Updated to trunk

svn path=/branches/test/; revision=21506
This commit is contained in:
ato 2011-11-17 21:38:22 +00:00
commit 1070ffaaa9
864 changed files with 32254 additions and 7074 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,12 @@ RewriteRule ^campaigns/valentine-2010/(.*).svg /campaigns/valentine/$1.svg [redi
RewriteRule ^campaigns/vd2010/(.*) /campaigns/valentine/2010/$1 [redirect=permanent]
RewriteRule ^campaigns/vd2010 /campaigns/valentine/2010/valentine-2010 [redirect=permanent]
# current
RewriteRule ^valentine/(.*) /campaigns/valentine/2011/valentine-2011$1 [redirect=permanent]
RewriteRule ^valentine/valentine(.*) /campaigns/valentine/2011/valentine-2011$1 [redirect=permanent]
# trying fix the dirty hack redirection loop from 2011-06-30
RewriteRule ^campaigns/valentine(/?)$ /campaigns/valentine/2011/valentine-2011 [redirect=temp]
RewriteRule ^campaigns/valentine/2011(/?)$ /campaigns/valentine/2011/valentine-2011 [redirect=temp]
# AskYourCandidates redirect
RewriteRule ^campaigns/ayc(.*) /campaigns/askyourcandidates$1 [redirect=permanent]

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
@setfilename README.info
@settitle Webmastering FSF Europe
@settitle Webmastering FSFE
@setchapternewpage odd
@set lastupdated $Id: README.texi,v 1.3 2006-05-08 14:31:35 reinhard Exp $
@title Webmastering FSF Europe
@title Webmastering FSFE
@subtitle Last updated @value{lastupdated}
@c Add yourself here if you add at least a couple of paragraphs of useful
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Last updated @value{lastupdated}
@end titlepage
@node Top, Webmastering, (dir), (dir)
@top Webmastering FSF Europe
@top Webmastering FSFE
This document contains a description of the FSF Europe web pages, both
This document contains a description of the FSFE web pages, both
the practice of maintaining them, and that of generating them. It is hoped
that this document will be continuously updated by the webmasters of FSF
Europe as the web pages evolve. It was last updated @value{lastupdated}.
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Guides
@node Webmastering, Translating, Top, Top
@chapter Webmastering
This chapter will describe how to be a webmaster of FSF Europe. It will
This chapter will describe how to be a webmaster of FSFE. It will
describe how the pages are envisioned, what files can be edited, how they
should be edited and various other bits that are of particular interest
to a webmaster.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ to a webmaster.
@node Focuses, Source files, Webmastering, Webmastering
@section Focuses
The FSF Europe web pages are divided into focuses. Each focus represents a
The FSFE web pages are divided into focuses. Each focus represents a
view of the web tree that contains all the information of global importance,
aswell as the information relevant to the focus. A focus is usually a
geographic area, such as Germany or France. A visitor can choose which focus
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ updated very frequently instead of those that is.
@node Building, Administrating, Translating, Top
@chapter Building
This chapter of the FSF Europe webmastering manual will describe the
This chapter of the FSFE webmastering manual will describe the
steps involved in building the web pages from scratch. Normally, this
is not something that anyone should have to bother about. As a
webmaster and translator, it's sufficient to know how it works so that
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ file should be as follows:
<title>FSF Europe - What needs to be done?</title>
<title>FSFE - What needs to be done?</title>
Some content for the page.
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ finished, the result should look like this:
<document> <!-- The actual document, as read from the XHTML -->
<title>FSF Europe - What needs to be done?</title>
<title>FSFE - What needs to be done?</title>
Some content for the page.

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@ -1,185 +1,92 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Om Free Software Foundation Europe</title>
<h1>Om FSFE</h1>
<p class="tagline">
Arbejder for frihed i et digitalt samfund.
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/stars-smaller.png" alt="Stjerner" />
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) er en almennyttig (non-profit),
(og i nogle lande) velgørende, regeringsuafhængig organisation med det
formål at fremme <a href="/about/basics/freesoftware.html">fri software
som i frihed</a>.
Free Software Foundation Europe er helliget fremme af fri software og
arbejde for <strong>frihed</strong> i det fremspirende digitale samfund.
<h2 class="n">Visioner</h2>
Adgang til software afgør, hvem der kan deltage i et digitalt samfund.
Frihederne til at
<a href="/about/basics/freesoftware.html">anvende, udforske, dele og
forbedre</a> software gør <strong>ligeværdig</strong> deltagelse mulig,
og er ekstremt vigtige.
<h3>En vision om fri software</h3>
Adgang til software afgør hvem, der kan deltage i et digitalt samfund.
Derfor giver friheden til at anvende, kopiere, ændre og redistribuere
software - som beskrevet i <a href="/about/basics/freesoftware.html">fri
software-definitionen</a> - ligeværdig adgang til at deltage i
Visionen om fri software er en af grundpillerne for frihed i en digital
verden - både i en <a href="/documents/eur5greve.html">økonomisk</a> og
en social-etisk kontekst. Fri software er en væsentlig hjørnesten til
<a href="/projects/wsis/fs.html">frihed, demokrati, menneskerettigheder
og udvikling</a> i et digitalt samfund.
FSFE har fokus på understøttelse af alle aspekter ved fri software i
Europa. At skabe opmærksomhed om disse problemstillinger, politisk og
juridisk sikring af fri software, samt at give folk friheden til at
understøtte udvikling af fri software, er af afgørende betydning for FSFE.
Af disse grunde blev FSFE grundlagt i 2001 som en europæisk
søsterorganisation til <a href="http://www.fsf.org">Free Software
Foundation</a> i Boston, MA, USA. Begge er finansielt, juridisk og
personligt uafhængige af hinanden, som dele af det internationale
Free Software Foundation-netværk.
<h3>Vision om samarbejde</h3>
FSFE's anden vision er et Europa, som er forenet i en samarbejdsånd på
tværs af kulturlle grænser.
Ikke nok med at vi er nødt til at arbejde inden for den politiske
realitet i den Europæiske Union, der allerede vartager store dele
reguleringen af informationssamfundet, arbejder vi også inden for et
område, der i høj grad er domineret af store multinationale virksomheder.
Disse har tendens til at arbejde med en meget høj grad af integration,
koordinering og konsistens mellem lande på en europæisk og globel skala,
hvilket giver dem mulighed for fremme deres interesser ved hjælp af "del
og hersk"-taktikker.
I, og med, FSFE er vi forenet, og samarbejder på lokale og internationale
niveauer med en stemme, der ikke kan ignoreres.
Som en organisation, der er baseret på den europæiske kultur og baggrund,
tro vi på og følger fundamentale principper som demokrati,
multilateralisme, samarbejde, dialog og gennemskuelighed.
Kort og godt arbejder vi i en netværksforbundet, holdorienteret
struktur, der er åben for alle som deler den
<a href="/about/self-conception.html">fælles forståelse</a> af FSFE, og
som er villige til at <a href="/contribute/contribute.html">deltage</a>.
Vi arbejder hårdt på, at leve op til disse principper så meget som
overhovedet muligt, på trods af at realiteter som begrænsede ressourcer
eller andre problemer, til tider kan forhindre os i helt at leve op til
vores idealer. Mener du at have observeret en sådan situation, så
hjælp os til at blive bedre, involvér dig enten
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">direkte</a> eller gennem en af vores
<a href="/associates/">associerede organisationer</a>.
<h2>Flere oplysninger</h2>
<h2 id="subpages">Navigering</h2>
<b>Hvordan vi ser os selv og mere:</b><br/>
<a href="self-conception.html">Selvopfattelse</a> hos FSFE
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Principper</a></h3>
Vi tror på samarbejde og gennemskuelighed.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Personer</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Hvem vi er.
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Presse</a></h3>
Pressemeddelelser, nyheder, fotografier og kontaktoplysninger.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juridisk</a></h3>
Vedtægter, struktur og juridisk ansvarlige medlemmer.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakt</a></h3>
Kontaktoplysninger til generelle spørgsmål.
<h3><a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">FSF*-netværket</a></h3>
Vi har søsterorganisationer i
<a href="http://fsf.org/">Nordamerika</a>,
<a href="http://fsf.org.in/">Indien</a> og
<a href="http://fsfla.org/">Latinamerika</a>.
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Associerede</a></h3>
Vi har mål til fælles med disse organisationer.
<b>Hvem vi er:</b><br/>
<a href="team.html">Holdet</a> bag FSFE
<b>Hvem der er juridisk ansvarlige:</b><br/>
<a href="members.html">Medlemmer</a> af foreningen
<b>Hvem der kan kontaktes vedrørende en konference eller debat:</b><br />
FSFE's <a href="speakerlist.html">talerliste</a>
<b>Hvordan det er realiseret:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/legal/">Juridisk struktur</a> i FSFE
<b>Hvad vi har <a href="/donate/donate.html">modtaget</a> og hvordan
vi bruger det:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Pengestrømme</a> i FSFE
<b>Hvem der er vores donorer:</b><br/>
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Taksigelser</a> (Thank GNUs) fra
<b>Hvis du vil linke til vores websted:</b><br/>
FSFE-<a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">kunstværker og
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Bidrag</a></h3>
For at kunne være en uafhængig stemme for fri software, er vi
afhængige af dit bidrag.
Se <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">hvordan vi anvender vores
Følgende organisationer er søsterorganisationer til FSFE i det globale
FSF-netværk. Vi samarbejder juridisk, finansielt og personligt,
uafhængigt af hinanden i ånden af ligeværdigt samarbejde.
<b><a href="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation North America</a></b><br />
Den oprindelige Free Software Foundation, med hjemsted i Boston, MA, USA.
<b><a href="http://fsf.org.in/">Free Software Foundation India</a></b>
<b><a href="http://www.fsfla.org/">Free Software Foundation Latin America</a></b>
Som en almennyttig (non-profit) organisation, er vi i overvejende grad
afhængig af, at folk gør vores aktiviteter til deres egne - enten ved at
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">deltage</a> eller via
<a href="/donate/donate.html">donationer</a>. Vær venlig at gøre det!
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>

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@ -1,190 +1,95 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>Teave Free Software Foundation' kohta (ET-EE)</title>
<title>Euroopa Vaba Tarkvara Fondist</title>
<h1>Teave FSFE kohta</h1>
<p class="tagline">
Töötame vabaduse jaoks digitaalses ühiskonnas.
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), mis tähendab eesti keeles "Vaba jaosvara fond Euroopa" on kasumita ja (mõnedes riikides
) heategevuslik valitsuseta organisatsioon pühendatud
<a href="/documents/freesoftware.html">Vabale jaosvarale mõeldes vabadusele</a>.
<div id="introduction">
<div class="image">
<img src="/graphics/stars-smaller.png" alt="Tähekesed" />
<h2 class="n">Visioonid</h2>
Euroopa Vaba Tarkvara Fond on pühendunud vaba tarkvara edendamisele
ja <strong>vabaduse</strong> kindlustamisele arenevas digitaalses
Ligipääs tarkvarale määrab võimaluse osaleda digitaalses ühiskonnas.
Vabadus <a
href="/about/basics/freesoftware.html">kasutada, muuta, jagada ning
täiustada</a> tarkvara garanteerib <strong>võrdse</strong> osaluse
ning on äärmiselt tähtis.
<h3>Tasuta või vaba tarkvara visioon</h3>
Läbipääsu otsustab tarkvarakasutaja, kes võtab osa digitaalsest ühiskonnast.
Järelikult, see on vabadus kasutada, kopeerida, muuta ja uuesti programmi jagada --
nagu kirjeldatud dokumendis
<a href="/documents/freesoftware.html">Tasuta jaosvara
määratlus</a> -- lubada võrdset osavõttu informatiivses ajastus.
Vaba tarkvara visioon on üks stabiilsemaid baasikuid vabaduse jaoks
digitaalses maailmas -- mõlemas
<a href="/documents/eur5greve.html">ekonoomilises</a> ja sots-eetilises
kontekstis. Vaba jaosvara on üks oluliseimaist asjast
<a href="/projects/wsis/fs.html">vabaduse jaoks, demokraatia, inimõiguste ja
arendamise jaoks</a> digitaalses ühiskonnas.
FSFE on pühendatud et toetamaks kõiki aspekte Vaba tarkvara
Euroopas. Loomaks teadlikkust väljaannetele, kaitstes Vaba tarkvara
poliitiliselt ja legaalselt, ning anda inimestele vabadust toetades
arendust vabas tarkvaras.
Nende põhjusteks loodi FSFE 2001' aastal Euroopale organisatsiooni
poolt nimega
<a href="http://www.fsf.org">Free Software Foundation</a> Boston'is, MA',
USA's. Mõlemad on rahanduslikult, legaalselt ja personaalselt iseseisvad igast
teisest osast rahvusvahelises "Free Software Foundation" võrgustikus.
<h3>Koostöö visioon</h3>
Teine visioon kehastab FSFE Euroopa ühendatud
koostöö hinge läbi mitmete keelte ja inimeste.
Not only do we need to deal with the political reality of the European
Union, which already maintains large parts of the governance touching
upon the information society, but also we are finding ourselves working
in a field determined largely by large multinational companies. These
tend to work with a very high level of integration, coordination and
consistence between countries on a European and global scale, allowing
them to further their interest through "divide and conquer" tactics.
In and with the FSFE, we stand united and work together on local and
international levels, speaking with a voice that cannot be ignored.
As an organisation based upon the European culture and background, we
believe in and are following fundamental principles such as democracy,
multilateralism, cooperation, dialog and transparency.
In short, we operate in a networked, team-based structure that is open to
anyone sharing the
<a href="/about/self-conception.html">common understanding</a> of FSFE
and willing to <a href="/contribute/contribute.html">participate</a>.
We work hard to live up to these principles as much as possible, even
though reality in form of limited resources or other problems may at
times let us fall short of our ideals. If you think you have seen such a
case and can help us to improve, please get involved either
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">directly</a> or through one of our
<a href="/associates/">associate organisations</a>.
<h2>More Information</h2>
<h2 id="subpages">Navigeerimine</h2>
<b>How we see ourselves and more:</b><br />
<a href="self-conception.html">Self-Conception</a> of the FSFE
<h3><a href="/about/principles.html">Põhimõtted</a></h3>
Me usume koostöösse ning läbipaistvusse.
<h3><a href="/about/team.html">Inimesed</a></h3>
<!-- should be /about/people/... later -->
Kes me oleme?
<h3><a href="/press/press.html">Press</a></h3>
Pressiteated, uudised, fotod ja kontaktinfo.
<h3><a href="/about/legal/legal.html">Juriidika</a></h3>
Põhikiri, struktuur ning seaduslikud esindajad.
<h3><a href="/contact/contact.html">Kontakt</a></h3>
Kontaktinfo üldiste pöördumiste jaoks.
<h3><a href="/about/fsfnetwork.html">FSF* võrgustik</a></h3>
Meil on sõsarorganisatsioonid <a
href="http://fsf.org/">Põhja-Ameerikas</a>, <a
href="http://fsf.org.in/">Indias</a> ja <a
<h3><a href="/associates/associates.html">Koostööpartnerid</a></h3>
Meil on nende organisatsioonidega ühised eesmärgid.
<b>Who we are:</b><br />
<a href="team.html">Team</a> of the FSFE
<b>Who is legally responsible:</b><br />
<a href="members.html">Members</a> of the association
<b>Who can be contacted for a conference or a discussion:</b><br />
<a href="speakerlist.html">Speaker List</a> of the FSFE
<b>How is this implemented:</b><br />
<a href="/about/legal/">Legal Structure</a> of the FSFE
<b>What we <a href="/donate/donate.html">received</a> and how we spent
it:</b><br />
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Cash Flow</a> of the FSFE
<b>Who are our donors:</b><br />
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Thank GNUs</a> of the FSFE
<b>If you want to link to our site:</b><br />
FSFE <a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">Artwork and
<h3><a href="/donate/donate.html">Toeta meid</a></h3>
Et olla sõltumatu vaba tarkvara eestkõneleja, vajame sinu toetust.
Vaata, <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">milleks me oma vahendeid
<h2>Sister Organisations</h2>
The following organisations are sister organisations of the FSFE in the
global FSF network. We are working together legally, financially and
personally independent of each other in a spirit of equal cooperation.
<b><a href="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software Foundation North
America</a></b><br />
The original Free Software Foundation, located in Boston, MA, USA.
<b><a href="http://fsf.org.in/">Free Software Foundation
<b><a href="http://www.fsfla.org/">Free Software Foundation Latin
As a non-profit organisation, we are largely dependent upon people to
make our activities their own -- either by
<a href="/contribute/contribute.html">getting involved</a> or through
<a href="/donate/donate.html">donations</a>. Please do!
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
<translator>Heiki Ojasild</translator>
Local Variables: ***
mode: xml ***
End: ***

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@ -105,12 +105,12 @@
<b>How we see ourselves and more:</b><br/>
<a href="self-conception.html">Self-Conception</a> of the FSF Europe
<a href="self-conception.html">Self-Conception</a> of the FSFE
<b>Who we are:</b><br/>
<a href="team.html">Team</a> of the FSF Europe
<a href="team.html">Team</a> of the FSFE
@ -120,23 +120,23 @@
<b>How is this implemented:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/legal/">Legal Structure</a> of the FSF Europe
<a href="/about/legal/">Legal Structure</a> of the FSFE
<b>What we <a href="/donate/donate.html">received</a> and how we spent
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Cash Flow</a> of the FSF Europe
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Cash Flow</a> of the FSFE
<b>Who are our donors:</b><br/>
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Thank GNUs</a> of the FSF Europe
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Thank GNUs</a> of the FSFE
<b>If you want to link to our site:</b><br/>
FSF Europe <a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">Artwork and
FSFE <a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">Artwork and

View File

@ -113,13 +113,13 @@
<b>Cum vedem noi rolul nostru şi alte asptecte legate de:</b><br/>
<a href="self-conception.html">Viziunea</a> FSF Europa (Fundaţia
<a href="self-conception.html">Viziunea</a> FSFE (Fundaţia
Software-ului Liber Europa)
<b>Cine suntem noi:</b><br/>
<a href="team.html">Echipa</a> FSF Europa
<a href="team.html">Echipa</a> FSFE
@ -129,24 +129,24 @@
<b>Cum suntem organizaţi:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/legal/">Structura legală</a> a FSF Europa
<a href="/about/legal/">Structura legală</a> a FSFE
<b>Ce <a href="/donate/donate.html">am primit</a> şi cum am alocat
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Folosirea fondurilor</a> FSF Europa
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Folosirea fondurilor</a> FSFE
<b>Cine sunt donatorii noştii:</b><br/>
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Mulţumiri GNU</a> FSF Europa
<a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">Mulţumiri GNU</a> FSFE
<b>Dacă doriţi să faceţi o referire (legătură) paginii
FSF Europa <a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html"> grafică</a>
FSFE <a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html"> grafică</a>

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@ -115,11 +115,11 @@
<li><p><b>Si e shohim vetveten dhe më tepër:</b><br/>
<a href="self-conception.html">Vetëkonceptimi</a> i FSF Europës
<a href="self-conception.html">Vetëkonceptimi</a> i FSFE
<li><p><b>Cilët jemi:</b><br/>
<a href="team.html">Ekipi</a> i FSF Europës
<a href="team.html">Ekipi</a> i FSFE
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
<b>Si vihet në jetë:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/legal/">Struktura Ligjore</a> e FSF Europës
<a href="/about/legal/">Struktura Ligjore</a> e FSFE
<b>Sa kemi<a href="/donate/donate.html">marrë</a> dhe si e kemi
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Rrjedha Paraje</a> të FSF Europës
<a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Rrjedha Paraje</a> të FSFE
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<b>Nëse doni të lidhni ¨site¨-in tonë:</b><br/>
<a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">Punime artistike dhe
Grafika</a> të FSF Europës
Grafika</a> të FSFE

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@ -105,12 +105,12 @@
<b>Kendimizi nasıl görüyoruz ve dahası için:</b><br/>
FSF Avrupa'nýn <a href="self-conception.html">Kendine Bakýþ'ý.</a>
FSFE'nýn <a href="self-conception.html">Kendine Bakýþ'ý.</a>
<b>Biz kimiz?:</b><br/>
FSF Avrupa<a href="team.html">Takýmý.</a>
FSFE<a href="team.html">Takýmý.</a>
@ -120,24 +120,24 @@
<b>Bu dernek nasıl işliyor?:</b><br/>
FSF Avrupa'nýn <a href="/about/legal/">yasal yapýsý.</a>
FSFE'nýn <a href="/about/legal/">yasal yapýsý.</a>
<b>Ne kadar <a href="/donate/donate.html">gelir</a> elde ettik
ve bu geliri nasıl harcadık?
FSF Avrupa'nýn <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Para Akýþý.</a>
FSFE'nýn <a href="/about/funds/funds.html">Para Akýþý.</a>
<b>Destekçilerimiz kimler?:</b><br/>
FSF Avrupa'nýn <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">GNU'culara teþekkür</a> bölümü.
FSFE'nýn <a href="/donate/thankgnus.html">GNU'culara teþekkür</a> bölümü.
<b>Sitemize bağlantı vermek isterseniz:</b><br/>
FSF Avrupa<a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">grafikleri</a>
FSFE<a href="/about/graphics/graphics.html">grafikleri</a>

Binary file not shown.


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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<h1>Was ist Freie Software?</h1>
"Frei" in "Freie Software" bezieht sich auf Freiheit, nicht auf den
Preis. Während diese Bedeutung seit den 80er Jahren verwendet wurde,

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@ -107,17 +107,18 @@
For reference, see <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20021217003716/http://www.opensource.org/advocacy/faq.html">OSI
: <em>How is "open source" related to "free software"? The Open Source Initiative
is a marketing program for free software. It's a pitch for "free software"
: <em>"How is 'open source' related to 'free software'? The Open Source Initiative
is a marketing program for free software. It's a pitch for 'free software'
on solid pragmatic grounds rather than ideological tub-thumping. The
winning substance has not changed, the losing attitude and symbolism
have."</em> Outside this rather unkind FAQ item, the OSI
and its supporters have generally avoided the term "Free Software".
In this program
governments and intergovernmental organisations pay substantial fees for a
superficial look at some parts of Windows sourcecode in special Microsoft
facilities. This may increase "felt security" but is essentially useless -
facilities. This may increase "perceived security" but is essentially useless -
especially since they do not even know whether what they looked at is what
they have on their computers. And of course it does not give them

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@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ anglais.</p>
Pour les différences entre Open Source et Logiciel Libre, cf <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20021217003716/http://www.opensource.org/advocacy/faq.html">OSI
Pour référence, Cf. <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20021217003716/http://www.opensource.org/advocacy/faq.html">OSI
<em>Qu'est ce que l'Open Source comparativement au Logiciel Libre ?
<em>«&#160;Qu'est ce que l'Open Source comparativement au Logiciel Libre ?
L'initiative Open Source est un programme marketing pour le logiciel
libre basé sur un discours commercial selon une logique pragmatique
plutôt que sur une idéologie démagogique. Ce qu'on y a gagné en substance
n'a pas changé, mais le symbolisme et une certaine façon de voir les
choses ont évolué.</em>
choses ont évolué.&#160;»</em>
Dans ce programme, des gouvernements et des organisations

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<title>FSF Europe - Cos'è il Software Libero?</title>
<title>FSFE - Cos'è il Software Libero?</title>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<title>FSF Europe - Hva er fri programvare?</title>
<title>FSFE - Hva er fri programvare?</title>

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<title>FSF Europe - Vad gör vi?</title>
<title>FSFE - Vad gör vi?</title>
@ -10,39 +10,39 @@
<li><p>FSF Europe finns tillgängligt för vem som helst som en
<li><p>FSFE finns tillgängligt för vem som helst som en
kontakt och vägledare gällande alla aspekter på Fri Programvara.
<li><p>FSF Europe utövar lobbying för Fri Programvara genom att
<li><p>FSFE utövar lobbying för Fri Programvara genom att
aktivt finnas till förfogande som ett kompetenscentrum och genom att
söka dialog med politiker och press.</p>
<p>Detta sker på lokal- och Europa-nivå.</p></li>
<li><p>FSF Europe jobbar tätt ihop med advokater som är aktiva inom
<li><p>FSFE jobbar tätt ihop med advokater som är aktiva inom
området fri programvara på Universitet eller firmor för att följa och
påverka de juridiska diskussionerna.</p>
<p>Vi samarbetar också med advokater över hela Europa för att
maximera den Fria Programvarans juridiska säkerhet.</p></li>
<li><p>FSF Europe stöder, koordinerar och utvecklar projekt inom
<li><p>FSFE stöder, koordinerar och utvecklar projekt inom
området Fri Programvara, speciellt GNU projektet.</p>
<p>Vi tillhandahåller också datorresurser till utvecklare av Fri
Programvara så att de kan fortsätta utveckla.</p></li>
<li><p>FSF Europe hjälper företag att utveckla affärsmodeller
<li><p>FSFE hjälper företag att utveckla affärsmodeller
baserade på Fri Programvara eller anpassa befintliga affärsmodeller
till den. Vi uppmuntrar företag i deras evolution mot Fri
<p>För att göra det lättare för företag som jobbar med Fri
Programvara att bli kommersiellt framgångsrika, försöker FSF Europe
Programvara att bli kommersiellt framgångsrika, försöker FSFE
att bredda marknaden för Fri Programvara.</p></li>
<li><p>FSF Europe hjälper till att koordinera och koppla ihop andra
<li><p>FSFE hjälper till att koordinera och koppla ihop andra
initiativ inom området Fri Programvara.</p></li>

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<p>You can also join other Free Software supporters on IRC:</p>
<li>Channel: <em>#fsfeurope</em></li>
<li>Channel: <em>#fsfe</em></li>
<li>Server: <em>irc.freenode.org</em></li>

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
Les organisations suivantes sont des organisations sœurs de la FSFE au sein du réseau mondial de FSF. Nous travaillons ensembles sur les enjeux du Logiciel Libre, chacun avec sa propre culture. Les FSFs sont légalement, financièrement et personnellement indépendantes et, comme tout réseau, le réseau FSF* est formé de composants interconnectés.
Nous travaillons avec d'autres groupes internationaux pour promouvoir le Logiciel Libre sur tous les continents. Les organisations suivantes sont des organisations sœurs de la FSFE au sein du réseau du Logiciel Libre. Chaque organisation a sa propre culture, et chacune est légalement, financièrement et opérationnellement indépendante.

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@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
<div class="captioned clear center">
<img src="/graphics/FSF-Network.png" alt="La rete di FSF"/>
FSFE è una delle quattro organizzazioni di Software Libero nel mondo.
FSFE è una fra quattro organizzazioni di Software Libero a livello mondiale.
Lavoriamo con altri gruppi internazionali per promuovere il Software Libero
in ogni continente. Le seguenti organizzazioni sono organizzazioni associate
in ogni continente. Le seguenti organizzazioni sono organizzazioni sorelle
della FSFE, e fanno parte della rete del Software Libero. Ogni organizzazione
ha la sua identità culturale, ed è indipendente a livello legale, finanziario
e operativo.

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@ -27,30 +27,37 @@
<h2>About Karsten Gerloff</h2>
Karsten Gerloff is a Free Software activist and analyst. As
FSFE's President since June 2009, he leads FSFE's strategy
development and execution, as well as the organisation's
policy work at the European institutions and the United
Nations. He has five years of experience in interdisciplinary
policy work on Free Software, Open Standards, copyright,
patents and competition policy. An experienced public speaker,
he is equally at home with audiences from the Free Software
community, the public sector, business and the general
As a researcher with the Collaborative Creativity Group at the
United Nations University, Karsten has worked extensively on
determining the economic impact of Free Software, with a
particular focus on the public sector. He has also extensively
examined the use of Free Software as a tool for social and
economic development, and took a leading role in developing a
training curriculum for Free Software entrepreneurs in Africa.
He maintains a strong interest in all aspects of the question
of how we as a society manage our knowledge.
Karsten Gerloff is the President of the Free Software Foundation
Europe. FSFE's mission as an independent not-for-profit organisation
is promoting freedom in the information society through Free
In the course of this mission, Karsten Gerloff works together with
developers, activists, business leaders and high-level political
decision makers in order to create an environment where Free
Software can reach its full potential as the foundation of a free
digital society. He leads FSFE's participation in community and
policy processes at the European and global level, and is a
frequent speaker at a wide variety of conferences and events.
Karsten Gerloff has conducted extensive research on the economic and
social effects of Free Software for the European Commission and other
clients, and has led the development of training materials for Free
Software entrepreneurs in Southern and Eastern Africa.
<li><a href="SoftwarePatents-BattleForFreeSoftwaresSoul.pdf">Software patents: The battle for Free Software's soul</a> (Vigo, Spain, Sept. 9, 2011)</li>
<li><i> more to come</i></li>
<h2> Publications </h2>

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@ -2,16 +2,23 @@
<title>FSFE - À propos de - Karsten Gerloff</title>
<title>Karsten Gerloff - FSFE</title>
<meta name="description" content= propos de Karsten Gerloff, Président
de la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)" />
<div class="image right">
<img src="gerloff.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="gerloff.jpg" border="0" alt="[ Picture of Karsten Gerloff ]" align="right" />
<h1 align="left">Karsten Gerloff</h1>
<h1>Karsten Gerloff</h1>
<li>Téléphone portable: +49 176 9690 4298</li>
@ -20,21 +27,102 @@
<h2>À propos de Karsten Gerloff</h2>
<p>Karsten Gerloff est un chercheur et activiste des Logiciels Libres. Il s'est impliqué dans la FSFE en 2005. Après avoir commencé comme stagiaire, Karsten s'est ensuite rapidement concentré sur la politique et les aspects stratégiques des Logiciels Libres. En particulier, il a travaillé avec la FSFE à proposer des réformes à l'Institut Mondial pour la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI).</p>
<p>Karsten Gerloff et le président de la Free Software Foundation Europe. La mission de la FSFE en tant qu'organisation non-lucrative indépendante et de promouvoir la liberté dans la société de l'information grâce au Logiciel Libre.</p>
<p>Après avoir fait ses études en sciences économiques et sociales, Karsten a travaillé comme chercheur auprès du <a href="http://ccg.merit.unu.edu">Collaborative Creativity Group</a> à l'institut MERIT de l'Université des Nations Unies (UNU-MERIT) à Maastricht, aux Pays-Bas. Il a étudié l'usages des Logiciels Libres dans le secteur public européen, et a développé et géré des projets de recherche sur l'usage des Logiciels Libres comme outil de développement social et économique.</p>
<p>Au cours de cette mission, Karsten Gerloff travaille avec des développeurs, des activistes, des leaders économiques et des décideurs politiques afin de créer un environnement dans lequel le Logiciel Libre peut atteindre son plein potentiel pour fonder une société des réseaux libre. Il mène la participation de la FSFE dans les processus communautaires et politiques aux niveaux européen et mondial, et intervient fréquemment à une large sélection de conférences et d'évènements.</p>
<p>Karsten Gerloff a mené de larges recherches sur les effets socio-économiques du Logiciel Libre pour la Commission Européenne et d'autres clients, et il a dirigé le développement de formations aux entrepreneurs du Logiciel Libre en Afrique sub-saharienne et en Afrique de l'est.</p>
<li><a href="SoftwarePatents-BattleForFreeSoftwaresSoul.pdf">Software patents: The battle for Free Software's soul</a> (Vigo, Spain, Sept. 9, 2011)</li>
<li><em>Davantage à venir</em></li>
<li><a href= "http://www.ict-innovation.fossfa.net/node/4252">Free your IT-Business in Africa!</a>
ict@innovation Training Handbook on Advanced African FOSS Business
(June 2010)<br/>
ict@innovation (ed.)
Overall editor and curriculum developer </li>
<li><a href="http://opensource.com/government/10/3/document-freedom-day-passion-and-politics">
Document Freedom Day: Passion and politics</a> (March 2010)</li>
<li><a href="http://fsfe.org/projects/os/eifv2.en.html">EIFv2 - Tracking the loss of interoperability</a><br/>
Karsten Gerloff, Hugo Roy (2010)
Free/Libre/Open Source Software: International Co-operation development Roadmap. <a href="http://www.flossinclude.eu/socio-economic-technical-requirements/d3.4-requirements-report/at_download/file">D3.4 Preliminary Requirements Report</a>and <a href="http://www.flossinclude.eu/context-report-problem-areas/d1.2-list-of-problem-areas/at_download/file">D1.2 List of Problem Areas</a><br/>
Gerloff, Ghosh et al (2009)
Study on the effect on the development of the information society of
European public bodies making their own software available as open
source. <a href="http://www.osor.eu/idabc-studies/oss-impact-study-on-the-effect-on-the-development/at_download/file">Final report</a>. (January 2008)<br/>
Rishab A. Ghosh, Rüdiger Glott, Karsten Gerloff, Patrice Emmanuel
Schmitz, Kamini Aisola, Abdelkrim Boujraf</li>
<a href="http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/2007/02/15/inside-views-the-development-agenda-of-free-software/">
Inside Views: The Development Agenda Of Free Software</a>
(Ghosh/Gerloff, February 2007)
<a href="a2k.netsoc.pdf">Access to Knowledge in a Network Society. A Cultural Sciences Perspective on the Discussion on a Development
Agenda for the World Intellectual Property Organisation.</a>
Gerloff (2006). Masters' thesis. (<a href="a2k.netsoc.tar.gz">LaTeX source</a>)
<h4>Études de cas</h4>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/The-best-software-for-the-purpose-softwareborsen.dk/">The best software for the purpose: softwarebørsen.dk</a>. (May 2008)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/migration-xxl-the-large-scale-gnu-linux-roll-out/">Migration XXL: The large-scale GNU/Linux roll-out of Lower Saxony's
tax authority</a> (July 2007)
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/a-sharing-attitude-programverket-in-sweden/">A sharing attitude: Programverket in Sweden</a> (December 2007) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/networks-effects-plone-for-belgium-and-beyond/">Networks effects: Plone for Belgium and beyond</a> (February 2008) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/rock-solid-school-servers-in-powys-county-wales-uk/">Rock solid: School servers in Powys county, Wales, UK</a> (
October 2008) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/building-a-market-for-floss-the-ososs-project-in">Building a market for FLOSS: The OSOSS project in the Netherlands</a>(October 2007)
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/a-hub-for-open-source-the-coks-centre-in-slovenia/">A hub for Open Source: the COKS centre in Slovenia</a> (July 2008)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/building-networks-the-mancomun-project-in-galicia-spain-1">Building networks: The Mancomún project in Galicia, Spain</a> (August 2008) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/declaration-of-independence-the-limux-project-in-munich/">Declaration of Independence: The LiMux Project in Munich</a> (August 2008) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/low-cost-high-tech-bbc-tries-out-open-source-based">Low-cost high tech: BBC tries out Open Source-based tapeless
recording</a> (March 2008)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/upgrade-to-freedom-schools-in-south-tyrol-have/">Upgrade to Freedom</a> - Schools in South Tyrol have their own
GNU/Linux distribution (June 2007) </li>
<li><a href="http://www.osor.eu/studies/andalusia-floss-as-a-tool-for-the-information">Andalusia: FLOSS as a tool for the information society</a> (May 2007) </li>
<li>Power and Freedom (<a href="http://download.fsfe.org/torrents/TEDxEutropolis-Karsten_Gerloff-Power_and_Freedom.ogv.torrent">download</a>) at the TEDx event in Eutropolis (you need <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bittorrent">bittorrent</a> to download this file; alternatively, you can watch in on <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNhlOlGInHE">youtube</a>).</li>
<h3>Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur Karsten Gerloff</h3>
<li><a href="http://blogs.fsfe.org/gerloff/">Blog</a> <a href="http://blogs.fsfe.org/gerloff/?feed=rss2">[rss]</a></li>
<li><a href="http://identi.ca/karsten">Identi.ca feed</a> <a href="http://identi.ca/karsten/rss">[rss]</a><a href="http://identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline/karsten.atom">[atom]</a></li>
<li><a href="http://blogs.fsfe.org/gerloff/">Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="http://identi.ca/karsten">flux Identi.ca</a></li><li><a
href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/karstengerloff">profil LinkedIn</a></li>
<timestamp>$Date$ $Author$</timestamp>
<translator>Michel Roche (Vercors-France)</translator>
<translator>Hugo Roy, Michel Roche (Vercors-France)</translator>
Local Variables: ***

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
FSF Europes donorer har tilladelse til at anvende et uændret billede på
FSFE donorer har tilladelse til at anvende et uændret billede på
fra det passende niveau (oplysninger om sponseringsniveau finder på
<a href="/help/donate.html">donationssiden</a>) i et hvilket som helst
medie, forudsat at de ikke anvendes i forbindelse med reklamer for

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
<h3>Conditions d'utilisation</h3>
Les donateurs de la FSF Europe ont l'autorisation d'utiliser l'image non modifiée
Les donateurs de la FSFE ont l'autorisation d'utiliser l'image non modifiée
correspondant à leur niveau (des informations sur le niveau de sponsoring peuvent
être trouvées à la page <a href="/help/donate.fr.html">dons</a>) dans tous les types de médias,
à condition que l'image ne soit pas utilisée conjointement avec de la publicité pour du
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
<h3>Conditions d'utilisation</h3>
Les donateurs de la FSF Europe ont l'autorisation d'utiliser l'image non modifiée
Les donateurs de la FSFE ont l'autorisation d'utiliser l'image non modifiée
correspondant à leur niveau (des informations sur le niveau de sponsoring peuvent
être trouvées à la page <a href="/help/donate.fr.html">dons</a>) dans tous les types de médias,
à condition que l'image ne soit pas utilisée conjointement avec de la publicité pour du

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<li><a href="greve@fsfeurope.org">greve@fsfeurope.org</a> (<a
<li><a href="mailto:greve@fsfeurope.org">greve@fsfeurope.org</a> (<a
href="greve-public.asc">public key</a>)</li>

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ stejně tak, jako vytváření a šíření povědomí o příbuzných filosofic
společenských otázkách.
Jakožto její uznaná sesterská organizace, spojí FSF Evropa síly s Nadací pro
Jakožto její uznaná sesterská organizace, spojí FSFE síly s Nadací pro
Svobodný software založenou Richardem M. Stallmanem ve Spojených státech
amerických. Tato druhá jmenovaná v USA uznávaná charitativní organizace je
osvobozená od daní a od roku 1984 se věnuje propagaci a distribuci
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Formovat povědomí o problémech spojených s digitálním věkem ve všech č
společnosti je dlouhodobým cílem a klíčovým aspektem práce Evropské Nadace.
FSF Evropa se bude tudíž také snažit podpořit užívání Svobodného softwaru
FSFE se bude tudíž také snažit podpořit užívání Svobodného softwaru
na školách a univerzitách, aby vzdělávání ve věcech reálného světa
korespondovalo s vytvářením povědomí o problémech virtuálního
prostoru a jeho pochopením.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<title>FSF Europe - Preâmbulo</title>
<title>FSFE - Preâmbulo</title>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ as questões filosóficas e sociais que lhe estão associadas.
Tendo as suas raízes na Free Software Foundation fundada por Richard M.
Stallman nos Estados Unidos da América, a FSF Europe irá unir esforços com
Stallman nos Estados Unidos da América, a FSFE irá unir esforços com
a sua organização irmã para a prossecução dos objectivos que as unem.
A FSF, organização sem fins lucrativos sediada nos EUA, dedica-se desde 1984
à divulgação e distribuição de software Livre, em particular do Sistema-GNU,
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ desenvolvimento da ciência.
A disseminação de informação e a formação de opiniões, são cada vez mais
efectuadas através de meios digitais. É reconhecida a importância que estes
meios têm ao possibilitar uma participação mais directa do cidadão no processo
democrático. Uma das actividades principais da FSF Europe será a formação de
democrático. Uma das actividades principais da FSFE será a formação de
cidadãos nas tecnologias digitais, contribuindo assim para a consolidação da democracia.
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ protecção da privacidade.
A sensibilização de todos os quadrantes da sociedade para os problemas
relacionados com a era digital é um dos objectivos de longo prazo e uma
característica crucial do trabalho da FSF Europe.
característica crucial do trabalho da FSFE.
A FSF Europe tentará a aumentar a utilização de Software Livre nas escolas
A FSFE tentará a aumentar a utilização de Software Livre nas escolas
e universidades, de modo a complementar a educação tradicional no espaço
real com a sensibilização para as características e problemas do
espaço virtual.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ espaço virtual.
O Software Livre garante resultados e processos de tomada de decisão
transparentes nas ciências e na vida pública, assim como garante o direito do
indivíduo ao livre desenvolvimento da sua personalidade e liberdade de
opinião. É missão da FSF Europe levar o Software Livre a todas as áreas relacionadas
opinião. É missão da FSFE levar o Software Livre a todas as áreas relacionadas
com a vida pública e com os "direitos humanos à informação" dos cidadãos.