improve.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090227-01.bg.html", "tags": "antitrust european-commission microsoft policy", "title": "FSFE engages in the EU browser case", "teaser": "Европейската фондация за Свободен Софтуер (ФССЕ) обяви че ще подкрепи \nантитръстовото разследване на Европейската комисия срещу Майкрософт и официално \nпоиска да бъде припозната като заинтересована страна в процеса.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-02-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170209-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "I love Free Software Dag 2017", "teaser": "tijd \"dank wel\" zeggen 14 februari, \"I love Free Software\"-dag 2017. Free Software Foundation Europe vraagt gebruikers Vrije Software gebruik maken traditionele dag liefde denken hardwerkende mensen meewerken Vrije Software waar allemaal afhankelijk zijn. Zoals ieder jaar verschillende manieren mee campagne.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20091006-01.el.html", "tags": "antitrust european-commission microsoft policy", "title": "\n Υπόθεση της Microsoft περί αντιμονοπωλιακής νομοθεσίας: το FSFE προσφέρει \n αναλυτική έκθεση στην Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή\n ", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή βρίσκεται στα πρόθυρα διακανονισμού για δύο υποθέσεις αντιμονοπωλιακής\nνομοθεσίας εναντίον της Microsoft. Οι λεπτομέρειες του διακανονισμού θα καθορίσουν πόσος\nανταγωνισμός μπορεί να υπάρξει στην αγορά λογισμικού της Ευρώπης για τα επόμενα χρόνια.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Stop aux publicités inéquitables : faites promouvoir les lecteurs PDF libres par vos gouvernements ! ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe appelle aux\n Européens rechercher les publicités lecteurs PDF\n propriétaires les pages sites internet leurs gouvernements de\n les rapporter. outre, FSFE préparéune pétition demandant la\n cessation pratiques publicitaires encourageant public signer.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090728-01.el.html", "tags": "antitrust european-commission microsoft policy", "title": "Η Υπόθεση της ΕΕ για τους περιηγητές ιστού: Το FSFE λέει ότι οι λεπτομέρειες\nτου διακανονισμού θα είναι κρίσιμες", "teaser": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) συγχαίρει την\nΕυρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή για τη σταθερή της στάση στην αντιμονοπωλιακή διερεύνηση εναντίον\nτης Microsoft, η οποία οδήγησε την εταιρία σε διακανονισμό. Για οποιονδήποτε διακανονισμό, \nτο να τεθούν οι λεπτομέρειες σωστά, θα είναι κρίσιμης σημασίας για τον ανταγωνισμό και την\nκαινοτομία στην αγορά των περιηγητών ιστού.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-07-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170321-01.de.html", "tags": "internship elections", "title": "PraktikantIn für Kampagne zur Bundestagswahl gesucht", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe gemeinnütziger Verein, Menschen selbstbestimmten Umgang Technik unterstützt. helfen Menschen Organisationen dabei, verstehen, Freie Software Freiheit, Transparenz Selbstbestimmung digitalen Gesellschaft beiträgt. Arbeit Mission Angestellten vielen Freiwilligen ganz Europa unterstützt ermöglicht. Büro Berlin suchen aktuell PraktikantIn (m/w), Vorbereitung Bundestagswahl unterstützt. gemischtes, internationales Team diskriminieren Geschlecht, Herkunft, Hintergrund sonstigen Nebensächlichkeiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100913-01.es.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE: Stop a la publicidad injusta : ¡haga a sus gobiernos apoyar los lectores PDF libres! ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe pide los europeos busquen publicidad lectores propietarios los sitios web gubernamentales notifiquen. Además, FSFE preparó \nuna petición solicitando terminen estas prácticas publicitarias alentando público \nfirmarla.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100705-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Bundes-CIO wagt Schritt zu IT-Souveränität", "teaser": "Staatsministerin Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, IT-Beauftragte der\nBundesregierung, sagte Interview Zeitschrift C't (C't 2010 Heft 15, S. 150-51), dass\ndie Bundesregierung „nur offenen Standards weitestgehend\nHerstellerunabhängigkeit erreichen Risiken vermeiden [kann]\".\nAußerdem „mit offenen IT-Standards Höchtsmaß an\nInteroperabilität [erreichbar]\".", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20091023-02.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n Solution pour l'accord Oracle/Sun : rendre MySQL indépendant\n ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe conseille Oracle placer MySql\naux mains d'un tuteur indépendant lucratif. communauté Logiciel Libre pourrait développer pleinement potentiel MySQL, Oracle n'aurait s'inquiéter qu'un concurrent s'empare projet base données.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-10-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151105-01.de.html", "tags": "competition de policy routers", "title": "Erfolg gegen Routerzwang: Gesetz für Endgerätefreiheit verabschiedet", "teaser": "fast drei Jahren \nintensiver Arbeit Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) vieler \nanderer Organisationen wurde heutigen Donnerstag \nGesetz „zur Auswahl Anschluss \nTelekommunikationsendgeräten“ Deutschen Bundestag beschlossen. \nFSFE begrüßt neue Gesetz, effektiv Routerzwang \nungültig erklärt endlich Endgerätefreiheit Anlagen Modems \nund Router herstellt.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090908-01.en.html", "tags": "education", "title": "\n\tGerman Election: Ask your candidate about Free Software!\n ", "teaser": "German federal elections coming September 27 2009, FSFE calls all\n\tfriends freedom ask parties' candidates positions Free\n\tSoftware Open Standards. set page German\n\tBundestagswahl help\n\tyou ask questions, collect answers.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170710-01.de.html", "tags": "policy eif openstandards", "title": "Estnischer Vorsitz in der EU: Die FSFE bittet um echte interoperable IT-Dienste im öffentlichen Sektor", "teaser": "FSFE Stellungnahmen kommenden Tallinn-Erklärung genanntem E-Government, estinischen Ratspräsidentschaft entworfen wurde,\n vorgelegt. Darin fordert FSFE estnischen Vorsitz auf,\n bessere Integration Freier Software fördern, wahrhaft integrative,\n vertrauensvolle interoperable digitale Dienste Bürger Firmen Verfügung stellen.\n Tallinn-Erklärung EU-Ministern Oktober 2017 unterschrieben, gemeinsame Vorstellung Mitgliedsstaaten zu\n E-Government politisches Mitwirken Ausdruck bringt, gesetzten Zielen gerecht werden.\n Antrag Tallinn-Erklärung 14. Juli öffentliche Kommentare geöffnet.\n FSFE bittet Organisationen, Firmen Individuen, dass europäischen Ministern deutlich machen, inwieweit\n Freie Software wichtig transparentes nachvollziehbares E-Government ist.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090227-01.nl.html", "tags": "antitrust european-commission microsoft policy", "title": "\n De FSFE engageert zich in de EU-browserzaak\n ", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe ondersteunt het\n antitrustonderzoek Europese Commissie Microsoft en\n officieel verzoek ingediend zaak\n toegevoegd betrokken derde partij.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-02-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100302-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων 2010 - Απελευθερώστε τα έγγραφά σας, αποθηκεύσετε τις πληροφορίες σας!", "teaser": "Θα μπορείτε να διαβάσετε τα έγγραφά σας σε 20 χρόνια από τώρα; Κάθε μέρα,\n εκατομμύρια χρήστες υπολογιστών όπως εσείς επεξεργάζονται κείμενα και υπολογιστικά φύλλα,\n παίρνουν φωτογραφίες και καταγράφουν ήχο και βίντεο. Και αν δεν θα μπορούσατε πλέον να διαβάσετε\n τις ιδιωτικές σας επιστολές, ή και να ανοίγατε εκείνο το άλμπουμ με τις φωτογραφίες από το ταξίδι\n του μέλιτος; Αν δεν θα μπορούσατε να ανταλλάξετε αυτά τα αρχεία με φίλους, επειδή το λογισμικό\n που χρησιμοποίησε ο καθένας από εσάς δεν μπορεί να επικοινωνήσει με κανενός άλλου; Για να σας\n βοηθήσουμε να κάνετε τα έγγραφά σας απρόσβλητα από τις μελλοντικές αλλαγές, εορτάζουμε την\n Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων (DFD) στις 31 Μαρτίου.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Pour la Saint-Valentin, montrez votre amour pour le Logiciel Libre !", "teaser": "Cette année Saint-Valentin, FSFE appelle les utilisateurs Logiciel Libre montrer amour Logiciel Libre. Derrière chaque initiative logiciel libre derrière chaque organisation, réelles personnes travaillent dur.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150324-01.en.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Worldwide more than 50 events about Open Standards", "teaser": "March 25 year's Document Freedom Day and,\n depending time zone, already started. Document Freedom \nDay global campaign document liberation local groups \nthroughout world. far 50 groups registered events\n 25 countries ranging Asia, Europe, Africa, South \nNorth America.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090227-01.en.html", "tags": "policy antitrust microsoft european-commission", "title": "FSFE engages in the EU browser case", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe today announces it\nwill support European Commission's antitrust investigation against\nMicrosoft effect formally requested admitted an\ninterested third party.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-02-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170913-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc open-letter procurement", "title": "Publiek Geld? Publieke Code! 31 organisaties willen de openbare\n aanbesteding van software verbeteren", "teaser": "Digitale diensten gebruikt aangeboden door\n onze overheden dé cruciale infrastructuur 21e-eeuwse democratische\n landen. betrouwbare systemen zetten moeten overheidsinstanties\n volledig beheer software computersystemen hart van\n onze digitale infrastructuur. moment echter meestal het\n geval vanwege beperkende softwarelicenties.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171005-01.es.html", "tags": "savecodeshare open-letter copyright digital-single-market policy", "title": "Revisión del derecho de autor europeo: Pidamos a los legisladores Salvar el Código Compartido", "teaser": "FSFE junto el Open Forum Europe pedimos los\n funcionarios públicos europeos salvar forma compartimos código la\n actual revisión derecho autor europeo.\n Hoy preguntamos quieres apoyar nuestra más reciente campañaSave Code Share\n firmando Carta Abierta\n enviaremos los responsables políticos UE. esta carta pedimos los\n legisladores europeos preservar capacidad construir software colaborativamente\n usando internet actual propuesta europea para directiva sobre derecho de\n autor.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.fr.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Georg Greve, fondateur de la FSFE décoré de la Croix allemande du mérite", "teaser": "Berlin, 28 avril 2010. Georg Greve, fondateur la\nFree Software Foundation Europe décoré Croix mérite\npar République fédérale d’Allemagne (Verdienstkreuz Bande). Président allemand ainsi récompensé travail domaine Logiciels\nLibres Standards Ouverts.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20091127-01.de.html", "tags": "eif openstandards policy", "title": "FSFE: Europäische Kommission gibt unter dem Druck proprietärer Lobbyisten bei Interoperabilität nach", "teaser": "Europäische Kommission Forderungen Lobbyisten\nvon Microsoft SAP Folge geleistet, wichtiges Dokument Interoperabilität\nzwischen eGovernment-Diensten überarbeitete. Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\nuntersuchte Entwicklung neuen Version Europäischen Rahmenprogramms Interoperabilität (EIF)\nund konnte zeigen, dass Kommission Arbeit Einreichungen der\nBusiness Software Alliance (BSA), Lobbygruppe Hersteller proprietärer Software, stützte\nund Stimmen Großteils europäischen Softwareindustrie ignorierte. gleichen Zeit\ndeuten Bemerkungen Vizepräsidenten Kommission Freier Software besorgniserregenden\nMangel Interesse innerhalb Kommission hin.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-11-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20091216-01.en.html", "tags": "policy european-commission microsoft antitrust", "title": "FSFE: EC's browser case settlement with Microsoft", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe congratulates European Commission\non pushing Microsoft give users greater choice different\nbrowsers. \"The selection screen make users aware can\nmake choices,\" says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President. \"We\nare glad FSFE helped Commission put limits to\nMicrosoft's desktop monopoly.\"", "type": "page", "date": "2009-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171219-01.de.html", "tags": "reuse", "title": "FSFE veröffentlicht überarbeiteten Satz an REUSE-Praktiken und ein Werkzeug für Entwickler", "teaser": "REUSE-Initiative überarbeiteten Satz Praktiken erhalten, den\n Prozess Deklaration Urheberrechts- Lizenzinformationen vereinfachen.\n Entwickler leichter Lage sind, Projekte aktualisieren, FSFE\n Werkzeug veröffentlicht, Konformität Projekts geprüft kann.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150331-01.en.html", "tags": "compliance gpl legal licensing", "title": "FSFE supports Hellwig's GPL compliance lawsuit", "teaser": "FSFE welcomes\n\t action\n\t Christoph Hellwig Software Freedom\n\t Conservancy taking bring VMware compliance\n\t GNU General Public License.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170419-01.de.html", "tags": "digital-o-mat elections de ayc", "title": "Digital-o-Mat: Eine Freiheits-Kampagne zur Wahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen", "teaser": "Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschlands meistbevölkertster Bundesstaat, wählt 14. Mai 2017 neues Parlament. Wahl \"Koalition Freies Wissen\" erstmalig sogenannten \"Digital-o-Mat\" entwickelt. \"Digital-o-Mat\" diejenigen Wähler, denen digitale Rechte Freiheiten wichtig sind, hilfreiches Werkzeug Entscheidung, Partei Stimme geben sollen. Nutzer insgesamt acht Fragen beantworten wichtigen Fragen digitalen Gesellschaft positionieren - beispielsweise Einsatz Freier Software, Offenen Daten Offenen Bildungsmaterialien. Anschluss sieht Nutzer, Parteien inhaltlich nächsten steht zudem Frage detaillierten Antworten Parteien durchlesen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090123-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FTF releases legal infrastructure guide for Free Software projects", "teaser": "FSFE's Freedom Task Force (FTF) pleased announce release \nguide assist establishing legal infrastructure Free Software \nprojects.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-01-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101016-01.pt.html", "tags": "openstandards policy", "title": "EIFv2: A FSFE expõe fatos contra as ficções da BSA", "teaser": "FSFE enviou ontem uma carta Comissão Europeia para apoiar os Padrões Abertos interoperabilidade. Numa longa batalha para acadar pelo menos uma fraca recomendação dos Padrões Abertos nova revisão Quadro Europeu Interoperabilidade, FSFE opôs-se uma carta vazada lobby privativo Business Software Alliance com própria análise minuciosa relação entre os padrões patentes.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170302-01.sq.html", "tags": "freedomvote policy nl ayc campaigns", "title": "Freedomvote.nl i ndihmon votuesit të krahasojnë pozicionet e partive lidhur me lirinë dixhitale në zgjedhjet e ardhshme në Holandë", "teaser": "Sot, FSFE Netherlands, NLnet, ISPConnect, dhe Open\n Source & Overheid hedhin në qarkullim Freedomvote.nl që të ndihmojnë votuesit të informohen lidhur zgjedhjet përgjithshme të ardhshme në Holandë, që të mbahen më 15 mars 2017.\n Freedomvote.nl ofron për votuesit orientim në tema të lirisë dixhitale, bazuar në tetë pyetje.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100330-01.nb.html", "tags": "eif european-commission policy", "title": "Åpne standarder truet i Europa", "teaser": "EU-kommisjonen jobber tiden med å få nytt utkast av\n European Interoperability Framework (EIF) godkjent av \n medlemslandene. Utkastet hever bekymringen kommisjonen\n gir opp sin verdensledende bruk av åpne standarder, og gjør\n dermed skade på innovasjon, konkurranse og friheten til brukere\n Europa. FSFE har oppdatert sin\n analytiske\n side med sammenligning av det nåværende utkastet og det\n forrige, så vell som krav fra proprietære lobbygruppen.\n forveien til \n Document Freedom Day \n 31. Mars FSFE dialog med EU-kommisjonen og representanter\n medlemslandene å gjøre klar problemet.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090418-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Το FSFE και η Κοινότητα αναδιοργανώνουν τους ιστοτόπους τους", "teaser": "Τους προηγούμενους μήνες το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού\n(FSFE) βελτίωσε εμφανώς την τεχνολογική υποδομή της Κοινότητας. Μετακινήσαμε την\nπλατφόρμα των ιστολογίων των Μελών σε έναν νέο ιστότοπο, δημιουργήσαμε έναν Πλανήτη\nγια τη συγκέντρωση των ιστολογίων των Μελών και τους εφοδιάσαμε με ένα βελτιωμένο και\nλειτουργικό wiki.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-04-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150210-01.en.html", "tags": "education de education", "title": "Position paper for the boost of Open Educational Resources on the basis of Free Software", "teaser": "Together FSFE partners, Bündnis Freie Bildung (\"Free Education Alliance\") today publishes position paper creation usage Open Educational Resources (OER). Therein, Bündnis demands consequent publishing OER-material public licences availability Free Software Open Standard formats.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170217-01.nl.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission", "title": "Europese Commissie geeft antwoord op FSFE's verzoek om informatie over Horizon 2020 ", "teaser": "Directoraat-Generaal Onderzoek Innovatie Europese Commissie (EC) geeft antwoord Vrijheid Informatie (VVI)-aanvraag gebruik, ontwikkeling publicatie software Horizon 2020 - ingediend FSFE 9 januari 2017.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20101016-01.el.html", "tags": "openstandards policy", "title": "EIFv2: Το FSFE θέτει τα γεγονότα εναντίον των μυθευμάτων της BSA", "teaser": "Το FSFE χθες έστειλε μια επιστολή\nπρος την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή για να υποστηρίξει τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα και τη διαλειτουργικότητα.\nΣτη μακρά διαμάχη για τη διατήρηση τουλάχιστο μιας αδύναμης σύστασης για τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα\nστο αναθεωρημένο Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Διαλειτουργικότητας, το FSFE έχει αντιπαρατεθεί σε μία\nεπιστολή που διέρρευσε και εστάλη από την \nιδιοκτησιακών συμφερόντων ομάδα πίεσης Business Software Alliance, με τη δική του εις βάθος ανάλυση\nτης συσχέτισης ανάμεσα στα πρότυπα και στα διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-10-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170301-01.sq.html", "tags": "limux policy limux public-administration", "title": "Ç’ndodhi në Mynih", "teaser": "Më 15 shkurt 2017, këshilli bashkiak Mynihut, Gjermani, mblodh për të diskutuar të ardhmen projektit të tyre LiMux. Në sesionin publik, votua që administrata qytetit të zhvillojë një strategji për unifikimin arkitekturës client-side, duke bazuar mbi një \"Windows-Basis-Client\", edhe ky për t’u ndërtuar. Një përkthim vendimit të plotë vijon më poshtë.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-03-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150616-01.en.html", "tags": "drm policy european-parliament public-administration", "title": "FSFE welcomes adoption of copyright report in EP's JURI committee", "teaser": "important step towards modernising EU's copyright laws, the\nLegal Affairs committee European Parliament Tuesday adopted\na report Copyright Directive MEP Julia Reda.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151203-01.el.html", "tags": "internal education fr", "title": "Το FSFE ενώνεται με την April στη διαφωνία σχετικά\n με τη συμφωνία με τη Microsoft για την εκπαίδευση", "teaser": "Το FSFE ενώνεται με την April στη διαφωνία τους με τη νέα συμφωνία\nανάμεσα στη Microsoft και το Υπουργείο Παιδείας της Γαλλίας. Το πλήρες\nκείμενο στο \nδελτίο τύπου με λίστα των συμμετεχόντων οργανισμών (στα Γαλλικά).", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150916-01.it.html", "tags": "freedomvote ch ayc campaigns", "title": "\"Freedomvote\": 10 domande sulla libertà digitale in occasione\n\t delle elezioni nazionali svizzere", "teaser": "previsione dell’elezione Parlamento\n\t\tnazionale svizzero (Consiglio nazionale Consiglio Stati)\n\t\tche terrà 18 ottobre 2015, FSFE Svizzera lancia oggi la\n\t\tcampagna \"Freedomvote\", in\n\t\tcollaborazione \"Swiss Open Systems User Group“ (/ch/open).\n\t\tLa campagna offre portale online elenca candidati le\n\t\tloro opinioni riguardo politiche Internet, Software Libero\n\t\te formati dati aperti.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170908-01.en.html", "tags": "copyright policy digital-single-market", "title": "European Copyright reform hampers Free Software development", "teaser": "FSFE Open Forum Europe teamed initiative \n show implications proposed copyright reform \n Free Software development ecosystem: Save Code Share. \n part initiative, today release White Paper \n highlights ways proposed Article 13 could unintentionally \n harm communities businesses built around Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090120-02.nb.html", "tags": "antitrust european-commission microsoft policy", "title": "Interoperabilitet mellom nettlesere: FSFE ønsker Europakommisjonens\n\t\tvedtak velkommen, og tilbyr støtte", "teaser": "16. januar rapporterte Europakommisjonens Generaldirektorat konkurranse\nat hadde sendt ut meddelse av klagepunkter vedrørende Microsofts\ntilknytning av Internet Explorer (IE) til operativsystemet Windows. Denne\nreaksjonen kommer av klage som opprinnelig ble sendt inn av Opera Software,\net europeisk selskap involvert utvikling av nettlesere.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-01-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090418-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE og Brorskapet omorganiserer domenene", "teaser": "siste månedene har Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\n foretatt betydelig forbedring av tekniske infrastrukturen\n til Brorskapet. har flyttet Brødrenes blogger til\n ny side, har opprettet\n planet som aggregerer\n Brødrenes blogger, og har bidratt med forbedret og mer\n funksjonell wiki.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-04-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.ru.html", "tags": "", "title": "В День святого Валентина покажите, как вы любите свободные\nпрограммы!", "teaser": "В этом году в День святого Валентина ЕФСПО призывает\nвсех пользователей свободных программ выразить любовь к свободным\nпрограммам. Ведь за каждым проектом, связанным со свободными\nпрограммами, стоят живые люди.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150302-02.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Jonas Öberg doet met FSFE mee als Uitvoerend Directeur", "teaser": "FSFE ervaren Vrije Software-activist Jonas Öberg \naangenomen Uitvoerend Directeur organisatie. maakt vanaf 1 maart deel leiding \norganisatie.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150916-01.fr.html", "tags": "freedomvote ch ayc campaigns", "title": "\"Freedomvote\": 10 questions sur les libertés numériques pour les élections nationales Suisses", "teaser": "prévision élections parlement national Suisse (Conseil national Etats/Fédéral) 18 octobre 2015, FSFE Suisse commence aujourd'hui campagne \"Freedomvote\" collaboration \"Swiss Open System User Group\" (/ch/open). campagne offre portail ligne répertorie les liste candidats ainsi leurs opinions concernant politique d'Internet, Logiciel Libre les formats données ouverts (standards ouverts)", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100802-01.de.html", "tags": "de", "title": "Deutsche Ministerien missachten Anforderung der offenen\nInteroperabilität in der IT", "teaser": "Woche veröffentlichte Untersuchung\nnahelegt, die\n Anforderung Einführung Offener Standards von\n Mehrheit Bundesbehörden Deutschland ignoriert.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-08-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170906-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE announces Software Licensing Best Practices", "teaser": "FSFE launches today best practises licensing Free Open Source Software project. Targeted developers companies, best practices show make clear others license software distributed under, way computers humans understand.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090202-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "De FSFE lanceert haar Vrije PDF-lezer campagne", "teaser": "Fellowship de\n Free Software Foundation Europe verheugd nieuwste\n initiatief kunnen\n voorstellen: pdfreaders.org,\n website informatie PDF links Vrije Software\n PDF-lezers meest verspreide besturingssystemen.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-02-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090831-01.nl.html", "tags": "education", "title": "\n Thomas Jensch wordt coördinator van FSFE's edu-team\n ", "teaser": "Thomas Jensch, momenteel stagiair FSFE kantoor Zürich,\n coördinator FSFE's edu-team. Eén stageopdrachten\n reorganiseren heropstarten FSFE's activiteiten\n verband houden Vrije Software onderwijs. Hij\n mee ingestemd functie coördinator te\n blijven uitoefenen beëindigen stageperiode in\n november.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-08-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100705-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "German Federal CIO sides with Open Standards for public sector", "teaser": "Minister state Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, Commissioner German government, said interview newspaper C't (C't 2010 Heft 15, S. 150-51) \"only using Open Standards [the government] obtain independence software development companies\". recognised \"maximal interoperability reached open IT-Standards\".", "type": "page", "date": "2010-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151216-01.el.html", "tags": "", "title": "Το FSFE χρειάζεται τις δωρεές σας για να συνεχίσει το έργο του με το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό το 2016", "teaser": "Πολύς κόσμος και πολλές εταιρείες στην σημερινή κοινωνία ωφελούνται από το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού βοηθάει τον κόσμο να έχει τον έλεγχο στην τεχνολογία από το 2001. Για να κάνουμε τη διαφορά, όσον αφορά στη δουλειά μας, στοχεύουμε στα 140.000€ από δωρεές μέχρι την 31η Ιανουαρίου, ενώ έχουμε ήδη συλλέξει 60.000€.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090620-01.fr.html", "tags": "annual-report", "title": "Compte-rendu d'activité bisannuel", "teaser": "L'Assemblée générale 2009 marque fin d'une troisième transformation\n majeure FSFE, initiée lors l'Assemblée générale 2007 à\n Bruxelles, conduit modification statuts FSFE. Cette modification, discutée 2007, puis préparée Comité exécutif étendu l'A.G. 2008 Zürich, enfin adoptée l'Assemblée générale extraordinaire mois d'octobre cette année. Les deux changements les plus importants apportés l'introduction poste Directeur général représentation Fellowship l'Assemblée générale FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150922-01.it.html", "tags": "", "title": "La FSFE elegge i suoi nuovi Presidente e Vice Presidente", "teaser": "Matthias Kirschner Alessandro Rubini \n\t\tsono, rispettivamente, nuovo Presidente Vice Presidente \n\t\tdella FSFE. stati eletti settimana scorsa Bucarest \n\t\tdurante l’Assemblea Generale FSFE mentre Reinhard \n\t\tMüller stato rieletto Tesoriere; rimarranno carica \n\t\ti prossimi due anni.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170214-01.de.html", "tags": "ilovefs berlin", "title": "Berlin sendet eine Botschaft zum \"I love Free Software\"-Tag", "teaser": "Anlässlich „I love Free Software“-Tages 14. \nFebruar wurde Reichstag Wochenende Botschaft „Give Free \nSoftware Chance“ angestrahlt. zahlreichen Gebäuden \nsymbolträchtigen Orten Berlin fanden weitere Botschaften. \n„Build Free Software - Walls“ etwa Berliner Mauer \nlesen Bundesfinanzministerium stand „Public Money, Public Code“. \nAktivisten Notwendigkeit stärkerer Wertschätzung \nfür Freie Software aufmerksam.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090908-01.nl.html", "tags": "education", "title": "\n Duitse verkiezingen: Stel uw kandidaat vragen over Vrije Software!\n ", "teaser": "federale verkiezingen deur roept FSFE alle\n mensen bezorgd vrijheid kandidaten\n vragen stellen Vrije Software Open Standaarden. We\n pagina opgesteld de\n Duitse \n Bundestagswahl\n 27 september 2009 helpen vragen stellen en\n waar antwoorden verzamelen.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150316-01.nl.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n En de winnaar van de verkiezing voor FSFE's Fellowshipzetel in de AV is Nicolas Dietrich ", "teaser": "… Nicolas Dietrich! verkiezingsperiode Fellowshipzetel AV \nbeëindigd 13 maart 2015. FSFE trots drie uitstekende kandidaten \nte gehad keer zetel wilden bemachtigen. Nicolas \nDietrich blij AV Fellowshipzetel nemen Heiki \"Repentinus\" Lõhmus.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171206-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc", "title": "Dutch government publishes large project as Free Software", "teaser": "Dutch Ministry Interior Kingdom Relations\nreleased source code documentation Basisregistratie Personen (BRP), a\n100M€ system registers information inhabitants within the\nNetherlands. comes great success Public Code, FSFE\napplauds Dutch government's shift Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090301-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Fellowship vote for GA seats – Call for nominations", "teaser": "election first Fellowship seat FSFE's\nGeneral Assembly finish 1 June time next general\nassembly, scheduled 19-21 June Miraflores Sierra,\nSpain.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-03-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100305-01.nb.html", "tags": "", "title": "\n Julia Klein valgt som Fellowship-representant i FSFE GA \n ", "teaser": "FSFE's Fellows har valgt deres andre\n representant til organisasjonens ledelse,\n Generalforsamlingen. Julia Klein vil sammen med Torsten Grote, FSFE\n sitt strategiske valgpanel, tale til Fellows neste \n årene.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-03-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100428-01.es.html", "tags": "de", "title": "El fundador de FSFE, Georg Greve, premiado con la Cruz Alemana al Mérito", "teaser": "Berlín, 28 Abril 2010. Georg Greve, presidente fundador\nde Free Software Foundation Europa, recibido medalla Cruz Mérito la\nRepública Federal Alemana (Verdienstkreuz Bande). Georg recibió este importante \ngalardón Estado Alemán por trabajo por el Software Libre los Estándares Abiertos.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150902-01.sq.html", "tags": "routers de policy", "title": "Udha e gjatë nga rrugëzuesit e detyrueshëm te liria e zgjedhjes", "teaser": "Rrugëzuesi. Pavarësisht shpesh mbulon pluhuri\n në qoshe, është një nga pajisjet më të rëndësishme që duhen për\n të përdorur Internetin apo telefonat. Por: Shumica përdoruesve në\n Gjermani nuk kanë në zotërim këtë pajisje, edhe pse gjendet brena\n shtëpive të tyre dhe paguajnë për të.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20090908-01.el.html", "tags": "education", "title": "\n\tΓερμανικές Εκλογές: Ρωτήστε τον υποψήφιό σας για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό!\n ", "teaser": "Με τις Γερμανικές ομοσπονδιακές εκλογές να έχουν οριστεί για τις 27 Σεπτεμβρίου\n 2009, το FSFE καλεί όλους τους φίλους της ελευθερίας να ρωτήσουν τους\n\tυποψήφιους των κομμάτων για τις θέσεις τους σχετικά με το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\n\tκαι τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα. Έχουμε αναρτήσει τη σελίδα \n\tBundestagswahl για τις \n\tεκλογές του Γερμανικού Κοινοβουλίου που θα βοηθήσει στη συγκέντρωση των\n\tαπαντήσεων στα ερωτήματα που θα υποβάλλετε.", "type": "page", "date": "2009-09-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100907-01.de.html", "tags": "swpat policy", "title": "EU-Umfrage zu Freier Software und Standards: Sorgen Sie dafür,\n dass Ihre Stimme gehört wird!", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe ruft europäische\n Freie-Software-Unternehmen auf, Umfrage Einstellung\n Aufnahme Patenten Industriestandards teilzunehmen.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151028-01.de.html", "tags": "competition de policy routers", "title": "FSFE unterzeichnet Verbändeschreiben für Endgerätefreiheit", "teaser": "Gemeinsam neun Verbänden \nZivilgesellschaft Wirtschaft heutigen Mittwoch Free \nSoftware Foundation Europe (FSFE) zahlreichen Bundestagsabgeordnete \nSchreiben Thema Routerzwang geschickt. Brief \nVolksvertretern verdeutlichen, wichtig ist, geplante Gesetz \nfür Telekommunikations-Endgerätefreiheit unverändert \numzusetzen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240208-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs it de ch dk es gb nl", "title": "Minder dan een week tot “I Love Free Software Day” 2024!", "teaser": "14 februari komen Vrije Softwaregemeenschappen hele wereld bijeen ontwikkelaars, beheerders bijdragers Vrije Softwareprojecten vieren. Neem deel vele evenementen Europa waarop dag gevierd!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151216-01.tr.html", "tags": "", "title": "Avrupa Özgür Yazılım Vakfı 2016'daki Özgür Yazılım çalışmaları için bağışlarınıza ihtiyaç duyuyor", "teaser": "Toplumumuzdaki bir çok insan şirket Özgür Yazılımdan yararlanıyor. Avrupa Özgür Yazılım Vakfı (FSFE), 2001 yılından beri teknolojiyi denetim altında tutmaları için insanları güçlendiriyor. Çalışmamızda bir farklılık yaratmak için, 31 Ocak'a kadar, halihazırda 60.000€'luk miktarına ulaştığımız toplam 140.000€ bağış toplamayı hedefliyoruz.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240628-01.en.html", "tags": "news interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Interview with last year's YH4F winner, Davide Rorato", "teaser": "six months programming days left \nend Youth Hacking 4 Freedom 2024. excited see \nyear's projects learn participants work \nduring past months. dive new projects, let us \ntake deeper look last year's winner, Davide Rorato.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171211-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Equip yourself for 2018: Get FSFE's new t-shirt celebrating the 100 freedoms of Free Software!", "teaser": "Wear t-shirt icebreaker explain binary counting Free Software\nto friends—and look good it!", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240627-01.en.html", "tags": "highlights news deviceneutrality european-commission", "title": "Defending DMA against Apple: The FSFE signs joint position paper", "teaser": "Together nine stakeholders organisations, FSFE \nsubmitted joint position paper European Commission, \nwe working implementation Digital Markets Act. \npaper, supported legal data-backed arguments, addresses Apple’s \nnon-compliance law, particularly concerning software freedom, \nalternative Free Software app stores interoperability \nobligations.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240208-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs it de ch dk es gb nl", "title": "Less than one week to I Love Free Software Day 2024!", "teaser": "14 February, Free Software communities around world gather celebrate developers, maintainers, contributors Free Software projects. Take part one many events across Europe celebrate day!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.fr.html", "tags": "de", "title": "La FSFE décorée de la médaille Theodor Heuss — «Une association avant-gardiste»", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) reçoit la\n médaille Theodor Heuss 2010 travail extraordinaire faveur d'une\n participation équitable tous société l'information. Depuis l'an\n 2000, FSFE dévoue libertés d'utiliser, d'analyser, modifier de\n redistribuer les logiciels tous les domaines société la\n politique. fondation Theodor Heuss indique : « la FSFE une\n association d'avant-garde contribue développement mise place\n règles bonne gouvernance mondiale. »", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171005-01.nl.html", "tags": "savecodeshare open-letter copyright digital-single-market policy", "title": "EU auteursrechtherziening: Vraag aan wetgevers om het delen van code te redden", "teaser": "Samen Open Forum Europe vraagt FSFE \nEU-beleidsmakers delen code redden huidige lopende \nEU auteursrechtherziening. Vandaag vragen wij onze nieuwste \ncampagne steunen: Save Code Share\n ondertekenen Open Brief\n \n geadresseerd EU-beleidsmakers. brief verzoeken \nwij EU-wetgevers mogelijkheid samen software online bouwen \nmogelijk blijven maken huidige voorstel \nauteursrechtrichtlijn.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-10-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151216-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE needs your donation to work for Free Software in 2016", "teaser": "Lots people companies society benefit from\nFree Software. Free Software Foundation Europe empowering people to\ncontrol technology since 2001. make difference work, aim at\n140.000€ donations 31 January, already received\n60.000€.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100212-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "On Valentine's Day, show your love for Free Software!", "teaser": "year Valentine's Day, FSFE calls Free Software users\n everywhere show love Free Software. Behind every Free\n Software initiative organisation real, hard-working\n people.", "type": "page", "date": "2010-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240610-01.en.html", "tags": "community ilovefs", "title": "I ♥ Free Software Day & SUSE OSCC network", "teaser": "got email, weeks ago, caught attention. came \nwith donation explaining made name employee \nnetwork SUSE. decided investigate, asked people \nresponsible, today share awesome story you. \n(Note - great idea initiative ask company \nabout).", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100126-01.it.html", "tags": "de", "title": "FSFE premiata con la medaglia Theodor Heuss - \"organizzazione all'avanguardia\"", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) riceve la\n medaglia Theodor Heuss 2010 l'impegno straordinario verso la\n partecipazione equa società dell'informazione. FSFE batte 2000\n libertà usare, studiare, modificare ridistribuire software in\n settori società politica. Fondazione Theodor Heuss\n definisce FSFE \"una organizzazione rivolta futuro, contribuisce\n sviluppo rafforzamento regole equa governance\n globale\".", "type": "page", "date": "2010-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170109-01.sq.html", "tags": "annual-report", "title": "\n\tRaporti Vjetor i FSFE-së për 2016-n\n ", "teaser": "Ka qenë një vit ngjeshur për FSFE-në. Mbajtja lart parimeve të Software-it të Lirë dhe mbrojtja shtetasve nga shfrytëzimi janë sfida të vazhdueshme të cilave afrohemi nga një larmi këndvështrimesh. (dhe \"ne\", nënkuptojmë stafin dhe vullnetarët në FSFE) kaluam nëpër duar qindra faqe politikash dhe legjislacionesh, duke kërkuar për të çara prej nga të cilat mund të sulmohet Software-i Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-01-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171207-02.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Open position as office assistant", "teaser": "FSFE charity dedicated keeping power technology hands. working build freedom digital society operate lively environment volunteers many countries. looking assistance supporting office manager instance:", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240312-01.en.html", "tags": "news policy european-union press highlights", "title": "CRA & PLD: Liability rules with large exemptions for Free Software are introduced", "teaser": "today's votes CRA PLD introduction liability rules \nfor software, broad exception Free Software made, \nafter long intense debates individual developers profit \nwork safeguarded.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170419-01.nl.html", "tags": "digital-o-mat elections de ayc", "title": "Digital-o-Mat: Op campagne voor vrijheid in de deelstaatverkiezingen voor Noordrijn-Westfalen", "teaser": "Noordrijn-Westfalen Duitse deelstaat meeste inwoners. 14 mei 2017 vinden komende algemene verkiezingen plaats. verkiezing ontwikkelde \"coalitie Vrije kennis\" eerst \"Digital-o-Mat\". \"Digital-o-Mat\" gereedschap stemmers bezorgd digitale rechten vrijheden helpen beslissen partij waarop gaan stemmen. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tAcht vragen gidsen gebruikers kiezen eigen voorkeuren belangrijke onderwerpen digitale samenleving, zoals vragen gebruik Vrije Software, Open Data Educatieve Hulpbronnen. Gebruikers zullen invullen zien welke partij meest overeenkomt eigen voorkeuren daarbij gedetailleerde uitleg partijstandpunten ten aanzien ieder onderwerp.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171114-01.en.html", "tags": "internship", "title": "2018 internship positions as student interns", "teaser": "FSFE charity dedicated empowering users control technology.\nWe working build freedom digital society. operate lively\nenvironment volunteers many countries. looking for\nstudents join team Berlin three months a\nmandatory part studies graduation.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240715-01.en.html", "tags": "highlights news european-union policy", "title": "CRA and NIS2: Protecting Free Software ecosystem in implementation", "teaser": "Together NLnet Labs Open Source Security Foundation, \nthe Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) submitted feedback \nNIS2 implementation act, pointing need protecting \nEuropean Free Software ecosystem.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180723-01.en.html", "tags": "internal internship career", "title": "FSFE is hiring: interns and trainees for legal, policy and technical areas", "teaser": "looking interns trainees experienced legal, policy technical fields. persons work 35 hours week team FSFE's Berlin office. coordination remote staff volunteers, depending work area opportunity participate events meetings throughout Europe.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150210-01.el.html", "tags": "education education de", "title": "Δημοσίευση θέσεων για την ενίσχυση των Ανοικτών Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων (Open Educational Resources) με βάση το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό", "teaser": "Μαζί με το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) και με άλλους εταίρους, \nτο Bündnis Freie Bildung (\"Συμμαχία Ελεύθερης Εκπαίδευσης\") δημοσιεύει σήμερα\nθέσεις για τη δημιουργία και τη χρήση Ανοικτών Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων\n(Open Educational Resources, OER). Εκεί, το Bündnis ζητά την ακόλουθη δημοσίευση\n όλου του υλικού Ανοικτών Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων (Open Educational Resources, OER) υπό άδειες δημόσιας χρήσης και \nτη διάθεσή τους ως Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό υπό τύπους αποθήκευσης Ανοικτών Προτύπων.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180111-01.de.html", "tags": "bea pmpc", "title": "Wie das besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach (beA) noch zu retten ist", "teaser": "besondere elektronische\nAnwaltspostfach eigentlich seit Anfang 2018 verschlüsselte\nKommunikation Rechtsanwälten ermöglichen. Allerdings sorgen\nzahlreiche Sicherheitslücken dafür, dass Dienst vorerst offline bleiben\nmuss. Free Software Foundation Europe empfiehlt auftraggebenden\nBundesrechtsanwaltkammer (BRAK), Veröffentlichung Programmcodes\nunter Freie-Software- und\nOpen-Source-Lizenz verloren gegangenes Vertrauen wiederherzustellen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170710-01.nl.html", "tags": "policy eif openstandards", "title": "Estse voorzitterschap van de EU: de FSFE vraagt om daadwerkelijk interoperabele IT-diensten in de publieke sector", "teaser": "FSFE diende commentaar komende Verklaring Tallinn elektronische overheid. opgesteld Estse voorzitterschap Raad EU. FSFE vraagt daarin huidige Estse voorzitterschap grotere inclusiviteit Vrije Software promoten ter levering daadwerkelijk inclusieve, betrouwbare interoperabele digitale diensten burgers bedrijven hele EU. EU-ministers zullen Verklaring Tallinn ondertekenen oktober 2017. zullen gezamenlijke visie lidstaten elektronische overheid uiteenzetten blijk geven politieke toewijding gestelde doelen behalen. publiek 14 juli commentaar geven voorstel Verklaring Tallinn. FSFE vraagt organisaties, bedrijven individuen EU-ministers laten weten welke manier Vrije Software belangrijk transparante verantwoordelijke elektronische overheid.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181024-01.nl.html", "tags": "ccc", "title": "Oproep voor sessies voor FSFE's assemblee op 35C3", "teaser": "kader 35ste Chaos Communication Congress 27 30 december Leipzig plaatsvindt, FSFE graag weer gastheer assemblee, informatiestand ontmoetingspunt onze vrienden vrienden Vrije Software fungeert. Net vorige edities bieden aandacht podium georganiseerde sessies onze gemeenschap onze oproep deelname.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151216-01.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Që të punojë për Software-in e Lirë gjatë 2016-s, FSFE-ja ka nevojë për dhurimet tuaja", "teaser": "Shumë individë dhe kompani në shoqërinë tonë përfitojnë\nnga Software-i Lirë. Që prej 2001-shit Free Software Foundation Europe fuqizon\nnjerëzit të kontrollojnë teknologjinë. Që punën tonë të arrijmë diçka,\nsynojmë 140 000€ dhurime, deri më 31 janar, nga të cilat kemi marrë tashmë 60 000€.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-12-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240318-02.en.html", "tags": "policy european-union routers deviceneutrality fosdem", "title": "EU policy meets Free Software in FOSDEM", "teaser": "FSFE helped organise FOSDEM devroom Free Software European legislative landscape. first time devroom held got lot interest community, engaged fruitful discussions current policy topics.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.sq.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Shpalosni dashurinë tuaj për Software-in e Lirë", "teaser": "Çdo 14 shkurt, Free Software Foundation Europe-a \ni fton tërë përdoruesit Software-it të Lirë që në Ditën \"E dua \nSoftware-in Lirë\" të sjellin në mend njerëzit palodhur të bashkësisë\nsë Software-it të Lirë dhe t’u shfaqin atyre individualisht vlerësimin.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240206-01.en.html", "tags": "european-parliament policy IEA", "title": "Interoperable Europe Act adopted, close monitoring vital", "teaser": "Today Interoperable Europe Act adopted plenary 524 votes favour, 18 97 abstentions. Although potential regulation got undermined, Act whole important opportunity Free Software community contribute interoperable Europe. FSFE closely monitor implementation.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171116-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "Welkom supporters (en vaarwel smartcard)", "teaser": "publieke consultatie namen eerder jaar beslissing naam programma supporters, Fellowship FSFE, veranderen supporters daadwerkelijke naam noemen: Supporters. \nDit interessante verandering onze supporters dichter organisatie brengt integraal deel FSFE laten uitmaken. verandering bijna compleet nemen vandaag gelegenheid gebruik vaarwel zeggen Fellowship Smartcard, tien jaar deel uitmaakte FSFE-leven.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180322-01.de.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp", "title": "Call for Participation: FSFE-Track zum Thema \"Digitale Bildung\" während des Libre Software Meetings in Straßburg, Frankreich", "teaser": "7. 12. Juli findet Libre Software\n Meeting Straßburg (Frankreich) statt. Konferenz, bekannt\n RMLL, findet Jahr Ort statt das\n derzeit größte Freie-Software-Event Frankreich. Jahr\n steht Thema \"Digitale Bildung: Gefangenschaft neue\n Ermächtigung?\" Mittelpunkt. FSFE-Track der\n Suche inspirierenden Einsichten goldene Käfige und\n Befreiung daraus Bildungseinrichtungen, in\n täglichen Leben.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150303-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Report 2015", "teaser": "Someone expressing love TOR, saves lives Turkey.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171130-01.nl.html", "tags": "savecodeshare open-letter copyright digital-single-market policy savecodeshare", "title": "EU Auteursrechtherziening: De FSFE sluit zich aan bij meer dan tachtig organisaties om de EU-lidstaten te vragen om het schadelijke Artikel 13 te verwerpen.", "teaser": "mede-wetgevers discussiëren moment nieuw auteursrechtvoorstel. deel voorstel Artikel 13, onze mogelijkheid elkaar online samen werken belemmeren nieuwe verplichtingen mensen gaten houden installatie willekeurige uploadfilters iedere dienstverlener gebied hosten delen code oplegt. Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) verheft vandaag stem delen code redden ondertekent samen tachtig organisaties open brief Raad EU.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170811-01.de.html", "tags": "internship", "title": "Offene Praktikumsstelle als Projektassistent/in", "teaser": "FSFE gemeinnützige Organisation, Ziel gemacht hat, die\ndass Macht Technik Händen behalten kannst.\nWir arbeiten dafür, Freiheit digitalen Gesellschaft etablieren und\nmit Freiwilligen Welt lebhaften Umfeld kooperieren.\nWir suchen eine/n Praktikanten/in, der/die Teil europaweit arbeitenden Teams 3-6 Monate wird\nund Projekt arbeitet, Organisation Arbeit kommenden 15 Jahre vorbereitet.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-08-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181010-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc ayc de digital-o-mat", "title": "Digital-O-Mat: Wie stehen die Parteien in Hessen zu Freier Software?", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Vorfeld kommenden Landtagswahl Hessen Hilfe \"Digital-O-Mat\" Positionen Parteien Freier Software Lupe genommen. Auffällig gravierende Unterschiede aktuellen Koalitionspartnern. CDU Status quo ausspricht präsentiert Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Unterstützer Freier Software spricht explizit FSFE propagierten Grundsatz \"Public Money, Public Code!\" gleichnamigen Kampagne aus.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180414-01.sq.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp community", "title": "Thirrje për Pjesëmarrje: Takim i Bashkësisë së FSFE-së dhe pistë e FSFE-së gjatë Libre Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë", "teaser": "Libre Software Meeting (LSM) është ndoshta takimi më madh në Francë mbi Software-in Lirë, organizuar nga bashkësitë dhe në 2018-n të shërbejë strehë takimit të bashkësisë së FSFE-së. zhvillohet në Strasburg dhe FSFE-ja të organizojë pistën vet në ditët para të LSM-së, nga 7 deri më 9 korrik. Ky është shansi juaj të jeni pjesë takimit të bashkësisë së FSFE-së dhe edhe të mbani një fjalë në LSM 2018. Afati aplikimit për një fjalë është 30 prilli - dhe, përpara harroni, aplikoni që tani!", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240430-01.en.html", "tags": "interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Meet Antoni and Tobias, YH4F participants", "teaser": "Find Youth Hacking 4 Freedom participants 2023 \nedition. continuing series talking Antoni Tobias: \nAntoni developed dictionary preserve endangered languages, \nTobias conceived rich featured calendar.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151028-01.en.html", "tags": "competition de policy routers", "title": "FSFE signs association joint letter for terminal device freedom", "teaser": "Together 9 civil economic \norganisations Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) sent letter \nto numerous members German Bundestag concerning compulsory \nrouters issue present Wednesday. letter supposed \nhighlight importance passing bill freedom terminal \ndevices telecommunication.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170726-01.cs.html", "tags": "merchandise", "title": "\nNyní v online obchodě FSFE: nonbinární růžové podbradníky vhodné pro jakékoli pohlaví!\n", "teaser": "Podívejte naši novou značku zboží pro malé příznivce Free Softwarev našem on-line obchodě: 100% ekologické fair trade bryndáčky. Slogan \"Jsem vidlička\" šitý bryndáček tak, aby zůstal boku po mnoha mycích cyklech.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151020-01.sq.html", "tags": "internal", "title": "Gati fotot nga tridhjetëvjetori i FSF-së", "teaser": "Më 3 tetor 2015, Free Software Foundation Europe kremtoi\ntridhjetëvjetorin Free Software Foundation-it torta të shijshme\ndhe mjaft urime të mrekullueshme për ditëlindjen. Fotot nga festa tani\njanë gati, këtu.\nFalënderime të veçanta për Isabelle Wunderlich dhe Mirko Boehm për\norganizimin veprimtarisë dhe për krejt pjesëmarrësit në kremtim.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240515-01.es.html", "tags": "news highlights ada-zangemann community education software-freedom", "title": "Ada va al plató: Hagamos una película de animación", "teaser": "¿Qué tienen común Primer Ministro, profesor niño \nde Rajastán? Ellos, junto otras figuras públicas miles niños, \nadoran el libro ilustrado 'Ada & Zangemann: Tale Software, \nSkateboards, Raspberry Ice Cream'. Ada ya llegado hogares \nbibliotecas todo el mundo y, ¡ahora necesita ayuda para llegar \naún más niños! Ayúdanos hacer película esta historia para \ndespertar el interés más niños por programación el trasteo \nla tecnología.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170109-01.en.html", "tags": "annual-report", "title": "\n\tFSFE Annual Report 2016\n ", "teaser": "busy year FSFE. Upholding principles of\n Free Software protecting citizens' exploited\n ongoing challenges tackled variety angles.\n (and \"we\", mean staff volunteers FSFE) pored\n hundreds pages policies legislations, looking loopholes\n Free Software could attacked.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-01-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180529-01.en.html", "tags": "internal policy career", "title": "FSFE is hiring: EU public policy programme manager ", "teaser": "looking programme manager policy work. person work 35 hours week team FSFE's Berlin office. coordination remote staff volunteers, well regular travels Brussels countries.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150210-01.nl.html", "tags": "education de education", "title": "Positiebepaling voor het versterken van Open Educatieve Hulpbronnen op basis van Vrije Software", "teaser": "Bündnis Freie Bildung (\"Bond Vrije Educatie\") vandaag samen FSFE partners positiebepaling gepubliceerd maken gebruiken Open Educational Resources (OER; \"Open Educatieve Hulpbronnen\"). Daarin eist Bond consequent publiceren OER-materiaal publieke licenties beschikbaarheid Vrije Software Open Standaard-formaten.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150224-01.el.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Κάλεσμα για εκδηλώσεις: Δηλώστε συμμετοχή για την Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων 2015", "teaser": "Η Ημέρα Ελευθερίας Εγγράφων (#DFD2015) είναι μια \nδιεθνής δράση για την απελευθέρωση των εγγράφων, με εκδηλώσεις βάσης σε όλον \nτον κόσμο στις 25 Μαρτίου 2015. Ενώστε τη φωνή σας σε αυτήν την παγκόσμια \nγιορτή για τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα και\nκαταχωρίστε τη δκή σας DFD εκδήλωση για το 2015!", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240515-01.de.html", "tags": "ada-zangemann community education software-freedom", "title": "Ada am Filmset: Aus ihrer Geschichte wird ein Animationsfilm!", "teaser": "Premierminister, MIT-Professor Kind \nRajasthan gemeinsam? Genau Persönlichkeiten öffentlichen \nLebens Tausende Kindern lieben Buch „Ada & Zangemann \n– Märchen Software, Skateboards Himbeereis“. Ada \nbereits Wohnungen Bibliotheken ganzen Welt geschafft, \njetzt braucht Unterstützung, mehr Kinder erreichen! \nHilf uns, Geschichte Film erzählen, mehr Kinder \nProgrammieren Tüfteln begeistern!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240122-01.it.html", "tags": "it education sfscon", "title": "La FSFE collabora con la Fondazione Edulife per introdurre il Software Libero agli studenti italiani", "teaser": "Nell’ambito progetto Academy LAST, Free Software Foundation Europe Fondazione Edulife, partner operativo dell’ITS Academy LAST, sviluppato accordo biennale fornire studenti contenuti educativi aspetti legali politici Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170908-01.fr.html", "tags": "copyright policy digital-single-market", "title": "La réforme du droit d'auteur européen entrave le développement du logiciel libre", "teaser": "FSFE l'Open Forum Europe alliés une\n initiative visant montrer les implications réforme droit\n d'auteur proposée l'UE l'écosystème développement de\n logiciels libres : Save Code\n Share. cadre cette initiative, publions\n aujourd'hui livre blanc lequel mettons évidence le\n projet l'article 13 pourrait, manière intentionnelle, nuire\n communautés entreprises construites autour du\n Logiciel Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170619-01.en.html", "tags": "legal licensing compliance", "title": "Legal and Licensing Workshop 2017: Its 10th edition \"restarts\" debates in Free Software licensing", "teaser": "April, FSFE organised annual \n Free \n Software Legal Licensing Workshop (LLW): meeting point \n legal experts world discuss issues best practices \n surrounding Free Software licences. year marks 10th anniversary \n LLW celebrated record number participants: \n 120 top legal experts technologists came way Barcelona \n (Spain) spend 3 full days discussing legal challenges around Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.el.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "Ένας περιορισμός στους τεχνολογικούς περιορισμούς", "teaser": "Το Safecast είναι ένα διεθνές έργο για την παρακολούθηση δεδομένων\n ακτινοβολίας από όλον τον κόσμο και την ανοιχτή διαθεσιμότητα αυτής της\n πληροφορίας. Στο ξεκίνημα του έργου γινόταν χρήση τροποποιημένου υλικού\n μαζί με το δικό τους προσαρμοσμένο λογισμικό και κάποια έξυπνα\n μαστορέματα, για να επιτρέπουν τη συμμετοχή όλων στο έργο. Αυτού του\n είδους η ευφυΐα, η ικανότητα του ανασχεδιασμού ή της προσαρμογής της\n υφιστάμενης τεχνολογίας με την αντικατάσταση ή την υποκατάσταση του\n λογισμικού της, θα πρέπει να επιτρέπεται και να ενθαρρύνεται από τη\n νομοθεσία. Στο παράδειγμα του Safecast, ευτυχώς, κανείς δεν τους\n εμπόδισε να είναι καινοτόμοι.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151110-01.fr.html", "tags": "european-parliament policy", "title": "Le Parlement européen pousse à l'adoption des Logiciels Libres", "teaser": "29 octobre 2015, Parlement européen adopté rapport, (2015/2635(RSP), condamne surveillance masse toute l'Europe. Tout concentrant principalement les précédents juridiques protection données, Parlement propose nouvelles recommandations améliorer sécurité informatique migrant vers Logiciel Libre l'ajoutant comme critère sélection obligatoire lors achats informatiques secteur public.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180613-01.en.html", "tags": "tech-teams", "title": "Technical Note: Mail Issues on June 8", "teaser": "Friday morning, one servers fatal \nhardware crash. affected parts mail infrastructure \nmailing lists. Meanwhile, services back normal. would \nlike inform happened problems caused. \nnutshell: Please make sure emails arrived check SMTP \nsettings.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170425-01.nl.html", "tags": "fellowship ga fellowship", "title": "\n En de winnaar van de verkiezing voor de zetel in de Algemene Vergadering van de FSFE is…", "teaser": "Daniel Pocock\n\n\n\t \n … Daniel Pocock! verkiezingsperiode zetel Algemene Vergadering Fellowship eindigt 24 april 2017. FSFE trots zoveel interesse zo'n actieve gemeenschp keer zeven uitstekende kandidaten beschikbaar waren. opgetogen Daniel Pocock neemt zetel voormalig vertegenwoordiger Nicolas Dietrich Algemene Vergadering FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240208-01.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs it de ch dk es gb nl", "title": "Meno di una settimana a “I Love Free Software Day” 2024!", "teaser": "14 febbraio comunità interessate Software Libero ritrovano mondo celebrare sviluppatori contributori progetti Software Libero. Prendi parte numerosi eventi tutt’Europa celebrano giornata!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240301-01.en.html", "tags": "fosdem", "title": "FOSDEM 2024 was a blast!", "teaser": "beginning February, FSFE volunteers staffers went back \nBrussels take part FOSDEM 2024 booth talks. \nsome us become awesome yearly experience, \nfirst time others. Thanks everyone came FOSDEM, visited \nour booth nice chat, joined us social events!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180212-01.sq.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Merrni pjesë në ditën I Love Free Software Day 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe fton këdo të shprehë falënderim për krejt kontribuesit Software Lirë më 14 shkurt. Vitin kaluar Love Free Software Day qe kushtuar aktivizmit jashtë internetit për t’i treguar njerëzve jashtë flluskës tonë të filtrimit rreth rëndësisë së Software-it të Lirë. Këtë të mërkurë, t’u kthehemi rrënjëve tona dhe përqendrohemi mbi faktin për të cilin shpik së pari kjo ditë: të kremtojmë bashkësinë Software-it të Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170217-01.sq.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission", "title": "Komisioni Europian i përgjigjet kërkesës së FSFE-së për informacion mbi Horizon 2020", "teaser": "Drejtoria Përgjithshme Kërkimeve dhe Risive Komisionit Europian përgjigjet \n një kërkese të bazuar në Lirinë Informimit (FOI), mbi përdorimin, zhvillimin dhe hedhjen në qarkullim të software-it nën programin Horizon 2020 - parashtruar nga FSFE-ja më 9 janar, 2017.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151104-01.sq.html", "tags": "digital-single-market policy european-commission public-administration", "title": "FSFE-ja parashtron komentet mbi Strategjinë e Komisionit Europian mbi Tregun e Përbashkët Dixhital", "teaser": "Komisioni Europian ka vendosur sjellë\n tregun përbashkët të BE-së në formë për epokën dixhitale, duke adoptuar\n\t\t“Një Strategji për një Treg të Përbashkët Dixhital” që synon heqjen pengesave\n rregullatore 28 tregjeve të ndryshëm kombëtare.\n\t\tSipas Komisionit, një Treg vërtetë Përbashkët Dixhital (TPD) \n\t\tmund të arrihet duke ndërmarrë veprimet vijuese:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240709-01.en.html", "tags": "highlights news deviceneutrality routers be", "title": "Belgian court’s decision impacts the future of Router Freedom", "teaser": "historic ruling within EU, Belgian court upheld \nthe decision country’s regulator introduce Router Freedom \nfor fiber networks. objections, raised local internet service \nprovider, deemed unfounded. landmark decision represents \nsignificant victory consumer rights, urge national \nregulators follow example.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240515-01.it.html", "tags": "news highlights ada-zangemann community education software-freedom", "title": "Ada va in scena: produciamo un film d'animazione", "teaser": "Cosa comune primo ministro, professore \nbambino Rajasthan? Loro, insieme altri personaggi pubblici \nmigliaia bambini, amano libro \"Ada & Zangemann - fiaba \nparla software, skateboard gelato lampone\". Ada già arrivata \nnelle case biblioteche mondo, ora bisogno \nvostro aiuto. Aiutateci realizzare film tratto storia \nstimolare l'interesse maggior numero bambini \nprogrammazione.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240318-01.en.html", "tags": "policy licensing gpl fosdem", "title": "Looking back: Software freedom discussion @FOSDEM", "teaser": "co-organised well-known Legal & Policy Issues Devroom FOSDEM 2024. discussions track covered important issues Software Freedom, CRA, RHEL, GPL termination, discussed. Thanks everyone participated it!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150316-01.en.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is Nicolas Dietrich ", "teaser": "… Nicolas Dietrich! election period year's Fellowship\n GA seat ended March 13, 2015. FSFE proud three \noutstanding candidates running office time. Now, \nNicolas Dietrich happy take GA's Fellowship seat \nformer representative Heiki \"Repentinus\" Lõhmus.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170110-01.nl.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission horizon2020", "title": "De FSFE dient een VVI-aanvraag in over Horizon 2020", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) dient \n Vrijheid Informatie (VVI)-aanvraag Directoraat-Generaal Onderzoek Innovatie Europese Commissie (EC). vragen daarin informatie betrekking gebruk, ontwikkeling publicatie software binnen Horizon 2020, grootste onderzoeksfinancieringsprogramma.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-01-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240506-01.en.html", "tags": "legal llw licensing se", "title": "LLW 2024: A forum for difficult legal topics of Free Software in Gothenburg", "teaser": "second year row, Swedish city Gothenburg hosted \nedition Free Software Legal & Licensing Workshop (LLW), \nannual conference Legal Network members. 2024 edition brought \nnew faces great discussions presentations current legal \nlicensing issues related technological developments AI.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151013-01.it.html", "tags": "public-administration pdfreaders campaigns", "title": "La FSFE convince 1125 amministrazioni pubbliche a rimuovere \n\tannunci pubblicitari di software proprietario", "teaser": "Dopo anni attività, \ncampagna lettori PDF\n volgendo termine mese iniziative maggior successo.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Show your love for Free Software", "teaser": "Every year 14th February, Free Software Foundation Europe \nasks Free Software users think hard-working \npeople Free Software community show \nappreciation individually \"I love Free Software\"-Day.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150414-01.en.html", "tags": "compliance gpl legal licensing", "title": "Statement on changed relations between the FSFE and Kern Sibbald", "teaser": "Since 2006, FSFE fiduciary copyrights held developers Bacula.org software, basis Fiduciary License Agreement (FLA) Memorandum Understanding signed Kern Sibbald FSFE 15th November 2006", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180705-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "La utilización de Software Libre en la construcción de una sociedad digital más democrática, incluyente y sostenible: entrevista con Francesca Bria, responsable de Tecnología en Barcelona", "teaser": "Barcelona, segunda ciudad más poblada España, está trabajando intensidad programa «ciudad inteligente» («Smart City»), está reestructurando infraestructuras tecnologías modernas ciudad para las necesidades los ciudadanos sean prioritario. cuestión esencial los planes actuación Barcelona utilización promoción Software Libre tecnologías abiertas como bien social, posibiliten colaboración entre las administraciones depender ningún proveedor. El Ayuntamiento Barcelona sido también el primero firmar carta abierta campaña «Public Money? Public Code!» («¿Dinero público? ¡Código público!»). Para arrojar algo luz sobre estas buenas prácticas Barcelona, hemos entrevistado Francesca Bria, Comisionada Tecnología Innovación Digital Ayuntamiento Barcelona, quien hemos hablado sobre las últimas innovaciones progresos ciudad.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170105-01.en.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission", "title": "The FSFE asks for more Free Software and Open Standards in Open Science", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe calls Free \n Software Open Standards considered vital part Open \n Science publicly-funded research Europe. help us \n sharing position paper. Read position paper \n promote Free Software science.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-01-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170616-01.nl.html", "tags": "tech-teams", "title": "FSFE biedt Git-opslagruimte aan haar supporters", "teaser": "Samenwerken is, net delen kennis, kernprincipe Vrije Software-gemeenschap. Vanaf vandaag biedt FSFE supporters geregistreerde vrijwilligers \nplatform Git-bestandsbronnen maken beheren comfortabele gebruikersinterface: git.fsfe.org.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150414-01.sq.html", "tags": "compliance gpl legal licensing", "title": "Deklaratë mbi ndryshimin e marrëdhënieve mes FSFE-së dhe Kern Sibbald-it", "teaser": "Që prej 2006-s, FSFE-ja ka qenë përfaqësuesja për të drejta kopjimi të zhvilluesve të software-it Bacula.org , mbi bazën një Marrëveshjeje Licence Përfaqësimi (Fiduciary License Agreement, shkurt FLA) dhe një Memorandum Understanding të nënshkruar Kern Sibbald-it dhe FSFE-së, më 15 nëntor 2006", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150918-01.sq.html", "tags": "drm policy european-parliament public-administration", "title": "Vlerësimet e FSFE-së mbi raportin e parlamentit europian mbi të drejtat e kopjimit", "teaser": "Më 6 korrik, parlamenti europian votoi një\n\t\traport një numër rekomandimesh për reformë të të drejtave të kopjimit.\n\t\tSot paraqesim vlerësimet tona mund të ndikojë kjo mbi Software-in Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240515-01.en.html", "tags": "news highlights ada-zangemann community education software-freedom", "title": "Ada goes to the set: let’s make an animated movie", "teaser": "Prime Minister, professor, child Rajasthan \nhave common? They, along public figures thousands \nchildren, love illustrated book 'Ada & Zangemann: Tale \nSoftware, Skateboards, Raspberry Ice Cream'. Ada already made \ninto homes libraries around world, needs help \nto reach even kids! Help us make film story spark \n kids’ interest coding tinkering!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240122-01.en.html", "tags": "it education sfscon", "title": "The FSFE partners with the Edulife Foundation to introduce Italian students to Free Software", "teaser": "framework Academy LAST project, Free Software Foundation Europe Edulife Foundation, operational partner Academy LAST, developed two-year agreement deliver educational content students Free Software legal aspects, policy public awareness.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.de.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Zeige Deine Liebe für Freie Software", "teaser": "Jahr 14. Februar bittet Free Software \nFoundation Europe Nutzer Freier Software, hart arbeitenden \nMenschen Freie Software-Gemeinschaft denken \nAnerkennung „I love Free Software“-Tag zeigen.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170419-01.en.html", "tags": "digital-o-mat elections de ayc", "title": "Digital-o-Mat: Campaigning for freedom in the state elections of North Rhine-Westphalia", "teaser": "North Rhine-Westphalia Germany's populated state next general elections May 14, 2017. election, \"coalition Free knowledge\" developed first time \"Digital-o-Mat\". \"Digital-o-Mat\" tool help voters concerned digital rights freedoms, decide party vote for. Therefor, eight questions guide user choose preferences important topics digital society - like questions use Free Software, Open Data Open Educational Resources. filling out, user see party matches best preferences additionally browse detailed explanations party's positions.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240417-01.en.html", "tags": "legal uk licensing", "title": "Are Free Software developers at risk?", "teaser": "Free Software everywhere, studies estimating \npresent 96% applications use. responsibilities \nliabilities Free Software developers? potential threat Free \nSoftware developers looms form ongoing lawsuit UK \ninvolving Bitcoin core developers.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-04-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180601-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "How Spanish administrations reuse software - an interview with Elena Muñoz Salinero about best practices.", "teaser": "Technology Transfer Centre (CTT) initiative run Spanish government whose goal facilitate sharing reuse software services among public administrations. shed light best practice, conducted interview Elena Muñoz Salinero, head CTT, ask legal, political technological background CTT.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151104-01.nl.html", "tags": "digital-single-market policy european-commission public-administration", "title": "FSFE dient commentaar in over de digitale interne marktstrategie van de \nEuropese Commissie.", "teaser": "Europese Commissie doel gesteld \ninterne markt klaar stomen digitale tijdperk. Hiervoor \nheeft \n\n“Een digitale interne marktstrategie” aangenomen doel wegnemen \nvan barrières tussen 28 verschillende nationale markten. Volgens Commissie \nkan echte digitale interne markt (\"Digital Single Market\" DSM) worden\ngerealiseerd volgende handelingen:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01.nl.html", "tags": "ayc pmpc openstandards public-administration it", "title": "FSFE Italië vraagt politieke partijen naar hun standpunten over Vrije Software", "teaser": "kader komende verkiezingen Italië 4 maart landteam FSFE Italië verschillende vragen gestuurd deelnemende partijen dagen ten aanzien standpunt Vrije Software overheid onderwijs. zullen antwoorden ontvangst publiceren analyseren.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150224-01.de.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Call for events: Werde ein Teil des Document Freedom Day 2015", "teaser": "Document Freedom Day (#DFD2015) globale Kampagne Befreiung Dokumenten, 25. März 2015 lokalen Veranstaltungen rund Globus aufruft. Teil Document Freedom Day registriere eigene DFD Veranstaltung 2015!", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170116-01.sq.html", "tags": "internship", "title": "Vende praktikantësh për studentë gjatë 2017-s", "teaser": "FSFE-ja është një organizëm jofitimprurës përkushtuar fuqizimit të kontrollit të\npërdoruesve mbi teknologjinë. Punojmë për të rrënjosur lirinë në shoqërinë dixhitale. Funksionojmë në një mjedis plot gjallëri vullnetarë nga mjaft vende. Po kërkojmë për studentë të cilët mund të bëhen pjesë ekipit tonë në Berlin për tre muaj, pjesë detyrueshme studimeve të tyre ose përpara diplomimit\nKërkojmë për ekipin tonë një praktikant teknik për tre muaj, për të marrë pjesë në punën për rishkrimin dhe sendërtimin një sistemi të ri administrimi llogarish.\n.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-01-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170906-01.nl.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE kondigt beste praktijken voor software-licentiëring aan", "teaser": "FSFE lanceert vandaag project beste praktijken licenseren Vrije Open Bron Softwareprojecten. beste praktijken gericht ontwikkelaars bedrijven. geven weer duidelijk maken welke licentie software gedistribueerd wordt, manier zowel mensen computers begrijpen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180601-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Cómo se reutiliza el software en las administraciones españolas: entrevista a Elena Muñoz Salinero sobre buenas prácticas.", "teaser": "El Centro Transferencia Tecnología (CTT) iniciativa Gobierno España, cuyo objetivo facilitar compartan reutilicen el software los servicios las administraciones públicas. Para arrojar algo luz respecto estas buenas prácticas, hemos entrevistado Elena Muñoz Salinero, responsable CTT, para preguntarle sobre el trasfondo legal, político tecnológico CTT.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.en.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "A restriction on technological restrictions", "teaser": "Safecast global project map radiation data around the\n world release information openly. project started\n out, used modified hardware, together custom software\n clever tweaks, allow anyone participate project.\n kind ingenuity, ability re-purpose adapt existing\n technology replacing supplementing software, be\n permitted encouraged law. example Safecast,\n fortunately nobody prevented innovative.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.de.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "Eine Einschränkung von technischen Einschränkungen", "teaser": "Safecast globales Projekt, Strahlungsdaten \n überall Welt erfassen Informationen öffentlich \n bereitzustellen. Beim Start Projekts nutzte Safecast angepasste \n Hardware Kombination eigens geschriebener Software \n cleveren Kniffen, ermöglichen, beim Projekt \n mitzuwirken. Einfallsreichtum, Fähigkeit, \n bestehende Technologie Ersetzen Erweitern \n bestehenden Software anzupassen, Zukunft Gesetze \n erlaubt gefördert werden. Beispiel Safecast \n glücklicherweise niemand davon abgehalten, innovativ sein.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01.sv.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Rapport 2018", "teaser": "14:e februari firade vår gemenskap årliga\n \"I love Free Software Day\". dag att visa gemenskaperna\n som betyder mest för dig din kärlek och liksom säga \"tack\" till projekten med fri programvara\n som omgärdar oss varje dag. Free Software Foundation Europe vill också tacka som\n firade och bidrog för att göra denna dag så speciell som blev.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150922-01.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE-ja zgjedh president dhe zv.president të ri", "teaser": "Matthias Kirschner dhe Alessandro Rubini janë presidenti\ndhe zv.presidenti ri FSFE-së. Ata zgjodhën javën shkuar në Bukuresht,\ngjatë Asamblesë së Përgjithshme të FSFE-së, teksa Reinhard Müller rizgjodh si\npërgjegjës financave. Ata të punojnë për FSFE-në në këto pozicione për dy\nvjetët ardhshëm.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180601-01.fr.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Comment les administrations espagnoles réutilisent les logiciels - Interview avec Elena Muñoz Salinero sur leurs meilleures pratiques.", "teaser": "Centre Transfert Technologique (CTT) est\n initiative gouvernement espagnol, dont faciliter\n partage réutilisation logiciels services des\n administrations publiques. interrogé Elena Muñoz Salinero,\n directrice CTT, les questions juridiques, politiques \n technologiques cœur CTT.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171116-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Welcome supporters (and goodbye smartcard)", "teaser": "Earlier year, public consultation, took decision to\nchange name supporter program, Fellowship FSFE,\nand talk supporters true name: Supporters. This\nis exciting change us, brings Supporters much closer\nto organisation, making integral part FSFE. Today,\nwith change almost complete, we're taking opportunity to\nsay goodbye Fellowship Smartcard, part of\nFSFE life ten years.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150324-01.el.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Περισσότερες από 50 εκδηλώσεις \n για τα Ανοιχτά Πρότυπα σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο", "teaser": "Στις 25 Μαρτίου είναι η φετινή Ημέρα Ελευθερίας \nΕγγράφων, και ανάλογα με τη ζώνη ώρας, έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει. Η Ημέρα Ελυθερίας\nΕγγράφων είναι η παγκόσμια δράση από τοπικές ομάδες ανά τον κόσμο για την\nαπελευθέρωση των εγγράφων. Μέχρι τώρα περισσότερες από 50 ομάδες καταχώρισαν\nτις εκδηλώσεις τους σε περισσότερες από 25 χώρες από την Ασία, Ευρώπη, Αφρική,\nμέχρι τη Νότια και Βόρεια Αμερική.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180913-01.de.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "Bundesfreiwilligendienst bei der Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)", "teaser": "suchen engagierte Person, Interesse \nBundesfreiwilligendienst FSFE e.V. leisten. \nBundesfreiwillige Vollzeit (35 Stunden wöchentlich) gemeinsam \nunserem Team Berliner Büro arbeiten.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180302-01.it.html", "tags": "ayc elections it", "title": "Ask Your Candidates: I partiti italiani consolidano la loro posizione sull'adozione del Software Libero e Open Source nella PA", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pubblica risultati questionario inviato maggiori partiti corsa elezioni politiche 4 Marzo Italia, merito campagna Ask Candidates promossa stessa FSFE. ricevuto riscontro positivo \"Movimento 5 Stelle\", \"Liberi Uguali\", \"Partito Democratico\" \"Potere Popolo\". Purtroppo, nessuna risposta \"+Europa\", \"Forza Italia\", \"Fratelli d'Italia\" \"Lega Nord\".", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240321-01.en.html", "tags": "news elections european-union pmpc press highlights", "title": "Let’s advocate together for Free Software in the European Elections", "teaser": "European citizens hit ballot boxes 6 9 June 2024 \nchoose next representatives European Parliament. \ncampaign heats up, important get active ensure Software \nFreedom part larger political debate. this? \nFind practical advice advocate Free Software coming \nmonths!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01.sq.html", "tags": "ayc pmpc openstandards public-administration it", "title": "FSFE Italy pyet partitë politike për pozicionet e tyre lidhur me Software-in e Lirë", "teaser": "rastin zgjedhjeve të ardhshme në Itali më 4 mars, ekipi vendor FSFE-së në Itali dërgoi disa pyetje pastive pjesëmarrëse, për të njohur pozicionin tyre lidhur Software-in Lirë në administratën publike dhe arsim. të botojmë dhe analizojmë përgjigjet tyre, sapo t’i marrim.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.fr.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "Restreindre les restrictions technologiques", "teaser": "Safecast projet mondial visant publier accès ouvert cartographie radiations monde entier. début projet afin permettre chacun participer, ils utilisaient matériel modifié accompagné leurs propres logiciels faits sur-mesures quelques astuces. type d'ingéniosité, c'est-à-dire possibilité d'adapter technologie remplaçant complétant les logiciels intégrés, devrait être permise encouragée loi. cas Safecast, heureusement personne les empêché d'être innovants.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171212-01.nl.html", "tags": "radiodirective policy european-commission", "title": "Radio-afscherming: huidige status van de vrijheid van uw apparaat", "teaser": "Free Software \nFoundation Europe twee jaren gewerkt onderwerp radio-afscherming, geïntroduceerd Europese richtlijn gebruikers zouden hinderen laden software radio-apparatuur, zoals mobiele telefoons, laptops routers. publiek geïnformeerd gepraat beslissingsnemers cruciale punten lichtlijn repareren. steeds vrijheid IT-veiligheid onze radio-apparatuur beschermen. Lees laatste ontwikkelingen volgende stappen.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-12-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240226-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report it de ch dk es gb nl", "title": "\"I Love Free Software Day\" 2024: Forging the future with Free Software", "teaser": "Together hundreds people several organisations, \ncelebrated another \"I Love Free Software Day\" 14 February! \nday, reached Free Software contributors say Thank you! \nall joined us time: Thank participating 14th \nedition \"I Love Free Software Day\" ❤️❤️❤️!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180530-02.fr.html", "tags": "licensing compliance legal", "title": "LLW2018 : La FSFE réunit les meilleurs experts pour un\n débat sur les problèmes de licences et de droit intersectoriel\n autour du Logiciel Libre", "teaser": "continuité d'une tradition longue plus\n d'une dizaine d'années, FSFE nouveau organisé 2018 son\n Legal Licensing Workshop (LLW, Atelier Juridique de\n Licences) lié Logiciel Libre 2018. s'agit d'un rendez-vous\n entre les meilleurs experts juridiques débattre des\n problématiques meilleures pratiques autour licences du\n Logiciel Libre. Cette année décidé revenir sources\n mettre l'accent partie atelier : 120 experts juridiques\n rencontrés 3 jours conférences Barcelone, en\n Espagne, plonger les sujet les plus litigieux monde \n juridique Logiciel Libre suivant nombre de\n « tracks » sessions interactives sans\n précédent.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01.fr.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Report 2018", "teaser": "développeurs Italie fêtant jour Love Free Sofware", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Mostra il tuo affetto per il Software Libero", "teaser": "14 febbraio ogni anno, Free Software\nFoundation Europe chiede utenti usano Software Libero\ndi pensare persone lavorano intensamente comunità del\nSoftware Libero, mostrare apprezzamento personale durante\nquesta giornata \"Io amo Software Libero\".", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180907-01.en.html", "tags": "internal", "title": "\n New FSFE staff member Alexander Sander: EU public policy programme manager", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe happy welcome newest staffer Alexander Sander. Alexander hired new public policy programme manager works full-time FSFE's Berlin office. position, Alexander mainly works us policy topics covering Free Software Open Standards issues member state level helps us identify monitor policy developments alert FSFE's network relevant issues.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240130-01.en.html", "tags": "fosdem routers policy zooom legal", "title": "See you at FOSDEM 2024!", "teaser": "time year again. FOSDEM take place Brussels \n3 4 February 2024. Free Software Foundation Europe \nwith staff volunteers! planning \nattend? so, meet us booth!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.it.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "Un limite alle limitazioni tecnologiche", "teaser": "Safecast progetto globale mappare livelli radiazione\n mondo rilasciare maniera aperta dati raccolti.\n Quando progetto inizi, partecipanti usavano hardware\n modificato, combinato software specifico alcune\n soluzioni ingegnose, modo consentire chiunque partecipare.\n genere inventiva, capacità trovare nuove\n funzioni adattare tecnologie esistenti sostituendo software\n originale (o aggiungendovi nuovi componenti) dovrebbe essere\n consentita incoraggiata legge. Fortunatamente, caso\n Safecast nessuno impedito essere innovativi.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170829-01.en.html", "tags": "digital-o-mat koalition-freies-wissen elections de policy", "title": "Digital-O-Mat: Compare your views on Internet policies with the parties for the German federal election 2017", "teaser": "Although digital issues becoming increasingly important, general election coverage often miss out. \"Koalition Freies Wissen\" (\"Free Knowledge Coalition\") created \"Digital-O-Mat\", online tool voter information German federal election 2017. FSFE asked participating parties positions Free Software. CDU/CSU, SPD FDP avoid clear statements thus confirm status quo, Greens Left contrast present supporters Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-08-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180215-01.en.html", "tags": "policy pmpc openstandards public-administration", "title": "European Free Software Policy Meeting 2018: more joint activities important for Free Software in Europe", "teaser": "Following well-established tradition \n gathering active Free Software groups FOSDEM kicks off, \n FSFE partnered OpenForum Europe \n third edition European Free Software Policy Meeting Brussels, \n heart European decision-making.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240301-01.nl.html", "tags": "fosdem", "title": "FOSDEM 2024 was een knaller!", "teaser": "Begin februari gingen FSFE-vrijwilligers -stafleden terug Brussel kraam lezingen deel nemen FOSDEM 2024. Hoewel enkelen geweldige jaarlijkse ervaring was, eerste keer. bedanken iedereen FOSDEM kwam, onze kraam bezocht leuk praatje maken deelnam onze sociale evenementen!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150303-01.fr.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Bilan 2015", "teaser": "personne exprimant amour TOR, parce qu'il sauve vies Turquie.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151110-01.nl.html", "tags": "european-parliament policy", "title": "Europees Parlement komt op voor overstap naar Vrije Software", "teaser": "29 oktober 2015 Europees Parlement\n\teen rapport aangenomen (2015/2635(RSP)) massa-surveillance \nheel Europa veroordeelt. Hoewel focus primair ligt juridische \nprecedenten databescherming, stelde Parlement nieuwe aanbevelingen \nvoor zowel IT-veiligheid verbeteren stappen Vrije Software, \nalswel Vrije Software toe voegen verplicht selectiecriterium \npublieke IT-inkoop.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240307-01.en.html", "tags": "press deviceneutrality policy european-union highlights", "title": "Let’s make Device Neutrality a reality in Europe!", "teaser": "Digital Markets Act comes effect today, Device \nNeutrality starts become tangible reality European Union. \nWhile acknowledging new law, FSFE alerts first \nstep commitment necessary.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240126-01.en.html", "tags": "interview yh4f yh4f-project", "title": "Meet Jannes and Aaron, YH4F 2023 participants", "teaser": "Find Youth Hacking 4 Freedom participants 2023 edition. starting series talking Jannes Aaron: worked projects related school education, particularly interesting see two projects approached different aspects similar spirit.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180725-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc interview open-letter translations", "title": "\"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\": meer talen, meer supporters, groter bewustzijn", "teaser": "website, open brief video \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\"-campagne voorzien bijgewerkte set vertalingen. Free Software Foundation Europe interviews gehouden overheden vragen voordelen publieke code. beschikbaar website.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240701-01.en.html", "tags": "highlights press pmpc policy public-administration european-commission", "title": "Europe needs Free Software to master its digital infrastructure", "teaser": "FSFE calls upon European Commission use Free Software \nensure secure resilient digital infrastructure. Software freedom \nwill benefit economy, civil society \ndemocracy.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-07-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240109-01.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Pronti per ‘I Love Free Software Day’ 2024?", "teaser": "Ogni anno, 14 febbraio, FSFE, insieme organizzazioni Software Libero mondo, celebra l’“I Love Free Software Day”: giornata speciale gratitudine vero collaboratori progetti Software Libero, grandi piccoli siano.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170911-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE in 2020: Reaffirming our identity", "teaser": "world constantly changing, people's thoughts perceptions. Since founding 2001, individuals engaged FSFE, coordinators volunteers full-time employees, develop understanding FSFE shared values are. Sometimes views expressed individuals similar one another, sometimes diverged.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-09-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150829-01.sq.html", "tags": "cloud privacy privacy dfd", "title": "FSFE-ja përkrah njohjen e të Drejtave për të Dhëna Përdoruesi", "teaser": "FSFE-ja përkrah botimin Manifestit\n 2.0 për Të dhëna Përdoruesi, që synon përcaktimin e\n të drejtave bazë të njerëzve për të kontrolluar të dhënat\n tyre në epokën Internetit. Manifesti është botuar sot\n dhe ka tashmë përkrahjen nga GNOME, KDE, Netzpolitik.org,\n ownCloud, Spreed, “Terms Service - Didn’t\n Read” dhe X-Lab.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151013-01.sq.html", "tags": "public-administration pdfreaders campaigns", "title": "FSFE-ja bind 1125 administrata publike të heqin\n reklama software-i pronësor", "teaser": "gjashtë vjetësh përpjekjesh, këtë muaj,\nfushata PDFreaders\n po mbërrin në fundin saj, një nga fushatat tona më të suksesshme.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240530-01.en.html", "tags": "news elections pmpc nl highlights", "title": "EU election: FSFE Netherlands Coordinator joins Amsterdam's Digital City Debate", "teaser": "elections debate: FSFE Netherlands coordinator adds voice Free Software Amsterdam's digital city debate. chance highlight importance Free Software lead-up upcoming European Elections next week.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-05-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240321-01.fr.html", "tags": "news elections european-union pmpc press highlights", "title": "Militons ensemble pour les Logiciels Libres lors des élections européennes", "teaser": "Les citoyens européens iront urnes 6 9 juin 2024 choisir\nleurs prochains représentants Parlement européen. Alors campagne\ns'intensifie, important s'activer s'assurer Liberté du\nLogiciel fasse partie débat politique plus large. Comment pouvez-vous\ny parvenir ? Trouvez conseils pratiques manière plaider en\nfaveur Logiciels Libres les mois viennent !", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170613-01.en.html", "tags": "digital-single-market policy eif openstandards", "title": "New European Interoperability Framework calls on public sector to contribute to Free Software", "teaser": "revised \"new\" \n European Interoperability Framework (EIF),\n adopted European Commission 23 March 2017, gives specific guidance\n set interoperable digital public services, offers public \n administrations concrete recommendations improve interoperability \n e-services.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-06-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180322-01.sq.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp", "title": "Thirrje për Pjesëmarrje: Pistë e FSFE-së Mbi \"Edukimin Dixhital\" Gjatë Libre Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë", "teaser": "Nga 7 deri më 12 korrik të zhvillohet Libre\n Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë. Konferenca, njohur edhe si\n RMLL, është veprimtaria vjetore më madhe Software-it të Lirë për Francën,\n që zhvillohet në pika të ndryshme të vendit. Këtë, tema kryesore është \"Edukimi Dixhital:\n krijim robërie apo fuqizim ri?\". pistën FSFE-së po shohim për ide frymëzuese lidhur\n kafazet arta dhe çlirimin jo vetëm në institucione edukative, por në jetën\n tonë të përditshme.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240307-01.es.html", "tags": "press deviceneutrality policy european-union highlights", "title": "¡Hagamos realidad la Neutralidad de los Dispositivos en Europa!", "teaser": "entrada vigor el día hoy Ley Mercados \nDigitales, Neutralidad los Dispositivos comienza ser \nrealidad tangible Unión Europea. Aunque FSFE aplaude nueva \nley, advierte este solo el primer paso necesario \ncompromiso mayor.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-03-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20171109-01.en.html", "tags": "policy pmpc openstandards", "title": "32 European ministers call for more Free Software in governmental infrastructure", "teaser": "6 October, 32 European Ministers charge eGovernment \n policy signed Tallinn Declaration eGovernment calls \n collaboration, interoperable solutions, sharing good practices \n throughout public administrations across borders. Amongst things, \n ministers recognised need make use Free Software \n solutions Open Standards (re)building governmental digital \n systems funds.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-11-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150918-01.it.html", "tags": "drm policy european-parliament public-administration", "title": "La valutazione FSFE del rapporto sul copyright del Parlamento UE", "teaser": "6 Luglio, Parlamento Europeo votato\n\t\tun rapporto contenente varie raccomandazioni riforma copyright.\n\t\tOggi presentiamo la\n\t\tnostra valutazione potrebbe influire Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240117-01.en.html", "tags": "ngi legal reuse", "title": "NGI: € 21.6 million in grants for Free Software", "teaser": "Next Generation Internet (NGI) Zero consortium, FSFE \npartner, unveiled NGI0 Commons Fund. new public fund \nwill award 21.6 million euro small medium R&D projects \ndeveloping Free Software technologies improve Internet.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240620-01.en.html", "tags": "news reuse licensing highlights", "title": "Save time and minimise licensing headaches with REUSE", "teaser": "REUSE helps make project's licensing copyright status \ntransparent, ensure third-party code properly attributed, \nmake project's code easily reusable. tool currently used \nworldwide specification adopted several corporate \nand institutional projects. spoke Matija Šuklje Liferay \nInternational, one companies adopted REUSE.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-06-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150401-01.en.html", "tags": "european-commission procurement public-administration policy", "title": "A cautious welcome to the EC's new Free Software strategy", "teaser": "European Commission published new version strategy internal use Free Software. strategy covers 2014-2017 timeframe. FSFE provided extensive input Commission update process.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170217-01.es.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission", "title": "La Comisión Europea responde a la solicitud de información de la FSFE sobre Horizonte 2020 ", "teaser": "Dirección General Investigación Innovación la\n Comisión Europea responde \n petición sobre Libertad Información (FOI) acerca uso, desarrollo y\n liberación software Horizonte 2020 - presentada por FSFE el\n 9 enero 2017.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181105-01.nl.html", "tags": "annual-report pmpc savecodeshare reuse community ayc ilovefs", "title": "Jaarverslag van de Free Software Foundation Europe 2018", "teaser": "\"Softwarevrijheid Europa\" jaarverslag Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). één document geeft overzicht belangrijke dingen FSFE afgelopen 12 maanden gedaan bereikt. rapport 2018 leest onze verkiezingscampagnes, onze input hervorming auteursrecht Europese Unie onze succesvolle aanpak eisen publiek gefinancierde software openbaar gemaakt Vrije Softwarelicentie. krijgt inzicht evenementen (mede)georganiseerd onze gemeenschap groepen geholpen prestaties. slot zullen aantal cijfers tonen laten zien welke middelen gerekend vooruitblik geven komende jaar.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-11-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01.es.html", "tags": "ayc pmpc openstandards public-administration it", "title": "La FSFE en Italia pregunta a los partidos políticos su posición sobre el Software Libre", "teaser": "vista las próximas elecciones 4 marzo Italia, el equipo regional FSFE envió varias preguntas los partidos concurrentes, para conocer posición sobre el Software Libre administración educación públicas. Analizaremos publicaremos sus respuestas, vez las recibamos.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170217-01.en.html", "tags": "openstandards open-science policy european-commission", "title": "European Commission responds to the FSFE's information request for Horizon 2020 ", "teaser": "European Commission Directorate-General Research\n Innovation responds \n Freedom Information (FOI) request use, development and\n release software Horizon 2020 - submitted FSFE on\n January 9, 2017.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-02-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180716-01.en.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "FSFE is hiring: project manager", "teaser": "looking project manager support\n work empower people control technology. person work\n 35 hours week team FSFE's Berlin office supporting\n FSFE projects managing larger FSFE events. be\n coordination remote staff volunteers, well travels\n countries.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151013-01.pt.html", "tags": "public-administration pdfreaders campaigns", "title": "FSFE convenceu 1125 administrações públicas a remover\n\tanúncios a software proprietário", "teaser": "Depois seis anos actividade, a\ncampanha PDFreaders\n vai terminar este mês como uma nossas bem sucedidas campanhas.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01.it.html", "tags": "ayc pmpc openstandards public-administration it", "title": "FSFE Italia chiede la posizione dei partiti in merito al Software Libero", "teaser": "luce prossime elezioni terranno Italia\n prossimo 4 marzo, team italiano FSFE inviato serie domande\n vari partiti candidati l'intento stimolarli esprimere posizioni relativamente ruolo\n Software Libero pubblica amministrazione mondo dell'educazione. Pubblicheremo\n analizzeremo risposte volta ricevute.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150916-01.en.html", "tags": "freedomvote ch ayc campaigns", "title": "\"Freedomvote\": 10 questions about digital freedom for the Swiss national election", "teaser": "anticipation Swiss national parliament elections (Nationalrat- / Ständeratswahlen) 18 October 2015, FSFE Switzerland starts „Freedomvote“ campaign today, cooperation \"Swiss Open Systems User Group“ (/ch/open). campaign offers online portal lists candidates run election, opinion towards Internet policy, Free Software, open data formats.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180414-01.nl.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp community", "title": "Oproep voor participatie: FSFE-gemeenschapsontmoeting en FSFE-track op de Libre Software Meeting in Straatsburg, Frankrijk", "teaser": "Libre Software Meeting (LSM) wellicht grootste gemeenschap gedreven Vrije Software-bijeenkomst Frankrijk. fungeert 2018 gastheer FSFE-gemeenschapsontmoeting. vindt plaats Straatsburg FSFE eigen trakn organiseren tijdens eerste dagen LSM, 7 9 juli. kans deel nemen FSFE's gemeenschapsontmoeting gelijktijdig lezing houden LSM 2018. deadline aanmelden lezing 30 april vergeet, meldt aan!", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240111-01.en.html", "tags": "de yh4f ada-zangemann ccc", "title": "The FSFE at the 37C3: Unlocked", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe, along 10.000 hackers, took part 37th Chaos Communication Congress. great pleasure back Hamburg join Chaos family another amazing four-day congress. Thank coming participating Chaos!", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150922-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "La FSFE a élu son nouveau président et vice-président", "teaser": "Matthias Kirschner Alessandro Rubini respectivement les nouveaux président vice-président FSFE. Ils élus semaine dernière Bucarest lors l'assemblée générale FSFE, tandis Reinhard Müller réélu tant trésorier. mandat durera deux ans.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180219-01.en.html", "tags": "ayc pmpc openstandards public-administration it", "title": "FSFE Italy asks political parties about their positions on Free Software", "teaser": "light upcoming elections Italy March 4th, FSFE country team Italy sent multiple questions participating parties challenge position Free Software public administration education. publish analyse answers receive them.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2017/news-20170829-01.de.html", "tags": "digital-o-mat elections de policy koalition-freies-wissen", "title": "Digital-O-Mat: Vergleiche Deine netzpolitischen Positionen mit den Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2017", "teaser": "Digitale Themen gewinnen zunehmend Bedeutung, allgemeinen Wahlberichterstattung kommen jedoch oft kurz. Darum Koalition Freies Wissen \"Digital-O-Mat\" gestaltet, Online-Tool Information WählerInnen Bundestagswahl 2017. Dafür befragte FSFE beteiligten Parteien Positionen Freier Software. CDU/CSU, SPD FDP zementieren dabei leider Status Quo, Grüne Linke hingegen präsentieren Unterstützer Freier Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-08-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-8.nl.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#8: Hoe vertel ik mijn moeder dat Vrije Software geld kan kosten?", "teaser": "aflevering Software Freedom Podcast praten Bonnie Mehring Matthias Kirschner financiële kosten Vrije Software. hand voorbeeld conversatie Bonnie moeder voerde ontdekken beiden verschillende manieren Vrije Software wereld leggen antwoord veelgestelde vragen misverstanden softwarevrijheid.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180905-02.en.html", "tags": "savecodeshare", "title": "\n\t\"Call to Action: Save Free Software this September\"\n", "teaser": "Free Software risk! 12th September getting ready vote \"Copyright Reform\" package, undermines foundations upon Free Software built. proposed Article 13 Copyright Directive targets every online service allows users upload share content other, including code hosting platforms.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240109-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Are you ready for ‘I Love Free Software Day’ 2024?", "teaser": "Every year, 14 February, FSFE, together Free Software organisations around globe, celebrates “I Love Free Software Day”: special day appreciation contributors Free Software projects, large small.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-01-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151104-01.en.html", "tags": "digital-single-market policy european-commission public-administration", "title": "FSFE submits comments on the European Commission's Digital Single \n Market strategy", "teaser": "European Commission set goal \n\t\tmake EU's single market fit digital age adopting \n\t\t“A Digital Single Market Strategy” aimed bringing \n\t\tregulatory barriers 28 different national markets.\n\t\tAccording Commission, true Digital Single Market (DSM) \n\t\tcan achieved taking following actions:", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180725-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc interview open-letter translations", "title": "«¿Dinero público? ¡Código público!»: más idiomas, más apoyos, mayor repercusión", "teaser": "campaña «¿Dinero público? ¡Código público!» ha\nrecibido serie traducciones nuevas, incluidas web, la\ncarta abierta el vídeo. Fundación Software Libe Europa\ntambién entrevistado responsables las administraciones\npúblicas relación los beneficios el código sea público,\nentrevistas ya pueden leerse nuestra web.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151028-01.nl.html", "tags": "competition de policy routers", "title": "FSFE tekent gezamenlijke brief voor vrijheid van apparaten met een \nterminal", "teaser": "Woensdag Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) \nsamen negen maatschappelijke economische organisaties \nverschillende leden Duitse Bondsdag brief verplichte routers \ngestuurd. brief licht belang aannemen \nwetsvoorstel vrijheid apparaten terminal \ntelecommunicatie.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-21.it.html", "tags": "podcast european-parliament policy european-union IEA pmpc", "title": "SFP#21: Analizzare la libertà software nelle politiche europee con Lina Ceballos", "teaser": "Ascolta nuova puntata Software Freedom Podcast Lina \nCeballos. Lina Bonnie parlano ciò inerente Software \nLibero politiche europee. Scopri lavoro Lina \nFSFE passano decisioni politiche nell'UE. Scopri \nmeglio sostenere Software Libero cos'è Legge Europa \nInteroperabile comunità Software Libero bisogno \nessere guardiani protezione libertà software.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210506-01.it.html", "tags": "routers", "title": "Riforma comunicazioni in Austria: Libertà del Router a favore dei consumatori", "teaser": "L'Austria riformando legge telecomunicazioni integrare nuove direttive europee comunicazioni elettroniche. governo austriaco ora un'opportunità unica fare leva libertà router livello legislativo proteggere consumatori mercato.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180529-01.fr.html", "tags": "internal policy career", "title": "La FSFE recrute un gestionnaire de programme de politique\n publique européenne", "teaser": "cherchons gestionnaire programme pour\n action politique. Cette personne travaillera 35 heures par\n semaine équipe les bureaux FSFE à\n Berlin. travail coordination les équipes distance ainsi\n les bénévoles prévoir, trajets réguliers à\n Bruxelles d'autres pays.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-29"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210830-01.de.html", "tags": "corona fya", "title": "Öffentliche Einrichtungen versagen: Freiwillige müssen Freizeit opfern, um CovPass-App für alle verfügbar zu machen", "teaser": "erfolgreichen Bereitstellung deutschen Corona-Warn-App Zugriff Google-Dienste F-Droid vergangenen \n Jahr springen erneut Freiwillige ein, staatliche Aufgaben übernehmen CovPass-App verfügbar machen.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-08-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180119-01.de.html", "tags": "bea pmpc security", "title": "Organisationen und Juristen fordern: Das besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach muss Freie Software werden", "teaser": "Vertrauen besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach\n(beA) bekannt gewordenen Sicherheitslücken erheblichen\ntechnischen Mängeln Vertrauen Juristen Mandanten verloren.\nDie Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) übermittelt heute Offenen Brief Empfehlungen\nund Forderungen auftraggebende Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer\n(BRAK) zusammen drei weiteren bekannten zivilgesellschaftlichen\nOrganisationen 21 Juristen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-01-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151013-01.es.html", "tags": "pdfreaders campaigns public-administration", "title": "La FSFE convence a 1125 administraciones públicas para que \n\tretiren los anuncios de software propietario", "teaser": "Después seis años actividad, \ncampaña lectores PDF\n llega este fin como las campañas mayor éxito.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180723-01.es.html", "tags": "internal internship career", "title": "Trabaja en la FSFE: buscamos becarios y aprendices en áreas jurídicas, políticas y técnicas.", "teaser": "Buscamos becarios aprendices tengan experiencia el ámbito jurídico, político técnico. jornada laboral 35 horas semanales trabajo nuestro equipo sede FSFE Berlín. El puesto exige coordinación teletrabajadores voluntarios. función área trabajo, existe posibilidad participar eventos encuentros por toda Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151110-01.en.html", "tags": "european-parliament policy", "title": "European Parliament pushes for Free Software", "teaser": "29 October 2015, European Parliament\n\tadopted report (2015/2635(RSP)), condemned mass surveillance throughout\n\tEurope. focusing primarily legal precedents data protection,\n\tParliament proposed new recommendations improve security\n\tby migrating free software, well adding free software a\n\tmandatory selection criterion public procurement.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210920-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Entrevistas para las elecciones federales alemanas de 2021", "teaser": "Las elecciones federales 2021 Alemania (26.09.2021) están vuelta esquina.\n soberanía digital, través uso Software Libre, el centro nuestra conversación\n los partidos políticos, también hemos llevado cabo para preguntarles todos harían.\n complace hayamos podido hablar personalmente los candidatos\n todos los partidos posibilidades participar el próximo gobierno preguntarles\n todos los partidos qué harían sus respectivos partidos para avanzar digitalización Alemania el Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-14.nl.html", "tags": "podcast routers radiodirective", "title": "SFP#14: De wereld van mesh-netwerken met Elektra Wagenrad", "teaser": "aflevering opent Software Freedom Podcast deur fascinerende soms complexe wereld mesh-netwerken. beter Elektra Wagenrad reis meenemen? Elektra oorspronkelijke ontwikkelaars B.A.T.M.A.N.-protocol Mesh Potato-project.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181023-02.en.html", "tags": "swpat", "title": "\nFree Software changing Microsoft's patent strategy\n", "teaser": "October Microsoft took big step concerning its\nsoftware patents joining LOT\nNetwork (LOT stands \"License Transfer\") Open Invention Network\n(OIN). clear sign progress long road handing\ncontrol technology people, FSFE encourages Microsoft\nto take additional steps direction.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150401-02.nl.html", "tags": "procurement public-administration de de", "title": "Oproep tot evaluatie: vragen over het Duitse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken", "teaser": "Groenen Duitse Bondsdag vragen gesteld thema \"Vrije Software (Duitse) Ministerie Buitenlandse Zaken\" (pdf, Duits). Bondsregering vragen beantwoordt.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-17.en.html", "tags": "pmpc podcast", "title": "SFP#17: Citizen participation through Free Software with Petter Joelson", "teaser": "17th episode Software Freedom Podcast Matthias Kirschner Petter Joelson uncover Free Software tool citizens actively participate local community. Petter invites world Decidim explains citizen participation look like.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181205-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc elections savecodeshare", "title": "De FSFE heeft uw steun nodig bij het verspreiden van softwarevrijheid in Europa!", "teaser": "Sinds 2001 stelt Free Software Foundation Europe softwaregebruikers staat controle oefenen technologie vandaag dag diep onze levens verweven. organisatie winstoogmerk werk gesteund voortdurende genereuze bijdragen onze supporters. publiekscampagnes beleidsmonitoring, verwijderen juridische barrieres helpen organisaties begrijpen software bijdraagt vrijheid, transparantie zelfbeschikking: onze supporters geholpen werk financieren.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-8.en.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#8: How to tell my mother that Free Software can cost money?", "teaser": "Software Freedom Podcast episode Bonnie Mehring Matthias Kirschner talk monetary costs Free Software. example conversation Bonnie mother, discover ways explaining world Free Software answer common questions misunderstandings software freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-12-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150224-01.nl.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Verzoek om evenementen: Maak deel uit van Document Vrijheidsdag 2015", "teaser": "Document Vrijheidsdag (#DFD2015) wereldwijde campagne bevrijden documenten, evenementen hele wereld 25 maart 2015. Voeg jouw stem toe wereldwijde viering Open Standaarden, registreer jouw DFD-evenement 2015!", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210209-01.en.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "The FSFE is hiring a Project Manager with a focus on communications and sustainability", "teaser": "looking person communications background support\n us running upcoming projects, including upcoming digital\n sustainability campaign. person work full-time Berlin\n office.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-16.en.html", "tags": "fr podcast", "title": "SFP#16: Free Software in France with Hugo Roy", "teaser": "episode Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie Mehring speaks Hugo Roy long involvement FSFE. Hugo active French Free Software community gives us overview standing Free Software France.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150306-01.sq.html", "tags": "ch open-justitia policy", "title": "Këshilli Federal Zviceran sheh mundësinë e sigurisë ligjore për hedhjen në qarkullim të Software-it të Lirë", "teaser": "Sot për sot, në Zvicër, ka paqartësi lidhur zhvillimin\ndhe hedhjen në qarkullim të Software-i të Lirë nga ana kontraktuesve publikë.\nKëtë çështje solli sërish në pah zhvillimi software-it OpenJustitia\nnga Gjykata Lartë Federale Zvicerane. Këshilli federal tani dëshiron të\nshqyrtojë nëse mund të lejohet shprehimisht botimi Software-it të Lirë\nnga administrata federale. Free Software Foundation Europe kërkon\nqë kjo çështje të qartësohet, në mënyrë që software-i financuar para publike\ntë hidhet në qarkullim ligjërisht dhe prerë, Software Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180725-01.fr.html", "tags": "pmpc interview open-letter translations", "title": "\"Public Money? Public Code!\": plus de traductions, plus de\n soutiens, plus de sensibilitation", "teaser": "campagne Public Money? Public Code! a\nbénéficié d'une série mises jour concernant les traductions, site\nnotament site Web, vidéo lettre ouverte. cette fin, la\nFree Software Foundation Europe entrepris d'interrogé les\nadministrations publiques concernant les bénéfices d'un code public, ces\néchanges maintenant disponibles site Web.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211203-01.de.html", "tags": "internal tech-teams", "title": "Infrastruktur ganz im Sinne der Softwarefreiheit", "teaser": "Organisationen begrenzten Ressourcen digital souverän und\n trotzdem moderne Dienstleistungen anbieten? trivial, die\n FSFE beweist, dass möglich ist. Tauchen tief unsere\n Infrastruktur ein, erfahren, verschiedenen Dienste in\n FSFE betreiben zahllosen Hürden umgehen. Geschichte nicht\n Techies.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-13.en.html", "tags": "podcast ilovefs", "title": "SFP#13: Free Software game \"0 A.D. Empires Ascendant\" with Stanislas Dolcini", "teaser": "upcoming \"I Love Free Software Day\" focus Free Software Games. One famous Free Software games \"0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant\". episode Bonnie Mehring talks Stanislas Dolcini, project leader 0 A.D., game itself, project, game became Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211125-01.fr.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "Upcycling Android : Continuez d'utiliser votre téléphone avec des Logiciels Libres", "teaser": "FSFE lance nouvelle initiative \"Upcycling Android\": chaque fois continuons d'utiliser téléphone lieu d'en acheter nouveau, soutenons utilisation plus durable ressources. Upcycling Android aide les gens casser l'obsolescence logiciels continuer d'utiliser leurs téléphones Logiciels Libres.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150302-02.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "Jonas Öberg vjen te FSFE-ja si drejtor ekzekutiv", "teaser": "FSFE-ja ka punësuar veprimtarin, prej kohësh,\n\t Software-it të Lirë, Jonas Öberg, për të qenë drejtori ekzekutiv\n organizmit. Drejtimin organizmit merr më 1 mars.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-16.it.html", "tags": "fr podcast", "title": "SFP#16: Software Libero in Francia con Hugo Roy", "teaser": "puntata Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie Mehring parla Hugo Roy coinvolgimento lungo tempo FSFE. Hugo molto attivo comunità Software Libero Francese fornisce panoramica situazione Software Libero Francia.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-09-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180613-01.nl.html", "tags": "tech-teams", "title": "Technische notitie: uitdagingen rond e-mail op 8 juni", "teaser": "Vrijdagmorgen vond fatale hardwarecrash plaats onze e-mailservers. invloed delen onze e-mailinfrastructuur e-maillijsten. diensten functioneren weer. willen informeren gebeurde welke problemen veroorzaakt. notendop: verzeker ervan e-mails aangekomen controleer SMTP-instellingen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-11.en.html", "tags": "reuse podcast", "title": "SFP#11: REUSE Booster and our update on REUSE with Max Mehl", "teaser": "Max Mehl Bonnie Mehring talk REUSE initiative newly launched REUSE Booster programme. 11th episode Software Freedom Podcast perfect match interested Free Software licensing curious REUSE tools make easier developers users.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210525-01.nl.html", "tags": "internal", "title": "FSFE migreert haar aanwezigheid op IRC naar Libera Chat", "teaser": "antwoord recente massale ontslag vrijwillige medewerkers van\n Freenode, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) netwerk Vrije Software\n gemeenschappen, migreert FSFE IRC-aanwezigheid Libera Chat,\n nieuw IRC-netwerk vergelijkbare focus, opgericht voormalige Freenode-stafleden.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-4.en.html", "tags": "podcast reuse", "title": "SFP#4 about REUSE with Carmen Bianca Bakker", "teaser": "monthly Software Freedom Podcast talk people inspiring ideas software freedom. episode, talk Carmen Bianca Bakker REUSE project. covering broad topic software licensing problems there, REUSE able solve three simple steps.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-5.it.html", "tags": "podcast copyright", "title": "SFP#5 sui regolamenti con il professore Lawrence Lessig", "teaser": "Software Freedom Podcast parliamo persone ispirato idee libertà software. puntata, parliamo professor Lawrence Lessig – fondatore Creative Commons – regolamenti società, offline online, diversi mezzi regolamentazione, luce regolamenti codice.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210625-01.en.html", "tags": "interview fsfe20", "title": "20 Years FSFE: Interview with Torsten Grote", "teaser": "fourth birthday publication interviewing Torsten \n\t\tGrote, explored Free Software alternatives smartphones \n\t\tfor FSFE early 2012. reminisce emergence \n\t\tof Free Android campaign discuss Torsten \n\t\twhich options available liberating phones today.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150401-01.el.html", "tags": "european-commission procurement public-administration policy", "title": "Ένα επιφυλακτικό καλωσόρισμα στη νέα στρατηγική της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό", "teaser": "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δημοσίευσε μια νέα έκδοση\n της στρατηγικής της για την εσωτερική χρήση του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Η στρατηγική καλύπτει τώρα\n το χρονικό πλαίσιο 2014-2017. Το FSFE παρέθεσε εκτεταμένες απόψεις προς την Επιτροπή κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας ενημέρωσης.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-04-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-13.de.html", "tags": "podcast ilovefs", "title": "SFP#13: Freies Software Spiel \"0 A.D. Empires Ascendant\" mit Stanislas Dolcini", "teaser": "Beim kommenden \"I Love Free Software Day\" Freie Software Spiele Zentrum stehen. bekanntesten \"0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant\". Episode spricht Bonnie Mehring Stanislas Dolcini, Projektleiter 0 A.D., Spiel Projekt, Spiel Freien Software wurde.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180215-01.sq.html", "tags": "policy pmpc openstandards public-administration", "title": "Takim Europian mbi Politikat e Software-it të Lirë 2018: më tepër veprimtari të përbashkëta për Software-in e Lirë në Europë", "teaser": "Duke ndjekur traditën konsoliduar\n të mbledhjes së grupeve aktive të Software-it të Lirë përpara të nisë FOSDEM-i, FSFE-ja sërish në bashkëpunim OpenForum Europe\n organizuan në Bruksel, në zemrën vendimmarrjes në Europë, edicionin tretë të Takimit Europian mbi Politika të Software-it të Lirë.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-15"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.pt.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Mostre a sua paixão pelo Software Livre", "teaser": "Todos os anos 14 Fevereiro, Free Software Foundation Europe \npede todos os utilizadores Software Livre pensem naquelas pessoas trabalhadoras\nna comunidade Software Livre mostrem seu apreço \nindividualmente neste dia \"Eu adoro Software Livre\".", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150506-01.es.html", "tags": "drm general-purpose-computing policy", "title": "Una restricción en las restricciones tecnológicas", "teaser": "SafeCast proyecto global para cartografiar datos radiación por todo\n el mundo publicar esta información forma libre. Cuando el proyecto acaba comenzar,\n utiliza hardware modificado, junto software creado medida \n unas pocas inteligentes modificaciones, permiten cualquiera pueda participar el proyecto.\n Este tipo ingenio, habilidad modificar uso adaptar tecnología \n existente sustituyendo complementando el software, ser\n permitido alentado por ley. el caso SafeCast,\n afortunadamente, nadie les impidió ser innovadores.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211008-01.nl.html", "tags": "licensing reuse copyright compliance", "title": "Leer over Vrije Software in juridische context met FSFE's Legal Education Day", "teaser": "FSFE organiseert zaterdag 6 november juridische onderwijsdag. online-evenement iedereen bijgewoond. lezingen vraag-en-antwoordsessies \n basisprincipes auteursrecht, licenties juridische onderwerpen bevatten. \n evenement Vrije Software-ontwikkelaars helpen juridische onderwerpen begrijpen zodat software-projecten volledige potentieel bereiken.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181010-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc ayc de digital-o-mat", "title": "Digital-O-Mat: Wat vinden de partijen in Hessen van Vrije Software?", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) voorafgaand komende verkiezing Landdag Hessen behulp \"Digital-O-Mat\" posities partijen ten aanzien Vrije Software loep genomen. Opvallend name zwaarwegende verschillen tussen huidige coalitiepartners. Terwijl CDU status quo uitspreekt presenteert Bündnis 90/Die Grünen ondersteuner Vrije Software spreekt expliciet FSFE gepropageerde grondbeginsel \"Publiek Geld, Publieke Code!\" gelijknamige campagne uit.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150224-01.en.html", "tags": "dfd", "title": "Call for events: Be a part of Document Freedom Day 2015", "teaser": "Document Freedom Day (#DFD2015) global campaign document liberation, grassroots events throughout world taking place March 25, 2015. Add voice worldwide celebration Open Standards, register DFD event 2015!", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-20.it.html", "tags": "routers deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#20: Tutto quello da sapere sulla neutralità del dispositivo con Lucas Lasota", "teaser": "Ascolta 20ª puntata Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie \nMehring Lucas Lasota discutono neutralità dispositivo Libertà \ndel Router. Insieme affrontano concetti fondamenti \niniziative spiegano utenti finali dovrebbero avere \ncontrollo propri dispositivi.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Report 2018", "teaser": "Wednesday 14th February, community celebrated the\n annual \"I love Free Software Day\". day declare love communities\n important well saying \"Thank You\" Free Software\n projects surrounding us every single day. Free Software Foundation Europe\n wants thank everyone cheered contributed make day as\n special could be.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210204-01.en.html", "tags": "interview fsfe20", "title": "20 years FSFE: Interview with Georg Greve, founder president", "teaser": "2021 Free Software Foundation Europe turns 20. moment use celebrate community series publications, accompanied us past still so. first publication look back everything got started conducted interview FSFE's first president, Georg C. F. Greve.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-4.nl.html", "tags": "podcast reuse", "title": "SFP#4 over REUSE met Carmen Bianca Bakker", "teaser": "maandelijkse Software Freedom Podcast praten mensen inspirerende ideeën softwarevrijheid. aflevering praten Carmen Bianca Bakker REUSE-project. Hiermee gaan erg brede onderwerp softwarelicenties, problemen daarmee verbonden REUSE drie eenvoudige stappen oplossen.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150817-01.it.html", "tags": "compliance gpl legal licensing", "title": "Il ruolo della FSFE nel progetto Bacula", "teaser": "aprile 2015, annunciato cambiamento relazioni Kern\nSibbald FSFE dovuto cancellazione \"Fiduciary Licence Agreement\" (FLA) \ntra Kern FSFE, precedenza reso FSFE fiduciaria \nper copyright software Bacula.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-08-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20151013-01.el.html", "tags": "public-administration pdfreaders campaigns", "title": "Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού πείθει 1125 δημόσιους φορείς να αφαιρέσουν ιδιωτικές διαφημίσεις λογισμικού", "teaser": "Μετά από έξι χρόνια συνεχούς δράσης, \nη εκστρατεία \"PDFreaders\"\n κλείνει το μήνα αυτό, αποκτώντας τον τίτλο της πιο επιτυχημένης μας εκστρατείας.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210420-01.it.html", "tags": "interview fsfe20", "title": "20 anni di FSFE: intervista con Fernanda Weiden", "teaser": "terza pubblicazione anniversario, intervistiamo Fernanda Weiden - cofondatrice FSF America Latina ex vice presidente FSFE - inizi Software Libero America Latina, attuale utilizzo Software Libero aziende Big Tech, sostegno diversità varie comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-04-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-2.en.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#2 about KDE with Lydia Pintscher ", "teaser": "back second episode Software Freedom Podcast! \n month, talk people inspiring ideas \n software freedom. episode, talk Lydia Pintscher \n KDE development KDE community, different KDE projects \n issues tackling next two years.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-11-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180302-01.en.html", "tags": "ayc elections it", "title": "Ask Your Candidates: Italian parties offer progress towards the use of Free Software in public entities", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) publishes results Ask Candidates campaign FSFE Italy run Italian election. Multiple questions sent major political parties run office national elections March 4. received positive statements \"Movimento 5 Stelle\", \"Liberi Uguali\", \"Partito Democratico\" \"Potere Popolo\". Unfortunately, answers \"+Europa\", \"Forza Italia\", \"Fratelli d'Italia\" \"Lega Nord\".", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181024-01.en.html", "tags": "ccc", "title": "Call for sessions at the FSFE assembly during 35C3", "teaser": "context 35th Chaos Communication Congress happening December 27th 30th Leipzig, FSFE happy host assembly again, acting information booth meeting point friends friends Free Software. previous editions, offer attention stage self-organised sessions community, call participation.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211102-01.it.html", "tags": "fsfe20", "title": "Il software forma la società. Il Software Libero la fa progredire.", "teaser": "Guarda nuovo video mostra pratiche differenti software portano differenti modelli società. software intangibile, spesso ciò produce. decisioni riguardo software utilizziamo effetti vita reale. C'è tipo software avvantaggia bene comune: Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-15.en.html", "tags": "podcast upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "SFP#15: All about Upcycling Android", "teaser": "November 2021 FSFE launched new campaign \"Upcycling Android\". already upcycled phone curious learn campaign listen new Software Freedom Podcast episode campaigns manager Erik Albers.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-06-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150209-01.fr.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Montrez votre amour du Logiciel Libre", "teaser": "14 février chaque année, Free Software Foundation Europe demande utilisateurs Logiciel Libre penser ceux travaillent dur communauté Logiciel Libre montrer individuellement cela apprécié cette journée \"J'aime Logiciel Libre\".", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180705-01.fr.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Utiliser le Logiciel Libre pour construire une société\n numérique plus démocratique, inclusive et durable - Interview avec\n Francesca Bria, directrice de l'innovation technologique et numérique\n de Barcelone", "teaser": "Barcelone, seconde plus grande ville d'Espagne\n très active agenda « Smart City » pour\n façonner l'infrastructure les technologies employées ville\n répondre besoins citoyens. clé plan est\n l'utilisation promotion Logiciel Libre comme bien social,\n pemettre collaboration entre les administrations échapper à\n l'enfermement chez fournisseur. Barcelone aussi première\n ville avoir signé lettre ouverte « Public Money? Public\n Code! ». mettre lumière les bonnes pratiques de\n Barcelone, mené entretien Francesca Bria, la\n directrice l'innovation technologique numérique conseil de\n Barcelone, discuter innovations développement à\n Barcelone.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01.de.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs Report 2018", "teaser": "Mittwoch, 14. Februar, Community jährlichen\n \"I love Free Software Tag\" gefeiert. Ein\n Tag ganz Zeichen Liebeserklärung Communitys, am\n wichtigsten sind, Projekten danken, Tag umgeben\n Freie Software schaffen. Free Software Foundation Europe dankt allen\n Teilnehmerinnen Person, beitrug, Tag besonders wie\n möglich machen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150306-01.nl.html", "tags": "ch open-justitia policy", "title": "Zwitserse Bondsraad overweegt juridische steun voor publicatie van Vrije Software", "teaser": "moment onzekerheid Zwitserland ten aanzien \nontwikkeling publicatie Vrije Software publieke aanbesteders. aanleiding hiervoor \nwas ontwikkeling publicatie software OpenJustitia Zwitserse \nFederale Hooggerechtshof. Bondsraad onderzoeken publicatie Vrije Software \ndoor federale overheid expliciet toegestaan. Free Software Foundation Europe \neist duidelijke uitleg zodat publiek gefinancierde software ambiguïteit juridisch \nworden gepubliceerd Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211124-01.es.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement es", "title": "Evento de lanzamiento del folleto ¿Dinero público? ¡Código público! ahora en Español", "teaser": "Gracias apoyo duro trabajo nuestros voluntarios, nuestro folleto ¿Dinero público? Código público! ya está disponible Español. este evento exploraremos las buenas prácticas ya implementadas, pero también los retos tenemos por delante para modernizar infraestructura digital pública código público España. El evento llevará cabo Español.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180414-01.en.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp community", "title": "Call for Participation: FSFE Community Meeting and FSFE track at the Libre Software Meeting in Strasbourg, France", "teaser": "Libre Software Meeting (LSM) maybe biggest community-driven Free Software meeting France 2018 serves host FSFE community meeting. takes place Strasbourg FSFE organise track first days LSM, 7 9 July. chance part FSFE's community meeting give talk LSM 2018 time. Deadline apply talk April 30 - forget it, apply now!", "type": "page", "date": "2018-04-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-6.it.html", "tags": "podcast copyright", "title": "SFP#6 Far rispettare il copyright con Miriam Ballhausen", "teaser": "invitato Miriam Ballhausen parlare rispetto copyright. Miriam avvocato tedesco specializzata software, protezione dati, leggi copyright specificatamente copyright Software Libero. sesta puntata ordinaria Software Freedom Podcast invitiamo esperti comunità.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150218-01.sq.html", "tags": "swpat openstandards policy european-commission", "title": "FSFE-ja u përgjigjet konsultave të BE-së mbi patentat\n\t\tdhe standardet", "teaser": "Që të ushtrojë trysni për një trajtim më të informuar të politikave\n të administrimit të risive dhe dijes, FSFE-ja ka parashtruar një\n përgjigje [pdf] një konsultë BE-së mbi patentat dhe standardet. Ky është\n veprimi më ri FSFE-së në një punë të vazhdueshme për promovimin Standardeve të Hapura.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-02-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210928-01.nl.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "Youth Hacking 4 Freedom: programmeerwedstrijd voor tieners start binnenkort", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) liefdadigheidsorganisatie gebruikers staat stelt technologie controleren. jongere generatie inspireren softwarevrijheid organiseert FSFE programmeerwedstrijd ‘Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' (YH4F), waarin tieners heel Europa kans eerlijke leuke manier competitie gaan. winnaars ontvangen prijs cash reis Brussel jonge hackers.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150916-01.nl.html", "tags": "freedomvote ch ayc campaigns", "title": "\"Freedomvote\": Tien vragen over digitale vrijheid voor de Zwitserse nationale verkiezingen", "teaser": "FSFE Zwitserland start vandaag samenwerking „Zwitserse Open Systemen Gebruikersgroep“ (/ch/open) „Freedomvote“-campagne. anticipatie Zwitserse nationale parlementsverkiezingen (Nationalrat- / Ständeratswahlen) 18 oktober 2015. campagne biedt online portaal lijsten kandidaten mening internetbeleid, Vrije Software open dataformaten.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180526-01.en.html", "tags": "ga fellowship", "title": "FSFE simplifies membership procedures for contributors", "teaser": "last year's General Assembly FSFE's Council asked prepare constitution change remove so-called \"Fellowship seats\". motion adopted 20:3 votes zero abstentions. Today FSFE's General Assembly approved extraordinary meeting removal Fellowship seats. future, access membership FSFE shall facilitated normal membership procedures active FSFE contributors.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-22.nl.html", "tags": "podcast pmpc", "title": "SFP#22: Alles over \"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\" met Johannes Näder", "teaser": "22e aflevering onze Software Freedom Podcast praten Johannes Näder, senior projectmanager Beleid Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) over\"Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!\".", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210505-01.nl.html", "tags": "routers", "title": "Routervrijheid: Griekenland zet een stap vooruit; Duitsland een achteruit", "teaser": "EU-lidstaten bezig herzien regels betrekking wetgeving implementatie Routervrijheid. Griekenland Duitsland eerste stappen gezet. terwijl Griekenland gericht belangen eindgebruikers Duitsland kant gegaan. komende maanden cruciaal Routervrijheid Europa lokale participatie daarbij grootste belang.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180905-02.nl.html", "tags": "savecodeshare", "title": "\n \"Oproep tot actie: Red Vrije Software in deze september\"\n ", "teaser": "Vrije Software gevaar! 12 september stemmen pakket \"auteursrechtherziening\" basis waarop Vrije Software gebouwd ondermijnt. voorgestelde Artikel 13 auteursrechtrichtlijn richt zicht iedere online dienst gebruikers staat stelt inhoud uploaden elkaar delen, inclusief platforms code hosten.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211210-01.en.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "The FSFE is looking for an office assistant", "teaser": "looking office assistant 20-25 hours week our\n Berlin office. part office management team organise the\n FSFE's day-to-day operations. job provide clerical support\n staff coordinate daily administrative activities.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-4.it.html", "tags": "podcast reuse", "title": "SFP#4 su REUSE con Carmen Bianca Bakker", "teaser": "Software Freedom Podcast mensile parliamo persone ispirato idee libertà software. puntata, parliamo Carmen Bianca Bakker progetto REUSE. Copriremo quindi l'ampia tematica licenze software relativi problemi, REUSE grado risolvere tre semplici passaggi.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-01-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180322-01.en.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp", "title": "Call for Participation: FSFE Track About \"Digital Education\" During the Libre Software Meeting in Strasbourg, France", "teaser": "7 12 July Libre\n Software Meeting Strasbourg, France. conference known as\n RMLL annualy rotating currently biggest Free Software\n event France. year, main topic \"Digital Education:\n building captivity new empowerment?\". FSFE track are\n looking inspiring insights golden cages liberation not\n educational institutions everyday lives.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150918-01.en.html", "tags": "drm policy european-parliament public-administration", "title": "FSFE’s evaluation of the EU Parliament copyright report", "teaser": "July 6th, European Parliament voted\n\t\ton report number recommendations copyright reform.\n\t\tWe present today our\n\t\tevaluation could impact Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-09-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181023-02.nl.html", "tags": "swpat", "title": "\n Vrije Software verandert de octrooistrategie van Microsoft\n ", "teaser": "oktober Microsoft grote stap gezet betrekking zijn\n software-octrooien sluiten LOT\n Netwerk (LOT staat \"License Transfer\"; \"licentie overdracht\", vert.) Open Invention Network\n (OIN); \"Open Uitvinding Netwerk\", vert. duidelijk teken vooruitgang lange overhandiging controle technologie mensen. FSFE moedigt Microsoft aan\n extra stappen richting zetten.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-10-23"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150306-01.de.html", "tags": "ch open-justitia policy", "title": "Schweizerischer Bundesrat prüft rechtliche Garantie auf Freie-Software-Veröffentlichung", "teaser": "Schweiz herrscht derzeit Verunsicherung bezüglich der\nEntwicklung Veröffentlichung Freier Software öffentliche Träger.\nAuslöser Entwicklung Freigabe Software OpenJustitia\ndurch Schweizerische Bundesgericht. Bundesrat prüfen, die\nVeröffentlichung Freier Software Bundesverwaltung gesetzlich\nexplizit erlaubt kann. Free Software Foundation Europe fordert eine\nKlarstellung, öffentlich finanzierte Software rechtssicher Freie\nSoftware veröffentlicht kann.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-03-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-21.en.html", "tags": "podcast european-parliament policy european-union IEA pmpc", "title": "SFP#21: Exploring Software Freedom in European Politics with Lina Ceballos", "teaser": "Listen new Software Freedom Podcast episode Lina Ceballos. Lina Bonnie talk everything related Free Software European Politics. Learn Lina's work Free Software Foundation Europe political decisions pass EU. Discover best advocate Free Software, especially, Interoperable Europe Act Free Software communities need lookout protection software freedom.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-07-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211011-01.it.html", "tags": "translations", "title": "Team dei traduttori: raggiungere più persone nella propria lingua", "teaser": "team traduttori FSFE lavorato senza stancarsi durante secondo anno Covid-19 permettere persone tutta Europa conoscere Software Libero propria lingua. Dall'inizio 2021 state fatte 230 traduzioni 9 diverse lingue, senza contare originali inglese.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150527-01.sq.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE-ja po kërkon një përgjegjës dhe arkitekt sistemesh", "teaser": "Ju lutemi, mbani parasysh që nuk priten më aplikime\npër këtë vend pune.\nFree Software Foundation Europe themelua\n më 2001-n dhe që prej asaj kohe ka parë një rritje shumë të madhe,\n në numrin vullnetarëve, ashtu edhe atë të nëpunësve, edhe\n në kompleksitetin infrastrukturës sonë teknike dhe numrit të \n shërbimeve që xhirojmë dhe ofrojmë për përdorim të brendshëm,\n ashtu edhe të jashtëm. Jemi duke kërkuar një përgjegjës dhe arkitekt\n sistemesh që, për një kohë të kufizuar, të mund të mbështetë\n në punën tonë për migrimin shërbimeve tonë në një infrastrukturë\n të re.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-19.it.html", "tags": "ilovefs deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#19: Necessità del Software Libero sui dispositivi medicali con Karen Sandler", "teaser": "puntata Bonnie Mehring incontrato Karen Sandler \nparlare proprio legame Software Libero. Karen dipende \ndispositivo medico far funzionare cuore. l'ha portata \na diventare sostenitrice Software Libero dispositivi medici.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2015/news-20150527-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "FSFE is looking for a systems administrator and\n architect", "teaser": "Please note position longer open for\napplications.\nThe Free Software Foundation Europe was\n founded 2001 gone tremendous growth\n since then, number volunteers staff, and\n complexity technical infrastructure and\n number services run offer internal and\n external use. We're currently looking system\n administrator architect that, limited time, can\n support us work migrate services new\n infrastructure.", "type": "page", "date": "2015-05-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20161202-01.sq.html", "tags": "anniversary pmpc", "title": "Ndihmonani të fuqizohemi dhe arrijmë diçka gjatë 2017-s", "teaser": "Këtë vit, FSFE-ja kremtoi ditëlindjen saj të 15-të. 15 vjet fuqizimi të përdoruesve, përkrahje bashkësish dhe përpjekje për legjislacion më të mirë. 15 vjet për të parë krejt veprimtaritë, edhe ato të para të vockla dikur, mund të kenë peshë kur punojmë së toku. 15 vjet për të parë krejt veprimtaritë, edhe ato të para të pamundura dikur, mund të dalin sukses, kur jemi të bashkuar. Tok, në disa raste patëm sukses edhe kundrejt lobimesh nga më të fuqishmit nga grupe të mëdhenj interesi. 15 vjet për të parë krejt kjo s’do të kish qenë mundur pa përkrahjen vazhdueshme të anëtarëve të bashkësisë sonë, që kanë kontribuar mijëra orë pune nga koha tyre dhe kanë mbështetur edhe financiarisht. Ndihmonani të fuqizohemi dhe arrijmë diçka gjatë 2017-s", "type": "page", "date": "2016-12-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180917-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "\"Ga vandaag voor open, er is geen excuus om het niet te doen\" - interview met Timo Aarnio, GIS-expert bij National Land Survey Finland", "teaser": "Oskari Vrije Software-platform browsen, delen analyseren geografische informatie gedistribueerde data-bronnen. ontwikkeling ervan gecoördineerd National Land Survey Finland georganiseerd via Oskari-netwerk 38 organisaties private publieke sector. Oskari ontving tweede prijs internationale categorie Sharing Reuse Awards Contest 2017 Europese Commissie. gaat moment incubatiefase officieel Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Project worden. licht laten schijnen beste praktijken ten aanzien Vrije Software publieke middelen gefinancierd interview gehouden Timo Aarnio, GIS-expert afdeling SDI-diensten National Land Survey Finland.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210830-01.en.html", "tags": "corona fya", "title": "Public bodies fail: Volunteers have to sacrifice free time to make CovPass app available to all", "teaser": "successful liberation German Corona tracing app Google services last year, volunteers step \n take government's task order make CovPass app available everyone.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-08-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160930-01.sq.html", "tags": "internship", "title": "Vend për praktikant teknik", "teaser": "FSFE-ja është një organizëm jofitimprurës përkushtuar fuqizimit të kontrollit të përdoruesve mbi teknologjinë. Punojmë për të rrënjosur lirinë në shoqërinë dixhitale. Funksionojmë në një mjedis plot gjallëri vullnetarë nga mjaft vende. Kërkojmë për ekipin tonë një praktikant teknik për tre muaj, për të marrë pjesë në punën për rishkrimin dhe sendërtimin një sistemi të ri administrimi llogarish.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-24.nl.html", "tags": "podcast european-union policy AI", "title": "SFP#24: De status van Vrije Software met Karen Sandler en Alexander Sander", "teaser": "afgelopen jaar veranderingen Vrije Software Europa VS? kijken wetgevers Vrije Software? softwarevrijheid steunen? Karen Sandler Alexander Sander actief Vrije Softwarebeweging delen inzichten huidige status Vrije Software onze samenleving.", "type": "page", "date": "2024-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210526-01.en.html", "tags": "funding localgroup", "title": "Call to apply for FSFE support for your local project", "teaser": "secret FSFE's activities possible \nthe priceless help contributors supporters around Europe. \nreturn support local engagement financially, expertise, \ninformation material networks. help formalize process, \nrun next call FSFE community projects.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180308-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "#ilovefs verslag 2018", "teaser": "woensdag 14 februari vierde onze gemeenschap jaarlijkse \"I love Free Software Dag\". dag liefde verklaren meest belangrijke gemeenschappen Vrije Software-projecten iedere dag omringen bedanken. Free Software Foundation Europe iedereen bedanken aanmoedigde bijdroeg speciale dag.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-03-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210721-01.it.html", "tags": "fsfe20", "title": "FSFE: 20 anni a dare alle persone i mezzi per controllare la tecnologia", "teaser": "20 anni FSFE, evidenziamo l'importanza libertà software Europa importanti traguardi raggiunti 2001. Mettiamo evidenza comunità pagina dell'anniversario possibile trovare interviste video comunità. Ognuno invitato festeggiare condividere propria storia.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180526-01.fr.html", "tags": "ga fellowship", "title": "La FSFE simplifie la procédure d'adhésion pour ses\n contributeurs", "teaser": "Durant l'Assemblée\n Générale l'année dernière, demandé Conseil la\n FSFE préparer amendement constitution supprimer les\n sièges « Fellows ». Cette motion adoptée 20\n votes pour, 3 votes contre 0 abstention. Aujourd'hui, l'Assemblée\n Générale FSFE approuvé cette suppression lors d'une assemblée\n générale extraordinaire. l'avenir, l'adhésion tant membre de\n FSFE fera travers procédures classiques d'adhésion pour\n les contributeurs actifs FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-5.en.html", "tags": "podcast copyright", "title": "SFP#5 about regulation with Professor Lawrence Lessig", "teaser": "Software Freedom Podcast talk people inspiring ideas software freedom. episode, talk Professor Lawrence Lessig, founder Creative Commons, regulation society, offline well online, different means regulation, shed light regulations code.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210331-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Dortmund usa il Software Libero: strada aperta per \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!\"", "teaser": "determinazione senza precedenti, Dortmund impegnata usare Software Libero. schiacciante maggioranza tutte fazioni politiche, consiglio comunale aperto strada \"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!”. futuro, software sviluppato commissionato dall'amministrazione reso disponibile pubblico.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210214-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Join us I Love Free Software Day 2021", "teaser": "Today \"I Love Free Software Day\" celebrate share love Free Software. special day say thank Free Software friends supported, developed, campaigned, translated worked Free Software. 14 February, let us show love thank people involved Free Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210526-01.nl.html", "tags": "funding localgroup", "title": "Oproep voor het aanvragen van FSFE-steun voor uw lokale project", "teaser": "geheim activiteiten FSFE alleen mogelijk onbetaalbare hulp onze donateurs supporters heel Europa. ruil daarvoor steunen lokale betrokkenheid financieel, onze expertise, informatiemateriaal netwerken. proces helpen formaliseren onze oproep FSFE-gemeenschapsprojecten.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-18.it.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#18: Sicurezza informatica dal punto di vista di una crittografa con Cryptie", "teaser": "esperta crittografia specialista privacy, Amandine Jambert, a.k.a. Cryptie, ospite 18ª puntata Software Freedom Podcast. \nCon esperienza, Cryptie persona perfetta affrontare alcune basi sicurezza Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-12-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210521-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc security public-administration policy nl", "title": "Dutch Digital Autonomy must be based on Free Software and Open Standards", "teaser": "\"The Netherlands losing grip internet security, therefore danger losing control democracy, rule law economic innovation system.\" warning comes Cyber Security Council, national independent advisory body Dutch government business community members government, industry academia.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160205-01.nl.html", "tags": "policy openstandards european-commission european-parliament public-administration", "title": "Europese Vrije Software Beleidsontmoeting 2016", "teaser": "Brussel traditioneel eind januari plaats \nwaar enthousiasten ontwikkelaars Vrije Software elkaar ontmoeten.\nTijdens FOSDEM spreken honderden experts \nhun geliefde project voeren discussie verleden, heden \nde toekomst open bron. geweldige plaats geestverwanten \nontmoeten.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180705-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Using Free Software to build a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable digital society - interview with Francesca Bria, CTO of Barcelona.", "teaser": "Barcelona, second populous municipality Spain, actively working \"smart city\" agenda reshaping modern city's infrastucture technologies put citizen's needs first. Key Barcelona's agenda use promotion Free Software open technologies social good, enable collaboration administrations escape vendor lock-ins. Barcelona first City Council signed open letter “Public Money? Public Code!”. shed light Barcelona's best practice, conducted interview Francesca Bria, Chief Technology Digital Innovation Officer Barcelona City Council, ask ongoing innovations developments Barcelona.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-19.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#19: Waarom we Vrije Software nodig hebben voor medische apparatuur met Karen Sandler", "teaser": "aflevering Bonnie Mehring ontmoeting Karen Sandler praten relatie Vrije Software. Karen afhankelijk medisch apparaat hart laten werken. bracht ertoe pleitbezorger Vrije Software medische apparatuur.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210504-01.en.html", "tags": "ngi reuse legal", "title": "NGI0: How the FSFE Helps Free Software Developers Engineer a Better Internet", "teaser": "FSFE 3rd final year involvement European Commission's NGI0 Initiative, feedback work area positive. Today, give updates team working initiative, share feedback various developers we've managed help them.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180725-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc interview open-letter translations", "title": "\"Public Money? Public Code!\": more languages, more supporters, more awareness", "teaser": "\"Public Money? Public Code!\" campaign \nreceived updated set translations, including website, open \nletter video. Free Software Foundation Europe \nconducted interviews ask public administrations benefits \nof public code, available website.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210317-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs ilovefs-report", "title": "\"I Love Free Software Day\" report for 2021", "teaser": "year celebrated 11th edition \"I Love Free Software Day\". Every year 14 February show love Free Software say thank people working software freedom. took part celebrated \"I Love Free Software Day\", - Free Software Foundation Europe - would like thank much.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-19"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160624-01.nl.html", "tags": "openstandards policy european-commission digital-single-market eif", "title": "FSFE's antwoorden op de publieke consultatie van de Europese Commissie: \nherziening van het Europese interoperabiliteitsraamwerk", "teaser": "Europese Commissie \n\nvraagt input publiek betrekking plannen \nEuropees Interoperabiliteitsraamwerk (\"European \nInteroperability Framework\", EIF) vernieuwen. EIF doel \npromoten verbeterde interoperabiliteit binnen \npublieke sector EU. document aangenomen 2004 \noorspronkelijk bedoeld set niet-bindende richtlijnen \nvoor EU-overheid. EIF derde keer herzien. \nFSFE \ncommentaar \nwerkversie herziene richtlijnen voorbereid.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-06-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180322-01.it.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp", "title": "Chiamata alla partecipazione: Il programma della FSFE sull'\"Educazione Digitale\" per il Libre Software Meeting a Strasburgo, Francia", "teaser": "7 12 Luglio, terrà Libre Software Meeting Strasburgo, Francia. conferenza, conosciuta RMLL, tiene annualmente grande evento Software Libero Francia. Quest'anno l'argomento principale \"Digital Education: building captivity new empowerment?\". programma cerchiamo ispirare consapevolazza riguardo gabbie dorate all'emancipazione, solo istituti educativi, vita giorni.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-6.en.html", "tags": "podcast copyright", "title": "SFP#6 Copyright enforcement with Miriam Ballhausen", "teaser": "invited Miriam Ballhausen talk us copyright enforcement. German lawyer focuses software, data protection, copyright law specifically Free Software copyright. sixth regular episode Software Freedom Podcast invite experts community.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20161110-01.sq.html", "tags": "policy procurement", "title": "Një ligj rus e bën Software-in e Lirë Përparësi Publike", "teaser": "Ligjvënësit kanë hartuar\nnjë projekt-ligj\nqë jep një shtytje të fortë Software-it të lirë në shumë nivele brenda \nsektorit publik të Federatës Ruse.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-23.nl.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#23: Wat is Vrije Software? Een kerstpodcast om te leren over Vrije Software", "teaser": "dagen erg speciaal, toch? kerstaflevering onze Software Freedom Podcast ook! 23e aflevering FSFE gek plezier raadspel rond termen maken Vrije Software. perfecte aflevering leren favoriete type software: Vrije Software!", "type": "page", "date": "2023-12-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-20.en.html", "tags": "routers deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#20: All about Device Neutrality with Lucas Lasota", "teaser": "Join us 20th episode Software Freedom Podcast, \nBonnie Mehring Lucas Lasota discuss Device Neutrality Router \nFreedom. cover concepts fundamentals \ninitiatives explain end-users control \ndevices.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181105-01.en.html", "tags": "annual-report pmpc savecodeshare reuse community ayc ilovefs", "title": "Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2018", "teaser": "\"Software freedom Europe\" yearly report Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). one document, gives breakdown important things FSFE done achieved last 12 months. 2018 report, read electoral campaigns, input European Union's copyright reform, successful outreach demanding publicly financed software made publicly available Free Software licence. get insights events (co-)organised community groups helped us achievements. Finally, display numbers showing resources counted on, giving outlook next year.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-11-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180322-01.nl.html", "tags": "rmll event cfp", "title": "Oproep voor participatie: FSFE-track over \"digitale educatie\" tijdens de Libre Software-ontmoeting in Straatsburg, Frankrijk", "teaser": "7 12 juli Libre\n Software-ontmoeting plaatsvinden Straatsburg, Frankrijk. conferentie, bekend staat RMLL, jaarlijks locatie gehouden moment grootste Vrije Software-evenement Frankrijk. belangrijkste onderwerp jaar \"Digitale educatie: gevangenschap opnieuw leren opkomen uzelf?\". FSFE-track zoeken inspirerende inzichten gouden kooien bevrijding, alleen onderwijsinstellingen dagelijkse leven.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-03-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160126-01.nl.html", "tags": "dfd dfd", "title": "#ilovefs Rapport 2016", "teaser": "Zondag 14 februari 2016 dag liefde \nverklaren mensen waar geven. dag viert Vrije \nSoftware-gemeenschap traditioneel jaarlijks \"I love Free Software\"-dag \nontwikkelaars achter Vrije Software bedanken. FSFE vroeg jaar \nzesde keer iedereen deel nemen waardering dankbaarheid \nte uiten favoriete Vrije Software-bijdragers.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160928-01.sq.html", "tags": "copyright drm digital-single-market", "title": "Propozimi i BE-së për të drejtat e kopjimit përforcon DRM-në", "teaser": "Më 14 shtator Komisioni Europian (EC) publikoi propozimin vet të pritur prej kohësh për një Direktivë mbi të drejtat Kopjimit në Tregun Përbashkët Dixhital. Ndërkohë që mirëpresim sjelljen nga propozimi të një përjashtimi të detyrueshëm për “grumbullimin dhe shfrytëzimin teksteve dhe të dhënave” (TDM) në fushën kërkimeve shkencore, jemi të shqetësuar për përfshirjen një klauzole veprim të largët \"masash teknike sigurie\" akorduar zotëruesve të të drejtave qëllim që të kufizohet përjashtimi sapovendosur.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211110-01.en.html", "tags": "annual-report fsfe20 community legal pmpc reuse routers podcast sustainability translations", "title": "Software Freedom in Europe 2021", "teaser": "Cancelling large events, limitations meetings, travel\n restrictions: none stopped FSFE advancing software\n freedom 2021. Router Freedom new podcast episodes to\n co-organising Legal Policy devroom FOSDEM, keep\n empowering people control technology.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160411-01.nl.html", "tags": "radiodirective policy competition european-parliament european-commission", "title": "Gezamenlijke verklaring over de radioafschermingsrichtlijn", "teaser": "23 Organisaties, waaronder Free Software Foundation \nEurope (FSFE) samen \nmaatregelen voorgesteld EU-instellingen -lidstaten negatieve \ngevolgen gebruikersrechten Vrije Software vermijden gevolg \nvan radio-apparatuurafschermingsrichtlijn 2014/53/EU.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-10.nl.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#10: Hoe Vrije Software en een duurzame digitale infrastructuur te steunen", "teaser": "onze tiende aflevering Software Freedom Podcast praten Elisa Lindinger Superrr Lab. Samen bespreken problemen waar Vrije Softwareprojecten mee kampen aanpakken. breder kader ontdekken nodig duurzamere digitale infrastructuur praten werk Elisa daarvoor doet.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-04-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180725-01.de.html", "tags": "pmpc interview open-letter translations", "title": "\n \"Public Money? Public Code!\":\n mehr Sprachen, mehr Unterstützer, mehr Verbreitung\n ", "teaser": "\"Public Money? Public Code!\" Kampagne mehr Übersetzungen für\n Webseite, offenen Brief Video erhalten.\n Außerdem Free Software Foundation Europe Interviews\n Vorteile \"Public Code\" (Open Source)\n Vertretern öffentlichen Verwaltung geführt,\n finden unserer Webseite.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-19.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#19: Why we need Free Software on medical devices with Karen Sandler", "teaser": "episode Bonnie Mehring Karen Sandler talk \nher relationship Free Software. Karen depends medical device \nto keep heart working. led become advocate \nFree Software medical devices.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-02-14"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160126-01.es.html", "tags": "dfd dfd", "title": "El Día del Documento Libre a punto de pasar a manos de la Fundación por la Libertad Digital", "teaser": "Este 2016, Fundación Software Libre Europa complace entregar organización Día Internacional Documento Libre Fundación para Libertad Digital. El Día Documento Libre campaña mundial para liberación documento, el conocimiento los Estándares Abiertos actos por todo el mundo. Fundación para Libertad Digital bien conocida por organizar el Día Software Libre, día internacional para celebrar el Software Libre.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-6.nl.html", "tags": "podcast copyright", "title": "SFP#6 Afdwingen van auteursrecht met Miriam Ballhausen", "teaser": "Miriam Ballhausen uitgenodigd praten afdwingen auteursrecht. Duitse advocaat focus software, databescherming, auteursrecht name Vrije Software-auteursrecht. zesde reguliere aflevering Software Freedom Podcast waarvoor deskundigen onze gemeenschap uitnodigen.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-07-03"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-3.nl.html", "tags": "podcast huawei", "title": "SFP#3 over Vrije Software mobiele telefooncommunicatie met Harald Welte", "teaser": "Eén keer maand praten mensen inspirerende ideeën softwarevrijheid. derde aflevering onze gast Vrije Softwareprogrammeur -activist Harald Welte. Harald bespreekt huidige projecten gebied mobiele telefooncommunicatie algemene status Vrije Software gebied.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211011-01.en.html", "tags": "translations", "title": "Translators team: Reaching more people in their native language", "teaser": "FSFE's translators team working tirelessly throughout the\nsecond year Covid-19 enable people across Europe read learn\nabout Free Software native language. Since beginning 2021 we\nhave 230 new translations 9 different languages, counting the\nEnglish originals.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20161110-01.en.html", "tags": "policy procurement", "title": "Russian Bill makes Free Software a Public Priority", "teaser": "Legislators drafted \na bill\nthat boost Free Software multiple levels within Russian \nFederation's public sector.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-11-10"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180212-01.el.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Συμμετάσχετε στη \"Μέρα Αγάπης για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό\"", "teaser": "Στις 14 Φεβρουαρίου, το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (FSFE) σας καλεί να πείτε \"Ευχαριστώ\" σε όλες και όλους που συνεισφέρουν στο Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό. Το προηγούμενο έτος, η Μέρα Αγάπης για το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό συνοδεύτηκε από μη-διαδικτυακό ακτιβισμό ώστε να ενημερώσουμε ανθρώπους εκτός του κύκλου μας για τη σημασία του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού. Αυτή την Τετάρτη, επιστρέφοντας στις ρίζες μας, θα εστιάσουμε στο γιατί έχει αυτή η μέρα δημιουργηθεί: για τον εορτασμό όλης της κοινότητας του Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211008-01.it.html", "tags": "licensing reuse copyright compliance", "title": "Conosci il contesto legale del Software Libero nella giornata educativa della FSFE", "teaser": "FSFE organizzando sabato 6 novembre 2021 giornata educazione legale. \n L'evento online aperto tutti. Includerà interventi sessioni Q&A legge copyright, licenze altri temi legali. L'evento aiuterà sviluppatori Software Libero capire temi modo far esprimere progetti pieno potenziale.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180705-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Vrije Software gebruiken om een meer democratische, inclusieve en duurzame digitale samenleving te bouwen - interview met Francesca Bria, CTO van Barcelona", "teaser": "Barcelona, grootste gemeente Spanje, werkt actief \"smart city\"-agenda hedendaagse stedelijke infrastructuur technologieën hervormt behoeften burgers eerste plaats zetten. sleutel Barcelona's agenda gebruik promotie Vrije Software open technologieën sociaal goed, samenwerking tussen overheden mogelijk maken ontsnappen verkopers lock-in. Barcelona eerste stadsbestuur open brief “Publiek Geld? Publieke Code!”-campagne ondertekende. licht schijnen Barcelona's beste praktijk interview gehouden Francesca Bria, Hoofd Technologie Digitale Innovatie-Officier stadsbestuur Barcelona, vragen lopende innovaties ontwikkelingen Barcelona.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-special-1.it.html", "tags": "podcast tools", "title": "SFP speciale su GNU Health con il dottor Luis Falcón e il dottor Axel Braun", "teaser": "podcast Software Freedom discutiamo persone ispirato idee riguardo libertà software. speciale puntata, parliamo dottor Luis Falcón dottor Axel Braun GNU Health, sistema Libero informazioni ospedaliere salute.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-04-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160502-01.en.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is ... ", "teaser": "… Mirko Boehm! election period year's Fellowship\n GA seat ended April 29, 2016. one candidate running Fellowship GA seat time. happy still 18,9% Fellows took chance support Mirko Boehm running seat.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160502-01.nl.html", "tags": "fellowship ga", "title": "\n En de winnaar van de verkiezing voor FSFE's Fellowship-zetel in de algemene \nvergadering is...", "teaser": "… Mirko Boehm! 29 april verkiezingsperiode geëindigd zetel \nde Fellowship algemene vergadering. keer slechts één \nkandidaat. blij 18,9% onze Fellows Mirko Boehm steunden \nhet winnen zetel.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-05-02"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210324-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "Statement on Richard Stallman rejoining the FSF board", "teaser": "learnt public announcement Richard Stallman is\n part board directors Free Software Foundation,\n one independent sister organisations. disapprove this\n step came without message remorse willingness to\n change.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-03-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160907-01.nl.html", "tags": "fsfe-summit", "title": "Julia Reda, MEP: \"Propriëtaire software bedreigt democratie\"\n", "teaser": "Julia Reda beëindigde QtCon, conferentie \nVrije Softwaregemeenschap, afsluitende toespraak Vrije \nSoftware Europese publieke sector.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160809-01.fr.html", "tags": "", "title": "En souvenir de notre ami Elias Diem", "teaser": "l'après-midi samedi 6 août, ami Fellow Elias Diem quittés. rentrait d'une randonnée ami les alpes suisses. glissé fait chute 150 mètres. ami tenté secourir, trop tard. décédé d'une grave blessure tête l'âge 39 ans.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-20.nl.html", "tags": "routers deviceneutrality podcast", "title": "SFP#20: Alles over Apparaatneutraliteit met Lucas Lasota", "teaser": "Luister mee 20e aflevering Software Freedom Podcast, waarin Bonnie Mehring Lucas Lasota discussiëren Apparaatneutraliteit Routervrijheid. behandelen concepten grondbeginselen initiatieven leggen waarom eindgebruikers controle apparaten zouden moeten hebben.", "type": "page", "date": "2023-04-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-17.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc podcast", "title": "SFP#17: Burgerparticipatie door Vrije Software met Petter Joelson", "teaser": "17e aflevering Software Freedom Podcast leggen Matthias Kirschner Petter Joelson Vrije Software burgers hulpmiddel actief deel nemen lokale gemeenschap. Petter nodigt wereld Decidim legt burgerparticipatie eruit moeten zien.", "type": "page", "date": "2022-10-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20181205-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc elections savecodeshare", "title": "The FSFE needs you to continue spreading software freedom in Europe!", "teaser": "Since 2001 Free Software Foundation Europe empowers software users exert control technology deeply involved every aspect lives today. non-profit organisation, work backed continuous generous contributions supporters. public campaigns policy monitoring, removing legal barriers helping organisations understanding Free Software contributes freedom, transparency, self-determination, supporters helped finance work.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-12-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210928-01.it.html", "tags": "yh4f", "title": "Youth Hacking 4 Freedom: il concorso di programmazione per adolescenti sta per iniziare", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)\n organizzazione benefica dà utenti mezzi controllare tecnologia.\n fine ispirare nuova generazione\n libertà software,\n FSFE organizzando concorso programmazione \"Youth Hacking 4 Freedom\" (YH4F). Adolescenti tutta Europa hanno\n possibilità competere modo equo divertente.\n vincitori ricevono premio denaro\n viaggio Bruxelles altri giovani hacker.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160428-02.en.html", "tags": "openstandards policy european-commission digital-single-market", "title": "EU jeopardises its own goals in standardisation with FRAND licensing", "teaser": "19 April, European Commission published communication \"ICT \nStandardisation Priorities Digital Single Market\" (hereinafter 'the \nCommunication'). Digital \nSingle Market (DSM) strategy intends digitise industries several \nlegislative political initiatives, Communication part \ncovering standardisation. general, Free Software Foundation Europe \n(FSFE) welcomes Communication's plausible approach integrating Free \nSoftware Open Standards standardisation \nbut expresses concerns lack understanding necessary \nprerequisites pursue direction.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180212-01.en.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Join the I Love Free Software Day 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe calls everyone say \"thank you\" contributors Free Software 14 February. Last year annual Love Free Software Day committed offline activism tell people outside filter bubble importance Free Software. Wednesday, go back roots focus day invented first place: celebrate Free Software community.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160804-01.es.html", "tags": "fsfe-summit anniversary", "title": "Free Software Foundation Europe Summit 2016 – No es una conferencia técnica", "teaser": "Defensores Software Libre toda Europa reunirán\nen Berlin 2 4 septiembre el FSFE\nsummit 2016. Además trabajar promoviendo adopción Software Libre Europa, también celebraremos el 15 aniversario FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-04"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180526-01.nl.html", "tags": "ga fellowship", "title": "FSFE vereenvoudigt lidmaatschapsprocedures voor bijdragers", "teaser": "Tijdens Algemene Vergadering vorig jaar Raad FSFE gevraagd verandering statuten bereiden zogenoemde \"Fellowship-zetels\" verwijderen. motie aangenomen 20-3 stemmen nul absenties. Vandaag keurde Algemene Vergadering FSFE buitengewone vergadering verwijdering Fellowship-zetels goed. toekomst toegang FSFE-lidmaatschap gefaciliteerd middel normale lidmaatschapsprocedures actieve FSFE-bijdragers.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-2.it.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#2 su KDE con Lydia Pintscher", "teaser": "tornati seconda puntata Software Freedom Podcast! \nUna volta mese, parliamo persone ispirato idee libertà software. puntata, parliamo Lydia Pintscher di\n KDE sviluppo KDE community, diversi progetti KDE problematiche dovranno affrontare prossimi 2 anni.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-11-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211206-01.it.html", "tags": "internal career tech-teams", "title": "La FSFE assume uno studente lavoratore specializzato in siti web", "teaser": "cercando studente lavoratore sostenere lavoro dare persone mezzi controllare tecnologia. persona lavorerà 10-15 ore settimana manterrà migliorerà siti web FSFE. candidati devono essere iscritti università tedesca possono lavorare remoto.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-12-06"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20161031-01.nl.html", "tags": "ga", "title": "Heiki Lõhmus neemt het FSFE vice-voorzitterschap over van Alessandro Rubini", "teaser": "Alessandro Rubini teruggetreden vice-voorzitter FSFE. Alessandro elektrotechnisch ingenieur Ph.D. computerwetenschap. bracht inzichten onschatbare waarde interne discussies FSFE onvermoeibaar gewerkt opkomen Vrije Software Italië rest Europa.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-10-31"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211124-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration procurement es", "title": "Launch event – Public Money? Public Code! Spanish Brochure", "teaser": "Thanks support hard work volunteers, Public Money? \n Public Code! brochure available Spanish. event \n explore already implemented good practices, challenges \n lie ahead modernise public digital infrastructure public code \n Spain. event held Spanish.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160118-01.en.html", "tags": "digital-single-market policy openstandards european-commission public-administration", "title": "FSFE's input on ICT standards for the Digital Single Market", "teaser": "FSFE provided European Commission input setting priorities \n ICT standards answered public consultation adoption Priority ICT Standards Plan \n proposed Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-01-18"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180907-01.nl.html", "tags": "internal", "title": "\n Nieuw FSFE-staflid Alexander Sander: programmamanager EU-overheidsbeleid", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe verwelkomt nieuwste staflid Alexander Sander harte. Alexander ingehuurd onze nieuwe programmamanager overheidsbeleid werkt voltijds FSFE's kantoor Berlijn. functie werkt Alexander vooral gebied beleidsonderwerpen raken Vrije Software Open Standaarden niveau lidstaten. Verder helpt identificeren bijhouden EU-beleidsontwikkelingen FSFE's netwerk lichten relevante onderwerpen.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-07"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160428-01.pt.html", "tags": "fsfe-summit cfp anniversary community", "title": "Convocamos a participação na primeira cimeira da FSFE, o FSFE summit", "teaser": "Em 2016, FSFE está comemorando 15 anos existência. começou como pequeno grupo voluntários tem crescido até converter num movimento escala europeia com membros apoiam activamente em 20 paises. Dedicamos este aniversário para nossa comunidade, quem fez crescer forte últimos 15 anos - com celebração primeira cimeira FSFE, FSFE summit, 2 ao 4 setembro, ter lugar Centro Congressos Berlim, Alemanha. você gosta ser parte dela, reserve data leia convocatória para participación.", "type": "page", "date": "2017-04-28"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210721-01.nl.html", "tags": "fsfe20", "title": "FSFE: 20 jaren mensen in staat stellen technologie te controleren", "teaser": "Ter gelegenheid twintigjarig bestaan FSFE lichten belang \n softwarevrijheid Europa belangrijke dingen sinds 2001 verwezenlijkt. werpen licht onze gemeenschap verjaardagspagina waar interviews video's gemeenschap kunt vinden. \n Mensen uitgenodigd mee vieren eigen verhalen delen.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-07-21"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160208-01.sq.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Dita E dua Software-in e Lirë 2016", "teaser": "Erdhi koha për të thënë \"faleminderit\" më 14 shkurt, \nDita \"E dua Software-in Lirë\" për 2016-n. \nFree Software Foundation Europe fton të gjithë përdoruesit Software-it të Lirë\nta përdorin ditën tradicionale të dashurisë për të sjellë në mendje njerëzit palodhur\nqë japin ndihmesë në Software-in Lirë, prej të cilit varemi krejt ne. çdo vit, ka plot rrugë\npjesëmarrjeje në këtë fushatë internet, që filloi të kremtohej këtu pesë vjet më parë.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-08"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180530-02.en.html", "tags": "legal licensing compliance", "title": "LLW2018: The FSFE brings together top legal experts to debate about\ncross-cutting legal and licensing issues around Free Software", "teaser": "Following decade long tradition, the\nFSFE led annual Free Software Legal Licensing\nWorkshop (LLW) 2018: meeting point world-leading legal experts\nto debate issues best practices surrounding Free Software licences.\nThis year decided bring event back roots emphasise\nthe \"Workshop\" part original title: around 120 legal experts\ngathered 3-day conference Barcelona, Spain an\nunprecedented amount parallel tracks interactive sessions\ndesigned dive contentious topics legal world of\nFree Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-3.it.html", "tags": "podcast huawei", "title": "SFP#3 sul Software Libero nelle comunicazioni mobili con Harald Welte", "teaser": "volta mese, parliamo persone ispirato idee libertà software. puntata, ospite Harald Welte, programmatore Software Libero attivista. Harald discute progetti riguardano comunicazione dispositivi mobili stato generale Software Libero quest'area.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-12-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180601-01.nl.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "Hoe Spaanse overheden software hergebruiken - een interview met Elena Muñoz Salinero over beste praktijken", "teaser": "Technology Transfer Centre (CTT) initiatief Spaanse overheid doel delen hergebruiken software diensten tussen overheidsdiensten vergemakkelijken. licht werpen beste praktijk, interview afgenomen Elena Muñoz Salinero, hoofd CTT, vragen juridische, politieke technologische achtergrond CTT.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-01"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-7.en.html", "tags": "podcast", "title": "SFP#7 Artificial intelligence as Free Software with Vincent Lequertier", "teaser": "seventh episode Software Freedom Podcast talk Vincent Lequertier transparency, fairness, accessibility crucial criteria artificial intelligence (AI) important society release software Free Software license.", "type": "page", "date": "2020-09-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20211122-01.fr.html", "tags": "antitrust competition european-parliament", "title": "Législation sur les marchés numériques – la FSFE appelle à la neutralité des appareils", "teaser": "vote imminent Législation les marchés numériques — proposition l'UE plus récente régulation plateformes internet —, FSFE demande neutralité appareils comme élément fondamental placer protection consommateur marchés numériques ouverts, justes contestables.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-11-22"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180613-01.es.html", "tags": "tech-teams", "title": "Aviso técnico: problemas con el correo electrónico el 8 de junio", "teaser": "El viernes por mañana, nuestros servidores\nsufrió error irrecuperable hardware. Determinadas partes nuestra\ninfraestructura correo listas distribución vieron afectadas.\nNo obstante, todos los servicios están funcionando ya normalidad.\nNos gustaría dar más información sobre qué ocurrió qué problemas se\nocasionaron. pocas palabras: asegúrese sus mensajes\nde correo hayan llegado compruebe configuración SMTP.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160809-01.en.html", "tags": "", "title": "In Memory of our Friend Elias Diem", "teaser": "afternoon Saturday 6 August, friend and\nactive Fellow Elias Diem passed away. way back home hiking\ntrip friend Swiss alps. slipped fell 150 meters. His\nfriend tried rescue him, late. died heavy head injury\nat age 39.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-08-09"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180917-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc interview es reuse", "title": "\"Go open today, there's no excuse not to\" - interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS expert at National Land Survey Finland.", "teaser": "Oskari Free Software platform browsing, sharing analysing geographic information distributed data sources. development coordinated National Land Survey Finland organised Oskari network 38 organisations public private sector. Oskari awarded second prize cross-border category European Commission's Sharing Reuse Awards Contest 2017 currently going incubation phase become official Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Project. shed light best practices regarding Free Software developed public funds, conducted interview Timo Aarnio, GIS Expert National Land Survey Finland’s SDI Services department.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-09-17"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210805-01.fr.html", "tags": "routers nl", "title": "L'autorité néerlandaise fait respecter la Liberté des Routeurs", "teaser": "L'Autorité néerlandaise les consommateurs les marchés (ACM) publié nouvelles règles feront progresser Liberté Routeurs Pays-Bas. délai 6 mois, les doivent mettre conformité offrir possibilité consommateurs entreprises connecter modem routeur choix. FSFE réjouit cette décision victoire majeure les droits consommateurs.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-08-05"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-22.en.html", "tags": "podcast pmpc", "title": "SFP#22: All about \"Public Money? Public Code!\" with Johannes Näder", "teaser": "22nd Software Freedom Podcast episode, talk Johannes Näder, Senior Policy Project Manager Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), \"Public Money? Public Code!\".", "type": "page", "date": "2023-11-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160725-01.sq.html", "tags": "de routers competition policy de", "title": "Rrugëzues të Detyrueshëm: ku duhet të bëjnë kujdes klientët tani", "teaser": "Deri sot, mundësuesit shërbimit Internet (ISP-të) në \nGjermani përcaktonin cilin rrugëzues duhet të përdornin përdoruesit për t’u lidhur në\nInternet. Fjala përdoruesit nuk kish vend në këtë vendim. Kjo ndryshon\nnga 1 gushti. Një ligj ri t’u lejojë përdoruesve të zgjedhin pajisjen që instalohet\nnë shtëpitë tyre. FSFE-ja që të sigurohet gjithkush të drejtat veta dhe\nu kërkon përdoruesve të bëjnë të ditura raste kur ISP provojnë t’u bëjnë bisht\nrregullave të reja.", "type": "page", "date": "2016-07-25"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210920-01.it.html", "tags": "pmpc procurement public-administration", "title": "Intervista per le elezioni politiche tedesche 2021", "teaser": "elezioni politiche 2021 Germania (26.09.2021) dietro l'angolo. pieno controllo digitale, attraverso l'uso Software Libero, centro confronto parti politiche, state disposte domande partiti parte organizzazioni. soddisfatti che, ulteriore passo, stati grado parlare personalmente candidati partiti probabilità partecipare prossimo governo chiesto approfonditamente cosa vorrebbero fare propri partiti far avanzare digitalizzazione Germania Software Libero.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-09-20"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-1.it.html", "tags": "drm", "title": "SFP#1 sulla giornata contro i DRM con Cory Doctorow", "teaser": "Podcast! partire puntata, parleremo volta mese persone ispirato idee libertà software. prima puntata Software Freedom Podcast, affrontiamo problematiche Misure Restrizione Digitale (DRM) insieme Cory\n Doctorow, scrittore, attivista politico britannico-canadese, e\n co-editore blog boingboing.net. Cory Doctorow noto sostenitore libertà software favore legge copyright meno restrittiva.\n libri pubblicati licenze Creative Commons.", "type": "page", "date": "2019-10-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180716-01.es.html", "tags": "internal career", "title": "Oferta de empleo en la FSFE: gestor de proyectos", "teaser": "Buscamos gestor proyectos («project manager»)\n respalde nuestra labor empoderamiento público toma de\n control tecnología. Trabajará 35 horas por semana junto nuestro equipo de\n sede FSFE Berlín, dando apoyo los proyectos FSFE\n gestionando sus principales eventos. El trabajo desempeñará en\n coordinación teletrabajadores voluntarios, además requerir\n desplazamientos otros países.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-07-16"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160224-01.sq.html", "tags": "annual-report", "title": "Puna e FSFE-së gjatë 2015-s", "teaser": "Nga mësimi njerëzve të përdorin fshehtëzimin për email-et tyre,\ne deri ndryshimi drejtimit të politikave në shkallë europiane, Free Software\nFoundation Europe punoi fort gjatë 2015-s për fuqizimin kontrollit të\nteknologjisë nga përdoruesit. ndihmën mirëpritur të dhuruesve\ntanë, vumë vetes synime ambicioze për vitin. Qemë dëshmitarë të mjaft\npërmirësimeve në mënyrën funksionojmë, dhe mbyllëm vitin\npozitivisht, plot gjëra për të synuar gjatë 2016-s. Ju lutemi, kënaquni\nme këtë përmbledhje të (një pjese!) të punës sonë gjatë vitit, dhe faleminderit\nqë ndihmoni bëjmë botën një vend më të mirë!", "type": "page", "date": "2016-02-24"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180613-01.fr.html", "tags": "tech-teams", "title": "Note technique : perturbation sur la messagerie ce 8 juin", "teaser": "Vendredi matin, serveurs incident\nmatériel. Ceci affecté partie infrastructure de\ndistribution courriels listes diffusions. Tous les services\nfonctionnent nouveau normalement. souhaitons informer à\npropos l'incident problèmes engendrés. faire court \n: assurez-vous tous courriels distribués, vérifiez vos\nparamètres SMTP.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-06-13"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210611-01.en.html", "tags": "pmpc public-administration nl", "title": "Netherlands: Participation app remains closed to the public", "teaser": "Dutch House Representatives (Tweede Kamer) debates public, should. everyone opportunity \n\t\tto go Hague sit gallery, Tweede Kamer released app follow debates via livestream. Unfortunately, \n\t\tthis app released Free Software licence. Dutch volunteer Jos Oever wanted participate able \n\t\tto run app device got active.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-06-11"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180530-02.nl.html", "tags": "legal licensing compliance", "title": "LLW2018: De FSFE brengt top juridische experts bijeen om te debatteren over juridische en licentiëringsonderwerpen rond Vrije Software", "teaser": "decennium lange traditie volgende, organiseerde de\n FSFE opnieuw jaarlijkse Vrije Software Juridische Licentiëring\n Werkgroep (LLW) 2018: ontmoetingsplaats toonaangevende juridische experts\n kwesties beste praktijken rond Vrije Softwarelicenties bespreken.\n jaar besloten evenement terug brengen roots \n gedeelte \"werkgroep\" oorspronkelijke titel benadrukken: ongeveer 120 juridische experts\n verzamelden driedaagse conferentie Barcelona (Spanje) een\n ongekende hoeveelheid parallelle tracks interactieve sessies waren\n ontworpen duik nemen meest controversiële onderwerpen juridische wereld van\n Vrije Software.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-05-30"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210526-01.it.html", "tags": "funding localgroup", "title": "Bando per il supporto della FSFE per il tuo progetto locale", "teaser": "segreto: attività FSFE possibili solo l'aiuto inestimabile contribuisce sostenitori d'Europa. ritorno, sosteniamo partecipazione locale finanziariamente, esperienza, materiale informativo rete. Apriamo quindi prossimo bando progetti comunità FSFE.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-05-26"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2018/news-20180212-01.nl.html", "tags": "ilovefs", "title": "Neem deel aan de I Love Free Software Day 2018", "teaser": "Free Software Foundation Europe roept iedereen bijdragers Vrije Software-projecten 14 februari bedanken. Vorig jaar jaarlijkse Love Free Software Day offline actief mensen buiten onze informatieluchtbel praten belang Vrije Software. Komende woensdag gaan terug onze roots richten reden waarom dag eigenlijk uitgevonden: Vrije Software-gemeenschap vieren.", "type": "page", "date": "2018-02-12"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2021/news-20210127-01.nl.html", "tags": "upcyclingandroid sustainability", "title": "EU zou herbruikbaarheid van software mogelijk moeten maken om de gebruiksduur van apparaten te verlengen", "teaser": "Wij commentaar gegeven EU-raadpleging \"energie-etikettering \n mobiele telefoons tablets\". Toegang hardware, toestemming \n besturingssysteem toestel vervangen publicatie \n code essentieel telefoons langer mee laten gaan.", "type": "page", "date": "2021-01-27"}, {"url": "https://fsfe.org/fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160224-01.en.html", "tags": "annual-report", "title": "FSFE's work in 2015", "teaser": "teaching people use encryption e-mail, changing\nthe direction policy European level, Free Software\nFoundation Europe worked hard 2015 empower users control\ntechnology. welcome help donors contributors, we\nset ambitious goals year. saw lot of\nimprovements work, ended year positively a\nlot look forw