moved links from /associates to /about/associates
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Liste von Organisationen, mit denen wir gemeinsame Ziele teilen"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Liste von Organisationen, mit denen wir gemeinsame Ziele teilen"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Unsere Partner</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Unsere Partner</a></h3>
Menschen im selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik zu unterstützen ist ein Ziel,
das keine Organisation alleine erreichen kann. Mit unseren Partnerorganisationen tauschen wir Ideen aus, koordinieren Einsätze, motivieren uns gegenseitig und nutzen die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam an spezifischen Projekten zu arbeiten.
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Συνεργάτες</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Συνεργάτες</a></h3>
Η ενθάρρυνση των ανθρώπων να ελέγξουν την τεχνολογία είναι
στόχος που δεν μπορεί να επιτευχθεί από έναν οργανισμό μόνο
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associates</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Associates</a></h3>
Empowering people to control technology is a goal which no single organisation
can achieve alone. With our associated organisations we exchange ideas, coordinate
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Listado de organizaciones que comparten objetivos comunes con nosotros"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Listado de organizaciones que comparten objetivos comunes con nosotros"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Asociados</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Asociados</a></h3>
Empoderar a la gente para controlar la tecnología es un objetivo que ninguna organización puede conseguir por si sola. Con nuestras organizaciones asociadas intercambiamos ideas, coordinamos esfuerzos, nos motivamos unas a otras y encontramos oportunidades de trabajar juntos en proyectos concretos.
@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="List of organisations that we share common goals with"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associés</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Associés</a></h3>
Permettre aux gens de contrôler la technologie est un but qu'une
organisation ne peut pas atteindre seule. Avec nos organisations
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lista delle organizzazioni che condividono obiettivi comuni"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lista delle organizzazioni che condividono obiettivi comuni"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Consociate</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Consociate</a></h3>
<p>Dare alle persone i mezzi per controllare la tecnologia è un obiettivo che nessuna singola organizzazione può raggiungere da sola. Con le nostre organizzazioni consociate scambiamo idee, coordiniamo gli sforzi, ci motiviamo scambievolmente e troviamo opportunità per lavorare insieme su specifici progetti.</p>
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lijst van organisaties waar we doelen mee delen"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lijst van organisaties waar we doelen mee delen"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Geassocieerden</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Geassocieerden</a></h3>
Mensen in staat stellen technologie te controleren is een doel dat geen enkele organisatie
alleen kan bereiken. Met onze geassocieerde organisaties wisselen we ideeën uit, coördineren
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
<a href="/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lista organizacja, z którymi dzielimy wspólne cele"/></a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html"><img src="/graphics/icons/associates.png" alt="Lista organizacja, z którymi dzielimy wspólne cele"/></a>
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Wspólnicy</a></h3>
<h3><a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Wspólnicy</a></h3>
Umożliwianie ludziom kontrolę technologii jest celem, którego żadna organizacja nie może osiągnąć samemu. Z towarzyszącymi organizacjami wymieniamy idee, koordynujemy wysiłki, motywujemy się nawzajem i znajdujemy sposobności by pracować wspólnie nad określonymi projektami.
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ href="">Fellow</a> der FSFE werden.
Falls Ihre Organisation ähnliche Ziele wie die Free Software Foundation
Europe verfolgt und eine formelle Zusammenarbeit aufbauen möchte, kann
sie eine <a href="/associates/">assoziierte Organisation</a> der FSFE
sie eine <a href="/about/associates/">assoziierte Organisation</a> der FSFE
und damit ein Teil des FSFE-Netzwerkes werden.
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ href="">fellow</a> of the FSFE.
<p>If your association pursues similar goals to those of the Free
Software Foundation Europe and wishes to establish formal
co-operation, it can become an <a href="/associates/">associate
co-operation, it can become an <a href="/about/associates/">associate
organisation</a> of the FSFE, thus becoming part of the FSFE
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
Si votre association poursuit des buts proches de ceux de la Free
Software Foundation Europe et qu'elle souhaite établir une coopération de
manière formelle, elle peut devenir une
<a href="/associates/">organisation associée</a>
<a href="/about/associates/">organisation associée</a>
de la FSFE, et ainsi devenir membre du réseau de la FSFE.
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Wij, de mensen van de <a href="/index.html">Free Software Foundation Europe</a>
FSFE</a> of een <a href="">fellow</a> van de FSFE te worden.</p>
<p>Als uw associatie vergelijkbare doelen nastreeft als die van de FSFE en u formele
samenwerking wenst dan kan het een <a href="/associates/">geassocieerde organisatie</a> van
samenwerking wenst dan kan het een <a href="/about/associates/">geassocieerde organisatie</a> van
de FSFE worden, en dus deel van het FSFE netwerk.</p>
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ href="">fellow (amigo)</a> da FSFE.
<p>Se a sua associação persegue objetivos similares aos da Free
Software Foundation Europe e pretende estabelecer cooperação
formal conosco, ela pode juntar-se a nós como <a href="/associates/">organização
formal conosco, ela pode juntar-se a nós como <a href="/about/associates/">organização
associada</a> da FSFE, tornando-se parte da rede da
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<p>Организации, которые преследует те же цели, что и ЕФСПО, и желают
наладить официальное сотрудничество, могут подать заявку на включение
в список <a href="/associates/">союзных организаций</a> фонда и тем
в список <a href="/about/associates/">союзных организаций</a> фонда и тем
самым войти в сеть ЕФСПО.</p>
<p>Основа ЕФСПО – официально и юридически утвержденная <a href="/about/legal/">ассоциация</a>. Членство в ассоциации требует высочайшего уровня
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<li>Legal connections with other organisations: We are a
member of <a href="">European Digital Rights (EDRi)</a>.
Besides, we have <a href="/associates/associates.html">associated organisations</a> and
Besides, we have <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">associated organisations</a> and
<a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">sister organisations around the
world, but are not legally connected with them</a>.</li>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<li>Relaciones legales con otras organizaciones: Somos
miembros de la <a href="">European Digital Rights (EDRi)</a>.
Además, tenemos <a href="/associates/associates.html">organizaciones asociadas</a> y
Además, tenemos <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">organizaciones asociadas</a> y
<a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">organizaciones hermanas alrededor del mundo, aunque no estemos legalmente conectadas con ellas</a>.</li>
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<li><a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Tietoa rahankäytöstämme</a>.</li>
<li>Sitoutumisemme muihin organisaatioihin: Olemme <a href="">Euroopan digitaalisten oikeuksien (EDRi)</a> jäsen.
Lisäksi meillä on <a href="/associates/associates.html">kumppanuusjärjestöjä</a> ja
Lisäksi meillä on <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">kumppanuusjärjestöjä</a> ja
<a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">sisarjärjestöjä ympäri maailmaa, mutta emme ole oikeudellisessa vastuussa heistä</a>.</li>
<li>Listaamme niiden oikeushenkilöiden nimet, jotka lahjoittivat yli 10% vuotuisista kokonaistuloistamme <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">lahjoittajasivullamme</a>.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<li><a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Informatie over hoe we ons geld gebruiken</a>.</li>
<li>Juridische verbindingen met andere organisaties: we zijn lid van <a href="">European Digital Rights (EDRi)</a>. Verder hebben we <a
href="/associates/associates.html">geassocieerde organisaties</a> en <a
href="/about/associates/associates.html">geassocieerde organisaties</a> en <a
href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">zusterorganisaties over de hele wereld maar we zijn niet juridisch met hen verbonden.</a>.</li>
<li>We noemen de namen van juridische lichamen die meer dan 10% van ons jaarlijkse budget hebben gedoneerd op <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">onze donorpagina</a>.
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<li>Lidhje ligjore me organizma të tjerë: Kemi <a
href="/associates/associates.html">organizma shok</a> dhe
href="/about/associates/associates.html">organizma shok</a> dhe
<a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">organizma simotër
në botë, por nuk jemi të lidhur me ta nga pikëpamja ligjore</a>.</li>
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Problemschriften</a> über verschiedene Themen zu veröffentlichen --
woaraufhin eine zehntägige Frist gegeben wurde, Kommentare zu 20
Schriften abzugeben, die monatelang formuliert worden waren.</p>
<p>In enger Zusammenarbeit mit ihrer <a href="/associates/">assoziierten</a>
<p>In enger Zusammenarbeit mit ihrer <a href="/about/associates/">assoziierten</a>
Organisation <a href="">La Fundacion
Via Libre</a> schaffte es die Free Software Foundation Europe, zumindest
zwei der wichtigesten Schriften zu kommentieren -- wenngleich auch die
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ href="" target="_blank">θεματικέ
δίνοντας προθεσμία 10 ημερών για υποβολή σχολίων σε 20 δημοσιεύσεις
οι οποίες βρίσκονταν σε φάση επεξεργασίας για μήνες.</p>
<p>Σε στενή συνεργασία με τον <a href="/associates/">συνεργαζόμενο</a>
<p>Σε στενή συνεργασία με τον <a href="/about/associates/">συνεργαζόμενο</a>
οργανισμό <a href="">La Fundacion
Via Libre</a>, το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού κατάφερε
τουλάχιστο να σχολιάσει δύο από τις πιο σημαντικές -- αν και οι άλλες
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ papers</a> about various issues on February 1st, 2005 -- allowing for
a period of 10 days to submit comments on 20 papers that have been
drafted for months.</p>
<p>In close cooperation with its <a href="/associates/">associate</a>
<p>In close cooperation with its <a href="/about/associates/">associate</a>
organisation <a href="">La Fundacion
Via Libre</a>, the Free Software Foundation Europe managed to at least
comment on two of the most important ones -- although the other papers
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ vertegenwoordigd in de WGIG, alhoewel Vrije Software staat vernoemd in <a
voorzien om commentaren te geven op de 20 werkdocumenten waaraan maanden werd
<p>In nauwe samenwerking met de <a href="/associates/">geassocieerde organisatie</a>
<p>In nauwe samenwerking met de <a href="/about/associates/">geassocieerde organisatie</a>
<a href="">La Fundacion Via Libre</a>, is de Free Software
Foundation Europe erin geslaagd om commentaren te geven op de twee belangrijkste
documenten. Maar we zijn er zeker van dat ook de andere werkdocumenten van
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Aquí hi podeu
trobar informació detallada sobre diversos assumptes relacionats amb les patents
de programari a la pàgina web de la nostra
<a href="/associates/">organització associada</a>,
<a href="/about/associates/">organització associada</a>,
l'<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Hier finden
Sie detaillierte Informationen zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem Bereich
der Softwarepatente, auf dem Netzauftritt unserer <a
href="/associates/">assoziierten Organisation</a>, dem
href="/about/associates/">assoziierten Organisation</a>, dem
<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Εδώ μπορείτε
να βρείτε πληροφορίες σχετικά με διάφορα θέματα που σχετίζονται με τις
πατέντες λογισμικού στην ιστοσελίδα του
<a href="/associates/">συνεργαζόμενου με εμάς οργανισμού</a>, του
<a href="/about/associates/">συνεργαζόμενου με εμάς οργανισμού</a>, του
<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Here you can
find detailed information on various issues related to software patents
on the web page of our
<a href="/associates/">associate organisation</a>, the
<a href="/about/associates/">associate organisation</a>, the
<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Puede
encontrar más detalles sobre diversas cuestiones relativas a las patentes
de software en la página de, nuestra <a href="/associates/">organizacion
de software en la página de, nuestra <a href="/about/associates/">organizacion
asociada</a>, la <a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<a href=""></a> : Vous trouverez ici des informations détaillées sur différents problèmes relatifs aux brevets logiciels. Cette page provient du site d'une
<a href="/associates/">organisation associée</a>, la
<a href="/about/associates/">organisation associée</a>, la
<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<a href=""></a>: Qui potete
trovare informazioni dettagliate su vari temi legati ai brevetti
software: la pagina è a cura della nostra
<a href="/associates/">organizzazione associata</a>, la
<a href="/about/associates/">organizzazione associata</a>, la
<a href="" target="_blank">FFII</a>.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<p>For more information about the consultation,
see <a href="">FFII's consultation
website</a>. FFII is
an <a href="/associates/associates.html">associate organisation of
an <a href="/anbout/associates/associates.html">associate organisation of
<p>For more information about software patents,
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>tilknyttet organisation</td>
<td>For flere oplysninger, se <a href="/associates/associates.html">siden om tilknyttede organisationer</a>.</td>
<td>For flere oplysninger, se <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">siden om tilknyttede organisationer</a>.</td>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>die assoziierte Organisation</td>
<td>See <a href="/associates/associates.html">the associates page</a> for details.</td>
<td>See <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">the associates page</a> for details.</td>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>συνεργαζόμενος οργανισμός</td>
<td>Δείτε <a href="/associates/associates.html">τη σελίδα με τους
<td>Δείτε <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">τη σελίδα με τους
συνεργαζόμενους</a> για λεπτομέρειες.</td>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td> </td>
<td>See <a href="/associates/associates.html">the associates page</a> for details.</td>
<td>See <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">the associates page</a> for details.</td>
<td>compulsory licensing</td>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>organización asociada</td>
<td>Vea <a href="/associates/associates.html">la página de organizaciones asociadas</a> para más detalles.</td>
<td>Vea <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">la página de organizaciones asociadas</a> para más detalles.</td>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>Lisainfo jaoks tutvu <a href="/associates/associates.html">partnerorganisatsioonide lehega</a>.</td>
<td>Lisainfo jaoks tutvu <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">partnerorganisatsioonide lehega</a>.</td>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<td>associate organization</td>
<td>organizzazione associata</td>
<td>Vedi <a href="/associates/associates.html">la pagina delle associate</a> per i dettagli.</td>
<td>Vedi <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">la pagina delle associate</a> per i dettagli.</td>
<td>compulsory licensing</td>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ We proberen vaste vertalingen te gebruiken voor de volgende Engelse begrippen om
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>geassocieerde organisatie</td>
<td>Zie <a href="/associates/associates.html">de pagina met geassocieerde organisaties</a> voor details.</td>
<td>Zie <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">de pagina met geassocieerde organisaties</a> voor details.</td>
<td>compulsory licensing</td>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>союзная организация</td>
<td>Подробности см. на <a
href="/associates/associates.html">странице союзных организаций</a></td>
href="/about/associates/associates.html">странице союзных организаций</a></td>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>organizëm bashkëpunues</td>
<td>Për hollësi, shihni <a href="/associates/associates.html">faqen e organizmave bashkëpunues.</a></td>
<td>Për hollësi, shihni <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">faqen e organizmave bashkëpunues.</a></td>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<td>associate organisation</td>
<td>ortak kuruluş</td>
<td>Ayrıntılar için <a href="/associates/associates.html">ortak kuruluşlar sayfasını</a> inceleyin.</td>
<td>Ayrıntılar için <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">ortak kuruluşlar sayfasını</a> inceleyin.</td>
<td>compulsory licensing</td>
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<li><a href="/freesoftware/education/argumentation.html">Why give precedence to Free Software at school?</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/mankind/lsm2002/index.html">UNESCO Director General, M. Koïchiro Matsuura's and UNESCO#s Free Software portal</a></li>
<li>Our <a href="/associates/ofset/associate">associated organization</a>: OFSET</li>
<li>Our <a href="/about/associates/ofset/associate">associated organization</a>: OFSET</li>
<li><a href="/activities/mankind/lsm2002/press-release.html">Press releas to LSM 2002</a></li>
<li><a href="/activities/policy.html">On July 9 2013 the prioritisation of Free Software was voted by the French parliament for the first time</a></li>
<li><a href="/news/2011/news-20111128-02.html#education">Education paragraph in FSFE's submission to European Commission's Green Paper "Horizon 2020"</a></li>
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Directive, EUCD) [<a href="#21" id="ref-21">21</a>]. Αυτός ο νόμος --
οργανισμό είναι σίγουρα ο πιο αποτελεσματικός τρόπος.</p>
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/about/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-27" name="27">27</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-28" name="28">28</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-29" name="29">29</a>] <a href=""></a>
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ associate or creating an associate organisation is definitely the most
efficient way.</p>
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/about/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-27" name="27">27</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-28" name="28">28</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-29" name="29">29</a>] <a href=""></a>
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-26" name="26">26</a>] <a href="/about/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#ref-27" name="27">27</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-28" name="28">28</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#ref-29" name="29">29</a>] <a href=""></a>
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ FSFE: Ενώ ο Matthias Kirschner ήταν πλήρως απορροφημέν
<pre class="indent">
[<a href="#anch_15" name="15">15</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#anch_16" name="16">16</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_17" name="17">17</a>] <a href="/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#anch_17" name="17">17</a>] <a href="/about/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#anch_18" name="18">18</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_19" name="19">19</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_20" name="20">20</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ the national teams of FSFE.</p>
<pre class="indent">
[<a href="#anch_15" name="15">15</a>] <a href=""></a>
[<a href="#anch_16" name="16">16</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_17" name="17">17</a>] <a href="/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#anch_17" name="17">17</a>] <a href="/about/associates/"></a>
[<a href="#anch_18" name="18">18</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_19" name="19">19</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#anch_20" name="20">20</a>] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ FSFE και απαίτησε πολλή εργασία μέσα στην τελ
και πρακτικά φιλοξενώντας τις υπηρεσίες τους σε έναν από τους εικονικούς
εξυπηρετητές του.</p>
<p>Το δίκτυο με τους <a href="/associates/">συνεργαζόμενους
<p>Το δίκτυο με τους <a href="/about/associates/">συνεργαζόμενους
οργανισμούς</a> του FSFE τώρα επεκτείνεται με 14 οργανισμούς σε 12 χώρες,
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ FSFE supported both spiritually as well as practically by hosting
their services on one of its virtual servers.</p>
<p>FSFE's network
of <a href="/associates/">associate
of <a href="/about/associates/">associate
organisations</a> now spans 14 organisations in 12 countries,
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
FSFE's netwerk van <a href="/associates/">geassocieerde
FSFE's netwerk van <a href="/about/associates/">geassocieerde
organisaties</a> is nu een groep van 14 organisaties uit 12 landen. Meer bepaald:</p>
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<h1>FSFE welcomes Ceata as associate organisation</h1>
<p> A group of Free Software activists from Romania and Moldova has joined FSFE's program of <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">associate organisations</a>. Active since 2008, <a href="">Ceata</a> incorporated as a foundation in February 2013. Fundația Ceata and FSFE will work together to promote software freedom in Romania and throughout Europe.</p>
<p> A group of Free Software activists from Romania and Moldova has joined FSFE's program of <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">associate organisations</a>. Active since 2008, <a href="">Ceata</a> incorporated as a foundation in February 2013. Fundația Ceata and FSFE will work together to promote software freedom in Romania and throughout Europe.</p>
<p>"We are proud to join forces with the skilled and passionate Free Software activists of Ceata", says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's president."Free Software needs people like these, and they need the backing of an organisation to be effective in the long term. Ceata has a bright future."</p>
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<h1>FSFE îi urează bun venit Fundației Ceata ca organizație asociată</h1>
<p>Un grup de activiști pentru programe libere din România și Republica Moldova a intrat în programul de <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">organizații asociate</a> al lui FSFE. Activ din 2008, grupul <a href="">Ceata</a> s-a înregistrat ca organizație în februarie 2013. Fundația Ceata și FSFE vor lucra împreună la promovarea libertății programelor în România și în toată Europa.</p>
<p>Un grup de activiști pentru programe libere din România și Republica Moldova a intrat în programul de <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">organizații asociate</a> al lui FSFE. Activ din 2008, grupul <a href="">Ceata</a> s-a înregistrat ca organizație în februarie 2013. Fundația Ceata și FSFE vor lucra împreună la promovarea libertății programelor în România și în toată Europa.</p>
<p>„Suntem mândri că ne-am unit forțele cu activiștii experimentați și pasionați ai Fundației Ceata”, declară Karsten Gerloff, președintele lui FSFE. „Programele libere au nevoie de oameni ca aceștia și ei au nevoie de susținerea unei organizații pentru a fi eficienți pe termen lung. Ceata are un viitor luminos.”</p>
@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
<h1>FSFE-ja i uron Ceata-s mirëseardhjen si organizëm shok</h1>
<p> Një grup veprimtarësh të Software-it të Lirë nga Rumania dhe Moldavia janë bërë e programit të FSFE-së për <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">organizma shok</a>. Aktive që prej 2008-s, <a href="">Ceata</a> u legalizua si fondacion në shkurt të 2013-s. Fundația Ceata dhe FSFE-ja do të punojnë tok për të nxitur dhe përhapur lirinë e software-it në Rumani dhe kudo në Europë.</p>
<p> Një grup veprimtarësh të Software-it të Lirë nga Rumania dhe Moldavia janë bërë e programit të FSFE-së për <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">organizma shok</a>. Aktive që prej 2008-s, <a href="">Ceata</a> u legalizua si fondacion në shkurt të 2013-s. Fundația Ceata dhe FSFE-ja do të punojnë tok për të nxitur dhe përhapur lirinë e software-it në Rumani dhe kudo në Europë.</p>
<p>"Jemi krenarë që bashkojmë forcat me veprimtarë të zotë dhe të pasionuar të Software-it të Lirë nga Ceata", shprehet Karsten Gerloff, president i FSFE-së."Software-i i Lirë do njerëz si këta, dhe këta kanë nevojë për mbështetjen e një organizmi që të jenë afatgjatë të efektshëm. Ceata-n e pret një ardhme e ndritur."</p>
<p>Gjatë viteve të kaluara, Ceata ka organizuar në Rumani dhe Moldavi praktika, hakatona dhe fushata lidhur me Software-in e Lirë dhe kulturën e lirë. Grupi, me qendër në Bukuresht dhe degë vendore në Kluj dhe Kishinjev, organizon konferenca mbi Software-in e Lirë, hardware-in e lirë dhe kulturën e lirë, zhvillon Software të lirë, përkthen në Rumanisht programe Software-i të Lirë, dhe merr pjesë në fushata ndërkombëtare.</p>
<p>"Kemi të përbashkët përfytyrimin e lirisë së software-it për këdo," thotë Tiberiu C. Turbureanu, president i Ceata-s. "Tok mund t’ua sjellim këtë liri më shumë njerëzve në Rumani, Moldavi dhe më gjerë në Europë. Jemi të ngazëllyer që jemi zyrtarisht pjesë e lëvizjes së Software-it të Lirë në Europë."
<tag key="ro">Ceata</tag>
<tag key="front-page"/>
<tag key="ro"/>
<tag key="front-page"/>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Die Organisation The Document Foundation und die FSFE stärken ihre Beziehung
Die Free Software Foundation (FSFE) wird Mitglied des
<a href="">Beratungsgremiums von The Document Foundation</a>. Gleichzeitig wird The Document Foundation eine
<a href="/associates/associates.html">Partnerorganisation der FSFE</a>.
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Partnerorganisation der FSFE</a>.
Das Ziel der Free Software Foundation Europe ist Menschen zu helfen, Technik zu kontrollieren und nicht von der Technik kontrolliert zu werden. Allerdings ist dies eine Aufgabe die keine Organisation allein erreichen kann. Partnerorganisationen sind Einrichtungen, die die Vision der FSFE teilen und für die Organisation und Freie Software im Allgemeinen Unterstützung leisten, indem Sie Menschen dazu ermuntern Freie Software zu verwenden und zu entwickeln. Sie helfen Organisationen dabei, zu verstehen wie Freie Software einen Beitrag zu Freiheit, Transparenz und Selbstbestimmung leistet, und hilft, Barrieren zu überwinden, die dem Einsatz freier Software entgegenstehen.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ To Document Foundation και το FSFE ενδυναμώνουν τη σχέση
Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού ( FSFE ) θα συμμετέχει από εδώ και στο εξής στο
<a href="">Γνωμοδοτικό Συμβούλιο του Document Foundation</a>
. Παράλληλα, το Document Foundation πρόκειται να γίνει
<a href="/associates/associates.html">συνεργαζόμενη οργάνωση με το FSFE</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html">συνεργαζόμενη οργάνωση με το FSFE</a>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<p>The Free Software Foundation (FSFE) is joining the <a
Board of The Document Foundation</a>. At the same time, The Document
Foundation is becoming an <a href="/associates/associates.html">associated
Foundation is becoming an <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">associated
organisation of the FSFE</a>.</p>
<p>The Free Software Foundation Europe's aim is to help people control
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The Document Foundation et la FSFE renforcent leurs relations
The Document Foundation et la FSFE renforcent leurs relations
La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) rejoint le <a href="">conseil consultatif de The Document Foundation</a>. Et au même moment/De fait, The Document Foundation devient une <a href="/associates/associates.html">organisation associée à/de la FSFE</a>.
La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) rejoint le <a href="">conseil consultatif de The Document Foundation</a>. Et au même moment/De fait, The Document Foundation devient une <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">organisation associée à/de la FSFE</a>.
L'objectif de la Free Software Foundation Europe est d'aider les gens à contrôler la technologie et non l'inverse. Cependant, c'est un objectif qu'aucune organisation ne peut réaliser seule. Les organisations associées sont des organismes qui partagent la vision de la FSFE et qui soutiennent la fondation et le Logiciel Libre en général en encourageant chacun à utiliser et déveloper des Logiciels Libres, en aidant les organisations à comprendre comment les Logiciels Libres contribuent à la liberté, la transparence et à disposer d'eux-mêmes/libre arbitre/autodetermination, et en réduisant les barrières à l'adoption de Logiciel Libre.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<p>De Free Software Foundation (FSFE) neemt deel aan de <a
van de Document Foundation</a>. Tegelijkertijd wordt de Document
Foundation een <a href="/associates/associates.html">partnerorganisatie van de
Foundation een <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">partnerorganisatie van de
<p>Het doel van de Free Software Foundation Europe is om mensen te helpen om
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<p>Free Software Foundation (FSFE) do të jetë anëtare e <a
Këshillimore të Document Foundation-it</a>. Në të njëjtën kohë, Document
Foundation po bëhet <a href="/associates/associates.html">një organizëm i asociuar
Foundation po bëhet <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">një organizëm i asociuar
<p>Synimi i Free Software Foundation Europe-ës është të ndihmojë njerëzit
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<h2>What we can offer</h2>
<p>We work together with decision makers, licensing experts in the world's largest <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Legal Network</a> on these topics, facilitated by the FSFE, and <a href="/associates/associates.html">Free Software organisations</a> all over Europe and beyond. This work is either done directly by staff or together with volunteers, as well as other Free Software and digital rights associations around Europe.</p>
<p>We work together with decision makers, licensing experts in the world's largest <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Legal Network</a> on these topics, facilitated by the FSFE, and <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Free Software organisations</a> all over Europe and beyond. This work is either done directly by staff or together with volunteers, as well as other Free Software and digital rights associations around Europe.</p>
<p><strong>You will enjoy:</strong></p>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<h2>Qué ofrecemos</h2>
<p>Trabajamos codo a codo con responsables de la toma de decisiones y profesionales en asuntos de licencias, en la mayor <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Red jurídica</a> del planeta, impulsada por la FSFE y otras <a href="/associates/associates.html">organizaciones de Software Libre</a> de dentro y fuera de Europa. Esta labor se lleva a cabo tanto por personal propio como por voluntarios, junto a otras organizaciones de Software Libre y de defensa de los derechos digitales de toda Europa.</p>
<p>Trabajamos codo a codo con responsables de la toma de decisiones y profesionales en asuntos de licencias, en la mayor <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Red jurídica</a> del planeta, impulsada por la FSFE y otras <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">organizaciones de Software Libre</a> de dentro y fuera de Europa. Esta labor se lleva a cabo tanto por personal propio como por voluntarios, junto a otras organizaciones de Software Libre y de defensa de los derechos digitales de toda Europa.</p>
<p><strong>Disfrutarás de:</strong></p>
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<h2>What we can offer</h2>
<p>We work together with decision makers, licensing experts in the world's largest <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Legal Network</a> on these topics, facilitated by the FSFE, and <a href="/associates/associates.html">Free Software organisations</a> all over Europe and beyond. This work is either done directly by staff or together with volunteers, as well as other Free Software and digital rights associations around Europe.</p>
<p>We work together with decision makers, licensing experts in the world's largest <a href="/activities/ln/ln.html">Legal Network</a> on these topics, facilitated by the FSFE, and <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">Free Software organisations</a> all over Europe and beyond. This work is either done directly by staff or together with volunteers, as well as other Free Software and digital rights associations around Europe.</p>
<p><strong>You will enjoy:</strong></p>
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<h2>FSFE heißt Ceata als assoziierte Organisation Willkommen</h2>
<p>Eine neue Stiftung aus Rumänien und Moldawien ist den <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">Assoziierte Organisationen der FSFE</a> beigetreten. <a href="">Ceata</a>
<p>Eine neue Stiftung aus Rumänien und Moldawien ist den <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">Assoziierte Organisationen der FSFE</a> beigetreten. <a href="">Ceata</a>
fördert Freie Software und Kultur seit 2008 und wurde Februar diesen Jahres offiziell eingebunden. Die Gruppe, die in Bucharest ansässig ist und lokale Abteilungen in Cluj und Chișinău führt, organisiert Konferenten zu Freier Software, Freier Hardware und Freier Kultur. Ceata entwickelt zusätzlich ihre eigenen Anwendungen, übersetzt Programme ins Rumänische und nimmt an internationalen Kampagnen teil. <a href="/news/2013/news-20130424-01.html">Fundația Ceata and FSFE werden sich nun zusammenschließen</a> und effizienter an der Förderung von Softwarefreiheit in Rumänien und in ganz Europa arbeiten.</p>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ by <a href="">Eben Moglen</a>, <a href="https://
<h2>FSFE welcomes Ceata as associate organisation</h2>
<p>A new foundation from Romania and Moldova has joined <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">FSFE's program of associate organisations</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> has been promoting Free Software and culture since 2008, and in February this year was officially incorporated. The group, based in Bucharest with local chapters in Cluj and Chișinău, organises conferences on Free Software, Free hardware, and Free culture. Ceata also develops their own applications, translates programs into Romanian, and participates in international campaigns. <a href="/news/2013/news-20130424-01.html">Fundația Ceata and FSFE will now join forces</a> and work more effectively on promoting software freedom in Romania and throughout Europe.</p>
<p>A new foundation from Romania and Moldova has joined <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">FSFE's program of associate organisations</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> has been promoting Free Software and culture since 2008, and in February this year was officially incorporated. The group, based in Bucharest with local chapters in Cluj and Chișinău, organises conferences on Free Software, Free hardware, and Free culture. Ceata also develops their own applications, translates programs into Romanian, and participates in international campaigns. <a href="/news/2013/news-20130424-01.html">Fundația Ceata and FSFE will now join forces</a> and work more effectively on promoting software freedom in Romania and throughout Europe.</p>
<h2>Something completely different</h2>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ by <a href="">Eben Moglen</a>, <a href="https://
<h2>FSFE da il benvenuto a Ceata come organizzazione associata</h2>
<p>Una nuova organizzazione Rumena e Moldava si è unita <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">al programma per l'associazione delle organizzazione alla FSFE</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> promuove il software libero e la cultura dal 2008, e nel febbraio di quest'anno si è formalmente costituita. Il gruppo, con sede a Bucarest, con capitoli locali di Cluj e di Chişinău, organizza conferenze sul Free Software, hardware libero e la cultura libera. Ceata sviluppa anche le proprie applicazioni, traduce i programmi in rumeno, e partecipa a campagne internazionali.</p>
<p>Una nuova organizzazione Rumena e Moldava si è unita <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">al programma per l'associazione delle organizzazione alla FSFE</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> promuove il software libero e la cultura dal 2008, e nel febbraio di quest'anno si è formalmente costituita. Il gruppo, con sede a Bucarest, con capitoli locali di Cluj e di Chişinău, organizza conferenze sul Free Software, hardware libero e la cultura libera. Ceata sviluppa anche le proprie applicazioni, traduce i programmi in rumeno, e partecipa a campagne internazionali.</p>
<h2>Qualcosa di completamente diverso</h2>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ udhëheqës (i dikurshëm) i projektit Debian, mbajti fjalën e rastit, <a href=
<h2>FSFE-ja mirëpret Ceata-n si organizëm shok</h2>
<p>Një fondacion i ri nga Rumania dhe Moldavia është bërë pjesë e <a href="/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">programit të FSFE-së për organizma shok</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> ka punuar për nxitjen dhe përhapjen e Software-it të Lirë dhe kulturës që prej 2008-s, dhe në shkurt të këtij viti u legalizua zyrtarisht. Grupi, me bazë në Bukuresht dhe degë vendore në Kluj dhe Kishinjev, organizon konferenca mbi Software-in e Lirë, hardware-in e Lirë, dhe kulturën e Lirë. Ceata zhvillon gjithashtu aplikacionet e veta, përkthen programe në Rumanisht, dhe merr pjesë në fushata ndërkombëtare. <a href="/news/2013/news-20130424-01.html">Fundația Ceata dhe FSFE-ja do të bashkojnë forcat</a> dhe do të punojnë më efektivisht për nxitjen dhe përhapjen në Rumani dhe Europë të lirisë së software-it.</p>
<p>Një fondacion i ri nga Rumania dhe Moldavia është bërë pjesë e <a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-funda%C8%9Bia-ceata">programit të FSFE-së për organizma shok</a>. <a href="">Ceata</a> ka punuar për nxitjen dhe përhapjen e Software-it të Lirë dhe kulturës që prej 2008-s, dhe në shkurt të këtij viti u legalizua zyrtarisht. Grupi, me bazë në Bukuresht dhe degë vendore në Kluj dhe Kishinjev, organizon konferenca mbi Software-in e Lirë, hardware-in e Lirë, dhe kulturën e Lirë. Ceata zhvillon gjithashtu aplikacionet e veta, përkthen programe në Rumanisht, dhe merr pjesë në fushata ndërkombëtare. <a href="/news/2013/news-20130424-01.html">Fundația Ceata dhe FSFE-ja do të bashkojnë forcat</a> dhe do të punojnë më efektivisht për nxitjen dhe përhapjen në Rumani dhe Europë të lirisë së software-it.</p>
<h2>Diçka krejt tjetër</h2>
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
Dieser Newsletter ist seit Dezember 2013 auch in Rumänisch erhältlich. Unsere
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
organisiert die pünktliche Übersetzung, wofür wir sehr dankbar sind.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
Αυτό το Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο είναι τακτικά διαθέσιμο και στα Ρουμανικά από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2013
. Οι συνεργάτες μας
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
ανέλαβαν από μόνοι τους να προσφέρουν έγκαιρες μεταφράσεις για τις οποίες
είμαστε εξαιρετικά ευγνώμονες.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
This newsletter is regularly available in Romanian since December 2013
. Our associate
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
has taken it upon themselves to provide timely translations for which
we are extremely grateful.
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
La lettre d’information est régulièrement disponible en roumain depuis décembre 2013. Notre associée,
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>,
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>,
s’est attelée à la tâche de la traduire et nous les en remercions vivement.
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
Acest buletin de știri este disponibil în română în mod regulat
din decembrie 2013. Organizația noastră asociată
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
și-a luat angajamentul de a pune la dispoziție la timp traducerile,
motiv pentru care suntem extrem de recunoscători.
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
Ky buletin, që prej dhjetorit 2013, del rregullisht
në Rumanisht. Shoqata bashkëpunëtore
<a href="/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html#id-fundația-ceata">Fundația Ceata</a>
ka marrë përsipër ofrimin në kohë të përkthimeve, gjë për
të cilin i jemi tej mase mirënjohës.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
enforcement nor advertisers willing to pay.
Our <a href="/associates/associates.html">associate</a>
Our <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">associate</a>
<a href="">Fundaţia Ceata</a> is organizing a
conference called <a href="">Coliberator '15</a>
from June 6th to 7th in Bucharest, Romania. The conference has
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
de la ley ni de los anunciantes dispuestos a pagar.
Nuestra <a href="/associates/associates.html">asociada</a>
Nuestra <a href="/about/associates/associates.html">asociada</a>
<a href="">Fundaţia Ceata</a> está organizando una
conferencia llamada <a href="">Coliberator '15</a>
los días 6 y 7 de junio en Bucarest, Rumanía. En anteriores ediciones
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pourquoi la nouvelle option de Facebook pour chiffrer les notifications par cour
<a href="/associates/associates.html">associé</a>
<a href="/about/associates/associates.html">associé</a>
<a href="">Fundaţia Ceata</a>
tiendra une conférence appelée
<a href="">Coliberator '15</a>